But clear evidence this blog can make a difference to the discourse of evangelical pastors on a serious matter of “theocracy”
I took umbridge instantly when I heard Julie Green repeating in unison with another pastor that Gods voice is an absurdity. Its completely silent. A still small voice. And anyone who hears an actual internal voice while thinking they know the spirit, don’t realise they have already been possessed by demons. Other pastors say its insanity.
So I made a video where I explained this in a pleasant way. Where the pastors are obviously wrong and need to revise their teachings. The video only got 6 views but one viewer was Julie Green and she followed my advice by boosting her sub-optimal vocabulary to include the phrase “spiritual ears” But she is reluctant to completely jettison the concept of demonic possession by wrong word choice in a prayer and she revealed this in this particular video at 12 mins where she made a half way change to her stance and dwelled upon it sufficiently to cause push-back from the audience. More than 30 people said they heard a real voice and they knew it was God. So the pastors are out of step with the laity. Typical religious people. LOL. The high number of pushback people infers millions of people who know the spirit as voice or voices keep their mouths shut to avoid condemnation form firebrand pastors.
I have messaged the people who provided the push back and hoping to make them into small time activists to get Julie to finish her mind change with more feedback on this subject.
My advisory video was direct criticism put in a kind way and rather bland, but someone else covered the same subject in a much more entertaining way. AJ is a champion story teller with millions of subscribers. And he came to the same conclusion I did that “possession” is generally a medical problem overhyped by Hollywood. Engaging AJ vid at the end here.
I cut the excerpt out of the transcript trying to turn the 30 plus people doing the push back into minor activists so they can copy and paste it anywhere.
at 12mins excerpt – Julie narrates -Jesus was upon the Earth he says I don’t do anything without hearing my father say it I don’t say anything I don’t have my Father said I don’t do anything I don’t hear my Father tell me to do and that’s how we should live our life as well.
And some people say Well, I don’t hear from the Lord like you do? YES you can ! You may not hear prophetically but you can still hear from the Lord because it says in his word the Sheep know my voice. You can pray this to the Father that your Spiritual ears are open to hear– Him –Be very careful. the wrong one – your Spiritual ears are open to hear your Father.
NOW YOU ARE NOT GOING TO HEAR AN AUDIBLE VOICE (??) [ Well, many do in comments 30 plus] Voice it’s gonna be like a still small voice very quietly on the inside. Every once in a while people can hear Audible Voice [ 30 plus people report hearing voice under her video] BUT DO NOT PRAY FOR THAT. (She like many pastors falsely believe it causes demonic possession though its utterly debunked by the Catholic Church) more than 98% have medical conditions Julie Needs more feedback on this to get her presentations correct.
To jump intro Scroll down to red text
Goood uh Morning Everybody today is Tuesday April 25th of 2023 and I have another powerful prophetic word to give to you today called A GREAT SHAKING IS COMING TO THE NEWS INDUSTRY I heard this prophetic word on April 19th of 2023. now before I get to that if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports please go to our website at JGMinternational.org under our contact page or you can write us at Julie Green Ministries International 4620 East 53rd Street Suite 200 Davenport Iowa 52807 we do have a very powerful prayer team here at Julie Green Ministries and we do pray over each and every one of the prayer requests every single day so just know that you do have people that are standing in the Gap we are interceding we are praying and we are believing that God is doing something in your life no matter what it is God is everything you need also we just got home from the Peoria event which was called The Exodus with brother Timothy Dixon it was a very powerful three days with uh and service and with the Lord it was just amazing and uh for those of you do not uh did not were not able to join I’ll get that right uh I will have the links in the description box for you so you can go back and watch that event well that is all of the announcements for today and here uh is a prophetic word and again it’s called
and I heard this prophetic word on April 19th for I the Lord this day I want to encourage my children that I am in control and your enemies or not my plans and my will are going forth and will change the condition of my body the condition of these nations the condition of this world including the economy that is your enemies’ that they have used against you my children in the army of the Lord once again I’m telling you to Get Up Stand Up March to the goal line march to your victories March forward and take back your families take back your health take back your freedoms take back your peace take back your nations take it all back now in my name the name that paid for it all the name of my son Jesus that sacrificed for it it’s time to take back the authority and to take back the control upon this Earth it’s time to take back the governments and the nations from the hands that have hijacked it yes they have hijacked these governments and political powers to enslave to kill and to destroy anything that was of me anything good my children now that you see it now that you know it shout it loud then shout it even louder command your freedoms back command your Nations free from its captors don’t take their plans anymore and don’t receive their power don’t receive their words don’t receive the fear don’t receive anything they have tried to pull off it will all collapse in front of you things are about to collapse and things are about to collide with this Collision will bring great explosions of Truth that will go off and cause massive destruction to your enemies the time has come when they must come down and they will be removed from where they are I am silencing your enemies a Great Silence will come a silence no man has ever heard or
experienced a silence that will bring peace a silence that will bring freedom a silence that will bring victories I am stopping them in their narrative from going forth and prospering against you a great shaking is coming to the news industry YES in this shaking there will be proof of many scandals many false narratives Narratives that have stolen nations narratives that have brought fear to this earth like never before narratives that brought a pandemic to take more freedoms away narratives that started Unnecessary Wars narratives that have to see the masses from what is really going on their walls are falling and their narratives will no longer control the airwaves my children pray for a cleansing of the airwaves and take back this mountain of influence from your enemies saith the Lord
WARSAW this name will be in your news for a surprising reason.
The FALL OF THE CLINTONS are about to take place whistleblowers and major scandals will be exposed they will not be saved from the deep state this time A great collapse of the Clinton’s power and their influence will be seen Again treason will also be their end saith the Lord
A great catastrophe is about to take place that will get the world’s attention.
The MONARCHY is about to be exposed for their poisonous background in their history they wanted to keep hidden A Whistleblower is about to expose it all
TRAINS trains the truth is coming regarding the trains and what you have seen. Another one will cause an explosion and the truth will be told and this location is extremely important keep your eyes on it because more exposures will take place
Another major explosion at a food processing plant will be in your news and this will signal more explosive information that will prove what they were really trying to do to your food. Some explosions were from the enemy to cause food shortages and chaos Others were caused from the GOOD GUYS you would say, to help stop the contamination of your food Many things are happening right now that are good and some are bad But my children my goodness will destroy all the bad you see so receive a Great and Mighty Victory saith the Lord your Redeemer
NOW fall of the Clintons. before I go back over this prophetic word when I was studying this morning the Lord had me study in the Book of Psalms and there was a lot of different scriptures I don’t know exactly which ones I’m going to do because it all depends on um where he puts me here and here in a second but um Psalms I think is a great book to study it’s a great book to read because a lot of it just David in the songs that he was singing and he knew because he had seen God experienced him and all the things that he had done for him and so I love these um these – scriptures now especially when you’re
- going through challenging times I want to read something um psalm 107. in verse 28 then they cry to the Lord in their trouble and he brings them out of their distresses now David says this and sings this a lot in the Book of Psalms because he had been brought out out of many distresses and and troubled times just look what happened with Ziglag when he came back after fighting in all of the encampment was gone his his family all I mean everyone was gone all the women all the children the houses were burned down nothing was left everything inside was taken and all their wealth their food everything was gone and they couldn’t cry another tear David had to make the decision am I just going to give up and quit and everybody was turning against him and wanted to Stone him to Death but David had to encourage himself in the Lord he didn’t make the decision no matter how bad his situation seemed he had to encourage himself in the Lord he stood up he did it he’s saying and he prayed and one of the things he said Lord you see what is going on here what shall I do ? should I pursue overtake and recover all and then God says yes pursue overtake and recover all and that’s exactly what happened so every day we have a decision when we’re going through these things that are trying to take us out or trying to take us down where it looks like everything is gone where it looks like we’re just such a hopeful situation there’s no way out of it you have to encourage yourself in the Lord remember that sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving we enter his courts with Thanksgiving and praise and I know sometimes we don’t rejoice in the fact that we’re going through certain things but we can rejoice in God despite all of those situations that are going on around us why because the things which are seen are temporary they’re set up to change they’re not going to last forever and I know a lot of people are so discouraged and there’s so so much Darkness going on in the world today it’s hard for them to receive anything good because it’s just hopeless
- Well God is our hope and God is absolutely good he is goodness he is love he is truth he doesn’t have these things he is these things and so when we think about it then we’re not as discouraged as we were if we focus on him and I know I say this a lot but it’s really important to get to know that now I want to read another one here in Psalm 103 now listen to this because we are going through a lot of stressful situations upon this Earth that it looks like with unruly governments the Lord this is uh Psalm 103 and verse 19. the Lord has established his throne in the heavens and his kingdom rules overall doesn’t say his kingdom rules over some things it says kingdom rules over all I want to keep going this is verse 20 blessed affectionately gratefully praise the Lord you his angels you mighty ones who his Commandments hearkening to the voice of his word his angels hearken to The Voice of his word so our job in the body of Christ is to give God’s word a voice to speak God’s written word out that’s why it’s so important I say all the time to get into the written word to see what God has to say He will give you the right words to say in every single situation I promise you this has happened to me time and time again no matter how horrible the situation was he always gave me the exact words for that very moment for that very day and God’s will was done not the enemies’ and not what it looked
like God’s will was done because I gave his words a voice and I spoke what he needed me to say and just like when Jesus was upon the Earth he says I don’t do anything without hearing my father say it I don’t say anything I don’t have my Father said I don’t do anything I don’t hear my Father tell me to do, and that’s how we should live our life as well and some people say— - Well I don’t hear from the Lord like you do? YES you can ! You may not hear prophetically but you can still hear from the Lord because it says in his word the Sheep know my voice you can pray this to the Father that your Spiritual ears are open to hear– Him Be very careful you don’t want to just say I want to pray that I hear voices NO DONT DO THAT because then you’ll get
the wrong one your Spiritual ears are open to hear
your Father. - NOW YOU ARE NOT GOING TO HEAR AN AUDIBLE VOICE (??) [many do in comments] voice it’s gonna be like a still small voice very quietly on the inside every Once in a while people can hear Audible Voice [30 people report hearing real voice under her video] but do not pray for that
- all right now uh now I’m gonna go to uh psalm and verse 81. Psalm sorry Psalm 81 and chapter 13. all that my people would listen to me that Israel would walk in my ways speedily then I would subdue their enemies and turn my hand against they’re adversaries and read it again it’s psalm 81 and verse 13 and 14. oh that my people would listen to me that Israel would walk in my ways speedily then I would subdue their enemies and turn my hand against their adversaries so if we would listen to God this is what we’re saying right here if we would listen to him and obey then so if we listen obey then verse 14 speedily then I would subdue their enemies and turn my hand against their
enemies subdue their enemies and turn my hand against their adversaries God’s hand does move against our adversaries and in verse Hebrews or Hebrews 10 and verse 30. it talks about how vengeance is his that he set okay I’m gonna turn back and read it I could quote it because I memorize the scripture very well when I was going through a lot of things Hebrews chapter 10 and verse 30 for we know him who said if vengeance is mine retribution and meting out a full Justice rests with me I will repay I will exact the compensation says the Lord and again the Lord will judge and determine and solve and settle the cause and the cases of his people He will settle if we give it to God he will settle if we listen and obey to his word you can even find that in Proverbs chapter 4 verse 20 through 23. if we hearken or diligently all right I’m not going to quote that one either Proverbs chapter 4. my son attend to my words consent and commit submit to my sayings let them not depart from your eyes keep them in the center of your heart for they are life of the to those who find them in healing and health to their flesh so if we what if we attend to his words what is exactly as tend to his words mean make it a priority make God’s word a priority it is health and healing and it is life so a lot of things that you’re going through if you get into the word of God it can change the course of your life because you’re Renewing Your Mind with the word of God and then you’re going to start speaking the right words and thinking the right way because you’ll start seeing things through the perspective of our heavenly father not the perspective of our feelings or or our five physical senses okay I’m gonna read maybe one or two more and then I’ll go back to the prophetic word again okay now this is Psalm 102 2. Psalm 102 2. hide that your face from me in the day when I am in distress and claim your ear to me in the day when I call an answer me speedily that’s a prayer that somebody was praying right here David was praying this he wanted God to answer him speedily I know sometimes where it feels like when we are praying and it looks like our due date has passed it looks like you know I needed help a week ago or two weeks ago and it looks like God is late he’s never late when God when we call upon him remember even like what happened with Daniel when Daniel Prayed it took 21 days 21 days before he received the answer from the angel the angel came down Gabriel and gave him uh the instructions or gave him what the Lord had said well God had said and guess what one of the things that Gabriel said was that God heard him from the first day God hears he hears a cries of his people and he delivers them out of it all he says that many times in the Book of Psalms alone many times I just read several of them this morning and something else I want to read to you really quick this is really important when we’re going through a lot of things in the world today Psalm 112 that’s what psalm 112. in verse 10. listen to this the Wicked Man will see it and be grieved and angered and he will gnash his teeth in Despair and and disappear and despair the desire of the wicked Shall Perish and come to nothing what does God keep saying that our enemies plans are going to come to nothing God has been hearing our prayers since the first day we prayed them regarding our nation the first day we started praying them regarding any situation that we have in our own life he is heard and not only does he hear but he promises us to deliver us out of it all and then he also says in his word the desire of the wicked Shall Perish and come to nothing I got so excited when I saw that scripture again this morning the desire of the wicked Shall Perish and come to nothing why because their power is nothing against our heavenly father their power is nothing that’s why they will come to nothing and you can read in Hebrews chapter 2 and verse 14 that Jesus brought the enemy to nothing zero zip there’s nothing Satan’s power is nothing compared to Almighty God he brought him to zero why on our sake for us he brought us out of that curse the curse is still in the world but when you become a child the most high God it doesn’t have that power like he had it had it had at one point over you because Jesus has already taken you or he’s ransomed you out of it and so we are redeemed from the curse so that’s why it is so important to renew your mind to know who you are in Christ Jesus to know what God says about you and that’s why it’s important to get into his word now there’s several other scriptures I wanted to get to but the sake of time I’m not going to go over them today and maybe these days I’m gonna start start doing teachings um and not just prophetic words because a lot of people need to know their Authority they need to know how much power and authority to many that you do have upon this Earth and they need to know the authority in the name of Jesus you need to know who you are in Christ and not who the world says you are and I know I talk about this a lot there are times where there needs to be teachings too and I try to do that along with the prophetic word because it just you can’t just hear a prophetic word and just say oh that’s that’s just awesome and and just walk away with it the Lord has been teaching us with these prophetic words not only the prophetic word but it also lines with the word of God and encourages you and then gives you truth on top of it don’t be surprised if you start seeing me just start teaching or just start going into prayer and open up with prayer and then haves and let the Lord say and Lead throughout the entire video so I think you might be shaking up things up here soon many things are happening right now that are good and some are bad but my children my goodness will destroy the bad you see so receive a Great and Mighty Victory uh saith the Lord your – Redeemer yes there are things that are - going on that are extremely bad but all things are going on right now that are actually good but we had to see and this one thing I I loved about the access the other day I think it was on Saturday night that um a panel of us that were up there and we were answering answering questions that the body of Christ has had about what is going on in America how is it or is it going to change can you do anything about it and why did it have to get this bad these questions are so important because there’s a lot of these questions that people have and that they don’t feel they have the answer for and so they just accept defeat or Despair and they just keep going on in life as they’re living it but God wants us to know that truth for it to set us free so that we can go forward and receive what Jesus has already done for us all right now this was something that again we’ve seen this time and time again recently and the Lord has talked about food processing plans this is not the first time he said another major explosion at a food processing plant will be in your news this will signal more explosive information that will prove what they are trying to do to your food some explosions were from the enemy to cause food shortages and chaos they’re trying to cause chaos trying to cause inflation because of their shortages guess what they can jack up the prices in order to affect people not only bringing them into fear but it can affect their pocketbook and bring them in more of a lack and more poverty that’s the whole goal of the enemy look what happened in the book of Exodus yes I know you’re surprised that I’m talking about excess again but that’s exactly what Pharaoh did to the uh Israel they controlled everything gradually and before you know it the Israelites weren’t completely enslaved they even controlled the food they had this is nothing new they may call it something different but it’s nothing new it’s still the same adversary that we’ve had for this entire time and he just uses different people to accomplish his will that’s why for us as children the most I got is important for us to know who we are and that there is something that we can do about it we can speak the words we can speak life we can speak the written word of God and expect God because he said his word is not return to him return to him void he is faithful he promises and he’s faithful to uh fulfill those promises now now he goes on to say some explosions were from the enemy to cause food shortages and chaos others were caused from the good guys you would say to help stop the contamination of your food so you have two things going on with food you have people that are using using these food processing plants and they are causing those destruction to cause shortages and inflation then you also have on the other side they’re contaminating food so then you have the good people that are out there that are being used by God they’re being you know used to help save us from this uh these people that are doing this to all the this of the world but they’re the ones who are trying to take care of this to stop the food from being contaminated to go forth into the masses so we eat the contaminated food so there’s two things going on there’s on one side they’re trying to do all this stuff to poison and also to cause shortages and the other side you have people that are trying to stop the poison to to go through the food to go into the populations all around the world that’s what he’s saying and we’re going to start discovering that more this is trains I heard the word twice right in the road trains trains so that’s the reason why I put it down whenever the Lord says it more than once I will repeat it not because I’m making it by accident is because he repeated it so it’s important the reason why trains trains the truth is coming regarding the trains and what you have seen another one will cause an explosion and the truth will be told and this location is extremely important keep your eyes on it because more exposures will take place there’s going to be another explosive uh trending railment and he’s going to expose all of the things that are going on with the trains same thing the a lot of stuff is being sabotaged on purpose for multiple reasons not just one or two for multiple reasons and God is going to expose it all he says look for this other trained derailment that will be that will be explosive he said and we’re going to start saying that the truth is going to come out regarding what they are doing with the trains alright the MONARCHY is about to be exposed for their poisonous background and their history they wanted to keep hidden a whistleblower is about to expose it all now he’s talked about the Royals he’s talked about the Monarchy for some time now and we see what is going on over even in England but there is more to what you see he’s been talking to us about he’s been talking to us about this about Charles he’s been talking this even he mentioned Princess Diana he’s mentioned things about that family with Queen Elizabeth he’s been mentioning that family there is more than what you see that’s going on and he’s going to expose it all and take care of it a great catastrophe is about to take pla Place excuse me that will get the world’s attention now people will get in fear when they hear about a catastrophe but it will get the words of world’s attention and the reason why these – things again there are things that are
- being shaken but in a times of catastrophes or in times of things that go really wrong or really bad you plead the blood of Jesus as another thing I’ll probably have to be teaching on is how to plead the blood of Jesus it’s not very hard at all but the pleading the blood of Jesus over your protection over your family over your houses over your finances whatever whatever it is you can plead the blood if he spared and say the lies of all the Israelites in the land of Goshen we have a better Covenant than they did so then God would also and he says in his word he is our protector he’s our Advocate he’s our standby he is our Avenger he’s our uh um he’s our Rock he’s our Fortress so when things bad when bad things do happen we should not expect to take part in those bad things we should be aware of the fact that they – are taking place but not the fact that
- we have to be a part of it now the fall of the clintons is about to take place now people are going to say well that’s overdue well there are things have been going on that we haven’t been knowing about it hasn’t been out in the news and there are things the Lord said that there are things that are going on um that we wouldn’t know about right away because a covert operation so you can’t always know everything that’s going on because then the enemy will know everything that’s going on so the fall of the clintons is about to take place whistleblowers and major scandals will be exposed so there’s been more whistleblowers that are going to come out and expose all of the lies and the deception and everything that the clintons are connected to now just tolerate this both Bill anyway they will not be saved from the deep State this time so the Deep state has saved them multiple different times because that they are part of you know their Inner Circle and this I this time he’s saying they’re not going to be saved from the deep State the Deep State’s not going to intervene a great collapse of the Clinton’s power and their influence will be seen again the treason will also be their end saith the Lord so watch explosive information now people say well well that’s not true because you know they’ll just keep protecting her the same thing what’s going on with Hunter right now and the same thing that’s going on with the Biden the Lord talked about this for about a year and a half or more talked about explosive information talked about laptops that there was more than one talked about how it’s going to be connected to the Biden and that’s exactly what’s going on right now in the news there’s one thing in one scandal after another after another regarding the Bidens so yes it can once they get to the point where there’s as much information they will let certain people go because they’re too much of a risk to their entire plan this sounds like a conspiracy no you have people that are really trying to control everything that’s going on in the world and they will use fall people they will use people out in front to purposely be their fall their Fall Guys in order to save themselves but God says it’s not going to work now Wars Wausau if I’m pronouncing that right it’s w-a-r-s-a-w this name will be in your – news for a surprising reason so again
- saw yeah Warsaw Warsaw maybe it’s w-a-r-s-a-w Warsaw the same will be in your news for a surprising reason so look for that word and again if I botched it you know me I do apologize I do my best all right now my children pray for a cleansing of the airwaves and take back this mountain of influence from your enemy say the Lord how can you pray for uh the cleansing of the Airways that’s exactly do heavenly father I thank you for the cleansing of the Airways I thank you that you stop the enemies narratives from going forth and we’ll pray that at the end of us that’s the reason why I’m not going you know forward more of the explanation of that because that’s how we’ll pray a great shaking is coming to the news industry it is we’ve already seen it the Lord’s talked about the the fall of CNN he talked about scandals of anchors which have already happened he’s all he’s talked about people being fired which is happening uh right now it’s been going on for a while he’s been naming certain names and Tucker Carlson was not one that he named that was you know going to be fired and and whatever but he’s he named Don Lemon he named uh Brian stetler and many other ones uh that have already fallen so again things are coming to pass they’re starting to come to pass a lot quicker now than they were before and great shaking is coming to the news industry yes in the shaking there will be proof of many scandals many false narratives narratives that have been that have stolen Nations narratives that have brought fear to this earth like never before narratives that brought a pandemic to take more freedoms away narratives that started unnecessary award Wars narratives that it deceased the masses from what’s really going on their walls are all falling and their narratives will no longer stay uh no longer control the airwaves so we have Power Authority and dominion and so we can again declare decree shout remember the walls of Jericho that’s what God’s people did they shouted when they were supposed to shout and then he says in this one I am silencing your enemies a great silence will come a silence no one no mind has ever heard or experienced a FBIence that will bring peace a silence that will bring freedom a sounds that will bring victories I am stopping them in their narrative from going forth and prospering against you now when it comes to what’s going on with the prophecies fulfilled regarding the news Industries I will make sure that I have those on this Friday’s video of prophecies fulfilled okay because there’s a lot going on and it is taking place but there is going to be a silence and that’s what the Lord was just talking about again Julie how what does that look like that’s something we don’t have to totally understand it in order to believe what God is saying God will take care of our enemies we just have to get on board and believe and receive what he is saying things are about to collapse things are about to collide with with this Collision will bring great explosions of truth that will go off and cause massive destruction to your enemies the time has come when they must come down and they will be removed from where they are what the enemies will be removed from where they are my children now that you see it now that you know it know what the truth start shouting it says shout it loud shout them even louder command your freedoms back now that you know that your freedoms have been stolen from you now you can shout them back command your Nations free from its captors you know now that a lot of these governments are not legitimate so you can come in they were not won by really legitimate elections so you can command your nation’s free from the captors don’t take their plans anymore don’t receive their power don’t receive their words don’t receive the fear don’t receive anything they have tried to pull off it will all collapse in front of you Julie how that happened God will take care of it go back and read what happened with collapse of Egypt there was a massive collapse of a superpower of the world at the time and God took each and every one of pharaoh and his men out at once so yes it can happen it’s not too good to be true look at the walls of Jericho again listen and read the by the examples in the Bible that the Lord is giving us it’s time to take back the authority to take back the control upon this Earth it’s time to take back the governments and nations from the hands that they have hijacked it yes they have hijacked these governments and political power to enslave to kill and to destroy anything that was of me anything that was good for their control for their one world government for their a great reset whatever you want to call it that’s why they hijacked a lot of these nations and a lot of these government – bodies in order to take control over the
- world and they’re not even hiding it anymore my children in the army of the Lord once again I’m telling you to Get Up Stand Up March the goal line March your victories March forward take back your families take back your health take back your freedoms take back your peace take back your nations take it all back now in my name the name that paid for it all the name of my son Jesus that sacrificed for it how do you take it back you say I take back my freedoms now I take back my family I take back my health I take back my nation that’s how you take it back you use the authority in the name of Jesus the name is above every name the name that every name must bow this is the first paragraph for I the Lord this day I’m telling uh I’ve learned this day I want to encourage my children that I am in control and your enemies or not my plans and my will are going forth and will change the condition of the body the condition of this nation these nations the condition of the world including the economy that is your enemies that they have used against you what is God saying to encourage us that he always has a final say and God always wins and no one’s outsmarted God no one is in control but him he allows certain certain things to happen in order for us to see the truth or and to awaken to the truth if we have been asleep so I want to pray over each and every one of you and I I and I also want to pray over this uh great shaking in uh the news industry and this the airwaves so father God I just want to lift up every person at the sound of my voice I just want to praise and thank you Father God for visiting them for uh for the glory father God For Your Glory your presence and fill their atmosphere fill their atmosphere and I thank you that they are getting up and rising up in you as shown the most high God and they know who they are in Christ Jesus I thank you for Revelation knowledge wisdom and understanding for a great uh Awakening in the body of Christ to know that they are not alone to know that they are not defeated to know that they are not failures to know that they are not unworthy to know who they are in Christ and I thank you Father God for this Great Awakening I thank you Father God for this great strengthening in the body of Christ right now that we are in unity that we are in one Accord together with you that this great alignment with the head and the body is taking place as we speak right now in Jesus name and also Heavenly Father we thank you for the shaking in the news industry we thank you that you are bringing those walls down in the name of Jesus Christ we thank you for stopping the narratives that have been said the narratives have been holding us and narratives that have been keFBIng this Nations captive the narratives have been lying the narratives are bringing fear the narratives that have been uh anything that has been a lie we thank you Father God that the truth that the truth will take over the airwaves that the truth will take back over that mountain of influence and I thank you Father God the enemies are nothing in your sight so we praise you and thank you Father God that your will is being done I thank you that no weapon formed against us will prosper so I thank you in this great silence father God that we are perfected in our faith that we are perfected in your love that we are perfected father God in the Glory of the Lord that we know the truth and that is setting us free in ways we didn’t even know we could be free and we thank you for it in Jesus name amen and amen I hope to encourage you today please like subscribe and share and give this to everyone you know who do you hear an encouraging word who needs to hear the truth because the truth will set you free God loves you I love you God bless you and have a wonderful day

I’ll just put that link to AJs video debunking possession
Wait a minute. Possessions and Exorcisms are REAL ? Only sort of……… Just scroll down a bit
I tend to think maybe Julie misspoke, re hearing God’s voice, so I am not going to take what she said as etched in stone.
There have been so many news stories about things said by sincere important people, and I feel pretty sure that they wish they could erase the words and go back and say what they really meant to say.
Julie’s obvious sincerity and love for people trumps any misspoken words. And at times, people have a headache, didnt sleep well, get an attack of confusion from the enemy, or have a brain fart, as some call it. How many times have we heard leaders that have proven themselves to be sincere and genuinely good people, say one thing and then as if never spoken, say the opposite. But, they have to ‘own it’ because it was said in public.
In seventh grade, I heard God’s voice in my head, when I was telling 2 friends how to accept the Lord. My sunday school teacher had told us ‘part 1’ as she called it, on how to tell people to become saved–or to accept the Lord into their heart. She said “next week, I will tell you part 2. ”
In my excitement, I got as far as the lesson had gone, when telling 2 friends. They looked at me –anxious to accept the Lord. But I didnt know what to say next. A voice said ‘ask them to accept.’ I did, and they did.
Next day, my Christian parents picked me up from this ‘slumber party’ as we called it, in those days. I told them both what happened. They did NOT want to hear about my hearing God’s voice. So I said, “Do you think it was the devil’s voice, telling me how to instruct them on accepting Jesus as their Savior?’
So I said, “Do you think it was the devil’s voice, telling me how to instruct them on accepting Jesus as their Savior?’ Even at an early age Shelley you knew the deep seated fear that paralyses Christians that the devil can be such a perfect imitator of God or anything else that all internal phenomena must be avoided. The excessive fear seems to come from fire and brimstone preachers. And my question to you Shelley is did that phenomenon repeat? Does it still happen today? or was it just a one off ?
And YES Shelley Julie does misspeak quite a lot because of her below average language skills. Though she has improved with sheer repetition she still gets word pronunciations wrong in general knowledge words suggesting she has never read much non religious material. So she likely failed English at school. So this blog corrects her grammar in transcripts and doubts about her authenticity can be assuaged by an Independent Telegram channel called Prophecy Fulfilled https://t.me/PropheciesFulfilled Hundreds of prophecies fulfilled and you can dispute them.