Searchable transcript for the Serious

All right now Here is a prophetic word and it’s really important and I you guys know I have to say this again It’s really important to give that encouragement I hope that people when they’re re-watching it do not Just skip over the encouraging part of it because the Lord has had me change the live shows Because too many people are just hearing these prophetic words And they’re not taking the scriptures and then they need that encouragement because it’s great to hear prophetic word But if you don’t trust in that word, and if you don’t get the revelation from that word that words not going to do any good That’s why he has me change it where I do this mini teaching in the beginning to encourage each and every one of you Who God is and what he promises in a word He will do and how awesome he is how good he is because he is an absolutely good God Okay,
So this prophetic word I’m going to give to you this morning is from January 9th from January 9th COUNTRIES ARE COMING TOGETHER TO TRY TO ATTACK THIS NATION So God is warning us countries are coming together to try to attack this nation My children I am warning you of this time Where your enemies are causing distractions to overwhelm you Causing damage to destroy your hope That you may have left of anything good taking place This time your enemies are picking up the pace before they fall on their face There’ll be much devastation destruction and mayhem And people not don’t know what to do Your enemies are picking up their fear tactics in every way to paralyze you from moving forward. I Repeatedly told you that
AN ELECTION WOULD NOT BE WHAT SAVES THIS NATION It is ME the great I AM It is my hand moving across your land to cleanse it of the evil trying to take you out
The Establishment with their foreign enemies and their militia They are preparing to CAUSE RIOTS IN THE STREETS UPRISINGS and of course to bring terror on a scale they have never performed before in this nation ond Israel.
As Your enemies pick up the intensity against you. I WILL PICK IT UP AGAINST THEM . What you will see hits your enemies at all the SLUMLORDS IN YOUR CAPITAL That don’t belong. It will be unprecedented in how they are removed.
Countries are planning to come together and attack this nation and destroy it for good But they those same countries CHINA IRAN IRAQ UKRAINE TURKEY VENEZUELA and many others Middle Eastern nations that have their infiltrators here To attack and terrorize this country and Israel will themselves be destroyed
The judgments I will pour out will soon plague many nations because my children if I did not intervene they would have brought in World War three and their global reset of everything they could control
You will see collapse of BUSINESSES FINANCIAL SYSTEMS of Governments and every entity that is against you and against this nation My children, I am RAINING DOWN JUDGMENT and it will be UNPRECEDENTED JEFF BEZOS MARK ZUCKERBERG BILL GATES GEORGE SOROS and KLAUS SCHWAB these billionaire GIANTS and Many others just like them will FALL LIKE GOLIATH FELL
Their wealth and their power They have to use to WEAPONISE AND FUND THE ESTABLISHMENT Will fall with the system that gave them their power and their money.
My children many people corporations governments banks That seem to be too big to fail WILL ALL FAIL before you with no one that will bail them out BLACK ROCK VANGUARD STATE STREET WILL ALL COLLAPSE as I am moving my hand. I will show you who is all a part of them the businesses and corporations they have controlled so much around the world with their MONOPOLY and PONZI scheme You will soon realize how much these three businesses were funding the Establishment and how many in your government were part of them or OWNED BY THEM There is SECRET MONEY your leaders are hiding in WASHINGTON that PAYS THEM TO MAKE THE DECISIONS THAT ARE PASSED IN DC
A GREAT SHAKING IS COMING TO THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM that will CRUSH YOUR ENEMIES IN UNCONVENTIONAL WAYS The world will know soon None of these men their system businesses and governments. They’re nothing compared to me. I Am moving my hand to move them all out of the way and I will have the final say My children the storm is upon your enemies the wind is picking up the waves are growing and The destruction that it will bring will be catastrophic to your enemy’s system and governments. It’s all coming to a destructive place Brace for this unprecedented impact of judgment That’s about to strike your enemies to free you from their death grip
The time has come for the unusual to take place Get out of your comfort zones My children stop relying on YOUR OLD WAYS AND YOURSELVES Its time for the great I AM to show the world that I am still alive and I am still the most high God The winds of change are here to change the nation’s to change systems and to bring in my glory Says the Lord of Hosts.

Note from Julie t’s really important to give that encouragement I hope that people when they’re re-watching it do not Just skip over the encouraging part of it because the Lord has had me change the live shows Because too many people are just hearing these prophetic words And they’re not taking the scriptures and then they need that encouragement because it’s great to hear prophetic word But if you don’t trust in that word, and if you don’t get the revelation from that word that words not going to do any good That’s why he has me change it where I do this mini teaching in the beginning to encourage each and every one of you Who God is and what he promises in a word He will do and how awesome he is how good he is because he is an absolutely good God Okay,
My reply
Julies format change was on Gods insistence because many people were only listening to the PROPHECIES and missing the Bible tuition
Must say I have facilitated this by marking the Message Beginning start time to aid people who are pressed for time. In subtitling all this stuff for 4 years I have received some bible scholarship and I personally noticed wrinkles in some of the bible stories causing me doubt and God has remarked he will iron out the wrinkles for me.
Stuff like Moses had a stutter and needed a friend Aaron to help him talk to Pharaoh.
So he was nothing like Charlton Heston with the booming voice. So why not heal his stutter ?
Similarly for every message from Julie I have coaxed software to reproduce a word perfect transcript which emphasises her many language defects that I believe mandates subtitling.
So why doesn’t he fix her language defects ?
Yet 40 yrs ago in my first encounter with God through a Gnostic Old lady every prediction she made about my past and future was spot on she did it with worse language skills than Julie.
The old lady had only a 200 word vocabulary and frequently mashed words together obliterating their meanings. Even if one plays the tapes slowly.
It was a source of frustration to me over such a vital message being corrupted with so many speech defects ! So again why weren’t this lady’s language skills improved ? So there are wrinkles everywhere ~
Is it to stop these people extemporising ? Producing additional content ? Because that’s what much of the church does which has derailed half of Christendom greatly angering God.
God says he is turning up the wick on miracle healings, once very rare, now a little more common, slowly heading toward Hospitals being cleared out.
So it looks like prophets defects are low priority at the current miracle volume setting.
And we are all Gnostics and these bible stories seem designed for people who are only believers and still sleepwalkers.
So I will carry on putting message start times on her videos. And people can watch it all in full if they choose.
And giving Rapt attention to a lesson 1 hour daily seems an impost to many people in our busy lives today. Though if after that further bible study is recommended it becomes a full time job. Likely beyond most people.
I have no spare time producing subtitled videos once daily. It takes serious time despite near miraculous software.
And here is todays summary
AN ELECTION WOULD NOT BE WHAT SAVES THIS NATION It is ME the great I AM It is my hand moving across your land to cleanse it of the evil trying to take you out
The Establishment with their foreign enemies and their militia They are preparing to CAUSE RIOTS IN THE STREETS UPRISINGS and of course to bring terror on a scale they have never performed before in this nation ond Israel.
So Chinese are contracted to attack the US with the large insurgent Army. Contracted paid by the US establishment.
But China double crosses the Establishment attacking them instead it seems. Enemies destroying each other.
As Your enemies pick up the intensity against you. I WILL PICK IT UP AGAINST THEM . What you will see hits your enemies at all the SLUMLORDS IN YOUR CAPITAL That don’t belong. It will be unprecedented in how they are removed.
Countries are planning to come together and attack this nation and destroy it for good But they those same countries CHINA IRAN IRAQ UKRAINE TURKEY VENEZUELA and many others Middle Eastern nations that have their infiltrators here To attack and terrorize this country and Israel will themselves be destroyed
You will see collapse of BUSINESSES FINANCIAL SYSTEMS of Governments and every entity that is against you and against this nation My children, I am RAINING DOWN JUDGMENT and it will be UNPRECEDENTED JEFF BEZOS MARK ZUCKERBERG BILL GATES GEORGE SOROS and KLAUS SCHWAB these billionaire GIANTS and Many others just like them will FALL LIKE GOLIATH FELL
My children many people corporations governments banks That seem to be too big to fail WILL ALL FAIL before you with no one that will bail them out BLACK ROCK VANGUARD STATE STREET WILL ALL COLLAPSE as I am moving my hand
The time has come for the unusual to take place Get out of your comfort zones My children stop relying on YOUR OLD WAYS AND YOURSELVES Its time for the great I AM to show the world that I am still alive and I am still the most high God The winds of change are here to change the nation’s to change systems and to bring in my glory Says the Lord of Hosts.
AND DONT FORGET inauguruation day prediction prophet BRANDON BRIGGS ASASSINATION ATTEMPT Blonde woman French Hair coif in an evening gown (he predicted the EARSHOT)
And Gods prediction that the Biden and Jill wont be leaving in Marine ONE helicopter as usual. My Guess an unexpected arrest ?
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