Searchable transcript for the Serious

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Goood uh Morning, Everybody. Today is actually Monday, September 11th of 2023. You will see this on Monday, September 18th, and the reason for that is because I am out of town. So I want to make sure that you got all of these videos while I was gone. I want to make sure that I did every single one of these for you every day that I was gone. I will be starting to do lives again on Wednesday, so you’ll see another pre record tomorrow on Tuesday, but I’ll be back live again on Wednesday morning All right. Now today’s prophetic word. I’m actually going to give to you. This is the second one for from September 8th I actually heard three of them that day. This is the second one and the third one you’ll hear tomorrow And this one is called THE GREAT SILENCER now, I heard this prophetic word while on a prayer call with the prayer team. So I will be sharing this video shortly Before I get to that if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports Please go to our website at JGM international org under our contact page Or you could write us at Julie Green ministries international 4620 East 53rd Street Sweet 200 Davenport, Iowa 52807 and many of you know We have a very powerful prayer team here and we are receiving so many praise reports on what? God is doing the miracles that are happening the signs and wonders that are happening the restoration that’s happening God is a miracle working God and he I promise you he will not fail also Now, for those of you, I’ve mentioned it a couple different times, we do now have Julie Green merchandise. The only place you can get it is threesunsthreads.com. You can find that link in the description box below. Again, it’s threesunsthreads.com because other people wanted to start selling our stuff with our logo on it. So we had to actually do it to save our trademark. So I want to let you guys know, um, if you want anything like that, there’s cups, there’s hats, there’s shirts. And then we will of course add more things before the end of the year, uh, and I’ll let you know what those are. But anyway, again, it’s threesonstruts.com and that link is in the description box below. Now that is all of the announcements I have for today and I will be sharing my screen and then I’ll be back with you shortly.
My children, I am about to silence your enemy. Yes, I will say these words again. I am about to silence your enemy. Do you remember what I did for my son while he was in the lion’s den? I shut those mouths and I silenced that enemy. I also stopped their power to hurt my son. Do you remember what I did in the fire? The fire could not touch my sons. They didn’t even smell like that smoke. Do you know who I am? Do you really know who I am? I am the great silencer. your enemies have run their mouths over and over again. Your enemies have used the news over and over again. They’ve said lie upon lie upon lie where people after a while believed it was the truth. Those lies have ensnared. Those lies have blinded. Those lies have captivated certain people, captured, enslaved, and brought into a great bondage. Oh, a great bondage has been in this world to this system that’s been plaguing this world. A system that’s ran by man. A system that was meant to completely cripple you, everyone who wasn’t with them. A system that was meant to bring great destruction, destruction to your bodies, great destruction to your minds, and enslave you financially with great destruction called debt. But I am the destroyer of evil. I am going to wipe these things out as if they never existed in your mind, in your body, in your finances, in your families, and yes, even in your nations, your governments.
A Great Silence Is Coming. A silence so deafening it will bring fear to many, but to my children, great faith will explode. A faith that has been welling up in my children who have been patient, who have been waiting, who have been standing, who refuse to give in. I told you, great is your reward. this silence.
I am cutting off one of your enemy’s greatest tools which is their news and some of their social media. All those places that were used to manipulate the masses, deceive and distract. I’m cutting them off. I’m cutting off the influence. I am cutting off their power. I’m cutting them off from you. As this great silence draws nearer, remember I told you about blackouts. Remember I told you about a silence. Remember I told you about a lock-in.
Remember I told you these things. Don’t fear these things. Do you remember I told you about getting off your cell phones, turning off your TVs, and spending time with me. Because soon there will be no choice when your phones won’t work, your internet won’t work, your TVs won’t work. Then what will you do? Let my glory fill you up. Let my glory fill your home. You won’t need these things. Not with my lock-in. You won’t want these things. You won’t desire these things. No. Not the ones who will look to me. Seek and you will find me. Knock and the door will be answered. Seek me and you will find everything you have desired. Everything that you’ve been crying out for, for freedom. I am that freedom. I am every answer to every need. I am the way out of every harsh, horrible, impossible situation. I am, and I’m going to show the world that I still live, that I still save, that I still deliver, that I still protect that I still avenge and I still have the final say I will have my way your enemies are running scared now drastic measures are about to be taken and I mean drastic on their end so go now stand on my word stand firm. I will protect you. You are in this world. You are surely not of it. Cut them off their influence. Their prison cells they’ve had you in. Cut them off by cutting those devices off from you and making them first priority in your life. Renew your mind with my word. Grow in my word. Flow in my word. Let my word live in you. Let that light grow in you. Great glory is coming. A great glory the world cannot deny. I’m going to say this again. What I did for the Israelites with the Red Sea, this is much greater than that. No eye has ever seen and nowhere has ever heard what I’m about to do for this nation, my nation, what I’m about to do for Israel and What I’m about to do the nation’s around the world hold on things are about to get Even more increasingly Hard for some, but better for other ones who are with me. I am Bringing a great victory, saith the Lord.
Julie Commentary
What does the Lord keep saying in all of these different prophetic words? One of the last things he keeps saying is about that we have a great victory. A lot of us have noticed everything going wrong because you feel it, you see it, everyone’s talking about it, everything’s going wrong. But what What should we be paying attention to? What God is doing? Even though we don’t see it, we don’t feel it, always, but we should rely on the fact that He is our victory. So instead of talking defeat or accepting defeat, we should be talking victory, speaking about our God, speaking about what He’s done in the past, speaking about what He is going to do, putting him first, front and center of our lives. One of the things he kept talking about was cutting off. He’s been telling us to turn off our cell phones and turn off our TVs and turn these things off and spend time with him, get to know who he is because there’s going to be a time where those things aren’t going to work anymore. I remember we were just talking about this on our prayer call, how all of us rely on these things and you know, you, if you leave home without it, you feel like you’re naked in now. My son, I’m like, Oh my goodness. Where’s my phone? Where’s my phone? You’re like, you’re missing something. And you, you gotta, you gotta figure it out. You gotta figure out where it’s at. You know, why don’t we feel that way when it comes to leaving the house and knowing that God is with you? We should know something’s missing if we leave the house and you know don’t put him first and like don’t plead the blood of Jesus or don’t ask him to to guide our steps and lead us and guides in the right direction where we should go that day. Putting him first, letting him do what he wants to do through us and saying Lord I thank you today is your day. This is the day you have made, I will rejoice to make a lot in and putting him first. Because the enemies, what they’ve done is they’ve distracted so many people from not thinking this way, not being a God inside minded, that we’re just, you know, sludging through the day, trying to get through, trying to survive day by day. We’re supposed to thrive, not just survive. And so I want to read some scriptures to you here in Joel Joel chapter 2 And I start with verse 12 Joel 2 verse 12 Therefore also now says the Lord turn and keep on coming to me with all your heart With fasting with weeping with mourning until every hindrance is removed and the broken fellowship is restored God wants every hindrance removed the fellowship with him restored. Remember what he said in the book of Exodus, let my people go and that he finished off saying, so they may freely serve me. God wants us to be able to freely serve him without any hindrance. That means without fear, doubt, worry, unbelief, sickness, disease, depression, you know, all these different things that get in between our relationship with us and God. He wants to remove every one of those hindrances. And so right now, now, this great silence is not something to fear. It’s something to celebrate. God is trying to help perfect us in our time with him, our fellowship with him, our walk with him. So when this thing happens, we know exactly what’s going to happen is we’re going to receive greater glory, Greater revelation, greater insight. We won’t have any distractions. We can just sit there and spend our time with God. There’s nothing. There’s nothing compared to it, like being in the presence of the Lord. So verse 13, this is Joel chapter two, verse 13, rend your hearts and not your garments and return to the Lord your God. He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in loving kindness. He revokes his sentence of evil when his conditions are met It means we’re supposed to walk in love We’re supposed to obey his commandments which are not hard because he makes it easier Now jump over to verse 23 Joel 2 23 be glad you children of Zion rejoice in the Lord your God for he gives you the former or early rain in Just measure in a righteousness and he causes to come down for you the rain in the former reign and a latter reign as before That is a great revelation in that about the former and the latter reign We are in the latter reign the latter reign of glory is greater than the former So everything that he has done in the past We’re gonna receive greater in this latter reign verse 24 and the threshing floor shall be full of grain and vast overflow with juice of the grape and oil verse 25 Now look what he says, I will restore or replace For you the years a locust has eaten a hopping locust a stripping locust a crawling locust my great army, which I said among you So sometimes what happens is there’s a lot of judgment. There’s times where there is a shaking. There’s there’s judgment on the enemy There’s times where there’s a shaking in God’s body Why to get him to wake up? To him to see what’s going on to him to change course of direction if they’re walking in the wrong direction going the wrong way not living for him living in the world living in sin and God is saying hey, I Am going to restore all those years That the enemy and the curse is stolen from you Then he goes on to say in verse 26 Look at this and you shall eat in plenty and be satisfied and praise the name of the Lord your God who has dwelt Wondrously with you and my people will never be put to shame God’s people will never be put to shame Then he says and you shall no one understand and realize that I’m in the midst of Israel And I in the Lord your God and there is no one else My people will never be put to shame God is saying that to us. We have a better covenant Than they had and if he’s saying that they never should be put to shame. We should not be put to shame That means if we’re trusting in our God, we’re trusting in him to deliver to deliver. We’re trusting him to restore we’re trusting him to judge our enemy and And put blessing on us and restore. So all those years have been stolen. He says we’re not gonna put to shame What he says he will do he’s faithful You look what it says in verse 28 and afterward. I’ll pour out my spirit upon all flesh. Underline that word, all flesh. Those words, all flesh. Some people seem to think that God can’t use a woman. It’s not scriptural at all. Whoever says that it’s not scriptural right here, even in Joel is proving that wrong. Now look what God says. And afterward, I’ll court my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy.” It doesn’t just say sons, it says sons and daughters. This is for another day, but I’m just saying, alright, your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions. Even upon the men servants and upon the maid servants, he’s talking male and female here, In those days, I will pour out my spirit what in the latter rain which we are in right now Verse 30 and I will show signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth blood fire and columns of smoke verse 31 the Sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon to blood before the great and terrible day the Lord comes now that is Definitely a teaching that we could get into at some point not today But the terrible day the Lord means that’s talking about the tribulation period okay so what he’s saying is that men and his so he’s hold on a minute so when he pours out a spirit on all flesh sons and daughters shall prophesize there’s gonna be prophesying before the great tribulation and you’re also gonna see men servants and maidservants in those days I’ll pour out my spirit that means you’re gonna see God’s glory be working in and through people that’s why when When people say that God doesn’t do these things, you know God doesn’t heal anymore or God doesn’t do miracles anymore or God doesn’t prophesy anymore That’s not scriptural. It’s not I that is religion. That is not scriptural God is the same yesterday today and forever. It says that in his word and he also says and God is not sexist God So anyway now Joel chapter 3 now, I’m loving those people even though they don’t understand And don’t know and don’t believe I still love them They’re just missing out. That’s all Joel chapter 3 verse 1 for behold in those days at that time Look what he says. I shall reverse the captivity and restore the portions to Judah and Jerusalem So again, we have a better covenant He talked about restoring So I shall reverse the captivity and restore the fortunes. I’m gonna read another Scripture this isn’t Jeremiah Jeremiah 33 11 there shall be heard again the voice of the joy the voice of the gladness the voice of the bridegroom and a voice of the Bride the voice of those who sing as they bring sacrifice of thanksgiving into the house of the Lord Give praise and thanks and the Lord of hosts The Lord is good for his mercy and kindness and steadfast love doing forever For I will cause the captivity land to be reversed and returned to as it was the first as Lord God is the God of restoration Doesn’t matter how many years that doesn’t matter what’s been stolen doesn’t matter how much damage that has been done God is the ultimate Restorer he even said that he’s the silencer and when he said that in that prophetic word and as soon as I got done I was like we were all excited like Silencer like he’s a great silencer. How powerful is that revelation? now if we go to Psalm 143 Psalm 143 now in the NIV is actually the best translation for this, but I had to look it up. I Was like Lord, I had to find these scriptures to talk about you silenced enemy All right, it’s on 143 verse 12 And it says in in your mercy cut off my enemies and destroy all those who afflict my soul For I’m your servant cut off Now that is the new King James now The amplified the classic amplified says similar It’s the same pretty much and in your mercy and loving-kindness cut off my enemy destroy all those who afflict my inner self I am your servant. Now if you go to the NIV translation, the NIV, which is a new international version, in your unfailing love, silence my enemies, destroy all my foes for I am your servant. Now I have read many different scriptures to you about God and it says, okay I was just gonna quote it, but I can’t all right Deuteronomy 20 verse 4 Lord your God is he is he who goes with you to fight for you if I come on I’m gonna read that again for the Lord your God is he who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to what? To save you. He goes with you to fight against your enemies to save you. And he is the God who restores. So I want to go back over this prophetic word and there’s a couple of scriptures that I will go back over here. But for the sake of time, because I have to go live here pretty soon, I’m gonna have to get that ready. So, I have to get moving here. So, all right. Now, this is the prophetic word again. My children, I’m about to silence your enemies or your enemy. Yes, I will say these words again. I’m about to silence your enemy. Now, I want to give you guys here, he says, do you remember what I did for my son while he was in lion’s den. Okay. If you read Daniel six, Daniel six, and this is, let’s see here. Um, verse 22, I can’t read the whole entire story. Uh, you guys want to go find the plot against Daniel, which is an Daniel chapter six. You can read all of this, which was, um, the King’s servants were basically out against David and they tricked the king into making a law which they knew that David would not obey and then of course David didn’t know art sorry Daniel Daniel did not obey it they knew he wouldn’t so he went back told the king and the king knew right away what he did was wrong because he loved Daniel and then he had it because of the law he had to throw Daniel in the Lions then so that’s the story making it short here for you for the sake of time So but it grieved the king like he was up all night praying After he threw Dane in the lion’s den because he didn’t want Daniel to die Okay And so he’s seen verse 20 and when he came to the den which is the king when the king came to the den he cried Out with a lamenting voice to Daniel the King spoke saying to Daniel Daniel servant of the Living God Has your God whom yours you serve continually been able to deliver you from the lions? Verse 21, then Daniel said to the king, Oh king live forever. So naturally he should have died. You’re throwing you’ve been thrown into a den of lions that are starved. They’re going to kill you, but not when you have God. So verse 22, my God sent his angel. Listen to this. My God sent his angel and shut the lion’s mouth. So they have not hurt me because I was found innocent before him. And also Oh King I have done no wrong before you And of course when I took him out of The lion’s den in verse 23 the latter part no injury, whatever was found on him because he believed in God the similar Story happened in Shadrach Meshach and Bendigo when he came out of the fiery furnace the fire the furnace should have killed him They killed the people who threw him in But but God was with him and he stopped the power of that fire to harm Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego just like he stopped the power of the lions and he shut the lions mouth and they they couldn’t touch him. That’s a great revelation for you in this time right now that we’re living in is a great revelation of what God has done and we have a better covenant than they did. So you remember what I did for my son while he was in the lion’s den. I just read it to you. I shut the mouths and I silenced the enemy. I also stopped their power to hurt my son. He silenced them and he stopped them. He silenced them and he stopped them. Do you remember I did in the fire? The fire could not touch my sons. They didn’t even smell like smoke. Do you know who I am? Do you really know who I am? I’m the Great Silencer and he had to put that in bold. Your enemies have run their mouths over and over again. Your enemies have used their news over and over Again, they have said lie upon lie Where people after a while believed it was truth those lies have ensnared those lies have blinded those lies have captivated certain people Captured enslaved and brought into great bondage. Oh a great bondage has been in this world of this system That has been plaguing this world. So he’s talking about the Remember. He said the news media is Another it’s like an arm of the one world government So the one world government basically tells these people exactly what to say when to say it is lie upon lie in order to brainwash in order to enslave in order to capture in order to bring in a great bondage because They’re thinking that you can’t think for yourself and that you’re just gonna trust them and then they believe and so they’re getting away with this This is what he’s talking about. Look at it. Look what he says. He said a system that’s ran by man We’re supposed to be living under God, not man. They said the system that was not was meant to completely cripple you. I’ll be that again, a system that was meant to completely cripple you. Everyone who wasn’t with them. That means the globalists, a system that was meant to bring great destruction to your bodies. Great destruction to your minds and enslave you financially with great destruction called debt. He calls debt great destruction. Remember God wants you to have no lack You should lack no nothing They says but I am the destroyer of evil I’m going to wipe these things out as if they never existed in your mind and your body and your finances and your families Yes, even in your nations and your governments now stop people would think that is just too good to be true No, it’s not you go read the book of Exodus. That’s exactly what God did in the book of Exodus He completely healed. He completely restored the years that have been stolen from him He healed them from everything that was done against them They have you put this in both a great silence is coming a silence. So deafening. I thought that was a powerful statement It will bring fear to many but to my children great faith will explode a Faith that has been rolling up in my children who have been patient who have been waiting Who’ve been standing and refused to give in I told you a great is your reward So again, he’s talking about a silence that’s going to be celebration for us because we won’t be shaken. We won’t be moved. We’re not going to get into fear. We’re going to be starting to celebrate, celebrate because we know this great silence was right before the enemies were completely destroyed. The silence means their destruction. This great silence means their destruction. He says this silence, I’m cutting off one of your enemies greatest tools, which is their news and some other social media because social media can be used for good and so can news but it’s theirs that he’s cutting off and destroying all those places that were used to manipulate the masses deceive and distract I’m cutting them off I’m cutting off the influence I’m cutting off their power I’m cutting off from you as this great silence draws near remember I told you about blackouts remember I told you about a silence remember I told you about a Lock-in remember I told you about these things. Don’t fear these things Remember don’t fear says do you remember I told you about getting off your cell phones turning off your TV spending time with me? Because soon there will be no choice You won’t be able to use them The internet won’t work. Look it says when your phones won’t work. Your internet won’t work. The TVs won’t work. Then what are you gonna do? Instead of getting in panic. You’re gonna be like I can spend time with God I’m just gonna get insight on what God wants me to do today. I praise and thank you for Father God I have no distraction today. I thank you Father God because you said this silence. There’s gonna be a great victory. I’m receiving it today That’s different than people get in a panic mode and not know what to do He says let my glory fill you up. Let my glory fill your home. You won’t need these things not with my lock-in God is member locking us in to protect us They’re trying to lock us down to enslave. God was locking us in to protect us like he did with Goshen. You won’t, you won’t want these things. You won’t desire these things. You know, not the ones you know, not the ones who will look to me and seek and you will find. So the ones he’s saying, no, not the ones who are gonna look to me. You’re not gonna need these things. You’re not gonna desire these things. You’re not gonna want these things because all you’re gonna want is God’s glory. You’re gonna have a greater hunger for God’s glory because you’re cut off from that Deception and that darkness that the enemy was trying to enslave you with then he says not I’m sorry, you will know okay seek and you will find knock on the door We answer seek and you will find everything you have desired everything You’ve been crying out for Why because God is everything you need him to be And he’s given this example people been crying out for freedom. He says I am that freedom He is everything then. He says I’m every answer to every need I Am every answer to every need God is the answer he says I am the way out of every harsh horrible and possible situation I am and I’m going to show the world that I still live that I still save that I still deliver that I still protect Did I still avenge and I still have the final say and I will have my way Your enemies are running scared now drastic measures are about to be taken and I mean drastic on their end that’s what God is warning us about they’re about to do something drastic and God is saying don’t be moved by what they do. That is drastic Don’t be moved by what they do to try to cut you off or try to I mean lock you down To cut you off in the world because they’re gonna try to cripple you with fear That’s what I try to do and God says don’t Don’t give in to that tactic of war and don’t give in to that enslavement of the enemy They selling us go now Stand on my word. So he’s giving us the insight what we need to do stand on God’s work stand firm I will protect you you are in this world, but you’re surely not of it Cut them off Cut off their power, cut them off. Remember we can deny their access. We can rebuke, we can forbid, we can bind. Again, all these things I’ve been going over about the power and authority that you have because you were a child of the Most High God. Now, he says, cut off their influence or prison cells that they’ve had you in, cut them off by cutting those devices off from you, making them the first priority in your life. He’s giving us insight of how they’ve had that control is because of the devices Making these priority and not God He says cut them off Make it by making them first priority in your life cut that off. Then he says renew your mind with my word Grow in my word flow in my word. Let my word live in you What’s that like? Let it grow in you great glory is coming a great glory in the world that cannot deny I’m going to say this again what I did for the Israelites with the Red Sea. This is much greater than that We can camp right there And start celebrating because of how powerful the Red Sea was and he says I’m gonna do better than that No, I has ever seen no ears ever heard what I’m about to do for this nation For my nation what I’m about to do for Israel and what I’m about to do for the nations around the world Hold on, things are about to get more increasingly hard for some, but better for others. The ones who are with me, I am bringing a great victory. God is bringing us a great victory and that’s what we should be focused on. And we should be cutting ourselves off. So if people can’t cut themselves off cold turkey, then I would say like wean yourself off. Like, so for like an hour every day, put your phone away somewhere else. Go into your prayer causes get into prayer, you know, or you know, whatever it is just cut yourself off from this and Just seek God and see what he says and see what he wants you to know That’s why I’d say every single day. It’s like a broken record I know but don’t take my word for you go in to the Word of God you seek him you get the revelations from me him He’s giving us great revelations every day But if we don’t like get into them There’s like oh, that was great. That was so awesome or that was so powerful And then you just walk away and then you don’t let it affect you that because you don’t let it get inside of you You don’t want to change the way you think you don’t want to change your heart And how you see things God wants you to see it through his eyes and not yours He wants you to see everything through his because then you’ll know that you’ll have that victory that he is so promised you Remember he says in his word in 2nd Corinthians 2 14, he always causes you to triumph Always not sometimes we should always expect a victory Always always always we should never expect defeat no matter what it is in our life We should not expect defeat in anything. So I want to pray over you and I don’t know what is Going on with my camera right now That was weird. All right. Well Heavenly Father right now in the name of Jesus I just want to lift up every person at the sound of my voice I’m gonna thank you Father God that your glory that your glory fills them up I want to thank you Father God that every blinder is removed and rightest often I want to praise and thank you Father. God for this revelation I’m gonna thank you Father God that you are the Great Silencer. I want to thank you Father God that you are the Great Deliverer I want to thank you Father God that in the time but you are leading us into heavenly Father that you are protecting us You are leading us you are guiding us in the right direction of where we should go. We praise and thank you Father God we accept that victory that Jesus has already paid for you have guaranteed it for us So we thank you Father God that we will not be in this bondage anymore And we are cutting off the enemy by the blood of Jesus and by the authority of that name We are cutting off their influence. We are cutting off their lives. We are denying its power We are denying its access into our life. We are denying its power over us in the name of Jesus Christ And I thank you Father God Then it says in your word that no weapon formed against you shall prosper and every time that rise begins us We shall condemn so we thank you Father God no weapon that the enemy is using against us in this time in this time of Desperation in their time where they are growing into and then this great fear Father God And they’re gonna try to do things against us. I thank you that we will not fear We will not be moved by the mighty name of Jesus Christ that you are growing us and Father God in Perfecting us you are strengthening us every single day. We thank you for this fresh manner We thank you for revelation knowledge. We thank you Father God that we will not comply to a lie We will not bow. We will not submit. We will not give in and we will not be touched Just like you did with Daniel and just like you did with Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and just like you did with David Father God they wouldn’t comply to a lie either you protected them and you gave them that delivery You gave them that Father God that victory and I thank you and I praise you that you are no Respecter of persons and you are doing that for us now and we thank you for it in Jesus name Amen, and amen again again Expect a victory expect to see God move Because God is faithful to his word Well hopes encourage you today Please like subscribe and share and give this to everyone. You know who needs to hear an encouraging word It means you’re the truth because the truth will set you free. God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day

So the Great blackout is now being detailed. No internet for PCs or cellphone internet. No social media. Which will give many avid internauts nothing to do. So they can read his book And commune with him in a state of gnosis, for those lucky enough to be there. We don’t know how many days duration. It serves another purpose of great damage to enemies who continuously generate poisonous propaganda. And in previous words we have been told the world will be radically different after this silence. Prophecy includes the physical destruction of DC. As in warfare. A new capital will be needed (location still a secret) and we are going to find Donald back in Office when the smoke clears. Many of the world’s evil leaders will perish or leave office suddenly.
Oh and WEF Klaus Schwab is complaining of fears of the peasants storming his citadel. He never expected pushback from billions of people. (Comes from being born a billionaire son of the Junkers weapons fortune from WW2) And Harari the gay former history teacher guru to the entire WEF confesses its utterly beyond him why Biden is doing all he can to destroy America (for his Chinese handlers). So intellectual capacity is not in abundance at the WEF Masters of the Universe forum. Suspect the great silence, the communications blackout, will be beyond the comprehension of these atheistic self worshippers.
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