One thing I could never find in ancient gnostic literature was whether they ever achieved physical signals to confirm their internal contact with the divine. Modern day Christian gnostics only seem to get a gut signal which is vague. So to my amazement these ancient people who literally go back to John the Baptist, have a community in Sydney ! They baptise in the Nepean River. Western Sydney. Wallacia. So I assume they practice old style gnosis achieved by meditation etc. Even in ancient times they did call themselves gnostics. And they still do. So I suppose that’s a golden opportunity to ask them about physical signals. They have a basic website. They might answer questions. What an adventure this could be.
I would like to know if their gnosis is the same as Christians knowing the holy spirit. And whether its achieved by essentially esoteric practices like fasting, achieving mind silence, veganism, etc Any way its Christmas time right now. Would they celebrate that ?
- 20 minutes at BEGINNERS TOUR
- Expect immediate physical verification that something has changed
- Expect Vivid messaging night dreams within a week
- Expect Keywords typed into your mindseye
- Day dreams (visions) with physical verifications
- And much more. All questions answered