Julie Green transcript SOON YOU WILL SEE A CHECKMATE Oct 11 22
Let go of religion. (every day now) Let go of legalism. Let go of who the world says you are. Let go of unworthiness. Let go of the old and receive the new
The Lay Gnosis Blog
Let go of religion. (every day now) Let go of legalism. Let go of who the world says you are. Let go of unworthiness. Let go of the old and receive the new
Hawaii is also going to be in your news. An eruption will take place there that will signal Obama’s demise. And the truth is about to come out of this location Obama wanted to keep hidden. His birth certificate is fake and there is substantial proof that has been suppressed
You will see them all fall like flies in a fly trap- Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Prince Charles, Justin Trudeau, and Prime Ministers all over the world including my nation Israel