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Goood uh Morning, Everybody. Today is Monday, and it’s already July 8th of 2024 and I hope each and every one of you had an amazing Fourth of July weekend. I know we did It’s just God is doing something so awesome and so powerful and the last few days I’ve been spending a lot of time with him in the morning and he has been giving greater revelation more prophecies and This morning when I was in prayer and I was studying and then he gave me another Word right because I seriously stopped like two minutes before I think I got on here With another one that he was giving me this morning about resistance and another one He was giving me about what we as a body of Christ have to do in this time that things are Intensifying this time where things he’s giving us so much revelation He’s been giving us so much revelation in his word. He’s been giving us revelation on how to deal with the enemies He’s been giving a revelation of the enemy’s plans and how to take them down By standing on his word and by shouting his word and by praying his word This is a time of what God called this morning a time of glory a time of God’s Resistance that his people are going and doing right now in this earth. That’s resisting the enemy That’s bringing down their power that is bringing down all their plans as bringing that down What they wanted to do with this global reset with this global government with this Even World War three and anything else that we’re trying to do with viruses or anything else are trying to do with our food God is saying we were not able to stop all of it But we were able to stop the effects of it and right now we are starting to see them crumble We are starting to see them fall in front of our face and God is telling us it is now time to shout even louder It’s time out even fight even greater in the spirit start fighting and praying more Spend more time with God spend more time setting yourself aside more time with him Receiving what he has to say receiving what he wants you to do because this is a time I kept hearing this word over and over again Press in, press in, press in. I kept hearing it over and over and over again in my spirit. This is a time that we need to press into God, press into the things that he has been telling us, press into his revelation, press in to receive more of His Glory. It’s time to press in. He’s been giving us even greater revelation about exposures that are happening. People keep thinking it’s just exposures in politics and exposures in government. It’s not it’s exposures on all fronts. It’s Exposing even people in the in the churches who say that they are of God. It’s imitation power It’s imitation revelation. It’s imitation for even prophetic God is telling us it’s now time to see the real you’re gonna see the real from the fake You’re gonna see the real from the imposters. God is saying it’s time to see and experience the real power and the real glory of Almighty God and so no matter what we are about to see with even exposures in the church God is telling us it’s time to focus on him and not a person It’s time to rely on him trust in him and not anybody that just anyone you’re seeing Online God is saying it’s time to press in to him for you to have a greater relationship For you to have greater fellowship with him for you to have greater revelation of him for you to have greater and step into that Glory upon glory upon glory, which he is giving to us now This is a time where the heavens are open to the children of Almighty God who are willing to Stand and a press in and to receive this mighty Outpouring of the Holy Ghost and the power that he has given to us in this time The enemies are losing power. They’re losing steam. They’re losing strength, but God is pouring out his power He’s strengthening his people he’s giving them more to endure to press in to not give up and not quit and So this is such a pivotal pivotal moment in the body of Christ This is a time where the body of Christ looked like it was a hot mess. It looked like it was divided It looked like there was religion that was taking over and man-made doctrines and legalism and there was destroying the power and the glory of Almighty God destroying what God has for us, but God says no no, no, it’s the time of unity It’s a time where I am separating the wheat from the chaff It’s a time where I’m separating the goat from the sheep in the time where I’m separating the fake from the real It’s time where I am doing a new thing and so what he wants us to do is he wants to be a part of this new thing this Revival and I keep hearing that word over and over again revival. He wants a revival a glory revival Across this land but across the earth He’s doing a new thing. And so there is times I’ve talked to many Christians all over the place I’ve seen what the enemies tried to do to myself or my team or my family I’ve seen him what he’s trying to do to so many Christians all throughout This this country and all throughout the world. I’m seeing people ride in I’m seeing what’s going on and people that I know and God is saying this is a time where where you were weak I am making you strong where you were weak He is making you strong. And so the enemy points out your weaknesses He pushes those buttons. He tries to destroy you. He tries to bring you down and God is saying no I’m gonna bring you back out over and above all those things. You will no longer have those weaknesses You will no longer have that type of thing that the enemies tried to use against you for Search so many years or even your whole life. God is saying it’s time for a new way and a new thing So where you saw your weaknesses and where you saw your failures, where you saw hopelessness and despair, God is saying, look, I am doing a new thing. So it’s time to receive this new thing. Again, the revelations he’s given to me over the weekend, it could have destroyed people. It could have destroyed the body of Christ on so many levels. And so when he was revealing this he’s been revealing it to me slowly over the last few weeks And I said, what am I supposed to do with this information and you feel like you’re behind the eight ball You feel like this is this is gonna you know, break ministries and break what God is doing. He said no I Showed this to you So you know how to pray against it. And so what God is doing for us is something on a magnitude and and on a scale that we have never experienced before. That’s why the road has been so long. That’s why the heaviness has been so overwhelming for people. It’s been so heavy. The darkness has seemed even to grow darker. God has been talking to us about that. He’s been talking about the intensity of the shaking and we’re seeing that. But one of the things he said right here in this word, he gave me early this morning and I was finishing up right before I got on here, I’ll give it out sometime this week. But he said, this is a time where the foundation of the enemies, their walls are cracking. They are falling. And so we need to shout louder than we’ve ever shouted against the enemies of Almighty God. And it was reminding me of the wall of Jericho. It’s at that point where they were walking and they were walking and they were walking and that seventh day when they walked around and they use the shofars, they use their Trumpets, they use their voice and they shouted the exactly when God told them to shout and the walls came down. We are at that time. No matter what’s going on. No matter how we feel. No matter what we are about to see. Because you know the enemy is up to something. They had a really bad week last week. And God warned us. They’re in that corner. And they see their defeat is coming. He said they’re going to try to put more pressure on you. To try to for you to give up and you to quit but God says NO you rise above that You break free from it You break loose from their chains. This is that time of breaking free breaking loose breaking out breaking through so There’s a time of breakthroughs This is not the time to stop This is a time to keep going this is time to press in that’s where we’re at right now in time so I want to get out the word that I have for you this morning now this is one from the 6th July 6th so just two days ago I got actually two of them that morning and this is the first one and this one is AN ELECTION IS NEAR BUT NOT HOW YOU SUPPOSE So again, he’s bringing up an election. Now listen to what he has to say in this word.


My children, I am telling you this day an internal collapse of the Establishment is taking place before your eyes. You have a great divide bringing a great fear and confusion and turmoil. As I have said before, they are turning on each other to save themselves. A collapse of a Government is near, O United States. A great fall of a coup and of an administration that was never meant to be. One that was a show, it was never real. A great collapse of a narrative and a big lie upon this earth. Things that have been building up until this very time. I told you an eruption would take place, an eruption of truth that is destroying and tearing apart this lie that held you in great captivity. AN ELECTION IS NEAR BUT NOT HOW YOU SUPPOSE. I told you, my children, unconventional. Something you will see that you will not see coming. No, not in this way. AN UNPRECEDENTED CHAIN OF EVENTS IS NEAR. Events that will change the course, not only of this nation, but nations all around the world. Events that will bring down the giants that took over a nation that never belonged to them. Giants who infiltrated, stole, manipulated, embedded themselves into your government and everywhere in your nation to overthrow the American people and any rights they had. My army is moving forward, advancing in their movements to remove every last one of them from your nation and your government. Hold on, my United States, for great change is coming. A reset is taking place. Removals will begin to pick up speed in ways you would never have thought of. My children in the land of my eagle, the scenery in your nation will dramatically change. How things are now to how things were meant to be. NOT ONLY A GOVERNMENT WILL BE ERADICATED BUT THE ONES WHO PUT THEM THERE AND THOSE POSITONS WILL BE ANNIHILATED WITH THEM. Including your three-letter agencies, their power, their control, their hidden assignments, their agenda, will be exposed big-time. Whistleblowers will come from everywhere. It is now time for their boldness to crush the head of the snake that has brought great deception to this land. I told you before, the Old Guard will be brought out from their hiding places, be put out in the open, on on display to be exposed to be removed and brought to nothing.

A DOJ whistleblower is about to come forward to bring down that department and bring it to nothing.

A great landslide of events has started to bring down the corruption in my land. The Secretary of Defense will be removed out of his position and not as you suppose. It’s all coming. Great exposures with more vacating of seats of power. Secrets are coming out like never before. My children get ready for these removals and these great changes. My nation is shaking loose from its captors. Never to be taken hostage again. So my children keep praying. Keep believing. I am moving. I am saving my nation and Red Sea like moments will take place one after another and Nobody else will take the credit or the glory for this mighty victory in this nation saith the Lord your Redeemer,

Julie Commentary

Do you see he’s talking about a chain of events things are going to start escalating Even since the debate, which God specifically said what was going to happen and it did take place, how he said it. And he said a landslide of things were going to happen against the Biden, which we already see. You already see a divide in that party. You’re seeing people who are for him, but people who are against him. You’re seeing people who want him to keep running and people who want him to step down. You’re seeing a massive amounts of things that God is saying was going to happen not only with that But not only with that party, but also with the Establishment. This is not just a democratic thing This is an Establishment thing. This is a thing which is good versus evil This is a thing that’s been embedded evil has been embedded in our country and God is eradicating it. He’s destroying it He’s bringing it to nothing And so what we have to do in that time where things are going to shake things are going to intensify things are going To start taking place Rapidly and so things that you may understand things that you may not understand But what we do have to understand is pressing in to God pressing in to what he’s been saying And if you start getting into doubt or fear or worry or unbelief if you start seeing things that are confusing you Because again, you’re gonna see people fall Not just in politics. You’re gonna see people fall in religious communities And so what we have to do is not look to that person or not to look to that or this or the other thing That’s that where that firm focus foundation on the Father kicks in Because why people are being removed Even out of the churches people are gonna be in uproar They’re gonna be sad. They’re gonna be confused They’re gonna be which way who do I believe? What do I turn? Where do I go and God saying you go in the way of him you press into him The enemy’s wanting to use these removals and usually shaking in the body of Christ to shake your belief to shake your trust To shake your peace to shake your faith in God Again, he sees the weakness of the body of Christ. He sees the weakness that is going on And so he’s gonna start tapping into that So pressing those buttons and God’s saying look you press in to me And where you were weak as a person where you’re weak in your faith or where you were weak in a nation God will make you stronger. God is making us stronger Since 2020 I have not seen No way a great divide But I’ve also not seen the remnant of the body of Christ Just come together and be unified no matter what there are some ripples and there are some deep, you know people deflecting but the real core of The body of Christ is strengthening in their unification They’re unifying with God the love of God the power of God People are praying and standing like never before. This is what the enemy did not want This is what he was trying to prevent He was trying to prevent the power and the glory of God being able to be accepted and received The power and the authority of God he didn’t want people to have that knowledge of it, but it’s coming to pass No matter what happens So we as a body of Christ, I want to go over Something that he was showing me about this prophetic word And he was giving me scriptures this morning, this time will look like a bad time for some things. It will look like the darkest for others. It’ll look overwhelming. So Julie, you were just giving us encouragement. Now all of a sudden you’re giving us this bad news. It’s not bad news. Not for the body of Christ. Not for the one that God’s chosen. His chosen people, His chosen generations. It’s not bad times for us. It will appear that way, but it’s not. It’s time for the enemy’s destruction and evil and corruption to be removed. And so in a time where it’s intensifying, in time where things will look, again, it will look confusing, God saying, pay attention to what my word has been saying. So I want to go to um Let’s start with Malachi Go to Malachi chapter 4 There’s great revelation in this part of what’s going on right now that we see I’m gonna start with verse 5 Malachi 4 verse 5 Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet Before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes verse 6 and it shall turn and reconcile the hearts of the estranged Fathers to the unGodly children and the hearts of the rebellious children to the pity of their Fathers a reconciliation produced by repentance of the unGodly lest I come and smite the land with a curse and ban of utter destruction God is talking to him right here this is where he’s talking about how the the Prophet Elijah there was going to be destruction if God’s people would not obey but he also said there’s gonna be a reconciliation with the children and the Fathers and the Fathers with the children there’s gonna be a restoration of parents and children and children of parents in this time where we are seeing right now because he was talking about the terrible day of the Lord this was talking about the before the tribulation time before what happens upon this earth a great tribulation the seven years of tribulation there’s gonna be a reconciliation of the body of Christ, a reconciliation with children and their parents, parents and their children, that there’s gonna be a reconciliation of the body of Christ, reconciliation of the glory of God, God’s glory. These are glory days, like just like what Manuel Johnson always says, these are glory days, not gloomy days. Why are they glory days? Because God is pouring out glory like never before. He is going to restore relationships. He is gonna restore congregations. He’s going to restore the fellowship with him. He’s gonna restore our nation as one nation under God He is going to restore what has been stolen what has been lost what has been destroyed God said he is a time of reconciliation and a time of restoration Why do you think it’s been so dark? Why do you think it’s been so horrible? Why do you think it’s been so overwhelming because Satan was trying to stop the glory of God the movement of Almighty God And it’s not going to work, just like what I talked about many times before about our flag and where it says, our flag still stands for freedom and they can’t take that away. Our flag still stands for freedom and they can’t take that away. That’s what a flag represents. Our flag of the United States of America stands for freedom. And we have seen how our enemies of this country and of freedom have tried to destroy what our country stands for It’s one nation under God. They try to destroy that They try to destroy what the Bible stands for They try to destroy what the Word of God and the power of Almighty God And how it is used and how the revelation of it They try to destroy what the power of God and the Word of God stands for It stands for freedom. It stands for truth. It stands for Liberty and God is saying he’s already done all these things. He just needs his people to believe in these things This this the Bible is not it’s just a book of stories Isn’t to stand for stories and something that happened in the past God’s Word stands forever And he’s faithful to perform his word, you know as a as a young kid Again, you God’s know one of my favorite stories in the Bible is the book of Exodus and it’s amazing because I’m like became the Exodus preacher, but why was it so I just was so amazed by it and why I was so is because of the power that he’s shown not only to his people but the power he showed to the enemies against them and I thought how cool that was now awesome that was but I didn’t think that I would ever see anything like it until he He showed me like 15 years ago, 14, 15 years ago now. He said, Julie, there’s coming a greater Exodus, greater than the original one, greater than the first one. Because I’m not just saving a nation, I’m saving the nations. I’m not just saving them from one Pharaoh and his men, I’m saving them from all the Pharaohs of today and all of the army, which is that globalist regime. it’s Establishments. They’ve been set up in all of these nations all over the world. He’s been showing me how there’s been such a great darkness in the body of Christ to stop our freedoms in our countries, to stop the glory of God from moving and the revival from taking place. He embedded people everywhere. When I was Showing this on such a scale It’s like the weight of the world just came on you and you’re just like what are we supposed to do with this information? And that’s what he’s telling us to shout To shout all of the fakes out We don’t want imitation power We want the real power of Almighty God. We don’t want imitation revelation We want the real revelation of the Word of God God’s saying he’s gonna show it. That’s why he needed you to have the discernment of who is real and who is not. So when things are being exposed, you’re not hurt by it because you’re gonna be focused on God. Everybody’s looking for a government to fall, and it will, but people weren’t looking for this. And God is saying, you have to prepare yourselves. Sorry, there’s my camera again. You have to prepare yourselves for what is about to take place, not only in the governments, not only in the nations around the world, But you got to be prepared for what is about to shake that was trying to crush the body of Christ Just how he showed us an Establishment in a swamp in our government that embedded itself That was here to destroy our nation and the foundation of our nation We have had people embedded themselves in the body of Christ destroy the body of Christ destroy the foundations Destroy the power of God the authority of God and the glory of God in this movement of God people were looking just to one thing and God’s saying there’s a bigger picture and Now he’s telling us to prepare for it because you know when he’s gonna correct it You’re gonna see a lot of correction in the body of Christ first And he’s been talking about he’s been talking about AI he’s been talking about deep fakes because that’s nothing the enemy’s gonna try He’s gonna try to Destroy the real Before the fakes are destroyed if it’s out of character because I you know something that pastor Dave and I were talking about last week You see videos you see things don’t always believe them if it’s out of character of that person Don’t trust in it and you pray into it. This is a time. We have to walk by faith and Not by sight This is a time where you as a bite of Christ say no weapon formed against me. No weapon formed against my family No weapon formed against our finances No weapon formed against this nation or your nation or anything other that God tells you to say no weapon formed against you stand No weapon formed against it shall prosper This is a time to fight with the Word of God in the sword of the Spirit like never before I’m telling you something’s about to happen Good and bad Again, not to freak you out But for you to shout it out Shout it out. Shout them down God says his army is moving. That’s not just a natural military army. That’s not what he’s talking about He’s talking about his the army of the Lord us He’s talking about his angel armies People just look into a natural army. God said stop look to my army. It’s you It’s me. It’s it’s the angel armies We’re supposed to advance We’re supposed to keep pushing in we’re supposed to keep pushing through This is the final battlefield and we’re supposed to take it over. Our enemies don’t have the high ground. It may look that way. It may seem that way. It may feel that way. We have the high ground. Because we have the Alpha, the Omega, the beginning and the end. We have Him on our side. We have Him on the inside of us. And He’s greater than anything we’re seeing. turn to Go to Isaiah Isaiah 40 start with verse 3 Isaiah 40 and verse 3 a Voice of one who cries prepare in the wilderness the way the Lord clear away the obstacles Make straight and smooth in the desert a highway for our God We’re supposed to make a way for God The one who makes the crooked path straight the ones he’s the one who solves every problem He’s the one that will give us joy in the midst of mourning He’s the one who’ll give us peace When there isn’t any He’s the one who’ll give us hope in the midst of hopelessness we’re supposed to cry out and Receive what God is doing him. Make a way for him. Speak his words. Prepare the way. Get your heart’s rights before him. Verse four, every valley shall be lifted and filled up. And every mountain and hill should be made low. And the crooked and the uneven shall be made straight and level and the rough places plain. He’s talking about a drastic change of scenery. There’s going to be a drastic change of scenery about to take place in our nation, the body of Christ, and around the world. Verse 5, look what happens when there’s drastic change. And the glory, the majesty, and the splendor of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together, for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it. Everyone’s gonna see this glory whether they’re partakers or not. Out of The mouth of the Lord has spoken it. When God said, light be, and light was in Genesis, that those words, light be, is still working today. Our universe is still expanding. He didn’t tell it to stop. When he’s talking about his glory filling this earth, it’s gonna fill this earth. It’s not gonna stop. God says he’s gonna fill this earth with His Glory like the water of Noah and Noah’s day. What did that water do in Noah’s time? That water in Noah’s time destroyed the corruption on the earth because it destroyed all the evil ones. You gotta think, Noah preached for 125 years and didn’t save a soul, but his family. He built an ark and he didn’t save anybody else but his family. That water was there for the enemy’s destruction of that evil and all that corruption But it was also a cleansing. So the glory that we are going to see in this time is going to destroy the corruption and the evil at the same time as a cleansing and if we look in the book of Matthew Mark and Luke and it talks about when Jesus talked about the when he’s right before he’s returned and he said The disciples asked him what are the signs of your return wars and rumors of wars and pestilences famines Nations will rise against nations kingdom against kingdoms. You’re talking about saying all these things But one of the things he also was gonna be like the days of Noah What happened the days of Noah? There was evil There was so much corruption in this earth and he had to start over Now he promised us with that rainbow that the enemy tried to pervert The rainbow is God’s sign to us that he would never flood the earth Like with the water like that again as he did in Noah’s day. That was God’s sign and the enemy is used it So people wouldn’t remember that sign and as we see a rainbow in the sky all the time People think of the other thing instead of thinking the real thing That’s what the enemy does But in the last days, it’s gonna be like the days of Noah The days of Noah there was evil. Yes, there was is there evil right now? Yes, there is but what did God do he came down and there was a destruction of the flood destroyed the evil but at the same time there was a cleansing a restoration of mankind because anathelium were demonic beings Those giants that’s why there wasn’t anybody saved Their bloodline was different It was evil bloodline. The enemy’s trying to do that again right now. He’s trying to change the bloodline He’s always trying to do this. There’s nothing new under the Sun right now So when God is talking about tHis Glory again, he’s gonna fill every valley This is Isaiah 40 verse 4 again Every valley should be lifted up and every mountain and hill should be made low and the crooked and even Even shall be made straight in the level and the rough places plain Everything looks like a hot mess Everything looks like it’s destroyed. Everything looks like there’s no way to turn it around I said, I’ve seen a lot of things in the body of Christ. I never thought I’d see ever ever It brought great grief To my heart to see what was going on in the body of Christ It wasn’t any better. Some of the things weren’t any better than what was going on around the world And you think about that for a minute and I started praying and crying out to God about it I said, what are we supposed to do? He said you use my authority you speak what I need you to speak you say When I need you to say it You do what I need you to do. That’s what that’s what all he wants from us is just to focus on him Believer’s words use it and then trust him and as this glory is going to fill this earth It is It’s gonna fill this earth like the days of Noah To destroy the wicked and bring a cleansing. He’s giving people time to repent He’s given the warnings writings on the wall There are things That this is the time again where he’s saying it’s gonna intensify, but I’m gonna read Isaiah verse 40 verse 5 again Isaiah 40 verse 5 and the glory and majesty and the splendor of the Lord shall be revealed and the flesh shall see it together for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it ALL Flesh will see it Remember when God been talking to us about the last three years He’s been saying I’m gonna show the world who I really am and not a version of who people said I was and the glory of God You God’s know we’ve been I’ve been teaching this the glory of God is his presence his power and his goodness His presence is gonna fill this earth. His power is gonna fill this earth. His goodness is gonna fill this earth Why everybody partake in it? No. They have a choice. Just like people in Noah’s day had a choice to get on that ark and not to get on that ark. And the only people that chose to get on that ark was Noah and his family. Everybody else laughed and mocked. People that are laughing right now and mocking the ones who are telling the truth. Just laughing constantly. What happened when they laughed and mocked God and the water came? And it had never flooded the earth before there’s no rain There was a mist that watered the plants and watered the grass. There wasn’t ever such thing as rain at that time So when the rain started coming and it started pouring down You better believe those people tried running to that ark, but it was too late He will mock God They mock God today They’re laughing today. They think it’s funny until the flood comes And not a flood of water. This is where we’re talks about and go to Okay, Acts chapter 2 Look at what he says here and it shall come. This is Acts chapter 2 verse 17 Now he also talks about this in Joel Chapter 2 this is referencing Joel chapter 2, but we’re in Acts chapter 2 verse 17 and it shall come to pass in the last days God declares I will pour out my spirit upon all mankind and your sons and your member daughters Shall prophesy is God sexist. I Love it when people say well, you’re false because you’re a woman Really? Okay, that’s fine. You won’t believe that that’s okay There’s nowhere in the Bible when it takes out context But God used Deborah, God used Mary, God used all these different people, God is not a sexist God. Look what it says. And it shall come to pass in the last days, God declares, I will pour out my spirit upon how many, how much flesh, just man, just man, no, he said on all mankind and he says your sons and your daughters, he didn’t just say your sons, he said your sons and daughters. Now are you calling God a liar? These people that say that God would never do that. Well He says right here. He would And he made sure it was in the New Testament. Also, it’s not No Testament thing Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy telling forth divine counsels and young men shall see visions Divinely granted appearances and your old men shall dream divinely suggested dreams There’s so many people having prophecies and there’s so many people having visions and dreams right now Some people are real, some people aren’t. Verse 18, now he says it again. And yes, on my men servants and also my maid servants, male and female. That’s why when people say certain things like that, I don’t get why they’re saying it. You’re not reading the word. Read the word as the word speaks it. Just like remember, and they did a really good example of this in the chosen. When Jesus was speaking his word, this made me cry in the four season a couple of different times when Jesus was giving revelation To his disciples and he was telling them several different times that he was gonna die, but they didn’t get it He was telling him how he was the Father. He was a son of God So if you seen him you seen the Father and they didn’t get it. It was like he was talking over them They just kind of just kind of just they didn’t understand it. It didn’t sink in that’s what happens today and then you had it and then you have the the Pharisees and the Sadducees was the religious leaders and they’re twisting what Jesus says and They’re making it some other than that then it wasn’t and then also the Word of God the law of God They twisted that too and they made it to their interpretation what they said. It was not what God actually said it was That same religious spirit is here today doing the exact same thing dividing twisting Manipulating and making it something that it’s not if we just ask God Okay, Lord, you said men servants and maidservants, but you know, my pastor sitting are talking about, you know How women can’t have anything to do with it, but this is what your word says. What are you gonna? What am I supposed to believe? You know what God’s gonna tell you his word Your men servants and also your maidservants in those days. I will pour out my spirit and all they shall Prophesy. Well, I guess in the last days God said people are gonna prophesy and then people are saying right now There’s prophets aren’t for today well The last time I checked we’re in the last of the last of the last days And God says the last day people should prophesy So are we gonna leave people say that and say that people don’t prophesy or believe what God says and said that they will They’re gonna prophesy telling forth the divine counsels and predicting future events pertaining especially to God’s kingdom. Prophesying is God’s news before the news. He’s giving it to us like never before. Why? Because events are about to take place like never before. No eye has ever seen, no ear has ever heard what’s about to take place and God’s getting his children’s attention. He’s trying to get the world’s That’s why prophesying is so important verse 19 And I will show wonders in the sky above and the signs on the earth beneath and blood fire and vapor vapors of smoke verse 20 the Sun shall be turned in the darkness and the moon into blood before the obvious and there the day of the Lord comes the great and notable and the renowned day now again is talking about the moon’s gonna turn to blood what’s gonna be red and And, hold on, the moon will be turned to blood, the sun will be darkened, so like an eclipse, and then a blood moon. He said, you’re gonna see these things in the sky as a sign. The sun turning black, moon turning to blood. You’re gonna see these things as a sign of what, of what is to come. God gives us signs, he’s giving us words, he’s giving us revelations, so we need to pay attention to it. Again, his sons and his daughters shall prophesy. This is the time we are living in, the last days. Now, turn, I’m gonna go back over this prophetic word and then I’ll turn to more. So this is the first paragraph. My children, I am telling you this day, an internal collapse of the Establishment is taking place before your eyes. You have a great divide bringing great confusion Turmoil and as I’ve said before they are turning on each other to save themselves. You know what happened in the days of the Exodus The days of Pharaoh they started turning on each other when the plague started to happen The more the plagues started to take place and the more things started to intensify and the more damage that was done to Egypt you have people right next to him saying Pharaoh let him go their God is the real God give us some reprieve from what’s going on help us and he wouldn’t there was turmoil in Pharaoh’s house there was a divide some people wanted him to keep going they wanted to keep the slaves and some people wanted to get rid of them and God calls these people the Pharaohs of today same things happening second paragraph. A collapse of a government is near, oh United States. A great fall of a coup and of an administration that was never meant to be. One that was a show and it was not real. A great collapse of a narrative and a great lie upon this nation. Things have been building up until this very time. Let’s look at, um, okay, let’s look up what a coup is. They say it’s going to bring down a coup and a big lie. What’s a coup? A sudden violent and unlawful seizure of power from a government. Well, you could say a stolen election is sudden, violent, unlawful seizure of power from a government. So you have an Establishment, you have how they seize this country with a fake administration, put them in there, make it look real, as real as it can be, and they overthrew the rightful sitting President. And now you have them interfering in an election again, this time in greater ways, for trying to throw their political opponent in jail. They’re trying to, you know, make him into a felon, which he’s not. They’re trying to take him down every way they can. It’s another form of a coup. They know he’s a real President. They know he has the power. They know it. They’re doing anything they can to stop it. It won’t work but what we had to do when the land of Goshen when they saw how God was coming down against the enemies of Almighty God you know there were people in the camp that were excited because they saw there was judgment coming they were gonna be released and they truly believed the Word of God and you know those other people freaking out petrified fearful God make it stop and and what he was doing was that he was doing that to save his people and They couldn’t see it there are people right now that Are the same way? but again God saying a great wakening is taking place. That’s why there’s such a shaking People somebody just said rest in our in our Lord. Amen. We’re supposed to rest in our Lord We’re supposed to rest in our Lord and not on a person How many times has God had to tell us over the last few years? It’s not gonna take an election to save this country It’s not an election. That’s gonna save our country It’s God the President the real one God’s David Cannot say this country without God And the power of God and the knowledge and the revelation of God and how to do it It’s God’s power remember what he gave in that prophecy a couple weeks ago was right before the The debate and God was telling President Trump you are my David But I am the power the driving power of the stone God is that driving force He’s a power of the stone that will take out the Giants You can’t rely on a person we have to stop relying on someone other than God. Yes, he uses people, and yes, he’s using him. Yes, he’s anointed and appointed him, but he’s limited without God, just like we are. We’re just mere men without God, but with him, we’re unlimited. That’s why we have to put our faith and trust in God, and people have to stop trusting in this election. God keeps saying it’s unconventional. It’ll be unprecedented. It’s not gonna be like every other one. He’s saying that. He’s warning us so people don’t freak out when they see it differently. It’s already been differently. We already know it’s unconventional and unprecedented in so many different ways. This is not a normal election cycle and IT DOESNT TAKE AN ELECTION TO BRING PRESIDENT TRUMP BACK IN It just doesn’t. If he won the last one, he still has the right to that seat. He didn’t have to win another one. He won already. It was stolen and God said he’s bringing him back. He He is bringing him back. He didn’t say an election was gonna bring him back. He said HE was bringing him back. Will we have one? I don’t know. If we do, great. If we don’t, okay. Doesn’t matter to me. I don’t really care. If we have one, I’ll go and vote. And I’ll pray over my ballot like I always do. And I’ll pray over the election like I always have. But if we don’t have one, I’m not gonna get up in arms about it. I don’t care. Because I know either way, God’s gonna do it. God doesn’t need man’s ways to get his ways and his will fulfilled. God doesn’t need man and their ways. He is all-powerful. God can do it any way he wants. So how he’s gonna do it? Don’t know. Is it gonna be awesome and cool? Sure will. If he says Red Sea like moments, the Red Sea was pretty awesome. And he says moments. He’s not talking about one Red Sea moment. They had one Red Sea moment, but we’re gonna have multiple. Something that we can’t predict. Something that we would not see coming. God’s not gonna give us every piece of the puzzle. He’s not gonna give us everything that’s gonna happen so the enemies can’t interfere. You know the enemies are watching. You know the enemies listen to the prophetic. That’s why they mock them so much. That’s why they try to destroy And twist the words of God that’s why they try to even have people in their own camp come out against them Because they know how powerful prophecy is and People believing in it Prophets have always been attacked But God no matter what God will have his way Let’s keep reading Now that’s what say what in this in this paragraph again a collapse of a government is near. Oh United States a great fall of a coup, which is like a coup d’etat, it’s something where, again, you have something that was real and that was rightful by law, and you have another group of people destroying it and overthrowing it and stealing it away of a coup and of an administration that was never meant to be, one that was a show and it was never real. Remember how he’s talking about a movie and he’s talking about actors He’s talking about the directors and the producers and he’s gonna said I’m gonna reveal the cast That I mean, it’s real with a credit scene It’s a movie It’s not real It’s fake. That’s why God keeps telling us things are not how they appear to be There’s a lot of confusion and disinformation going around that’s why we’re supposed to trust in God and have that focus on him a great collapse of a narrative and a great lie upon this earth Upon this nation. Excuse me. Things have been building up until this very time we’re talking about a great collapse of a narrative and a Great lie upon this nation things have been building up until this very time So now he’s talking about how we are seeing this is time of a buildup So it’s almost like where a volcano is about to erupt and you’re seeing some seismic activity You’re seeing that kind of rumbling. There’s any kind of shaking You might see smoke coming out the the volcano and it’s like there’s signs of an eruption Cuz God talks about it right here He’s talking about this more than once he’s talking about several different times to us about an eruption of truth a landslide a dam of lies breaking is We giving us all these different ways of looking at perfect storm I told you an eruption would take place an eruption of truth that is destroying and tearing apart this lie that held you in great captivity what hell is in great captivity an Establishment lie upon lie election fraud upon election fraud destroying our justice system destroying our Constitution Destroying our education system destroying the body of Christ. They were everywhere. They have bettered themselves everywhere Then he says this, AN ELECTION IS NEAR BUT NOT HOW YOU SUPPOSE So we’re thinking, we’re just going to go do the same old, same old. That’s not what it sounds like at all. I told you my children, unconventional. You will see something take place that you will not see coming, no, not in this way. So he uses that word unconventional again. Let’s go look up that definition unconventional not based on or conforming to what is generally done or believed now he’s using these words and he’s using these words a lot so again unconventional not based on or conforming to what is generally done or believed so it’s generally done we usually have a like a normal election. And he’s saying in this prophecy, an election is near, but not how you suppose. I told you my children, unconventional. It’s not based on what normally it is. Let’s look up the meaning, because that was the definition. There’s usually right here, unconventional. Not conventional, not bound by or conforming to convention, rule or precedent. Free from conventionality. So if you look at this right here, not conventional not bound or conforming to a convention rule or precedent Well, we know what have like that like inside. Okay. This is an election year. This is what we this is normal steps This is what we normally do and God says look It’s not conventional Unconventional he also uses that word unprecedented unprecedented without previous instance Never before known or experienced example or unparalleled So without previous instance, that means it’s never happened before like that That same way And people are looking for the things to keep going in the same way. It’s not gonna go the same way It’s not gonna go in that same direction Unconventional unprecedented and God also talks about unusual unprecedented What’s the meaning? It has never happened before. It’s never happened before and God keeps saying it. Okay, I always like to look that up because, again, when you’re looking at it in the prophecy, and a lot of people do know these definitions and what these words mean. But, again, it’s part of that in-depth study of what you’re seeing in a paragraph like that, and you’re seeing it in that sentence, and it puts it in such a broader perception of what God is talking about in these words. That’s why I’m a definition person. I like to look up definitions and meanings when I’m studying the word of God, it helps me. All right, now he talks about unprecedented. AN UNPRECEDENTED CHAIN OF EVENTS IS NEAR So what did we just learn about unprecedented? Things that never happened like that. Never happened before. Unprecedented or never happened before chain of events. So things are gonna start happening and we’ve never happened to them that way before. That’s why God keeps talking to his children, stop looking to things that are normal. And then the same mundane thing or the same thing that usually happens. He said, stop, that’s not what’s gonna happen. An unprecedented chain of events is near, events that will change the course not only of this nation, but nations all around the world. So they’re unprecedented or things have never happened before like this and it’s not only in this country the United States of America It’s gonna happen all over the world Why? Why are these chains of events happening? And people are gonna be wondering this Because some people get confused and some people get worried and some people get into fear and God says look Events that will bring down the Giants that took over a nation that never belonged to them Giants who infiltrated stole Manipulated and better themselves into your government and everywhere in your nation to overthrow the American people and any rights you had Because this Establishment did not just affect this country The Giants in this land not just affect this country. They were embedded and infected They were spreading all over the world. That’s why it’s a global government you have the The WHO, the World Health Organization, the WEF, the World Economic Forum. It was a global scale problem. Not just this one. It’s calling them giants. Well, guess what? They are giants, but who cares? Look what a teenage boy, David, the teenage boy took down Goliath, who was the biggest and the worst enemy they could have faced at the time, nine to 12 feet tall, and God used a teenager with a slingshot. It was God’s driving force behind that stone. It wasn’t David himself. It was just the faith that David had in God was that the reason why God was able to use him. All right, let’s keep going. That’s huge revelation, huge revelation that someone needs to hear. And you God’s know who that is. All right. My army is moving forward advancing in their movements To remove every last one of them from your nation and your government. Now, what army is he talking about? He’s talking about the angel armies He’s also talking about us Well, how are we removing people with our words? With praying with believing we’re trusting in God Remember it says in Luke 10 19. Okay, let’s go. Let’s turn there Sometimes I get to preaching and I just quote stuff and God’s like, no, and he’ll pause. I’m like, okay, I gotta turn that on. All right, Luke 10 19. Behold, I’ve given you authority and power to trample upon serpents and scorpions and physical and mental strength and ability over all the power of the enemy possesses and nothing shall in any way harm you. Well, it doesn’t sound like we’re behind the eight ball. It doesn’t sound like we’re weaker than our enemy. It sounds like he He said he’s given us power and authority and dominion over all the power of the enemy. Here’s another scripture Go to Jeremiah. I gotta watch my time here. I have a meeting at 8 o’clock and there’s sometimes I can Barely get done before that. Okay Jeremiah chapter 1 in verse 10. Look what he says right here We’re the army of the Lord. Remember we’re in the army of the Lord. We’re children of the Most High God Look what it says Jeremiah 1 10 see I have appointed you this day to oversight of the nation’s And the kingdoms to root out, pull down, to destroy, overthrow, to build and to plant. We are here to overthrow, to root out nations, governments, unruly rulers. I can get into that, but I don’t have a lot of time today. All right. Let’s keep going. Cause I mean, I’ve gone over a lot of this with you God’s before. My army is advancing forward, advancing in the movements to remove every last one of Them from your nation and from your government God’s that I set you to be oversight of the nation’s and that’s what we’re doing We’re using God’s authority Okay Let’s keep reading. Hold on my United States for great changes coming. I don’t know how many times has God tell us about change coming a Reset is taking place. What is he talking about a political reset? Any reset of his church? people just look into a government and it’s not you have to have that a church that’s powerful enough and have a revelation of God so enemies can’t get back in your government again the church has to be just as strong the church has to be involved in our government and I know I will make people mad saying that and that’s okay a reason is taking place removals will begin to pick up speed now look removals will begin to pick up speed in ways you would never have thought of I would say that’s unprecedented. It’s gonna happen in ways we never thought. Things that never happened before. My children, the land of my eagle, the scenery in your nation will dramatically change. The scenery, so what it looks like in our nation is gonna dramatically change. How things are now to how things were meant to be. How things were meant to be. We’re meant to be a free country. And we haven’t been. Not only a government will be eradicated By the ones who put them and knowing a government will be eradicated But also the ones who put them in those positions will be annihilated with them So you’re gonna see the puppets removed in the puppet masters God keeps talking about puppets. He keeps talking about actors. He keeps talking about Pharaohs up today. It’s all the same Including your three-letter agencies now, they’ve been involved. They were supposed to be for us and I’m not Saying this Not every person is bad in them You have good people in the CIA, you have good people in the FBI, you have good people in the NSA. You have good people in these agencies. But they’ve been embedded with evil. So pray for those who are in there who are good. So they get promoted. So they get in those powerful positions. To bring God back in those agencies. That he was kicked out of. Including your three letter agencies, their power, their control. Now look at their hidden Assignments and their hidden agenda Will be exposed They have hidden assignments and hidden agenda Whistleblowers will come from everywhere God’s talk about these are the days of the whistleblowers Whistleblowers will come from everywhere It’s now time for their boldness to crush the head of the snake that has brought great deception to this land The head of the snake. What is it the enemy the devil? Well, he was a snake, remember, in the Garden of Eden? He got in the Garden of Eden to deceive Adam and Eve out of their power. He said, whistleblowers are coming to crush the head of the snake. Truth is gonna destroy deception or lies. And he’s been saving back whistleblowers and protecting them for the right time. So they’re gonna crush the head of the snake. I’ve told you before, the old guard, now he’s bringing them up again. This is the Establishment. It’s the swamp. It’s the globalist. Whatever you want to call him. I Told you before the old guard we brought out from their hiding places Put out in the open on display To be exposed to be removed and a brought to nothing. That’s why he allowed the 2020 election They could not have stolen it if they wanted to no matter how many stupid fake ballots they had Or whatever, you know thing they did electronically Wouldn’t matter. They’re not bigger than God. They didn’t outsmart him He allowed it He’s not going to allow it again. That’s why there’s an awakening a DOJ whistleblower No, this one now he’s talking about whistleblowers a DOJ whistleblower is about to come forward to bring that department down to nothing. A great landslide of events has started to bring down corruption in my land. So again, now you’re talking about the DOJ. We already know, God’s, we’re talking about Merrick Garland, he’s already been talking about how evil they are and everyone in it, he says now there’s a whistleblower that’s gonna come out. In a landslide of events, it’s like what happened with the debate, there’s been a landslide of events that have already taken place, and we’ve only seen the beginning since that debate against Biden. Now you’re gonna start seeing things again, telling you it’s gonna get involved in what’s been going on with these indictments. It’s gonna put it all together. How they were connected and how they were assigned and they paid people to do it. It was all fake. Then the Secretary of Defense will be removed out of his position and not as you suppose. So the Secretary of Defense, I don’t remember his name. I can see him. I know he’s been in and out of the hospital recently. And I think he was the same guy. I’m pretty sure it’s the same guy who had surgery and he lied about it or something. I don’t remember. I think that’s the Secretary of Defense. I could be wrong. Lloyd, I don’t remember his name. Anyway, he’ll be removed out of his position. It’s all coming, great exposures with more. Now listen, you talked about a vacating of a seat of the presidency. Now look, it’s all coming and great exposures will more vacating of seats of power Secrets are coming out like never before my children get ready for those removals and are these removals and great changes? My nation is shaking loose from its captors. Never be taken hostage again. Oh, thank you Lloyd Austin Thank you. I knew you God’s would know you God’s are so smart You God’s help me out when I’m stuck because I don’t know some of these people I don’t know. So Lloyd Austin. Thank you. He’s the Secretary of Defense Alright, so let’s keep going. So my children keep praying keep believing. I’m moving I’m saving my nation and Red Sea like moments will take place one after another and nobody else will take the credit or the glory for This mighty victory in this nation. Sayeth the Lord your Redeemer. So again, it’s not gonna be a person that’s gonna take credit for this a Lot of people are looking to our rightful President it. It’s going to be God that’s going to get credit for it. And will, you know, President Trump be restored? Yes. Will God vindicate him? Yes. Will God restore everything that’s been stolen from him? Yes. But again, it goes back to the power of Almighty God. God is gonna do it. And so I want to pray over all of you and this nation. And I want you God’s to pray over your nation too. And we’re gonna pray about that hurricane so I’m pretty sure that is it hitting Texas right now it’s hitting Texas right now okay thank you Chris all right let’s pray over that hurricane that it’s not it was designed to do something but it won’t be able to do what it was meant to do so let’s hurricane barrel so a Father God right now in Jesus name I just looked up right now we lift up this country to you and And Father God wherever that hurricane is in Texas We bind its power and you said in your word Father God that we will do even greater things Jesus said we will do greater things because he goes to the Father and he spoke peace to a storm So I’m not what that storm looks like no matter what is designed no matter what they try to do to make it more powerful Father God, we thank you. It will not do as it was supposed to do We will not have the cause of destruction. It was not that was meant to cause And we Father God we pray for the people and protection of that storm That it will not damage their homes. It will not damage them Father God the way it was meant to I Plead the blood of Jesus Father God of the people in the path of this storm that Father God for their protection protection of their lives protection Father God of their property protection, and we call peace in the name of Jesus Christ. Father God, I thank You that You’ve given us all power, You’ve given us all authority, and You’ve given us all dominion upon this earth over all the power of the enemy. Father God, we know the power of the enemy is using it in storms, using it in politics, using it against us, Father God, in our laws, using it against us, Heavenly Father, with our finances, using it against us politically in our elections. But Father God we thank you that we are cutting off the head of the snake of the deception and others Corruption that is going going on all over the country and in the body of Christ. We thank you Father God for truth that’s prevailing for truth Father God that your people have that discernment They will know what’s really true and what’s fake and what’s a lie They will not be moved because they have that firm focus foundation on you you’re strengthening them in this time and you’re giving them peace and rest so Father God we call down the corruption in our government we call down the corruption in the body of Christ we call down the corruption all over this land all over the nations we call it down like the Walls of Jericho Father God we thank you told us a shop like we’ve never shouted before so we are going to shout down evil we’re gonna shout down the plans of the enemy we thank you no matter what they’re trying to do and to bring in another war try to do to bring in chaos in the streets to try to do to bring into vision in the body of Christ try to bring division in our nations we call it down to nothing because they are nothing compared to you Father God I thank you for a hedge of protection around your people and hedge of protection around President Trump and his family and Father God I thank you For protecting them from any thing any weapon that was formed against them It shall not and it will not prosper No matter if it was trying to try an assassination Well, they’re trying to destroy him politically matter. They’re trying to destroy him financially No matter the weapon that was raged against him It will fall flat fall short and come to nothing and I thank you Father God that they are Spirit-filled I thank you Father God that their eyes are open and their hearts are softened to you to receive what you have for them And I thank you Father God that they will hear your exact words For this very day in this very hour and what you need for revelation to give to them That they will have that revelation and no imposter and no person that’s trying to use it To try to twist it It will come to nothing against them. So we thank you Father God For their protection their family’s protection for everyone around him and surrounding him people who should not be there will be removed and People who are supposed to be there will be brought there. And so we thank you Father God for that family We thank you Father God for their perseverance and for their strength God give him unprecedented amounts of joy. Unlimited. Joy that they’ve never experienced before and a peace that they have never known. And the same thing goes not only with President Trump and his family and his team, but every single person that’s watching. They have what they need from you. Unprecedented and unlimited amounts of joy. Father God, I thank you for strengthening us. I thank you, Heavenly Father, for awakening the body of Christ and for doing things that no eye has ever seen, No ears ever heard We thank you that we are partakers of it in Jesus name. Amen So tomorrow I will be on tomorrow morning Because I know the Lord has another word or I would not be on it There’s a couple ones that I have to get out this week and I will be back on tomorrow morning I will have Rudy Giuliani back on with me again at 10 o’clock Central Time So you will see me two times tomorrow and then you’ll see me two times on Wednesday because I’ll also be on with Pastor Dave Once again, and so this is gonna be an amazing week And I know because this is the day that Lord has made we will rejoice me glad in it So just go in his peace receive God’s peace receive God’s joy and everything He asked for you again, if you have any prayer requests all that information that you need is in the description box Okay, you can write us our email addresses or you can go to our website you to email us you can go to our You can write us You add our addresses there and also if you want any thing for Julie Greene ministries merchandise You can go to threesonstrides.com. Okay, make America pray again And that’s exactly what we need to do and make your nation pray no matter where you live prayer and using the Word of God is that sword of the Spirit. It’s that weapon that we have to use right now like never before. So I hope this encouraged you today. Please like, subscribe, and share and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs to hear truth because the truth will set you free. God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day.


WOW In the US leadership Vacuum “AN UNPRECEDENTED CHAIN OF EVENTS IS NEAR. Events that will change the course, not only of this nation, but nations all around the world.

This will likely include foretold unexpected deaths like Chuck Schumer Senate leader and a simultaneous death in the House. And foretold is Joe faced with being forced from office, outs himself as an actor.

An “eradication of a government” is powerful language. And its certainly something only a God could do. And its what we mortals can only wish for.

Removals are continuing weakening the corrupt regime daily and whistleblowers galore are promised to land killer condemnations on the corrupt government. More than we could wish for.

The critical main event, “the unprecedented” chain of events cant be far off.

I am excited beyond words.

And still I note in the mainstream there is no formal method for connecting to the spirit.

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