Searchable Transcript for the Serious

My children your enemies time has run out They are not going to continue with this tirade, their narrative, their mind control, their selections, and who they choose to be in power of this nation, or any nation, for that matter. The time is over for the puppet masters and the puppets they control. This spectacle and this charade has gone on long enough against you. This had to be allowed so you, my children, and the world would really see who they are and what they are about. These oligarchs, the elites, and who try to control mankind, the economy, your minds of your children, your nations, I am putting an end to it for the world to see. This world is mine. The nations are mine, and you, my children, are being put back in charge where you belong, says the Lord.

ROCKET FIRE This will be in your news for a significant reason. Your enemies are trying to start a war they can’t finish.

There will be no World War III. No, not yet. Do not fear what they say about the threat to your nation, O United States You declare my protection and see this attempt from your enemies fail. The attack against this nation will not go how they wanted it to go. Oh no, and with these next moves of targeting this soil for terrorist attacks, I will blow the doors wide open on the Establishment and show the money and how they paid for this. I will show you bank records your enemies don’t know I have possession of to bring down their machine to bring down their Establishment and their control they’ve had with unlimited spending I will open the doors on the IRS and the Federal Reserve and how and show you what they have been doing financially against you O United States there are many agencies and corporations and entities that never belonged in this nation, and all of these things they’ve used against you will be ripped away from them with no way for them to stop it. Along with me rattling the cages of the UN. Oh yes, they are about to be torn apart with the next moves they try against you. I will DISMANTLE THE UN in front of the world. They are about to fall to the ground in unprecedented ways. My children watch DC. Fireworks are about to be set off against the Biden and Kamala. I told you to watch the next moves they make against them both. What you see for the 2024 election is not over. The puppets are about to be changed out in faces you see right now. Soon, you won’t anymore. The October surprise will come early this year, and what a significant surprise it will be. It will take out more than one puppet at a time. PROOF NANCY CHUCK OBAMA and many others forged that letter of resignation of the Biden. I will prove who really hacked that account on that day. It was a coup by the Establishment to remove the puppet. they had they had no use for anymore he was going to lose and they couldn’t afford to lose so they moved on just like I said they would but days of Haman are here and I’ve told you before that would be clear I will expose and show you the scripts to prop up Kamala for this short time and what that VP pick and why it was forced upon her. Not for her to win this, it was another form win this election, it was another form of sabotage to take her down. I will prove to this nation who was really pulling those strings, you know, made those decisions. It’s all coming down in this fake facade of unity in this Establishment. This is the farthest thing from the truth. You will see more disinformation and dysfunction with the news reports on how some are not on the same page. I have told you before my children that confusion is growing in their camps that will cause so much dysfunction and chaos they will not be able to keep this machine going the way they used to. These are the days of great sabotage in the Establishment. Many people will side with certain people to let others fall, the weakest, even the ones who pose to be the biggest threats to their plans for moving forward. The leaders of the Establishment should be very afraid of the voices they have suppressed and ones they tried to silence. Video and audio recording will soon pour out of DC like never before. A great shaking has begun and it will not stop until judgment is done and justice is served. Very unprecedented events will take place, one right after another, so my children grow your foundation in my word. Remember these are the days to receive my strength like never before, to unify like never before and to use my authority like never before. Get ready because a fault line will shake that will signal this shaking spiritually and politically that will bring these massive shifts to things you see, to things that were always meant to be. Stay focused, shut off distractions and stand in prayer believing I am the one who will destroy everything that’s against you. My children, the time of violent shaking is here. Do not fear, the great I Am is here to deliver you, says the Lord of hosts.

ALCATRAZ, this will be in your news for a surprising reason.

CORNHOLE, this will also be in your news for a surprising reason.

Exposure is coming on what the Establishment has DONE AGAINST THE FARMERS.

This is the time to move forward with the plans with your food supply, BUT I WILL INTERVENE and their plans will come to nothing and the FARM GROUND WILL BE RIPPED FROM THEIR CONTROL and given back into the hands it belongs to.

GREAT SHIFT OF PROPERTY is coming, so get ready to receive it. These are the days of complete restoration. Sayeth the Lord, your Redeemer .

Afterword Summary

ROCKET FIRE This will be in your news for a significant reason. Your enemies are trying to start a war they can’t finish.

There will be no World War III. NO NOT YET ??!!!!

I will blow the doors wide open on the Establishment

I will open the doors on the IRS and the Federal Reserve

I will DISMANTLE THE UN in front of the world.

My children watch DC. Fireworks are about to be set off against the Biden and Kamala

PROOF NANCY CHUCK OBAMA and many others forged that letter of resignation of the Biden.

GREAT SHIFT OF PROPERTY is coming, This is pointing at Bill Gates buying up farming properties China doing the same. Chinese influence is to be eradicated from the US.

So gang this is about everything we could wish for. But wait, there is more tomorrow THE DESTRUCTION OF THE DECEIVING RULING CLASS Hint….. comes from lying.

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