Searchable transcript for the serious


Now pay attention to the intro boys and girls New Format

Goood uh Morning, Everybody. It’s already Wednesday and it’s July 24th of 2024 and I’m so excited to be with each and every one of you today Once again, because I’m gonna start giving you prophecies fulfilled every single day I think the Lord has been just revealing so many different words. So many things are coming to pass He said it’s a time of the things are intensifying. We see that things are intensifying We see prophecies are just being fulfilled all the time and at some point even the naysayers and some People who are against God gives the prophetic They’re going to see and have their eyes open and their hearts are softened toward God that God is speaking and that God is declaring these things upon this earth because he wants us to be in agreement with him and he wants us to see that he is So amazing and he’s so good and he’s so great and he is giving us the news Before the news and God always gives us a warning because just like what he said in Amos 3 7 He doesn’t do anything without first revealing it to servants the prophets So we are seeing Prophecy in the news all the time and I don’t know if you God’s are getting excited But I know our team is getting extremely excited on a continual basis because we’re just seeing it We’re sharing all these prophecies fulfilled all the time when they’re seeing it because we’re seeing the goodness of Almighty God so it’s a great time to be alive and I did see in the chat this morning. Some people did remember their homework. So I’ll be talking to you about it later. I Even had I honestly I’ve been so busy. I even had to ask what it was So, but you God’s remembered, some of you God’s did, and I know you God’s are, you God’s were having fun in the chat this morning once again. And so I just, I mean, I’m setting, I look up and every once in a while, I just have a chuckle, uh, seeing you God’s’ comments. So anyway, I love you all. I hope you God’s know that I do love each and every one of you, uh, you are a blessing to us and all of us here at this Ministry. So thank you. Um, but I want to give you God’s some really good news this morning of prophecies being Fulfilled and some of you God’s might already know this because this prophecy was given out Just on Monday. Actually, it was just on Monday and This prophecy actually was regarding it says you are about to see more disruptions And it was regarding Kimberly Sheetal. That is a the Secret Service director. Well, she was Well on Monday, so I got this prophecy on Saturday early morning I don’t close around 5 o’clock in the morning or something and I gave it out on Monday and This is what it says WOE to you Kimberly Sheetal. You think you can hide behind the Establishment that they will protect you and keep you safe in your position of power But you haven’t considered ME I will remove you and the choice is not yours to stay there The pressure is building and evidence is coming to expose you iand the ones who gave you that those directions It collapse is coming from the bureaucrats running your agency Oh, yes I will also clean out the Secret Service of Traitors and I will start with YOU And he says Kimberly truth is coming with no way of stopping it sayeth the Lord of Hosts and it was just yesterday It was announced that she was Secret Service director Kimberly Chetal. She she’ll she resigned Well, she was forced to Resign because it wasn’t her choice to stay and remember what God just said now this was just happened yesterday I think I was on with my dear friend Marty From out loud mouth prayer. I think this came on right before this news broke out But this was again God said on Monday and it came to pass on Tuesday already now we all seen She was refusing. She was not gonna step down. She was refusing and God was sitting there saying to her Look, it doesn’t matter what you say in what you do. You are going to be removed You’re going the pressure is going to build and you’re me report forced out and she was forced out Yesterday so and this is just the beginning Again, just because she’s being she was forced out. They think the pressure is off of them Just like they think the whole entire thing with they caught the shooter. The shooter is dead. So there’s justice, you know No, there’s not because there’s there was more about this story. It was a setup It was something that was going on that was a plan by the Establishment and God is going to reveal it You have to understand and God’s been saying this preparing us for a long time. They have fall people they have people that are they will dispose of and they don’t care about and she was one of them and It was horrible to see that the Biden and again, you know, it was not really him. But the Biden came out and Congratulated her for all the job. Well done. I don’t know how you can congratulate somebody who just allowed in a tap as a assassination attempt on your opponent, but Anyway, so yeah, and then everybody saw There was a lot of the evidence that was just coming out of the Biden because everyone was wanting proof of life And then we saw him out of nowhere Walk up the big boy stairs and that’s I thought that was kind of weird actually Because he hasn’t used the big boy stairs in a long time and all of a sudden he was using them Yesterday out of nowhere. He looked not good So we’ll see what happens with that. But no matter how many people they try to put in that position It’s not going to work. And again, God keeps talking about Kamala and she’s not the replacement no matter what it looks like right now. They think they have it in the bag, but God’s going to ruffle some feathers again. I want to give you another one This is regarding. I’m gonna see if I can share my screen with you so you God’s can see this here because I couldn’t share my screen with you on this one, but I’ll share my screen with you on this other one. Okay, let’s see here. What prophecy is this one? Okay, because I have a lot of prophecies up right now. All right, here we go. This is from, let’s see here, what day? I think it’s 2022. Yep, February 22nd, 2022, massive turnarounds and transfer of the rightful governments. And this is regarding a senator. And this is what it says right here. A senator is about to step down out of embarrassment and shame, and his lifestyle will be exposed with video recordings. My children, with this, it will show you that they will all fall, all who are against me. So I want to show you this right here and what this was saying on the news. In New Jersey, Senator Bob Menendez’s corruption trial after weeks of jurors saying secret videos, gold bars, piles of Kash. All examples of what prosecutors say were lucrative bribes the powerful senator exchanged for favors. Menendez is… So I just want to show you that because again, God has been talking about all this stuff before it even happened, before it was in the news, and now all of a sudden you’re seeing all these exposures, but God is not done. I want to show you even more of these things of what God has been saying about what we are about to see regarding the Biden. So I’m going to share this screen with you here. I said I can’t wait till I get the producer. He’s he’s on standby here. Hopefully he’ll be here soon so I don’t have to do this by myself anymore and it’s better for you. I do my best. I try. I try really hard. Okay, this is the one I I want to share with you. Look what the Lord says on this one. This is from January 6th, 2024. Unusual things will start to take place in your White House. And January 6th, but it was published on January 18th. So this is what this one says. Look what happens right here. Watch the next steps the left takes to remove the Biden and Kamala. Now saying and Kamala, so they’re not done removing people yet. It will shock you how fast they could get rid of them. the massive fighting has grown in the White House and great animosity for one another and the staff because they were Rebelling and wanting them both removed a plot to remove them is about to be seen They will have no more use for the Biden or Kamala They know they have no chance of victory and they cannot afford to lose this election or control There’s a lot of things I want to show you here Here’s another one The puppet masters has also given their permission to stop propping them up They want to move on with another one to replace Joe and Kamala But little do they know I have control of their tongues and more truth will continue to pour out on live TV with no one Expected it they will continue to call them gasp But I’d said truth like a flood some people won’t be able to believe what they just came out of their mouths Because it was such explosive information. They thought they could never that they thought could forever be kept hidden. Now, this one was from January 22nd, 2022. And then here is another one. I’m gonna show you something that was just hidden, but is now being revealed. Because just like when you God’s saw the other day, Kamala came out and she was doing one of her first speeches or whatever, and she accidentally was saying recording of Joe or of the Biden, and she caught herself and then she got really uncomfortable and try to, you know, have her little hyena laugh, but it wasn’t enough. They caught her saying it was a recording of the Biden. Now here’s another one. This is from, the proof is coming that the Biden is the fall man for the Democratic Party. This is from February 11th, 2024, and it was published, the video, on February 20th. So let’s just see what it has to say right here. My children, I am not done exposing the Biden, and a great reveal will soon take place, exposing the ones who put him there and controlled him. Remember, I just showed you, I think on Monday, where the Biden said that Obama was the puppet master. So if Obama is the one in control and Biden’s not, then really what has been going on and what we’ve been seeing for the last three and a half years, it is being exposed and God even said that their tongues were going to be their worst enemies. But there’s gonna be even greater reveal. He said their communicate their the communication lines have been cut and many recordings are being exposed showing how Obama Controlled this White House and acted as a sitting President Putting forth the policies. He wanted all along but he wanted someone else to receive the backlash Especially if the nation did not like what he had passed that way He did not get the blame or the hatred for doing it Then the next paragraph I will prove Biden was a fall man for the Democratic Party Well, I think we’ve already seen that because they threatened him last week and they were threatening the 25th amendment You know, they’re probably threatening some more of the stuff that he has Skeletons in his closet and also threatening with with Hunter and they threatened him and there was a coup against him again God says these are the days of Haman They made a coup against President Trump and now you saw a coup against Biden days of Haman more prophecies I’m not gonna get on to those today, but we are seeing this come to pass right now I will prove the Biden was a fall man for the Democratic Party and all their failed policies He’s proving to be too much. So now you will see them slowly remove him They are embarrassing him leaving him on his own blackmailing him and using his son to convince him or to force him to step aside We saw them force him to step him aside. They they forced him to step aside And it says watch what they are about to do next against him. It was shocked this nation Also watch what happens to the Biden live on air. They cannot control this fall no matter how hard they try It is failing faster. He’s failing faster cognitively and making a nightmare for them Well, we obviously have seen that look what how the the what they did to him, of course with the debate We already know that God said it was going to be a landslide It was a landslide since then of their forcing removing him out of that position of power I also want to show you something else. It was extremely important that the Lord said was going to happen. I Got to find Which one it is because again, I have a lot of these out Because this was something that happened just the other day I’m gonna look it up again. Hold on a minute. Because God talked about an underlying health problem. I’m gonna show you what has been coming out in the last couple days with this underlying health problem that they tried to hide the other day. I thought I had it out, but I have too many screens up, so I think one of my screens is hiding it. So, just a second. And yes, I do have another Prophetic word that I’ll be getting to here in a minute. Here it is. Yeah, here it is and I did have it up Okay, I thought I thought I did. I just didn’t see it. Okay Here I’ll share this screen with you now. I want you God’s to see this because they were just talking about Him having a stroke and they’re trying to hide it All right This is from again I have to I just have to show you God’s these because it’s so important to know that God is the one who is speaking these words God is the one who’s saying it and that’s reason why you’re seeing them come to pass So this word is proof is coming that Biden is a fall man for the Democratic Party February left 2024 I was just reading this one, but I didn’t go down far enough. All right now look at here. We’ll go down here Yeah, I stopped it right before I started reading this. So I apologize. I stopped it right with him being live on air It was the next paragraph that I was looking for There is an underlying health problem that they did not see But soon the world will know without the deep state being able to hide it This will take place live for the world to see not only the fall of the Biden But also the fall the Democratic control and the deep state control one fall after another they think they by letting the Biden go They will say themselves, but it will be the exact opposite. It will cause them to fall Faster now. I want to share with you. I have to get this open here Thank you, Mary Lou she sent this to me the other day Now this is an email. Hopefully I can share this screen and I don’t know if I can or not I don’t if it’s gonna let me Share my screen when it’s an email. I Wish I had somebody that could do this for me. So I’m just gonna read this really quick If you God’s haven’t already heard it was I mentioned this yesterday I can hopefully, hold on, if I can open this link. Yep, there you go. I can open this link and I can share this one. Okay, this is from Charlie Kirk and there was other people talking about this too that I’m not gonna be able to pull up. Again, it was an email. So I’m gonna do the best that I can to read this to you, but look at what Charlie Kirk posted on X. And this was from July 22nd, as you can see right here. It says got weird lead on a story that people should look into I got a call from a source close to the Las Vegas Metro the official story was that Joe Biden’s trip was cut short last week due to COVID however, according to this source US Secret Service Informed the LV Metro the Las Vegas Metro that there was an emergency situation Involving Joe Biden and to close necessary streets so that the POTUS to be transported immediately to the University Medical Which they had began to do in earnest then mysteriously There was a a stand-down order in the US Secret Service Informed local Vegas PD that they were going to the medevac POTUS to Johns Hopkins so they were gonna medevac him and Then it goes on to say which they were presumed meant to fly him back to East ASAP Apparently the rumor mill in the police department was that Joe was dying or possibly had already died. I Didn’t think too much about this lead and it seemed that was too wild to be true But given that Joe Biden has been out of the public sight for days and dropped out of the race via on X post This is bother his brother James Indicated health was a factor I’m beginning to grow more curious of COVID or something else had been serious that that then reported if anyone with LV Metro has information, please email that in of course it says what was his information is now I want to read something else you in an email like I said if I can open up a post This is a post. I think it is. Hold on Here’s another one and I don’t know who this person is. So No, it won’t let me open up the screen for this one. This is crazy So this is another post from X When Joe Biden began his campaign trip in Las Vegas last week Everything seemed to be running smoothly as possible for an 81 year old President and physical cognitive decline on Wednesday BIDEN was scheduled to deliver a keynote at this unidose US annual convention if I pronounce that wrong, I apologize at the MGM grant and thousands attendants and Anticipate his arrival within the venue located right off the Las Vegas Strip the President’s secret Security detail and motorcade required massive outside support from Las Vegas. So she’s saying the same exact thing. This is Josette Coursor, I don’t know how to pronounce her name. I apologize for that if I’m botching it, but then there is another one here Here I can’t even open this one up either This is crazy where I can open up some of them. I can can’t open up other ones, but this is from an article and it says Exclusive President Biden suffered an undisclosed medical emergency during his time in Las Vegas Police sources say Air Force One flew so fast the plane shook on its way to the East Coast. This is from Jordan Jacket L. It’s SCH ACH TEL. This was from July 23rd. And again, if I say his name wrong, I do apologize That was also on it. So there was tons and tons of reports of something happening. There was another report of him having a Stroke or many type of stroke you saw where I gave you Benny Johnson had on the other day where there was a video Where he could barely get in the car So something there’s an underlying health problem that guy was talking about and the enemies are trying to hide it Okay, but God’s saying it cannot be hidden because it’s gonna be too obvious people are paying attention And people are not gonna sit here and just allow all these narratives by the government And by the even the Secret Service you see what they did to President Trump the other day now what they’re trying to hide with The Biden it’s the most Disgusting thing in the world now. I’m not again. I’m not saying that everybody from the Secret Service is bad. It’s not it’s the upper echelon It’s the bureaucrats. They’re the ones that are hiding the truth They’re not being transparent if he had a medical emergency the whole entire United States of America Had a right to know this medical emergency, but they’re trying to hide it But I’m telling you there’s gonna be more people that are gonna come out and discuss Because of all these things that are trying to hide but again, I want to share this with you again God was saying that this is proof that it’s coming out So I want to read that and I then I’ll get to the prophetic word That God has today but Here it is again There is an underlying health problem. They do not see so obviously they were not in a test Anticipating the stroke and of course you’re seeing in the last couple days where I did a prophecy fulfilled video on or in the morning Right before I got to the prophecy yesterday morning of them calling in the 25th Amendment first They were gonna say impeach which they did there’s articles of impeachment Against Biden and then all of a sudden now they’re gonna start doing the 25th Amendment. They’re not done They’ve already started the 25th Amendment talks, but now you’re starting seeing more 25th Amendment But there’s something that they’re missing here. It’s his underlying health problem that they’re not gonna be able to control He says but soon you the world will know without the deep state being able to hide it So we’re gonna start seeing more of this underlying health problem that God’s been talking to us about Since the date of this one again was February 11th 2024 so there was an underlying health problem That’s why it’s so important again to see what God is saying and what the enemies there’s so much disinformation and there’s so much Confusion going out there people are saying well, is this the same one or not from last week? Who knows who knows if it’s the same one or not? I don’t even know I haven’t gotten a really good close look at him or not But I’m telling you there was somebody even there was evidence yesterday That came out when he made that supposedly phone call which even she Kamala said it was a record and then she stabbed what she’s saying Recording somebody had put it up to an AI and they said a 98 Possibility of it being an AI recording and it wasn’t actually somebody’s real voice So there is technology out there and I don’t know what it is I don’t know what that is But I saw it in a short video again of lying and their narrative is being exposed and people are blowing this out Everywhere all over the place because they’re trying to lie to us and it’s not working Okay, so be focusing on what God is saying what words he is saying and not focusing on what they’re doing Because God is the one who’s in control. All right. Now I’m gonna get this prophetic word today. And this is something that we all God’s been talking to us about praying about standing and about fighting and this is gonna be a Prophecy that you’re gonna realize why we’re fighting a fight Because, um, I was excited about the convention the other day because it really seemed like there was a lot of unity. There was a lot of prayer. There was a lot of mentions of God and what he just did for a rightful President. It was an amazing to see so many people mentioning God, bringing up God. But the Lord had given me a prophetic word before that RNC happened. It was I think was like Monday morning. It didn’t start to like Monday afternoon It was a private one that I had to give to someone and it was warning About even though it may look like people are uniting and it may look like things are going in the right direction That there are TRAITORS still there are people that have infiltrated that That still and it wasn’t just a convention but the actual party and so there was part of it to a Someone personally and then all of a sudden now he gave me this it was on Sunday early morning And I’ve had confirmations of this even after that So I’m gonna give this one to you and be very careful and I don’t want you to get in fear about this We have to God is exposing this in order for us to pray about it And so this is something with a very very don’t put your guard down is what this word is talking about Don’t put your guard down This is from the first one. I heard two or three that day. I think it was at least two. I heard a private one So I think two that I’ll give out publicly and one was private that I stopped to give out yet So this is from the Sunday July 21st, this is the first paragraph first paragraph

 My children in the land of my eagle You still have many dirty politicians Influencing controlling manipulating and are doing everything to take out this nation still It's not just on the side of the left I'm about to shake DC. Yes, I'm about to shake both parties There has been a unity you see on the side of the red, but don't let your guards down. There are many working and many have infiltrated this side. There are spies and many who are dedicated to take down My David even if he was to win this election. They see the handwriting's on the wall for that to happen, so they have a plan in place to still try to take him out. To stop him even after the next or even after this election from their impending doom I must shake this nation even greater My children to destroy their murderers Treasonous Traitors who refuse to let go of power and refuse to let go of this nation Whistleblowers are coming. Yes But it still isn't enough for the full changing of the Guard. You need me for that. My children, the old Guard is more desperate than ever before to get rid of President Trump and to get rid of this movement that has begun. I will expose the ones on the right that are connected ever so deeply to the left. and ever so closely to my David. They are trying to move in closer to take another shot in another way at him, but they will not gain access as they suppose. I am halting the ones that are trying to get next to him to take out my David, not only politically, but are trying to deceive him spiritually. This is a warning to those who say they are called by my name. And you look like you are from me when you are not. The more you move forward with the plans you have to get close to my David, the more you will be exposed. Not only to my David and his family, but I will expose you to the world that you are not from me. Many of you have tried to sabotage my chosen children but your efforts were for nothing. My children great exposures are coming for the body of Christ. Get ready to hear shocking information on who was deceiving you all along. Yes there will be deep fakes and I will prove these videos are fake. It'll be obvious to my remnant what to believe and what not to believe. Shock is coming of the wolves in my church. And I am cleaning house. Just as you saw in my word when I overturned the tables in what was supposed to be my own temple. I am doing the same thing again. Things are drastically changing in churches all over the world. My children, your enemies will try every angle they can to take out this nation spiritually. So start to pray for truth to prevail and any liar, Traitor, false prophet, false teacher, false preacher, false evangelist, and false apostle will be exposed and I will show who is real and who isn't. To the Republican Party, I am about to shake you free from Traitors if you let me. Don't comply to lies you have been told and accept things you shouldn't or allow things you don't believe in. Listen to the ones who want you to compromise on your beliefs or platforms. They are wolves. They are to make you fall. They are to infiltrate. They are to spy to take you down to weaken you Don't look to other Gods Look to me I'm the only one you will see that can be trusted I'm the most high and I am totally will set you free. I will totally set you free. Just let me in so you can win. I have told this to my David, and I'm telling you, too, politics and policies must change to save your nation. I am warning you, do not compromise. Do not give in to that pressure you feel. I am bigger than the threats and the backlash. Don't fall for it because of money. Listen to me now, party of the red, and I will separate you from all the blue that has gotten inside. I will destroy the roots of the swamp that has penetrated in your midst. Great shaking is coming to free you from what has been from within. I'll read that again. Great shaking is coming to free you from what has been in. From within, yeah, from within. Change is coming to your party and to this nation in a major way Sayeth the Lord of hosts this is my children continue to pray for my glory in your government and in our political parties a Political reset is upon you that will change the course of this nation. Don't stop now Stand pray shout your enemies out Sayeth the Lord your Redeemer 

Julie Commentary

So he is showing us to not put our guard down. After you see a great victory, which he did for us with saving President Trump and with that attempt to assassination, how we saved our nation, how we saved President Trump. And we saw a lot of things happen in the convention that were awesome and amazing. So some people just want to relax and go things are going the right direction. Thank God I can take a break. and God saying, no, there are deeply rooted things that are wrong. And I was just told something that went along with this prophecy far worse than I ever imagined. So when God is telling us, do not go by how things appear to be, because it looks like things are really good and it looks like things are going in the right direction, nation, but people are making decisions that are compromising to our nation. They’re compromising to our platform. They are compromising to the written word of God that we cannot stand. We can’t stand here and just let it happen. The enemy wants us to compromise and fold and This is where we have to as a nation and as the church in the body of the Christ We have to stand in agreement with Almighty God to expose expose expose and people are only paying attention to the left stop There’s an Establishment. It’s a uni party. It’s not just one party It’s a uni party and you think that they’re all gone all of a sudden out of the right side. They’re not There are a lot of wolves that are still there There are Traitors There are people that are in there to spy There are people that are in there to totally try to take President Trump out along with everything. He’s going to try to do in this next election or For his next election. That’s right. They try to compromise him, which is not gonna work But they’re also gonna try to compromise his presidency They’re not done Just because they lost what they tried to do to him the other day doesn’t mean they’re gonna stop doing things to him They’re gonna keep doing things to him. And that’s why we have to keep praying for him But he said they’re not even just try to destroy him politically, which they’ve already tried doing that But now he has been humbled and now he’s seeking God more. So now they’re going to try to get him with spiritual, they’re trying to, they’re going to try to, um, infiltrate. They’re going to try to take him down spiritually, try to bring a confusion and get him where he’s believing that he’s believing the right thing when it’s really not. Some things are from God when they weren’t. So they’re going to try to destroy him spiritually as well That’s why we have to keep him up in prayer and keep up our nation up in prayer because the enemies are not done with their infiltration They’re not done with their um destroying our country They’re not done But also what God is saying to the ones who are it look like they’re in the body of Christ when they’re really not And he was telling them the more you move forward closer to my David the more exposure you will receive and When God has been talking about what he’s doing in the body of Christ. This is why it’s so important You have not only infiltrators politically that have infiltrated our justice system our House of Representatives our Senate our Supreme Court and They’ve infiltrated with President Trump Not only politically they’ve also infiltrated spiritually Now I’m not saying every person that’s by him spiritually is wrong. That’s not what I’m saying. I don’t know who’s all by him I have no idea. I don’t have their names. I have no idea who they are All I know is he’s being infiltrated on all sides and there’s been a lot of warnings about that and this is where we come in as a remnant where we come in and we tear these walls down and And we call these infiltrators and we call these wolves and sheep’s clothing to be exposed We can’t let our guard down but something that Jesus even did and it gave this as an example even in the prophetic word and It was very very important to know why he said that Where he said where Jesus overturned the tables in his own temple Why? Because evil got into the temple. The world, how the world works, got into the temple. And that’s exactly what’s been going on. There are people all over the place that say they’re children of God and they’re in Ministry, and they’re not. I mean, they are, it looks like it, but they’re not. And so God is saying, I’m overturning the tables again. But this time it’s gonna be even greater level of an overturning Because he’s gonna show people who is with him and who isn’t with him because even warns us about these things but let’s go to Let’s go to Mark. Let’s go to Mark’s version because this is in the Gospels. Let’s go to Mark chapter 11 This is really important to see this and you know that Jesus had not just a normal anger. This was a righteous indignation Because instead of representing God and representing what is true, representing holiness and the love of God and the nature of God, they were just like everyone else. And that’s how some of the churches already compromised today. Same things, the same spiritual thing that’s got into the church as it got in the temple where I’m about to read. Same thing. Nothing new under the Sun. So if you saw Jesus overturn the tables in the Bible Why would he not overturn the tables right now and the same things going on but to a greater degree? So look at Mark chapter 11 start with start with verse 15 Mark chapter 11 verse 15 and they came to Jerusalem and he went into the temple the area of the porches and the courts and and began to drive out those who sold and bought in the temple area. He overturned the tables of money changers and the seats of those who dealt with thugs. Verse 16, and he would not permit anyone to carry any household equipment through the temple closure, thus making the temple area a shortcut traffic lane. Verse 17, and he taught and said to them, it is not written, my house shall be called of a house, Is it not written that my house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations? But you have turned it into a den of robbers and thieves Now again, it’s not the fact that anyone has money Or ministries to have money. That’s not what God is saying at all. It’s not what Jesus was saying That’s not the reason why he overturned the tables It was because they didn’t care about how they would compromise themselves because of money The love of God and the respect for God and the obedience of God they threw it out because the love of money That’s why God says in his word the love of money is a route to all evil. He doesn’t say money is evil It’s the love of it. It’s putting it in front of God and That’s what these people were doing He’s saying you’re supposed to be my temple and you’ve turned into a den of thieves and God is saying this is exactly what’s going on right now in the churches. That’s exactly what’s going on all over the place. And they’re trying to get into the politics because now you have, again, you have President Trump looking, you have him paying attention. And now all of a sudden he’s saying, these people are trying to get even inside the government to still keep that spiritual wall, to try to keep the blocking of the glory of Almighty God and for God to take this nation over because we are supposed to be one nation under God, but there’s been so much infiltrating in the body of Christ and there’s been so much evil in the body of Christ. It’s like a den of thieves and he’s saying, look, I’m going to overturn the tables again. And that’s why he says he’s going to separate the wheat from the chaff. That’s why he says he’s going to separate the wolves and the sheep. We’re going to start seeing that. When he’s saying we’re going to be shaken as a nation, that means it’s going to be shaken in the church and it’s going to be shaken politically. And people think you’re seeing a downward spiral and implosion of the left. God said it was gonna happen He’s been saying it for three years. It’s gonna happen he’s been saying that that they were gonna let Biden fall to save themselves from imploding and We’re seeing that take place as we speak right right now as we’re speaking. We’re seeing that a vision in a great divide But God is saying look There’s been a great divide and a great division in my church that people aren’t paying attention to There has been wolves. It’s a den of thieves. They’re tearing each other apart. They’re trying to tear down my chosen ones They are bringing so much division and so much discord so much hate and so much unforgiveness and so much bitterness God’s saying I got to overturn the tables to get rid of it Why because God wants to show His Glory and his love upon the earth and he’s got to do it for the church So, of course, there’s going to be a shaking in the body of Christ before there’s an even greater shaking politically. We’re going to see a shaking in the church, but we’re also going to see a shaking on the side of the Red. People think that the Republican Party isn’t going to be touched. Yes, it is. It’s going to be touched, and it’s going to be shaken violently. Because there are people that are there that look like they’re there for the right reason when they’re there to spy and they’re there to be deeply rooted in and planted in that side in order to take him out and President Trump out in another way after the election They have failed safes They’re gonna try to take him out before which we already saw They’re gonna try to take him out after If one thing doesn’t work, they got another thing if plan a and plan B and plan C and plan D They’re gonna keep having more plans And that’s why God is revealing this to us, not for us to get frustrated, like when is this ever going to end? God’s going to end it. He promised us that. He is going to end it. But what we have to do is we have to stay on the side of God and we have to start praying and confessing, declaring, and decreeing that all their fail-safes will fail. And we have to start praying that the wolves that are inside of that Republican party are going to be removed. They’re gonna be unmasked Whether they’re spiritual wolves or where their political wolves We have a job to do because we’re in the army of the Lord and we have to clean house We have to clean up shop. We have to God said don’t do business as usual We can’t keep doing things the way things were being done. And if again if you think That there are certain people that in the Republican Party now and everything’s gonna be hunky-dory That’s not what God said now, he’s gonna start to shake it because there are things and decisions that are being made that are going against God and It will shock a lot of people if they hear it and I believe they will It’s all gonna be exposed Go to Haggai chapter 2 and it says in verse 6 Thus says the Lord of hosts yet once more in a little while I will shake and make tremble the story heavens the earth the sea and the dry land So again, God’s talking about a shaking. Verse seven, I will shake all nations and the desires and the precious things of all nations shall come in. I will fill this house with splendor, says the Lord of hosts. God is not done with not only getting rid of the evil, but filling his house with glory. But he can’t fill his house with glory if it’s full of den of thieves. And he says in verse eight, the silver is mine, the gold is mine, says the Lord. Verse nine, the latter glory of this house With the successor to which Jesus came shall be greater than the former says the Lord of hosts in this place Well, I give prosperity says the Lord of hosts and look at what verse 22 says haggy. I to verse 22 and I won the distant future overthrow the thrones of the kingdoms that means politically and Spiritually that we’re against God. He’s not gonna just he said everything that can be shaken will be That doesn’t mean we’re just gonna see political shaking That means we’re gonna see shaking in everything the finances the church Governments, we’re gonna see entertainment. We’re gonna see the seven mountains of influence be shaken everything That’s why God’s telling us prepare I will in the distant future overthrow the thrones of the kingdoms and I will destroy the strength of the kings of Of the unGodly nations and I will overthrow their chariots and those who ride in them and the horses and the riders shall go down Everyone by the sword of his brother now. I want to read something like I said sometimes Now I have shared this with you God’s When God shows you People trying to destroy you like we saw people just try to destroy our nation. We started seeing the uncovering of the swamp back in 2015 when President Trump came out, you started seeing the swamp and the Establishment come out even greater and they’re foaming at the mouths now like rabid dogs and you see the things that are going on and they’re making it more evident but we didn’t know that there was an Establishment there. We didn’t know these things and so sometimes when things get revealed to you it can be discouraging because the Lord was showing me something in my own Life in this Ministry what somebody was trying to do people were trying to do and I said well What am I supposed to do about it? And he said just like I showed them and just like I showed all of you in this nation I’m showing you to do something about it. So as he is uncovering these things. He’s not asking us to get discouraged about it He’s not asking us to get you know That you know really super angry and offensive and bitter and it’s our tearing after somebody No, we had to start knowing how to pray about it God’s uncovering all these things. It’s just like he says in his word in Luke Chapter 8 and also chapter 12 how he says everything that hidden will be made known So he’s exposing all these things and he said a landslide was gonna start happening He said a volcanic eruption of truth is gonna start happening. The dam of lies of the enemies is breaking So all these things that he’s of course, he’s talking about this violent shaking So what we have to do is realize when all these things that some things that you can hear It can be discouraging to hear him Even some things when I was hearing this prophetic word about the Republican Party and what was going on that discouraged me Because I was like fan Lord I just I was so excited about what was going on and what I was saying And he said do you think the enemy had given up yet? And I was like, well, no, well, he has he has it That’s why we can’t let our guards down Don’t let your guard down this is where he’s telling us to press in and to fight even more turn to Daniel and Daniel 2 and I think it’s Daniel 2 that I want hold on I think it is Daniel 2 in verse 34 as you look a stone was cut out without a human hands without smote in the image on his feet of iron back clay of the Potter and broke them to pieces. This was talking about that vision of the kingdoms. It was a big huge golden image but it had like gold and had the silver and had the bronze and the clay and it looked like a man. Let’s talk about how a stone was thrown at this image. Read the whole entire thing. It’s a great chapter. I love Daniel, Book of Daniel. But if you see how the stone was thrown and it destroyed the statue that represented the kingdoms of this earth, it represented the global government or the global control. And it’s funny how it says a stone, as you looked, a stone was cut without its human hands and which smote of the image on feet of iron, backed clay of the potter, and broke into pieces. A stone. What has God been saying about President Trump and his stone? And God said he was the force behind this stone that was going to destroy the giants in our land. So there’s a lot of things that are going to start happening that people are not going to understand. You’re going to start seeing things fall apart. God said violent shaking. He’s trying to get our attention Now I want to go over a couple things and then I gotta go back over this prophetic word Daniel 2 verse 44 Look what says it here and and in the days of these Kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which will never be Destroyed and the kingdom shall not be left to other people in this shall break into pieces Consume all the kingdoms and it shall stand forever. At some point in this time that we are living in God will destroy every kingdom upon this earth that’s against God. And so we see all these things and all these people that have risen up against God. You see all these people that are trying to destroy what God stands for and that’s why they’ve gotten into the church. But God is going to have a say and that’s why he’s gonna shake things up But again, that’s why God is overturning the tables of his temples or of his churches again because of what’s been going in there But we’re not supposed to be afraid That’s what God said. Don’t let your guard down. That is the word of the day Let’s go back over this prophetic word This is the first paragraph My children in the land of my eagle You still have many dirty politicians influencing controlling manipulating and are doing everything to take out this nation still It’s not just on the side of the left. That’s a key thing right now So everyone’s looking to the side of left and they’re the ones who are destroying democracy and they’re the ones who are destroying You know our our country and they’re destroying our laws and destroying injustice Or they’re destroying justice system and they’re putting out injustice all the time. I Said a massive word this morning about a lot of things that I cannot wait to get to That God is going to unveil Because they have a lot of these things that they’ve set up in place to protect themselves the crimes are committing But they’re not safe from God and he says it’s not just on the side of the left I’m about to shake DC. Now. How many times has he said that I don’t even know. I don’t know how many times he’s shaken DC He said he was going to and he will he’s already started to see a shaking in there. Yes. I’m about to shake both parties So again, people are only looking to one side and it’s not so when you start seeing a shaking on the red, don’t be confused. That’s just God bringing out the rats and bringing out the wolves and bringing out the snakes and destroying them from there where they’re doing to infiltrate the spy and to try to destroy God is bringing them out. So you’re gonna start seeing a lot of things happen on the side of the red the Republican Party. It’s not safe from the shaking And God wants people to know that there has been unity. You see on the side of the red and There has been and there is But there’s an underlying problem is what he’s telling us. It’s something that’s underlying in there Don’t let your guard down there are many working and many have infiltrated this side there are spies and many are dedicated to take down my David even if he WINS he wants to win this election they see the handwriting is on the wall for that to happen so they have to plan it they have a plan in place to try to take him out or to stop him even after this election from their impending doom. So if they have people on his side, they’re going to stonewall investigations, crimes being uncovered, classified documents being unclassified, just like they did in his first presidency. That’s what they’re trying to do again. I mean, worst case scenario, that’s what they have to do. What they really want to do is stop him before he gets in. But if they can’t they have stuff in place right now They says the handwriting is on the wall For that to happen So they have a plan in place to try to take him out or to stop him even after this election From their impending doom. So they’re gonna try to infiltrate. They’re gonna try to do everything they can to stop him from exposing and destroying the swamp and the Establishment Remember, they’re deeply rooted in there and thinking that no one’s gonna remove them out of there because they’re everywhere including on that side. He says, I must shake, now this, but people don’t want to hear this, but it has to be said, I must shake this nation even greater. My children to destroy the murderers and the Treasonous Traitors who refuse to let go of power and refuse to let go of my nation. So we’ve already been shaken as a nation a lot. We’re not done being shaken. And he says greater shaking now. But again, I’m gonna say this over and over you probably get annoyed with me saying it do not Fear and do not let your guard down. This is I’m telling you this Because God wants this spoken He’s revealing to us what their plans were but he’s revealing to us what he’s doing and That’s what we focus on Whistleblowers are coming. Yes, but it still isn’t enough So God’s been talking about the days of whistleblowers and we’ve already seen a lot of whistleblowers come out And we’re gonna see even more But just like the election is not enough to save this country. I want to say that again Election is not enough to save this country because you’re still gonna have murderers and infiltrators and Treasonous Traitors and God is saying you don’t need an election to save this country. He’s saying you need me Just as he’s told President Trump. Do you hear me? You have people that are around you They’ve infiltrated you that you can’t trust them Now not not everybody again. There are many good people around him many good people that are around him There are some who are not and so God’s saying to stop putting his trust in mankind and people And start putting his trust in him because then God will reveal The ones who are on his side that are supposed to be there which there are a lot of people who are supposed to be There there are many Godly men and women but there are people who are not. So that’s why we have to keep praying. Whistleblowers are coming, but it’s not enough for the full changing of the guard. Now remember he’s talking about the guard again. The old guard is the Establishment. The new guard is the new government that God will be able to lead. But you know our adversaries aren’t going to give up without a fight. We just have to know that. So it’s not enough of the changing of the guard. You need me for that. So God is saying we need him for the new government and the new changing of the guard. We need God, not an election. Stop putting your faith in the election. Yes, if we have one, go do your due diligence. Go vote. I’m not saying not to vote, but I’m telling you is what he is saying. Don’t let your guard down and think by just President Trump getting in office That’s the end. I’ll be on and everything’s gonna be honky-dory and peachy keen and everything’s be fine Not without prayer. It’s not My children the old guard is more desperate than ever before to get rid of President Trump. They’re more desperate. They tried killing him It didn’t work. You think they’re not desperate anymore. They’re even more desperate now because now he’s not dead So now I gotta figure out some else He said they’re more desperate to get rid of President Trump and to get rid of the movement that has begun Not what movement is it? It’s God’s movement. I will expose the ones on the right that are connected ever so deeply to the left And ever so closely to my David they’re trying to move in closer to take another shot in another way at him So we saw the physical shot of that bullet and he says now they’re gonna try to take another shot at him But they will not gain access as they suppose now. He’s not saying another bullet He’s saying they’re gonna take another shot to take him out Where it’s compromising him people putting next to him that will try to get him in the wrong direction. So he’s not obeying God Whatever it is. They’re gonna try to take another shot at him I’m halting the ones that are trying to get next to him now Listen, we’re saying I’m halting the ones that are trying to get next to him to take out my David Not only politically but trying to deceive him Spiritually, so you have both you have spiritual deceivers Political deceivers, you know what? What’s what’s worse? spiritual deceivers Those are far worse than a politician Then he says this is a warning to those who say they are called by my name And you look like you are for me when you are not the more you move forward with the plans you have to get close to my David now we talk about spiritual leaders here and Political but I believe he’s talking more to the spiritual ones the more you will be exposed Not only to my David and his family But I will expose you to the world that you are not from me many of you tried to sabotage my chosen people But your efforts were for nothing. So you have God talking about listen You have spiritual look like spiritual leaders and they are moving toward President Trump because they are Governmental principalities, it’s principalities that want in our government Now God says we don’t wrestle with flesh and blood but against principalities and rulers and of the darkness of this world You have different levels The principalities are the highest ones they’re the ones like Prince of Persia the one he talked about Daniel when Daniel prayed for 21 days and He has sent Gabriel had to send Michael the Archangel to help him to fight off Prince of Persia So then he could go down to give this message to Gabriel We’re fighting principalities today. So when you’re talking about governmental You’re talking about a whole different thing than just normal spirits of the darkness of this world This is a spiritual battle we’re talking about. So he’s telling these people That you’re not of me. You say you’re from me, but you’re not the closer you get the more I’m gonna expose you So he’s warning to them right now Then he says my children great exposures are coming for the body of Christ get ready to hear shocking information on who was deceiving you all along Yes, there were deep fakes So, of course, there’s fake videos out there and there will be more and I will prove these are fake So there’s gonna be disinformation, AI, there’s gonna be things that are gonna say this person is this way when they’re really not. And there’s also gonna be exposures of people who are really infiltrated the body of Christ, who are really evil. They’re gonna be exposed and it’s gonna be proven as true. You have to look to God for discernment right now because there are many people following people or listening to people that are not of God. It looks like they are, but they’re deceivers. So that’s why God is telling us that we have to have that Firm Focus Foundation on Him. Look to Him. He’s gonna show you. He will reveal every single person that you need to be revealed. If you’re having questions about anyone, go to Him about it. Ask Him. What I’m just questioning this person or Question this Ministry or question this whatever even the politicians people are asking questions about it Pray, he’s gonna give you discernment. He’s gonna give you answers. That’s what he wants his children to do He doesn’t want you to take someone’s word for it. He wants you to seek him to give you the answer He says it will be obvious to my remnant what to believe and what not to believe Shock is coming of the wolves in my church and I am cleaning house Just as you saw in my word when I overturned the tables and which was supposed to be my own temple So he says it was supposed to be my own temple and then they turn into a den of thieves He says I am doing the same thing again These are drastically changing and church in in churches all over the world So things are gonna change all over the world My children your enemies will try every angle they can and take out this nation spiritually They’re trying to take out this nation spiritually, not just politically People are only looking to politics and they’re only looking to President Trump. You can’t do that Don’t do that So start praying for truth to prevail and any liar Traitor false prophet false teacher false preacher false evangelist false apostle Will be exposed when I show who is real and who isn’t He’s having me turn Really quick because people are gonna wonder why he’s mentioning all of these go to Ephesians 4 Ephesians 4 11 a lot of people don’t understand and don’t know about a fivefold Ministry Five-fold there’s five different sections and his gifts were varied Jesus’s guests were varied He himself appointed and gave men to us Jesus appointed these people to us to be apostles Who are special messengers? some prophets inspired preachers and expounders that’s people to encourage and give special messages which is prophecies and some evangelists, preachers of the gospel, they’re traveling ministers, some pastors, they’re shepherds of flock, and teachers. Five different sections of the body of Christ. Why does he have all five? They were gifts were buried for himself, appointed and gave men to us. That’s mankind, it’s not just men, it’s Women to watch me people like it or not. God isn’t sexist verse 12 his intention Was the perfecting and the full equipping of the Saints his consecrated people that they should do the work of Ministry Toward building up Christ’s body the church So when people try to throw out the prophets office, they’re trying to throw out prophecies you’re trying to throw out what Jesus said and what Jesus had planned for the body of Christ for the equipping of the body of Christ for the maturity of the body of Christ including prophets Oh, you get some denominations that get so angry about that. They’re not read. What does the word say? Read the word verse 13 all five That is might develop. This is verse 13 that it might develop until we all attain oneness in the faith and In comprehension of the full accurate knowledge of the Son of God that we might arrive at a mature manhood the completeness of personality which is nothing less than the standard height of Christ’s own perfection the measure of the statutes of the fullness so the fullness of the body of Christ has not come until a fivefold Ministry is anointed and appointed and in one with Almighty God but you have people over here that are taking out Apostles or you have people over here taking out prophets you have people over here they’re taking out this teacher near people over here they’re taking on this guy doesn’t bring division God brings Now will God shake them loose of People who are deceivers and manipulators and people who are not called by him Yes, God’s going to do that and what we are supposed to do. We’re supposed to pray. We’re supposed to walk in love And we’re supposed to forgive So again read about it in Ephesians for a lot of people don’t know about that And I brought up too many people on interviews and they just said what’s the five-fold Ministry? They don’t know what they don’t know because people aren’t being taught and that’s why you have so many denominations that come after it. Because they don’t know. They’re not being taught. Because Satan doesn’t want this taught. I, you know, you know me. I love to ruffle feathers. I, apparently, I am very controversial. Yeah, well, if God wants me to say it, I’m going to say it. So. Alright, now it says, to the Republican Party, now he’s specifically speaking to the Republican Party, I’m about to shake you free from Traitors if you let me. I’m about to shake you free from Traitors if that two-letter word people don’t like if you let me so now what we have to do is the body of Christ’s we have to pray that they let him that’s why he’s given us these words and that’s what these words are so important we have to pray that the Republican Party and our government let him both sides let him in this is a good versus evil not Democrat versus Republican, but yes, he is right now talking about the Republican Party. Don’t comply to lies you’ve been told to accept things you shouldn’t, or allow things you don’t believe in and listen to the ones who want you to compromise, because people are trying to get them to compromise, and they’re a Republican. Compromise on your beliefs or platforms, watch the platform. They are wolves. They are there to make you fall. They are there to infiltrate. They are there to spy, to take down, to weaken you. Don’t look to other God look to me. I’m the only one you will see that can be trusted I’m the most high and I will totally set you free. Just let me in So you can win God Can only do it if he’s allowed With a pray that they allow him in and not try to control it on their own He won’t go where he’s not welcome. Like I said, it looked good the other day But there’s some underlying issues. I told this to my David and I’m telling you to Politics and policies must change to save your nation I’m warning you do not compromise and do not get into that pressure you feel I am bigger than the threats and the backlash don’t fall for it because of money and listen to me now party of the red And I will separate you from all the blue that has gotten inside of you Which is what inside the party of the red? There’s blue that’s gotten inside because it’s that unit party. It’s that Establishment. I Will destroy the roots of the swamp that has penetrated in your midst Great shaking is coming to free you from what has from been what from within Changes coming to your party and to this nation in a major way Sayeth the Lord of hosts my children continue to pray for my glory in your government and in your political parties a Political reset is upon you that will change the course of this nation. Don’t stop now pray Stand shout your enemies out. Say it’s a Lord your Redeemer. That’s what we’re supposed to do We’re supposed to shout our enemies out People are looking to just shout them out of the left and they’re missing it It’s not just that there has got to be a Shouting out in a cleansing house and overturning the tables not only the body of Christ But it needs to take place in the Republican Party. There needs to be both. You can’t have a Godly Republican Party if you have spiritual wolves in their midst sent there by our adversary. This is a big deal. And he’s been showing this to me. Our team has been praying it. And now it’s time for you to pray against it. And that’s what we’re gonna pray against today Again, I saw a lot of beautiful things at the Republican National Convention a lot And it blessed my heart, but that’s when I had that warning Do not Let your guard down and do not go by how things appear to be on the outside because there are things that are still wrong on the inside and That’s why it’s deeply rooted. And that’s why God has to be the one to do it We had to be in agreement with God and the prophetic words and what he’s telling us that we have to do So I want you God’s all to pray with me. This is a serious serious time that we’re living in. It’s a good time It’s a fun time. It’s exciting to see a lot of things that God is doing But why do you think he’s got a he’s had to prophesy so much to get his children’s attention? because this is a time where we have to dig in our heels and focus on him more because there’s gonna be a lot of distractions and a lot of disinformation that’s going to try to discourage you but God has prepared you and I’ve seen over the course these last few years How God has strengthened each and every one of you and how you are getting results in prayer God is preparing you for this time You are not behind the eight ball where what are we gonna do? I don’t know if I can get fast enough get strong enough. No, you already are Because it says in God’s Word in Philippians 4 and 13 That you can do all things through Christ who empowers you. He strengthens you. You can do all things and you can do this too. So Heavenly Father right now in Jesus name, I lift up every person at the sound of my voice. Father God I thank you that they are warriors in the army of the Lord and I thank you Father God right now by your blood and by the authority of your name that you have given to us Father God. You You said that the earth has been given to the children of men. You also said in Luke 10, 19 that You’ve given us all power, authority, and dominion over all the power of the enemy, the possessors. And nothing shall in any way harm You. We thank You that we are tearing them down. Every spiritual wolf in Your church, Father God, we’re calling the overturning of the tables, removing the wolves in sheep’s clothing, removing the ones, Father God, that the enemy has put in those churches To in order to stop your glory in order to stop this Spiritual growth and your fire and your revival from spreading all throughout the world and get into our governments Father God, we call down those in the Republican Party that are not there that are there for the wrong reason We call them to be exposed We call all the wolves the rats the liars the snakes the cheaters the deceivers We command them all out of that political party right now by the blood of Jesus Father God I thank you for cleaning out the house of that Republican Party Father God cleaning it from the top all the way all the way down Father God that every person it is They’re listening to you. They’re obeying you What do they want to or not? I thank you Father God that your glory is everywhere in that Republican National Committee The wolves are trying to be there and they’re trying to dig their selves in they’re trying to claw their way in But Father God, they can’t stay in there Because we’re calling down your glory And we thank you that truth. We thank you exposures exposed every single Traitor in their midst Lord Every single Traitor and President Trump’s myths every single Traitor in our government every single Traitor in the Republican Party every single Traitor Father We expose them and remove them We’re shouting them down and we thank you Father God that they will not put that let their guard down that everything is okay But Father God that they will search you and seek you out more that the leaders of our party, Father God, the leaders of this nation will start to seek You more because of what they see they can’t fix and it’s too big for them, but it’s not too big for You. So I thank You, Father God, right now that You are moving in this country. You are moving, Father God, on behalf of President Trump, his family, and his team. You’re moving on behalf of the Republican Party. You’re moving on behalf of our entire government. You’re moving on behalf of every single all the seven mountains of influence We ask you to be in control of them. We ask you Father. God that we are taking them back for the glory of God We are taking them back from the hands of the enemy And we thank you Father God for all you’ve done and all the prophecies that you’ve given For all the words that you’re showing that are true so people can see you and and we thank you Father God for more hearts are softened more eyes are open to you and The love and the glory that you have for each every one of us and we thank you for it in Jesus name Amen, and amen again. Keep saying expose expose expose I will be on with pastor Dave at 11 o’clock Central Time. So you will see me again Today, but I also want you to know I will be traveling on Friday So if you do miss today’s live show with pastor Dave, we will be putting that live for you Friday I will be going to Texas now I’m gonna say something to you really quick because I usually do not go live when I’m gone. I Will be going live some days next week I do feel in my spirit that I cannot just do pre recordings like I have in the past I have actually have to get on live Things are going on too fast in this country and prophecies are happening and God needs these words out specifically So I will be getting on live with you certain days next week. I will be letting you know Look every day will be a live show whether I’m live or not. We will make sure you’re live. So you God’s kind of chat together But I will be in Texas, but I will be going live for you certain days Okay, we have to be standing together right now. So usually when I’m doing other things I’m gonna have to set myself aside so I can be with you as well. So I’m gonna do both I’m asking the Lord to help me with that Okay, so I’m juggling both things when I’m on the road All right so until then if you have any prayer requests or praise reports go to our website at JGM international that work or you want any Julie Green ministries merchandise go to three suns threads calm and Until a while later on today or until tomorrow when you see me I just want to say hope it’s encouraging today Please like subscribe and share and give this everyone You know who needs an encouraging word who needs you know the truth because the truth will set you free God loves you, I love you, God bless you, and have a wonderful day.


Julie’s new format consists of including a sample of many of the predictions that have come true before the prophetic word. And there are hundreds of them. And we need reminding. Its useful revision and mud in the eye of skeptics.

Only the second time in history this has happened

Prophecy Fulfilled —Shot Heard Around the World. The only other instance was the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand that started WW1. Likely more than half the planet would know of this miracle Trump event. And we are told it will happen again with a similar outcome.

Bonus Thrills here people.

How many Bidens are there ?

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