Searchable transcript for the serious

Goood uh Morning, Everybody today is Monday, August 7th of 2023 and I, yes, I am back home from a long week, but it was a great week of just saturating ourselves with the word of God. And I’m telling you, if you ever get a chance to do that at a convention where you can just listen to the word from morning to night, it is an amazing thing for you to do because Because it changes your perspective on all the things that you see. It changes your perspective, I should say, of how you see things. It fills yourself up with the word. It strengthens you. It gives you joy. It turns things around. And of course, the truth sets you free. So it’s just an overwhelming just feel of joy and truth that God has given to you through his word. And so if you ever get an opportunity to do that, I would suggest that you do that Also, I do have a few events coming up So now in August here and then another couple weeks. It’s the 25th I think in the 25th and 26, I will be in new sorry, not New Orleans. I’ll be in Las Vegas Nevada for the reawaken America tour now just to clarify with this reawakened tour that I will be a part of in, um, the, I know it’s been hot, the very, very hot in Las Vegas in August, but there is air conditioning. Uh, I was just on the phone with Clay over the weekend while I was in Texas and he did say there is a tent, actually a couple of tents, but they are air conditioned. So there is a lot of rumors going around that it’s going to be outside in a very hot, hot sun in Las Vegas, Nevada. It is not. It’s actually in the air conditioning and they do have these big, huge, massive tents that will be air conditioned, so you don’t have to worry about that. And so I wanted to announce that for all who want tickets. I do have, I’m pretty sure I do have the link below. If not, I will put that link in the description box below, but you can go to thrivetime.com and you can get your tickets there. I’ll also be in Tennessee in September with brother Timothy Dixon and that’s also on our website So if you guys want to know I have a lot of other events that I will be a part of This year. I know I took a little bit of time off here in the summertime, but there’s well I actually didn’t take a lot of time off I still been a part of a lot of things but traveling wise But now I will actually be part of a lot of events coming up here This fall and winter. So I want to let you guys know that if you do we have two events up there right now We will be adding the other ones because there’s some October there’s some in November and there also is some in December if you want to see Me in person. So again, if you want to check out our website, it’s JGM international org under our Events page now. This is a time the reason why I’m saying these things It’s not just because you know, I’m a part of events. This is a part of right now or we need to be United in the body of Christ We need to be one on one accord. We need to be praising and worshiping God thanking him not Complaining about everything that’s going on and what these people are doing to our nation We need to stand up and start saying that they are denied when you start standing up and start fighting back With the Word of God, that’s how you fight this battle that we are in we fight it with the Word of God So I’m going to give a prophetic word. I actually heard over the week while I was in Texas is a very powerful word the Lord and it’s called THE END TO THE ESTABLISHMENT IN DC a lot of people are getting very discouraged because the establishment or the deep state or however where you want to call them, they’re the same thing. You’re getting very discouraged about what they’re doing. And God has been speaking for the last couple years, at least I know through me, I know he’s been speaking through a lot of other people as well, about his plan and what he is doing. Even though we can’t see things, this is a part of the body of Christ where we have to walk by faith and not by sight. We have to get, just like I was telling you earlier in this video, get, or this live stream, Get in it to the word saturate yourself in the Word of God said Julie. I’ll have a lot of time you do have time I promise you you have time to make time for God because if you make time for God You will never be disappointed in what he can give to you the joy the peace the love That he gives you his glory the rest that you need the peace that you need everything you need is With God and so your feelings will tell you everything will tell you you don’t have time or you don’t want to Spend time on the Word of God because you’re too busy doing all these other things. I promise you you make time for God Is the best decision you could ever make in your life All right Before I get to this prophetic word if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports Please go to our website at JGM international org under our contact page Or you can write us at Julie Green Ministries International 4620 East 53rd Street Suite 200, Davenport, Iowa 5 2 8 0 7 all right now. I Know I made a lot of announcements, but it’s also encouragement Before I do this prophetic word because again, what is this about? It’s not about me It’s not about you. It’s about God And it’s about what he wants us to do. It’s about his plan in his will And so we need to put him first in our life. And when we do put him first on life Then that’s the way things changed now Here is the word I heard this on August 4th of 2023. So it was just three days ago It’s called
An end of a war is coming a war that has been afflicting my people, a war that has been enslaving my children, a war that has brought in much oppression, a war that has brought in much deception, a war that has kept my nations from rising higher, a war that has tried to keep my nations from being the great and powerful and blessed nations they’ve called what I’ve called them to be. Hold on, my children. A death is coming. A death is coming of a leader. A death is coming of a politician. A death is coming of a rising star. A death is coming of a senator. A death is coming of a Congressman. A death is coming of a judge. Great sorrow on the side of the left is coming, and all who are on the side of death. A great harvest is coming that cannot be stopped. My children, it’s time to hold fast. It’s time to walk by faith and not by sight. A great deception is coming in the land of my eagle. A deception to try to steal another election. To try and steal its nation from the hands of who it rightfully belongs to. Another virus is coming, they will shout. They are about to try to bring a great fear upon this land to shut it down. They are trying to stop the real indictments, to try to stop the floodgates of truth from bringing them all down. The Washington DC establishment is crumbling. Their walls are falling. Their ground is shaking underneath them. There’s nothing they can do to stop their demise. No nothing. A great collision is coming to damage any power they have left. A collision of two sides that were really on the same side. Power and fear is getting to so many who are trying to stay in their positions and they will stop at nothing. They will turn on anyone to save themselves. Great catastrophe is coming to the deep state of this nation. Every secret they buried, every lie they told, every election they stole, every person they killed, every person whose lives they stole, every person they used to fall to save themselves, who they truly wanted. It’s all coming out and it’s all falling apart. Something significant is about to rock your Senate O United States. I’ve said this before and I’m saying it again. Be prepared. Over the United States, great exposures and major whistleblowers are about to expose the ones who say they are in control. They no longer can hide behind their lies. Lifelong politicians are about to be exposed on who they really are and how they are in those positions. I’ve told you my children, no one against me will stay where they are now. Pelosi, you will hear this name once again. Nothing is how it seems with her and soon you will find out the whole truth. Jack Smith, truth is coming for you and the things you never thought that people would find out about you. I have whistleblowers that will wipe out this indictment and boomerang back to you. These are the days of Haman and many people are about to find out who are the Hamans and who and what are their final outcome is about to be and what their final outcome is about to be.
Kazakhstan is about to be in your news big time. A whistleblower is about to come forward about President Zelensky and who he really is and will blow the doors wide open to the truth about Ukraine. Every secret hidden in that nation because the establishment of DC will be exposed.
Peru is about to be in major headlines and watch and see what is taking place there and it will happen in other nations.
A Great coup is about to be fully exposed and another coup is about to take place in a nation. You wouldn’t expect These are the days of many nations collapsing Leaders being removed and many will die. Lord, why are people dying? My children I have warned before the angel of death was coming well, it’s here now and some people have already died and actors have taken their place. You will see the major role Hollywood has had in Washington DC. Many people who are not who they say they are and a great unmasking will be seen in this nation and around the world. Harvey Weinstein will be in the news once again. This time will be great shock on who they continue to try and hide who was all involved with him in your government along with Hollywood and the three-letter agencies. Another whistleblower is coming, one that will bring down Christopher Wray, one that will bring down Merrick Garland, and one that will bring down Bill Burns, one that will continue, will incriminate and bring down Michael Morrell, just to name a few. O.F. used this system to protect themselves and who brought so injustice and so much deception and thievery. Your clock is about to run out. Injustice will be served.
There’s coming a great exposure on a cargo ship. It will show the children inside. Now this was one way they used to traffic the children from one country to the next. I have warned you about the cargo ships, my children and what are inside of them. And not only what’s inside, but who those ships belong to and where the money came from will all be exposed.
Another Biden scandal is coming. One that will rattle DC. But with this scandal being exposed watch what they tried to do to my David. Little do they know they can’t break him. They can’t stop him. They can’t destroy him because he’s protected by me. I am strengthening him and he will rise above it all. Don’t be alarmed with what they try to do next to him. It will not work, and it will not stand.
A great shaking is coming. Where is your faith? And what will you do when all things change? It’s coming, a great deception. Your enemies will try to pull off, but it will not work. So again, I will tell you to stand. And I will tell you to live by faith and not by sight. A great shift is taking place, so pray and never quit, no matter what your feelings are telling you. The Deliverer will not fail you. I am delivering you and I will do what I said I will do. A great shout is coming. A great removal is on the horizon. in. Celebrate, my children, you are about to see my hand move in great and mighty ways. Sayeth the Lord, your Redeemer.”
Julie Commentary
So, of course, I’m going to go back over this prophetic word, because not only when I heard this prophetic word, and certain things just stood out at me. Certain things while he was giving it to me, the anointings were so strong on justice. They were so strong on him delivering. They were so strong on us not walking by sight. Too many people in the body of Christ for so many years have been walking by sight. They’ve been walking by their feelings, what things Look like all their five physical senses and God is saying it’s time to move away from that It’s time to get out of the five physical senses and just being Controlled by them to start walking by faith Start using the Word of God start standing on the Word of God start speaking the Word of God Not speaking what you have start speaking what you want Start speaking life start speaking healing start speaking truth and not everything that you already have Because when we do that, then we are in trap ourselves with speaking the words Our enemy wants us to speak and not the words our Heavenly Father wants us to speak Now in this prophetic word while I was going back over and dictating it this morning Because it was in a notebook and it’s easier for me to read it to you on You know on the computer here than it is on a piece of paper But one of the things when I was going through and I was reading it once again Was he was giving me the example now I have read this before but he brought it up again and he wanted me to read it again And it’s 2nd Chronicles 20 20. Well all of 2nd Chronicles 20, excuse me So go to read or go turn to 2nd Chronicles chapter 20 and in 2nd Chronicles chapter 20 You can see now something very similar is happening to us right now Where you see that we have all these enemies rising against us They look more powerful and they look like they have more of them than there is of us They have every weapon they need. They have every tool they need. They have all the money they need They look like they’re impenetrable They look like they’re undefeated, like you just can’t defeat them. It looks like nothing we have done over the course of the last several years has made a difference. It doesn’t look like anything’s changing. Instead, it looks like everything’s getting worse. It looks like no matter how many exposures are coming out, they are staying exactly where they want to stay because they’re just hiding it by their news media. They’re twisting everything that they can to stay in power. Well, our Heavenly Father has given us many examples in the Bible that our enemies, enemies of Almighty God, have done these so many things in the past, before, over and over and over again, against the children of Almighty God. But not one time did the enemy ever get what they want. It looked like it, but they never truly got fully what they wanted, was full control. God always stepped in, God always intervened, and God always changed the circumstances, and I will tell you, even in right now, as you see, there will always be naysayers, there will always be people to try to twist the truth, there There will always be people to try to lead you in the wrong direction. There will always be people to try to bring confusion. That is one of the biggest enemy tactics is infusion and lies and deception. Because if he can make you go by your five physical senses and not by the word of God and not by what he is saying for you to do, you can easily be distracted. You can easily be deceived. Now, in 2 Chronicles 20, there was, in verse 2, “…then some came and told Jehoshaphat, saying, A great multitude is coming against you from beyond the sea.” A great multitude is coming against you. We’ve had a great multitude come against us. And not just in our own nation, not just in our own government, Not just in the three later agencies. Every way we have looked, we have had people betray our freedom, betray our Constitution, betray justice in general. Every way we look. But not just in our nation. This has been worldwide. This has happened worldwide. There is an elitist group that have pretty much an unlimited amount of money and they think they can do whatever they want. We have a great multitude against us. Well let’s look what happened with a great multitude with one example in the Bible. Then it says in verse 3, And Jehoshaphat feared and set Himself to seek the Lord and proclaim the fast throughout all Judea He knew Jehoshaphat knew he was a leader He was the leader at that time and he knew that that great multitude was more powerful than he was He knew that there was nothing he can do in his own Strength and his own power and his own ability to defeat that multitude that was coming against him What did he do? He sought the Lord. What do we do when we see an enemy coming against us? We seek the Lord Then he said in verse 4. So Judah gathered together to ask From the Lord help and from all the cities to Judah and they came to seek the Lord Then Joseph had stood in the assembly of Judah and Jerusalem in the house of Lord before the new court Now this is verse 6 then he said Oh Lord of our Fathers God of our Fathers Are you not the God in heaven? Do you not rule over all the kingdoms of the nations? Listen to that Do you not rule over all the kingdoms of the nations? They knew that God was the judge and he also ruled over every kingdom. He ruled over every nation Where are those Christians now? Where are those people that will believe that God is the judge over all this earth? Where’s the people that will believe that God is the God over all the nations of this earth? Because if we were looking to him and we knew he was the judge We knew he was a ruler over all the nations of the earth. Then we would not be afraid we wouldn’t be complaining We would not be staying here in these positions. We’d be shouting we’d be straining We would be screaming out loud and screaming their demise because God is on our side We’d be screaming their defeat because God is undefeated They had the right perception of the situation the first thing they did was instead of doing their own things they turned to God and Finishing in verse 6. It says in your hand This is verse 6 still is there no not power and might So that no one is able to withstand you They knew that their God was bigger and their God is greater They remembered what he did the children of Israel in the land of Egypt When they were facing a great multitude of the enemy against them Then verse 7 Are you not our God who drove out the inhabitants of the land before your people in Israel and gave it to the descendants of Abraham? your friend forever forever Then he says in verse 8 and then dwell in it and have built you a sanctuary in it for your name saying verse 9 it disaster comes upon us sword and judgment and pestilence or famine now naming all these tools of the enemy disaster comes upon us sword judgment and pestilence or famine we will stand before this temple in your presence for all your names in the temple and cry out to you in our affliction and you will hear and you will save. They knew that God would hear them. They knew that God would save them. That’s why they cried out to him. They earnestly remembered what he did before. They trusted in God. Then, for sake of time, I gotta jump to verse 11. And here they are rewarding us by coming to throw us out of your possessions which you have given to us to inherit. They were saying, God, you were the judge over all this earth you are over all the nations of this earth you gave us this land you promised that now listen you gave us this land and now we have enemies coming to us to steal our land this is not the first time that the Enemies of Almighty God was trying to steal land or trying to steal a nation away from God’s people Then verse 12, this is 2nd Chronicles 20 verse 12. Oh our God. Will you not judge them? Because people are asking that right now God. Will you not judge them? This is our nation This is one nation under God. This is a country that’s been blessed by you God This is the country’s been protected by you God. So why have this gone so far? Why have so many things happen? Why are they being allowed to steal our country? Why are they being allowed to steal our land away from us? Now keep going For we have no power against this great multitude that is coming against us Nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are upon you a lot of Christians right now. Do not know what to do So what do you do when you don’t know what to do your eye should be upon the Lord Why because he knows exactly what to do. He knows the end from the beginning He knows the enemy. There’s nothing new under the Sun Our enemies are trying to steal our nation They’re trying to steal your nation and God is saying look to me. I’m the one who’s delivered nations I’m the one who stopped the enemies from taking over land that my my children that my children were supposed to inherit God does not forget his covenant never he doesn’t care what these people are trying to do he never forgets his covenant that he has with his people now keep going now in verse 13 now all Judah was with their little ones Even the little children were praising and worshiping God It wasn’t just the adults Then it says I’m gonna jump down to verse 15 again for the sake of time He said listen to all Judah and he haven’t says of Jerusalem and you know King Jehoshaphat. They’ll say it the Lord to you Do not be afraid nor dismayed because it’s great multitude For the battle is not yours, but whose is it? It’s God’s the battle is not yours But it’s God’s This jump down to verse 17 Second Chronicles 20 verse 17 if I had time I’d literally read this entire thing This says nor we we need to fight in this battle. We will not need to fight in this battle Position yourself stand still and see that the salvation of the Lord who is with you Oh Judah and Jerusalem do not fear or be dismayed tomorrow go out against them for the Lord is with you. He’s reminding them Who’s with you? The Lord is with you. The Lord is undefeated Do not be dismayed do not get into fear. Do not get worried. Do not give up Do not surrender do not quit Why because the Lord is with you in the battle is the Lord’s Remember, we’re not just facing and fighting the establishment. We’re not fighting these globalists who are trying to this great reset throughout the world. We’re not just fighting them. We’re fighting who’s behind them, giving them power. This is not a natural battle. This is a spiritual battle. This is a battle. Yes. Versus good and evil. This is not just Republican and versus Democrat. No, no, no, no, no. It’s not. This is versus life and death. This is blessing and cursing. This is good versus evil And so what we have to understand is when the battle is the Lord the Lord has already disarmed them He’s already stripped away their power. So we have to stop giving them power by believing in what they have What they think they have I should say now Verse 18 it says and Jehoshaphat bowed his head in his face to the ground and all Judah and the happenstance of Jerusalem bowed before the Lord Worshiping now when most people being panic mode because the enemy was already coming The enemy was already coming their way. The enemy was outnumbering how many? the army that they had Jehoshaphat army was nothing compared to this army that was coming against them. That’s why they call it a great multitude They couldn’t have done it without God. Then, verse 19, the Levites of the children of the whatever, I don’t know how to pronounce that name, I’m not going to try, and the children of the whatever, stood up to praise the Lord God and Israel whose voice is loud and high. I’m not even going to try to pronounce some of these names because they’re long names. All right, now, so I don’t want to botch them. Then, 2 Chronicles 20, and this is the last latter part of that verse, it says, believe in the Lord your God and you shall be established. Believe in his prophets and you shall prosper now verse 22 Now when they began to sing and to praise the Lord set ambushes against the people of Amon Moab and Mount Seir who had come Against Judah and they were defeated When they sang praises to God so instead of murmuring groaning complaining with the children of Israel did in the wilderness That’s the reason why some of them never saw the plant promised land is because they wouldn’t praise and worship God They wouldn’t believe that God was greater than the Giants that were in that land They didn’t believe that the land was theirs. So they surrendered to what it looked like So they never saw the promised land the older generation Now these people that now, of course, that’s an Exodus and numbers. Well numbers 13 specifically numbers 13 verse 30 through 33 That’s when Joshua and Caleb came out and said hey, we are more than able But other people came out and said we’re not there’s so many Christians right now saying there’s nothing that’s going to happen They’re saying there’s nothing that we can do Well, there’s not anything that we can do on our own But with God all things are possible We have to know that the battle is the Lord’s in our responsibilities to trust God. Our responsibility is to obey God Our responsibility is to speak God’s Word when he needs us to say it and what he needs us to say That’s our responsibility Our responsibility is to never give up and to never quit our Responsibilities is stand and stand therefore We could also give that sacrifice of praise to Julie. All this stuff is going crazy all throughout the world. How can we praise God? You can praise God because he gave you life You can praise God because he’s the great I am You can praise him because he’s the creator of heaven and earth and he created you to be on this earth right now He said Julie my I’m going through hell in my life. You look to him and Let him be that light in the midst of darkness Speak what he tells you to speak believe what he tells you in his word believe that over What you feel? now again When they began to praise and worship God God set ambushes against the enemy Praise destroys our enemy But one thing that we don’t feel as humans. We don’t feel like praising and worshiping God when everything’s going wrong. So Now when they praise and worship God at that time when God set ambushes up against the enemy No one that escaped you can find that later on in verse 24 And then verse 25 says your host fatness people came to take away his spoil They found among them an abundance of valuables and the dead bodies and precious jewels and when he stripped off Themselves more than they could carry away and they were three days got in the spoil because it was so much Now in verse 27 the latter part of that verse. This is 2nd Chronicles 20 27 This is the latter part with joy of the Lord had made them rejoice over their enemies The Lord had them rejoice over their enemies. I want to go back over and read this prophetic word Now, I know I will tell you things to suggest obviously for the sake of time. I couldn’t read it all Read all of the 2nd Chronicles 20 20. It was about God’s people being outnumbered God’s people not knowing what to do and what to turn to Everything looked like it was getting worse. It looked impossible But God’s people turned to him they Had the victory that God promised them Because they trusted and believed in God and not themself and not what it looked like and that’s what we have to do right now We have to remind ourselves to look to God which remind ourselves that the battle is large Remind ourselves that he is our victory Now I’m gonna go back go back over this prophetic word again Now listen what he said. He had me put this in bold an end of a war is Coming and some people would think well, that’s wrong. How is the end of a war coming? We haven’t been in war We’ve been war for a very long time we just didn’t know it and What was this war? He was he was explaining it a war that has been afflicting my people a war that has been enslaving my children a war that has brought in much oppression a war that has brought in much deception, a war that has kept my nations from rising higher, a war that has tried to keep my nations from being great and powerful and blessed nations that I have called them to be. So that’s the war that we have been under. We have been in a war of information. We have been in a war that the enemy has have done against us without us even knowing we were in it that what’s what makes it worse that’s why God said a long time I think as they said 13 years ago to me I was there 12 or 13 years ago my people aren’t in bondage and in slavery that is far worse than the children of Israel because at least they knew it my children don’t know it so if they don’t know it they’re not gonna fight for their freedom that’s why this is worse and God said that war is coming to an end then he says hold on my children a death is coming a death of a coming leader a death oh sorry death is coming to a leader a death is coming to a politician a death is coming to a rising star a death is coming to a senator, a death is coming to a Congressman, a death is coming to a judge, and great sorrow on the side of the left is coming. Now he wasn’t just saying the side of the left. Then he goes, and all who are on the side of death. So again, it’s not just about one political party. This is not just about one nation. Anybody who’s on the side of death, that is where the judgment’s coming. They said a great harvest is coming that cannot be stopped. They said my children it’s time to hold fast. It’s not time to walk by sight. So many people are walking by sight. He said don’t do that anymore. Don’t go by just sight because remember how many times he said in so many of these different prophetic words to walk by faith And not by sight why because things are not how they appear to be They appear one way when they’re really another way God has been saying that over and over and over again Then he says a great deception is coming in the land of my eagle So they’re going to try something more in our country. He says, a deception to try and steal another election, to try and steal this nation from the hands of who it rightfully belongs to. I just read you another example, second Chronicles 20, read it. Also read numbers 13, 30 through 33. Again, examples of the enemy trying to steal a land or a nation that was given to God’s people. And you have one group of people who didn’t believe the Word of God and they didn’t get to see in it. They didn’t get to partake of it. Only the younger generation got to actually partake and go into the promised land, the land of Canaan. And you see the Jehoshaphat They were in the land that God had given to them. They were already, you know inhabitants of that land and Then an enemy was trying to come to steal it So two different examples one where guys people were supposed to go and take that land back From who had already taken advantage of that land God said you go Go get it. It’s yours and And they wouldn’t listen. On the other hand, you have Jehoshaphat’s people. They lived in that land and there was people trying to come in and steal it. What do we have right now? There’s nothing new under the sun. You have people trying to steal our land. You have people trying to steal our nation. You have people trying to steal our freedom. You have people trying to use deception and lies. Nothing new. But what do we do about it? we stand on the Word of God and we look to the Word which is truth. I will always tell you every day to get into the Word of God because the Word of God is truth and that is where your foundation should always be in. Not in a man, not in a person, but in God and God alone. Then it says, a deception to try to steal in our election to try to steal this nation from the hands of who it rightfully belongs to. Then he says, another virus is coming, they will shout. You’re gonna start hearing all over the news about another virus or another strain of the one we’ve had before. So either a new one or a new strain to the one we had before. Now listen, God said that’s what they’re going to shout. That’s what they’re gonna say all over the place to being what to bring fear He says they are about to try to bring a great fear Upon this land to shut it down They’re trying to stop the real Now he had me put that in bold and in cat blocks the real indictments So you see fake ones And it will not stand and they will not go exactly the way that enemies want to go because guys already said that in prophetic words quite some time ago at the beginning of this year or the end of last year. They will try to stop the indictments, the real indictments, try to stop the floodgates of truth from bringing them all down. You already see what they’re trying to do with the indictments with the rightful President with Donald Trump. Look what they’re doing with President Trump. Every single time there’s a huge thing that comes out about Hunter or comes out about the Biden, immediately they have an indictment or immediately they turn the News media right to him to get it off. Why deceive distract destroy. That’s what the devil does deceive distract destroy You have to get your attention off of here distract you distract you so you’re not paying attention. What’s really going on pay attention the truth Their deception it’s lies. This is distraction It’s not gonna hold up. Why because God is on the side of truth It’s getting it’s not just about a man. He’s on the side of truth he says then the Washington DC Establishment is crumbling. He had me put that in bold Their walls are falling the ground is shaking underneath them and there’s nothing that they can do to stop their demise Nothing. No, nothing. He says a great collision is coming to damage or the great collision is coming to damage any power they have left a collision of two sides that were really on the same side. So you have the right and you have the left. But you have the establishment, well really they were a uniparty. So no matter what was behind their name, if it was a D or an R, they were a uniparty. They always had their person that they wanted in power for the longest time, which didn’t know it. And God is saying, listen, a collision of two sides that were really on the same side power and fear is getting to so many who are trying to stay in their positions they will stop at nothing they will turn on anyone to save themselves now look what happened because they’re trying to anything to stay in power this is the way saying great catastrophe is coming to the deep state of this nation yeah people that in bold great catastrophe is Coming to the deep state of this nation every secret. They buried every lie. They told every election. They stole every Person they killed every person who lives Lives, excuse me. Every person whose lives they stole every person they used to fall to save the ones they truly wanted It’s all coming out. It’s all falling apart They said something significant is about to rock your Senate or United States I have said this before and I’m saying it again to be prepared God is telling us right now to be prepared He says Oh United States great exposures and major whistleblowers are about to expose the ones who say that they are in control So more whistleblowers are coming. We have not seen them all yet God said these are the days of the whistleblowers. He actually gave a prophetic word about that a year or so ago These are the days of the whistleblowers. We’re going to continue to see more come out Then he says they are no longer can hide behind their lies. These people this establishment can no longer hide behind their lies That’s what God is saying here Then he says lifelong politicians are about to be exposed on who they really are and how they are in those positions I’ve told you my children no one Against me will stay where they are now and if you got if you guys can look in the Bible all the examples that God gives us is The enemy never got to stay in the positions of power that they wanted to who were against God No one God is undefeated God and so no matter where these people are what they have in their possession God is bigger and God is greater Then he goes on to say Pelosi. You will hear this name once again Now listen to what he says about her nothing is how it seems with her and soon you will find out the full truth. There’s other examples that he gives later on in this in this prophetic word that I’m about to give out to you. Hold on a second because there’s not a paragraph before it. Then Jack Smith, truth is coming for you. Who is Jack Smith? Some people are asking. Jack Smith is the one who’s trying these federal indictments against President Trump. God has called out many people against not only Trump but just against this country in general. He says, Jack Smith, truth is coming for you and the things you never thought that people would find out about you. I have whistleblowers that will wipe out this indictment and it will boomerang back on you. These are the days of Haman and many people are about to find out who are the Hamans and what their final outcome is about to be. If you guys don’t know who Haman is, I know Most of you guys do read the book of Esther Haman was the one that was trying to kill all the Jews He wanted to kill Mordecai, which was Esther’s uncle. He built gallows He wanted to hang Mordecai on it and instead Haman was hung on those gallows that he tried to kill Mordecai with He reaped what he sowed and that’s exactly what’s gonna happen to a lot of these people right now that are against God’s people And he says Kazakhstan is about to be in your news big-time he says a whistleblower is about to come forward about President Zelensky and Who he really is and will blow the doors wide open to the truth about Ukraine Now look what he also goes on to say every secret hidden in that nation because the establishment of DC will be exposed. There are things that the establishment of DC has hidden in Ukraine and that’s the reason why you see all the billions of dollars going over in Ukraine even that six billion dollar accounting error this stuff is they’re being paid off to keep secrets and God saying every secret hidden in Ukraine that nation because the establishment of DC will be exposed so Everything in Ukraine is about to be exposed and so is President Zelensky. They are not that government is not They are not victims those people in that country are victims. That’s why you should pray for them But that government they’re not victims. They’re not victims and Russia and Putin and it looks like he’s this big bad wolf Listen, God can use people Even then they look like they’re not the greatest people in the world. All right now And it says Peru is about to be in major headlines watch and see what’s taking place there and it will happen in other nations So watch Peru then a great coup is about to be fully exposed and another coup is about to take place in a nation You wouldn’t expect Now this is the paragraph that I really wanted you guys to pay attention because this is the one that hit me really hard when I Heard it These are the days of many nations collapsing leaders being removed and many will die Then he knew that God knew that people were gonna ask him this question Lord, why are people dying? I heard that question As soon as I heard that statement, I heard why Lord? Why are people dying? Then he answers them my children. I have warned before about the angel of death coming well, it’s here now and Some people now listen to me. He had he put this in both some people have already died and actors have taken their place listen to that some people have already died and actors have taken their place you will see major a major role that Hollywood has had in Washington DC many people are not who they say they are and a great unmasking will be seen in this nation and around the world why do you Think that Hollywood has come out and they have tried to be on that so far side of that Liberalism they tried to be that side of that establishment why because Hollywood has played a major role in the deep state in this country and masking people and people have been what what do you say right here some people have already died and Actors have taken their place Things are not how they appear to be and that’s what God has warned us over and over and over again So people can say well that prophecy didn’t come to pass Well, how do you know because right now things are not how they appear to be there are actors that have taken people’s places and We will find them out Then he goes on to say Harvey Weinstein will be in your news once again This time will be a great shock on what they what they will continue to try to hide And he was all involved with him and your government along with Hollywood in the three letter agencies So you’re gonna start hearing that name again Harvey Weinstein now Another whistleblower is coming one that will bring Christopher Ray down Christopher Ray God has spoken about him and many different prophetic words one that will bring Merrick Garland down, one that will bring down Bill Burns, one that will incriminate and bring down Michael Morrell, just to name a few. All who use this system, now he’s giving you all ones he’s gonna bring down, oh you all who have used this system to protect themselves who brought so much injustice and so much deception and thievery, your clock is about to run out and justice Will be served then he talks about the cargo ships There’s coming a great exposure on a car on a cargo ship. It will show the children inside now This was one way they used to traffic the children from one country to the next God has been talking about the last year and a half about watching the cargo ships He’s giving many different prophetic words about the cargo ships and now he’s giving you more insight on the cargo ships and what’s inside and then he goes on to say Traffic the children from one country to the next I warned you about the cargo ships my children and who are inside of them Not only who is inside But who those ships belong to and where the money came from will all be exposed So now he’s saying not only the children are being trafficked on these cargo ships from one country to the next but now he’s saying Who those ships belong to who’s been paying for those ships and who the money is that’s back in it So God is gonna expose it all their house of cards is coming down That’s why it was so important to back up the sound of freedom movie to back them up To try to support them in any way you possibly can to help these children This is such a deep and dark society and such a deep and dark slavery that we didn’t even know existed And that’s why God has been telling us to wake up That’s why I’m guys been telling us to unite and start fighting each other stop fighting each other stop fighting with a denominational This wall say do not I’m gonna say it denominational crap Because if you’re fighting amongst each other then you’re not fighting the real enemy that we’re facing You’re not fighting the real problems that God is saying that we should be like really contending to we should be fighting for these children fighting for their freedom Praying and standing it for them praying and standing in one accord for our nation’s praying and standing in court in unity for the glory of God to fill this earth to free these people to free all this all the Enslavement that has been going on around the world But instead we’ve been too picky and we’ve been fighting amongst each other and God is saying to knock it off That’s what he’s saying. Then he goes on to say Another Biden scandal is coming one that will rattle DC now that was in bold then he says but with this scandal being exposed watch so a great exposure of the Biden and It says is what they were going to try to do to my David at the same time So you’re gonna have a great exposure to Biden and Hunter and you always with them Okay, and the Biden crime family because that’s what God’s called him Then you’re gonna see what they’re gonna try to do to President Trump at the exact same time You’ve already seen it before now. You’re gonna start seeing something else Then he says little now listen, don’t get discouraged by and people say oh my God What else are they gonna try to do now? Listen what they what God says little do they know they can’t break him Who they talking about? He’s talking about his David. He’s talking about President Trump He’s talking about his rightful the rightful President. He says they can’t break him. They can’t stop him They can’t destroy him because he’s protected by me. I am strengthening him. He will rise above it all Don’t be alarmed with what they try. He says it again with what they try To do next to him. It will not work and it will not stand So he says the word try twice in this paragraph and he had me put it in bold and he hadn’t put a cap locks Because he says try it doesn’t mean that they’re actually going to get what they want He says what they try Then he goes on to say great shaking is coming Now that he had put behind me put this in bold. Where is your faith? What will you do when all these things change? What are you gonna put your trust in? What are you gonna put your faith in? Are you gonna be paying attention to all the darkness? You’ll be paying attention all the lies and we’ve changed all the deception or you’ll be paying attention to God’s light Pay attention to God’s truth pay attention to God and what God is doing There’s two things that are gonna happen at the same time You’re gonna have God’s glory God’s light God’s freedom God’s justice and at the same time over here You’re gonna have darkness. You’re gonna have all this stuff. There’s judgment coming You have two sides to this and God is saying whose side are you gonna be on? What are you going to be paying attention to the darkness or the light? Then he says what will you do when all these things change? What are you gonna do when all these things change and he says it’s coming a great deception your enemies will try to pull off a Great deception your enemies will try to pull off but it will not work. So again, I will tell you to stand I will tell you to live by faith and not by sight a great shift is taking place So pray and never quit no matter what your feelings are telling you So he’s telling you your feelings are gonna get you to quit Try to get you to quit then he goes on to say the deliverer will not fail you. I Am delivering you and I will do what I said. I will do a great shout is coming a great removal is on the horizon Celebrate my children. You’re about to see my hand move and great and mighty ways say it the Lord your Redeemer So again, what are we supposed to be paying attention to we are supposed to be standing This is a time right now as children of the Most High God is that we have to be standing together United in the Word of God United as a body of Christ one with the head who is Christ Jesus And we have to be paying attention to the Word of God and making it final authority in our life We should be standing and praying on a continual basis and not being deceived because you know what they were saying they were saying that they wanted they they want to distract us and by with video games or what do they distract us with tell telephones or cell phones and mean they distract us with TV they distract us with entertainment and God is saying get your focus off of those things and all this a distraction and start focusing on me Because right now we have to know who we are in Christ Jesus Because there’s a coming a time where he said everything that can be shaken will be shaken and that’s exactly what he means He says things are about to shake to a point that we have never seen in human existence before And so what we have to do is to be aware of that. God is our Deliverer there is nothing new one of the Sun the enemy has tried to steal lands before and we have to be that people That say you are not going to steal my country. You are not going to steal this land You are not going to steal our freedoms. You are not going to steal our justice You are not going to steal what God has already given to us So we need to stand and fight that good fight of faith and that is exactly what God is calling you to do You are in the army of the Lord and God is saying you rise up to an of Almighty God You stand on my word you speak my word you speak life into your situations. You speak life into your nations You speak life into the children you speak life. That is exactly what he’s commanding us to do this day So I want to pray over each and every one of you, but I want to pray for our nations. I want to pray for the strength that God’s people are going to have to have in this time that we are living in. You’re gonna have to have that strength. It’s nothing to fear. Our enemies should be very afraid right now. Very, very afraid. But God’s children, we should be standing in that peace, in that rest of Almighty God. So Heavenly Father, right now in the name of Jesus, we stand before you. We thank you, Father God, that we can come boldly to your throne of grace. I thank you, Father God, right now by the authority of that name of Jesus. That name is above every name. We call down every lie and we command every lie to be revealed. We thank you Father God that the shakening that’s happening in this nation to shake and rattle the Establishment that deep state that has been controlling the narrative that’s been controlling our country There’s been just trying to see us out of what’s rightfully ours We call them down and we call the truth of Almighty God to flood the flood this earth To flood this nation to flood the airways of truth the truth those that set people free I thank you Father God that blinders are being removed and hearts are being softened I thank you Father God right now by the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth That has set us free that it destroyed the power of the enemy. We plead the blood of Jesus over this nation We plead the blood of Jesus over the body of Christ all throughout the world We plead the blood of Jesus over our rightful President everybody with him We plead the blood of Jesus Father God over every military person We plead the blood of Jesus over every person Father God that is making these steps that have to do these things behind the scenes that people don’t know about They are risking their lives Father God and I plead the blood of Jesus over them and I thank you Father God that you are Giving them super natural strength. You are giving them strength. You are giving them perseverance You are giving them the ability to stand when they don’t think they can stand anymore Well, we praise and thank you Father God for your supernatural strength and ability to stand that we will stand and shout That we will stand and fight that we will not quit that we will not give up that we will not give in But we will stand and we will see justice being served We will see Father God your hand moving on our behalf to save this nation to save our Father God our freedoms to save the little children from the hands of the wicked ones. I thank you Father God for what you’re doing right now No matter what we can see, we believe and we trust in you. We believe and we trust in the Almighty God. We believe and we can trust, Father God, that you are the God over all the nations of the earth. You are the God, Father, that you are the God of justice. And I thank you that justice is standing, that justice will be served. And I thank you, Father God, that your hand is against them. The hand is against them, the ones who won’t repent, who ones that won’t give up, the ones that won’t give in to this tyranny and evil, the ones who are on the side of death. Father God, I thank you that you are standing with us, that you go before us, that no enemy can stand against you. But you are in between us and them, and I thank you this day for your protection. I thank you this day that you are giving us peace and rest in everything we need in Jesus name Amen, and amen Well again That is what we need to do That is what God is calling us to do this day is to stand in front in face of adversity And say we will not quit We will not give in We will not give up but we will stand and And we will stand until we see our victory, because we have victory in Jesus’ name. Well, hope has encouraged each and every one of you. These are not just words, but they are words from heaven. They are words to get you to give up or to get up, to get you up when you are down. These words, I’m just so shaken by the, just the glory of God in this room and how much He loves each and every one of you and what he has for you and the strength that he has for you, the joy that he has for you, the peace that he has for you. Even when you couldn’t feel it before, I pray that you could feel it now. Because God is with you wherever you go. And God is greater than anything you are facing this day. Well I hope I encouraged each and every one of you today. Please like, subscribe and share and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs to hear the truth because the truth will set you free. God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day.

7 deaths predicted. We have already been told it will start with 2 simultaneous deaths in the Upper and Lower house and Chuck Schumer has been named. This is a lot of deaths of key people. The beginning of he worldwide evil elite takedown
Great exposure of a cargo ship smuggling children will be more readily accepted after the movie Sound of Freedom. And Hollywoods involvement. And duplicate actors playing politicians. Governor of North Carolina was recently swapped. Many more we are told.
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