Searchable transcript for the serious

My children, a STATUE in this nation is about to fall. A STATUE They said it was a symbol of freedom and hope when it meant your enslavement, this symbol, the statue that has stood as a lie and as an insult to this nation of my Eagle will come crashing down. When you see this fall, don’t cry, don’t fear for I the Lord am removing their statues, their symbols, their monuments against me. Soon, you will NOT SEE THE STATUE OF LIBERTY ANYMORE and many like it. These symbols and monuments will be exposed to the world, what they really meant and what they really stood for. My children, you have been deceived and lied to repeatedly by your leaders. They mocked you and laughed as these symbols and monuments of your bondage and of your freedoms being destroyed. You so adored and looked to as a symbol of hope when it meant the exact opposite. These leaders also told you many things that have enslaved you and took your freedoms away and many people fell for it, hook, line and sinker, but now it’s time for the judgment and justice. As you see your government officials fall, so will their monuments and everything else they erected against me says the Lord.

O United States, you still have been controlled BEHIND CLOSED DOORS by GREAT BRITAIN You celebrate your freedom from them on the 4th of July, but behind the scenes they’ve enslaved you and took back control without many noticing. They are part of the Establishment that has enslaved this nation. Great Britain, many thought this nation was rid themselves of its leaders long ago. My children, I will show you every leader in your government that allowed this nation to be taken back over by not only Great Britain, but many others like China. The Establishment is not just leaders in this government, but in many governments around the world. Your leaders are connected to many foreign leaders that have stakes in your nation that control and dominate what takes place in your government that benefits them. So the United States flips the bill across the globe and pays for everything as they take everything away from you. They are stripping your nation of what belongs to you, but it might look like it’s a good idea and many people are excited for these bills to pass and are excited that all this money is being given to other nations while your nation burns and lies in ruins created by this rogue and out of control government.

I will show you the connection to Rome (Vatican) your government and the Establishment has. I will show you all this including the great reset and the one world government system. ROME has many secrets and many people who are in your government that buried their secrets there are about to be released.

My children when I said nations would fall I meant it Nations will fall because the evil that had been committing and having my nation and my people foot the bill for it all. The year of reckoning is here for the global regime in the Washington swamp. Many of your so-called leaders I have repeatedly told you would be removed, but many will be sentenced to jail for the rest of their lives and some will be tried for TREASON. So hold on, many unprecedented removals are coming says the Lord of Hosts.

GEORGIA a major story is about to break in your state many of your leaders will fall suddenly what you have been hiding in the darkness I’m about to shine a light on it. Your part in the 2020 election is about to be explode everywhere. The dominoes are falling with the big lie judges you who covered it up get ready judgment is coming for YOU No more buried secrets no more covering up everything that has helped you to stay where you are those days are through. My children 2025 is a year of reckoning for your enemies and a year for restoration and your freedoms for you says the Lord your Redeemer.


Dynamite Opening line.

My children, a STATUE in this nation is about to fall. A STATUE They said it was a symbol of freedom and hope when it meant your enslavement, this symbol, the statue that has stood as a lie and as an insult to this nation of my Eagle will come crashing down.

I knew all this stuff 20 odd years and so did only a few others like Trevor in BC. So it was virtually secret.

Soon, you will NOT SEE THE STATUE OF LIBERTY ANYMORE and many like it.

This shock will propel numerous sleepwalkers into being a lot more awake. Always good.

O United States, you still have been controlled BEHIND CLOSED DOORS by GREAT BRITAIN

Few people know the British monarch today is still the legal Monarch of the United States.

When the new constitution was being written it was a sort of open book. Anyone who thought they were eminent could add wish list stuff

and if it wasn’t challenged it became LAW ! Unsurprisingly Bankers queued up to ensure the new legal system favoured BANKS

Its fairly easy to hide things in legalese.

The Establishment is not just leaders in this government, but in many governments around the world. Your leaders are connected to many foreign leaders that have stakes in your nation that control and dominate what takes place in your government that benefits them. So the United States flips the bill across the globe and PAYS FOR EVERYTHINGg as they take everything away from you

I will show you the connection to Rome (Vatican) your government and the Establishment has.

Little Factoid Washington DC has a Constitution supplied by the VATICAN.. So its a foreign country like Monaco and Lichtenstein Its a financial agreement.

Many of your so-called leaders I have repeatedly told you would be removed, but many will be sentenced to jail for the rest of their lives and some will be tried for TREASON. So hold on, many unprecedented removals are coming says the Lord of Hosts.

This is how elections are overturned removing democrats from office. and nullifying all of Bidens laws and Executive Orders and Pardons

GEORGIA a major story is about to break in your state many of your leaders will fall suddenly what you have been hiding in the darkness I’m about to shine a light on it. Your part in the 2020 ELECTION is about to explode everywhere

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