Searchable transcript for the Serious

Goood uh Morning, Everybody. Today is actually Sunday, September 10th of 2023. You will see this on Thursday, September 14th. The reason for that is because I’m in Atoka, Tennessee with brother Timothy Dixon in this Exodus event that I’m so looking forward to. Because I’m out of town, I wanted to make sure that you received these Prophetic words that God has or the prayers or the encouragement or never had God has for me to do the rest of this week And next I want to make sure that you had these videos Now before I get to this prophetic word, if you do have any prayer requests or praise report Please go to our website at JGM international org under our contact page or you can write us at Julie Green ministries international 4620 East 53rd Street suite 200 Davenport, Iowa If you have any questions about any events that we will be attending here, you can go to our website at JGM international.org under our events page. Now we will be adding more to that events page than you are seeing right now. We’re just getting more details before we add the rest. So also before I get this prophetic word, it’s called
A WARNING TO THOSE WHO ARE AGAINST MY DAVID I heard this prophetic word on September 6th. I heard it during a prayer call and I will tell you just in advance. We were praying and all of a sudden I just felt the power of Almighty God. I literally had to hold on to my microphone. I think it’s only happened one other time to this degree. I think this was even stronger than that. And so when you hear this prophetic word, it may sound like me yelling or me being angry. It’s not. It’s just the authoritative of the words that are of God that are being spoken through me and the power that he had given me to speak this word. So again, it is God’s, it’s his power, it’s his authority. And I had to literally, I was shaking, my whole entire body was just shaking. And so I was holding on during this prophetic word when I heard it, that’s how powerful, how forceful it is. So I want to just to tell you that because there’s a lot of people that think that, you know, I’m angry or I’m yelling and it’s like, no, I’m not. That is just the anointing that comes on during a prophetic word sometimes, especially when it comes to a warning like this, how God is warning the people against, uh, his David, which is President Donald Trump or his, when he’s doing it against us, any of the enemies, what they’re doing against us, God is authoritative. That’s that judgment. That’s that, you know, he’s warning them, do not do this. And of course, if they do, then they have ramifications of what’s going to happen and what those are. I don’t know, but God is a God of justice and God is a God who he will serve justice. And that’s what he will do. I mean, you can see it in the Bible. So, I’ll go more over that, um, after this prophetic word, but I did want to just give you a little heads up, uh, before I started sharing my screen, this is about a 12 minute a long prophetic word. It is long and it’s powerful. So once, um, that is done, I will get back on and I will give the prophetic, um, the, the scriptures he wants to give with this prophetic word. I will give a revelation, whatever he has. I’m not even sure yet. I’m going to be praying while you guys are listening. So that is all I’m going to say. I’m going to share my screen and I’ll be back with you shortly.
Enemies of Almighty God, I have warned you, I have given you time to repent. I’ve given you time to turn away. Yes, I have given you time, but you refused. You harden your hearts toward me. You harden your hearts toward my people. Woe to those who try to touch a hair on my David. You will not assassinate him. You will not touch him. He is my anointed and my appointed, no matter how much that destroys you on the inside, of how much you hate the thought of him being used by me. You will not touch him. Do you hear my words? Not only will he live, but everything you do against him will be done unto you. This is a time where you are reaping a great harvest, a harvest you are reaping of your own, in your own deeds and in your own will. That was not my plan for you. I have warned, I have warned, I have warned, I have Now judgment, judgment, judgment is coming to you. Judgment is coming to everybody with you. You think you can destroy him? You think you can destroy my nation? You think you can control my world? Yeah, you think these things, but they will not come to pass. I will show you who’s really in control and it’s not you. With all your pressure, with all your fear, with all your destruction, all you have done, you woke up my body. Oh, yes, you did. You woke up a body. You woke up a giant you didn’t want to wake up. Oh, you woke up a sleeping giant that is aligning with my head, which is my son. And the more you have pushed, the more you have pushed, the more you have pushed, my children have pushed and pressed into me. And the more that they see their victory, oh the one, the one you have used as a puppet, oh yes, the puppet of the Washington establishment. You see him. You see him. He’s failing in front of your eyes. No matter what you medicate him with, Nothing is working. Your puppet strings have been cut. You can’t control his mouth. You can’t control his mind. You can’t control his body. Your days, hmm. Your days at a third term. Oh yes, you know who you are. You thought with your trickery and your cunningness that you could just do whatever you wanted. I’m about to show your earpiece. I’m about to open the doors wide of your Washington home, of your shadow government, of every person in the White House that answered to you. Yes, Barack Obama, I have infiltrated your camp if you think you’re so smart. You think you can do whatever you want. I have heard every plan. I see everything that you have done. Remember who I AM I am the great I AM who brought down people just like you, who thought they were of God, who thought they could do anything they wanted to do, but I got news for you. You are coming down just like the puppet that you have. Woe to those who are against my David. Woe to those who are against my nation. And this war that you are trying right now, the one that you are planning, that one that you think that’s going to go exactly the way you want it, to bring your lockdowns, To bring your chaos and destruction, I promise you, it will not go as you plan. Your news anchors are falling apart. The news stations are not going to be able to keep up with your lying narrative. I’m exposing every single thing, every single one of your fronts I’m exposing. All these people I’m exposing, you can’t keep up with me. there’s coming the day you can’t look away you can’t run away you can’t hide I am the God that I know the end of the beginning because I am the beginning in the end you will not have my nation of the eagle you will not have my nation of Israel. You will not have your global government. It is not that time. You will see, you will see me defend my nations. You will see me destroy your plans. You will see me bring up bigger and stronger nations than they were before you tried to infiltrate them. Every puppet in every government around the world, I’m going to expose. Every puppet that you have as judges, I will expose. I will expose every person in any type of law enforcement, or military, or anyone who is a puppet to you, I am going to expose. I am going to tear the lid off of the Pentagon, and I am going to show who is with this country and who isn’t. The White House is about to be exposed in a way no one thought. your capital is about to be exposed like no one ever thought that was never never my capital that was never meant to be the capital of this nation and I will expose it I will expose every deal you have with Europe yes I said it you thought you could keep attached to Britain and you can’t. I will tell you, I will expose every country that was trying to bring this one down. Every country that’s trying to control this nation and every politician who sold themselves to those countries for money and power. Your end is near, enemies of Almighty God. Your end is closer than you realize. You’re walking into every trap I had set. Your end is near, and your end, it will be like you never were in control. Because I am bringing a restoration to this nation, a restoration to the nations of the world, and I am blasting everything out of your hands, and I am giving it to the ones who believe in me. You will see. I have the final say. Now to my children, brace for the impact that’s about to take place. Brace for what your enemies are about to try and do. Live by faith and not by sight. You hear what I have warned your enemies. You hear what I am doing to their plans. Do not get in fear. This is not that time. Stay near to me. Stay in my words. I promise you. I will protect you from it all. You’re about to see me do something that I haven’t done before. Not to this degree. I’ve done similar things to save my people, but this no one has ever seen. I am the great I AM, and I can save a nation in a day, and I will do something so impossible looking to man, because it is impossible for man. It’s not impossible for me. You will see. I’ve told you, you will see a great victory, saith the Lord.
Julie Commentary
Okay. So I told you, I warned you ahead of time how powerful that prophetic word was. Because there was a warning. Your enemies were about to try to do something to our rightful President, but they haven’t already started to try other ways. But God was warning them. God always warns before he does something. He warns the enemies to repent, to turn away. He warns his children to repent and look to him. Like he’s saying to us, don’t get into fear. Walk by faith, not by sight. There is a lot of things that are going on right now that are wonderful, that are good, but also at the same time they’re gonna look really bad. Because when God talks about judgment, remember he’s placing judgment on one party and that’s the enemies of Almighty God, not a political party. He’s placing judgment on one party and then blessing another which is his people. Again this is not about Democrat and Republican. It’s so not. It’s not that. This is good versus evil. This is truth versus a lie. This is life versus death. This is first blessing versus the curse. Our country is being systematically torn apart and God is warning those people who are trying to come against our rightful President, who we’re trying to come against his children. He’s worn them in different prophetic words. But just like Pharaoh, Pharaoh also did not listen. Pharaoh, no matter how many judgments or plagues happened in the land of Egypt, to warn Pharaoh that the great I am was greater than every God that they worshiped. Because in Egypt they worship many Gods. So all those plagues represented a God that they served. And then the one true God was showing the Egyptians that the God that they were serving were false. And they were nothing compared to him. Nothing. And so in Exodus chapter 14, Now, this is one that I struggled with for a time when I was young because I didn’t understand exactly why God would do that until he gave me the revelation, until I started really studying it and getting into it. Exodus chapter 14 and verse 4, I will harden, make stubborn, strong Pharaoh’s heart and that he will pursue them. So God allowed Pharaoh’s heart to become hardened and it became more stubborn and then it came out against the Israelites even more and I will gain honor and glory over Pharaoh and all of his hosts and the Egyptians shall know that I am the Lord and they did so. What the scripture is talking about is God allowed Pharaoh’s heart to harden and become more stubborn, more arrogant, more prideful Because it’s written in the word pride comes for a fall. You see me and you hear me say that a lot because it’s true So I went to the Lord one day and I said Lord Why? Why? Was his heart? hardened Why did you allow it to be become more stubborn? because at that time The Israelites it looked like their life was you know, it stunk even more than it did before Pharaoh, the more he was under pressure, the more pressure he was putting on your people. And this is what he was showing me. He was proving to Pharaoh that he was the only God. And he was proving it to him over and over and over again. But at same time, he was showing his children that he was the one true God and that he was on their side. He was their protector. He was avenging them. He was delivering them. No matter how chaotic, because the world, it seemed at the time, I mean, when you got to think with all those plagues and all the things that hit, it was one Chaotic thing after another and I’m sure a lot of people have gotten to fear when they saw it But the land of Goshen should have been jumping for joy because they had none They weren’t taking part in any of those plagues or any of those judgments It was only against Egypt because of what Egypt was doing against God’s people So on one side God was showing the enemy I’m the one true God But by showing them that and by showing them and having all those plagues happen if they would have realized Man, this is the one true God. Let’s let’s repent and let’s get on the side of the God of the Israelites But they didn’t and God knew that they weren’t going to he knows the end from the beginning. Look what happens so verse 7 and Pharaoh took 600 chosen chariots and all the other chariots of Egypt with officers all Over all of them the Lord made hard and strong the heart of Pharaoh and the king of Egypt pursued the Israelites But they left proudly and defiantly so because he was so prideful and defiant He was being led right into the trap right into his ultimate defeat. Pharaoh and he took all of his men with him. It was their ultimate defeat. Why? Because God also knew no matter what, they were never going to stop. They were never going to stop pursuing his people. So they’re being led right to the Red Sea, which obviously we know what happens in the Red Sea. Look what happens. Verse 10. So God’s people see everything that God did for them They saw all the plagues including the angel of death a lot in the last one which is the angel of death and that was what eventually made Pharaoh turn and Said go get out of here. Take everything you want and leave So they saw God deliver him and they he would he healed every single one of them of everything that was wrong with them How soon people forget what God does? When Pharaoh drew near this is verse 10 at Exodus chapter 14 verse 10 when a Pharaoh drew near the Israelites looked up Behold the Egyptians were marching after them and the Israelites were exceedingly frightened and cried out to the Lord Why do you think God keeps telling us don’t fear because the enemy is gonna keep pursuing but in that pursuit is their ultimate destruction, that’s why we should boldly stand and Remind ourselves that God is between us and them Look what happens for the sake of time because this is a long prophetic word and I gotta go back over it and then I have to make Another video here so I can’t spend all that time in the world. So verse 13 Moses told the people fear not stand still firm and confident and undismayed and See the salvation the Lord which he will work for you today for the Egyptians you see today. You shall not never see again Verse 14, the Lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace and remain at rest. The Lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace and rest that he’s giving to you. Now, and also, uh, to show you something, verse 17, I behold, I will harden and make stubborn and strong the hearts of the Egyptians and they shall go into the sea after them. I will gain honor over Pharaoh and all of his hosts and his chariots and his horsemen. verse 18 the gyms that listen the Egyptians shall know and Realize that I am the Lord when I have gained honor and glory over Pharaoh his chariots and his horsemen and the angel of God who went before the host of Israel moved and went behind them and the pillar of cloud went before them and stood behind them He was in between the Israelites in the Egyptians. He says I’m gonna gain honor That means I’m going to win and I’m going to show them That I was a true God after all and I’m gonna show my people at the same time That I will defend I will protect and I will avenge Of course, you know, this is coming between the host of the Egyptians and the host of Israel It was a cloud of darkness to the Egyptians But it was light by night to the Israelites and the one host did not come near the other all night. He held them back Just like God’s gonna hold them back now. All right Verse 31 Exodus chapter 14 like it’s for the forsake of time. I can’t read it all verse 31 in the Israel saw the great work which the Lord did against the Egyptians and the people reverently feared the Lord and Trusted and relied and remained steadfast to the Lord and to his servant Moses Now verse X is 15 and verse 6 your right hand. Oh Lord is glorious and power your right hand. Oh Lord shatters the enemy God’s right hand Shatters the enemy. He keeps talking about his right hand He keeps talking about his hand moving. He’s talking about his hand moving across the station moving across the world What does his hand represent it shatters the enemy? Then it says in verse 7 and the greatness of your majesty you overthrow those rising against you You send forth your fury and it consumes them like a stubble It consumes the enemy like a stubble Who’s gonna win? Who who’s gonna win this fight? It’s not the enemies of Almighty God And who do we know the enemies of Almighty God and the ones who were on the side of death? The ones on the side of destruction and the curse The ones who were against God’s will Verse 9 the enemy said I will pursue overtaken. I will divide the spoil. My desire shall be satisfied upon them I will draw my sword and my hand shall destroy them Verse 10 you Lord blew with your wind the sea covered the clan in the mail and they sank as lead in the mighty waters Verse 11 who is like you a Lord among the Gods who is like your glorious and holiness of awesome and splendor Doing wonders again. God gave those people time But he knew in the end they weren’t gonna repent. He gave him time to He wanted him to But their will they didn’t want to now. I want to read something else to you and that is Genesis this is something that we have to remind ourselves right now. This is Genesis chapter 8 in verse 22 while the earth remains seed time and harvest cold and heat summer and winter day and night shall not cease seed time and harvest What people sow, they will reap. It’s a law of seed time and harvest. And what God said in this prophetic word is that the enemies of Almighty God are reaping a great harvest because why? They’re sowing it. Remember how he keeps talking about the days of Haman? What did Haman do? He sowed destruction and death Instead of who we wanted to kill on that gallow, which was Mordecai Esther’s uncle Haman was actually killed on the gallows that he built. What has God been saying to us? They the enemies of Almighty God throughout the world have sown much destruction chaos fear Death days of Haman seed time and harvest. He said they’re reaping a great harvest that they’re doing again God is a God of love, but at the same time, he will destroy evil. He will not let evil conquer. He will not let evil win. He will not let evil have its way. He’s our defender. He’s our protector. Um, let’s go to, uh, I’ll read one more scripture really quick and then I’ll read more scriptures probably throughout this. If I have time, Psalm 115, this is another thing we have to know when we’re going through things that look chaotic and crazy and, and not to get into fear and knowing that God is doing something about what we see. Psalm 115 and verse 16, the heaven, even the heavens are the Lords, but the earth is given to the children of men. Remember he’s given us power, authority and dominion over all the power of that is in the earth. We have power over the enemy. And God’s been lying to remind us that over and over and over again. So I want to go over this prophetic word once again What somebody says here? Enemies of Almighty God, I have warned you I have given you time to repent. I’ve given you time to turn away Yes, I’ve given you time, but you refused you harden your hearts toward me you harden your hearts toward my people Woe to those Who will try to touch a hair? Woe to those who will try to touch a hair on my David. I’ll say that right. You will not assassinate him. So right now, God has given us insight on what the enemies of Almighty God are trying to do. They’ve tried to impeach. They have tried, um, to indict, which I know the indictments, they don’t look like they’re over, but God already said what was going to happen with those indictments. They’re not going to go the way the enemies want them to go. They try to do everything they can. They try to get the people to turn on them, and instead people love them even more. The opposite’s happening to what they want. What happens when they get desperate? God’s saying, woe to those who try to touch a hair on my David’s head. You will not assassinate him. So now we know what they were trying to do. You will not touch him. He is my anointed and appointed no matter how much that destroys you on the inside of how much you hate the thought of him being used by me. You will not touch him. Do you hear my words? You cannot control his body. Your days, your days, hold on a second. Somehow, hold on, somehow when I copy and pasted, I lost some of these words on here. Bear with me here for a minute. So I was, okay, right here. Okay. I was, do you hear my words? Not only will he live, some of the things were cut off, so I had to go back to the video. Not only will he live, but everything you do against him will be done unto you. This is a time where you are reaping a great harvest, a great harvest you are reaping of your own deeds in your own will. That was not my plan for you. I have warned. I have warned. I have warned. Now judgment, judgment, judgment is coming to you. Judgment is coming to everybody with you. You think you can destroy him? You think you can destroy my nation? You think you control my world? Yes, you think these things, but they will not come to pass. I will show you who you who’s really in control, and it’s not you. With all your pressure, with all your fear, with all your destruction that you have done, you woke up my body. Oh yes, you did. You woke up a body, you woke up a giant, you didn’t want to wake up. You woke up a sleFBIng giant that is aligning with my head, which is my son. And more you have pushed, the more you have pushed, the more you have pushed, my children have pushed and pressed into me. And the more they see their victory. Oh yes. The one, the one you have used as a puppet. Oh, yes, the puppet of Washington establishment of the Washington establishment also who he’s talking about and we all know who he’s dogma He’s talking about the Biden You see him you see him. He’s failing in front of your eyes. No matter what you medicate him with nothing is working Your puppet strings have been cut. You can’t control his mouth. You can’t control his mind You can’t control his body your days your days of a third term. Oh, yes, you know who you are You thought with your trickery and your cunningness that you could do just whatever you wanted I’m about to show your earpiece I’m about to open the doors wide of your Washington home of your shadow government of every person in the White House that answered to You yes, Barack Obama. I have infiltrated your camp. Do you think that you’re so smart? You think you can do whatever you want. I’ve heard every plan. I’ve seen everything you have done Remember who I am. I am the great I am who brought down people just like you who thought they were a God Who thought they could do anything they wanted to do? Remember, I just read to you What Pharaoh thought he could do to Pharaoh thought he could have his way and do whatever he wanted that’s not the case and God’s telling the people he’s called these people Pharaoh’s up today Now you’re seeing why? because they can think they can control everything that they want to control and they can’t so he goes on he says who brought down people just like you who thought you were a God who thought they could do anything that they wanted to do I wanted to repeat that well I got news for you you’re coming down just like the puppet that you have woe to those who are against my David now he’s warning them again. Woe to those who are against my nation. And this war that you are trying right now, the one that you are planning, the one that you think that’s going to go exactly the way you want it to bring these lockdowns, to bring your chaos and destruction. Now, hold on a minute. Now he’s talking about war. They’re trying to virus. That’s not going to work because they know that people right now are not going to comply like they did before because a lot of us can see through it. So now they’re going to try something mouse. They’re gonna try chaos. They’re gonna try a war. Then he goes on to say, I promise you it will not go as you plan. Your news anchors are falling apart. The news stations are not going to be able to keep up with your lying narrative. I’m exposing every single thing. Every single one of your fronts. I’m exposing all these people. I’m exposing. You can’t keep up with me. There’s coming the day. You can’t look away. You can’t run away. You can’t hide. I am the God that I know the ends and the beginning because I am the beginning and the end. You will not have my nation of the eagle. You will not have my nation of Israel. You will not have the global government. It is not that time. You will see. You will see me defend my nations. You will see me destroy your plan. You will see me bring up bigger and stronger nations than they were before now we’re hearing what’s gonna happen in the end of all this you try to infiltrate them every puppet and every government around the world I’m going to expose every puppet that you had for as a judge I will expose I’ll expose every person and every type of law enforcement or military or anyone who’s a puppet to you I’m going to expose I’m going to tear the lid off the Pentagon I’m going to show who is with this country and who isn’t the White House is about to be Exposed in a way. No one thought your capital is about to be exposed like no one ever thought That was never never my capital that was never meant to be the capital of this nation. And yes, I will expose it I will expose every deal you thought with you had with Europe Yes, I said it you thought you could still be attached to Britain. Now. That is a very strong statement Because in the American Revolutionary War, that’s who we were fighting against to get away from And it looked like we won, but there’s something holding on and they’re not the only ones Now I know a lot of people watch From the UK a lot of people watch from that area. This has nothing to do with you This is everything to do with the Royals and the government There’s a lot of dirty deals being played by many governments around the world and God is showing it because we love you Mm-hmm. We don’t love the government’s but we love you. All right now I’m gonna go on I will tell you I’ll expose every country that was trying to bring this one down every country that was trying to control this nation Every politician who sold themselves in this country the countries for money and power who sold out this nation for money and power Your end is near enemies of Almighty God Your end is closer than you realize you’re walking into a trap every trap Have said your end is near and your end will be like you never were in control. Now, that is huge The end will be like they were never in control remember guys a God of restoration and he goes on and talks about that because I’m bringing a restoration to a nation a Restoration to the nations of the world. I am blasting everything out of your hands I am giving it to the ones who believe in me. You will see that I have the final say Now look what happened with Pharaoh Pharaoh realized that God had the final say so did all of his men When they were, you know, all the water was coming in on him in the Red Sea At the same time the children of God Israelites also saw that God had the final say That’s happening again Now he’s talking to his children So before he was talking the enemies of Almighty God and warning him about what you know, he was going to do Now he’s talking to his children Brace for the impact that’s about to take place. Brace for what your enemies are about to try and do. Live by faith and not by sight. You hear what I have warned your enemies. You hear what I’m doing to their plans. Do not get in fear. This is not that time. Stay near to me. Stay in my word. I promise you I’ll protect you from it all. You’re about to see me do something that I haven’t done before. Not to this degree. I’ve done similar things that saved my people but this no one has ever seen I’m the great I am and I can save a nation in a day and I’m doing something that’s so that’s so impossible looking to man but it’s not impossible for me but it’s impossible for man but it’s not impossible for me you will see that I have told you you will see a great victory sayeth the Lord so again what is God telling us he’s telling us that the Enemies of Almighty God have been warned. They’re gonna try and start a war because the viruses aren’t gonna be enough. They’re gonna try to do something to our rightful President, which is not gonna go as planned because God is protecting him. Remember, look what Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, look at what David, look what Daniel and the lion said. God protects his chosen. That’s it. He protects his chosen people. So what we have to do is we have to not comply. We have to not give in We cannot quit and what we have to do is pray. We’re gonna pray right now together Not only for the saving of our countries, but we got to pray for a rightful President pray for everyone around him and their protection Pray for truth to come out So Heavenly Father right now in the name of Jesus We want to praise and thank you Father God that you have given us this insight and revelation of what is going on We praise and thank you Father God that no weapon formed against our rightful President shall prosper It will not prosper against his family. It will not prosper against the people that are surrounding him It will not prosper against this nation. We thank you Father God that you are tearing down the enemy’s plans We thank you Father God. They will not have that war that they so desire I thank you Father God that they will not have the virus as they want to leak out the way they want it to disperse all Throughout this world. It will not go as planned heavenly Father I thank you that you are rising up an army you’re rising up an army that are fighting back with your word That they won’t comply to a lie that they won’t give in that they will not quit that they will not get into fear We thank you Father God for right now your glory upon your people to rise them up out of that darkness To rise them up out of that despair to rise them up out of that defeat so that they know that they can stand That they can trust you Father God that you are that great I am that you are doing something that you are the deliverer that you are Saving this nation that you are saving the nations around the world that you are single-handedly tearing apart these global governments Father God we praise you and we thank you that every person that needs to be removed will be removed I want to praise and thank you Father God that you are protecting every person that is on your side that is working to bring your plan to pass. I praise and thank you, Father God, for what you’re doing in this country, for what you’re doing in this great awakening, not only in this country, but around the world. I thank you for strengthening your people, strengthening your David, Father God. Strengthen him, strengthen him, strengthen everyone around him. Strengthen them, Father God. Give them revelation knowledge. Give them that insight that they have to have. Heavenly Father for every decision that they have to make and we praise you that you are Protecting not only them But you are protecting us. You are protecting this nation You are protecting your children around the world and we thank you Father God for it that the enemies will never Have their way And we thank you Father in Jesus name Amen. Amen Remember this is not about the right or the left, Democrat versus Republican, this is not that. This is a spiritual battle and we had to fight it with spiritual weapons. We have to fight it with the Word of God. That’s how you win. We have marching orders. We have these decrees and declarations. We have things that God is telling us to You dig in your heels. Right now, you stand like you’ve never stood before. Right now, you get on that armor of God and put it on every day. Don’t ever back off. Don’t ever quit, no matter how hard it gets. War is not always easy, but if you know that you’re the winner in the end, you will do everything and you will stand and stand there for. We are on the winning side. We hope to encourage you today, please like, subscribe and share and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs to hear the truth because the truth will set you free. God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day.

AFTERWORD this outburst of anger is about the Latest indictment of Trump on about 63 charges involving 12.5 million documents and the trial is scheduled to start at the bullseye point in his presidential campaign.
So he could never get a fair trial. as nobody in a lifetime could read 12.5 million documents. to form an opinion. Many docs could be fake, duplications. We couldnt trust computers to sort thru them.
So any time up to March trial date next year God could start literally dropping dead crooked judges and Attorneys. No shortage of them.
BUT in the mean time many more entrapment indictments could be rustled up to bring out yet more criminal attorneys and judges.
I only wish it could be done in a Hollywood fashion, say lightning bolts
But God seems to want to do this softly, with resignations and early retirements. SO FAR.
But the joke is on the enemies.
God has said he doesn’t need an election to Put his David back in the presidents job where he belongs.
If a line of crooked attorneys and Judges, persecuting Trump all drop dead even idiot atheist liberals would take notice. That doesnt mean they could keep their jobs if they suddenly start behaving.. They still have to be removed.
A whistle blower is coming to destroy Kamala Harris. Upsetting the Gavin Newsom plan.
A JFK whistleblower has come forward and is writing a book. He waited 60 years. He is the Secret service man who found an almost pristine bullet in the car and secretly put it onto Kennedys stretcher. I personally saw the Secret Service men ordered away from the limo to give the assassins a clear shot.
Who knows where this could ricochet ? FBI -CIA destruction ?
Many UNMASKINGS coming. previous prophesy
And a MASSIVE EVENT coming previous prophesy
Who are these people? With so many earlobes ?
On Gods coming Failed Lockdowns with non compliant media here’s a clue
A billion vaccines ready at $90 a shot and the new Canadian covid is harmless Omicron with 1 extra symptom. -Pink eye
Question Would you get 4-5 life threatening vaccines to avoid a COLD with PINKEYE ? I have it frequently with pollen allergies

Oh wait there’s more
Starting last night I started more Kundalini Rise last night- strongly raised Tiinnitus and it might be connected to world events who knows ? Its still going 20 hrs later.
I was told little adjustments were being made.
Question is Boys and Girls is it happening to any of you ? Do Tell.
Recall one prophecy said some people would glow.
So keep one eye on the mirror.
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