Searchable transcript for the Serious


And this was from August 15th of 2024.

My children, there has been a deceiving ruling class that has taken over your government, your media, media, your court system, your financial system, and has tried at the same time to collapse society morally in an every way, brainwashing programming to point of easier control. It has made people weaker spiritually, mentally, physically, everywhere they could destroy humanity, they have tried. They have made many viruses and diseases, poisoned everything they could to destroy you physically, but also to put your strain on you financially. They took over the entertainment industry to corrupt your children, made idols out of people when children strive to be like them, when they should be running away as fast in the opposite direction. They drew your children in with illusion of fame and perfection and fortune, to get them distracted and controlled by an addiction. Also to video games, to change their mindsets of more illusion of violence and being more unhinged, causing anger to rise in them, where it would be uncontrollable. They have used every plan to dismantle the independence of humanity from the government and ruling class. They have tried to control even what you buy and when to buy these products. They have algorithms to coerce you into something you would not usually buy or look at. They have used these tactics to get more people into credit card debt or any type of debt at all, as much as they could. My children, you have not been as free as you thought, but it’s time to break free from these oppressors. It’s time to stand and fight against them like never before, to take back the freedom that belongs to you. they have done everything in their power to take away. My children fight with my word now to regain the society where it should be with me and not under their demonic control. It is time to break out of their prison cells into a life that I have in store for you. My United States, the unprecedented time you are in will intensify. Your government is about to IMPLODE IN A WAY NEVER SEEN BEFORE Not only the power over you will be brought to nothing, they will be brought to nothing and removed from their positions. I have told you repeatedly, removals are coming on a grand scale, on a scale never seen. It may appear to be impossible for that many removals to take place at one time. But my children, there is nothing impossible for me to take care of or to handle. My hand is big enough to remove them all at once. Extreme violence will be seen to take over in your streets and chaos is about to pick up in ways you don’t see coming yet.

The invaders from your border are about to take action against your leaders for them not getting what they have been promised. Money will be taken from them and more money promised will never be given to them. Anger will grow in the army they brought here from foreign lands to destroy this nation, to bankrupt it, and and complete the collapse of society. These foreign invaders are growing restless with broken promises made by the Establishment. This will majorly backfire against the Establishment and will cause more chaos in your government and it’ll bring more divisions on how to handle it. This is a ticking time bomb about ready to go off. These things will not be stopped no matter how this Establishment thinks they have a handle on them. They don’t.

Many demands are about to be made by those sent here, and when those demands are not met, an escalation of unrest will take place, and the Establishment will have their hands full trying to fix this mess they created. They will not be able to handle everything that is coming at them. The Establishment is about to erupt in more division, backstabbing, and explosive exposure against others in their party to save themselves. They are reaping a great harvest of destruction in these days of Haman. You will see this is clear when things don’t go the way they want at the DNC. There is a great divide and you will see that that is true. Watch what the delegates do that will surprise you. That Zoom call they had was a fake and a facade to push other agendas for this DNC and make Kamala think it’s all her show when it’s not.

Hold on, my Children. Things are about to heat up in Washington between Kamala, the Bidens and the Establishment. The Democratic Party is in a hot mess or is a hot mess right now, you would say, and that is about to be exposed in a major way. Hold Hold tight as a collapse, they will do more against you financially with viruses and terrorist plots and plans, but there’s nothing to fear when I am on your side. Stand your ground, pray them down and pray them out and continue to shout. Pray confusion is growing in their camp with no way to stop it. I’m ready to move my hand to heal this land. So prepare for the shaking so it doesn’t take you by surprise. Your enemies are about to fall apart in front of the world This is not their time. It’s mine. Sayeth the Lord your Redeemer Then I also heard McENROE this name will be in your news for a shocking reason A SKELETON IN KAMALA’S CLOSET is about to come out big time Biden will take another hit for fighting back against the coup against him They will try to take him out for the final time. CNN iS ABOUT TO FALL YET AGAIN for their deceptive ways, but they won’t go without a fight. They will try to take down others with them. The MAINSTREAM MEDIA IS ABOUT TO HAVE MAJOR MELTDOWNS WITH WHAT IS COMING and SOME WILL TURNS ON THE ONES WHO HAVE GIVEN THEM THEIR SCRIPTS. The Establishment is about to have a mess on their hands, because more people are turning on them and not taking their orders like they used to. THE ESTABLISHMENT IS ABOUT TO FALL SO GET READY . Instead of a collapse of society your enemies wanted, you are about to see your government implode on a major scale. So, everything is about to change for your good, saith the Lord of hosts.

Afterword Summary

I have learnt enough bible theory by now so I will stop supplying the complete transcript and supply only Gods message.

This is grander than we could imagine, gang. Imported enemies get angry when they are not paid. So the establishment has created new enemies with their criminal behaviour. Here I just supply a few of the most memorable lines from Gods message as tumultuous events race toward us.

Your government is about to IMPLODE IN A WAY NEVER SEEN BEFORE

Removals are coming on a grand scale, on a scale never seen.

Extreme violence will be seen to take over in your streets and chaos is about to pick up in ways you don’t see coming yet.

The invaders from your border are about to take action against your leaders for them not getting what they have been promised. Money will be taken from them and more money promised will never be given to them.

These foreign invaders are growing restless with broken promises made by the Establishment

Your enemies are about to fall apart in front of the world

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