Searchable transcript for the Serious


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Goood uh Morning, Everybody. Today is actually Thursday, January 25th of 2024. You will see this on Wednesday, January 31st because I am out of town and I wanted to make sure that you received this prophetic word and teaching and revelation and whatever the Lord has for us today, I wanted to make sure that you received this while I was gone. And before I get to this prophetic word, if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website at JGMinternational. org under our contact page, where you can write us at Julie Green Ministries International 4620 East 53rd Street Suite 200, Davenport, Iowa 52807. And again, if you want any Julie Green Ministries merchandise we do not accept any proceeds from this. It goes to various charities. You can go to threesunthreads. com, that’s threesunthreads. com, and you can find all that information in the description box below for you. Now, today’s powerful prophetic word it’s called, IT’S TIME FOR THE FALL OF THE GLOBALISTS AND THEIR AGENDA I heard this prophetic word on January 18th of 2024. So again, it’s called, IT’S TIME FOR THE FALL OF THE GLOBALISTS AND THEIR AGENDA –


Children of Almighty God, wake up to the truth as I show you the proof of every lie, the wicked, and every one of their schemes, their plans and their plots against you. I will show you everything they have done to you. I will show you every person. I will show you every government and every law, all the injustice. I will show you where they have hidden things, where they destroyed these things and they tried forever to get rid of it. I will show you my power, my love, my injustice, my judgment, my justice, my judgment against your enemies. I will show you all that has been stolen from you. They stole your freedoms. They stole your nations. They stole your children. They stole your peace. They stole your money. They stole your health. They stole your faith. They stole your strength. They stole your unity. They stole your churches and my truth. They twisted it and changed it into meaning, changed its meaning to enslave you even more. They put shackles and chains on you, completely took over everything in your lives. My children, wake up, come alive in me and take it all back. I promise you I’m restoring a life unto you you didn’t know existed and a life you didn’t know could be so good. I am absolutely good and I will show you how much mercy, grace and power is upon you like never before. This is that time to resist and to get up now because this is that time to take back everything that they have done against you. No longer can they keep it or keep you. So arise now in my word and with my authority and you will see what all I have for you in this time. Sayeth the Lord O United States, there has been wolves among you, wolves that have devoured. They have manipulated you. They have killed you. They have tried to lie regarding the beginning of this nation and how it was intended to be. They deceived you out of power, out of all freedoms. They brought you to your knees by stealing your religious freedoms and using that against you to weaken you. Your enemy, the devil knew he could never take this nation unless he destroyed the church and to see them with his doctrines destroying my word and what it actually means. These wolves sickened this nation with their ideology, their beliefs while my church went to sleep and thought it had no power to resist these wolves, these deceivers, these socialists and communists. They tried to steal your nation from you, O children of Almighty God. So arise, arise, arise, resist, resist, resist because I am with you. Truth is coming in to completely heal, unite and restore and bless this great nation again. I will expose and remove the wolves among you. I will show the truth of your real history and your real heritage. It will be told and a love for this nation will grow once again. A freedom will be restored and unity will grow stronger and your enemies are terrified now. So shout louder and fight back more. My United States is coming alive in me and it will see my glory and my blessing is returning because my children are returning to me, saith the Lord.

Carheart will be in your news for a surprising reason. The banking system will be in your news for a shocking reason. I am showing you how they have manipulated the stock market, inflation, the interest rates to bring in a global currency to further you into a greater bondage in slavery as well. That system is coming down before you.

France, a great shaking is about to take place in your land politically.

A great shaking to free you from the globalists and their agenda. Keep standing and resisting and turn to me, saith the Lord.

Anarchy, I say this word again will be in your news for a significant reason.

The World Economic Forum. I have infiltrated your camp and great exposure and explosive evidence is coming to destroy your narrative and your power over the nations. Many nations will resist and start to take their own nations back from your power and your globalist agenda. The nations are rebelling against you and your chokehold you’ve had on them. The World Economic Forum, I am dismantling you and your power over this world that I have created. Your globalist agenda is falling apart before your eyes and there is nothing you can do to stop it. You are over, your organization is over, your control is over, your power is over and everything you have done is over NOW, saith the Lord of hosts.

A world leader is about to suddenly die.

A President will collapse, a judge will fall, a banker will be arrested, a governor will step down, a senator will be exposed, a high ranking Representative will walk away. My children, the fall of the globalists is here, the fall of the establishment is here, the fall of the wicked is here. It’s time for the things that change all over this world, for your freedoms, for justice to be served and nothing will stop my hand from delivering you from this mess you see before you. Stay in my word and stay with me and you will see me and my glory flow and restore you in everything that has been yours. Celebrations are coming because I’m here to save you from it all, saith the Lord, your Redeemer.

Julie Green Commentary

Now again, what is the Lord saying? Of course he’s talking about exposures, he’s talking about the fall of the enemy. Time and time again, God has told us through these prophetic words that it is not time for the tribulation in the book of Revelation, it is not time. Your enemies have tried to make their agenda go quicker. They wanted their globalist agenda now, it is not time. It is time for God’s will, it is time for God’s glory, it is time for revival, it is time for the refreshing, it is time for the arising and awakening of the body of Christ in this earth. It is time for God’s people to wake up, get up, stand up and start to shout and start to take back what rightfully belongs to us. It is not time for the globalist agenda, it’s not time for that yet. They’re trying to speed up time so they can cause more chaos but remember God’s will is always going to be done. What we’ve seen is a foreshadowing of the book of Revelation, a foreshadowing of the globalists and their agenda and what they’re going to do. They’re going to do even greater in the book of Revelation. This is not hell on earth, even though it may feel like it sometime but this is not that time. In the book of Revelation, it talks about God’s wrath, that’s God’s wrath against enemies of Almighty God. Now he’s talking about judgment, two different things, judgment and wrath. God also says his children are not appointed to wrath. And so in this time that we’re living in, he’s saying the globalists are falling because it’s time for the church to arise. It’s not time for the globalists, it’s not their time, it’s time for the church. I want to go over a few scriptures with you, okay? Because in this time where things are going to look worse, in this time where things are going to be uncomfortable, remember he’s been giving us all these un words, UNcomfortable, UNsettling, UNprecedented, UNconventional and UNusual, that was it. And so when he’s been giving us all of these words, he’s been telling us and warning us about what’s to come, then he’s also been giving us the ability to prepare. He’s been strengthening us, he’s been giving us more truth and more revelation knowledge. And so when this things come to pass, we will be prepared for this things this year. Remember God said 2024 is a year we’ve been waiting for. And so we’ve been waiting for breakthroughs. We’ve been waiting for all these things, but he also said it’s going to look worse before it’s going to get better. In this time where things may, well not may, they will get worse. It will look like for the world, not for us, not for the stone of Almighty God, God’s been talking about that, of this great separation and a great awakening in the body of Christ. I want to show you something. In Psalm, I did a while back, had a teaching on all of Psalm 23. I don’t remember which one that was because I obviously did this five days a week, plus when I teach on weekends. So I don’t remember exactly when it was, but I remember he did in a very extensive teaching on Psalm 23, it was an awesome teaching. But for the sake of time, I will not be able to go through all of Psalm 23, but I would tell you to study Psalm 23, okay? Because God is showing us that he is everything that we need. And even in the first verse, Psalm 23, it says, The Lord is my shepherd to feed, to guide, and to shield me, I shall not lack. He’s here to shield. Look, my shepherd to feed, to guide, and to shield me. He’s our shepherd and we shall not lack. So when the globalist agenda is falling apart, when things are starting to shake and everything that can be shaken will be shaken, God’s been talking about his silence, he’s been talking about a great awakening, he’s been talking about a shaking, he’s been talking about all these different things that are gonna go on. He’s talking about a wild ride, brace for impact, all these different things. And he’s saying in this time, remember, he’s our shepherd. To lead, to guide, to protect, and to shield. And you can see what he did, again, in the book of Exodus, you can see what he did with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. And I say these things all the time because these were great examples in the Bible of what God does when his children are facing great adversity when they’re facing death, when they’re being surrounded by their enemy and there’s no way out, there’s no way of escape. He shows you what he does in all these different examples, in all these different ways the enemy tries to destroy God’s people. God shows you in all these different ways what he does is show up and to deliver and set his people free. Look what it says in Psalms 23 and verse four. Again, I would suggest you to read all of Psalms 23. It’s an amazing chapter, I love it. All right, but it says, Psalms 23 and verse four, Yes, though I walk through the deep, sunless valley of the shadow of death, I will fear or dread no evil for you are with me, your rod to protect and your staff to guide and they comfort me. So again, he’s saying even though we’re walking through the sunless valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. Why would we not fear any evil? When evil’s running rampant and it’s all over the place and it looks like the wicked ones are in control, why would we fear? Because he is with us to lead, to guide, to shield. He’s there to feed us, lead us and guide us and protect us. That’s what he’s there for. And so we just need to take God at his word and say, okay, Lord, all these things are going on across the world. You see what the globalists are doing, you see what the Washington establishment is doing, you see whatever country you’re watching from and whatever your government is doing that’s out of control ’cause he’s mentioned a lot of governments and a lot how they are rogue and tyrannical and they’re out of control and they’re falling down. So if you are in this nation or any other nation, but you see all these things go on, remember who shields, remember here, the Lord is my shepherd to feed, guide, shield me and I shall not lack. And so when everything’s all confusing, you shall not lack the word of God, the power of God, the protection of Almighty God, the deliverance of Almighty God, his healing power, nothing, we shall lack nothing. I also wanna read another thing before I move on. Psalm 91. Psalm 91 in verse one. He who dwells in the secret place of the most high shall remain stable, fixed under the shadow of the Almighty whose power no foe can withstand. So God is with us. We know that, he’s there to lead, to guide, to protect, to feed, to shield us. He is there and if he’s there doing all of these things, he’s there, he says, whose power no foe can withstand. We have the greater one, 1 John 4, four. I say this all the time because he wants to remind you all the time that the greater one is on the inside of you, the he that’s in the world. God’s power is on the inside of you that no power and no foe can withstand that power. And so you have the power of Almighty God, you’re speaking the words of Almighty God, you have the blood covenant with Almighty God, you have the name of Jesus, no foe can withstand that power. And we remind ourselves of this, okay? Let’s read verse two, Psalm 91 verse two. I will say to the Lord, he is my refuge and my fortress, my God on him I will lean and rely and him I confidently trust. So when all these things are going on, remember we’re on the shadow of the most high God, we’re under his protection. And if we’re under his protection, then no foe can withstand him. No foe can withstand God’s power. Verse three, then he will deliver you from the stare of the fire and from the deadly pestilence. So when they’re talking about disease acts and they’re talking about a stupid zombie virus or whatever they’re talking about, when they’re talking about all these things, you say, well, it says right here in your word, Lord, right here, your word is not returned to you avoid. Isaiah 55 verse 11, your word is not returned to you avoid. And you say right here in your word, you will deliver me from the stare of the fire and from any deadly pestilence. And sickness and disease or viruses is part of deadly pestilence. Well, you said you will deliver me from that. So I thank you that 1000 may fall, one side and 10,000 are and will not come near me and will not come near my and my family members. I thank you, Father God, no matter what happens in this earth, no matter how much destruction my enemies cause that shall not come near me because you deliver me. That’s how you pray. You give God his word back. His word, Isaiah 55, 11, does not return to him void. Instead of complaining about everything that’s going on and saying, God, this is happening, this is happening, this is happening, this is happening, that’s not prayer. Say, Lord, your word says, I’m taking you at your word. Your word says, you’re gonna deliver me. Your word says, you’re gonna protect me. Your word says, you’re gonna guide me. Your word says, you’re gonna lead me and shield me. I thank you, Father God, that I will be delivered from any of these things and they will not touch me. They will not harm me because it is written. Remember when Satan tried to come against Jesus, when he was fasting those 40 days and Satan tried to come in and he said that, I just lost my train of thought. He said, hold on a minute. Lord, bring it back. Okay, I know the point he was getting at though. And, hold on. I know the point now. He brought it back to me, I knew he would. Okay, it says in Matthew 4, when Jesus was, when Satan tried to come up against Jesus, Jesus said, what? It is written. That’s the point I was getting at. Thank you, Lord, for bringing that back. He said right here in Matthew chapter four and verse one, then Jesus was led to the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. And when he had fasted for 40 days and 40 nights afterward, he was hungry. Well, obviously that’s a long time to not eat anything. In verse three, now when the tempter came to him and he said, if you are the son of God, command these stones become bread. Verse four, but he answered and said, it is written. So when the enemy comes to tempt us, to deceive us, to get us, remember he deceives, he distracts and he destroys. So what do we do when the tempter comes? Jesus is our example. In Matthew chapter four, what did he say? It is written. So when we are standing against the enemy and we’re standing against all this, the stuff that’s going on in the world, and we’re saying, okay, Lord, it is written. And then you’re saying to the enemy, it is written. The sword of the spirit, it says the word of God, it’s a weapon. You got to use it offensively and defensively. Now it says verse four, Matthew four, four, but he answered and said, it is written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. That’s why it’s so important to know what is written. That’s why it’s so important to say what is written. That’s why it’s so important to declare what is written, because that’s how we don’t live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God, we be living, we need to lead our lives by the written word of God. We need to lead our lives by the written word of God. So go back to Psalm 91, all right? And then it says in verse four, then he will cover you with his opinions and under his wings you shall trust and find refuge. His truth and his faithfulness are his shield and buckler. Verse five, here’s another one, it says, but you shall not be afraid of the terror of night nor the error, the evil plots that slanders or the wicked that flies by day. Verse six, he’s saying pestilence again. Get that word down the inside of you, ’cause that means viruses, diseases, infections, no matter what it is. Nor the pestilence that stalks in darkness, nor the destruction and sudden death that surprise that lay waste at new day. So we’re not supposed to be afraid at night and we’re not supposed to be afraid during the day. We’re not supposed to be afraid at all. Why? Verse seven, a thousand may fall at your side and 10,000 at your right hand, but it shall not come near you. Verse eight, only a spectator shall you be, yourselves inaccessible in the secret place of the Most High as you witness the reward of the wicked. That’s judgment. Then verse nine, because you have made the Lord your refuge, the Most High your dwelling place, verse 10, there shall no evil befall you, nor any plague or calamity come near your tent. Read Psalm 91, Psalm 23, Psalm 91. I just read you about how Jesus stopped the tempter, how he stopped the deceiver, how he stopped the thief by the written word of God. And that’s why every day in so many times I’ve told you, don’t take my word for it. You write down these scriptures and the team puts it in the comments, or they put it in the description box. All these different scriptures, read them, get this revelation on the inside of you. Get to know who God is and what you should expect him to do in the times of trial, the times of distress, the times of darkness. He’s telling me to turn to another scripture. Isn’t God so good? He leads us in everything we need every day. He shows us exactly what we have to know. That’s why it’s so important for me when I’m here in my office or when I’m gone, that you have these words, not my words, his words, that you have this encouragement and this revelation. That’s why I do what I do. It is for you, because God’s love for you. And he wants you to have these on a daily basis. And I told him I would do whatever I need to do for his kingdom and for his children. I would do it. All right, John 16, 33. Remember, when you’re seeing all this stuff happen, John 16, 33, I’ve told you these things so that in me you may have perfect peace and confidence. In the world you may have tribulation, trials and stress, and frustration, then he says, but be of good cheer. Take courage, be certain, undaunted, for I have overcome the world, I have deprived it of its power to harm you, and I have conquered it for you. If we’re under the shadow of the Almighty, and remember, he’s our protector, he’s our guide, he’s our shepherd, he’s our advocate, he’s our standby, he’s our fortress, he’s our strong tower, he’s all these different things. And he’s saying right here, you’re gonna have all this craziness going on in the world. He said, but be of good cheer. Take courage, be confident, and certain, and undaunted, for I have overcome the world, I have deprived it of its power to harm you, and I have conquered it for you. How many scriptures has he given to us how he has destroyed the power of the wicked one against you? A lot. He’s given us a lot of those. And he’s told us where the power belongs, the power belongs in the children of the Messiah God. That’s why it’s now time for the church to awaken, it’s now time for the church to take God’s authority, it’s now time for us to do what God has always intended for the body of Christ to do. Align with the head, and show the greater signs that Jesus said, he said you’re gonna do greater work than I, ’cause I go to my Father. It’s now that time to show those miracles and signs in the waters, and show the world that light in the midst of darkness, to show the world life, and God’s blessing, and God’s goodness, and that he is still a healer, that he is still a Redeemer, that he is still a provider, that he is still, that everything that we need. And this is what we need to know. And this is what we need, not only do we need to know ourselves, but this is what we need to show the world. We need to show the world these things. Now, I’m gonna go back over this prophetic word. This is the first paragraph. It’s called, it’s a time for the fall of the globalists and their agenda. I heard this on January 18th. Turn of Almighty God, wake up to the truth, as I show you the proof of every lie, the wicked, in every one of their schemes. He’s telling us to wake up to the truth. What is the truth? That he sets us free. What is the truth? That we have power, we have authority, we have dominion upon this earth, and we have more power than all the power that the enemy possesses and nothing shall in any way harm you. Luke 10, 19, amplified version, classic amplified version. And if you know that wake up to the truth, God is giving us his truth. And when he’s giving us his truth, he’s giving us freedom because God’s truth sets us free. And then he says, I’m gonna show you the proof. Of course, he didn’t expose everything because he even says in his word, nothing that is hidden will not be known. It’s Luke 8, he also says it again in Luke 12. He says every lie, well, we know every lie is gonna be revealed in every one of their schemes. So every lie, the wicked, in every one of their schemes, their plans and their plots against you, I will show you everything they have done to you. Well, of course God is. And he says, I will show you every person, I will show you every government, every law, all the injustice, I will show you where they have hidden things, where they destroyed things. So where they hidden them, hidden the evidence, where they thought they destroyed the evidence that they tried to get rid of forever, or forever to get rid of. So they just, so where they hid the evidence, where they destroyed it and thought they got rid of it forever. And he’s saying, no, they didn’t. Then he says, I will show you my power and my love, my justice, my judgment against your enemies. I will show you all that’s been stolen from you. They stole your freedoms, they stole your nations, they stole your children, they stole your peace. Now he’s mentioning all these things. They stole your money, they stole your health, they stole your faith, they stole your strength, they stole your unity, they stole your churches and my truth, they twisted it and changed its meaning to enslave you even more. They put shackles and chains on you and completely took over everything in your lives. My children wake up and come alive in me and take it all back. Well, how do we wake up? First of all, we wake up by getting into the word of God and saying what the word of God says. We come alive, we come alive in God because the more we spend time with Him, the more there’s refreshing from the effects of the heat. You can find that in Acts chapter three and verse 21. God restores us, God heals us, God gives us strength, God gives us life, God gives us blessing, everything we need and then He says, my children wake up, come alive in me and take it all back. Take what all back? He mentioned everything that has been stolen from you and He’s saying take it all back. How do we take it all back? By saying it is written, by speaking the word of God, declaring the word of God, believing and trusting in what the word of God says more than what you see, believing in God before you receive it. That’s what our part, is to walk by faith and not by sight. Another paragraph. I promise you I’m restoring a life unto you you didn’t know existed. A life you didn’t know could be so good. I’m absolutely good and I will show you how much mercy, grace and power is upon you like never before. Now people say that’s too good to be true. Well, I’m sure the Israelites thought that on their way from Egypt to the Promised Land. He was showing them a life that they didn’t know existed. They were in bondage, slavery, they were in hell on earth. And He was showing you, not only are you gonna be free, but you’re gonna be a land with more than enough. No one’s gonna control what you’re eating, no one’s gonna control how much you work or what you do and what you don’t do. It was a life that they didn’t know existed. This is scriptural. God has shown us this time and time and time again. And it says in His Word in Ephesians 3. 20 that He does exceedingly abundantly more than we can ask or think. ‘Cause He does. Then He says, next paragraph, this is that time to resist. What are you resisting? The pressure to give up and quit, the pressure to give in to their deception, their lies, their trickery, the schemes, their plots and plans, and believing in them and everything that they’re doing more than what God says He’s gonna do. Where do you have? You need to resist the devil, James 4.7, and he must flee. Resist the lies, resist that temptation, say it is written, Satan, it is written right here in James 4. 7, I resist you and you must flee from me and everything you have against me. It says in God’s Word, it is written in Isaiah 54 or 17. No up and forming against me shall prosper. That’s why it’s so important for a child of the Almighty God to know the Word of God, to get that Word down in your heart to be able to resist, to be able to stand, to be able to fully awaken and be in the army of the Lord and fight that good fight of faith. This is the time to resist, this is the time to get up now because this is the time to take back everything that they have done against you. No longer can they keep it or keep you. So arise now in my Word and with my authority, and you will see what all I have for you in this time, Sayeth the Lord. Now again, if you know, it says in Galatians 1, 26 or 28, that God has given you complete authority and dominion in this earth, then why would so many people give up what’s rightfully theirs to the enemy and let the enemy have authority over you or your family or your situation? Why does that happen? Hosea 4, 6 says that God’s children are destroyed for lack of knowledge. If they don’t have the knowledge of the authority that God has given them, the knowledge of the blood covenant, the authority of the name of Jesus, that God has given us complete authority and dominion, if you don’t know these things, so then Satan comes, then he’s able to use these weapons against you and he can prosper against you. Again, it’s so important to know the Word of God. And again, he’s saying arise. Well, he’s given us ability to arise. Before I go on with this prophetic word, he’s given me another scripture. In Isaiah 60, Isaiah 60 and verse one. Arise. Now, if God is telling you, not only prophetically, and his prophetic words to arise, ’cause he’s said it many times, he’s telling us to arise prophetically, and then he also said it in his word, well, then he’s given you the ability to arise. God’s not gonna tell you something that you can’t do. And people say, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t, yes, you can. Get the I can’t out of your vocabulary and shut the devil up and say, I can do all things. I can arise. I can, and I am fully awakened. That’s how we fight the good fight of faith. So Isaiah chapter 60, verse one. Arise from the depression and prostration and what circumstances have kept you. Rise to a new life. Shine, be radiant with the glory of the Lord. It’s the glory of the Lord, is what helps you arise. The glory is God’s manifest his presence, his power, and his goodness. And it says arise upon, sorry. Shine, be radiant with the glory of the Lord, for his light, your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. Okay, and then he says, verse two. For behold, darkness shall cover the earth and dense darkness all peoples, but the Lord shall arise upon you and his glory shall be seen on you. So his glory will arise in you in his light or his glory shall be seen on you. So we’re talking about all these things and you’re saying, well, the world is so dark, the world is so dark, the world is so dark. Well, God’s light on the inside of you should shine brighter than that darkness that you’re facing. And what does light do? Light destroys darkness. All right, next paragraph. O United States, there has been wolves. He mentions the word wolves a lot in this one paragraph. O United States, there has been wolves among you, wolves that have devoured, they’ve manipulated you, they have killed you, they have tried to lie regarding the beginning of this nation and how it was intended to be. They deceived you out of power, out of all of the freedoms. They brought you to your knees by stealing your religious freedoms and using that against you to weaken you. Look what he said is a key. Your enemy the devil knew he could never take this nation unless he destroyed the church. And deceive them with his doctrines, destroying my word and what it actually means. Stop right there. So what he did is first of all, he divided the body of Christ with all his denominations. He weakened the body of Christ, put him to sleep by the man-made doctrines, by changing what God’s word actually says and what it actually means. They said these wolves thickened this nation with their ideology, their beliefs while my church went to sleep and thought it had no power to resist these wolves, these deceivers, these socialists and these communists. They have tried to steal your nation from you, O children of Almighty God. And this is what he says three times, arise, arise, arise. Then he says, resist, resist, resist because I am with you. That’s how we can arise and that’s how we can resist because he’s in us. And the greater was on the inside of us and he that’s in the world. Okay, and also, okay, he’s bringing up another scripture. Thank you, Lord. He’s bringing up another scripture here. First John, first John five and verse one, first John five and verse one. Everyone who believes and adhere to and trust relies on the fact that Jesus is the Christ of Messiah, is born again, child of God. And everyone who loves the Father also loves the one born of him or his offspring. Jump down to verse four. For whatever is born of God is victorious over the world. And this is victory that has conquered the world, even our faith. So who is victorious over the world? Verse five. Who is it that victorious over the world, that conquers the world? But he who believes that Jesus is the son of God, who adheres to, trust in, relies on that fact. So why he’s saying all these things, he is exposing all these people, he’s destroying their agenda, he’s doing all these things and he says, listen, you’re victorious over this world, you’re victorious over these worlds, you’re victorious over the globalists and all their agenda and the Washington establishment and all these people. Why? Because you believe in Jesus Christ. He’s made you victorious over the world because you’re trusting in Jesus Christ and what he’s done for you. Now he says in the next paragraph, truth is coming and to completely heal, unite, restore and bless this great nation. I will expose and remove the wolves among you. He’s mentioned wolves again. I will show you the truth of your real history, your real heritage and it will be told and a love for this nation will grow once again. A freedom will be restored, a unity will grow stronger. Your enemies are terrified now. So shout louder and fight back more. My United States is coming alive in me and it will see my glory. My blessing is returning because my children are returning to me, sayeth the Lord. Why is America coming alive? Why is it returning to him? Because he says my children are returning to me. People kick God out of their lives. They kick God out of the governments. They kick God out of churches. They kick, seriously, religion did. They kick God out of schools. They kick God out of our justice department and all of the form of our government at all. They kick him out and his hand had to come off and that’s why we have the tyrannical government and the rogue government and justice, looks like justice is not being served and all this crazy stuff is going on around the world because people turned away from God and now people are turning back. People are praying like never before. Then he says Carhartt will be in your news for a surprising reason. Then the banking system will be in your news for a shocking reason. He talked about the banking system a lot. He says I’m showing you how they have manipulated the stock market, inflation and the interest rates to bring in a global currency to further you into a greater bondage in slavery as well. That system is coming down before you. So this global currency is going to be destroyed ’cause he talks about their global stock market. He said he’s destroying that. It’s a Babylonian system. It’s a system without God and they can easily manipulate it. All right, then he says France. A great shaking is about to take place in your land politically. A great shaking for your freedom. No, a great shaking to free you, sorry, from the globalists and their agenda. Keep standing and resisting and turn to me, Sayeth the Lord. So the United States is turning back to him. It’s turning back to God. Now he’s telling France, hey, there’s gonna be shaking politically in your country. Now when this shaking occurs, return to me. That’s what God is saying. Anarchy, I say this word again, it’ll be in your news for a significant reason. He’s mentioned that word several times. All right, now the World Economic Forum or the WEF. I have infiltrated your camp and a great exposure and explosive evidence is coming to destroy your narrative and your power over these nations. Many nations will resist and to start taking, they will start to take back their own nations from your power and your globalist agenda. The nations are rebelling against you and your chokehold you have had on them. The World Economic Forum, I’m dismantling you and your power over this world I’ve created. Your globalist agenda is falling apart before your eyes and there is nothing you can do to stop it. You are over, your organization is over, your control is over, your power is over, everything you have and done is over now, Sayeth the Lord. So the World Economic Forum is full of a whole bunch of globalists and their agenda. They’re meeting Davos every year and they think of what, you know, they’re the smartest people, they can do whatever they want, they can say whatever they want, they can change everything however they want. You know who they were terrified more this year than any other time? President Trump. They should be more terrified of God. They should be terrified of Trump because God’s with him. They should be terrified of God Almighty. They just don’t think he exists. They’re gonna find out though. Then he says, a world leader is about to suddenly die, a President will collapse, a judge will fall, a banker will be arrested, a governor will step down, a senator will be exposed. So what I was telling you is then a high ranking representative will walk away. My children, the fall of globalists is here, the fall of their establishment is here, the fall of the wicked is here and it’s time for things to change all over this world. For your freedoms, for justice to be served and nothing will stop my hand from delivering you from this mass you see before you. Nothing will stop it. Just like Pharaoh and those men could not stop God, King Nebuchadnezzar couldn’t stop God, the king that threw Daniel and the lion’s den couldn’t stop God, nothing stops God. The people behind the Walls of Jericho, all those people in Jericho, they couldn’t stop the power of God. Who says, stay in my word, stay with me and you will see me and my glory flow and restore you everything that has been yours. Celebrations are coming because I’m here to save you from it all, sayeth the Lord your Redeemer. And of course you can go and look up, there’s tons of scriptures that I didn’t even get to today that talk about that how God delivers us out of everything. You know, Psalms 34, 17 and 19, the Lord hears the cries of his people and he delivers them out of it all. All means all, he means everything. And so no matter what you’re seeing before you, no matter what is going on in your own life, God promises, members say, it is written, give it the scriptures back to God. Say, God, your word is not returned to you void. You said you will deliver me out of it all. And I expect, I thank you, Father God, I’m delivered out of every single circumstance, every test, every trial, every adversity, all sickness and disease, all change and affliction, all damage that’s been done, no matter what it is, I receive that I am being delivered out of it all now in Jesus’ name. That’s how you roar, that’s how you stand. And that’s what you do is you’re giving God back his written word, and you’re also giving it to your adversary and you’re using it, saying it is written, it is written. Written, it is written, no weapon. No matter what you’ve done, no weapon formed against me shall prosper in Jesus’ name. I am redeemed from the curse, Galatians 3 and 13 and 14. I am the head, not the tail, the bubble, and not beneath. That’s in Deuteronomy 28. All these things, you speak the written word of God. And also, if the enemy says you can’t, you say, I can. It is written, Philippians 4 and 13, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Big difference in how you speak, how you pray, is speaking the words of God. If that’s all you speak, speak the word of God. If you don’t know how to pray, God will show you how through his word. We’ll hope to encourage you. I wanna pray over each and every one of you. Heavenly Father, right now in Jesus’ name, I thank you that it is a great revelation on the inside of your people, the power of these words, it is written, that they know that you are a bloody covenant-keeping God, that your words will not fail, that you will not fail them, that defeat is not a part of their future, that you’ve already drawn them out of the darkness of this world, that you’ve already brought our enemy to nothing. Father God, let that be so real on the inside of them that you brought our enemy to nothing and to make no effect. You have disarmed him in Colossians 2 and 15. You made him no effect, made him to nothing in Hebrews 2 and 14. You’ve drawn us out of the darkness of this world, Colossians 1 and 13. Father God, we thank you that we are in this world, but we are not of it. John 17, 13 through 17. We are not of this world. We’re not taking part of any judgment. We’re not taking part of any pestilence. We’re not taking part of any economic downturn. We’re not taking part of any darkness because we are the light. We are the light and the light. We thank you, Father God, we are the salt and the light into this world. You have commanded us to be a salt and a light, and so we are. We thank you, Father God, that we will walk by faith and walk by sight. You’ve given us the ability to do it. We thank you for all that you have done, Father God, and all that you are doing. We love you, and we thank you in Jesus’ name. Amen and amen. That’s how you give the word back to Almighty God. Stand on his word and stand with him. Well, I hope this encourages you today. Please like, subscribe, and share, and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs to hear the truth because the truth will set you free. God loves you, I love you. God bless you, and have a wonderful day.


This kind of farmers rebellion is happening in Netherlands, France Germany Scotland Spain Rumania.

Its in response to obviously genocidal policies outlawing the production of food akin to the Holodomor in 1932 where Bolsheviks starved 6 million Ukrainian farmers to death. EU and UN openly state 90pc of the population will be dead by 2030. They are going to kill you. They don’t hide this.

Here is how farmers are responding with their whopping big tractors.

One of the best speakers on the NET explains this. Subscribe to this fellow Jeff Taylor if you want the best ringside commentary of Gods EU collapse

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