Searchable transcript for the Serious

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Goood uh Morning, Everybody today is August 5th of 2024 and I just want to welcome each and every one of you to today’s live show and I just want to say that even though things are shaking all around the world and things will intensify This is a time where God is giving to us all these revelation knowledge these prophetic words And he’s giving us hope and he’s giving us encouragement While the world is trying to overwhelm us with despair and fear and doubt and worry and belief, God is giving us peace. God is giving us joy. God is giving us revelation. God is giving us his truth and that truth sets us free. And so when the enemy is out and they are doing everything they can to stop a child of the Most High God, We have to know that God is doing everything as he’s promised in his word that he would do He’s promised in his word that he always causes us to triumph He promised us in his word that no weapon formed against us shall prosper He’s promised us in his word that he rises us up above our enemies And he’s faithful to perform his word. So these are the days to take God at his word that is covenant that he will not break. There are a lot of things that we are going to see unprecedented, unusual, unconventional, and abnormal. Things that you’re just not used to seeing. Things that you cannot explain. Things that you be wondering what in the world is going on and that’s when we hold on to the Word of God. We hold on to what he’s saying because what he is saying will always come to pass. And so while we can’t trust everything we see or everything we hear, we can always trust in the Word of God and he makes it clear. God makes his word clear and he makes his word known that he will not alter his word he is faithful to perform his word and he will never leave you he will never forsake you he will never let you down and he will never fail that are the promises of God all over in his word and so as we are seeing things we cannot explain as we are seeing things that will bring people fear as we are seeing things that we don’t understand that is where we have our focus on God we have our focus on his word because I’m telling you it’s really easy to get distracted it’s really easy to get overwhelmed there are so many people right now that are going through so many things they don’t think they can keep fighting and standing that good fight of faith and standing on God’s Word a lot of people are getting to the point where they are overburdened and worn out worn down But this is where we press in We press through that adversity We press through all the ways and all the things that the enemies are using to bring us back or to bring us down to go backwards instead of going forward with the Word of Almighty God. Then it means don’t want us to hold a line as God wants us to. Then it means want us to surrender when God is telling us never to surrender. We have an opportunity, each and every one of you have an opportunity to make a change in this earth. One voice can change the world. And if we all do it together, if we all stand on the Word of God together, and if we don’t ever back off, we don’t back down and we don’t quit. Just think of what God can do in this earth. When he has his church, he has a body, and we are in aligned with him and his And we’re trusting in him more than what we see we’re trusting in him More than anything that we feel and any of our five physical senses are telling us we trust in God That’s all God is asking you and I to do right now trust in God Even when it looks like that’s the opposite thing and everything in your life is telling you you can’t do it You can’t hold on and you have to quit it. This is a time of the breakthrough. This is a time where we have to go press in, press through, break out, break forth and breakthrough. Everything the enemy is doing against you. Have that determination in your heart and in your mind that you will not ever back off and you will not ever quit despite the adversity. God knows it’s hard. God warned us of times ahead. He warned us of those unprecedented events. He warned us about things that we will not understand. He warned us. But even though He’s warned us, He’s also giving us His hope. And that is, we have our victory. And despite what we see, despite what it looks like, even if things look like they take 180 and go in the wrong direction. God is for us, so who can be against us? So that’s part of your encouraging word this morning. Don’t look to the right or to the left. Keep your focus on God. Don’t let these things in the world distract you. Things in this world will distract even more now than ever before. And that’s why that firm focus foundation on the Father is so important in this very day and this very hour So hold on if God is not done He’s not done saving this nation He’s not done saving the nations around the world and he’s not done showing the world That he is the great I AM He’s El Elyon. Remember, He’s the most high God. We’re either gonna believe that He is the most high God and there’s no one greater than Him or we’re gonna believe the lies of the giants in the land and how they can just do whatever they want to do and when they want to do it to destroy our country, destroy our freedoms or destroy the world. So let’s take God for His Word today and let’s hold fast to his promises that he is faithful and he will perform them. Okay, now I want to get to this prophetic word. I got this actually on the 28th of July. I gotta get it out here. Got a lot of screens open, so hold on a second. Okay, this one is from the 28th of July and it is called
UNPRECEDENTED CHAIN OF EVENTS ARE COMING so things are going to abruptly change things are not going to stay the same and as we’ve seen things are to intensify since the beginning of this year God said this is 2024 and he says That’s a year for more. And so we’re seeing more unprecedented Unconventional things than ever before We’re seeing more prophecy coming to pass. We’re seeing more things being exposed We’re seeing things that we never thought we would God said it and this is exactly what’s happening right now So more unprecedented things are going to occur. So So, this is the first paragraph.
My children, in the land of my eagle, your enemies truly think they can pull the wool over your eyes to replace their candidate and everything will just go smoothly. They truly believe that the people in your nation will believe the abrupt changing of a narrative. They truly believe they can wipe out evidence of truth while they lie through their teeth. They truly believe by pouring money into a new person it will magically change the direction of the campaign so they can yet once again steal another election. So they can continue to keep this nation under their control. They have distractions planned for you while they continue their plots of corruption in this nation. But I am moving my hand against them and they will not succeed in any of their plans. They will continue to try to get rid of the Biden while some are trying to prop up Kamala and neither will work. Revenge is coming out of their camp. There’s a growing civil war behind the scenes who really controls not only the Democratic Party but the Establishment. As they are fighting over who the real candidate should be, leaks of evidence so damning will be exposed because each side has plenty on each other. I told you this was the time of an eruption of truth and proof. Things that have been buried for a long time will start to pour out of everywhere. They don’t want Biden. They don’t want Kamala. And their narrative isn’t going the way they want it because the people of this nation are not accepting her either. No amount of their money, manipulation, and lying will prop up any of their puppets. It’s all backfiring on them in front of their face. Don’t forget the warnings that I have given you about not putting your guard down. Your enemies still have infiltrators on the side of the red, ones buried so deep that no one will expect the ones that are about to be exposed as Traitors to their country and to their party. A political shakeup is about to shake in a way never seen in this country. More unprecedented events are coming where your enemies of this nation realize their Establishment is crumbling and they all have fought and killed and lied for is falling apart. They will not have my nation.
My children continue to pray for revival in this nation with your political leaders There’s a spiritual war going on to deceive your leaders to follow false prophets or to follow false and man-made doctrines Keep the focus on politics To keep the focus on everything else other than me. Don’t put your focus on just on my David and his family Yes, I’m using them to help bring freedom back to this nation, but my children remember I am the one saving this nation. Pray that not only my David and his family see and know that they need me to see them through the rest of the way, but so does this nation. I’m reviving the United States. You don’t need an election to save you. That is my job. This country needs a spiritual awakening, not a man-made election to bring freedom back. You need more than politics and politicians. Can’t you see you need me ? says the Lord This is why you will see things happen in this nation you never thought could happen. Some things must be allowed for this wake-up call, to wake up the masses to me and against this tyranny.
I want to remind you this unprecedented chain of events is not destroying your nation, but the exact opposite, to heal your nation, to restore your nation, and to unite this nation. Your enemies are about to do another obvious overreach and blatant attack on this country. They left you wide open so they could continue to destroy you and punish you for not believing in choosing their side. So they will allow great attacks from other countries but some are from your own government’s design. Oh yes your fraudulent government and the Establishment are about to turn on this nation. In a way, more people will see they only care about winning elections and keeping their money and power. A mass Exodus from the left to the right is about to occur. Many who have been poisoned mentally will be set free. Many people who are blind to the truth will be fully awakened. A great shaking in this nation will intensify to a level not known before. But this is for the destruction of the giants and their empire and not for your nation’s destruction. Remember me, I am the great I AM that will set you free. Don’t lose focus on me because I am your victory. Sayeth the Lord, your Redeemer.
And then I also heard, Oswald, I will say this name again because truth and that plan will be exposed and its connection on what they did to my David. It was in the same playbook, you would say. Exposures and the destruction of this Establishment is here and it will be clear. Walter this name will be in your news for a shocking reason. The feud between Obama and Biden is not done and that will soon be very clear. The gloves are off, you would say.
Distraction point, this phrase will be in your news for a significant reason. Proving what your mainstream media has done to cover up and hide the Establishment and their criminal activities. Hidden agendas soon will be hidden no more. Hold on and brace for the sudden impact of truth in this nation to bring down the elites and their Establishment that has held you captive for longer than you realized. This is not their nation, it’s mine. Now we’ll show the world that this is true. So I want to say over and over Because the Lord has been really going a saying this more than once. He’s talked about Oswald he’s talked about JFK He’s talked about that assassination and how it relates to our rightful President Donald Trump and what we saw on July 13th What we are seeing here right now what they have done. Look at all what they have done to him They’ve used impeachments. They try to use all these indictments They’ve tried to destroy him financially, they try to destroy his family, they try to destroy his fortune, they try to destroy him every way they possibly can. And look, it is all surrounding the news media, Hollywood, the government, they’re all in it together and they all have the same type of verbiage and same type of things they’re saying on a continual basis. It is a front. It is a something that they are trying to do to design. It did not just take out President Trump This is not just about him This is about taking out our nation and taking away destroying what freedoms that we in this nation have left We don’t have many left We’ve been under the illusion for a long time that we are one nation under God which we’re supposed to be But we haven’t been for a long time Because they have tried to take away that one nation under God. We thought we had the land of the free because that’s what our military men and women paid for. And that’s what this country was founded and established upon with what Jesus did was He paid for our freedoms. And it was our freedom in this nation to speak the Word of God, to speak and read the Word of God and speak it and live the way the Word want us to live. And then you had people come in here and try to destroy that since the foundation of this nation And so you see the trying to destroy everything that we have left But now it’s time to start buckling up now. It’s time to start standing up now It’s time to start Fighting back and fighting with that good fight of faith that God talks us about that We are fighting in this very day in this very hour That’s why we have an armor and that’s why it’s so important to put that armor on every single day We need to put the armor of God on Because we are fighting the good fight of faith. We are fighting whether we trust God or we don’t We are fighting whether we believe in his word and we believe that a covenant that he will not break That we believe that he rises above us or our enemies who rise up against us We either believe these things or we don’t We’re gonna have faith or we’re gonna have fear we’re gonna stand for the what we have left in this country and Stand because this is that last stand Before a country was literally gonna go over a cliff This is our American Revolutionary War This is our freedom from an Establishment Similar to the Great Britain that was trying to overwhelm and trying to destroy this country This is our time you think of George Washington and you think of all who fought with him There was only like 3% of people that fought That’s it They had the deck stacked against them They didn’t have enough ammo. They didn’t have enough supplies. They didn’t have enough military All they needed was God and just like in the story of Gideon. He didn’t need a 22,000 men All I needed was 300 because all they needed was God. It wasn’t the amount of people they had. It was their faith and trust in God that God was faithful to do it. So many people have been looking to President Trump and to the army and the military to do certain things. And God is saying, look, you can’t look to just natural things to save your nation. You can’t just look to a normal military. You have to look to the army of the Lord, which is you and I We also have God’s angel armies. So he has a host of angels that are also at war and Fighting for us, but our faith and trust should be in God and God alone God uses people. Yes. He will we pray for our men and women in our military We pray for President Trump and everyone with him But we have to realize that it’s not just these men and women and it’s not just President Trump. It has to be God That is where our faith has to be We have to put our faith in him and trust in him and realize that he is not going to let them win But we have a choice to make we have a choice to believe him or we don’t We have a choice to believe that everything is, you know, President Trump and he’s gonna do it all. We can’t, he can’t do it all. He’s a human being. Just like that day when he saved our country. It was God. And God showed us. He is the same God who delivers a nation in a day. He is the same God who spares people’s lives and he delivers them from a kill shot. We saw it and so we have to know that God is not gonna save us just from that one God will save us from anything That they use against us and that’s why you look in Isaiah 54. I always quote it but I’m gonna read it today Isaiah 54 17 This is out of the Amplified and it says but no weapon that is formed against you shall prosper in every tongue that shall rise Against you in judgment. You shall show to be in the wrong this peace and righteousness and security and triumph over opposition we triumph and Right here says we have security and triumph over opposition So God says also in his word in 2nd Corinthians 214. He always causes us to triumph So God says no weapon formed against us shall prosper So every weapon the enemy chooses, they lose. Whatever they choose, they lose. And that’s what we have to put in our forefront of our minds. They’re going to choose a lot of weapons. They’re going to do many unprecedented things because things are not going the way they want them to go. So now they’re gonna pull out all the stops are going to try to do everything they possibly can against us. But God no weapon formed against us shall prosper. I also want to read something else to you. Go to Isaiah 34 and verse 3 I’m sorry Isaiah 35 Isaiah 35 and verse 3 strengthen the weak hands and make firm the feeble and totter knees verse 4 say to those who are fearful and hasty heart be strong and fear not behold your God will come with vengeance, with recompense. God, he will come and save you. Now remember, God is faithful to perform his word. It says right here that he will come with vengeance and he will come and save us. Vengeance. He will come with vengeance. As you can see, hold on to your place in Isaiah 35 really quick and go Hebrews 10 you God’s probably know where I’m going Hebrews 10 verse 30 we know him who said vengeance is mine retribution and the meting out of full justice rest with me I will repay I will exact the compensation said the Lord and again the Lord will judge and determine and solve and settle the cause in the cases of his people he says vengeance is his he will come remember he even said that in an Exodus he says I will come down and he did there was judgment there was ten plagues God saved Israel from the Egyptians hands he came with vengeance he came with judgment and that’s what saved them and that’s what will save us again go back to Isaiah 35 again I read verse 4 say to those who are fearful and because people are right now there are afraid say to those who Fearful and hasty heart be strong fear not behold your God will come with vengeance with the recompense of God. He will come and save you God will come and save us Luke 18 and verse 7 and Will not our just God defend and protect and avenge his elect his chosen ones who cry to him day and night? Will he defer them and delay help on their behalf? Verse 8 I will tell you he will defend protect and avenge them speedily However, when the Son of Man comes will he find persistence and faith on the earth? So he will not delay our help He will defend and he will protect Those are things that God will do Now when I read to you something so God will defend God will protect God will avenge Psalm 89 verse 34 My covenant will I not break or Profane nor all of the thing that has gone out of my lips God’s said right here my covenant. I will not break So he will defend he will protect he will avenge In his covenant, he will not break He has a promise to you that he will defend you. He has a promise to you. He will protect you He has a promise to you. He will avenge you and he will not break that promise Go to Jeremiah Jeremiah 1 12 Jeremiah 1 12 The note said the Lord to me you have seen well for I am alert and active watching over my word to perform it God is watching over his word to perform it. So what do we need to do? We need to be speaking God’s Word The more we speak God’s Word the more he will what defend protect avenge? He will right here. I am active and alert watching over my word to perform it God wants and wills to perform his word He just needs his people to speak his word and he needs his people to an agreement with his word go to Hebrews 6 Hebrews 6 and start with first People seem to know how God promises and his promises is true Hebrews 6 and verse 13 for when God made his promise To Abram Abraham. He swore to himself since he had no one greater by whom to swear verse 14 Saying blessing blessing. I certainly will bless you and multiply. I will multiply you verse 15 and so it was he Abraham having waited long and endured patiently and realized and obtained in the birth of Isaac as a pledge of what was to come what God had promised him now remember he was 99 years old when God came to Abram changed his name to Abraham and said I am El Shaddai I’m the God who Nothing is impossible. So even though at 99 or 100 years old, when Isaac came, it looked like it was never gonna happen. It looked like it was virtually impossible, but God. God was faithful to perform his word. He said, Abram, and he called him Abraham because he was gonna be the Father of many nations, even though he didn’t have a kid at the time. And then he was Abraham, trust of God, Despite what the natural was saying and despite what feelings were saying despite what it looked like He believed in trust in God and that’s when he realized He saw the promises of Isaac because he did not lose faith or trust in God Look what said in verse 16 and men indeed swear by greater than themselves and with them in all disputes the oath Taken for confirmation finding final ending strife Verse 17, accordingly God also in his desire, now God desires to show more convincingly and beyond doubt to those who were in inherit the promise, the unchangeableness of his purpose and plan to intervene mediated with an oath. So God has two unchangeable things. And the first one is his oath. Verse 18. This is was so that by two unchangeable things his promise and his oath in which is Sorry, which is impossible for God ever to prove false or deceive us We have fled to him for refuge might have mightily indwelling strength strong Encouragement to grasp and hold up hold the fast the hope and pointed for us in the set before us So the first thing was his promise the promise they gave to Abraham and the second one was his oath Excuse me. I said Oh first it was his promise first on his own So God is faithful and he has two unchangeable things his promise and his own so we realize that we know that God has promised and he has an oath and he said he can’t swear by any greater than Himself and he has his covenant that he will not break with us and he’s faithful to watch over his worries able to perform it Then we know whatever we asked for in his word that we know that we know that he will do it. You can find that in 1st John, 1st John 5 14, 1st John 5 14 says in this covenant, sorry, and this is the confidence, the assurance, the privilege of boldness, which we have in We are sure that if we ask anything make any request according to his will in agreement with us in his own plan He listens and he hears us. So we are giving back his word So we’re saying Father God you see what’s going on in my life You see what the enemy is doing. You see what the enemy is doing in my nation You see what the enemy is doing and then you can name certain things in your family or whatever is going on You name the things You can say but your word says and I know that I had that confidence That you are active right now and alert and you’re faithful to perform your work Where it looks like I could lose everything or it looks like I’m losing my children or it looks like you know I’m losing this or that the other thing and You say but your word says You always caused me to triumph that I’m redeemed from the curse Galatians 3 13 and 14. I In the head not the tail you talked about that in Deuteronomy 28 You said you always caused me to triumph and 2nd Corinthians 2 14 So Father God, I thank you. It looks like I’m gonna lose but I thank you in your word. It says I’m gonna triumph so I Proclaim and decree my victory and when you are giving God his word back and you know, he’s faithful and active and alert to perform his word Then you can have that assurance that confidence that first John 5 14 and 15 is talks about Verse 15 and if since we positively know that he listens to us Whatever we ask We also know with settle an absolute knowledge that we have granted us our present possessions and the requests made of him How can we be that confident? How can we be that sure? It’s because the scriptures I just read to you Covenant that he will not break He’s active an alert to perform his word We know he has two unchangeable things his promise and his oath We also know that he will defend protect and avenge We have that confidence that he does hear us and So when he does hear us, we know that he will right here We have confident in assurance. This is first John 5 14 again The privilege of boldness which we have in him which we are sure if we ask Anything make any requests according to his will not our will his will In agreement with his own plan. He listens and he hears us God listens and he hears us. I Just seen in the chat. Somebody said about the Dow going down so Again, what has God talked about the economy? No matter what the world markets are gonna do and no matter what they’re showing. I don’t know what they’re showing today exactly But no matter what they’re showing God’s faithful and it’s true that he says in his word and John 17 13 through 17 we are in this world but we are not of it someone said the markets are crashing okay well God’s warned us about that well they try to rebound this or they don’t no matter what takes place remember God said unprecedented and and unconventional things. We’re seeing unprecedented and unconventional, but no matter what it is, we are in this world, we are not of it. John 16, 33. Again, we have to say, Julie, you read this all the time. Yep, because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word. Romans 10, 17. So John 16, 33, I’ve told you these things. So in me, you may have perfect peace and confidence in the world. You have tribulation, trials, distress and frustration, But be of good cheer take courage be confident and certain undaunted for I have overcome the world I deprive it of its power to harm you and I have conquered it for you So no matter what goes on the world markets No matter what’s going on right now all around the world. We’re in this world We’re not others world and we have to remind ourselves that Jesus conquered this world for us the battle is the Lord’s So what we had to do is that battlefield in the mind and we have to trust in God That’s that have that firm focus foundation on the Father and having fighting that good fight of faith. We’re gonna hold on to it We’re not gonna let go of it. We’re not gonna surrender because God is alert and he’s active and he’s gonna perform his work Look what James 4 7 says Be subject to God resist the devil stand firm against him and he will flee from you Why does God keep talking to us about these things that we’re supposed to be calling all these things down We’re supposed to be calling the exposure. We’re supposed to be calling the Establishment down We’re supposed to be calling all all of the foundations that a crumble Like shouting like the walls of Jericho. Why is God saying that because we’re doing our job in resisting the devil and resisting his plan in Resisting the foundation and what they have built up against us and God saying look I said no weapon formed against you shall prosper Isaiah 54 17 and it no matter what weapon they use because People ask well, what if this what if that what if this? Doesn’t matter what it is What if they try the stock market? Well, apparently they’re doing something with the stock market right now What if they try our food system shortages and what if they try this and when they try that no matter what they choose they lose have that in your heart no matter what you’re about to see no matter what the enemies choose they lose now I’m gonna go back over this prophetic word because something he said that really stuck out to me and I’m gonna go back over this part of it too but he says they left you wide open wide open for what they left this country wide open for attack and I know right now Iran is threatening Israel Again, our job is to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and we had to do that and we’ll pray for those We’re gonna pray for those who are in the path of the hurricane. I don’t know where the hurricanes exactly at right now I know it was supposed to hit the panhandle of Florida. I Know there’s a lot of people from Florida watching We also know we have open borders right now There are terrorist cells everywhere. We have that what they’re doing the economy. You have what they’re doing with the elections God’s warned us about all these things. And so what we have to do is choose to believe God and if they left us wide open for an attack and There was other prophecies that I heard I heard two very strong ones yesterday About certain nations that will and want to attack and have their people situated right now to do it at any moment This is not to bring fear This is not to bring fear at all this is for you to put on your armor, go to Ephesians 6, start with verse 10, know that’s God who gives you the power, put on your armor that you are able to stand and stand there for and stand and fight that good fight of faith. And so as we are seeing things start to change and start to shake because God says things are gonna violently shake. It doesn’t sound like it’s gonna be very comfortable. I’m sure wasn’t very comfortable for the Israelites either when they’re watching all these plagues hit Egypt over and over again. It didn’t hit them but I’m sure was still there probably wondering what in the world is going on. The things that they were unprecedented things that happened in the book of Exodus. So and we’re right now in a similar situation. So here’s the first paragraph and it says, my children the land of my eagle your enemies truly think they can pull the wool over your eyes to replace their candidate and everything will just go so smoothly. What did he say to us last week? What he’s been saying for the last three years, since December of 2021, he’s been telling us they don’t want Biden, they don’t want Kamala, they’re going to replace the Biden and God even said they don’t want Kamala either. And so it may look like they’re propping her up. Now, it may look like the polls are, you know, in favor for her, which is funny because she always polled worse than Joe, always, or the Biden. And so if you think about this for a minute, all of a sudden, the narrative changes. Everybody’s just on board, all of a sudden, out of nowhere. We’re just like to try to hide the cognitive functionality of Biden. they’re trying to hide the hatred that people have for Kamala and She also has many gaffes or people call them word salads with her She also God said remember what he’s been saying about their tongue Their tongues are gonna be their what worst enemy. So now how he always was saying that Biden was always saying things He was always speaking the truth when he didn’t mean to He’s always giving himself away more and more you God’s are seeing that more Kamala When you are under some type of judgment, which enemies of Almighty God are, because obviously they’re against God, then you’re gonna start seeing more and more things happen. So just because they’re using something who’s younger and they’re using it who looks like she’s got more cognitive functionality doesn’t mean God’s not done. Because God isn’t done. And what he said in here is that no matter what they replace it them with it’s not gonna work and there was something somebody shared with me last night I think was on our group that I think but there was a picture the Democratic National Convention we’re just coming up here and I don’t know how many days a couple weeks and it’s funny because they have Kamala they have a picture but they have Michelle signs everywhere behind her. What are they trying to say? Just saying. I don’t know. But it’s definitely not. And God’s been talking about a civil war in the Establishment. So now look what he says in the next paragraph. They truly believe that the people in your nation will believe the abrupt changing of a narrative. One minute she’s weak and no one really likes her. That’s why you didn’t really see her for very long. And remember they said she was the border czar. Now all of a sudden she’s saying that she never was the border czar. And before they were so excited because she was the first Indian American to be in a political position especially the position of a senator and then a President she was Indian but now all of a sudden she’s African American they changed not only her the narrative about where she you know all this stuff they’re changing her like her ethnic background it was an insane thing in the world why Why would you need to change that? Why would you not be proud of who you are? Why would you need to change that? She was so proud that she was an Indian and all of a sudden now she’s not and she’s hiding that. Why? Lies. Narrative. And so it’s going to catch up with them. She was the Border Czar. They said she wasn’t and she never was. That was a lie. That was a false narrative. No, there’s proof of that. All their lies And I had just seen that Kamala whatever over the weekend. She was blaming President Trump for the jobs report What? Three and a half years later. You’re gonna blame him for the jobs report They’re playing game things like this are not going to work Their narrative shifts are not going to continue to work like they used to people are awakened and they’re smarter We’re more aware and we’re more alert of What they do and how they use the mainstream media to push their agenda Then he says they truly believe people in your nation will believe what the abrupt changing of a narrative What that she was never the borders are that she’s african-American That she was you know Hated and now all of a sudden she’s loved and embraced by the media and her party. It’s all a lie and And again, she polled worse than Biden now all of a sudden she’s pulling better Than Trump and some of the things it’s the the most ridiculous outlandish form of manipulation and lying about God He said they truly believe they can wipe out evidence of the truth while they lie through their teeth Remember what he said back? I think was December of 2021 or the beginning of January or February 2022 God said that they were gonna backstab her and they weren’t gonna choose her either and she was gonna be exposed and so if She’s not doing good enough and they realize that they can’t win with her Which they can’t if they had a coup against Biden, they’ll have a coup against her too. They’ll stop at nothing And people say what it’s not gonna happen, you know people said for the longest time when I heard prophecies regarding them removing Biden Oh, that’s never gonna happen It did for the world to see it happen They threatened him out and they use the 25th amendment. They probably also used other blackmail and we’ll find that out, too third paragraph They truly believe by pouring money into a new person It will magically change the direction of the campaign So they can yet again steal another election so they can continue to keep this nation under their control. Remember, they’re going to stop at nothing God has warned us about. They have distractions planned for you while they continue their plots of corruption in this nation. But I am moving my hand against them and they will not succeed in any other plan. So he says distractions. Now he’s talking about distractions again. They’re going to have you look one way when they’re doing something over here. It’s like an illusion, like a magic trick. Look over here while we’re doing this over here and you don’t see it. They do that. They do that a lot. And then they’re not done getting rid of the Biden. They’re not going to keep him until November. They say they will, but they won’t. They will continue to try and get rid of the Biden while some are trying to prop up Kamala. So you have right now and in fighting you have Obama’s camp and you have Biden’s camp and then you might probably have other camps He said but neither one neither one will work. So they’re trying to get rid of the Biden and then they’re trying to get Kamala again, they are gonna get rid of the Biden, but it’s not gonna go the way they want it to and So they’re trying to control When he is removed But God is saying it’s what God is going to do to remove him. Not them. And he said they’re trying to prop up Kamala. Well, they are. It’s not gonna work. Revenge is coming out of their camp. Again, you have infighting right now. There is growing a civil war behind the scenes who really controls not only the Democratic Party but the Establishment. So behind the scenes you have a civil war going on. Now they try to cause a civil war for us and Our country for a long time and then they also had a coup against our rightful President. Why do you think? There was a coup Against the Biden. Why do you think they are now growing in a civil war? Behind the scenes and some of us you can see it up front God said days of Haman There’s a growing civil war behind the scenes who really controls not only the Democratic Party, but the Establishment so again, it’s not just the Democratic Party’s Establishment as As they are fighting over who the real candidate should be so they’re still fighting over that They’re just only using Kamala for now Leaks of evidence so damning will be exposed because each side has plenty on each other which side Obama and Biden I told you this was a time of an eruption of truth and proof. So you have these two camps and they’re fighting against each other Because you have people who still want invited and somehow in some reason and you have people who wanted Obama’s choice. Remember, Kamala wasn’t Obama’s choice either. He refused to, for the longest time, endorse her. Then it came out of nowhere and he endorsed her really quick. And they did some stupid video and it was ridiculous. So again, things are not going the way they want it to go. All right now Then it says things have been buried He uses that word again. They’ve been buried for a long time. We’ll start to pour out of everywhere They don’t want Biden and they don’t want Kamala and their narrative isn’t going the way they wanted because the people of this nation are Not accepting her either So it’s not going the way they wanted to go. They thought okay, they’re just gonna prop it up and Everything’s gonna be fine. Well, they’re propping up isn’t working So then he says no amount of no amount of their money manipulation and lying will prop up any other puppets, so it doesn’t matter if They use Kamala they try it’s not gonna work. They use Biden They’ve using Kamala no matter if they choose to get rid of them both, which that’s what God said No matter what puppet they use it’s gonna not gonna work. He says it’s all backfiring on them in front of their face Don’t forget the warnings I’ve given you about not putting your guard down. Your enemies still have infiltrators on the side of the red. Now listen, this is very, very careful. This is all to talk about the Republican Party. You have infiltrators on the side of the red, ones buried so deep that no one will accept the ones that are about to be exposed as Traitors to their party, but Traitors to this nation. and so you have people on the side of the red that are buried so deep that they look like they’re good and they’re really not a Great political shakeup is about to make and make a way Never seen in this sorry a great political shakeup is about to shake in a way never seen in this country More unprecedented events are coming Where your enemies of this nation realize their Establishment is crumbling and all that they have fought and killed and lied for is falling apart They will not have my nation So he’s talking about a great political shakeup He’s talked about more unprecedented events. And then he’s talked about of course their Establishment falling apart my children and continue to pray for revival. This is your marching order Continue to pray for revival in this nation with your political leaders. So we’re supposed to be praying for a revival in this nation in the body of Christ. We’re also supposed to be praying for revival in our political leaders. There’s a spiritual war going on to deceive your leaders to follow false prophets or to follow false and man-made doctrines to keep the focus on politics, to keep the focus on everything else other than me. So he’s giving us the insight that we need to pray for our political leaders to be part of this revival and a part of awakening that’s not just an election and we can put down our guard and then everything’s gonna be hunky-dory in our in our nation. It’s not. We need God for political reset, not just an election. He’s been telling us that for a while. Then he warns us, don’t put your focus just on my David and his family. Yes, I am using them to help bring freedom back to this nation, but my children, remember, I am the one saving this nation. God is the one who’s saving this nation. Yes, he’s using President Trump and his family to help bring freedom back to this nation, but God is the one who’s actually saving it. And that’s where we need to put our faith and trust in. Pray not only my David and his family see and know that they need me to see them through the rest of the way, but so does this nation. We need to pray that President Trump and his family sees that they need God, not just an election. Yes, we pray for the election, but we need God to deliver our country, because an election isn’t gonna do it. He won in 26, well he won in 2020 also, but he was in the office, you know, in 2016, and he won that election, but it didn’t save our country because a man cannot do it alone. You need God. This is a spiritual war he’s talking about. I’m reviving the United States. You don’t need an election to save you. That is my job. This country needs a spiritual awakening, not a man-made election to bring freedom back. You need more than and politics and politicians. People put so much emphasis. Yes, it’d be awesome to have an election. It’d be awesome to see President Trump win. Yes. Should we pray for that still? Yes, but we should not have our faith in it. We have our faith in God. We pray over our elections. We pray over all the officials. We pray over the politicians. We pray over our government. But this is where we stop. I’m gonna say this again. You need more than politics and politicians. If you only look into an election, people are putting their faith and trust in just the politics and politicians. We need God to destroy the politics as usual and what has been propping up some politicians. Can’t you see you need me, says the Lord. Can’t you see you need me. That’s what God is saying to each and every one of us. We We need him. He allowed 2020 to happen for us to see that we need God. Too many people are putting their faith and trust in just President Trump. You can’t do that. We need to pray for him? Yes. But it’s God we have our faith and trust in. This is why you will see things happen in this nation you never thought could happen. Some things must be allowed for this wake-up call. Now he’s allowing other things to happen just because he’s allowing things to happen doesn’t mean for it’s for our destruction He allowed 2020 to be stolen It was not for our destruction. Look what it’s done to so many people It’s woke up a lot of people and people are now fighting and wanting freedom like never before they’re praying like never before They’re pressing in a guy like never before Not Some good things have you know, some bad things have happened to of course That’s not gonna outweigh the good Some things will be allowed to happen for this wake-up call to wake up the masses to me and against this tyranny To wake up the masses against me and against this tyranny God’s telling us that It’s a waking people up to God in a way from believing and trusting and what this tyranny can do against you I want to remind you this unprecedented chain of events is not to destroy your nation, but the exact opposite. To heal your nation, to restore your nation, and to unite. Now he’s saying three things. These unprecedented chain of events that are going to start taking place even more are not to destroy us. They’re to heal, to restore, and to unite. Those three things. Your enemies are about to do another obvious overreach. Now we saw though one of the overreaches and that was the coup against the Biden. They took away the will of the Democratic Party. I mean they voted for Biden. He won the primary vote and the Democratic Party had a right to vote for him. They did. That’s their right. They chose him. Well they got it taken away from him and they have somebody else force upon them. That’s not right. It’s like what they were trying to do with President Trump. They were trying to get rid of him to put someone else in it. They were trying to take our voice away in the will of the people. They did it on their side. They couldn’t do it on ours. Again, you can see what God is doing. Your enemies are about to do another obvious overreach and blatant attacks on this country they left you wide open so they could continue to destroy you and punish you for not believing in choosing their side they will allow great attacks from other countries but some are from your own government’s design so this is wide open part of that is our border but part of that is also our intelligence a lot of look what they did with the Chinese spy balloons. They got intelligence. They got everything they wanted. There was just more than one balloon. There were several. I think it was like some, last time I heard it was like 15. So again, there’s a lot of things going on with other countries. And our government, fraudulent one, will allow things to happen. Oh yes, your fraudulent government and the Establishment are about to turn on this nation. In a way, more people will see they only care about winning elections and keeping their money in power. A mass Exodus from the left to the right is about to occur. Many who have been poisoned mentally will be set free. Many people who are blind to the truth will fully be awakened. A great shaking in this nation will intensify to a level not known before. But this is for the destruction of the Giants and their Empire and not for your nation’s destruction so people will think Because it looks like our country’s being destroyed and it looks like the enemies are getting exactly what they wanted God is saying look even though things are intensifying And it looks like it’s going one way. It’s actually for our freedom. It’s actually going the other way. It’s good What we’re gonna see doesn’t look bad, but it’s actually for our own good because it’s destroying the Giants in our land He says remember me. I am the great I am that will set you free Don’t lose focus on me because I’m your victory says the Lord your Redeemer. He is Jehovah nissi He is our victory That’s his name God’s name Is victory and so if you need faith and trust in the God of victory Just go you can go read the book of Exodus. Go see what he just did Go see what he did in the book of Exodus and see what he did for his people Now, I also heard, Oswald. This is not the first time he’s mentioned Oswald. I think he mentioned that Lee Harvey Oswald, I think it was like in 2022 or 2023, I know there was a prophecy on Lee Harvey Oswald and now all of a sudden he’s mentioning him quite a bit. Not just in prophecies, just in Revelation also, but he says, Oswald, I will say this name again because truth and that plan will be exposed and its connection on what they did to my David it was in the same playbook you would say exposures of the destruction of this Establishment is here and it will be clear so what they did was Lee Harvey Oswald he was the fall guy to who really killed JFK it was obvious just like this 20 year old was The fall guy as well. And so God’s telling us The connection will be exposed and it will be it was in the same Playbook, I think that’s definitely a key work. See I mean put that in bold also So we’re seeing more the exposure on I mean a lot of us already have on the attempted assassination of President Trump and we’re already starting to see that it was definitely An inside job the Secret Service is lying through their teeth. They’re trying to hide what was going on and the FBI is hiding what was going on. You have all these cover, the agency’s covering up this stuff because they don’t want the truth to come out, but it will. Because watch, you’ll see more muscle blowers because God’s been talking about that. Walter, this name will be in your news for a shocking reason. Now, he had me put this all in bold. The feud between Obama and Biden is not done. And that will soon be very clear. The gloves are off, you would say. The few between Biden and Obama It’s not done the distraction point Distraction point this phrase will be in your news for a significant reason Proving what your mainstream media has done to cover up and hide the Establishment in their criminal activities Distraction point I’m gonna look that up distraction I’m welcome distraction point see if I can find that hmm the act of an instance of distracting or the state of being distracted something that serves as a diversion or entertainment an interruption an obstacle hmm the phrase the point of distraction is correct and can be used so the emphasis on a particular subject or topic is being discussed so intently in such detail that it could be concerned considered to be a distraction he said distraction point and I’m not really finding hmm you God’s might know what a distraction point is but that’s what he’s saying all right I’m gonna keep reading hidden agendas soon will be hidden no more hold on embrace for the sudden impact of truth in this nation to bring down the elites and their Establishment that has held you captive for longer than you realize This is not their nation. It’s mine and I will show the world that this is true So, of course God will show the world that he is The one in control of this nation and it’s not our enemies I want to read one more scripture really quick before I go to pray because people need to know this the scripture as well Psalm 29 Psalm 29 and verse 11 the Lord will give unyielding and impenetrable strength to his people The Lord will bless his people with peace The Lord will give you strength impenetrable strength and You will bless his people with peace So God will give us peace and God will give us strength and that’s exactly what God’s people need right now When they’re fighting this good fight of faith and they’re starting to grow weary God even says his word don’t grow weary in doing good God is faithful to perform his word and he promises that so we’re gonna pray over For strength for people, but we’re gonna pray for the people in the path of that hurricane And then obviously we’ll pray For whatever’s going with the economy and whatever’s going with the elections and whatever is going on That God is bringing it down because he’s faithful to perform his word and he’s faithful to give us that victory That he says and he’s promised that’s guaranteed ours because he is our victory So heavenly Father right now in Jesus name most of every person on the path of that hurricane right now That was hitting Florida Father God and wherever other states. It’s gonna hit I Thank you Father God for protecting people in the path of that storm and Satan We bind you in the strong man every principality every power and every rule the darkness of this world is trying to design Specifically designed that storm in such a way Father. God. We thank you that you said your word is a 54 17 no Weapon formed against them shall prosper So heavenly Father I thank you and I praise you and I plead the blood of Jesus over your people in the path of that storm Father I got that they will be protected from any type of harm and damage Father of God And no matter what the enemy was trying to do with it. It will not go as planned and Father We see that there’s eruptions over with Mount Etna. You talked about that heavenly Father We see that what’s going on with the economy you said Isaiah 54 17 no weapon formed against us shall prosper So you also said Father God any weapon they choose they lose So no matter what they do to us Father God, we thank you that you are protecting us We thank you that you are giving us strength. We thank you Father. God. You’re giving us peace We thank you Father God that we were realizing you’re in two unchangeable Promises it was your promise and your oath to unchangeable things. I Thank you Father God that their faith and trust in you is growing But they will not be distracted that they will not be deceived and they will not be destroyed I thank you Father God your people have a focus on you and we called down every form of an election interference We call down any form of manipulation and lying From either the news media or fraudulent government or anything that’s going on all around the world Father Father God, that You and Your truth destroys all their manipulation and lies. We call down their lies and we thank You, Father God, You said that their enemy was going to be their tongue. And when they meant to tell a lie, they’re going to tell the truth. And so we thank You, Father God, no matter what puppet they use, no matter what they try to do, they lose. And we proclaim and decree, Father God, that they will lose. And no matter the distraction, no matter how they left our country open, Father God you have your angels. We have the protection of the blood of Jesus and the authority of that name and So no matter what they try to do for our destruction against this nation and attack against this nation Father God we are protected and their plans will not go as planned and we call him down at the Walls of Jericho Every form of attack Father God, it will not go the way the enemies designed it We thank you that you are cutting off their lines of communication and so they will not have what they so desire and they Confusion is growing in their camp and we thank you Father God for our protection in this country We plead the blood of Jesus all around this nation and heavenly Father We thank you, but these are the days of Haman and everything they meant for our harm will actually be done unto them They are reaping a great harvest of destruction For what kind of destruction they have tried to bring into this country and all around the world and against your body of Christ So Father God, we thank you that we have your divine protection. We have your divine plan We think we have redemption We thank Father God we had the victory and we thank you the battle is the Lord’s and it’s already been won and we thank you for it in Jesus name a man and a man remember God’s Got it. God WINS. That’s it. But God, we have to remind ourselves that God is in control and God is bigger than our enemies. And so if you need any prayer requests, if you have any type of prayer requests that’s going on right now, I know that the moderators are in the chat and they write down everything that’s going on and all the ones that are written in by email or written in by mail. We have those and we pray over those all the time also and so if you need anything if you have any prayer requests or praise reports go to our website at Jgm international org on our contact page and all the information is in description box below our address everything you need to know is A description box and if you want any Julie Green ministries merchandise, there’s actually brand new merchandise that has been dropped today So if you want any new merchandise, you can go to three suds sons threads calm That’s three sons threads calm and you can go and get that merchandise today and until I see you tomorrow I hope this encourages today Please like subscribe and share and give this to everyone, you know We need to hear encouraging word me here the truth because the truth will set you free God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day

After word
Exciting heart stopping times we live in and a further piece of the Oswald puzzle is Who was the second shooter on the grassy knoll ? After the Trump shooting .Well it was just revealed when Tucker Carlson interviewed a retired CIA operative.
Felix Rodriguez he’s a longtime CIA officer in the operations directorate and um and he joins us now to explain this picture
I believe there were two shooters uh we have information that there was a Cuban which is now a retired General FABIAN ESCALANTE who was a captain at the time who was in Dallas and he was the second shooter in the assassination of the president well you just okay I’m sorry will you say that one more time what’s his name Fabian Escalante and he was in Dallas that that day and then he left uh it was something that and and Castro said that that he knew that CIA the United State was trying to kill him, but be very careful because the Cuban also had very long hand so it wasn’t matter either Kennedy
Ex-CIA Agent on Capturing Che Guevara, Who Truly Killed JFK, and Election Predictions
Exciting transcript of a world we were shielded from Almost another dimension.
Ex-CIA Agent Felix Rodriguez on Capturing Che Guevara, Who Truly Killed JFK and Election Predictions
Tucker Carlson
this is the last photograph of Cuban revolutionary Che Guevara alive it was
taken in Bolivia in 1967 it’s a very famous photograph um probably familiar
to most people watching this this man standing right there is not familiar to
most people watching this he should be he’s about to be his name is
Felix Rodriguez he’s a longtime CIA officer in the operations directorate and um and he joins us now to explain this picture and to tell us about his life Mr Rodriguez
thank you very much pleasure to be here so um it’s a it’s a remarkable picture and the longer I look at it the more I
think that um can you tell us where this was and what was happening well that was
uh in liera Bolivia that’s where he was captured and I I came in with the
helicopter with the colonel in charge of the operation and after a while I got to talk to him and I even thought about
taking the picture but while I was talking to him the pilot of the helicopter came with a camera from the head of intelligence who wanted a
picture with SH so I asked him Commander do you mind he say no so we took him out of the schoolhouse and gave my camera to
the pilot and he took that picture what so so you talked to guar
what of course what what were the circumstances he’ been captured by Bolivian soldiers is that right yes Yes
actually uh they thought that he had been killing Africa but then when they captured de BR ustu who was a a French U
intellectual and then a a newspaper guy from Argentina they confirmed that Shara
was was there so as long as they understood that he was there they sent a Special Forces Unit from Panama to train
a special Battalion to operate against him because the Bolivian didn’t have any experience and then they sent a couple
of us from the CIA to provide them with intelligence and the reason they s all because we were not US citizen at the
time Vietnam was taking place and there were people coming back in plastic back from Vietnam and they didn’t want any American coming back and plastic back
from the Latin America at the time we were not even res residents we were not citizens so we didn’t fall into the
Restriction of Ambassador Henderson that’s why we were able to go there so you were working for the CIA full-time
obviously carrying a weapon obviously but not a US citizen yes what was Chay
like that day when I first a lot of people ask me you know what I thought about sh sh at the time was nobody she
became a figure after he was dead Cuba made him a figure yes after after War even though they were the one who sent him to be killed uh Fidel could not stand him there because Fidel depended
on the Soviet Union Guevara was pro-chinese so when he was in Africa in 1965- 64 uh all the weapon he received was from Red China and then he didn’t want to go back to Cuba he went to hire in in the Czech Republic and they had to send people to convince him to go back to
Cuba and to give him an opportunity in another place but when he was sent to Bolivia was definitely mind for him to
be killed because the Soviet didn’t want him to be any successful because they knew that Shay was pro-chinese and if he
took a revolution in there would be toward the Chinese and at the time the Chinese and the Soviet hated each other
very much so when he was sent to Bolivia his transmitter was not even working in
December of 66 when they had a dinner with Mario M the head of the Communist Party of Bolivia who had been with Fidel two months before complet complete prish he told the Bolivian uh guerillas that
were with Shay if they stay with Shay they were expelled from the Communist Party and then they had a a officer in intelligence that they had sent to laas Rena Monto to help him and as soon as he was inen with all 17 people they took
him out of the the picture and told Che that they had to take him out because his Visa had expired and actually he was
a Bolivian citizen by then so he was definitely sent there to be killed by Cuba because he could not succeed
because it will be a revolution that will be Pro Chinese and Cuba depended on the Soviet
Union so he’s he’s obviously he’s a prisoner in this picture um does he know
when this was taken that he’s about to die not at that time no so what happened
in the moments after this picture well in in the sequence first of all when we arrived with the helicopter
on the following date uh which is the 9th of October in Monday uh we came to the room with the officers and he would
not talk to anybody cor was trying to interrogate him he look at him he didn’t say any word to the point the guy said
look you invaded my country the least you can have the courtesy of answering me he didn’t say a word so when we
finished that I came out I asked all his documentation to photograph it from my government and the col order his back be
given to me and he had some Chinese code books he have some picture of his family
some medicament for his asthma inside and he had a diary it’s a German book was written in Spanish that’s his diary
so I photographed all of that uh then while I was there they came and used that the Great telephone call at the
getas and I was the highest ranking officer uh so the there was definitely the orders to execute him we had a very
simple code 500 shed 600 kill him 700 keep him alive so he came 500 600 which
Colonel senteno came out I told him I said look this order from y High Bolivian command to eliminate the prisoner the order from my Government
tried to keep him alive at all cost so we have helicopters to take him to Panama for interrogation so he look at
me and say Felix my name was Felix Ramos he said uh we you have been very hateful
to us helpful to us but this is order from my president he looked at his watch and he said the helicopter is going to
come several time bringing food and ammunition taking our wound and our dead but after 2:00 he’s going to come up and
pick up Che’s dead body you can jti shate him any way you want because we know how much harm he have done to your country so I said M Corell try to make the change their mind but it does not change in mind I give view my word of
Honor I will bring you dead body of sh so we Embrace and he left and sure enough the helicopter came several time
that’s when the major came and asked for a for a picture with the prisoner then I started waiting and see what happened
and then there was a a school teacher who came to me and said said why are you going to kill him I said why do you say
that I said look we saw saw that you took a picture of him outside and look the radio is already giving the news so
at that that point I knew there was nothing else to be done uh so I got into the room I stood in front of thing and
said Commander I’m sorry I Tried my best he white like a piece of paper and he said it’s better this way you have never
been captured alive so you told Che Guevara he was about to be killed yes in a way
the way I say I’m sorry I tried my best he understood what I was saying then he took his pipe out on S to give
this pipe to a soldo who treated me well and at that time major Sergeant Teran
who he knew was the one executing the the life prisoner burst into the room I want the pipe and she say no I
won’t give it to you so I ordered him three times to leave the room when he did I look at she I said would you give
it to me she see I will give it to you so I put my pipe here I say any want
anything you want for your family then I will say in a sarcastic way he say well if you can’t tell Fidel he will soon see
a triumphant revolution in America then he changed expression and saying if you can’t tell my wife to Remar and try to
be happy that was his last word he approached me we shook hand we embrace
it was a very uh strange unique moment in my life because we never order
prisoner to be executed at the time I even thought about cutting the telephone line and telling the pilot that my
government was able to convince them to bring share life and I remember what happened when Batista released Fidel
Castro and what happened to my country so I told myself look this is not your word you’re here to advise not to
command this is the Bolivian decision so let history wrong itself so I let it go the way it was and that was the the end
of it and what happened to Jay at that point well after we embrace uh which was
like I say very strange moment for me because he was My Enemy at the same time I I feel sorry for him he conducted
himself with dignity at the end I left the room and there was Sergeant Teran I told him that not shoot to from here
down up shoot from here down because he man supposed to die from combat one see me capan see me capan and he left so it
was 1:00 in the afternoon Bolivian time when I left there about 1:15 I heard the burst and that’s the time that he was
killed executed so they just shot him in the room he was shot by M2 carabin that
was borrowed by this sergeant from Lieutenant Paris who had an automatic carabin I understand because I was in
present he came in and said Shar I’d like to talk to you and uh he told him said look I know you’re coming to kill
me he said no no we are not going to kill you you’re wor you was more our life than that and then he told him I
know you you want you to know you’re going to kill a man so he open fire sh went like this or is a bullet that hit
here which is normal reaction to try to cover yourself uh so he was shot and killed I came back few hours later with
two of the captains from the operation Captain G PR and celo torelli and we got into the room his his head was facing
the the the ceiling he was covered with mud uh so there was a dead body of two
Cuban behind him that have been killing operation one was Captain panoan another captain from the Cuban Army who died in
combat so we Embrace him there and and K plow semi capan we have finished in the
gorillas in LA America and I told him capan we haven’t finished it at least we have delayed them for a long time so we
could hear the helicopter coming and they immediately left so I asked for a bucket of water I clean his face I took
all the mud out of his face I tried to clo his YW with my handkerchief which I lost in the helicopter with the wind and
then I tried to close his eyes and it was impossible they have been open too long so I tried to close it pop up again
several times so I gave up on it so we took the body and we tie at the right side of the helicopter
and while we’re finishing to do that I remember tied it to the struts of the helicopter to the to right right pontoon
of the helicopter on the right side and I remember the the the pilot I capan
moved forward to balance the helicopter so I put my hand under him and pulled it out when he brought it out was
completely covered with blood apparently it was shot in the aorta and see these
plastic things are and didn’t allow any water to go through it was a big pool of blood in there I look at it I didn’t say
anything but I thought to myself there are people who have blood in their hands I have the hell of a lot of here so I clean the blood and this right side of
my pants I came in and then a soldier came and said mayor mayor father sheers went to see him so we stood with
helicopter running for maybe a couple of minutes and there was a priest who came on a on a mule he came around uh he get
down of the mule and he gave him the last benediction which I took picture of it with a Mino camera that I have left I
thought to myself this this guy was an at he didn’t believe in God nevertheless he received the ra Ritual from the
Catholic church and from there we took off and then we landed the inag grand there were thousands of people waiting
at the wrong way there was like 15 different plane from the Press from the military waiting for the for for him to
arrive so I put my cap and run into the people so I my picture was never taken
and then he was taken into Schoolhouse excuse me to a hospital seor de Malta
then in the evening there was a a a meeting and the general was telling a colonel if if Fidel deny this is Shara
we need tangible proof of it cut his head and put him for Malahide so I said meal you cannot do that I say why not
say supposedly Fidel Deni this is Shara you are ah head of a state you cannot show the head of a human being a proof
said well what do you suggest I said well you want some tangible proof of it
CAU one finger and we have the fingerprint from the Argentinian federal police and he can be checked so so he
ordered both hand to be cut so I left with all the documentation for Santa Cruz and my other friend is staying
there and then about 3 or 4:00 in the morning when the Press was gone uh they took his body they cut both hands and
put him for Malahide and two other bodies and they took it to the very end of the wrong way and they bury him in
there with two bodies there was a bulldozer there who was uh making longer
the wrong way than he was buried right there now later on years later when Fidel said he found the body on the side
of the wrong way with saving all the body I can assure you that was not Che Guevara because he wasn’t buried there amazing
and so what did you do it was 1967 it was back up really quickly you’re you born in Cuba right how did when did you
come to the United States I came in 1954 for a school I came to perky prep in Pennsylvania I spent six years in
there seven and8th grade in my high school and I actually uh went off um my
last year to go to the first person that was against Castro was the anti-communist Legion of the Caribbean the Dominican Republic so I participated
in that operation when I was 17 18 years old and I came back and then after graduation I was accepted at the
University of Miami for civil engineering but before I went there I learned there was something going on in
Latin America against Castro I joined where later became the Bay of pig Invasion I was 19 year old at the time
what was your role in the Bay of Pigs invasion I was part of what they call the special forces or INF ation thing so
I was a group of about 36 people we got into Cuba a month and a half before The Invasion to work with the resistant I
Came In clandestinely by boat I start working inside the island uh helping
with them with all kind of equipment and trying to do an uising another area then
actually the Bay of pig surprise us because they never told us anything if they had being able to tell us that the
invasion was coming we had enough explosive to be able maybe to blow some bridges toward the Bay of pig and delay
the advancement of Castro troop but they never told anything we learned through the Cuban radio so at that time was lo I
was able to make it through the Venezuelan Embassy where I spent five and a half months in Havana in Havana
and then finally got safe conduct went back to Venezuela at the end of September how did you get from the Bay
of Pigs to Havana that’s a long way isn’t it it wasn’t in the Bay of pig I landed near Havana a month and a half
before the Bay of Pigs I’m working with the resistant you know we had a mechanism of the of the internal
resistant to pick us up near the highway and then take off to safe houses in Havana then we start working with them
in there during that time so I wasn’t at the B of PE at the time and I was lucky because I didn’t have any idea of any
Embassy in there but the lady who was driving me around was close connected to the Espanish Embassy and the
spaner Alejandro vgar who was in charge of they called propaganda actually was Intelligence came to pick her up because
they were surrounding our building building Fidel very successfully what he did he surrounded every single block in
Havana and if you wear a male a military agan you were not assigned to a military
unit even though you might have been even a communist they will take you and put in custody they were baseball field
with 250,000 Cubans in there a theater that capacity for 5,000 people 5,500 so
they were able to disarticulate internal resistance that way even they pick up some of my friend that came in and then
they released them because they had no idea who they were but I was lucky to make it to the Venezuelan Embassy and
then back back into um into Miami actually I got to Miami on the very
first of October of 1961 and then by the end of October I was back inside Cuba
went back seven times because I was the only one who left the contact open after the failure of the Bay of Pi to bring
people and equipment in and for intelligence purpos what what kind of equipment were
you bringing in oh we were bringing explosive were bringing in M3 machine guns uh all kind hand grenades and all
those in that they were still bringing in to be able to support a future resistance but then it didn’t work out
then I decided actually in 1962 I decided to marry my present wife for 62
years and I told her I said look Rosa uh I’m going to quit I’m going to go into
civilian life but I want you to know if there is something serious about Cuba I will go so she made the mistake of
agreeing to that because we we got married in the 25th of August I start working a company for $1 an hour called
called is letter service propaganda then I was improving toing packaging company
$135 an hour so while I was working there and remember I got married 25th of August in the in the month of October I
got a call from a CIA guy and said look I need to talk to you after you work at that company so I went to see him at the
parking lot of the uh Howard and Johnson across from the University of Miami I sit in his car and I say Felix the
Marines are going to land in Cuba we need you I look at him and say Tom if the Marine is going to land in Cuba what
the hell do you need me for good point he said well you know how to operate a radio Beacon we like you to parachute
behind a Soviet missile base in Santa Clara to set up a radio Beacon so that our air force can hit with Precision the
airbase at the time we didn’t have the GPS system that we have today so at that time I agreed so they took me to a safe
house and my basic training was romping from different altitude uh and the three point of contact didn’t break a leg I
couldn’t even call my wife my wife went back to the to the apartment and and of course that night when Kennedy went on
National Television declared the October crisis so she realized was something related to that so the day we were going
to parachute into Cuba the day the Cru Chef backed down the operation and then you know I after that was had a job so
then I continued to work with the CIA for how long oh until 1976 when they
retired me for for security consideration after Colonel senteno NAA who I was his advisor was assassinated
in Paris uh he was the Bolivian ambassad there and he was killed and they left a sign saying the sheara Commando then
they also assassinated major quania was the colonel then Roberto kintan in Hamburg Germany who was the consul
General from Bolivia there also left a sign saying uh Commando Shara and they
call my home and say Felix Ramos you’re next that’s the name that I use in Bolivia that never came out so the
agency proposed me one of those program to change my name and go to another state which I would not accept because
of my kids so what they did they came to my home they did a security evaluation they uh actually gave me a bulletproof
car they bulletproof my car in in Langley Virginia I got a license to carry concealed weapon that was
difficult to get at the time and they gave me a total disability I didn’t have to work to have a routine of work and
put some iron fences in my house some security and then I signed a paper for them if I got killed related to my job
my family could not show you know they could not sue them in any way of form because what they offer me that they
consider I refuse to but then after that I continue independently to do something
like I went in into El Salvador uh flying with Salvadorian guill as a
volunteer with a concept that I developed in Vietnam where I spent two and a half years in Vietnam after
Bolivia and um he was very effective in El Salvador when he was there what were you doing in Vietnam as a CI officer
well that my responsibility was to stop the rocketing of Saigon and the rocketing of the both g into Saigon we
were advising unit called the pru provincial reconnaissant unit a CIA unit
who was managed paid and controlled by the CIA and it was almost impossible to stop the rocketing of Saigon and it did
it for for psychological reason every week there will be one or two 122 Point
uh Soviet missiles going into the city at random normally they tried to hit the presidential Palace and the US Embassy
which they never did but it was a psychological SC and we start looking in area it was impossible to locate these
people until I was able to capture one uh who was The Bodyguard of tutan the commander of that unit and he told me
that they were hiding in an area that we never thought of because there was the tie of the water will come up like 17 ft
and what they did he told me they had 55 gallon drums they solder one on top of the other thought they sleeping there
when the water went up when the water went down they run across the river they fired the rocket into the area and then
they came back and hide again then I start looking in that area which we never did before and actually on the 4th
of December of 19 70 I was able to establish contact with the commander of the unit we killed like 18 of them we
lost three of our pru and from there on we continue the pressure and there was not a single Rock of fire into sa after
that and for that I got equal to the the Congressional Medal of Honor from the
Vietnamese his armed forces called the the um the cross of gallantry was gold star I got one of that two silver star
and six bronze star during the time that I was with the with them then I got the intelligence star for from the CIA
because of the operation in Vietnam I’m sure you’ve been asked us a thousand times but since you worked there you
worked for President Kennedy yes and he was of course killed in November of 1963
and countless books have been written blaming Cuban Exiles people participated in the Bay of Pigs for being involved in
some way with the CIA in that assassination what’s your assessment of that claim well I’ll tell you most of
the Brigade member believes uh president Kenn was a traitor and he was the one who definitely he had the responsibility
and he was responsible or was failure looking from another point I believe he was a young president ill
advised and we PID the price and I believe that actually he was killed because he tried to amend that uh after
he was able to pull the Brigade out of prison he opened the Arm Forces of the United States for the Brigade members
out became a second lieutenant in the US Army in 196 63 and then he promised us a
special operation which was started in Central America in three different bases and not not many many people know about
it but then he was assassinated and a lot of people believe that it was only one shooter
Felix Rodriguez he’s a longtime CIA officer in the operations directorate and um and he joins us now to explain this picture and to tell us about his life Mr Rodriguez
I believe there were two shooters uh we have information that—
there was a Cuban which is now a retired General Fabian Escalante who was a
captain at the time who was in Dallas and he was the second shooter in the assassination of the president well you just okay I’m sorry will you say that one more time what’s his name FABIAN ESCALANTE and he was in Dallas that that day and then he left uh it was something that and and Castro said that that he knew that CIA the United State was trying to kill him but be very careful because the Cuban also had very long hand so it wasn’t matter either Kennedy or or or or
I think that that’s why he got killed so you believe that Kennedy was assassinated by Cuban forces Castro
Great yes remember that Oswald was in the Cuban Embassy uh for several hours before he went to Dallas that day and we also have the fact that with no question about it that Fabian Escalante was there and then CIA deny at the beginning that he was ever in the Cuban Embassy later on when they learned that we as CIA we had pictures a movie of him getting into our Embassy then they said that they went into a very distinct uh check and they found out that indeed yes Oswald was in the Cuban Embassy and they claimed that he came in there to get a Cuban visa and he was denied but I do believe that it was a participation of Cuba the assassination of the president and later on one assistant of President Johnson said that they knew about it but for security considerations they denied to the public the participation of Cuba and the assassination of the president
because remember at that time they were already four offensive missile inside Cuba when the October crisis took place
they were already had been able to bring into Cuba four offensive nuclear missiles that’s why when cruset thought
and he knew that the US knew that we had four offensive they had four offensive missile inside the island he could bring
20 of them that’s when the October crisis du play but there were still uh four missiles inside Cuba that were
offensive so at the time everybody say well they cannot attack Cuba because Kennedy CRF treaty it was never
implemented because the important part of that treat was that it would be a personal ocular inspection by American
Personnel in Cuba to make sure that they had taken out those four missiles and CUA never allowed them to be able to
come in to check for that so that the compromise was never the Kennedy crew was never implemented at all do you
believe the CIA had any role in Kennedy’s assassination no I don’t think so I don’t believe so I know there’s a
lot of allegation to that effect but I don’t think so I don’t believe so at all I am convinced did you ever come across
Howard hunt during your yes I met him after he came out of prison uh actually
he was coming for Christmas out of prison and I have met his daughter with our team is home Kevin and we we run to
each other into a Sears so I invited him to come to my home you ran into him in Sears yeah in Miami and I invited him to
go into my home while I’m sitting there I get a call from the chief of station from Miami say Felix by the way uh how H
home will be in town make sure that you don’t meet him the guy was sitting right in front of me I already had given him my car to use for the three days he was
in in Miami so later on I called my boy and say you should have called me later sooner I said what he said well I had
power hun in front of my house no I said yes you didn’t tell me and and I drawn him into sier I brought him to my home
it’s first time I ever met him amazing why did the CIA not want you to see Howard hunt because they don’t want to
see make they believe there is a connection between the CIA and then even though I were h was working for the CIA
but he was head of the task force for the White House with Nixon yes so there was a connection there yes there was um
interesting how did you get involved in the Iran Contra story well when I was in
in Miami I thought uh I thought the war was going on in El Salvador I had
implemented a helicopter come set in Vietnam that was extremely effective against the the Viet Kong in there of
with intelligence going to the area with gunships and then spotting then was flying on the low helicopter spotting
then then coming back with troop and get the the the result so I volunteered to
go to a Salvador in ‘ 85 early ‘ 85 that’s where I went to El Salvador then as a volunteer nobody was paying me
anything who did you volunteer to H who who did you to the Salvadorian Air Force
yes but it wasn’t easy it was very difficult because you have the US military commander General Gorman
forestar General who command all the military assistant to the area and here is a Cuban retired from the CIA trying
to implement a military conet in his area but I was lucky that the the vice president of the United States had Don
Greg who was my boss from Vietnam as his National Security advisor and he knew how effective my concept was so he
helped me uh to be able to get the clearance from the state department and other people for me to go down there so
I start working with the with the concept down in El Salvador was extremely successful at one point in
time Oliver nors had a problem with a plane uh that was stuck in in in Portugal that
he could not bring in because of of Honduran closed the entrance of his planing there because of an incident
they had with a plane with the resistant and he knew that I had an excellent relationship with the Salvadorian so he
sent knows to me that if I could get the Salvadorian to hold all of this military
equipment from Portugal until he was able to solve the problem with Honduras so I talked to the uh to the head of the
Air Force I mean to the minister of defense and they agree that’s how I got involved in the into ran Contra thing
they brought the plane was storage in there for for a while and when they saw that they asked me if I could ask the
Salvador they could do the maintenance of their aircraft from the Nicaraguan resistant operation in El Salvador and
that was how we got started in that operation in there but really uh the
vice president have very little to do in this operation of course when the Iran Contra broke they blame that they they
actually they came out to say that I was sent to El Salvador to B the Bing
amendment to support the Nicaraguan resistance and my helicopter con concept was a a cover up which wasn’t true that
wasn’t the case at all and then they they Suba me to testify in front of Congress and I was the only one who went
to Congress without a lawyer and without immunity everybody else went with lawyer immunity and they try even the White
House called me and said the boy don’t Gray from the white house uh they wanted me to bring a lawyer that the why I was
going to pay for I say look uh I have done nothing wrong if I have to bring a lawyer for what I did I am in the wrong
country and I don’t believe I am in the wrong country so they told me no you don’t understand you know you know how
these Congressman are they might ask you to push you into saying something that might heard the vice president and I
refused so I was the only one who went without lawyer and without immunity and uh he came out find and the only guy
that I really don’t like at all because after that he he asked me to testify in his committee was John KY why didn’t you
like John KY he a funny uh he was no war hero to be honest
with you I I I was invited when when he run for president the Vietnam veteran for the truth make a big rally in the
west wing of the capital and at that time they asked me to be one of the speaker against him because what he did
to me you know he accused me of receiving $10 million from the Milan cartel for the contract which wasn’t true you know I was it was a pain it was
very hard for my family cuz I was flying El Salvador and my wife called me said look it’s from PTI in the Miami Herald
your picture when you were in the army that you received $10 million from the Medan cartel I said you know that’s not
TR she said I know but here is SOA from Senator Curry’s committee so I called from El Salvador Senator Curry’s and I
asked them I said look uh you don’t need a soena with me but send the ticket in Easter because I doing mileage which
they did so I flew to Washington we spent four hours in in a deposition with him uh he was represented by by um by a
man there was a u uh M McConnell was the minority so there was Robinette
representing M McConnell and another guy who represented him after we finished the testimony they wanted a close
hearing we wanted an open hearing there was nothing classified about it I had retire in 76 we are talking something
that happened 1985 but carry didn’t want the truth to come out so he refused to
have an open hearing we have to go into a close here when I had the opportunity at the time when I first came in they
asked me if I wanted to something there was all the senator and they asked me and say you want to say something I say
yes I look at him and say senator this will be the hardest testimony of my life say why do you say that Mr Rodriguez I
said Senator it’s very hard to have to ask a question for somebody that you do not respect I don’t respect you what you
are doing here Mr Rodriguez because we disagree with you we are no less patriotic than you are I Senator you
didn’t even have the gut throw your own medal when you were protesting the Vietnam War don’t believe everything you
see in the Press I know that the hell of a lot of better that you do Senator he said that was a veteran who asked me to
throw his medal I said it was everybody perception was your medal you were throwing over the White House fans so really didn’t hit very well during
that hitting at all and uh then I talked to a lot of people who work with him do
you know that he was never ever wounded in combat he doesn’t have one bullet hole in his body and he claimed three
three uh P hard to be able to leave Vietnam he knew that there was an
unwritten law that if you get wounded three times in one tour you could request to leave Vietnam yes and that’s
exactly what he did what he did he scratched himself he claim it was from a from a h grenade he never got a bullet
hole he got scratches I always claimed that he had been wounded that time get a get a a Purple Heart the third one they
he was denied the guy didn’t say was he was worth it he had to wait until they change that guy to be able to convince
the other guy to give him the third uh purple heart and that’s why he left Vietnam and then he went with Jane Fonda
uh talking about the our people in there uh was a shame because today I see how
our people treat the military with respect in the plane at the time when I came back they would not even wear their
uniform because they were all war criminals and all of that because of JN Kerry and Jame
Fondo cowards so what was the resolution of
Iran country you testified well at at the end really uh
actually when you look at it uh it was they they didn’t have a case at all
because the only reason they brought the Iran Contra hearing was because the violation of the B amendment of using US
money to support Nar resistance so what happened is when General Secor did some
transaction uh with the Iran remember uh with Israel uh he got the millions of
dollars from that transaction the Congress determined that that money that he had belonged to the US government not
to C court it’s still in court today he still in court today he over $8 million and he used a million and a half
to help the Naran resistant with that money so because of that since the Congress determined that was money that
belonged to the US government they violated the Bing Amendment that’s how he came together and put up the uh the
the Iran Contra hearings and committees and all of that that I went through let me tell you it wasn’t it was uh it
wasn’t easy because um after so many question I I was tired and before that
my son my daughter went to see I had an FBI agent that always I been in contact
with them for my security I learned recently he already died from his widow that my son my daughter went to see him
before I testify in Congress and they told him L Carlos uh everybody’s telling us if my father doesn’t bring a lawyer
he will go to prison please convince him to bring a lawyer with him so he he
didn’t tell me that he came to see me and say look Felix you’re going to testify in Congress and you’re going to
be on the rose you cannot lie no matter what happen you cannot lie because if you do uh they would ask the same
question in 15 different way and they they would know now there is some sense you are not very happy with it or you
are not very content with it you don’t remember you don’t remember they going to do anything but don’t lie and I never
lie so I came out fine how did you have you ever wondered how you live so long
having been through all these conflicts I believe honestly I believe
in God for example when I was in Vietnam my boss Ted shakley who was a legend with the CIA used to tell people that I
had a death wish that I wanted to get killed which was not at all I was so convinced toer that no Bulet was going
to hit me God gave me that conviction so I could sit in the helicopter sit there shooting may come out and shoot at them
because I knew he wasn’t going to touch me and I never did so it wasn’t not bravery it was my conviction that I knew
he wasn’t going to to and you were a married man at that point I had two kids already
and you were never worried about getting killed I knew I wasn’t going to get killed not even wounded I didn’t I had
people wounded next to me my helicopter took 30 different occasion to fire took hits in the helicopter body but I was
shut down five times Vietnam One Salvador for never you were shot down five times yeah but you know my back is
in bad shape but U prob still alive and I believe it was God who definitely was
his hand on me that’s why I didn’t worry about it not that I was Brave I was convinced nothing was going to happen to
me you were right it turned out oh yeah absolutely what was Ted shackley like oh
he was was the most uh intelligent man that I have ever met in my life he was
the one responsive for the Berlin tunnel yeah he was station in Miami and we became close friends until the day he
died uh and we were close we used to meet he was the head of a station in
Saigon and uh we we had we developed a personal uh friendship uh he’s the one
who one time told me not to fly and they had a a Defector in Paris who have said that they were hijack we’re going to
hijack the plane of the Cuban involved in the assassination of Shara so chle called me at the station and say we are
going to Miami bacation don’t fly into Miami so what I did I flew into Atlanta rent a car went back spending Christmas
with my family and back then I went back to Atlanta on the 6th of January of 1971
and I had a c in there so she was at the airport I had a fight who leave Atlanta Houston Houston San Francisco had like 4
hours overlay in San Francisco and then I found out there was another plane stopping in Dallas one hour later so I
changed that to stay with my cin one more hour so when I got to Vietnam nobody was waiting for me so when I got
in there I went to the EM to Dog Hotel our hotel changed when I got to the Embassy they told me and said what are
you doing here I said what do you mean I supposed to arrive today nobody was waiting for me I said no no no your plane was hijacked to Cuba we’re trying
to find out how the hell we can get you out of there that’s why when we went uh the agency sent me and my family to
Argentina in 1970 in 1973 they got our passport I’m our
passport of my wife and I said place of birst Colorado in stad of Cuba for that
trip so in case I Got Hijacked they could claim me as a US citizen that was the only time I was a US citizen by
birth for about a year I have copy of the passport amazing did you ever meet
Fidel Castro no I wish I had because he would not be there long time ago what what do you
think of Cuban now uh it’s a disaster uh I don’t know how they are still be able to stand the
way it is the economy is completely on the ground I I can understand the people who
talk about socialism who talk about Progressive uh look whatever socialism
touch completely destroyed look what happened to CU was was one of the most prosper Island in in
1958 you know the dollar if you know it was the Q PES was higher 3 Cent than the dollar you wanted to buy Cuban PES you
have to pay $13 for the Cuban dollar the same that Dominican Republic it destroyed the economy look at Venezuela
the richest country in in in America with reserving oil unbelievable and look
how it is whatever they touch they destroy that what have been very concerned in this country of all of
these people talking about socialism all of that they have no no idea what it is unfortunately we have a lot of Professor
in the University that inculcate this idea that they have never lived through that’s what I tell people when I talk
today people can tell you what socialism is when they had never leave it when you leave in there you see what happened to
you you understand what socialism is and we know because we suffered that in our own flesh have you ever been back no I
can’t I have three death sentencing Absentia well I was back the last time I was in 1965 but I was uh with a team to
photograph a Soviet the submarine base in laua in the a of pine but that’s the
only time that I touched Gan soil but I never I how did you you said you you went back a number of times yes on in a
clandestine way how did you get in by both clandestinely and we had people working for us in the inside who will
contact us at the the at the co and you trusted them you were never worried about being betrayed or executed we had
to trust them we had no choice there were there were people that were betrayed later on but I was lucky as hell really I was very very look did
they get out the people who helped you uh some of them they some of them are still living in there but they have been
but nobody knew that they work help us you just go from Key West or how did you
well it was in between Key West we West and and and Islam they will both will
pick us up in there take off to the mother boat and then we’ll take off for for Cuba from there for the operation
inside Cuba in and out only one thing from the Bay of pig people who enter
Cuba only one team made it by air they were parachuted in only five people most
of us entered by boat clandestinely and there was a group of about five or six
who came in through the airport with the real names with cover story that they were coming back from American
universities but most of us came in clandestinely by Bo and the mechanism was we will go to the coastline there
was a reception team there uh with lights we disembark then there was a guy who take off maybe four five kilometer
into the main Highway where a car from the movement will pick us up and take us to a safe house in Havana we had to
trust them we had no idea who they were but we were lucky was anyone from the CIA any of these teams ever caught no P
personal from the CIA itself they never participated in inside Cuba they didn’t allow them to do that were only Cubans
involved in that operation with CIA case officer we don’t call it the controller
we call it case officer were any of them ever caught though by the Cuban government no no not our people did yes
yeah from my infiltration team uh four of them were executed by firing a squad
uh one of them uh was killed defending a safe house and there were 17 of them who
spent uh 20 years in Cuban prison because when the treaty became to release the Brigade from prison our
people even though we were Brigade member were not considered who landed military they consider us a spy because
we G Des so we were not part of that exchange of prisoner so my people from
my infiltration team has spent 18 20 years in prison before they were released did they come to the US when
they got out amazing so a lot of people got caught and kill oh
yes it was a disaster what do you think of the CIA
now it’s not what we used to be uh I recall in my time we were given a task
we would run up operation if there is any problem then we went to our legal service you know the the the the council
to ask you know how we solve the problem because of the situation that happened in the past that a lot of agent have
lost their retirement all of that because of operation now they go when they are giving a mission they go to the
lawyer first and find out what they can do and what they cannot do and they put a tremendous disadvantage on us uh in my
in my time you could do a hell of a lot of more thing than they can do right now they tried their best
anyway but um and and the guy who really destroyed the CIA was Jimmy Carter how
well I I talked to Shak he told me about it we had very high penetration for example in alqaeda and in Sendero
luminoso if we had those people 911 would have never happened when Jimmy
Carter became president he asked for a briefing from the CIA he wanted to know how those penetration were handled so
chakle was the one in charge because he told me personally he was going in charge to brief the President Carter on
that so he told the president that you have a guy who infiltrated into a cell the guy was becoming to more and more
access higher in the organization he will come up for example with an operation that we’re going to do
a terrorist operation so there is a very pragmatic group who will study the operation it was a very minimal uh
damages they will allow the operation to go through because if every time you have a guy inside and the operation fail
they know some body’s infiltrated in there so there you have to allow some operation to go through with minimal
casualties G car say it was immoral to do that so he actually ordered all of
those penetration to be terminated so people that took years to be able to be able to get them and set them in inside
the Nets like in alqaeda or cero luminoso they had to be told sorry we cannot support you anymore we recommend
that you leave the cell we cannot pay you anymore and terminate so we lost all of our eyes and ears inside the
terrorist group when you Carter and he put a lot of emphasis on satellite satellite doesn’t get inside the the
head of people so we lost that that’s why we had 911 we had the Certo luminoso
take over the embassy of Japan in in Peru at that time if we had what we had before that would have never happened
then it was authorized but it take a long time to rebuild that type of situation did the CIA um it seems more a
military force now than it once did do you think that’s accurate No we have we have always we have the CLA and the CIA
military branch we have our own for example Air Force we have our own Navy with different specific equipment that
nobody else has that have been developed for a special operation with us and there is a paramilitary appar that which
I did belong to the spe we used to call a special operation division now they call a special activity division that
operates a paramilitary operation in areas that uh and they do a tremendous job that’s that’s the the the thing that
that we never get Rec for it uh people are blamed CIA is blamed for many things
that happen but there is a lot of success that can never be told we have saved a lot of life in the process that
nobody knows about it and nobody can take credit for the situation we have in our world several star with more than
100 people had died within the CIA most of them doesn’t even have the name in their only one star because they were so
classified that the name never appear so you have to be dedicated to that because
you is one of the organization that receive very little credit and do a lot
of what do where do you think this country is going right now well I hope it changed uh a lot of
people used to say in qba it could not happen here a lot of people say it couldn’t happen in the United States
after what happened in Cuba what I have seen other places I am concerned about this country I hope that we can regain
the presidency because uh this thing goes to what they call socialism of uh
it will be a disaster we will never know United State the way it is I am concerned because I know what happened in Cuba and unfortunately we have a lot
of Professor high level University who are leftist who brainwash in the head of
a lot of our bright student and that’s a very concern to me have you seen that in
other countries but more in the United States than any place else they have
concentrated in state because they know the importance of the United States and and that’s what I really concern me this
this country here I think this coming election is very important I don’t know who the hell is going to be the president but if the Democrat get the
power in there and they continue the way they are with the open border and all of that uh in a few years we will know know
the United States the way it is now today we can lost the United State I I never thought I could say that but now I
can say that I’m very concerned how can it be stopped well I
hope that people realize what’s going on in the world what’s going on in the United States and people realize and and
vote intelligently this time see the reality of what’s going on I don’t want
to say more I think people in tell will be able to understand that looking back my last question if
you could do something different with your life would you have I mean it seems like
you got into this kind of amazing line of work almost accident
entally I always wanted to be a civil engineer really really uh my grandson
now is in the third year of civil engineering at the University of Washington and George Washington
University but that’s what I wanted to be and look uh history took me to a different place I was never able to
graduate from high I graduated from high school from never from University my my son my daughter did my wife did when she
was at bar University but I didn’t but I don’t complain I think that I had a a
life that I can see myself and and think that I contributed a little bit to have
a better world that we have today then I I don’t regret what I did not one bit of it Well you certainly had the most
interesting life almost anyone I’ve ever talked to so that’s thank you sir worth a lot Mr Rodriguez thank you very much
for telling us all that bless free speech is bigger than any one
person or any one organization societies are by what they will not permit what we’re watching is the total inversion of
virtue hey it’s Tucker Carlson the internet is crowded with interesting things that don’t really matter on TCN
we attempt to bring you interesting things that actually do matter and a lot of them interviews long form and short
videos documentaries you can find all of it on tuckercarlson.com and we hope you will