Searchable transcript for the Serious


Woe to those who have tried to destroy the minds of the masses across this nation and the world. You have spewed out your deception and propaganda on a scale never seen before. You have brought many people to such confusion in a delusional state. They don’t even know what gender they are. They can’t distinguish a lie from the truth or good from evil. Enemies of Almighty God. You truly think by destroying the minds of the population, it was easier for you to control them and you would get everything you wanted, but you never thought of what would happen if they ever came out of your hallucinations and the trances they were under. You never believed how far their minds and souls would be polluted. They could never recover. You also never consider those who would never fall for your curses and your spells and they would never believe in any of your lies. You also never thought anyone could resist you enough. It would break your control over the population. Not only are you experiencing this very thing, but you also never thought was possible. Now you will experience the same thing you brought against the people. YOU WILL LOSE YOUR MINDS AND YOUR SOULS WILL GROW DARK WHERE THERE IS NO LIGHT Enemies of Almighty God on live TV in the world will see just like they saw with the Biden. You will lose your memory and your minds will be lost to you.

My children watch as your enemies will look more and more like they have lost any sense of intelligence they once had. You will see this more and more in DC and with those of those who are against you. They will experience what they have done to you and it will be done unto them. Fear is growing the more they are being exposed and their systems are being ripped apart with no way of recovering what they once had. You will notice your enemies will start to fall apart mentally and some will physically. You already have seen some fall politically and physically and now this will ramp up because these are the days of Haman and the storm that is hitting your enemies with unprecedented force. Your enemies are also betraying each other more and more by the day. They’re in constant state of panic and when people panic they begin to make major mistakes with their actions that they will be taking. These are the days that the leaders in Washington will begin to say more and more out of their mouths what they never thought would slip through their lips on national television.

Watch CHUCK SCHUMER as he continues to slip mentally and you will see him slip and fall physically signaling his fall politically.

NANCY PELOSI will slip up and do something that will give herself more away on who she truly is and you will also see her fall politically.

MITCH McCONNELL will not finish out his term like he thinks he will. MORE OF THE OLD GUARD WILL BEGIN TO FALL IN MASSIVE WAYS they will not be able to contain their composure like they once used to.

ELIZABETH WARREN is about to be exposed in major ways that will begin her REMOVAL.

ADAM SCHIFF and the PARDON HE RECEIVED will all soon be a laughingstock. Once it’s classified documents, money trails will lead to the truth of how dirty he truly is. Why he tried to impeach President Trump and massive lies he was told to say by the architects of the Establishment including his involvement with the January 6th lie pulling off that insurrection and coup against the sitting President of the United States and against American people. Adam Schiff will have his hands caught in the cookie jar and money will be another downfall to another liar against this country. Roll the money, find the truth. Accounts of many in Washington paid to steal this country away from its citizens and ALL OF THEIR ACCOUNTS WILL BE EXPOSED AND EMPTIED ADAM SCHIFF ALONG WITH MANY IN WASHINGTON UNDENIABLE PROOF IS COMING TO ALL YOUR CONNECTIONS TO THE ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT TRUMP Every person connected and responsible will be exposed and judged in unprecedented ways. I will also show you who was the HEAD ARCHITECT OF EVERY TRUMP INDICTMENT and a massive cover-up will be uncovered in front of the nations.

The weaponization of the law and the justice system against President Trump will be exposed and every person who took part in it will be judged and justice will be served. Get used to hearing the word INDICTMENT You will hear this CONTINUOUSLY because UNPRECEDENTED INDICTMENTS WILL BE HANDED DOWN and every person sentenced for the crimes they have committed. A huge piece of the puzzle is about to be revealed regarding the justice system in this nation. And their worst nightmare will come to pass by truth being exposed and how they can no longer hide behind their injustice and the crimes they’ve been committing because true justice will be served all across this nation. Judges will fall, politicians will fall, attorneys will fall, AGs will fall. It’s coming. A great collapse of the system of injustice weaponized against this nation. It’s all coming crashing down with documents and proof your enemies truly thought were dead and buried, but my infiltrators have it all. Your enemies are about to be put out on full display for the world to see true justice be served by me, says the Lord of Hosts.



to destroy the minds of the masses across this nation and the world. You have spewed out your deception and propaganda on a scale never seen before. You have brought many people to such confusion in a delusional state. They don’t even know what gender they are. They can’t distinguish a lie from the truth or good from evil.

Days of Haman again Now you will experience the same thing you brought against the people. YOU WILL LOSE YOUR MINDS AND YOUR SOULS WILL GROW DARK WHERE THERE IS NO LIGHT Enemies of Almighty God on live TV in the world will see just like they saw with the Biden. You will lose your memory and your minds will be lost to you.

God makes much about Nebuchadnezzar  a Babylonian King who insisted he was better than God an insisted on being worshipped. The real God cast a sprll upon him causing him to live like an animal for 7 tears eating grass. The same King who threw three Chaldean jews into a furnace and a fourth person was seen in the flames Jesus, and the 3 jews emerged unscathed. Babylonian names: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. King Nebuchadnezzar II ruled from 605–562 BCE.

These are the days that the leaders in Washington will begin to say more and more out of their mouths what they never thought would slip through their lips on national television

Watch CHUCK SCHUMER as he continues to slip mentally and you will see him slip and fall physically signaling his fall politically.

NANCY PELOSI will slip up and do something that will give herself more away on who she truly is and you will also see her fall politically.

MITCH McCONNELL will not finish out his term like he thinks he will. MORE OF THE OLD GUARD WILL BEGIN TO FALL IN MASSIVE WAYS they will not be able to contain their composure like they once used to.

ADAM SCHIFF and the PARDON HE RECEIVED will all soon be a laughingstock

Follow the money, find the truth. Accounts of many in Washington paid to steal this country away from its citizens and ALL OF THEIR ACCOUNTS WILL BE EXPOSED AND EMPTIED ADAM SCHIFF ALONG WITH MANY IN WASHINGTON UNDENIABLE PROOF IS COMING TO ALL YOUR CONNECTIONS TO THE ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT TRUMP Every person connected and responsible will be exposed and judged in unprecedented ways.

Reveal coming the HEAD ARCHITECT OF EVERY TRUMP INDICTMENT and a massive cover-up will be uncovered in front of the nations.

Get used to hearing the word INDICTMENT You will hear this CONTINUOUSLY because UNPRECEDENTED INDICTMENTS WILL BE HANDED DOWN and every person sentenced for the crimes they have committed.

Judges will fall, politicians will fall, attorneys will fall, AGs will fall. It’s coming. A great collapse of the system of injustice weaponized against this nation. It’s all coming crashing down with documents and proof your enemies truly thought were dead and buried, but my infiltrators have it all.

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