Searchable transcript for the Serious

Pay attention people this is an intensive lecture from God Himself about the meaning of the Declaration of Independence
Afterword first The declaration of independence is actually addressed to the English King who believed he solely had conferred on him the divine right to rule as a dictator. The Declaration of independence turned that on its head saying everyone is born with divine rights that cannot be taken away by any man. King George expressed great admiration for George Washington.
parts or four parts. There’s even a teaching that I’m going to do, which I actually already did yesterday. I prerecorded yesterday, um, which is a five part series. It is very in depth. It’s very powerful. Um, and I will be, uh, uploading those here soon for you while I’m in, I’m gone because I’ll be gone for, um, almost three weeks. I have like one day in a three week period. You will see me live on with pastor Dave. Uh, one day you will see me live here, uh, with a guest on this show. But other than that, I will be gone for a very long extended period of time. So I want to make sure that you receive every single one of these words and you’re not without one anytime or any day that I’m gone. So this is Part one of this in depth teaching on a great awakening in the United States. Now this prophetic word was from, uh, February 9th of 2024. It’s called A GREAT AWAKENING IN THE UNITED STATES But before I get to that, if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website@JGMinternational. org under our contact page. You can write us at Julia Green Ministries International 4620 East 53rd Street, suite 200 downpour Iowa 52807. And also if you do want any Julia Green Ministries merchandise, any God WINS or a focus up firm focus foundation on the Father or any, um, in God’s army shirts or cups, you can go to a threesonsthreads.com. You can go to threesonsthreads.com. All these things are different. So some are in hats, shirts, um, and long sleeve shirts or sweatshirts, but go check that out. It’s threesonsthreads.com. All right, now here is the prophecy and this is going to be the first part. And this is
For I, the Lord this day, I’m telling you children of Almighty God who live in the land of my Eagle, the globalists are against you. The deep state that’s after you. Many foreign nations are wanting to destroy you. It looks like many giants are against you and are you are surrounded with no way of escaping their takeover or their control. But aren’t you forgetting the most important part of this whole war, this attack against your nation and your freedoms. And that’s me. I have given you power to overthrow, to use my executive power, my authority, and to use it against anyone or any government that tries to threaten you or hold you captive. My children in the land of my Eagle read the Declaration of Independence. There are many things in there that you should know and use against its unruly and rogue government. You see before you terrorizing you, destroying your cities, destroying your nation and your freedoms in every way. I’m here to say my children, you have my words and my authority to take out every last one of them. They know your laws in this nation, and now it’s time for you to be aware of them. So they no longer have the opportunity to twist your laws and use them against you. My United States arise in my name, arise in my authority. Take what is yours. You don’t need to fight in this war and in this battle alone with natural strength, intelligence with natural weapons. All you need is me. This battle raging between good and evil is growing in intensity now. So grow in my knowledge and how to fight back with my strength and my ability. It’s time for you to have your nation back. It’s time for America, my United States to come alive in me. Don’t you see my children, I am the missing key to your absolute freedom and the complete destruction of the deep state and globalist agenda and every foreign government that has been against you. I am the great I AM and my Eagle is about to soar higher than ever before. It will leave your enemies in the dust to never to control you or enslave this nation again like this. Say every day We are one nation under God, one under man and you will no longer be held or enslaved by any rogue government. We are free now in Jesus name. It is time my children to have confidence in my name, in my authority that I have given to you. This is a time for this nation to live and not die, to prosper and not to lack, to be free and not enslaved. No man is bigger than me and they will find that out. Sayeth the Lord of hosts.
San Francisco is going to be in your news for a shocking reason. Secrets are about to be revealed in a major way. Emails and blueprints of the destruction to that city along with other major cities is going to be exposed. Nancy Pelosi is about to have to answer to all the explosive information that is coming out. Soon I will reveal who she really is and it will shock this nation. Kamala Harris is about to take a hard hit of truth to show who she really is. Now she got to where she is. Nothing they have hidden about her will stay hidden. A hot mic will catch her saying something she didn’t want people to hear that will expose more about her and it will cause even the blind to really see the truth.
A GHOST WRITER will come forward and will be in your news for a significant reason.
Arnold, this name will be in your news for a surprising reason. Another woke company you would say is about to be exposed and you will see them collapse financially and nothing will stop their fall.
The real truth on Charles is coming out. King will not be what he is known for. I told you nothing is as it seems with the Royals. Deep dark evil secrets are coming out and you will see great change in that monarchy.
Catch and release is about to be in your news for this shocking reason. My United States wake up to what they have done against you. Texas is about to be an even more news report. Truth is coming out from that state regarding your rights and your freedoms in this nation. It will wake up other states to join them and it’s much bigger than your border. My United States unite in this hour. Unite in my name. It will completely OVERTHROW and destroy the ones against you. I am your defender so stand and resist even more in this time. Watch how weak the ones against you really are. They have nothing that is bigger than me and I am with you. Resist, push back and watch the fear grow in the enemy’s camp. A great release will happen in this nation but also in all nations around the world sayeth the Lord your Redeemer.
Julie Commentary
Now in this part One what I’m going to do is break down especially the first paragraph. The first paragraph has a lot in it so people just want to hear a prophecy and that’s it. No there’s revelation, there’s scriptures, there’s things that God wants to reveal to us and we have to take that time to listen to what God is saying regarding these things that are happening and what He wants us to do. Now in this first paragraph this is what it says. For I the Lord this day am telling you children of Almighty God who live in the land of my eagle. The globalists are against you, the deep state that’s after you. Many foreign nations are wanting to destroy you. It looks like many giants are against you and you are surrounded with no way of escaping their takeover or their control. But aren’t you forgetting the most important part of this whole war. This attack against your nation and your freedoms and that’s ME I have given you power to OVERTHROW, to use my executive power, my authority and to use against anyone in any government that tries to threaten you or hold you captive. Now you think about all these things that he’s saying right here. So first he’s telling us that we are surrounded. We have the globalists, we have the deep state, we also have foreign governments that have infiltrated our nation and they are trying to take us over. Now most people if they would hear that they would start to panic because there is a reality. There is what this looks like or it’s facts. These are the people who are against us. They have a lot of money, they have a lot of power, they have a lot of force behind them. But guess what? It doesn’t matter because we have the greater one on the inside of us. And here’s a, the first scripture for today is going to be in second Corinthians, second Corinthians chapter four. This jumped out at me when, um, I was going back over cause I write these down when I hear them from the Lord on in prayer and when I was dictating it, this is something that again, when I’m dictating or reading over these prophecies or when I have a one that we do on a prayer call and I go back over it and I listen to it or I read it, scriptures just jump out at me because every prophecy should go back and be connected to the word of God. It should be confirmed by the word of God. So right here when it said you are surrounded, the first scripture that came up in my spirit was second Corinthians chapter four in verse eight. Look here and it says we are hedged in and pressed on every side, trouble and oppress in every way. And we are, it looks like, but it says, but so it’s not done. God’s not done talking, but not cramped or crushed. We suffer in barements, embarrassments and are perplexed and unable to find a way out, but we are not driven to despair. We are pursued, persecuted and hard driven, but not deserted to stand alone. We are struck down to the ground, but we are never struck out and destroyed. So it may be that we are surrounded. It may be that we are hedged and pressed on every side and it looks like there’s no way out. But remember we serve the way maker. He is the way of escape. He said, look at here. We are struck down to the ground, but we’re never struck out and destroyed. So there are times when an enemy knocks us down. We’re in a battle, but even Micah chapter seven in verse eight says, rejoice and it gets me all my enemy for when I fall, I shall arise. God is the light in the midst of our darkness. And even though sometimes we do slip and fall, we do get knocked out by our enemy, but we are not ever struck down or destroyed. We may be knocked down, sorry by the enemy, not knocked out. We may be knocked down by the enemy. We may lose our footing. We may lose, start losing our faith at some points of this fight, but we are never struck down and destroyed because God is the one who has destroyed the power of the enemy. So what we have to do is children of the most high God. We have to know what God has already done. We have to know what he says in his word that we have even said his executive power, his authority to use against all these people who are against us. So it may look like we were outnumbered. It may look like we have no way of escape, but we’re not outnumbered because the things which we are, we see are temporary and the things which are unseen are temporal or sorry, things with our scene are temporary. Things which are not seen are forever or eternal. And even though we may not be able to see God, we’re not able to see the angel armies, but they’re more in number than those who are against us. Just like I’ve given the example many times in second Kings chapter six with Elijah and Gehazi, I wouldn’t look like they were surrounded and there was no way out for Elijah or he got Gehazi. I either there was two of them and they were surrounded on all sides with the enemy and Elijah the prophet said, Lord, open Gehazi eyes eyes so that he may see one of the things that Elijah told Gehazi I first was fear not. And so then he prayed, God opened Gehazi eyes eyes and he saw the chariots of fire that were surrounding the enemies and they were in greater number. So even though God is warning us and he’s saying, I see what’s going on, I see that you have globalists against you. I see that there’s a deep state after you. I see there’s many foreign governments that have infiltrated you and they’re against you. They’re trying to destroy this nation. We have people in our own government. They’re allowing this to happen. God’s saying, I see it. The key thing here is right here is not about the negative aspect. It’s about what he says. And later on in this paragraph, I have given you power to overthrow. He has, and you can turn to Jeremiah. Go to Jeremiah and chapter one. This is what came out at me as soon as I was reading this. Also, I went back over it. This is Jeremiah chapter one and verse eight. Be not afraid of them, their faces for I am with you and to deliver you says the Lord. So God, how many times has God said, be not afraid for you’re not like 365 times in the Bible. He uses, do not be afraid. Fear not, um, you know, um, Oh, what’s another example. Well, of course God’s not given us a spirit of fear by popular than a sound mind, but he also talks about not fearing. Why do we not fear? What’s important of not fearing the reason if we fear, then we are believing the report of the enemy and the report of the enemy is a lie because fear is a liar. So that’s why God says many times to not get in fear because then you’re going to be under deception and you’re going to believe what the enemy is saying and believe in their power. Believe what they’re going to do. Just like the children of Israel, when they were walking to the promised land, they saw the inhabitants of the land. They could have walked right in that the giants would have fled, but they received the evil report. They believe the wrong thing. They got into fear. They panicked and guess what happened? Some of them never saw the promised land because they chose to be in fear. They chose to not believe the good report. They chose not to remember earnestly what all God did before them before when they were in the land of Egypt. We have to earnestly remember all the things that God does and what’s beautiful about that what we have is we have the written word of God that says everything that God has done. So Guinea seeing right here in Jeremiah chapter one and verse eight, be not afraid of them. Their faces for I him with you to deliver you says the Lord. Verse nine, the Lord put forth his hand, touched my mouth and the Lord said to me, behold, I put my words in your mouth. What has been God doing for us? He’s been putting his words in our mouth. Why? Because his words, I did a very extensive teaching on this. His words are spirit and life. His words are victory. His words are blessing. His words are peace. His words are joy. His words will bring about the outcome that God wants us to have. God’s words that he puts in our mouth to speak will give us the end result that God wants us to have because I’ve given you power to overthrow. What’s the secret? It says in Jared Maya chapter one and verse 10, see, I have this day appointed you to oversight of the nations and the kingdoms to root out, to pull down, to destroy, to overthrow, to build and to plant overthrow. Okay, let’s look that up. You guys know how I love to look up words when the Lord is giving these things to us. So let’s look up the word overthrow. So if he’s telling us we have the right to overthrow, what does that mean? Remove forcibly from power. God is telling us right here in this paragraph, I have given you power to overthrow. Overthrow means remove forcibly from power. Who removed forcibly from power? The enemies of Almighty God, the ones who are against us, the ones who are there unlawfully and illegally, the ones who are against God, who are against this nation. How do we remove them forcibly? By the power of God and by the words that he puts in our mouth. It’s not by natural ability, strength or even natural weapons. The most powerful weapon that you have is the word of God, the power of his name, the power of prayer. And so when he says you have the power to overthrow, that means to remove forcibly from power. He’s been telling us that these people are going to all be removed. So what are we supposed to say? We’re supposed to keep shouting their removals, shouting them down, shouting their walls, shouting their exposures, just like the Walls of Jericho. They didn’t come down the first day. Everything will come down that’s against God. That’s guaranteed because God’s undefeated. Then he says, I’ve given you my executive power. All right, executive power. Now I have this up, the definition for executive, having the power to put plans, actions or laws into effect. That’s what executive means. Having the power to put plans, actions or laws into effect. Will we do? Because just like it says in God’s word in Matthew 18, 18. Now this is the C-E-V translation. It says, I promise you God in heaven will allow whatever you allow on earth, but God will not allow anything you don’t allow. I promise that when you and any two of you on earth agree about something you are praying for, my Father in heaven will do it for you. Whatever two or three of you come together in my name, I am here with you. So what are we supposed to do? Not allow these things. It even says in the amplified Bible, the amplified version of Matthew 18, 18 through 20, it says, Truly I tell you, whatever you forbid, declare to be improper and unlawful on earth, must be improper and lawful in heaven, already forbidden in heaven. And whatever you permit or declare proper and lawful on earth must already be permitted in heaven. So again, binding and forbidding. Well, that’s part of executive power. What does forbid mean? Let’s look that up. Forbid, refuse to allow. So right now God’s people is what he’s saying to us because we have executive power. We have God’s power because we have his authority. We have his name. We have the power of prayer. We have the sword of the spirit. We have the right to forbid or to allow this tyrannical and illegitimate governments or the deep state or globalist to control our nation or your nation wherever you live. Because I know there’s people all around the world that are not living in this nation, but they live in other nations. But God is saying we’re supposed to forbid. He even says in Luke 10, 19, Luke 10, 19, this is the classic amplified, Behold, I’ve given you authority and power to trample upon serpents and scorpions and physical and mental strength and ability over all the power that the enemy possesses and nothing shall any way harm us. They have been harming us. They have been doing things against our freedoms and against our nation and God is saying, You have the power to overthrow. That means forcibly remove. And it says, You also have executive power, having the power to put plans, actions or laws into effect. And then we also have the power to bind. So again, or forbid and forbid means I have so many pages up here, refuse to allow. So we have the right to use our executive power that God has given to us in that name above every name and the power he’s given unto us. And it says here in Luke 10, 19, that we have more power and authority over all the power that the enemy possesses. God’s people need to get that down on their heart as authority of the believer that we as believers have power to overthrow, to forbid, to bind, to rebuke, to call down, to cast out, whatever you want to say. We have that power, authority and dominion. We have that right in the name above every name and using the word of God, not by our own strength. This looks like having a police officer and having his badge. He’s backed up by the police force and everything that gives them that privilege to enforce the law. Even if he stands in front of traffic and he stands and he puts his hand up, people have to stop. He has the law backing him. He has that privilege of law enforcement to stand there and stop traffic. He has that power to do so. That’s what that badge is. We have the crown of Almighty God. We have his armor, we have his power, we have his executive privilege, where he’s telling us that we have more power than we realize. We have power in this earth and people say, Oh, that’s not true. Really? Okay, let’s look at another one. Genesis one. This is the reason why I had to break this down because there’s, I’m going to break down tomorrow. I’ll break down the one about the declaration of independence and showing the American people that they need to wake up and what privileges we already have and what deception is trying to do to take this, take them away from us when they don’t have the power unless we’re deceived out of it. All right, so Genesis one chapter justice chapter one in verse 26, God said, let us Father, son, Holy spirit, make mankind in our image after our likeness, let them have in complete authority over the fish of the sea of the birds of the air or the tame beast and over everything that creeps upon the earth right here. Underline it. If you have that classic amplified, it says complete authority. Well, let’s see here. What does complete authority mean? Let’s see here. What’s authority mean? Let’s look up the word authority, authority definition. The meaning of authority is the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience. Guys give us complete authority. What’s authority, the power or right to give orders, make decisions and enforce obedience. Okay. Let’s look up the word complete. Let’s see here. There’s even when we have complete authority. Hold on one second. That’s not, hold on a minute. Full authority. You have the sole responsibility for making decisions, the sole responsibility for making decisions. So God is telling us that we have complete authority over all the power that the enemy possesses. He says that Luke 10 19, he also telling us we have complete authority in Genesis 1 26 and then 27 says, so God created a man in his own image and the image of likeness of God. He created man, male and female. He created them in verse 28. It says, and God bless him and said to them, be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and subdue it. This says, um, using all of its vast resources and the service of God and man and having dominion over the fish, the sea, over the birds of the air and over every living thing that creep upon the earth. Let’s look up the word dominion. Dominion means sovereignty or control. The true meaning of a dominion is a power or right of governing and controlling. You have sovereign authority. So God has given us more authority than we realize. And he’s telling us in just this first paragraph alone, he says, I’ve given you power to overthrow, to use my executive power, my authority, and to use against anyone in any government that tries to threaten you or hold you captive. He’s given us the right to overthrow. He’s given us the right to use his power and his authority. He’s given us the right to forbid, to enforce, to rebuke. Now, again, if we resist the devil, he must flee. So God’s people and the reason why a lot of this hasn’t been, people haven’t been doing it is because they haven’t known. They haven’t known that truth that there’s something that we are able to do about unruly, illegitimate, unlawful or tyrannical governments or rogue governments or these globalist and world leaders. There is something we can do about it. God is giving us this revelation on what we have. And this is just one paragraph that we’re breaking down. That’s the reason why I had to do and just in more than one part, I want to do just one entire thing. I want to break this out because I want this revelation to get on the inside of you. The Lord really wants me to break these down and to be more clear on what you have as a privilege of Almighty God and that what power that you have authority that you have in the name of Jesus and the word of God, which is the sword of the spirit, which is a weapon. We have to start knowing the word of God, using it as this weapon against people that are against us. Instead of putting up with everything that they’re doing, God is saying, I have given you something to do. These are part of our marching orders. We are in the army of the Lord. We are supposed to hold the line. We’re supposed to take back what belongs to us, how we take back what belongs to us. If we don’t know, we have the authority to do so. We have the authority and I’m going to go over even more scriptures for you. And at some point I will do even greater in depth teaching on the authority of the believer and how much power and authority that God’s people really have upon this earth. Cause it just like it says in Psalm one 15 in verse 16 or once, hold on, I might be saying that wrong. Hold on a second. I don’t want to get this wrong and I’m going to close with this and I’m going to take this up tomorrow. Okay. Um, yeah, it is one 15 verse 16. I was right. And the heavens, even the heavens are the Lord’s, but the earth he’s given to the children of men, we are supposed, uh, supposed, supposed to, I’ll say that, right? Supposed to enforce law, what law, God’s law, the truth. We’re supposed to enforce these things. We have the power and ability to do these things. And what we have to do is to speak the word of God against the ones who were against truth, against life, against our freedoms and the ones who are against God. You are not left with the situations and not left helpless. God has given us every tool. He’s given us complete authority and dominion and power. And so what we have to do is we have to know that truth because Hosea four six as God’s people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. So if we don’t know a lot, we don’t have a knowledge of these things, then we don’t know what we can do about it. And then it will destroy that hopelessness when we figure this out. When God’s people are fully awakened, when this country is fully awakened to the truth that we are not having to put up with what we’re saying before us, there is a great awakening coming and there’s gonna be a great resistance coming and the enemies are going to crumble like the Walls of Jericho and we are going to see that. So is their power and authority that they’ve had and used against us in this nation. So I want to pray before I go today and I’ll pick this up tomorrow and I’m going to go over in depth the second paragraph about the Declaration of Independence, what God is saying that we have and we can do about this and what our founding Fathers were telling us that we have the ability to do. So heavenly Father right now in Jesus name, I thank you. That great revelation on the authority of the believer is touching your people, Father God, that they’re getting a great revelation who you are, what authority and how big you are, that you are the most high God, that you live on the inside of us, that we become God inside minded, that we know the truth and that truth is setting us free today. And we thank you Father God for these revelations, for these prophetic words, for the scriptures, for the written word of God that you’ve given to us as a weapon and a tool for our enemy. But also it is something that you, you use to set us free and we thank you Father God for it in Jesus name. Amen and Amen will also encourage you today. Please like, subscribe and share and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs to hear the truth because the truth will set you free. Again, I’ll be back tomorrow with part two. So God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day.

Afterword first The declaration of independence is actually addressed to the English King who believed he solely had conferred on him the divine right to rule as a dictator. The Declaration of independence turned that on its head saying everyone is born with divine inalienable rights that cannot be taken away by any man. King George expressed great admiration for George Washington.
This lecture goes on for a few days and is worth listening to. Comes in a few Parts
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