Searchable Transcript for the Serious


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Goood uh Morning Everybody today is actually Tuesday February 6th of 2024 you will see this on Friday February 9th because I am out of town in Oklahoma so I wanted to make sure that you receive this so I’m at an event I’m not speaking at it that’s why it’s not on our webpage but I am at an event so I wanted to make sure that you receive these prophetic words I’m going to share with you today this powerful prophetic word is called

I received this on January 31st of 2024 and I will actually share my screen with you because this was a prophetic word I heard while on a prayer call when I was in Washington DC before I get to that if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports please go to our website at JGM International that or gun or our contact page or you can rise at Julie Green ministries international 4620 East 53rd Street sweet 200 Davenport Iowa five to eight zero seven and then of course if you want any Julie Green ministries merchandise you can go to three sons threads calm and again this Ministry does not receive any of the proceeds for that the our part goes to various charities so I just want to let you guys know that again there’s a lot of God WINS products and I want to just plaster that everywhere because God does win and we all know it and our enemy needs to know it in a big way Alright so now’s all the announcements and I am going to share my screen with you and then I will be back shortly you


For I the Lord I’m telling you this day that Truth is filling this earth I said Truth is filling this earth I’ve told you like a flood I’ve told you like a volcano I’ve told you like an avalanche I’ve told you that their walls are crumbling I told you that their dam of lies is breaking I told you this this fourth of this year this year 2024 I am going to reveal I’m going to expose I am going to show the proof I’m going to show the truth I am going to show every single one of your buildings in your capital I’m gonna show you every dirty deal I’m gonna show you every single wolf I’m gonna show you every single snake I’m gonna show you every single rat I’m gonna show you all the money, all the blood money I’m gonna show you all the bribe money. Oh bribes bribes bribes there has been one bribe after another there has been one thing after another that they have done to shut the mouths of people that are around them. They were gonna spill the beans or tell the truth but I will tell you that these people there’s a boldness coming on my people in the capital there’s a boldness coming on my people in the capital I am bringing boldness to them I am bringing boldness to them the ones who I have sent there there are people that are sent there that you have no idea were on the side of Truth that You had no idea were on the side of life, that you had no idea were on the side of America because there have been deep fakes there have been plants there have been a there are there have been there’s people that I have put in different positions that have infiltrated- I put people in different positions that you had no idea were on the side of life but also there are people that I will show you that look like they’re on the side of life and they were actually on the side of death and destruction I told you that I am rooting out the deep state I’m pulling every single one of their roots out of the ground the deep ground that they have tried to bury these roots try to grow these roots they have tried to destroy this nation but I will tell you they will not destroy a nation that I have already blessed my children do you hear what I just said THEY CANNOT DESTROY A NATION I HAVE BLESSED I have blessed this nation you haven’t seen some of the fruit of that blessing recently because of all the corruption and all the evil and now you have kicked me out of many things but now my people are humbling them themselves and they are praying they are praying and I said if you humble yourselves and pray I will heal your land it looks like a brokenness there looks like death it looks like destruction it looks like chaos it looks like a great divide a great divide but I am the great uniter I unite I unite my children in my name I give you power I give you authority I will give you what to do I have given you marching orders there’s A GREAT SHAKING COMING TO THIS CAPITAL I said there is a great shaking a great earthquake coming to this nation and coming to this capital and you think of earthquake you think of naturally well I’m gonna show you how I’m gonna shake this capital I’m gonna show you how I’m gonna shake you loose from these people I’m gonna show you I’m gonna shake you loose on their power I’m gonna show you how I’m gonna shake you loose from their life I’m gonna show you how I’m gonna shake you loose from their oppression I will show you justice like you’ve never seen before.

Say Lord, you’ve said certain and similar things before yes I have but have you gotten it down into your heart are you believing me are you celebrating are you in joyful glee because of what I’m about to do for thee ? Or do you see what they’re doing and you’re getting frustrated you’re getting overwhelmed you’re getting over the burden on some people the burden in your hearts because of what you see instead of believing me I am repeating certain things my children so you understand that I am in control you’re gonna see something happen in this nation naturally in this capital specifically you’re gonna see something shake but you’re also gonna see something spiritually your enemies are going to scatter and they are going to run and they’re going to flee in multiple different directions because of me I said I am cleaning out the House I said I’m cleaning out the Senate I said I was cleaning out that White House I said I was cleaning out the Supreme Court and that’s exactly what I’m going to do I am true to my word Great exposure is coming not only for the Democratic Party oh yes a great divide is coming to that party there’s coming great death to that party and not just physical A death to their plans a death to their chokehold, a death to everything that they were doing against you because I am tearing it apart I’ve heard the cries of my people they have said my words and I’m faithful to perform them this is the hour that I’m telling you my children, I’m going to expose them but I’m going to expose every person on the right and every person is on the red I’m going to expose all the ones and masks I’m gonna expose all the ones that have been causing these bribes, dirty deals and blackmails to so many people in the government bribe upon bribe blackmail upon blackmail and I’m going to reveal to you all the ones who’ve been silenced all the ones they killed for their propaganda for all the ones that they killed and it’s going to shock you how many deaths occurred because of your government militarily governmental everyday citizens I’m going to expose

Oh Hollywood oh yes I’m going to expose it all so get ready and get prepared for this mighty shaking that I’m doing in this capital the mighty shaking I’m doing in this nation to shake you free for your Jubilee to shake you free for these celebrations to shake you free from the life that I have for you a free free free I’m shaking you free so get with me in this time get with me and start to celebrate with me start to rejoice and what I’m doing start to rejoice that I am the great I AM start to rejoice and you will see and you will feel the shackles come off quickly you will feel your chains break you will feel the oppression leave you will feel the depression not only the oppression but depression be destroyed on your behalf the darkness the heaviness be destroyed on your behalf so rejoice this day rejoice in my way and with me sayeth the Lord

Julie Commentary

Okay so in this prophetic order can of course I will go back over it but I think he was getting our attention again he repeats certain things especially when it comes to shaking it comes to cleansing it comes to exposing and the one thing that he the one word he kept saying over and over and over again was BRIBES and so we’ve seen one I don’t know if it was a couple weeks ago when it came to Carrie Lake which is it was a huge breaking out of Arizona what they were trying to do to keep her from running out of the Senate running for Senate and God has been showing he’s going to show even more of these kinds of things and the reason why I was able to see that is because that was part of a prophetic word that he said he was going to reveal all of the corruption in Arizona there has been plenty plenty of prophecies regarding Arizona and how he was gonna expose all of them so in this time that God is saying he’s cleansing but he says not only there’s a physical shaking in this nation there’s going to be a spiritual shaking in this nation he talked about a shaking in the Capitol people automatically think it’s an earthquake and he was showing it’s a spiritual shaking he said was a shaking to shake our shackles off and their oppression and all of their control all of their plans and that’s what he was saying over and over and over again and he’s trying to get our attention with giving us this truth and showing us all this proof it is already shaking us loose let me say that again when he’s showing us a proof and he’s shaking or he’s showing us a proof he’s revealing all of these things he’s saying I am going to shake you loose with all the proof we have to as a body of Christ start believing and relying and trusting in what God is telling us so he’s saying every lie will be revealed there’s two different places you can find that in the book of Luke EVERY LIE WILL BE REVEALED one of them I don’t have it pulled up right now so I’m going off memory as I do most times but it is Luke 8 17 for nothing is secret that will not be revealed for anything hidden that will not be known and come to light so what enemies are trying continuously all the time hiding things one of the things that even said in that prophetic word is that there’s been a lot of death there’s been a lot of people that have been silenced there’s been a lot of murders in order to keep with their secrets in order to keep the corruption in order to keep the propaganda going but scripturally God’s saying right here no are FOR NOTHING IS SECRET THAT WILL NOT BE REVERALED NOTHING HIDDEN THAT WILL NOT BE KNOWN AND COME TO LIGHT You also find this I’m pretty sure it’s Luke 12 I’m gonna look this up because I know I’m pretty sure it’s Luke 12 also because I want to give you more than just one if I stop bad figuring it sure it’s Luke 12 Luke 8 17 is why the first one I gave you but I know there’s another place in Luke Luke 12 I was right all right I was just yeah here it is I just had the page turned one page more Luke 12 and verse 2 For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known so again two places Luke 8 17 and Luke 12 and verse 2 there’s nothing covered that will not be revealed nor hidden that will not be known and then Luke 8 17 said let me go back to that one again because that was as a little bit different for nothing is secret that will not be revealed nor anything hidden that will not be known and I like this one a little bit better because it says come to light well God is light and when there is darkness there’s usually secrets and things that their enemy is trying to lie and cover up in darkness but the light will reveal and expose it and so in this time we are going to see light exposing even mentioned the dam of lies so if you say think of a dam naturally for water it holds up the water from you know that it also causes electricity and power and and I don’t know much about dams I just obviously I’ve seen them but I don’t know exactly how all the things that they work but I know it they can do power out of a dam and if you think about this for a minute like the Hoover Dam it’s huge most people know about the Hoover Dam we watch water that holds back and think about that that ever happened if it ever broke How much water and the force of that water being released because there’s nothing there to hold it back anymore and how much destruction that it would cause well God is saying it’s the dam of lies that had been held back again think about Hoover Dam and think about all that has been holding back for a long time I don’t know how long the Hoover Dam has been there I don’t remember but I know it’s been there for a long time think about the force of all that water if that dam were to ever break and how much destruction it would do to anything in his path well that’s what God is saying to us there are lies that have been held back and all of it and how much it’s been for so long like I said the Hoover Dam has been there for a really long time let’s look that up okay cuz that bothers me I don’t know so I just make it real all right I don’t remember how long it’s been there for actually the power plant yeah which I knew it I knew dams could create power um it was constructed between 1931 and 1936 during the Great Depression I knew it was a long time ago um but again it’s like you’re seeing that and you can you can picture that you could picture a dam breaking you can see the force and God is saying the force of all their lies that they have held back every secret and it’s going to be released think of the force of that think of the damage that it will cause to our enemies not to us it will cause to our enemies and all the power like you know that like I said Hoover Dam it causes it has power it causes power well again because it says right here it is um David’s a concrete arc gravity dam in the Black Canyon of the Colorado River on the border between the US states of Nevada and Arizona where did say that it was um hold on a minute I just had it here too you get my point but what kind of power it creates okay power production Hoover Dam generates an average of about 4 billion kilowatt hours of hydroelectric power each year so this thing how much that does it creates 4 billion kilowatt hours of hydroelectric power each year for the use in Nevada Arizona California enough to serve 1.3 million people think of the power of that dam well think how much destruction would do not just by the force of water but by the force and what we do for the destruction it would cause because electricity that it gives out the power that it gives out our enemies have done so many things against us in this nation and all the power that they’ve had and how they’ve controlled so many people and affected so many people with their lives and God is giving us this perception of how much damage this will cause when it breaks loose the destruction and the chaos in the side of the enemy and the shock you know things don’t like that break it would bring shock to people because it looks like it’s impenetrable and nothing would happen to it now I’m not saying it’s going to because I have no idea that’s not something that the Lord had given me I’m just using it as an illustration now something um also that the Lord has been giving us a lot when it comes to what’s going on with our government what’s going on with all the lies they are hiding and how they’re controlling people He’s given this scripture out Psalm 33 Psalm 33 in verse 10 the Lord brings the counsel of the nation’s to nothing he makes his plans he makes the plans of their people of no effect he keeps talking about their plans of what being no affect doesn’t matter what they’re going to do or what they try they will come to nothing so I want to go back over this prophetic word you scroll back up here and again bribes this is what’s called bribes in your government intelligent agencies corporate America and Hollywood are all being exposed there’s a lot of bribes to keep up people’s mouths shut there’s a lot of blackmail to keep people’s mouths shut there’s been a lot of people silenced permanently to keep their secrets and he’s saying all of these things are going to be revealed EVERY LIE WILL BE REVEALED and remember everything that’s been stolen has to be given back so and that is Proverbs 6 30 and 31 when A thief has been caught he’s got to give back seven times let’s be specific Proverbs 6 31 alright says for I the Lord am telling you this day the truth is filling this earth I said truth is filling this earth I’ve told you like a flood I’ve told you like a volcano I told you like an avalanche I told you their walls are crumbling and I told you their dam of lies is breaking so right there think of all the damage and the power that um a flood has I mean I live by the Mississippi River and I’ve said that you know the floods destroy a lot of things around it when the Mississippi comes out of its banks you can cause a lot of destruction and a volcano a volcano can do the same thing he mentions an avalanche it can do the same thing he’s giving us these illustrations and showing us this is how big and how damaging that this truth will be to the enemy and every single one of their lies that they’ve been hiding and he says I told you their walls are crumbling I told you their dam of lies is breaking I told you the force of this year I thought that was interesting when he said that the force of this year this year 2024 the force of this year in 2024 for what what force the truth all the exposure all the information that’s going to come out the force again the dam of lies is breaking and the damage it will cause to all this corruption and all this evil and all of these people that have been holding us in this under this tyrannical regimes and of the deep state and all of their injustice and all of the things that they’re doing to us God’s saying the force of truth it’s going to destroy like a and it gives the example of a flood an avalanche a volcano you could say even a hurricane this is I’m going to expose I’m going to expose I’m going to show the proof I’m going to show the truth I’m going to show every one of your buildings in your capital now I thought that was very significant I was just there I was receiving this prophetic word while I was in DC and he says how I’m going to show every single one of your buildings well what are the buildings their secrets in them there’s things hidden in them there’s things the enemy doesn’t want us to know in these buildings he’s showing us not only what’s in what the people are inside but he’s showing us the buildings there are things that are hidden I’m going to show you every dirty deal I’m going to show you every single wolf now he’s going on to the people so first he went to the buildings or first went to the lies then he went to the buildings and now he’s telling now he’s talking with people I’m going to show you every single wolf I’m going to show you every single snake every single rat I’m going to show you all the money it all and that so he says all the money and then there’s blood money that’s different I’m going to show you all the bribe money so there’s money then there’s bribe money or blood money then bribe money all the bribes bribes bribes and he says it three times there has been one bribe after another there has been one thing after another they have done to shut the mouths of people that are around them so we know majority now now all of them there are some amazing politicians and amazing people and I love them and I appreciate how they can stand up in the midst of such darkness and corruption and still be bold when they’re the minority this says they are going to spill the beans or tell the truth so they said they’ve been bribing people and shutting their mouths around them so they wouldn’t spill the beans we would say or tell the truth they didn’t want people to tell the truth so what do they do they blackmail them they bribe them well they’re trying to do a care like that to run for Senate they bribe about up to a hundred million dollars so she wouldn’t run for the Senate seat can you imagine all the dirty things that they have if they if somebody knows a secret about them a dirty secret about them and what kind of the things are gonna either threaten them with or bribe them with this isn’t she’s an honest person and they were trying to bribe her with almost a hundred million dollars to not run for the Senate seat in Arizona why and who back east was the one doing it we’re gonna find all this out and more bribes for sure that’s what he’s saying this is the time that all the bribes are gonna be exposed um then he says but I will tell you that these people what the people that he is sent there there’s a boldness coming on my people in the Capitol is what the Lord is saying there’s and he said it again there’s a boldness coming on my people in the Capitol so in DC the people that are there guys saying I’m going to give them a boldness the ones that are there for him I’m bringing boldness to them I’m bringing boldness to them he says it again says twice or three times he says the ones who I sent there there are people that are sent there that you had no idea those people that he’s telling us we have no idea who’s good and some people we have no idea we’re bad uh so he said I have there are people that are sent there that that you had no idea we’re on the side of truth you had no idea we’re on the side of life that you had no idea we’re on the side of America because they were deep fakes so it looked like they were so real it was like so real that they were playing a part remember God said he’s in traded infiltrators so there are people on the side of this corruption that look like they’re corrupt people and God is saying they’re fake their plants I put them there I’ve infiltrated the infiltrator infiltrators he says there have been plants there have been there’s people I put in different positions that have infiltrated again God is God knows the ends of the beginning so he knew exactly who to put and who would do this who would have the willingness to do it and do that deep undercover to do what God was asking him to do I put people in different positions that you had no idea were on the side of life but also there are people I will show you that they look like they were on the side of life when they were actually on the side of death and destruction so again it’s both ways they says I told you that I am running out the deep state what he’s running them out of our capital he is making them on the putting them on the run is what does that mean I’m pulling every single one of their roots out of the ground the deep ground that they have tried to bury these roots to try to grow these ruts they have tried to destroy this nation think about that how deeply rooted the establishment is in our nation because he said it’s been over 100 years we had no idea but it’s been that long so think about a tree grew if a tree was over 100 years old like when we went to California when we were at the reawaken and the date like one of the days before we came home we went to the Sequoia we saw the Sequoia National Park I wanted to see these big massive trees I could not even it looked like something out of a movie I couldn’t even fathom how big these things were I mean they were just huge they were huge around and how tall I’ve never seen a tree that big in my life and I’m sitting there thinking how big are the roots like there was one that actually had fallen over and a couple of our you know team were trying to you know climb up it and they were huge just think about that from I mean I don’t know how long how old those Sequoias are but I know that they’re big and their roots are huge so the establishment in DC they have very deep roots in our nation and how they’ve controlled our country and they’ve controlled other nations and other nations have been trying to control this nation there’s been bribes there’s been payoffs there’s been all but all these other nations our government has paid other foreign governments and nations to do things to us and we had no idea so he’s telling us about how deep these roots have gone and he’s pulling them all out like say friendship if you think about a thistle um when we first bought our house there was a lot of thistles and and toward our backyard and I remember trying to pull these thistles out and how massive and how strong this little plant but how strong those roots were and how deep they were how big they were I had no idea if look at the surface it didn’t look that much it looked that bad but until you really got in there and dug and dug that out again we’ve seen what’s on the surface we haven’t seen the roots and God is pulling it out but I will tell you they will not destroy this nation that I have already blessed my children do you hear what I just said they cannot destroy a nation I have blessed I have blessed this nation you haven’t seen some of the fruit of the blessing recently because of the corruption and all of the evil and now you have and now you’ve kicked me out of many things the church kick got out of our schools they let prayer stop being said they let the government go unruly I mean and I’m just all this corruption is because God was taken out if you don’t have God in your government what do you have left what are you left with you’re left with evil God’s not there you’re left with evil evil but the enemy has so twisted the separation between church and state that people were truly believing it was real and they didn’t realize you were uninviting God out now I obviously we didn’t do it personally but people did do it intentionally our government did do it intentionally they twisted what that meant and they got people to believe it and he says but now he said so you kick me out of many things people didn’t realize it but now he’s saying but now my people are humbling themselves and they’re praying they are praying and I said if you humble yourselves and pray I will heal your land and it looks like brokenness there looks like death and it looks like destruction it looks like chaos it looks like a great divide and he says it again a great divide but I am the great uniter I unite I unite my children in my name I give you power I give you authority I give you what to do I have given you marching orders there’s a great shaking coming he says it again coming to this capital I said there’s a great shaking a great earthquake coming to this nation and coming to this capital and you think of an earthquake you think of naturally well I’m going to show you I’m going to shake this capital so he’s talking about this is a spiritual earthquake I’m going to shake you on what I’m sorry I’m going to show you how I’m going to shake you loose from these people I’m going to show you how I’m going to shake you loose from this power I’m going to show you how I’m going to shake you loose from their lies I’m going to show you I’m going to shake you loose from their oppression I will show you justice like you have never seen before Sayeth the Lord you’ve had you’ve said or you said sorry Lord you’ve said certain and similar things before yes I have but you’ve gotten it down into have you gotten it down into your heart are you believing me are you celebrating why would God have to repeat himself just like I’ve had to repeat myself with my kids because the first time they didn’t hear me second time didn’t hear me and I was the third time they didn’t hear me didn’t have to get louder and so I look at him and said did you hear what I said God is getting our attention do you hear what he is saying he says are you are you in joyful glee because of what I’m about to do for thee are we rejoicing we should be if we know and we truly believe that God’s going to do something we’d be rejoicing he says or do you see what they’re doing and you’re getting frustrated you’re getting overwhelmed you’re getting the burden on the overburdened for some people people are so some people are getting overburdened the burden in your hearts those people overburden you said in the burden in your hearts because of what you see instead of believing me I’m repeating certain things my children so you understand that I’m in control you’re going to see something happen in this nation naturally in this capital specifically you’re going to see something shake so you’re going to see something spiritually your enemies are going to scatter and they are going to run and they’re going to flee in multiple different directions because of me I am cleaning out the house which is a house of representatives I’m cleaning out your Senate I’m cleaning out your White House I’m gonna clean out the Supreme Court and then he says and that’s exactly what I’m going to do I’m true to my word great exposures coming not only for the Democratic Party oh yes a great divide is coming to that party there’s coming great death to that party and not just physical to death to their plans death to their choco death to everything that they were doing against you because I’m tearing it apart I’ve heard the cries of my people they have said my words and I’m faithful to perform them this is the hour that I’m telling you my children I’m going to expose them but I’m going to expose every person on the right so don’t talk about the Republican Party that’s what talk about the Democratic Party he’s talking about a Republican Party he says on the side of the right in all the ones that are red the ones that are against him so he’s showing the Democratic Party that also showing the Republican Party because they’re a UNIPARTY party we think it’s the right of the left when they’re actually just one big huge political mayhem mess and they are you know one party that they have tried to destroy us with and guess this is an illusion you have free and fair election it’s illusion that you have you have your pick of choice of you know politicians or you know your Presidents or whatever they have people on both sides so they win either way and you lose either way they’ve done it on purpose it says I’m going to expose all the ones in the masks I won’t expose all the ones that have been causing these bribes dirty deals blackmail to so many people in your government bribe upon bribe at blackmail upon blackmail I’m going to reveal to you all the ones who have been silenced all the ones they killed for their propaganda and for all the ones that they killed it’s going to shock you on how many deaths occurred because of your government now what deaths military deaths governmental deaths so people in our government so government has called people in the government to die in everyday citizens I’m going to expose oh yes Hollywood I’m going to expose it all so get ready to get and get prepared this mighty shaking that I’m doing in this capital the mighty shaking I’m doing in this nation to shake you free and for your Jubilee to shake you free for these celebrations to shake you free from the life that I have for you free free free I’m shaking you free so get with me in this time get with me to start to celebrate with me you start to rejoice and what I’m doing search rejoice that I am the great I am search rejoice that you will see and you will feel the shackles come off quickly you will feel your chains break you will feel the oppression leave you will feel the depression not only the oppression but depression to be destroyed on your behalf the darkness the heaviness to be destroyed on your behalf so rejoice this day rejoice in my way with me sayeth the Lord so again what is he saying he is going to rot out he’s going to destroy he’s going to annihilate he’s going to bring to nothing the enemies and every single thing that they’re doing against us there’s gonna be now I think about shaking shaking wakes people up people that were completely blind and people that were innocently blind and had no idea because they didn’t never never heard the truth but God is saying now he’s gonna show the truth and show that show the proof and it’s undeniable and that will set so many people free so there’s a lot of things that are gonna happen but he said the force of 2024 that’s shocking the force because of the glory because of the God said I don’t I think you’ve already seen it already maybe you haven’t because I’m pre-recording so I don’t know what I’ve said and what I haven’t said yet but there he said up we talked about a hurricane you know about the force of that hurricane but it was not a natural hurricane it was a spiritual hurricane and what’s the damage it’s doing to the enemies of Almighty God and all their plans so that wakes people up I mean that that would make people leave their homes or they get prepared when people know of a storm coming they get prepared God is telling us that storm is coming a spiritual storm is coming and we’re supposed to get prepared like you would if you lived in you know with hurricanes in Florida or wherever if you live where hurricanes can hit you get prepared you board up your homes you get your you know food supplies you get whatever you need to prepare for that storm that’s coming that’s gonna come to shore and guys think there is a storm coming and we need to be prepared and how do we get prepared it’s a spiritual storm we need to prepare spiritually in the Word of God and with him so I want to pray over each other one of you Heavenly Father right now in Jesus name I just looked up every person sound of my voice and I thank you Father God that you are preparing our hearts that you are preparing our minds that you are preparing our families and you are preparing us in every way for what is about to come with all these shaking with all the storm Father God that you talked about the spiritual storm storm of judgment the storm of justice and the storm of vengeance and we thank and praise you that every lie is being revealed we’re calling out every lie we’re calling out every bribe we’re calling out every dirty deal we’re calling out all the the money trails to come forth and to be released out on the public Father God we thank you that every thief will be revealed and they have to give back everything that they have stolen Father God we thank you for strengthening us with your word you’re setting us free with all the words that you’re giving to us so often and we thank you for your love we thank you for especially for your long-suffering Father God and your patience with us when we’re learning all these things and we’re uniting together we’re praying for a unity in the body of Christ and a unity in this nation and we think that no weapon formed against us no divide no nothing the enemies have they will not prosper because you said in your word no weapon formed against us will prosper so we thank you for all that you have done and all that you are doing and we thank you Father God for it in Jesus name amen and amen again God is in control and God WINS so I hope I encourage you today please like subscribe and share and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word who needs to hear the truth because the truth will set you free God loves you I love you and God bless you and have a wonderful day


So before the actual destruction of Washington DC the rats the snakes vermin, the blackmailers, are all going to be exposed as in Luke.

Written thousands of years ago.

So that’s a lot of material to be exposed to open our eyes.

And the real physical civil war arrives in DC which finally destroys the City of Washington DC with its Vatican constitution.

The hard core Elites cant hide and have nowhere to go. So they decide to fight.

Donald Trump returns as president without an election into a NEW capital city

Simultaneously the Globalists are outraged about Tucker Carlson interviewing Vladimir Putin.

Guy Verhofstadt Hitleresque former head of the EU is calling for the Assangification of Tucker Carlson while Farmers are blockading every European capital including Brussels.

And the EU is simultaneously intending to confiscate our personal transport by making it illegal to repair petrol and diesel cars. So we can’t get the Havana Old car society situation.

Sales of Electric Cars are falling precipitously in the UK and the House of Lords are blaming an English Comedian who is a qualified engineer who did an informed hatchet job on EVs in some written article.

So the Elites have nowhere to go, well and truly.

This is so exciting

Will this comedian be jailed next ? Actually he deserves a knighthood for killing Electric Cars

Desperate EU trying to eliminate personal transport for their enemies. Us the peasants.

My suggestion is the EU will fall first, maybe this year, putting a stop to all this nonsense. An alliance of Motorist parties with Farmers parties could destroy the EU. And elections are coming soon. November.

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