This video is so old its made in pre digital -TV 4:3 standard definition !
And it keeps being played into my head as I am being told that will be discovered in China.
It will likely baffle CCP censors thus survive for a while. Maybe until the CCP communist party falls which is imminent.
Wall street collapses PERMANENTLY after its utilization of pedophilia and human trafficiking is revealed. Every body gets arrested.
So China in bed with and hopelessly entangled with evil Wall st goes down too. Which also takes down the War mongering EU. Which was ostensibly formed to prevent further European warfare after WW2. Seems they didn’t really mean it. Started by the Club of Rome in 1960 the main theme then was POPULATION REDUCTION. We can meditate on that.
You may recall a dash of this song is showcased in the Signalling music page.
Its called Don’t you ignore me !
Astonishingly, without my knowledge my Mother went and asked an old lady Gnostic fortune teller named Oleahn in Gosford whose English was far worse than Julie green predicted that this son of hers, this author was gifted,, and would invent something beyond thought something that only other gifted people could recognize. This was before the internet. She only had a 300 word vocabulary. Future events have confirmed her description.
So Gang, you are all gifted. because you have profound curiosity
We are now told China will discover TBH website.
So are we looking for a few gifted Chinese or will the rules change ?
And we are still waiting for a prominent person to be brought into TBH to spread publicity. Elon Musk has been mentioned. He is only a sleepwalker. A single tweet would work.
And just today Trump sort of half joking mentioned his damaged ear tingles to remind him of who is watching over him. It was not challenged.
And if China requires subtitles on the Lay Gnosis videos I am already a champion subtitler and trsnslator after all the practice with Julie. I will only need a bit of help from Trevor the IT man in BC.
Might even do it in advance.
Layman’s Gnosis Regardless of faith or lack of
- Expect vivid messaging night dreams within one week
- Immediate physical evidence something has changed
- Vivid messaging daydreams with physical evidence to prove its not your imagination
- Expect keywords and even websites typed into your mindseye
- Messaging music morphing into an internal mentoring voice
- And much more and its FREE and All questions answered