Searchable transcript for the Serious


For I the Lord this day. I’m telling my children to prepare your hearts for the UNKNOWN Prepare your hearts for this world to be shaken prepare to stand in ways you never thought you would have to. Prepare for a great final battle of the soul of this nation. There will be a great death you will see in this nation. It will be the Death of the Establishment, the death of their policies, the death of their one world order they tried to ensnare this nation into. There is coming a great death to their plans to take this nation fully under their control once and for all. There will be a death to their control over your elections and there will be a death to their contracts with other nations to destroy you. There is a death of coming to a shadow government in DC. There’s coming a death to the payments to your governmental leaders they have received from other nations to help decimate your freedoms. There will be a death to the spying on the people of this nation through the three-letter agencies and social media companies. There will be a death to socialism and communism in all their isms they use to dominate and control the masses and obliterate the nations. There will be a death to many puppet masters control over the people trying to steal this nation yet again. The final battle for the soul of this nation will be seem to be dark. It will seem to become hopeless. It will seem as if you are surrounded and trapped by the Establishment and the global government and the army they had sent into your nation. My children, this is a time to be fully awake to my authority and to my words. This plan of attack from your enemies, some Some will not see coming, and some will not know how to handle what they are seeing taking place. Pray for those who remain asleep, and pray for those who are blinded to the truth. Arise, children of the Most High God. As the world seems to get darker, you crush it with the glory that is on the inside of you. I am the light, and that light will shine. Obey my words and my commands as you do you’ll be protected by the Most High My warnings will soon come to an end as I have told you because they will soon not be necessary Seeing the time is upon you of all the things I’ve warned you about It’s all coming to a place Where good and evil will clash but good will always overtake and destroy the evil it comes up against

The world your enemies wanted is colliding with the world I’ve created. And my children, your enemies will always lose against me. So stand and have your hearts fixed on my words, because what you are about to see, you will need a firm foundation on my words in your soul. To destroy the onslaught of attacks your enemies have coming your way, stand your ground because your enemies can’t keep this nation. They can’t keep you enslaved to them. You have already been bought with the price of my son’s blood. Freedom is already yours, so take it now, says the Lord of Hosts.

A DIAMOND MINE will be in your news for a significant reason.

A LAPTOP will come to the surface your enemy’s thought was destroyed. My infiltrators have it and my whistleblowers are about to sing. They’re lying and waiting for the perfect timing with this election. My children, yes, your enemies are trying everything to steal 2024 election away from you. Do you truly believe whatever they have cooked up is bigger than me? It’s not. Their elections are a joke. They’re nothing to me. I don’t need an election to put leaders in place of power they were called to be in. This is my nation. This is my land. The government that’s been trying to control and take over this nation does not have any power over what is rightfully mine, says the Lord of Hosts.

CAPE COD will be in your news for a shocking reason. My children, great surprises are coming to this election. My infiltrators are lying and waiting where your enemies can’t see Ready to take them out. Their hands will be caught in the cookie jar. you would say. Every seat in every position they try to steal they’ll be caught and punished. Get ready. My children your enemies are caught in traps. They can’t get out of. I am moving my hand and I will deliver this land says the Lord your Redeemer

After word

God is quite adamant here that the TYRANNY is not just being uprooted its DEAD. Meaning final. And not growing back again..

Uprooting is to be assiduous when he says ” Every seat in every position they try to steal they’ll be caught and punished.

In the other prophecy NO ONE IN THE ESTABLISHMENT IS SAFE FROM EXPOSURE God says TWO ELECTIONS will be necessary after so many corrupt people are removed from the government.

And for maintenance of this improved world order its looking like God is permanently revealing his guiding hand because we can’t manage our own affairs.

Another laptop we can look forward to. Multiple mentions indicate its release is close.

God said way back reedy yourself for the fall of Iran.

Israel has leaked a plan to bomb Iran in the next 15 days before the election. (Pure coincidence)

Iran is allied with Russia and China both nuclear powers. The possibility of major nuclear war. is raised alarmingly.

But God says the globalists won’t get their world war.

Russian economy is small same as NY

So why do the globalists forever harp on about Russia Russia Russia.?

Journalist Miranda Devine of the NY Post suggests its just to distract us from the many gains of communist China who has bought Washington.

And Donald Trump has boasted how he successfully stopped massive Chinese car assembly plants in Mexico to drop cheap cars over the border to destroy the US economy which is very car dependent. Donald just said expect a 60pc tariff on imported cars. And the plan died.

God has said every scintilla of Chinese influence will be uprooted from the US.

Its simply opposite to, and reversing Henry Kissingers plan to move every US factory to China.

And alternative BRICS block will not lead the world, taking over from the US as its biggest partner China is falling economically culturally and population wise.

US is China’s biggest export market and Donald Trump is about to slap impossible tariffs on Chinese imports to accelerate their decline.

And what politician pushed hardest to get difficult legislation over the line to get China into the WTO trading club and give it favoured developing nation status ? Why that was Joe Biden !

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