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Intro skippable scroll to next red text Morning everybody. Today is actually Wednesday, September 7 of 2022 and you will see this on Thursday, September 8. And the reason for that is because I’m prerecording for this week and next week th because I will be out of town starting on Friday. I’m going to Waterloo, Iowa. I’ll be speaking at an event there on Saturday and then I’m off to the Washington, Idaho border, the Reawaken America tour there and that is the 16th and the 17 September and I hope you all can join. It is amazing. I love each and every one of them and they actually grow in more intensity and seeing the miracle signs and winners is just even better at each one. So I’m very much looking forward to that and I know my whole team is too as well. Now I’ll be on with Pastor Dave on Wednesday but you guys will sit on Thursday. So if you have not, I will leave the link in the description box for you so you can watch Take Five and His Glory with Pastor David and myself. Also on Thursday morning I will be taping a show with Flyover Conservative and once I have that link to that show, I will make sure that I leave that link in the description box for you so you can watch it. I am very looking forward to that show as well. Also, I think that’s all the announcements and all the shows right now. But if you have any prayer requests or appraise reports, please go to our website@jgmnternational.org under our contact page or you can write us at juliegreenministries.

I just want to thank all of our partners, I want to thank each and every one of you for tuning in every day. I want to thank each and every one of you for allowing us to come into your home to give you fresh manna from heaven every single day. Because it’s not just me, it is of course God who gives these prophetic words and gives us this encouragement every day. I love being able to hear it and of course giving it out to each and every one of you and everyone in my prayer team. And here at JGM, we all love you more than you know. All right, that’s all the announcements today and here is a Prophetic Word and it is called

A Dismantling of Washington DC Has Begun.

I heard this prophetic word on September 2 so just a few days ago, all right.

For I the Lord this day, am telling my children to fight back, to resist your enemy when you resist him and all who are with him, they must flee. That is why in this time I am telling you to use your authority that I’ve given to you to resist all this lawlessness and to tear down its power over you and your family and your nations. Declare my glory to fill your homes and your nations give me and my angels authority to move. Speak what I tell you to my children and those words will tear down your enemy’s power, their plans and their control. Today my children, get up from your place of defeat or despair. Get up and receive from me. Receive my glory. Let me in my children, to your lives. Every day I will give you rest that you have never known. My children, you have been under pressure, anxiety, stress, fear and worry. To a degree, your enemy was going to use it to further his control over you. Break through those chains with my word. Break free from those chains by praise and worship, even when everything is telling you you can’t. That is your enemy resisting you, so you give in to his lies. Break his control over your mind, your bodies, your children, your family, your finances, your jobs. Use the authority I have given to you and it will change everything before your eyes. Let your enemy know you are no longer defeated, but you are taking back the victory that already belongs to you. It’s time for greater glory, so expect to receive it and your lives are about to forever change Sayeth The Lord, Your Redeemer, your enemy’s wolf, you will see start to stumble over their words and their lies. More will be caught on live TV. It’s time for their lies to be revealed to the world. Destruction is coming to the One World Government and all who are with them. See them all crumbled. See all their power taken away. See all their finances and places of power being ripped away. I’m the judge over all the earth and judgment is about to strike them all down in front of the world. Get ready my children for a great shaking upon this earth. A great shaking that is tearing down all the walls, all their lives, their control, their finances, their businesses and all their economies and all their fraudulent governments. One eruption after another is about to explode, to destroy and rely. And all that corruption is all about to change. It’s all about to happen. So brace for sudden impact my children, say the Lord of Hosts.

The Holocaust is going to be in the news again. And look who was talking about it, all their lies and their plans are coming down in front of the world Saith the Lord.

Nicaragua, I say this name again will be in your news. Watch and see what is about to take place there. And know my children, I give you the news before the news.

The Arctic Ocean will be in your news. I am telling you once again to watch the waters. There is more in the water your enemies tried to hide, but I am revealing it all.

Romania is about to be in your news.

Hawaii is also going to be in your news. An eruption will take place there that will signal Obama’s demise. And the truth is about to come out of this location Obama wanted to keep hidden. His birth certificate is fake and there is substantial proof that has been suppressed that no longer will be. Everything Obama has done during his presidency is going to be overturned and overthrown along with his puppet, the Biden.

Watch those two be exposed. News reports are about to come out regarding Obama in his Washington home surveillance and proof of his shadow government is about to be proven. It is not a conspiracy. Someone on my side infiltrated his side. It was an inner circle. And the proof of all these things Obama has had against Trump and every person in every imposter on both sides, and people he blackmailed to get in and to spy on the rightful president and his government, and spied on the American people using the NSA. Oh yes, all they have done is about to be exposed. The CIA and every agency is about to be exposed. And there is more in the FBI going on that’s about to come to the light. Obama appointed generals that are about to step down, walk away, or retire, they are connected not only to Obama but China. They are traitors and they turn their backs on truth and try to destroy your freedoms. All this is about to be revealed. A cleansing has been happening in the military and you are about to see it. Listen for more people in the Pentagon to leave abruptly. Yes, this is yet another sign the infiltrators are coming down and justice will be served. Every traitor against this nation has been caught redhanded, whether you believe these words yet or not, Wake up, my children, for some of you are still asleep. Things are changing and this is a time of great turnarounds. This is a time for reversals. I’m uncovering the truth that your enemies tried so desperately to keep hidden. They killed many to keep their secrets. And their blood has spoken to me and cries out for justice. My vengeance will be seen against your enemies, my children, and all who are against me, saith the Lord of Hosts,

Yuval Noah Harari. You will fall for your deception, for your lies. And you are not a God and you are not invincible. You’ll be exposed as a snake that you are. Every plan and everything you have tried to compete against the human race will be destroyed by me. You are a false prophet. You are a deceiver. And judgment is about to hit you when you least expect it. You don’t believe in me, but you will soon see that I exist. I am in control and everyone with you are not. Yuval your days are numbered Sayeth The Lord of Hosts. All who are false prophets and all who are deceivers and liars, I will expose them all. It says in my word. Vengeance is mine. And my children, you will see my vengeance and judgment upon your enemies in this hour in ways you never thought possible. Sayeth The Lord. All those things, all the impossible looking things that you see right now, my children, that you never thought would change, are about to. I am the God who nothing is impossible. I will show you all what’s impossible for man, but not for me.

The Georgia Guidestones will be in your news again. Your enemies want to rebuild this, but that will never happen. Not only will this not be rebuilt, but I am moving my hand to destroy more of their monuments and they can do nothing to stop it. Sayeth The Lord of Hosts.

Aroma This word will be in your news.

A Lion will be in your news for an unusual reason. When you see this in your news, remember, I’m the Lion of the tribe of Judah and nothing gets past me.

Noah’s Ark will be in your news. And when you see this, remember, my glory is about to fill this earth, so receive it in greater measure.

Now, the Capitol building will be in your news. Watch and see. This will be a signal of a clean sweep and a cleansing of every seat. My children, great changes are upon you now, so get ready for suddenly to occur. I’m the God of suddenly, and your enemies will never be able to prepare themselves for what is about to take place. So start to celebrate, my children. It’s all about to change, saith the Lord Your Redeemer.

Julie Commentary And one of the things that I love about these prophetic words is not only is it giving us the truth, but it is giving us encouragement. It’s giving us marching orders and what we should do and what we should say. Now, in this prophetic word, it talks about a dismantling of Washington DC. You see, Julie, how is that a dismantling? If you look up the definition, it says take a machine or structure to pieces. It also says, and there’s another description for this to destroy the integrity or functioning of something, to take a machine apart or to come apart into separate pieces. So it is being taken apart piece by piece. He’s talked about removing people in our House, removing people in our Senate, removing people in the Pentagon, removing people in the FBI, the CIA, and the NSA. He’s been talking about removing people in the military because obviously that’s part of the Pentagon. But there are so many things that God is doing. He even said and talked about Obama and of course the Biden. The big lie has been holding up over our heads for the last two years. God is saying is being dismantled, even though we can’t see exactly everything that’s been going on and how he has been dismantling it. It doesn’t matter if we haven’t seen everything yet, but it does matter if we believe it or not just because we don’t believe it. We can’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not true. God is doing things you aren’t seeing right now. He is not going to show you everything or even the prophets cannot tell you everything because it would give God what he’s doing, his plan away so your enemies could have a plan of action and try to stop what God was doing. So he’s not going to tell us everything, but he will let us in on as much as we need to know, to use our authority, to use what God has already given to us, our victory, so we can believe it and we can receive it. So I want to go back over this prophetic word and remember, I want to read something really quick because the Lord talks about this twice and he says, vengeance is mine. That is in Hebrews chapter ten and I want to read that to you really quickly, hebrews chapter ten and it is verse 30. And I’m going to read this out of the amplified part of this version and there’s a reason why because it explains a little bit more. So he says in Hebrews ten and verse 30, for we know Him who said vengeance is mine, retribution and the meting out of full justice rests with me. I will repay, I will exact the compensation, says the Lord. Again, the Lord will judge and determine and solve and settle the cause and the cases of his people. So the vengeance is God’s. He says, vengeance is mine. He will settle the causes and the cases of his people. Remember, he is the judge over all the earth. So when we had judges, the civil courts, we had judges and the Supreme Court, when we had people that turn away from liberty, turn away from justice, turn away from our constitution, turn away from upholding the law. God is saying it doesn’t matter if man did not uphold the law, he is going to, he settles the causes in the cases of his people. When he talks about judgment and justice. There is no man humanly possible has the strength to stop God from doing what he said he was going to do or is going to do. So hold your head up high and know the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, they got Him. Nothing is impossible, is on our side and he is doing something. He is using people throughout this world to be able to stop the plans of the enemy with less destruction on the side of us, his church, he is protecting us. That’s why things happen in God’s timing and not man’s. God wants less destruction toward the world and just right at the enemy. He gave the enemy tons of chances. He has plenty of mercy and grace every single day. It’s new every day. But some people refuse to repent, they refuse to ask for forgiveness and they keep going forward with their plan. You saw different kings and pharaohs in the past who did the exact same thing against the children of Almighty God in his word. And that’s why you’ve seen their destruction. But was that God’s heart the whole time? No, he wants to give time for people to repent. Just like when Jonah remember, he didn’t want to go to Nineveh. He ran far away because he wanted well, he wanted to not go that way. He wanted to go a different way. He didn’t want to do what God told me to do. He didn’t want to warn anybody, he just wanted them destroyed. But then he was swallowed by whale. And then after three days, he was spit out for big fish. And then after that he went to Neva, worn them. And then he wanted to watch their demise, but he didn’t because they turned back. And then eventually but at that particular point, they repented. They turned back and they were saved from destruction. The whole point is God has mercy on our enemies. He wants them to repent. He wants them to come to Christ. He wants them to live forever in eternity. He doesn’t want them to go to hell. They choose that course of life. So that is all I have for that. And now I’m going to go over as fast as I possibly can to keep these a little bit shorter because I have so many to do. But I want to go over the prophetic word to give more insight on it. So it says, start to celebrate, my children. It’s all about to change. Guys have been talking about change for a long time, so we should be excited about change. Change is about to be seen and we should all be excited about it. My children, great changes are upon you now, so get ready for sudden leaves to occur. I’m the God of Suddenly, and your enemies will never be able to prepare themselves for what is about to take place again. You can look at suddenly. It’s the Red Sea. And Pharaoh could not have been prepared for that either. For those men, they went into the Red Sea and then it closed in on them, but they did not see that coming. But God did you know that God’s people, Israelites, were getting afraid because Pharaoh and his men were coming across the red seat and God stopped it. It’s like God’s stopping our enemies. Now the Capitol building will be in your news. Watch and see. This will signal a clean sweep and a cleansing of every seat. So it doesn’t matter who is in those seats right now. It doesn’t even matter how they got there. God is doing a clean sweep and a cleansing of every seat. That means every person that is against God, every person that cheated, every person who did not belong in those seats are going to be removed and say, julie, how’s that possible? Everything is possible with God. It’s not impossible with man. We don’t look to courts, especially when they fail us. You got to look to God and God alone. Focus on Him and what he’s already done for our enemies in the Bible, and look what he will do. And just believe and trust in Him that he will do the same thing now, because he’s the same yesterday, today, and forever. Now. He said Noah’s Ark will be in your news. When you see this, remember, my glory is about to fill this earth. So we see it in greater measure now. So he’s been talking about the greater glory. It’s going to flood this earth like the days of Noah. God’s glory, for those of you who don’t know, is his presence. So he’s going to fill this earth with his presence like he never has before. And so when we see the Noah’s Ark, it’s going to be in the news. Remember, this is the time you say, God, I receive your glory in greater measure. Now, a lion will be in the news for an unusual reason. When you see this in your news, remember, I am a lion of the tribe of Judah, and nothing gets past me. Can you just hear a lion roar? You just remember the lion of the tribe of Judah. It’s about to roar and roar loudly. It will tremble, and it will tremble all enemies. It will make them to the point where they are so fearful and so anxious. The ground beneath their feet is going to be shaking, and they won’t be able to withstand the power of Almighty God. That’s exciting to me. I love staying aligned. I think they’re beautiful and especially for what they stand for. What reminds me of is Jesus. He’s our lion. All right, now, Era Maya, this word will be in your news. Remember, Jesus came as a lamb, and then he’s coming back as a lion. All right, the Georgia Guidestones will be in your news again. Your enemies want to rebuild this, but that will never happen. Not only will this not be rebuilt, but I am moving my hand to destroy more of the monuments, and they can do nothing to stop it. He’s been talking about destruction of monuments a lot lately, so we’re going to start seeing more and more of them be destroyed. All right? All the impossible looking things you see right now, my children, that you never thought would change or is about to, I am the God of nothing is impossible. I will show you all what’s impossible for man, but not for me. Remember, nothing is impossible for God. Even though we can’t go by man’s calendar, we can’t go by what men can do. And that’s why with your thoughts was his thoughts. And that’s Isaiah 55. All right. All who are false prophets and all who are deceivers and liars, I will expose them all. It says in my word, vengeance is mine. In my journey you will see my Vengeance and judgment upon your enemies in this hour in ways you never thought possible. Saveth the Lord. He’s talking about Yuval Noah Harari. If you don’t know him, look him up. He is definitely a false prophet. He has the antichrist spirit. He’s not the anti Christ, but he had the antichrist spirit because he’s a liar, he’s a thief. And he obviously believes there is no God and that God does not exist. And he’s trying to destroy the human race. He’s trying to destroy everything about the human race. And God is saying he is false and he is going to prove that. And he is saying, you’re going to fall for your deception and for your lies. You are not a god. This man really, truly thinks he’s a god. And you are not invincible. You’ll be exposed as a snake that you are. Every plan, everything that you have tried to complete against the human race will be destroyed by me. You’re a false prophet and you are a deceiver. And judgment is about to hit you when you least expect it. You don’t believe in me, but you soon will see that I exist and I am in control, and you or anyone with you are not. If all your days are numbered, say the Lord of Host. That’s what I mean. He’s the type of person that he truly thinks. He is all powerful because he’s been deceived by our adversary. And that’s why I said he had the antichrist spirit, because he is part of the people who do not believe that God exists, but also they are so anti God. Everything so antichrist is anti God. Everything is a spirit. But no, he’s not the antichrist. He just had the antichrist spirit. All right, we cut. My children, for some of you are still asleep, things are changing. And this is the time for great turnarounds. This is a time for reversals. I am uncovering the truth that your enemies tried so desperately to keep hidden. They killed many to keep their secrets. And their blood has spoken to me and cries out for justice. My vengeance will be seen against your enemies, my children and all who are against me. Save Lord. Now, this was the same thing that happened. This is an example, because when Cain killed Abel, remember, Abel’s blood spoke to God and that’s why God went to Cain and said, where’s your brother? He said, I’m not my brother’s keeper. He said, well, his blood cries to me. That’s what’s going on right now. The blood of those innocent people is crying to God. So God is saying he is going to judge. And again, it’s that vengeance God is talking about because we don’t get revenge. It’s God’s vengeance. Now, let me go back up to this part of this. This is pretty long. Hawaii is also going to be in your news. An eruption will take place there. That will signal Obama’s demise. Now, this is the first time I’ve ever heard lord will speak about Obama’s demise, and the truth is about to come out of this location. Now, he had spoken about Obama and truth coming out. He said, listen, truth is about to come out of this location and want to keep that he wanted to keep hidden. His birth certificate is fake, and there is substantial proof that has been suppressed and no longer will be. Everything Obama has done during his presidency is going to be overturned, overthrown along with his puppet and the Biden’s. Why would it be overthrown? Because he wasn’t a rightful president either. If you were not born a citizen of the United States of America, you can’t be president. That was suppressed. That was hidden. And God is saying it’s no longer going to be hidden. He is going to show the world that certificate is fake. So many people have died for the fact of trying this proof out, that God is saying he’s going to protect those people who are coming forward now, and that’s going to be proof. And everything that he has done is going to be overturned and overthrown because he was never a rightful president to begin with. And God says, watch. Those two will be exposed to talking about Obama. And TV video news reports are about to come out regarding Obama and his Washington home. Now, there is no other president in the United States or that stayed in Washington, DC. After they weren’t present anymore. He did surveillance and proof if there was one. I didn’t know about it, so I apologize if there was, but I don’t think there is. Surveillance and proof of his shadow government is about to be proven is not a conspiracy. Someone on my side infiltrated his side and was in the innermost circle. And the proof of all these things Obama has had against Trump and every person, every imposter on both sides and people he blackmailed. Beginning to spy on the right full president and his government, they spied on the American people using the NSA. And also he says, yes, they have done it. It’s about to be exposed. The CIA and every agency is about to be exposed. There is more in the FBI going on that’s about to come to light. So the FBI, which is already being exposed big time, and now he’s saying that the CIA is going to be exposed, and so will the NFA. There’s been more and more whistleblowers, and he’s been talking a lot about that. Romania is about to be in your news, the Arctic Ocean. He’s been talking about a lot about the Atlantic Ocean. He’s been talking about the Pacific Ocean. And now he’s talking about the Arctic Ocean will be in your news. I’m telling you once again, he’s been saying this several of the times, walk the waters. Why there’s lots going on in the oceans that our enemies are trying to hide. He said there’s more in the waters their enemies are trying to hide, but I’m revealing it all. So whatever they’re hiding in the water, god’s revealing it. Nicaragua, I say his name again will be in the news. Watch and see what is about to take place there. And know, my children, I give you the news before the news. Now they’re going to talk about the Holocaust again. I know Biden and I had a prophecy. Was prophecy fulfilled because Biden talked about it. Well, basically Obama, but Biden talked about it. And now he says it’s going to be in the news again. He said, look who’s talking about it. All their plans and all their lives are coming down in front of the world. Your enemies you will start to see stumble over their words and their lives. More will be caught on live TV. It’s time for their lives to be revealed to the world. Destruction is coming to the one world government and all who are with them. See them crumbled. See them all power taken away. See all their finances. Places of power being ripped away. I’m the judge over all the earth. And judgment is about to strike them all down to the ground in front of the world. Get ready, my children, for a great shaking upon this earth. A great shaking that is tearing down all their walls, all their lives, all their control, all their finances, their businesses, and all their economies. And they’re fraudulent governments. It’s not just the one in the United States of America. There are fraudulent governments all over the world that they stole these elections. And God is saying, uh, he’s destroying the fraudulent governments. One eruption after another is about to explode. To destroy every lie and all the corruption is about to all of us happened to embrace for a sudden impact, my children. Say at the Lord of Host. He’s been talking about sudden impact. He’s been talking about bracing for impact. He’s been talking about all these things. He said to get ready to hear the truth and it will shock the world because it’s going to be a lot. He says, break the control over your minds, your bodies, your children, your family, your finances, your job. Use my authority I’ve given to you. It will change everything you see before your eyes. Let your enemy know you are no longer defeated. That’s a boat. Let your enemy know you are no longer defeated. You’re taking back the victory that already belongs to you. Jesus already destroyed your enemy. So just take the victory that God has given to you. Declare my glory to fill your homes and your nation and give you, my angels, authority to move. Speak what I will tell you to speak, my children, and those words will tear down your enemies power, their plans control. Today, my children, get up from your place of defeat or despair. Get up and receive. From me. Receive my glory, receive my children to your lives every day. So he’s talking about letting us in to our lives every day. I will give you a rest that you have never known, my children, who have been under pressure, anxiety, stress, fear and worry. To a degree, your enemy was going to use it to further his control over you. Break those chains with my word. Break free from those chains by praise and worship, even when everything is telling you you can’t. That is your enemy resisting you. So don’t give in to his life. Pray the Lord this day, I’m telling my son to fight back. How do we fight back? With prayer. We don’t need to be violent, no violent take away for us. But how we take it back is by our prayer, in our words and authority, in the name of Jesus. That’s how we do it. We don’t have to do it violently. When you resist him and all who are with him, he must plead. James 47 resist the devil. He must flee. So this is why the time I am telling you to use your authority that I have given to you. Resist all the lawlessness, tear down its power over you and your family. I think I quoted that wrong. James Four said no. Yeah, James Four Seven. So be subject to God. Resist the devil, stand firm against him and he must flee from you. James Four Seven. Resist the devil. He must he doesn’t have a choice. He must flee from you. And that’s what God’s people have to get to the point. That’s why God wants us to have this authority. It’s why we resist him and it destroys the power over you. So I hope that I encourage you today, I want to pray over each and every one of you. Father God, I want to praise and thank you for these revelations from heaven. I want to thank you that when we resist the devil, I think you’re showing each and every one of your children how much authority they have, how they can resist the devil, how they can plead the blood of Jesus, how they can destroy the works and plans of the enemy against them. I just want to praise and thank you, Father God, that you have put us on this earth for such a time as this that we can see you, Heavenly Father, that God and nothing is impossible. Do something that no eye has ever seen, no ear has ever heard what you are about to do upon this earth. We take and receive the greater glory, Father God, that you are pouring upon this earth. We take it. We receive what Jesus has already done. We take our victories by the authority of that name. We thank you, Father God, that nothing our enemies are doing will prosper against us, because it says that in your word. Isaiah 54, verse 17. I thank you father God that nothing we see today will stand. And you are about to change everything. And I thank you, heavenly Father, that you are protecting us during the midst of all these changes and shaking. And we thank you for our freedoms. We thank you for our victory. In Jesus name, amen. Amen. Will host encourage you today? Please like subscribe and share and give us everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs to hear the truth, because the truth sets them free. Well, God loves you. I love you. God bless him and have wonderful day. Bye.


The Holocaust is going to be in the news again. And look who was talking about it, all their lies and their plans are coming down in front of the world Saith the Lord”

I was awakened in the mid nineties and I was joyful for having reached “home” and was walking around in a state of warm contentment and biochemical upwellings of physical bliss. But it only lasted 3 weeks. I was rudely awakened by God’s angry voice tirading against a new subject to me. The Holocaust Fraud Industry. Completely new subject I had never given any thought to. So I began collecting information on that subject that passed across my desktop, which opened my eyes to how asleep I had been. Holocaust is one of the media strangleholds enslaving average people. Amazingly one can criticise Jesus and God in most countries, but you cannot criticise the Holocaust in about 50 countries, you can land in jail. This another case of men practising self worship believing they are Gods above the one true GOD. Something like Yuval Harari the fake prophet. These people are to be destroyed.

And this makes me salivate, on the birth certificate issue

. Everything Obama has done during his presidency is going to be overturned and overthrown along with his puppet, the Biden

This is “removing evil in such a way that it will appear to never have existed” All laws since 2008 declared null and void including Obama government appointments plus Biden revealing he is an actor instructed thru an earpiece. Obama lives only 1 mile from the Whitehouse. That’s why. Good radio reception.

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