Searchable transcript for the Serious

Message only and this lengthy God session is beyond superlatives. Worth your rapt attention Godlings.
My children, I’m about to show you all the criminals in your capital, the crime families, the mob bosses, the handlers, the puppets, the fall men. Every aspect of this Establishment will be torn apart and exposed to the world. I will show you every crime against this nation, every partaker of them, the architects, the blueprints, the endgame, or the plan to end President Trump and this nation. I will show you every crime scene and who covered them up. I am opening the door wide on this darkness and all the wicked schemes they have made to bring the world to its knees and under their control. My children, when all this takes place, things will shake uncontrollably, spiritually, and politically. Think of how things shook in Egypt when I ripped Pharaoh’s power and empire away, and forced him to give everything he had and give it to my people. This is the same thing, but on a larger scale. These criminals have had their time in the spotlight, but now it’s time for these criminals to be sentenced for their crimes. There are many witnesses to their crimes, and the ones who design them have no idea people are willing to turn on them. Whistleblowers are becoming bolder now, seeing there are weaknesses and divisions in this Establishment. They used to be a part of, so they can see the light of their departure from the hell of being in fear on a continual basis, wondering and trying to protect their families from the ones who have threatened to take their lives. Whistleblowers will come out from every direction, seeing there is a chance for their freedom and safety. My children, prepare for the judgment that is about to rain down against the Establishment and the globalists for destroying my nations and the world I designed for you freely to enjoy. Judgments will strike like the plagues of Egypt. These unprecedented things you are about to witness is to destroy their empire and to free you from their control. I’m ready to move my hand against them. So get fear out of your minds and hearts. And remember, I am separating you and protecting you. These things you are about to see are not for you, but for your enemies. You hold the line and don’t back off from this fight for your nation or for your freedoms from the pharaohs of today. They are about to be forced to release you from their power and I will see to it. Sayeth the Lord of Hosts The walls that have protected the leaders of this Establishment are coming down. Nancy will be exposed on who she is and all that she has done. them.
Remember, things are not how they seem with her. Many in Washington are not who they say they are.
Hollywood played a huge part in covering up what has really been happening in DC.
When things suddenly go wrong in your capital and they need to FIND REPLACEMENTS, I will show you their INTRICATE SCHEME and the SETS THEY USE TO PROP UP AND DRUG PEOPLE UP TO LOOK ONE WAY WHEN ITS NOT THAT WAY AT ALL. I will show you CHUCK SCHUMER (Senate Leader) and the rat he really is. He will be ripped out of that position that does not belong to him. Great exposures are coming for all the leaders of this machine. An EXPLOSION between BIDEN and OBAMA is about to take place. This is the calm before the storm in D.C. that will take place afterwards. The UNIPARTY will never be the same. Fights will break out for power you don’t see completely right now, but you will soon. An explosion of truth and division will break out of the mainstream media for propping up this puppet for the Establishment and lying and manipulating the truth and what is really going on and this will blow up in their face. PLANS TO STEAL ANOTHER ELECTION These lies are about to come out in the open with THEIR SERVERS BEING EXPOSED (MICROSOFT FALL), and journalists from everywhere will regret going along with these lies to destroy a country they supposedly loved. Some thought they were doing the right thing, and some just for money and positions.
Videos are about to surface that will not be suppressed, that will expose all the major news channels taking orders from the Establishment on what is forced to be said, and to the public to prop up their narrative and their direction. They want this nation to go. Their communication lines have been severed and ripped apart by me, and this strategy will no longer work for them, said the Lord of hosts. Their fake polls are about to be torn apart. I will show you who is leading the charge on what percentage is put out to make the illusion that Kamala is accepted or even leading in any poll. I will show the majority is on the side of my David and the Giants manipulating these elections, the news, and this nation are about to fall apart in front of the world.
They will not steal another election. I will not allow them to move forward with their plans to take over this nation. I have told you this before.
I am all you need to save this country.
I will expose their elections or their selection machine, their plans, every intricate detail of how they have picked each person and how they stole so many seats exactly how they wanted. The House of Representatives is a lie on who really belongs in those seats. The majority do not belong there. The Senate is also a joke on how many really don’t belong there either and how the intelligence agencies were used to help in all of this. I will show you how they paid all of these election workers to scan fake ballots. I will show you the servers in foreign countries and the ones that are here in this nation. I will show you what they planned this time but it is sloppier than before because they never expected my David to last this long.
I will also show you what plan they had for Trump, every attempt against his life and the threats against his family’s lives. But I will protect them from it all. Do not worry about them trying to cover up what happened in Pennsylvania. It will not be suppressed and they will not get away with what they have done. They can’t sweep this under the rug like they have in times past, when they’ve tried to get rid of others in their way. Breaking news reports will come out that will prove who took part in this hit job. IT WAS AN INSIDE JOB, and they no longer will be able to hide it. OBAMA IS NOT THE ONLY MASTERMIND to run the show you have been seeing. SOMEONE IS ABOUT TO BETRAY HIM IN A MAJOR WAY Someone is about to break the dam of lies wide open to expose the swamp in a devastating way.
My children, be prepared, for what they will say is going on worldwide. When you know this is not true, it’s just to distract you. Pray their lies will continue to be revealed and their power to be stripped away. It’s time for the doors of the Establishment to be opened, for the world to see what has been going on to take over and destroy mankind, the financial system, and for them to take over more power and use it against you. Shaking is coming. A violent quake will soon hit this nation, politically, that will knock your enemies off their feet and out of those seats. Get ready for great removals are coming, sayeth the Lord, your Redeemer.
And then I also heard, CALIFORNIA will be in your news for a significant reason.
ICE will be in your news for a shocking reason. Some of these agents are about to expose what the government has been forcing them to do. This will no longer be silenced or suppressed. A PERFECT STORM, IS BREWING AND THIS STORM IS ABOUT TO TAKE A SURPRISING TURN AND HIT WASHINGTON HEAD-ON They will not expect what is about to be used to take them down.
BLACKWATER This will be in your news for a shocking reason.
Surprising events and an uproar not expected will take place in Chicago. A RESISTANCE TO THE ESTABLISHMENT CAN’T BE STOPPED All these things are about to blow up. They’ll not be able to suppress or change the narrative of it. This show and facade of everything being okay, soon everyone will see what a lie this was the whole time. THE BIDENS ARE BITTER and they’re ABOUT TO LET THE CAT OUT OF THE BAG, you would say. Things are about to really heat up on that side. So watch as they tear each other apart. The days of Haman are here, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Beyond superlatives is this session from God on what’s coming down the pipe before the election.
Exactly how politicians going bad are “repaired” by drugs ( and Hollywood cosmetic surgery maybe) will be revealed to us. Recall Biden grew 6 inches overnight. There is evidence for 4 Biden Actors. So Hollywood helps Washington “FIND REPLACEMENTS“
The word is Trump wants to sic RFK onto Big Pharma. RFK is a successful vaccine attorney
MSM journalists awakening to the crimes they have committed as a career path.
the Giants manipulating these elections, the news, and this nation are about to fall apart in front of the world. Which may put a dent in censorship. I get censored daily. Via direct comment removal, so comments don’t stick anymore, and entire posted video removal. Supreme court is looking at dismantling the Tech giants as they breach so many laws. And there is constitution subversion where a criminal government urges even pays private companies to deplatform political enemies. And then there is since 1997 Section 230 which protects Tech Giants from prosecution. with no sunset date. And Donald Trump assassination news is now being censored in Google searches.
And the so juicy THE BIDENS ARE BITTER and they’re ABOUT TO LET THE CAT OUT OF THE BAG — Longterm forecast is the Biden spills it all on live TV. But which Biden will it be ?
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