Searchable transcript for the Serious

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(upbeat music) – Goood uh Morning Everybody. Today is Wednesday, February 7th, 2024. And I want to thank each and every one of you for joining today’s live show. I’m excited for today. I will tell you, I’m excited for today, not only to the prophetic word that the Lord has for me to give to you, but I just actually got done pre-recording a video earlier, a couple of hours ago. I started and I received great revelation in the middle of that pre-record and it was awesome. And I can not wait for you guys to hear it. It is Monday’s broadcast. I am gonna tease a little bit just because I still have not gotten over what God did during that live show. Or I’m sorry, during that pre-recorded, sorry. So you’ll see me pre-recorded. I did Thursday, Friday, and then Monday because I travel home Monday. And I’ll be back live with you again on Tuesday, but I have not left you without any days. Prophetic words and encouragement. Also today, today, I’ll be on with Pastor Dave with Take Five in His Glory. And I will tell you, I have a feeling today is gonna be explosive. I just have it in my spirit. I’m very, very excited to be a part of today’s live show as I always am. The last one was phenomenal. What God was doing, it was an amazing live show. So I’m expecting it to keep getting better each time. So again, things are getting very interesting around the world in the body of Christ. And so just to give you a little teaser on Monday, and I know you have to wait a really long time, but it’s okay, it’s worth the wait. God has been giving us, and I might even mention this on Pastor Dave’s show today. So be watching for that. But God’s been mentioning about blueprints, that He was going to start exposing the blueprints of the enemies and their plans. But not only is He talking about blueprints, but now He’s talking about the architects that have designed those blueprints. So again, it’s a really good live show. He gave me some scriptures and it was awesome. It was power packed. I can’t wait for you guys to see it. So anyway, today’s prophecy that He had given to me, this was on one, so January 21st of 2024, January 24th. Sorry, January 24th of 2024. This was during a prayer call. I will share my screen with you and then get back on, but God WINS. And God’s gonna start exposing way more information and way more people. And so what we have to do in this time of exposure and this time that things are growing in great intensity is we have to grow our faith and our trust in God. So as we are, and I know there is, there are things that are going on, okay? And not only even my own life and people that I know. Times look very difficult. The pressure is on you. Things look like they’re falling apart. It looks like everything is wrong and you’re weighed down and overwhelmed. God warned us of things like this happening. And it looks like you have nowhere to turn. But the one thing and the one place we always turn to, no matter what situation that you are facing today, it’s not bigger than God. I wanna say that again. Nothing that you are facing today is bigger than God. Nothing you are facing today is anything that God cannot handle. He can handle it all. He can take care of it all. He can turn your situation around because that’s what He will do. I was, and I’ll tell you a little something. I was laying in bed and I couldn’t sleep about a few things that’s gone on. And it was going on in my life. I didn’t know what to do about it because it wasn’t, it didn’t look great. And I said, Lord, I don’t know what to do. He said, Well, first of all, you’re doing the right thing ’cause you’ve come to me ’cause I’ll have your answer. When we are going through times, there’s times where enemy doesn’t want us to turn to God. He wants us to turn away from Him. The best thing you can do is to turn toward Him, ask Him, fellowship with Him, He will reveal to you every single time I’ve ever needed anything. He showed it to me through a song where there was words in a certain song. I’m literally driving down the road even yesterday and I was just talking to Him and fellowship with Him ’cause there was a situation that I was struggling with. And all of a sudden, certain words of that song, I wasn’t even paying attention to what’s on the radio. Certain words of the song, it was almost like it magnified in my ear and I heard it and I started laughing. I’m like, Okay, you just got my attention. He gives us answers in everything, every problem. He’ll give us an answer, every problem. We don’t have to face discouragements and frustrations alone without Him giving us a solution to any problem. He’s given it to me through different videos or He’s given it to me just by praying and a word just jumped in my spirit. The thing is, we just have to go to Him and trust Him and trust Him with the problem and say, Okay, God, I can’t handle this, it’s too big for me. If we do that and realize that we are not in control, that God is, and we say, Lord, I’ve tried to take this in my own hands. I apologize, I put it in Yours, I’m asking You to help me. God does it every time. Don’t ever not pray regarding any situation. Whether it’s yourself, whether it’s about your family, whether it’s about your finances, God longs that fellowship with you. And not just for you to tell Him everything’s wrong, but for you to give Him His word back and trust Him that He’s faithful to perform His word. Trust God, trust in God, believe in Him, believe in that He will do these things. I said, I’m learning some days, even when I am on here with you, I am learning. He’s giving revelation that I had no idea, I didn’t know before, not like that. So I get excited. So Monday, you’ll see that I get super excited ’cause God showed me something I hadn’t seen before like that. So anyway, it was awesome. So I’m gonna share my screen with you. I’m gonna share this prophetic word again. It’s called
And this was from January 24. So I’ll share my screen and then I will be back on with you shortly.
For I the Lord this day, I am telling you my children that justice will prevail. Do you hear these words that I’m saying? Justice will prevail. And it has all these exposures and all this evidence is flooding and pouring in and going throughout all the airwaves and going throughout all the social media and going throughout all the world. It’s going viral of all the lives, of all the deception, of all the corruption, of all the wickedness. I am releasing every prisoner that has been held under the control of the Washington establishment or any other corrupt government that have been held there in those prison cells unjustifiably. I am releasing them. I am blowing those doors wide open, just like Paul and Silas. I am releasing the captives. I’m not only physically releasing them, but I am releasing the captives free all throughout this world. I’m releasing my children and those walls, those walls are coming down. Those prison doors are opening wide and breaking wide open during this time of shaking, during this time of shaking. My children, the prison cells I told you that you were in of deception, of all this, they’re trying to control you with sickness and disease. They’re trying to control you with fear and doubt and worry and unbelief. They’re trying to control you financially. They’re trying to control you socially in every other way. They have stolen from you. They have cheated you out of things. They have done all these things against you physically and mentally. They have controlled you by fear and deception. Well, I will tell you right now, justice will prevail. My justice will be seen, judgment will be served. And I’m telling you every wicked scheme and every plot and all the bribes and everything that’s been going on in your government, oh, United States, I am blasting those doors wide open. And I am showing you all the corruption. I am showing you every thief. I am showing you every criminal. I am showing you every person against you and against the constitution and against me. I am showing you, I am showing you my vengeance, sayeth the Lord. I will show you that I will have the final say. I will show you that the enemies will not have their way. They will not do what they wanna do with this nation. They will not do what they wanna do with this virus. I will expose, expose, expose who is bringing this virus on. I will show you every single one of the places that they cook these things up in these laboratories. I am showing you their bio weapons. I am showing you where they store all of these things. But I’m telling you, I’ve told you my children before and I’m telling you again. There are bio labs everywhere. They have tried to hide in different nations all around the world. They have used your taxpayer money to fund it. They’ve used your taxpayer money to hide it. And I’m exposing every President that was a part of it. I’m exposing every single one, all the governments all throughout the world that was a part of these bio labs and all these weapons of warfare, those bio weapons of warfare to bring upon destruction upon this earth. Well, I’m gonna show this earth who really is in control and I am the healer. I am Jehovah Rapha. I am the healer and I am restoring health back to my people. I’m restoring wealth back to my people. I’m restoring their freedoms. I’m restoring what has been stolen from them, sayeth the Lord, I will bring you back everything that rightfully belongs to you. And that is your nations and that is your freedoms. And all of the people who were wrongfully imprisoned for the insurrection, that lie, that pitiful, pitiful lie, that I told you that I’m showing the blueprints of every single thing they did and every single person that was in control. It had a part to play in it. I’m reversing the captivity. I’m releasing those in Washington who are wrongfully imprisoned. And then I will show you the prison cells and where all those people are going that caused Treason in this nation. And I told you time and time again, that judgment is coming, but now judgment is here. Judgment is here and you will start to see more of them fall fall and fail, fall and fail over and over and over again. I will show you where all of them are going and where some have already been. I will show you. I will show you what’s going on in Guantanamo. I will show you what’s going on in Greenland. I will show you what’s going on in many places you had no idea where military was involved. The greatest coup has ever been done against the nation is about to be unraveled. So hold on because justice will lead us and justice will prevail. And justice is being served, sayeth the Lord.
Julie Commentary
Okay, so one of the last things that the Lord said was that justice will be served and justice will prevail. Of course, because God is a God of justice. So again, we all have to know, and I know there’s people that mock that. I know there’s people that will not believe any of this. There’s plenty of scriptures in the Bible where God has his justice, where God’s judgment is shown and justice will prevail. And people are released from prison cells. There was, when I was going over this prophetic word, he showed me, I’m gonna hold my place in this spot right here. Go to Acts chapter 16. This is about people who are wrongfully in prison and what God does. Go to Acts 16. Because sometimes it takes supernatural act of Almighty God to release people from captivity and from an evil and wicked regime. Acts 16 and verse 25. Now this is the story, of course, we know of Paul and Silas. He mentioned Paul and Silas in this prophetic word. So I went back to go read what exactly he did. Now I’ve heard this story, I’ve read this story many times, but I had to go back and refresh my mind of what he did with Paul and Silas. So Paul and Silas were in prison, and it says in Acts 16 and verse 25, it says, But at midnight, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundation of the prison were shaken, and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone’s chains were loosened. God, what did he do? There was a shaking that loosened the chains, that opened the prison doors and set the captives free. What has been God talking about with us? He keeps talking about shaking. He’s talking about releasing the captives. Now he mentioned the January sixers, but he’s also mentioning, this is not only with them, but this is mentioning all of God’s people and what’s been going on. There are so many people that have been wrongfully in prison that you didn’t even know about. And God is going to reveal to us. And with the shaking, again, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. So most of the time when you’re in a prison, or you’re going through hell on earth, and you’re going through a darkness, you’re going through captivity, you’re going through things that are completely wrong, the last thing you wanna do is praise and worship God. The last thing you wanna do is thank God. You don’t thank God because of what you’re going through, you thank him that he’s getting you through. And I’m gonna say that again. You don’t thank him because of what you’re going through. You’re thanking him because he’s getting you through. He’s gonna get you on that other side. He’s gonna open that prison door. He’s gonna tear those chains off of you. And he’s saying to us, when we’re praising and worshiping God and not going along, Paul and Silas weren’t depressed. They weren’t sit there and they weren’t growing weary. They weren’t sit there and like, Oh my God, oh my God, we’re gonna die, because they were set to be killed. That every reason to be bogged down, that every reason to be depressed, that every reason to be in fear, that every reason to be overwhelmed. And they chose to sing praises to God. And when they sang praises to God, the earth shook. Their chains came off and their prison doors opened wide. Let’s keep reading. Verse 27, now look what God did beyond this. So those prison doors were open, the chains came off, and that’s not just by a physical earthquake. That was not a physical earthquake. That was a spiritual shaking of Almighty God that set them free. Let’s see what happens. Verse 27, And the keeper of the prison, awakening from sleep and seeing the prison doors open, supposing the prisoners had fled, drew his sword and was about to kill himself. So the prison guard was going to kill himself because he thought under him, under his watch, all these people escaped. So he knew if other people escaped, he was gonna be put to death. So he was gonna kill himself. Look how much God had mercy on him. Even the person that was holding them captive. But Paul called with a loud voice, saying, ‘Do yourself no harm, for we are all here. ‘ Do yourself no harm, for we are all here. They were all there. They didn’t leave yet. Verse 29, Then he called for a light and ran in the darkness and fell down trembling before Paul and Silas. So he ran in and he fell down trembling before Paul and Silas. ‘Cause he knew that spiritual shaking, he knew it could be no other than the Almighty God. Now that prison keeper wasn’t the one who put them there. But he was the one that was guarding the prisoners. But because the power of Almighty God was shaking those prisoners free, even woke up one of their enemy. So when God was setting his people free, it also woke up one of their enemies. And he came fearing, trembling and fell on his knees before Paul and Silas, because he realized that they served the one true God. This says in verse 30, And he brought them out and said, ‘Sirs, what must I do to be saved?’ So he wanted to be saved. So not only did the enemy fall down on their knees knowing Almighty God because of the supernatural shaking. Because if it was just a physical earthquake, if it was a physical earthquake, an earthquake was not gonna shake, it was not gonna take their chains off. It may have knocked some doors open. I mean, I don’t know. I’ve never been in an earthquake before. But I don’t think it would open an unlocked door. I mean, some walls would crumble and shake some walls loose. But, and I just don’t think it would open a locked door. So God was showing us this was not a natural shaking. It was a supernatural shaking. And it took their chains off and it opened their prison doors so much that the enemy that was holding them realized the true power of Almighty God, realized the one true God who Paul and Silas served. And he’s like, Hey, how do I become saved? Their enemy came running to God. And God keeps talking to us about this shaking. God keeps talking to us about the awakening. He keeps talking about setting the captives free. He keeps talking to us and saying, Shake those shackles off of despair and defeat and doubt and worry and unbelief and fear and depression and all these things that are keeping you in these positions. God’s saying, Shake them off. How do we have that power to shake it off? The joy of the Lord is our strength. The enemy is trying to make it so we have no joy at all. If you have no joy, you have no strength and you have no strength, then you’re not gonna fight. And if you’re not gonna fight, you’re gonna lose. So what’s the first thing, if you were in charge of the enemy, what’s the first thing that you would do in war? You would go against somebody’s joy. You would hurt their strength because then they wouldn’t have the strength to fight you. So God is showing us the supernatural power of Almighty God that not only at the same time that he can free the captives, he can open the eyes of the blind, the spiritual blind and save even our enemy. So then it goes on. Verse 31, it says, So they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved and also your household. So that day, not only were the captives set free, but there was more brought into the kingdom of God that day. Not only that prison keeper, but his family too. God desires that no man perish. So even in the midst of this shaking, supernatural shaking that God is doing, you can see it right here with Paul and Silas. Read it, read the story, get this revelation of that super… ‘Cause when I was a kid, I mean, I’ve been born again all my life. My mom and Dad became born again when my mom was pregnant with me. So I have been around this all my life. I’ve heard about the story of Paul and Silas since I was a little kid. When I saw, when it said, and suddenly there was a great earthquake, I literally just thought it was a physical earthquake. But I know not only was it a physical earthquake, it had to be a spiritual one to open those locked prison doors, to take those chains off, and to make somebody who was an enemy have his blinders removed, heart softened, and come running to Christ Jesus. Just think about that, that’s Paul and Silas. Just think about what God’s gonna do for his body that’s been under attack, his body that’s been in prison, his body that’s been in captivity by the enemy. Not only does he wanna set you free and break those chains off of you, or wherever chains they are that the enemy puts you under and puts you in, and every prison cell that he puts you in, he wants to also open the blind eyes to the ones that don’t see. I’m gonna show you another scripture about his shaking. Go to Haggai. Haggai chapter two. Look at what he said. This is obviously something that he has shown to me. I give this scripture to you more than once, because this shaking is talking about the nations of the world. So I just read you a story about a shaking spiritually that happened with Paul and Silas in a prison. But this shaking, God’s specifically talking about shaking the nations. So it says in Haggai chapter two and verse six, again, when people say this is not true, it’s scriptural. That’s why it’s so important for me, any prophetic word or any teaching that I’ve ever had, you can go back. I point you back to the word of God every time, and I point you back to God, not to myself, but to him. And the reason why I want you to do that, I don’t want you to take my word for it. I don’t want you to believe, well, Julie said this, no, God gives me these things. I am nothing without him and without that anointing, without that calling on my life. I couldn’t be sitting here and getting these revelations if I did not have it, but he’s the one who gave it. So I want to always point you back to God. If you are listening to people and they’re pointing to themself, well, you know where that comes from. That comes from the devil. He’s so prideful and arrogant, he’ll always point to himself. So if you closely listen to some people, are they leading you back to God and having your relationship with God or are they leading them to them because they’re so smart and they’ve accomplished all of these things? That’s one key we’ll tell you, who is real and who is not in this time that we’re living in when there’s so many people out there and there’s so many people who are fake and they’re doing it for other reasons than the love of Almighty God. Hebrews chapter two and verse six, for thus says the Lord of hosts, yet once more in a little while, I will shake and make tremble the starry heavens, the earth, the sea and the dry land. So again, he says, I will shake and make tremble the starry heavens, the earth, the sea and the dry land. And before I read on, because I did this in the middle of a pre-recording earlier this morning and I got excited because I hadn’t looked up another translation before in some of these scriptures and when I looked it up, it was just like mind blowing of what I just saw, of the revelation he was just giving. So I’m gonna look up Haggai two, six or nine, and I’m looking at the message translation. This is what God of the angel armies said, before you know it, I will shake up the sky and the earth, oceans and fields and I’ll shake down all the Godless nations. They’ll bring bushels of wealth and I will fill this temple with splendor. God of the angel armies says so. I own the silver, I own the gold, the decree of God of the angel armies. Verse nine, this temple is going to end up far better than it started out. A glorious beginning, even more glorious finish. A place in which I will hand out wholeness and holiness, the decree of God of the angel armies. When a king or a leader, okay, in the Bible you see that, when they decree a thing, it becomes into law or it becomes established, even says in Job’s, if you decree a thing, it will become established. So God is saying right here, before you know it, now it might surprise people when it happens, but before you know it, I will shake up the sky, the earth, the oceans and the fields. He’s shaking the earth, then he goes on to say, again, this is not just an earthquake. People automatically think when they think of shaking, they automatically think of an earthquake and then they start panicking. Stop panicking and realize that God is shaking this earth spiritually. Why? Because, he says, and I’ll shake down all the Godless nations. All these global government, all the rogue governments, the empires, the regimes of all these wicked, corrupt people, they’re Godless. They don’t have God. He said, and I will shake down all the Godless nations. Now I’m gonna read something else to you. This is Proverbs 29 in verse 16. You’ll hear me read this on Monday too, but he wants me to read this one also. Proverbs 29 in verse 16. This is also the message translation. When degenerates take charge, crime runs wild, but the righteous will eventually observe their collapse. So, what is God saying in all of this? There’s going to be such a spiritual shaking. He’s been talking about spiritual storms. I think it was a pre-record, I’m pretty sure it was. You guys will probably see tomorrow, where he talked about a hurricane. And he said, this hurricane is like no other hurricane that has ever been seen. He basically said, but it’s a spiritual storm. And he talked about it was a storm of judgment, a storm of vengeance, and a storm of justice. So this hurricane he’s been talking about, again, spiritual. And he said, this storm that is upon our enemies, it’s going, he said the perfect storm is gonna hit them so hard. I’m gonna give you another scripture that’s gonna excite you too. But I’m gonna read this, but it’s gonna hit them so hard. Everything is gonna collapse. Now I’m gonna read this again. When, this is Proverbs 29 in verse 16, in the, sorry, in the message translation. When degenerates take charge. Okay, I have to read, I have to look up this definition. Okay. Degenerate, having lost the physical, mental, or moral qualities considered normal or desirable, showing evidence of decline. Okay, I’m gonna go even further than that. So if he says, when degenerates take charge, and I’m gonna read that definition, having lost physical and mental qualities or moral qualities, who does that remind you of right now? And I’m serious. Somebody that we know maybe who gets lost on stage. Somebody who can’t cognitively function to a point where he can finish sentences. That’s a degenerate. And you guys know who I’m talking about. I’m trying to be nice here. (laughs) Having lost physical, mental, or moral qualities considered normal or desirable. I can think of more than one person, but I definitely think of one person for sure. And what does the Bible say about that? When degenerates take charge, crime runs wild. Why do you think crime has gone crazy in the last three years? Why? Because when degenerates take charge, crimes run wild. That’s why, again, I fight this all the time and I get a lot of persecution for it and I don’t care. I truly can’t tell you how much I don’t care. When people say the separation of church and state, and I’ve gotten so much persecution because I’m putting God into politics. Yeah. Why would we ever invited him out? Uninvited him and say, God, you’re not invited in our politics. You shouldn’t be in our government, God. You shouldn’t be a part of our laws. You shouldn’t be part of our justice system. What? Think about that. How evil and deceiving is that? That so many in the body of Christ truly believe. Somebody’s false, pastor or teacher or prophet or whatever, because they’re bringing God and inviting God into our government. When you uninvite God out of our government, you’re left with degenerates and they take charge, the wicked rule and what? Crimes run wild. But, I love that word, but, because it’s a conjunction word. He’s not done talking. But he says, But the righteous will eventually observe their collapse. They’re guaranteed to collapse. Now, again, I’m giving you so many previews for Monday, but that’s okay. All right, I have to read another one for you. Let me remember which one it was. Okay, I got it. Proverbs 28. Proverbs 28 and verse 28. Proverbs 28 and verse 28. This is the message translation. I read out of the New King James, classic amplified. Sometimes when I’m studying, I’ll study other different translations because it gives you more insight, more revelation. Proverbs 28 verse 28. When corruption takes over, good people go underground. But when the crooks are thrown out, it’s safe to come out. (chuckles) But when the crooks are thrown out, it’s safe to come out. So when the corruption takes over and good people go underground, well, I would say in the world we’re living in right now, corruption looks like it’s taken over. And the good people, God’s people went underground. Yes, they did. They weren’t standing. They weren’t using their authority because a lot of people didn’t know they had authority. They didn’t know they had dominion. They didn’t know they had the name above every name. They didn’t know the sword of the spirit which is the most powerful weapon in the world. They didn’t know these things. So people, the church went silent. Where was the church when prayer was taken out of school? Where was the church when the 10 commandments were taken out from before our buildings, our courts? Where were people? The 10 commandments used to stand in front of our court buildings. Where was the church when those came down? Where was the church with Roe versus Wade? Where was the church when all these things started happening in our schools? Where was the church? They went underground because corruption was taking over. They were deceived into believing that there was nothing that they could do about it. Or they were deceived in believing that this was the right thing to do. Satan has always twisted God’s word and people believing it’s something other than what it really is. I wanna read another one. Because not only those few scriptures he gave me, that revelation he gave me this morning when I was doing a pre-record, it’s for now. It’s for this one also. All right, Proverbs 28. Proverbs 28, I’m still there. But now I’m in verses one and two. Proverbs 28, verse one and two. Now, this is also the message. I have never seen this scripture until this morning. And you could see my reaction when I was pre-recording. I’ve never seen the scripture in this message translation. I’ve never looked it up. But the Lord had me do it. The wicked are edgy with guilt, ready to run off. Even when no one’s after them. I’m gonna read that first part again. The wicked are edgy with guilt and are ready to run off even when no one is after them. So even if we were all asleep still and the church wasn’t waking up, people weren’t fighting back, our enemies would still be on edge and guilty and they’re ready to run off. So even when no one is after them, they’re still ready to run off. But what happens when the body of Christ realizes their power? Realize the authority that they have in the name of Jesus. Realizes the power of the sword of the spirit. Realizes the blood covenant that they have with the Almighty God. When people start taking God seriously and realizing that nothing that they’re facing in this time is bigger than him. When they realize they can’t lose when God’s on your side. When they realize when the enemies come against you one way, they flee before you seven ways. When you resist the devil, the enemy has to flee, James 4.7. We are waking up. That’s why they didn’t want us to wake up. They’re already on edge. They were ready to run. But now, why do you think that our adversary has planted people in the body of Christ and in churches? The Lord had that one on Monday. He will give you the exact answer for that. The truth of the written word of God, line upon line, precept upon precept, that’s what I’m giving you. I’m not giving you a doctrine. I’m giving you what God says. But I’m gonna keep reading this. Proverbs 28, one through two, message. I’ll start again. The wicked are edgy with guilt and ready to run off, even when no one’s after them. Honest people are relaxed and confident and bold as lions. We’re supposed to be bold like a lion because we have the lion of the tribe of Judah on the inside of us. We have the greater one on the inside of us, the he that’s in the world. Now I’m gonna read verse two. This is another, what I got excited about. When the country is in chaos, everybody has a plan to fix it. But it takes a leader of real understanding to straighten things out. And not just any leader. It takes a leader that’s born again, baptized in the Holy Ghost, truly humbling themselves before the Almighty God, leans onto his understanding, listens to him and obeys him. That’s when things get straightened out. I’m gonna read that second verse again. When the country is in chaos, I’d say a lot of countries are in chaos. Everybody has a plan to fix it. It takes a leader of real understanding to straighten things out. Why do you think we have what we have right now in this nation? We have degenerates trying to run our country. And when they are, it gets chaos and wild and crazy. But what are we supposed to do in that time? We’re supposed to be bold as a lion, knowing that the wicked are edgy with guilt and ready to run off. We are going to see the enemy collapse We already are. Things that I’m seeing, we didn’t see last year. Things that are going on, things are being exposed. It’s only going to get better. Only more information is gonna be released. And we are winning because the enemy is collapsing. That’s why I tell you all the time to get into the word of God. Please write these scriptures down. But I know also, and thanks to the social media team, you guys do an amazing job. They put all these scriptures in the comments or not only people put in the comment section, they put it in the description box every day for you. So if you’ve missed some of these, and I tried to tell you what version I’m reading from, but majority is amplified. But today he had me read it out of the message and it just rang, there was just so much enlightenment. It was just like, Lord, it’s like magnifying that scripture. I did not see it like that before. And like, you’re so right, God. Everything that we’re seeing right there is in those scriptures. And then God is telling us it’s in the Bible and he’s telling us what’s gonna happen. It’s so awesome. Remember, our enemies are full of guilt and they’re edgy and they’re ready to run off. And what is the child of the most high God supposed to do? So now we’re realizing that our enemies are not bold. They’re edgy and about to run off. So what are we supposed to do? We’re supposed to be bold like a lion and we’re supposed to repeat and proclaim James 47 and we resist the devil and he must flee. They can’t stay in their positions. I love what he said about degenerates. Having lost their physical, mental or moral qualities considered normal and desirable. That’s who is trying to control. Our nation. And they will collapse and be thrown out. All right, now I hope you guys are having fun ’cause I am. Okay, so here is a prophetic word again. This is from, it’s called THE COUP AGAINST THIS NATION IS UNRAVELING It is from January 24th of 2024. For I the Lord this day, am telling you my children that justice will prevail. He didn’t say justice might, justice will prevail. Do you hear these words that I’m saying? Justice will prevail. Okay, let’s look it up. Let’s look up the word prevail. I love to do word studies. I think it helps when you’re getting revelation of what God’s saying. Prevail, so he says justice will prevail. And it says prove more powerful than the opposing forces. So he said justice will prevail or justice will prove more powerful than opposing forces. than opposing forces. So anything that is opposing justice, God’s justice is more powerful and it will prove that it’s more powerful than what’s opposing it, the opposing forces which is the enemies of Almighty God. All right, let’s go back to it. He’s saying, do you hear these words that justice will prove more powerful than opposing forces? He says, do you hear these words? Then he goes on to say, and as all of these exposures and all this evidence is flooding and pouring in and going throughout all the airwaves, you could say it’s going viral and it’s going through all social media, going throughout the world, it’s going viral. All of the lies, all the deception, all the corruption, all the wickedness, I’m releasing every prisoner that has been held under the control of the Washington establishment or any other corrupt government that has been held in those prison cells. So he says, not only the prisoners that have been held under the Washington establishment, it’s been more than just January 6th people. Then he goes on to say, it’s an ‘any’ corrupt government that’s been holding people. Unjustifiably, he said, I am releasing them. Now, whenever you see I AM, it’s always in cap locks. I AM, why? Because that is in reference to the great I AM in the book of Exodus, when he first revealed himself as the great I am to Moses in Exodus 3 and verse 14. And you can find out why he was the great I AM There was nothing impossible for him. He says, I am blowing those doors wide open, just like Paul and Silas. So earlier, if you guys are just joining, he gave a great revelation of the powerful spiritual shaking that happened, that it was ordered to free Paul and Silas. He says, I’m releasing the captives and not only physically releasing them, so not only will they be released out of those physical prison cells, but then he says, I’m releasing the captives free. That means even their minds, their bodies, whatever was holding them in captivity. And he’s talking not just about those prisoners, but he’s talking about his children who have been imprisoned by the enemy under deception. He says, all throughout this world, I’m releasing my children and those walls, and those walls are coming down. So he says, those walls are coming down. The walls have been holding us as captives. Those walls are coming down. He says, those prison doors are opening wide and breaking wide open during this time of shaking. During this time of shaking, my children, we just learned about that spiritual shaking. He says, the prison cells, I told you that you were in of deception, of them trying to control you with even another disease. There’s more diseases on the horizon. That’s not just one. There’s, God said virus sins. And I just was talking to somebody yesterday and that was confirmation. There is more that they want to release shortly. But what are we supposed to do? I’m not saying that for you to get in fear. Read Psalm 91, no pestilence. All right, now this is, they’re trying to control you with fear and doubt and worry and unbelief. That’s exactly what controlled people in 2020. It wasn’t just the virus. That was fear controlling people. They’re trying to control you financially. They’re trying to control you socially and in every other way. They have stolen from you. They have cheated you out of things. They have done all these things against you physically and mentally. They have controlled you by fear and deception. Why? I will tell you right now that justice will prevail. All these things that they have done, no matter what they have done, God is saying justice will prevail. Remember, prevail means prove more powerful than the opposing forces. Judgment will be served. I’m telling you every wicked scheme and every plot and all the bribes and everything that has been going on in your government or United States, I am blasting those doors wide open and I am showing the corruption. I’m showing you every thief. I’m showing you every criminal. I’m showing you every person against you and against the constitution and against me. I just read you those scriptures. He says, I’m showing you my vengeance, sayeth the Lord. I will show you that I will have the final say. I will show you that the enemies will not have their way. They will not do what they want to do with this nation. They will not do what they want to do with the virus. I will expose, expose, expose, he says it three times, who is bringing this virus on. I will show you every single one of the places that they cooked these things up in these laboratories. We know one was Wuhan, but now there’s more. It’s revealing to us that there’s more viruses and there’s more laboratories. I’m showing you their bio weapons. I am showing and telling you where they store all these things up. I’m telling you, I’ve told you my children before, I am telling you again, there are bio labs everywhere. They have tried to hide in different nations all over the world. They have used your taxpayer money to fund it. And I don’t know about you, but I should have a righteous indignation out of anybody realizing that our taxpayer money has funded this crap. Then he says, They’ve used your taxpayer money to hide it. Not only did they use it to fund it, now they’re using it to hide it. Then he says, I’m exposing every President that was a part of it. Presidents, there’s more than one. It’s not just the person that you see now. There’s been Presidents that have been helping with all of it. The corruption runs deep and it’s run for a long time. I’m exposing every single one, all the governments all throughout the world. Now it’s just not this one. It’s just not the Washington establishment. Now we’re talking about governments. And he says all over the world. There was a part that they had a part in the bio labs and all of these weapons of warfare, those bio weapons of warfare to bring upon destruction upon this earth, they’re doing it on purpose. Fear, control and depopulation. Well, I’m going to show this earth who’s really in control. And it’s not these people, it’s not these governments, it’s not these people that are using all this money to fund all these bio weapons and their labs and everything else like that. God’s in control. I’m a healer. So remember everything that the Egyptians and all the physical they did, the damage they caused against God’s people. God was their healer. He was showing to them that he was Jehovah Rapha. And he said, no, people was among them when they left. He’s Jehovah Rapha. He says, I am Jehovah Rapha. I’m the healer. And I’m restoring health back to my people. People say, oh, well, that’s not true. That’s biblical. I’m restoring wealth back to my people. And if people say that healing is not for today, then they are not reading the Bible. Because one, it says that we’re redeemed from the curse. If you go back into Deuteronomy 28, verse 15 on, you’re gonna find out what the curse is. And the curse has all these sicknesses and every other thing, every other part of the curse, you’ll find it out. But it says in Galatians 3, 13 and 14, that we’ve been redeemed from it. So how is that scriptural? That if we’re redeemed from something that’s part of the curse, and sickness is a part of the curse, and God said he’s Jehovah Rapha, he’s a healer, and he’s the same yesterday, today and forever, and he’s the same yesterday, today and forever, how on the cusp of the earth do people think that healing is not for today? It’s a lie. I’m restoring their freedoms. I’m restoring what has been stolen from them, sayeth the Lord. I’ll bring back everything that rightfully belongs to you and this nation, and that is your freedoms and all the people who are wrongfully imprisoned for this insurrection. That’s a lie. The insurrection is a lie. We’re starting to see more proof of that. We’re starting to see all that body camera footage, all that surveillance footage, we’re seeing all of it was a lie. No matter how much they try to deny it, or try to cover it up, it’s a lie, and we all know it. That pitiful, pitiful lie that I told you that I’m showing you the blueprints of every single thing they did and every person that was in control and had a part to play in it. I’m reversing the captivity. I’m releasing those in Washington who are wrongfully imprisoned. I will show you the prison cells and where all these people are going. So he’s releasing the ones who’ve been imprisoned. Then he goes on and gets even more detailed and says, I will show you the prison cells where all those people are going that caused the Treason in this nation. So the ones that threw these people that are unjustifiably in jail, he said, now I’m gonna show you their prison cells. I told you time and time again that judgment is coming, but judgment is here. And he says it again, judgment is here. And you will start to see more of them fall, fall and fail, fall and fail over and over and over again. I will show you where all of them are going and where some have already been. So he says, I’m gonna show you where some of them are going, so they haven’t all gone there yet, but where some have already been. I will show you. I will show you what’s going on in Guantanamo. I will show you what’s going on in Greenland. I will show you what’s going on. In many places you had no idea where military was involved. The greatest coup that has ever been done against you and against the station is about to be unraveled. So hold on because justice will prevail and justice is being served, sayeth the Lord. So he goes on to great detail that some people have already gone into prison cells, and he’s gonna show you them. And then some people are on their way to head to those places that he mentioned. Oh, if you hear, it’s a conspiracy, it’s a conspiracy. Really? Go to God with it. Don’t listen to the news media. The news media will tell you it’s a conspiracy because they want you to believe something that is true is actually a lie. And they want you to believe a lie is actually true. If they tell you somebody is evil, then it’s more likely the opposite. They don’t know how to tell you the truth. So in this time where he’s saying again, justice will prevail, justice is being served, and he’s talking about the shaking of this earth, the shaking of the nations, shaking and the prison cells. He’s saying that shaking is not a physical earthquake. He said that shaking is a spiritual shaking. And he gives us many examples. Read those scriptures that I gave to you earlier because it will bring a great revelation and a great peace to you if you’re not at peace right now with the chaos and the things that are going wild and crazy, like God said in 2024, they would. No matter what the justice system has done in this country, no matter what they’ve tried to rule in certain situations, God will have the final saying at all. He always has and he always will because he’s a judge over all the earth. So I wanna pray over each and every one of you. Heavenly Father, right now in the name of Jesus, we thank you for these revelation, the revelation knowledge that you’re giving to us through your word, that you are giving us the enlightenment of your word that is setting people free. This very day for me with a religious tradition and religious mindsets, I thank you, Father God, right now that your word is penetrating through your children. And they realize that the lion of the tribe of Judah lives on the inside of them and is ready to roar loudly and boldly and that we are supposed to be bowled like a lion as we stand in the face of adversity, to be more like David and stay in the face of all these giants and start speaking your word, start speaking your will. And we know, Father God, even when the wicked, no one is chasing after them. They are still ready to run. That’s what your scripture says. And I thank and praise you, Father God, that we have the enemies on the run. We’re not on the run. We’re not underground anymore. We’re not going to hide, but we are gonna come up because we are rising up in your name. We are rising up boldly before your throne, Father God. And we thank you that you are on our side and our enemies have come against us one way, but they are fleeing before us seven ways. And right now, by the authority of Almighty God and the scriptures, it is written that when we resist the devil, that he must flee. So we resist to every fraudulent government and all these degenerates and all these people, Father God, that are against you, that are against truth, that are against our nations, that are against our freedoms. We thank you, Father God, that they are running in stark terror because of your name and because of your power and because of your authority. And Father God, what you have in store for them. I thank you that judgment is coming. And not only was it shaking, Father God, wake up the children of Almighty God, for the shaking is waking up the nations. It is waking up the evil. And I thank you, Father God, even they will come running because they will see that you are the one true God, that you are the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and you are the great I AM. You are still the one that sits on the throne. You are the one that was with Moses. You are the one that brought down an entire empire in a day. And I thank you, Father God, that your people are realizing this truth. They are holding on to the fact that you are the one true Almighty God. And so we thank you this day for this light. We thank you, Father God, for this truth. We thank you for setting those prisoners in Washington, DC. We thank you that you are setting them free by the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and by the authority of that name. I thank you for more exposure. You said in that prophetic word, Father God, you gave, that not only you’re showing blueprints, but you are showing the architects. You are showing what they did and how they did it to set the captives free. And the unraveling of the coup against us in this nation. But not only set the captives free in this nation, but all the captives that are around the world, physically held captive unjustifiably, but spiritually held captive under deception, sickness and disease, pain or affliction, no matter what this prison cell is that the enemies had your people under and in. I thank you, Father God, you are showing your people that you are greater than that. And we thank you for it. In Jesus’ name, amen and amen. That’s how you were bowled like a lion. When you pray, say it with authority, the authority of Almighty God. When you are correcting something that’s wrong, you don’t say it quietly. Speak the word of God in knowing when you’re speaking His word, His word is a sword of the Spirit. It’s a weapon that our enemies cannot stop. So again, I will be all the pastor Dave today. This has been already a very exciting morning. I started very early this morning to get that pre-record out to you for Monday. Again, you’ll see me Thursday, Friday and Monday for pre-records, but I did not miss a day. They’ll be on at 6.30 in the morning. Also, if you have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website at JGMInternational. org under our contact page, or you can write us at Julie Green Ministries International 4620 East 53rd Street, Suite 200, Davenport, Iowa, 52807. And also, if you want any God WINS merchandise, you want any of those stuff, but God, God WINS, firm focus, foundation on the Father. If you want any of those, you can go to threesonsthreads.com. That’s threesonsthreads.com. And all that information is in the description box below. And I want to tell you, we are winning because God’s on our side. So I will see you live again on Tuesday, but you will see me again every morning at 6.30 central time right here on Rumble and on Facebook. So God loves you. I love you. God bless you. and have a wonderful day.

So many revelations coming and the good news is we are already softened up about Bioweapon labs in the Ukraine numbering about 40 installed by Barack Obama Victoria Nuland and Hunter Biden to kill Russians using locally evolved mosquitos to carry diseases. Hunter Biden is ONE bagman carrying millions of dollars to set up these germ labs. he is nota lone wolf civilian he has been caught with classified documents on his laptop. Effectively these labs have diplomatic immunity as they are US private companies doing illegal research so they function as a law unto themselves. The corrupt Ukrainian Govt is bribed to keep quiet while bioweapons are tested on Ukrainians.
And Washington prison doors to be opened to release innocents and then the criminals who put them there will find themselves in the same cells. Days of Haman WOW.
And Greenland and Guantanamo What illicit things are going on there ? Donald Trump expanded the facilities there.
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