Searchable transcript for the Serious


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Goood uh Morning, Everybody. Today is Wednesday, March 13th of 2024. And I wanna thank you once again for joining today’s live show. Now, today I’m gonna be sharing my screen with you momentarily. This was a prophetic word I heard with the team when we were on our prayer retreat and we were worrying and praying for the United States and President Trump and all of you. And so this word I’m gonna share with you, I’m very excited to give this one. This was from February 23rd. It was actually a couple of weeks ago. And I’m gonna share my screen with you, but I just want to encourage you. I’ll be on with Pastor Dave today with Take Five in His Glory. And we’re gonna be on with a special guest today. So I hope each and every one of you can join today with His Glory. I am so excited because there are so many different prophecies that are being fulfilled right now. I’m so excited to see what he has to say and the confirmations that God has. So again, it’s today at 11 o’clock central time. I hope each and every one of you can join today’s live show with Pastor Dave and myself and this special guest. So, and of course, if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports, remember we do have a very, very powerful prayer team here at Julie Green Ministries International. And we all love each and every one of you. And I did see in the chat this morning before I got on, but there are some people that are trapped in Haiti. So we will be praying for them before I end this live stream. And so if I do forget for some reason, I shouldn’t, but if I do, I want you guys to put it out in the chat and remind me to pray for those people that release out of Haiti so they safely return home. Because any time we see anything like that, where any person, any family member, any friend, or whatever it is, and they’re in harm’s way, don’t get in fear because remember, God is near. Remember, God is their protector. Pray their guardian angel’s protection. You know what, let’s just pray for them now. Let’s just, instead of waiting till the end, let’s pray for them now. Father God, there are many people that are in Haiti right now and they are trying to get home. And it looks like, it appears like they are trapped in that country. Well, right now, in the name of Jesus, we bind everything that is holding them captive there. And Father God, you are El Shaddai. You’re the God who nothing is impossible. We thank you, Heavenly Father, that you’re also the way maker and you make a way when there isn’t any other way. We thank you that your favor goes before them, protects them, leads them, guide them in the right direction. Give them favor with people, Father God, that they are able to be released out of that country in the name of Jesus. Satan, you cannot hold them there in that country. We command their safe return and protection home in Jesus’ mighty name. We plead the blood of Jesus over them. And Father God, I thank you and I praise you that no weapon formed against them shall prosper in Isaiah 54, 17. Father God, I thank you right now in the name of Jesus that their guardian angels are protecting them, that your glory and your power and the blood of Jesus and the authority of that name is protecting them, Father God. I thank you that you are giving them revelation knowledge on exactly what to do and how to do it. We thank you for leading and guiding people in their path, Father God, helping them get home. And they have favor with any airlines, no matter what it is. I thank you, Father God, that even if it is impossible, it’s not impossible for you. And that goes for anybody in any situation, all over the world, what’s going on inI srael, what’s going on all over the world right now, Father God, if any of your people are in harm’s way, we are pleading the blood of Jesus. We plead to their blood, Father God, the power of that name of Jesus and the power of that blood to protect them, shield them, guide them, Father God, that no weapon in any of these situations, it will not prosper because our enemy has been disarmed. Our enemy is brought underneath of our feet. And I thank you, Father God, we speak life into these situations. We speak health in these situations. We speak victory in these situations. We speak protection in these situations. And we thank you, Father God, because your word says no weapon, we proclaim and decree no weapon formed against any of them shall prosper. And we thank you for great praise reports and you showing yourself, Father God, to them so strongly that you are the God who still delivers. You are the God who still saves. You are the God who still loves. You are still the God who nothing is impossible. And I thank you for that this day in Jesus’ name, amen. So again, there’s people all over the place that need guidance. And even in this country or wherever you’re at in your own country. And I know a lot of people are being bombarded. I can’t even tell you how many people that I’m hearing over and over and over again that are dealing with things that they have never dealt with before. Your spiritually, physically, financially, no matter what it is, they’re dealing with things that they don’t know how to deal with because it’s never been this bad and they don’t know how to get out of it. And no matter how bad your situation is, God is bigger. Don’t magnify your situation. I know it’s easy to do that. Don’t magnify the situation or the problem that you’re in. You magnify the problem solver. You magnify God. You praise Him in all things, not because of all things. You praise Him in all things. And I’m gonna show you some scriptures here that go along with this prophetic word about what God does in the midst of great adversity and how we can change the outcome by our obedience. We can change the outcome by our faith or our trust in God. I just came home last night from watching The Chosen, Episode seven and eight, with my husband and one of my sons last night. And one of the things that struck me to my core, and it grieved at me, and I was watching this, it was the fact that no matter what Jesus showed His people, no matter what He did in front of His followers, you’re thinking these followers, I thought them for the longest time. These were 12 disciples They were so powerful. They had so much faith. Even though I saw some scriptures, I didn’t. They didn’t. But I was just under the assumption they were just so much stronger and they just knew so much more than us because they walked and talked with Jesus on a daily basis. ‘Cause how could you not know more because they were right there in front of Him? And they didn’t. And no matter how much Jesus showed them, no matter how much love, no matter how many of His words, no matter what He was doing to lead Him and guide Him and to show Him what was to come, they still didn’t get it. And in the Bible where it says in the scriptures where Jesus wept, He was weeping in that show. He was weeping because people weren’t trusting Him or believing in Him and have faith in Him. And that literally broke me down crying in the middle of watching that. Because how many times do all of us do that when we don’t even mean to, that we’re grieving God? Because there’s situations in our life that we’re paying more attention to the situation than we are paying attention to what Jesus did, to what Jesus died for, to what He says in His word that He will do. But we have more faith in what’s against us in our situations and circumstances or symptoms in our body. And we put more faith and trust in that than we do what Jesus says. So God, we don’t even mean to do that. But be aware. It says in 1 Peter 5, in verse 8, our enemy roams around like a lion, seeking who he may devour. He can devour you by deceiving you. He can be devouring you by distracting you. He can do these things when we are not putting our total faith and trust or even our total attention on God. We can look at all of our different situations and circumstances in our life and it gets our attention. And then we’re not looking to what God is saying and what God has already done. We’re looking to that situation, circumstances overwhelming us because we’re going by our feelings or by what things look like. And then we get frustrated and we get upset. How many times are we grieving our Heavenly Father because we’re not totally trusting in Him? And so what I wanted to say that today is because all, everybody watching, all, every person I’m sure is going through a situation that you don’t know how to get out of. Something that’s frustrating. Something that’s upsetting. Something that looks impossible. So then that’s trying to bring fear or chaos or destruction or whatever it is to your family, to your mind, to your body. Every person is facing something. So first and foremost, you’re knowing that you’re not alone because the enemy will want you to think that way. And also what he wants you to think is it’s too impossible that you’re never gonna get out of that situation. Well, that’s a lie because you serve a God who nothing is impossible. So every situation today that you are facing, you say God is my answer. God is my source. God is my way out. God is my victory. God is my deliverance. God is my healer. God is my way maker. Everything I need. God is my answer. God is my source. Give Him praise. You may be having total destruction going on in your life, total destruction, but God. You can rejoice and look at Him and say, God, I’m not gonna be moved by what I see because I know what I see is temporal and it will not last forever. We have to make that decision. Just like yesterday when I was on that show with Miriam, my dear friend Miriam Shaw yesterday with Moms on a Mission. We have to be purposeful on what we do every day. Purposeful in knowing and putting our focus, that firm focus foundation on the Father to focus on what God is saying and not focus on the enemy’s doing. It’s so easy to be overwhelmed with your mind and overwhelmed with your circumstances because remember it says in Mark chapter four in verse 15, it says, The enemy immediately comes to steal the word. That was sown in your heart, why? So it doesn’t make a harvest. And so if we trust and believe in God today, no matter what we’re experiencing, we’re looking to Him, giving sacrifices of praise. They do, I don’t have lots of praise to praise for. I will tell you, there are times in my own life when I was struggling in darkness, despair, depression, suicidal tendencies, fear and anxiety. There was always something, no matter how dark my life looked, there was always something to be praising God for. That’s His love. That’s the light that He gave. It wasn’t the light that I was living, that He wanted me to live. It was the one that the enemy was trying to get me into deceiving me. This was the life that I had to live when it wasn’t at all. He was trying to steal that destiny. He was trying to steal the life that God had for me. So I had to make that choice. Do I trust in God or I trust in my circumstances? Do I trust in God or I trust in how I feel? Everyone can make a decision today. And let’s make that decision today that we put our faith and our trust in God because there are gonna be things in your life, in this nation or around the world that’s going to look worse. It’s going to look harsh. It’s going to look more impossible. And if we have that firm-footed and we are firmly planted on the Word of God, nothing is gonna move you. You’re not gonna care what you see before you. You’re not gonna care what your mind says. You’re not gonna care how you feel. You are only gonna care about what does God say. And what is God doing? Because remember, God is faithful to perform His Word. So I wanna give you that encouragement today that of course God WINS. He’s already won the battle for us. We may be in this war that seems endless or in these possible situations, and of course it seemed like they’re never ending, or they’re getting worse by the day instead of better. That’s your enemy. It’s always the darkest before the dawning. It’s always the darkest before a great victory. But know that victory is coming. Know that God has a final say in your outcome as long as you agree with Him. So be encouraged today and be focused. That’s why everybody, I love how people put it in the chat every day. God WINS because He has. We have to remind ourselves in every situation no matter how we think, no matter what’s going on in our bodies, no matter what’s going on in our families, or what’s going on in our finances, or what’s going on in our nations, we have that focus on God that He WINS. And if He WINS, so do we. And it says in 2 Corinthians 2 in verse 14 that He always causes us to triumph. You have been chosen for such a time as this. Each and every one of us are here for a reason. Whether you understand that reason or not. Some people will think and the enemy will tell them that they’re just a waste of space, that they’re not important, that they can’t make a difference, that they’re just a nobody. No, you’re a somebody. You are a child of Most High God and He loves you. And He doesn’t care what you’ve done in your past. He doesn’t care the way it looks like in your life. He sees the end result and that is your victory. And that is the good life that He’s laid up for each and every one of you. And what you have to do is hold on to that. Reach out and take it and receive what the Lord has done. Receive that Jesus is the conqueror. He’s a King of Kings, He’s the Lord of Lords. There’s no one bigger or greater than our God. So no matter what we are about to see our enemies do, it says in Micah chapter seven, verse eight, Rejoice not against me, O my enemy. When I fall, I shall arise. It doesn’t matter how many times you fall down. It doesn’t matter how many times you try to give up and quit. It only matters if you get back up. And again, God says in His word, He sits in the heavens and He laughs because He sees the defeat of the enemy coming. Laugh, you need to force yourself to laugh. Laugh and remind your enemy that He is going to lose because He’s a loser. Remind Him that He is a loser every day. God WINS, Satan’s a loser. That’s it. And when you think about it that way, if all these things are coming against you that are bad, you know they’re not from God and you know they can’t stay and they have an expiration date, everything the enemy is doing against you, if you hold on, trust, believe in God, He’s perfecting you, He’s strengthening you, and He’s showing you who He has made you to be, not who the enemy wanted you to be. That’s different. So who do you believe today? Do you believe God and what He is doing in your life? Or do you believe the enemy and their destruction when their destruction cannot last forever? So be encouraged today with the word of God. SPEAK LIFE OVER EVERY SITUATION SPEAK VICTORY OVER EVERY SITUATION Your mind may tell you that it’s lying when you’re speaking these words. No, you’re speaking in faith and you’re agreeing with God. And when you do, and the more you do, the more your circumstances will change. Get in agreement with God today. All right, now, I am going to share my screen with you. And again, this is a prophetic word from February 23rd. This was on our prayer retreat with the prayer team. And we were warring in the spirit for this country and for President Trump and for each and every one of you. And while we were praying, this was a very forceful, very loud, it sounds like I’m yelling, but it’s just the authoritative power of God coming through me. And when he’s speaking against the enemy, he’s not quiet. And he’s not like talking like this. It’s authoritative. Just like when I’m talking to my kids when we’re just having a normal conversation, I talk like this. But if they’re doing something wrong and I’m trying to correct them, I have what’s called the MOM voice. And they know I have a mom look and I have a mom voice and they know exactly what it is when they’re in trouble. Well, it’s the same thing with God. When he’s starting to talk to our enemies and he’s warning them of what they’re going to do and what he is about to do about it, he’s not gonna speak kindly. It’s authoritative. He’s warning them who he truly is. And so I just wanna let you know, when I share this word with you, it may sound like yelling, but it’s not, okay? So I am going to share my screen and I’ll be back with you momentarily and then I’ll give you some of the scriptures and some of the different things that happen in the Bible that God is saying that’s going, it’s happening now and what we are about to see. So he is, again, he’s preparing our hearts to receive what we are about to see. So I will share my screen and I will be right back.


Woe to you enemies of Almighty God, your warnings. I have given you plenty of them, but now it’s time for my judgment to rain down on you. It will be very clear, my children, I will protect them. And enemies of Almighty God, your destruction is great because my power is greater than any form of power that you have. There is much confusion growing in your camps, but it will grow even greater now. Your plans are gonna fall apart right in front of your face. Many things are going to happen to you and you’re not going to understand why. You will have the person to the left or the person to the right and the person to the front or the back. People surrounding you and all of you are going to turn on one another. Just like what happened in Second Chronicles. The enemies turned on each other and destroyed one another and that is happening again. Because my children are praying. My children are rejoicing. My children are standing on my word and they’re using my authority. I have told you, my children, to watch that Capitol because it’s surely not mine. Watch the Capitol and watch what they do. Watch what they do to you or they try to do to you. Watch what they do. Watch what they’re saying. Watch what they’re letting the mainstream media say. These explosive news reports are going to come out. They had them all along and they waited until the appropriate time when they wanted to get rid of their puppet. They have no control over that. I have told you that before. They’re trying to control exactly when to remove him. Well, I will show you that they’re not in control of that. I will show you that they’re not in control of all these court cases against my David. I will expose more and I will expose those judges against him. I will expose those DA’s against him. I will expose how all of them go back to the Biden and Obama. I will show the money trails on exactly how they were paid. I’m going to give and deliver to you every voice recording, everything that they have in documents that are proving that this Washington Establishment was behind it all. I’m going to show you what’s behind all the election fraud. Not only for 2020, not only for 2022, not only what they were trying to do with 2024, but I’m going to show you all the ones that done before. I’m showing you these things. There is mighty shaking going on everywhere. It’s shakings going on over the nations. There’s resistance that are growing all over the nations. But my United States, grow in your resistance in my word. The more you unite together, this is the key. The key is me. And I am telling you to unite in me, unite in my name, unite in my words, unite and resist, unite and resist and you will see a great fall. Unite and resist because as you unite and resist, they’re going to turn on each other more and more. Instead of you turning on each other, my own body, that’s how things have come so slow. You’ve wanted it to speed up. You’ve wanted to hurry up. You’ve wanted to hurry up, but where was the unity? Your enemies were unified for a long time. Now they’re starting to fall apart and crumble. They’re not unified any longer. But now it’s my time for my body to be united. United as one, united in me, united in my name, united with my power and with my authority. So children of Almighty God, not even just this country, you stand in faith and unity in my name. You stand in unity in my blood and the sacrifice that was made for you to be completely free. I will show you everything that they’re doing. Something big is coming down the pipeline. You would say something big, something BIG is on the horizon.

I’m going to show you all the terrorists exactly where they are. I’m going to show you exactly who paid them to be there. I will show you their blueprints. I will show you the architect of that blueprint. And I will show you the ones who paid them and who was in charge of the whole entire scheme. I will show you. I will show you how Obama has orchestrated the Washington Establishment for years, even before you realize. And who is behind him pulling his strings? I told you I have the big fish. And you will soon see them. You will soon see all these things are doing against President Trump. Yep, you are going to see them fall and crumble before your eyes. And every person that unlawfully brought these indictments, I told you, Haman, WATCH WATCH how FAST judgment strikes. Watch how fast you will see justice happen. And don’t keep saying they keep getting away with everything because they have not. I saw all these things. They have not gotten away with everything. You just haven’t seen it all. You haven’t seen what I have been doing and who I’ve been using behind the scenes to bring great judgment and to bring great justice. There is a shaking that’s been going on in DC. You just haven’t seen it, but I’m going to show it. The party, the left and the Washington Establishment, they’re tearing each other apart because things aren’t working. One person wants this person and another group wants another person to be front and center, yes, man, or yes, woman. But all my children, you have to say is, but God. Because I am in control. You have to be firmly footed and rooted in my name and in my word in this time. Dig in your feet. Have my righteous indignation rise up in you to speak my words and to watch your enemies fall. This is the time of a GREAT FALL You will see more news media implode. You will see more big corporations implode. And the greatest corporation that’s imploding, the biggest one that’s imploding right before your eyes is the one they put in this nation. And everything they did, listen to my words. After that Establishment, incorporation was put in place. By then the Washington Establishment, you didn’t even know about. They’ve been here for a long time. Your enemies have infiltrated you long, long, long, long, long ago. BUT I AM GOING TO PEEL BACK EVERY SINGLE SECRET and I’m going to reveal to you and that corporation that has brought in all of this evil, that has brought in all of this oppression, that has brought all of this destruction of my nation, you will watch it fall like the Tower of Babel. The confusion the Tower of Babel had and how it stopped. They stopped that empire and they stopped what they were doing because I stopped them. The Walls of Jericho were not thick enough and neither is this institution that was built against me. Keep me out. They tried to build this corporation in your nation, oh, United States, to keep me out. And there is coming a great shaking in the Supreme Court. There is going to be a ruling that is going to bring a death blow to the Establishment. I will say this again. A ruling will bring a death blow to the Establishment on keeping my David from his seat. So my children keep standing. The hour is almost here where you can sit and rejoice and be at peace and enjoy these victories that I’ve already provided because they are for you now. The time is coming. The hour for your enemies to fall is closer than you realize. And again, you don’t have to wait. Start to celebrate now, sayeth the Lord.

– Okay, there’s a lot that goes on with that word that he was talking about. And one of the things that he was saying is that we are supposed to resist and we are supposed to unite. One of the key things is, is we are supposed to unite with God in his name, in his word, we’re supposed to unite together. He’s the key. He is the key to our victory. And as we unite in his name, as we unite in his word, and as we stand up and as we resist, if you heard what he said in that prophetic word, he said, as you unite and as you resist, there’s gonna be great confusion in the enemy’s camp. They’re gonna start turning on each other. You can see what happened in 2 Chronicles 20. I want you guys to turn there really quick. There’s a couple of different stories in the Bible that the Lord showed me this morning that went along with this prophetic word and that for this teaching and for this revelation that he has for us today. In 2 Chronicles 20, if you look here, there was Jehoshaphat, I’ve gone over this story many, many times, Jehoshaphat and his area and all of his people, there was a great multitude of an army coming against them. They were way bigger, way stronger. They were, it looked like they were gonna be undefeatable. These enemies that were coming against them, they could not, Jehoshaphat and his people could not defeat them. They looked too big to defeat because there was more number. They had more weapons or whatever. But God was showing them something and he had the prophet on that scene. Again, there’s so many people that say, there’s not prophets for today. I don’t understand how that is even biblical. That’s not. First of all, God had always had prophets on the scene and every single situation that they were going in and if there was something big or major, it says in Amos 3. 7, God’s not do anything without first revealing it to the servants of prophets. Then it said in Joel chapter two, and it said in Acts, it talks about how in the last days, his sons and daughters shall prophesize So there has to be times where a prophecy or prophetic words are imperative. They’re important because one, they warn, they prepare people. And so in God’s word with this in 2 Chronicles 20, when the prophet was on the scene, he said right here in verse 17, 2 Chronicles 20 in verse 17, this is what the prophet said, You will not need to fight in this battle. Position yourselves, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord who is with you. Oh, Judah and Jerusalem, do not fear or be dismayed for tomorrow you go out against them for the Lord is with you. God is telling us we don’t have to fight in this battle in a military way, naturally. But what he did say, just like he was telling them, but what he did say was prepare. He said, you need to fight in this battle, but position yourselves. We need to position ourselves, what? United, position ourselves in resisting, position ourselves by standing on the word of God, speaking the word of God, declaring the word of God, declaring our freedoms, rejoicing, looking to God, not looking to what man is doing against us, not looking to what the governments are doing against us. God has given us marching orders, decrees, declarations, he’s giving us things to say, he’s giving us things to do. Look right here, let’s continue reading. This says, In the latter part of 2 Chronicles 20. So the very end of 2 Chronicles 20, 20, so this is what it says, Believe in the Lord your God and you shall be established. Believe in his prophets and you shall prosper. What does that mean? You’re gonna prosper in your spirit, you’re gonna prosper in your mindset, you’re gonna prosper in that way because you’re gonna know, because as you listen to that prophet, when they said right there, the battle is not yours, the battle is the Lord’s. You don’t have to fight in this battle, but you gotta prepare for it, you gotta prepare and stand, you gotta prepare and pray, you gotta prepare and rejoice, or you have to be singing and praising and worshiping God. The prophet was giving them something to do, and something to look forward to, an encouragement, something to hold onto because what they’re facing was completely impossible. What we’re facing right now is completely impossible for us to do anything physically about it on our own. Okay, let’s keep reading. Then it says in verse, this is 2 Chronicles 20 and 22. So why people are freaking out because all this stuff is going on and that’s what the enemy wants you to do. He wants you freaking out, he wants you to get depressed, he wants you to get stressed out, he wants you to get in fear, he wants you to get in worry, he wants you to get overwhelmed because then you have no joy. And if you have no joy in the midst of a battle, you have no strength. So you see where the enemy’s trying to steal your joy, why it’s so imperative to keep your joy, no matter how hard it is, and some days I know it’s very difficult to keep joy, especially when you’re being battered. And it seems like it’s a battering ram and there’s nothing, there’s no freedom from it, there’s no relief at all, and you’re just getting pounded over and over and over again. And so you’re like, what am I supposed to rejoice about? Rejoice because God is your victory. Rejoice because God is your way out, even though you may not see it, but God promises that. That’s when you have to walk out your faith and trust in God, this is what God’s gonna do. He said, I don’t know how he’s gonna get me out of it. He just says, he’s gonna get me out of this mess. Be your own cheerleader. Then it says in 2 Chronicles 20 in verse 22. Now look, when they began to sing and to praise, the Lord set ambushes against the people of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir who had come against Judah and they were defeated. God’s people weren’t mourning. They weren’t depressed. They weren’t like scared. They weren’t running from the fight. They weren’t giving in and just being defeated and let the enemy just come and destroy them. They had a firm, they were firmly footed in the word. They heard the word of the Lord. And they said, okay, they did a prayer and they did a fast. They weren’t gonna give up and they weren’t quitting. It’s like we can’t ever give up and we can’t ever quit. We can never ever, I don’t care how big and bad these people may seem, I don’t care. They’re not bigger than God and neither is the plan. But when God’s people started rejoicing and praising and worshiping God, then God set ambushes up and the enemies were defeated. So what we need to do is what we’re lacking in is that we need to start praising and worshiping God and God will set ambushes up and the enemies will be defeated. God’s our key, remember? Now, if you keep reading in 2 Chronicles 20 and verse 24, it says that the latter part of that, none of them escaped. So the enemies were completely defeated. The enemies completely defeated themselves. Jehoshaphat and his military did not have to lift a finger. They didn’t have to fight in that battle. Just as the prophet of God said, you don’t get to fight in the battle of battle as the Lords. You have to worry about it. All you have to do is look to God. Focus on God, focus on what he’s saying. Focus on what he’s already done. Focus on his promises and his blood covenant with you. And if you focus on that, remember, God says his word in Hebrews chapter 10 and verse 30, that vengeance is the Lord’s. He will settle and solve the cases of his people. He will make sure there’s recompense. He will make sure there’s retribution. He will make sure there’s justice. That’s what God does. And so what we have to be doing is focusing on him, trusting in him, and knowing that he can get us out of anything, no matter how difficult and how impossible that it may seem. So if you keep reading, Jehoshaphat and his people, they spent several days picking up all the spoil from the enemy. They got all the gold, the silver, everything they had. They took all the spoils from that war. They took them. They did not have to fight in it, and that’s the key. We have to resist spiritually. We have to pray, we have to stand, we have to unite. The body of Christ, if we were to look at it, there’s some days where I’m just like, Lord, help me see what you see, because the body of Christ is tearing each other apart. One person is, I just saw a video I was going through to find something to listen to for music, and I came across a video where this person was bashing another person. Christians, both Christians, bashing, just literally this person was bashing this person. I couldn’t, I don’t even know what the point of it was. But again, if we’re too busy bashing one another, destroying one another, the enemy is laughing at you, because then you’re totally distracted from what the fight’s really going on, and then that’s how Satan can destroy you. So that’s why God is telling us we’re supposed to unite, not fight against each other. We’re supposed to unite with one another, and God is the key. So we’re supposed to unite in God and in that name. Now, I want you guys to also turn to, let’s go to the Tower of Babel, because God mentions this in the prophetic word. God mentions this in the prophetic word. He mentions the Tower of Babel, and then he mentions, and he brought me up to Sodom and Gomorrah this morning as well. He mentions the wall of Jericho that I’ll be going over before I go back over this prophetic word. So again, a lot of people think that God does not intervene, that God does not do anything when the evil ones are in control. Now, if you see the Tower of Babel, this story is in Genesis 11, Genesis chapter 11.

Now, this was Nimrod. Nimrod was a ruler of that day. In Nimrod, what he wanted to do was build this tower. Basically, this tower stood for a rebellion against God. They didn’t need God. They didn’t care about God. They tried to act like God didn’t even exist. Does it sound like the ruler’s of today? So they were all in one accord. The enemy was united. And when the enemy was united, they got stuff done. Did you hear what God said in that prophetic word? The enemies united and had been united. And when they were uniting, they were getting stuff done. But God’s people have been so divisive with one another and so divided, they’re not getting things done like they should. So anyway, they built this tower. It was a rebellion and defiance against God. They wanted to build this kingdom that was without God. They didn’t want any people to recognize God, depend on God, rely on Him whatsoever. They wanted the kingdom to rely on them, the ones who were in power. What did God do in Genesis chapter 11? You can see in verse four, Genesis chapter 11, verse four, again, it goes along with the prophetic word and what God is saying is happening to us right now. First of all, you have to remember what the enemy does. There’s nothing new under the sun, okay? The enemy doesn’t have any new tactics. He just may change the name of it. It’s the same thing. The Tower of Babel in Genesis chapter 11, verse one says, And they said, come, let us build us a city and a tower whose top reaches into the sky and let’s make a name for ourselves lest we be scattered over the whole earth. So first of all, the enemy united. And then when the enemy united, they came together and they built this massive tower, the Tower of Babel. It was a resistance and a defiance against God. It was a government against God and changing all the citizens of that nation against God. Again, it was a defiance against God. That is why you see, look at this government now. Look at the defiance against God. You know, the party of the left has taken God out of their platform, totally taken God out of their platform. Instead of people just voting for a person, vote the platform, look at the platforms and see what they stand for.

The party of the left, they took God out of their platform. I think it was last year or the year before that, whatever year it was, maybe 2022. Took God totally out. Yeah, I just seen it on the live chat, 15 minute cities. Yep. They build cities against God. They build countries against God or governments against God. This is nothing new. But what did God do when the enemies were defiant against him? When they were trying to turn God’s people against him? When they were trying to build a city or a tower or a government against God or a nation against God? What happens? Okay, Tower of Babel, what happened? If you look in verse five, the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built. So God noticed what they had done against him. And it says he came down. The same thing you will find in Exodus chapter three. Again, there is nothing that enemies do that ever gets away from God. They will never outsmart God. They will never overthrow God. No matter how much they have in their pocket, no matter how much money, no matter how much power they have they’re never gonna accomplish what they went there to accomplish. And then it says in verse six, Genesis 11 verse six, and the Lord said, behold, there is one people and they have all one language and this only the beginning of what they will do. So God knew that if there was one people and one language and they were united, that no matter what they were gonna set their minds to they were gonna accomplish it. And he says, and now nothing they have imagined they can do will be impossible for them. They were united. The enemy was united. God’s people haven’t been. But when Satan’s people united, guess what they did? They accomplished. They accomplished certain things. But then God, but God, remember those two words, but God, then it says in verse seven, come let us go down and they were confound and mixed up and confused their language and they not understand one another speech. Verse eight, so the Lord scattered them. Do you see all these scriptures that God has been giving us lately that says that God scatters the enemy or God cuts them off? And remember we found in Psalm 37 where it says God laughs at the enemy ’cause he sees the beat coming. He knows the end from the beginning. God’s the alpha of the omega. You think that God is not laughing now? It’s the same. It’s the same devil. It’s the same, maybe using different people, but it’s the same strategy. Kick God out of this earth, out of a nation, out of a country, out of the church or whatever it is, kick God out and make sure while you’re kicking God out, you make sure that we take God’s people and divide them because the house divided against itself cannot stand. The enemy has been laughing at us because the church, we have all these gazillion different denominations, all these different doctrines, and this person is tearing each other to that part and this person is tearing each other to that part. This pastor over here is tearing apart that pastor. This person on social media is tearing apart this person on social media. But you have a common enemy. Why aren’t you fighting the enemy? ‘Cause they’re too busy fighting each other. They’re distracted. The enemy didn’t get distracted. When the enemy was united, they were accomplishing something till God came down. What happened when Pharaoh and his army, when they were oppressing God’s people, they were united against God’s people because they were afraid of God’s people because it became more in number than they were. Read Acts chapter one. When they were united against God’s people, guess what they did? They oppressed them, they destroyed them, and they brought them into this great slavery. God’s people were against Moses when Moses came about. They were always complaining to him, but God came down. God delivered them out of the hand of that enemy. You look at Sodom and Gomorrah. Sodom and Gomorrah, they were defiant against God. They were so evil, these two cities were. Again, cities. They were rebellious, they were evil. And then you have Abraham. Abraham went to God and said, God, if there’s 50 people, spare them. Don’t destroy those cities. And God said, Okay, if there’s 50, I won’t. But there wasn’t. So Abraham went back to God if there’s 45, and then when he went back to God if there’s 40, so on and so on till he got to 10. There wasn’t even 10 righteous people. There wasn’t even 10 righteous people in Sodom and Gomorrah for them to be saved. Now, God allowed a lot in his family to come out of there before they were destroyed. God destroys the enemy. He will destroy an empire. He will destroy a government. He will destroy a city. He will destroy the enemy’s power. He destroys their power. Look with the wall of Jericho. If you see the wall of Jericho in Joshua chapter six, if you see the walls of Jericho, there was a wall. They built a wall, wow. Our enemies are against building walls in this country. They’ll build a wall for somebody else in another country. That’s another story. But anyway, you have Jericho built a wall. It was like a fortress. They built a wall of protection around themselves. But even a wall couldn’t keep God out of that city. A wall could not keep that, what God had planned away from God’s people. God had planned that they were gonna take that wall down. If they obeyed him, what do they do? They look like idiots they probably felt like when they were walking around that city for those seven days and they weren’t saying anything and they weren’t doing anything. They were just walking around and all of a sudden seven days they sat there and shouted. It wasn’t their shouts that brought down that wall. It was their obedience in God that brought down that wall. God was with them. God brought down that wall for them. You think that God can’t bring down the walls of the Washington Establishment or the walls of any tyrannical government all around the world? He can’t bring that city or that capital or any of those things down. God can. And he’s proven to us several different times in the Bible where he can bring down a city. He can bring down a nation. He can bring down a government in a day. How many times does God have to prove to us over and over and over again that he can do these things? He can. What is the key for us? The key for us is to know that God is in control. The key for us to know that God is the way out. The key for us is to unite and resist. There was something that when we pray sometimes as a team, and we’re at these retreats and we literally are praying, there’s sometimes where God has had us lock arm in arm, stand in the line and we lock arm in arm and we sit there and we shout and we pray and we decree, we declare, whatever that God has to say. Because we are showing the enemy that we are a united front and that we aren’t gonna back off, that we’re not gonna quit. And the more he was doing, the more we were just getting louder and we were shouting. It didn’t matter all the resistance that he was giving us. We didn’t care. All we cared about is we knew what God was saying. We knew what God was doing. We’re still that way. We pray every day together. It doesn’t matter what the enemy wants. We need to stay locked arm in arm as children of the most high God. And if you see people that are dividing the body of Christ, you have to ask yourself, are they really for God? And I’m asking you that question. Think about that for a minute. Look at, if you watch Jesus, you watch the chosen, you read the Bible and you see what Jesus did. He united. Yes, he did call out the Pharisees and the Sadducees when he was supposed to, but he was only doing it out of love and he was doing it as a rebuke to them because of what they were doing against him. Because they did not care about Jesus. They cared about religious tradition and law. Jesus was right in front of their face and they didn’t see him. They didn’t hear him because he was not normal. And he was not who they thought. He was not who their tradition lined themselves up with thinking. And so you can have somebody right in front of your face that’s telling you the word of God and not receive the word of God and you miss it. So there are people right now just literally tearing each other apart and dividing the body of Christ. That’s what the enemy does. And so what we have to do is pray for unity. That’s one of the things that God’s been having us do as a team for a long time is pray for unity in the body of Christ. There are people that have come out against us in this Ministry personally, whatever, and God’s supposed to pray for them. Why? That’s what we should be doing. Pray because remember we don’t wrestle with flesh or blood, but against principalities and powers and rulers of the darkness of this world. That’s Ephesians 6 12. It’s not people. People are not our enemy. So I wanna go over this back over this prophetic word. This prophetic word is called THE COMING CONFUSION AND DESTRUCTION OF THE WASHINGTON ESTABLISHMENT And you can even think about this as the globalist agenda also, because the Washington Establishment is part of globalist agenda. But the coming confusion and destruction, you saw what destroyed Babel? Confusion. It brought about their destruction. So let’s read. Woe to you enemies of Almighty God, your warnings. I have given you plenty of them. But now is the time for my judgment to rain down on you. It will be very clear who my children are because I will protect them. Enemies of Almighty God, your destruction is great because my power is greater than any power that you have. There is much confusion growing in your camps. But it will grow even greater now. So stop right there. First of all, we have to remember that God’s power is greater. And God has brought a confusion in the enemy’s camp. He’s been saying that for two or three years. But now he’s saying in this prophetic word that this confusion is going to grow. Well, if you see back in the tower of Babel, when they were confused, it was their destruction. So the more you see the enemies being confused, and you can see them turning on each other also, you can see their ultimate destruction. Then he says, your plans are going to fall apart right in front of your face. So he’s telling the enemies of Almighty God, your plans are gonna fall apart in front of you right in front of your face. Well, that’s what happened to the tower of Babel. That’s what happened to the Walls of Jericho. That’s what happened with Sodom and Gomorrah when they were trying to rebel against God. That’s what happened. When you talk about Pharaoh and his army, their plan was to go past that Red Sea, go cross it just like the children of Israel did, go get them, bring them back, and bring them back into slavery. Well, their plans didn’t go as planned. Instead of capturing God’s people again, it was actually their destruction. He says, many things are going to happen to you, and you’re not going to understand why. So he’s telling the enemies of Almighty God, things are gonna start happening, and you’re not even gonna know why it’s happening to you. They’re probably wondering right now, why all of a sudden they cheated all these other elections, but all of a sudden now it’s not working. They try to bring all these indictments against Trump. They try to bring all these different things against him. It’s not working. And instead, his camp is growing. There has been a movement, and more people are going from that side of the left and going and turning into the side of the right because they’re seeing it. They’re seeing the truth. They’re seeing a two-tiered justice system. He says your plans are falling apart right in front of your face. Many things are going to happen to you, and you’re not gonna understand why. You will have the person to the left or the person to the right and the person to the front or the person to the back or people surrounding you, and all of you are going to turn on one another. So they’re gonna look, and everywhere they’re gonna turn, they’re gonna see somebody else is turning on them. Just like what happened in Second Chronicles, just like how I read you in Second Chronicles chapter 20, how the enemy turned on themselves and they were defeated. Not one person survived that fight, not one. But God’s people didn’t have to fight. They just prayed and praised. Pray and praise. How powerful. Pray and praise are. And now they defeat the power of the enemy. The enemies turned on each other and destroyed one another. And that’s happening again because my children are praying. My children are rejoicing. My children are standing on my word and they’re using my authority. I told you my children to watch, now he says that capital. He didn’t say like it’s the capital of the United States. He said that capital because it’s surely not mine. And he says before in other different prophetic words where he said that capital in Washington, D.C. is not where it is supposed to be. And it’s not the capital that God made. It’s what the man made. The Establishment made back in the day. All your symbolisms, like I said, I was just there. It was back in what, January? Or beginning of February, I can’t remember which date. I don’t remember. But anyway, you can see their symbolisms on everything. It’s not God’s. He says watch that capital and watch what they do. Watch what they do to you or they try to do to you. So coming out of Washington, D.C. they’re gonna start trying more stuff. So don’t freak out and don’t be surprised when they’re gonna start trying new things. He says watch what they do. Watch what they are saying. Watch what they are letting the mainstream media say. These explosive news reports are going to come out. They had them all along and they waited until the appropriate time when they wanted to get rid of their puppet. Well, who’s their puppet? We all know who that puppet is. It’s the Biden. And anyone with him. They’re all just puppets. They’re yes people. They have no control over that. So they are gonna plan to let him go. Now God’s been saying this for a long time. That when you see the news and you see what they’re talking about his cognitive functionality, that was like gonna be assigned to you and I, they’re letting him go. Well, now they’re talking about all the time. That one report that just came out. Now the guy just resigned. Her, I think his name is. Just resigned. I’m sure he was forced out. But he was resigned because he said basically that he’s a frail old man that is cognitively not functional to stand trial. This is regarding the classified documents. So again, that destroyed them. And now more and more people are seeing that he can’t talk. They were trying to hide that a year ago. They’re not hiding as much as they are now. They have no control over that. Control over what? When they let him go. When they let the Biden go and Harris go. Again, they’re gonna replace him. Just watch. They will replace him before the election because they know that he can’t win. God’s been saying that for a couple of years now that they’re gonna replace him and Harris. He says they’re trying to control exactly when to remove him. I would say just watch probably around like the convention time. Back to the primary and he’ll get his delegates and whatever, whenever they can give the delegates to somebody else. I don’t know how that goes, but just watch what they do. ‘Cause they don’t want the people to have a say in who they replace. They just wanna replace with whoever, which there’s two people in my three. Well, I will show you that they’re not in control of that. They’re not in control of the follow the Biden. They’re not in control of their narrative. They’re not in control of what they’re gonna do with this election. They’re not in control of this country. And God’s gonna show them that. I will show you that they’re not in control of these court cases against my David. We can see that. Remember God’s been talking for the last two or three years about these are the days of Haman. Look what’s happened with Fannie Willis down in Georgia. She tried to go against Trump. Now all of a sudden that’s exploding on her. And now all of her dirty laundry has been all out in the open watch more of that will happen. Watch Letitia James. Something’s gonna happen with her too. And then he says, God goes on to say, I will expose more and I will expose those judges against him. Oh, watch the fall of Judge Engoron. Then he says, I will expose those DA’s against him. Well, he’s already exposed Fannie in (Georgia) So just wait till the other ones. I’ll expose how all of them go back to Biden and Obama. Well, we’re gonna start seeing how they’re all connected. Then he says, I will show you the money trails on exactly how they were paid. Now we’re gonna see how the government paid them. I’m gonna give and deliver to every voice, a recording, everything they have to have and documents that are proving that this Washington Establishment was behind it all. The fraud, the corruption, everything. I’m gonna show you what’s behind all the election fraud, not only for 2020, not only for 2022, not only what they are trying to do with 2024, they’re trying to already steal 2024, they’re already doing with the primaries. My husband was just showing me last night, they’re still counting stuff in California. Give me a break. It’s called election day, not election month, not election week, not election half of a year. It’s election day. We used to be able to count ballots in one day. All of a sudden now, it’s became normal not to count them all in one day and it’s ridiculous. But anyway, he says, I’m gonna show you all the ones that they’ve done before. So they’ve done all of these different stealing of elections for years and years and years, we just didn’t know. He says, I’m showing you these things. There is mighty shaking going on everywhere. It’s shaking going on all over the nations, not just this country, but every nation. There’s resistance that’s growing all over the nations. But my United States grow in your resistance. Now he’s telling us to grow and resist. He says, in my word, the more you unite together, this is the key. The key is me. And I’m telling you to unite in me. So again, what he’s been telling us this entire show today. The key is him, the key is God. We have to unite and we have to resist. So the key is God unite and resist. He says, unite in my name, unite in my words, unite and resist, unite and resist. You will see a great fall. So the key is we have to unite and resist and then we will see a great fall. Because as you unite and resist are going to turn on each other and more and more instead of you turning on each other. My own body, that’s how things have come so slow. So the reason why, again, he’s saying the reason why for delays and the reason why things are taking so long is because God’s body has not gotten their act together. They’re not uniting with God. They’re not uniting with the head. They’re all just kind of sporadic and kind of doing their own thing. And he’s saying, listen, you wanted to speed up. You’ve wanted to hurry up. You’ve wanted to hurry up, said twice. But where is the unity? God is asking his people, where is the unity? Your enemies are unified. Sorry, your enemies were unified for a long time and now they’re starting to fall apart and crumble. He’s saying now they’re not unified, get unified. He’s saying children of the Almighty God. So our marching order today is praying for unification in the body of Christ around the world. They’re no longer unified. We have to get unified. He says, but now it’s my time for my body to be united, united as one, one with the head. Jesus says the head, we are the body. We’re supposed to be united as one. He says, united in me, united in my name, united with my power and with my authority. So children of Almighty God, not even just this country. So he’s not just talking about United States of America. He says that you stand in faith and unite in my name. Let me, children of Almighty God in every nation, unite in God’s name. You stand in unity in my blood and the sacrifice that was made for you to be completely free. I will show you everything that they’re doing. Of course, God’s gonna expose it. He says something, now listen, something big is coming down the pipeline, you would say. Something big, he says it three times. Something BIG is on the horizon. I’m going to show you all the terrorists and exactly where they are. I will show you their blueprints. So he’s gonna show us why there were open borders. Borders, people don’t wanna pay attention to Mexico. Pay attention to the Canadian border. There’s stuff going on up there too, but no one’s paying attention to it. I will show you their blueprints. I will show you their architect of that blueprint. I will show you the ones who paid them and who was in charge of the whole entire scheme. I will show you, I will show you how Obama has orchestrated the Washington Establishment for years, even before you realize, and who was behind employing his strings. He’s just another puppet. There’s people that are bigger than him. Well, yeah, right now. Anyway, I told you I have the big fish and you will soon see them. You will soon see all these things they’re doing against President Trump. Yes, you are going to see them fall and crumble before your eyes and every person that’s unlawfully brought these indictments. I told you, Haman, watch. Watch how fast judgment strike. Watch how fast you see justice happen. And don’t keep saying that they keep getting away with everything because they have not. Guys, and they’re not getting away with anything. I saw all these things they have not, and they have not gotten away with anything. You just haven’t seen it all. You haven’t seen that I have been, what I’ve been doing, I’ve been using behind the scenes to bring great judgment and justice and great justice. There is a shaking that’s been going on in DC. You just haven’t seen it, but I’m going to show it. The part of the left and the Washington Establishment, they’re tearing down the Washington Establishment. They’re tearing each other apart because things aren’t working. One person wants this person. Another group wants another person to be in the front and center. Yes man or woman, but all my children, you have to say is God, but God. That’s all you have to say is, but God. He says, because what? I’m in control. You have to be firmly footed and rooted in my name and in my word. So again, he’s giving you a marching order to be firmly footed and rooted in God’s word and in his name. In this time, dig your feet in. Have my righteous indignation rise up in you and speak my words and watch your enemies fall. This is a time of a great fall. You will see MORE NEWS MEDIA IMPLODE We’ve already seen the imploding of CNN (55,000 views daily). We’re going to continuously see it ’cause God’s been talking about that since 2021. The first news media platform he said to fall was CNN. We’ve seen a destruction of CNN since then. And we’ll start seeing others. He said, you will see more big corporations implode and the greatest corporation that is imploding, the biggest one that’s imploding right before your eyes is the one they put in this nation and everything they did and every, and he said, and they said, listen to my words. And they did every, and it said, listen to my words. The Establishment, THE CORPORATION was put in place by THEM So all these things that’s been going on was because there was an Establishment that was put in with this corporation. And then the corporation was put in like 1871, 1870, 1871, like that, there was a corporation. We went from a REPUBLIC to a CORPORATION God’s saying, listen, the Establishment was since then. And that Establishment and that corporation was meant, took over a hundred and some years, but it was meant to kick God out of this country. They’ve been here for a long time. Your enemies have infiltrated you long, long, long, long, long ago, but I’m going to peel back every single secret. I’m going to reveal to you that corporation that has been brought in and all this evil that has brought in all this oppression, that’s brought in all this destruction to my nation. You will watch it fall at the top, like as the Tower of Babel, the confusion, the tower of Babel and how it stopped. The tower of Babel and how it fell was God stopped it. They fell as then they became confused and that empire and what they were doing, their plans fell before God. They stopped that empire. They stopped what they were doing because I stopped them. God stopped them. The Walls of Jericho were not thick enough and neither is this institution that was built against me to keep me out. So even the walls they built up in this country against God, it ain’t thick enough to keep God out. Nothing is big enough to keep God out. He says, they tried to build this corporation in your nation or United States to keep me out. They brought in this corporation back in 1800s in order to kick God out. He says, but that’s not going to keep me out. Then he says, and there’s coming a great shaking in the Supreme Court. There is going to be a RULING that is going to bring a DEATH BLOW TO THE ESTABLISHMENT So watch, there’s something that’s going to happen that’s going to bring a death blow to the Establishment. He said, I will say this again, a RULING THAT WILL BRING A DEATH BLOW TO THE ESTABLISHMENT ON KEEPING MY DAVID FROM HIS SEAT Well, I know they just had a ruling, nine zero, that really ruffled their feathers and they got all mad because he was allowed to stay on the ballot. He said, so my children keep standing. This hour is almost here where you can sit and rejoice and be at peace and rest. Enjoy these victories that I’ve already provided because they are for you. Now the time is coming. The hour of your enemy’s fall is closer than you realize. And again, you don’t have to wait. Start to celebrate, Sayeth the Lord. So again, what we’re supposed to do is we’re supposed to start celebrating now, just like they did with Jehoshaphat. In that time, they started celebrating, rejoicing, praising and worshiping God. And when they did that, that brought the ambushes against the enemies of Almighty God and the enemies of Almighty God defeated themselves. Enemies were defeated. So that’s what we had to be focusing on, okay? Focus on what God is saying. Focus on He is our victory. Focus that He said, when you are uniting, He is the key. It brings destruction and confusion to our enemy’s camp. Okay? We have to stay focused on that. Now I wanna pray over each and every one of you. I’ve gone really long and I have a meeting at eight o’clock.

But I wanna pray, okay?

Heavenly Father, right now in Jesus’ name, we rejoice in your words. We rejoice in your protection. We rejoice, Father God, in your deliverance. We rejoice, Father God, in you because you scatter, you cut the enemies off and you bring them to nothing. I thank you, Father God, right now, no matter what the enemies are doing, no matter what they have planned, no matter how big their walls, no matter how big this Establishment, no matter how big these cities, no matter how big this government, it doesn’t matter because there’s nothing bigger than you. So as we are here together today, united in your name, Father God, we are united with you. And we know that you are the key to our victory. We know, Father God, there’s nothing bigger than you. So we thank you and we praise you for our protection. You said you are greatly distinguishing us. You are greatly separating us from the enemies of Almighty God. And I thank you, Father God, because the separation is growing and you will make it clear who is your children, who are not. And Heavenly Father, I thank you right now that you’re giving each and every one of them wisdom and knowledge, understanding. That each and every one of them are at the right place at the right time. That no weapon formed against them shall prosper. And as they stand and they speak your name, and as they resist the enemy, that he must flee from them. So I thank you, Father God, for the authority of that name. And it’s growing in on the inside of your people, the authority of your name. The name above every name. The blood covenant we have with you, that we are cherishing and realizing how strong that covenant is and what that covenant really means for what we’re seeing today. And so, Father God, I thank you for your faithfulness. I thank you that you are giving them your joy, you are giving them your peace, and you are showing them that you are the key to each and every one of our victories. And we thank you for it in Jesus’ name. Amen and amen. Well, I hope I’ve encouraged you today. Again, don’t forget, I’ll be live with Pastor Dave at 11 o’clock that central time with Pastor Dave and his special guest. I’m so excited for you guys to see. So I just wanna say, God loves you, I love you, God bless you, and have a wonderful day.


This reading is about the most you could ever have asked for in the most wishful dreams of moral correction.

Coming this year. Apart from any of mans half baked elections.

Useful explanations of Sodom and Gomorah and the Tower of Babel and how human nature has never really changed.

History repeats itself. The European Union HQ has a depiction of the Tower of Babel. Its a massive globalist project that right now wants WW3. But they wont get it. Massive conservative swing is under way.

Quick amusing commentary on how UK elections are causing many step downs that God has foreshadowed, and polls indicate massive losses to the Globalists as Nigel Farage’s Reform Party surges in popularity to displace the UK Uniparty.

UK 96 MPs are stepping down. SCANDALS and looming VAX revelations Dart board practice rogues gallery

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