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For I, the Lord, this day am telling my children, do not allow the thief to keep stealing.
Do not allow the things, even in the past, no matter how long it’s been, no matter how
long that your enemy has had things that belong to you in his possession, it is time to empty
the bank accounts.
It is time to empty the things that the enemies had against you it is time to destroy the enemy’s accounts
It is time to destroy all of those reservoirs that he has had held up these things that have your name on it
It is time for my turn to purge these things is time for my turn to blow these things out of the hands of the wicked
My turn it’s time for you to know that when a thief has been caught he has to be forcibly
Make him give it back
Don’t just stand back and just say,
these things have happened to me.
No, you stand on my word and I will make sure
that devourer has to give back everything that he has stolen from you.
That is written in my word.
And I am waiting to actively perform my words for you.
Your enemy has been stealing much from you.
Whether it be peace in your minds,
whether it’s peace and health in your bodies,
whether it’s restoration and families, no matter what he’s stolen from you, I am the
God that restores.
A lot of my children have not seen great restoration that I’ve intended for you to have because
they have not asked me for it.
They didn’t expect for me to do anything about it.
That’s why you have to get to know who I am.
I’m the God that restores, yes, but I retroactively restore.
Study the Jubilee and what the Jubilee is and why I have it.
There are so many revelations in my word, so many things that I have promised my children,
so many things I want to give, but they don’t know.
And that’s why so many people, so many of my children are destroyed for the lack of
A lot of my children have not had the revelation knowledge of how I restore, and not only I
can, but I will.
I have seen the thief for years and years and years steal from my children.
He steals their health that was already paid for.
He stole their sound mind that was already paid for.
He steals their finances continuously when I am your provider.
You look to so many things naturally, but I am a supernatural God.
I’ve been limited because my people have not asked.
Ask and she’ll be given unto you.
If you have asked, don’t stop thanking me until you see your restoration.
I wanted your enemy to pay you back in full.
I want my children to have what already belongs to them,
that their adversary cheated them out of.
This is that part of change that I’ve been speaking to my children about.
Change, great change upon this earth.
A change.
Change your mindset.
Change the way you see these things upon this earth.
I want to make sure the thief has got to give back all that belongs to you.
Remember, I destroyed his power over you! You don’t have a lack of knowledge
anymore about how your enemy has been brought to nothing. See the revelation of
how powerful that is. He only has power because it’s allowed.
Once you realize the power that he no longer has,
you will change your lives forever.
I just need my children to open their minds and hearts to me fully to my word
and what it really means. Your lives will forever change.
You will never be the same once you have revelation that I am a defender or protector, a healer.
I’m a provider.
I’m the one who brings a victory because I am victory out of every impossible situation.
I am the God that shows up in the impossible.
The one thing my children have been lacking is that knowledge of what I do.
And for some, they’ve had a knowledge.
They’ve lacked trusting in me to fully perform my word.
Do you know that I sit in the heavens and I laugh at your enemy?
I laugh at him because he’s nothing.
He’s nothing compared to the power that I’ve given to you.
He’s defeated.
He may have weapons, but they will not harm you if you stand on my word.
Don’t allow him to push you around anymore.
Don’t allow him to deceive you anymore.
Don’t allow him to steal from you anymore.
cut off the distractions and learn my words and how to use them forcefully. I
need my children to tap into this power. A power that I have ready for them. A
power you have not known existed but it does. That power is not a million miles
away. That power is in you.
I’m here to teach you to tap into that power.
I’m here to teach you to tap in
to that authority and that revelation knowledge
and all these things waiting, all these gifts,
all this restoration, all this healing, all these finances,
it’s waiting. It’s waiting for somebody to take it. So get this down in your
heart and trust in my words. Walk by faith. Stop being your enemy’s punching
bag. Stop letting him in. Stop letting him deceive you. Stop letting him have
something doesn’t belong to him. You are my child. You are the children, the most
high God. Get that revelation. How powerful all of you are. You just have to
know the knowledge and to be able to tap into it.

I AM HERE TO MAKE YOUR ENEMY PAY UP Write these things down all the ways that you’ve been stolen from. Give it
before me and I will make sure your enemy pays up.
He’s the one who has to give up. So laugh. Don’t lose your joy because your adversary can’t keep what It belongs to you, says the Lord.

Gods telling you to consider how much has been taken from you by stealth and deception and ask for it back..

Predicted is the great economic reset to come after Trump is inaugurated that’s when major economic cartels like BLACKROCK (Rothschilds) lose their wealth. And wealth doesn’t disappear. It only changes hands

A reminder of how deeply and systemically you have been robbed via umpteen money laundering wars is artfully laid out by RFK junior currently forming a political alliance with Donald Trump.

Youtuber JP explains step- by-step what RFK is really saying.

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