My children, the MONSTERS that have been lurking and sneaking around in your capital and in those places of power will soon have a lot to answer for. Yes, I call them MONSTERS for the crimes they’ve committed on such a massive scale. Many lives they have taken for their own personal gain. They have not cared how many lives were lost or how many people were affected by their decisions. they had made for their precious Establishment’s survival. Well, I will tell you, THEIR ESTABLISHMENT IS ON LIFE SUPPORT AND I’M ABOUT TO PULL THE PLUG This monster of a machine will not last very much longer. It’s just limping along right now. Once you see more of it fall apart, that is when more things will take place worldwide to try to save this monstrous machine and try to keep it alive. They have hit another level of desperation and the more they make decisions, the more mistakes will be made. Sloppy decisions leaving more and more evidence at every crime scene. Some have already been caught in the act and they have paid the price. The Establishment has sacrificed people before, but this will be a whole new extreme, even for them. PEOPLE ON HIGHER LEVELS THAT THOUGHT THEY WERE SAFE WILL BE LET GO That’s when more of this will crash in front of the world. My children, do you realize the time you are living in? It is what you have been standing for, praying for, believing for, for me to move on your behalf and to save you and deliver you from the hands of the wicked. This is a time of suddenlies, sudden changes, sudden shifts, sudden removals. Move forward in this battle, advance and take back more ground that belongs to you. Stop letting the enemies push you back to a point of retreat. No, you push them to their retreat by using my words believing and fighting that good fight of faith your enemies are on the brink of massive collapse the violent shaking that is coming is a wake-up call to this nation and My children around the world to wake up those who are still asleep that are being led over the cliff of deception My children is time to be fully awakened me in my word to be a bright light and a freedom to this world from the darkness it has been in. It’s time for drastic changes, drastic measures to be taken, even more on your enemy’s side because they are losing everything they hold dear. And these next bold steps they will take will be some of their final ones in their places of power. Do not give in to what you see. Do not be moved by something that is not Real their power is not real What they say is not true. I Told you all they have are distractions illusions and lies Do not be moved by something that will not last all of this can and will suddenly change. I will change it for your good said the Lord of hosts. My children they can’t hide their puppet for long. The pressure will build when they have no choice and she will be in front of the cameras and she will fall hard just like the other puppet they were using that didn’t last either. Her words will not make sense. It’ll be very obvious this puppet can’t think on their own feet. I will cut the lines from the puppet masters and she will have to do an interview on her own without being given the words to say and she will fall on her face in disgrace. Many think that your government pushed another puppet through and they got away with what they had just done against this nation. No. She got to come out in the spotlight just like the Biden, to fall and be humiliated in that spotlight, to be exposed in that spotlight. It was not to keep her there for very long and to fully let her go with being a President. They don’t want her and they will turn on her just as fast as they did the Biden. When the polls start to crash against her, the celebrities, the concerts will not be enough to keep the crowds or the momentum going on their side. Nothing they use in any plan they they come up with is not big enough or strong enough for them to ever win. When they realize this puppet also needs to go, that is when more will happen worldwide and to this nation. Major events are coming you don’t see right now. That is why you have had time to prepare for what is about to shake this nation free from your enemies. I am ready to move my hand to free this land. Sayeth the Lord of hosts.
SCARFACE, this will be in your news for a shocking reason.
MENENDEZ, this name has been in your news. He was one of the Establishment let fall to save others that were just like him. Many in Washington are much worse than this case. But remember, the Establishment is willing to sacrifice their own to save the leaders. But this tactic will no longer work. Bribery and blackmail on a scale that is so unprecedented, it’s about to be unleashed for the world to see. How so many in your government padded their pockets and received bribe after bribe for the crimes they’ve committed against this nation. Someone is coming out to blow the whistle on their mob bosses and turn on them to save this nation. Backstabbing, exposures, people making deals to save themselves from the collapse I know is coming. Get ready for this machine that kept this nation in its chokehold will be brought down to its knees. It will collapse. It will be annihilated by me. You will see my children. I am still your deliverer. I am still the most high God I am very much alive and I still keep my promises to a thousand generations And I am a God who does mighty miracles to save my children From this world and from the hands of the wicked Sayeth the Lord your Redeemer

Most aggressive title yet. And the word MONSTERS is a lead word. Kamala has already commenced her fall but will fall completely with a splat when she cant avoid an interview without help. So who is left ? A major event before the election is promised. A government collapse.
And Mark Levin is suddenly spraying vitriol against secret illegal activities by Obama which could be the result of a promised betrayal of Obama
Meanwhile Dr John Campbell is noting serious contradiction in the Monkey pox claims. That its all over Africa spreading to umpteen countries but the Wuhan Institute simply could not obtain any virus samples at all. (???!!) So they had to synthesize a man made copy to continue their “vital” research. So you can bet its patented ! Oh and this Monkey pox virus closely resembles 30pc lethal Smallpox. Bill Gates knew this years ago. Warned us. ( Small pox disseminated at 10 airports War gamed recently)
Dr John Campbell has completely flipped from being a pro-establishment supplicant from his University days to an anti establishment cynic. Quite an awakening.
This is all to try and save the Liberal NWO. Stop Donald Trump. It won’t work. Though when he lands in the White House he might be hit with another manmade pandemic. Same old same old. NIH and Fauci still involved financing Mpox research.
And what is Viralogica Sinica ?
Virologica Sinica, the official journal of Chinese Society for Microbiology,
a State Key Laboratory of Virology, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Center for Biosafety Mega-Science, China
Academy ofScience5, Wuhan, 430071, China
b University of Chinese Academy of Science5, Beijing, 100049, China
Now that we have scared the pants of you dear reader, Dr Peter McCulloch World famous Covid cardiologist at INFOWARS assures us NOBODY dies from Monkey Pox. Those that do also have AIDS. So its a giant hoax.
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