Searchable transcript for the Serious

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[ Music ] >> Goood uh Morning, Everybody. Today is Monday, February 19th of 2024, and I want to thank you once again for joining today’s live show, and I also want to thank each person who’s putting prophecy to fulfill in the comment section. I appreciate each and every one of you for doing that. I do check that every morning. I also seen in the chat this morning, while I was praying, I seen that there is truckers that are apparently in New York City that are doing some stuff to stop supplying New Yorkers with things, the boycotting, I guess you’d say boycotting. So again, the Lord said, it was some time ago, actually, there was a couple of prophecies that the Lord gave. There’s one in October 2nd of 2023, and it’s called a Resistance is growing, and that’s what that reminds me of. When you see the truckers boycotting for President Trump, I think of resistance. And there was another prophecy on August 30th of 2022, a resistance is growing across the world. So two different ones about resistance, but there’s been a lot of prophecies that have had resistance in them, and the resistance is growing. And that’s why we all have to be on the same page and praying and decreeing and declaring what the word of God is saying for this very day, this very hour. And we’re not supposed to grow weary. And if we do, what we’re supposed to do is get into the presence of the Lord. We’re supposed to get into that word, that word will bring us joy, and that joy brings us strength because the joy of the Lord is our strength. So that is what we need to be doing. And so everything that is going on in this world today, everything that’s going on in this nation, it doesn’t matter. There is a prophecy, part of this prophecy is explosive prophecy. There is a lot of things being revealed, but God brings up people and what they have done against God’s people. And especially there was somebody who just did something against President Trump that the Lord had actually given me this prophecy on the 10th of February, so it was nine days ago. I knew what that outcome was going to be when the Lord was giving this prophecy to me about Judge Engron. So I will show that to you, but I knew what was going to happen. And the Lord was giving him a very direct warning of what’s about to happen to him. So all right, now I’m excited to give this prophecy to you again. There are so many. Now I am leaving tomorrow afternoon for a prayer retreat with the prayer team to pray regarding the body of Christ and the state that it’s in and also what’s going on around our nation, what’s going on around the world. So we are going into a retreat and we are going to be praying on behalf of this nation, on behalf of President Donald Trump, behalf of the world, behalf of what’s going on and what the enemies are trying to do this year. Remember God said they want to try to do 10 years worth of junk against us in this year. And so again, God is revealing to us to set aside time to get away with him and to pray. So that’s the reason why you’re not going to see me. I have prerecording for you and I’m also, some of these prerecords that I’ve already done, I worked all weekend and I’m going to continue to work. I did another one this morning before this live show. You will not go a day, no matter how long I’m gone. I think it’s like, you know, two, three weeks or whatever that I’ll be gone, but there are days you will see me. I am going to have, uh, I’ll be posting some of these prerecords for a live show, even though I’ve already prerecorded them. I’ll post some of these for a live show. So every morning on this channel and on Facebook, and I think we’re on, I think Twitter or X right now live, um, check every day, six 30, either you’re going to get a prerecording or you’re going to get a live stream that’s prerecorded, but I’ll make sure, cause I know that there are so many of you that have this community. You talk to people every day in the chats and that’s the only type of people that you can talk to that are agreement with you. So I felt in my heart, it was really important that I’m going to be gone in so many different places that I wanted you guys to make sure that you guys still had that community and that encouragement with each other. So I will have some of these aired as lives live show. Um, next week I will be on, I’m going to get off a plane, I’m going to run to a hotel and I’m going to get on with pastor Dave. So I’ll still commit pastor Dave next Wednesday, not this Wednesday, but next week I will be on live next Thursday on these channels, not this Thursday, next one with a live show. I will be on next Tuesday, uh, with a live show. So tomorrow, today and tomorrow I will be here in my office the rest of the week. I will have live streams for you, but I won’t actually be in my office Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, but I’m posting this, these, this prophecy and this extensive teaching regarding this prophecy as live streams. So every day this week there will be a live stream for you. Okay. Even though I’m leaving tomorrow afternoon, I still want to make sure that they’re live streams for you. So I just want to, I’ve never been gone for this long at one time. Okay. I only have one day in between all these different days I’ll be gone. And so it’s very, very busy, but I also want to make sure that you guys receive this encouraging word. I worked all weekend long to get, there’s extensive teachings and prophecies regarding some of these teachings that the God has given to you. And I want to make sure I got these out. So I’m, I’m, I’m very excited for you guys to hear these. It was exciting me. It was exciting me over the weekend, uh, doing these, what God revealed this to me to give to you. So you’re not going to be without, even though I’m not here physically, you’re not me without, but every day this week you will see a live stream. Uh, Mondays will be a prerecord and then Tuesday I will be live streaming again. And then I will keep you updated on when these are going to go live, but keep watching. All right. Every day, because there’s something every day, whether they’re live streamed or whether they’re prerecorded, there’s something for you every day. I just know how important it is for you guys all to, you know, keep your friendships while I’m gone. And I knew it was really important to you. All right. So if it’s important to you, it’s important to me. All right. So this one, this prophecy today, now again, this is explosive, but this one is something that I was excited when I heard it and I’m excited to give it now. I will go over a lot of scriptures with you and a lot of insight on what God has given to me, uh, with this one is called the THE FALL OF THE BIDEN IS HERE Now he’s given us prophecies back, I think in 2022 and 2023 the fall of Biden, the fall of the Biden is near, and this one,
The Fall of the Biden is clear. The fall of Biden is here. This fall will be like no other fall of a so called President. For I, the Lord will show great vengeance, vindication and judgment upon everyone who has taken part in the stealing of my nation. Not only will the Biden fall, but he will be also be exposed to the world on WHO HE REALLY WAS, and WHO IS BEING REMOVED This is a great time for unusual things to take place. Unprecedented, more unconventional. The fall of the Biden is clear. The fall of the swamp, the fall of the deep state, the fall of the Washington establishment, the fall of the corporate media, the fall of corporate America, the fall of the globalists and their control all over this nation. Get ready, children of Almighty God, this movie playing before you is almost over and the ending will be very clear who each person was that had their hands in the hijacking of this nation. The fall of the Biden is clear, but so is the fall of every person, person handling the puppet strings. The great fall, the corporation that held you in great bondage and great captivity will be dissolved by me and you will see a great victory.
Your enemies of this nation and of your freedoms right now are in great panic because their puppet is falling apart before their very eyes and they cannot control the Biden any longer. They know he will not make it to the next election. I told you to watch the news media and as they turn on him, you will know that’s a sign of them letting him go. I am warning you my children, great distractions are coming. Distractions that keep your eyes off of them and how they will switch puppets without any problem from the public. they think, They will try to cause more chaos to keep your eyes of what they’re really doing to try and stay in power.
They cannot lose this next election because they know it will end them and all their plans, no longer can they get away with that. They can’t get away with what they have done to this nation, excuse me. Their money trails have been found. Their bribes dirty deals will be exposed and heard by the world. They know Treason will be their end and the crimes they’ve committed will not go unpunished. They are petrified of this scenario. It cannot happen. They are going to take desperate measures they normally would not take, and that is how they will make mistakes one right after another. This is the Fall of the Biden but all of them will fall who had part in these crimes committed to stay in power and in control of this great nation.
My children its all about to be very clear who WINS. This nation belongs to me and it’s not your enemies to destroy. Explosion after explosion is coming of proof and what is the truth And your enemies will fall before your eyes and they will not be able to keep up this charade any longer. These are the days for giants to fall. The mighty giants will fall and this mighty nation will be restored, sayeth the Lord.
The Atlantic Ocean will become very active. Many things will be seen and many things are about to take place. A mighty enemy will try to raise their ugly head against you O United States but watch how far they try to come and they will fail.
The days of Haman are here and it will be very clear. Listen for the name Hannity. Shocking news reports and shocking revelation and it will be clear who is on your side and who is not. It’s the time governors are being exposed. Governors and all who are with them hiding in plain sight trying to destroy your nation and your freedoms. Governors against this nation are about to fall like flies.
The political system in this nation is about to shake in ways you’ve never seen O United States. The rats are being exposed, the wolves are being unmasked, the snakes and their deception will be revealed and truth will destroy them and how they tried to hide behind their lies. Lies can no longer keep your enemies safe because a great judgment has started to be seen but great judgment will be their end. Lies, lies, lies, they will cry and try to cover them up one after another but videos are coming along with audio recordings, emails, documents and text messages including phone records. Nothing will stop the next whistleblower and they will crush the head of the snake in Washington D.C.
My children, their rule and reigning in this great nation is coming to an end. There’ll be nothing they can do to stop this because they can’t stop me, sayeth the Lord.
Major whistleblowers, a major CIA whistleblower are coming that they will tear the agency and the narrative apart.
What is coming for the director of the CIA? Bill Burns your lies are catching up with you and your fall is near. Nothing will stop this exposure, explosive information and exposing you on all you have done and every director before you. That was against my nation. Judgment is hitting the CIA like never before and all the secrets will be revealed for the world to see.
Christopher Wray, a whistleblower is coming for you. You will also not stay where you are and this will be clear. The FBI is being cleaned out by me, sayeth the Lord. A great fallout is about to take place. They can’t recover from.
Judge Engoron, ($355 million fine for Trump) truth is coming for you. A whistleblower is exposing you and proof on who is paying you and who is pulling your puppet strings. Your time as judge is coming to an end. You are reaping what you are sowing against my David. My children hold on because drastic measures are being taken. Your enemies are going to throw many things at you to destroy this country once and for all. But stand with me and you will have your victory because I am your victory. So there is nothing to fear and that will be very clear, sayeth the Lord, your Redeemer.
Julie Commentary
So one of the things that the Lord, and I’ll point out this again with Judge Engoron, no matter any trial and no matter how they have ruled, remember this, God will always have the final say because God is the judge over all the earth. And when justice is not being served by man, justice will be served by God. And so God has been warning, he’s been saying for the last several months about all these indictments against President Trump and how they would all fall apart. Some look like they’ve gone in the right direction for the enemy. But God is saying it’s not over. And so what we do when we wait between, when we’ve been praying, so between that amen when you’re done praying and that so be it. We have to stand our ground and realize that God is the one who will always have the final say and God will have his way. A lot of this as you’re seeing, as God has been saying this many times before in many different prophetic works, what you’re seeing is a movie playing out right in front of your eyes with many actors in place. And something he said about the Biden that I’m going to go back and reveal to you that if you may have missed it, he’s talking about two different people. And I’m going to show you that with Judge Engoron and any other judge that is ruled unjustifiably. The one with that EA Carol or whatever her name was. And these always other ones, we’re seeing what’s happening with the Fannie Willis. We’re going to see what’s going to happen with the Jack Smith because it’s falling apart. It’s not going to last.
Same thing with Alvin Bragg. Every single one of these people, God also gave me a prophetic word about the one who is against President Trump, that DA in um, New York, (Letitia James) something is going to come out regarding her and exposure for again, just like with Fannie Willis was doing with a DA in Georgia.
When they’re committing the crime and they’re trying to pin it on somebody else, when a thief has been caught, he has to give it back seven fold. It’s in Proverbs six and 31 and God keeps saying that these are the days of Haman. Well, if you look in the book of Esther and what happened with Haman, Haman had a plot to completely destroy the Jewish people. He wanted to murder and destroy all of them. He didn’t want anybody left. And when all of them bowed, but Mordecai Mordecai never bowed to Haman and it infuriated Haman. And so Haman decided one night he was going to build these gallows. And when he was building the gallows to hang Mordecai with, that was the same night that the King could not sleep because of him hearing the noise of those gallows being built. It kept him awake. And so he was looking through all of these, I don’t know if it was scribes or whatever they are. He was looking through all of these documents and he realized about this Mordecai, he read about this Mordecai who, um, told, uh, his guards about what people were going to try to do against them to overthrow him. And so he asked some of his people, Hey, was anything done to this man named Mordecai? Was he rewarded for him exposing or being a whistleblower and telling the plot against me? So the King may not have seen all this, but he was staying awake because the plan of Haman to try to destroy Mordecai and God intervened. And so long story short, Haman was exposed for the destruction of God’s people and what he was trying to do because Esther was a Jew and even at the time the King didn’t know. So Esther exposed him and then he was hung by the very gallows that he meant for God’s people, which he met for Mordecai, which was God’s child. So when the enemies try to do destruction and they will try to build something to hang you by or to destroy you or to annihilate you at that same time, Mordecai was building that. God had another plan. So the King had a plan to bless Mordecai. At the same time, the devil had a plan to kill Mordecai. Well whose plan came out in the end? Who won? Well, God. So it doesn’t matter what that judge just did because there’s other judges that are higher than him, you even have the appellate court, you had the Supreme court, those judges have more power than this judge. But at the same time, it’s like Fanny Willis and what she was doing, that DA, she is now being exposed. Watch the whole domino start falling on each and every one of them. Because again, just like Haman won, God, these are the days of Haman, whatever they have planned against God’s people is actually what’s going to happen to them. You will reap what you sow. Same thing with the Egyptians. When Pharaoh called out for the first born in Israel to die, it was actually what he was saying, it was going to be his judgment against his people. So what happened was with the angel of death, it was not the Israelites, the first born of the Israelites that died. Now again, this is what Pharaoh proclaimed. This is what he wanted. He was so angry that he wanted the first born of the Israelites to die, first born males to die. Well, then it actually, the angel of death with that judgment that struck Egypt that night with the angel of death, it was actually the first born of the Egyptians that died, not of God’s people. God protected them. He had them in the land of Goshen. It’s like God is revealing to us about what he’s doing for us, no matter what all falls apart. I just did a prophecy and a teaching before this one is for next Monday about what’s happening to the financial system and he gave us tons of illustrations in the Bible and a revelation about what happens even though the financial system will completely crumble and fall apart. But that’s their system. That is what they are doing and what they have used against God’s people and how even though they are being destroyed at the same time, God brings restoration. So don’t miss next Mondays as well. There’s tons of things. I’m telling you, things are becoming very explosive right now, explosive. I can feel it in the spirit. I can see it with how the prophecies are coming forward is things are exploding. I want to read to you something at the beginning of this prophecy. This is the second paragraph. Now I’m going to go over this whole thing, but I want you to see something in this prophecy.
Not only will the Biden fall, but he will also be exposed to the world who he really WAS and WHO is being removed.
Now if you guys don’t know, the Lord has been saying the Biden for years. He has not been calling him Joe and there’s a reason why he’s not calling him Joe. And yes, that may seem crazy, crazy to other people, but you know what? I had to go back over the weekend and watch the movie Dave. If you guys have not seen it, I think it was like back in 1994 or something. Remember they will always tell you what they’re going to do before they do it. Just watch that movie. I’m just going to give you that hint. Watch that movie. Things were not how they appear to be in that White House. Things did not appear to be how they were with the United States of America. It appeared one way, United States of America, that everything was normal and fine and it actually wasn’t behind the scenes. There is tons and tons and tons of things that the enemy does all the time, puts them in movies and TV shows. It’s like they’re blasting it out there and they’re laughing at us because we’re too stupid to figure it out. But God is revealing to us what’s really, truly going on. Things are not how they appear to be with the Resident in the White House. I didn’t say President. I didn’t use the word P. I didn’t have the letter P before that I said Resident. There’s things going on in the White House and in this prophecy also talked about how there was going to be great exposure.
A whistleblower is going to come out of the White House and expose about all these things that are going on in the White House regarding the Biden and again, who he really was. He’s talking about past tense and then he says, and who is being removed. That’s huge right there. Who he really was. He’s talking about Joe at that point and then who is being removed. He’s talking about the Biden, two different people. Now I want to read to you some scriptures here before I go back over this full prophetic word. This is important because there’s great revelation. This is explosive prophecy, but there’s things in this prophetic word that people have to realize when people say, well, that’s not true. That would never happen. You know, God doesn’t get involved in politics. You wanna bet ? God does get involved in politics and God does remove rulers. Unruly rulers. He does do that. He has many times in the Bible. Great example, an unruly ruler, what he was doing to God’s people was Pharaoh. That’s one. Go read the book of Exodus. Let’s also read, turn to Proverbs two and 22 and again, I’m going to go back over this prophetic word. This is a huge prophetic word and I want to go over it slowly. Proverbs two and 22. I have several scriptures here about the defeat of God’s, uh, enemy Proverbs two 22 says, but the wicked shall be cut off from the earth and the treacherous shall be rooted out of it. Now I want to read this out of another translation here. Hold on a second. You guys know I like to do this with Bible gateway when I’m studying. This is what I do because he’ll great. He’ll give great revelation and insight to you, not just reading one translation. If you do wrong and can never be trusted, you will be rooted out. If you do wrong and can never be trusted, you will be rooted out. Okay? Let’s look, let’s look this up, read it out, root it out, meaning find and get rid of a harmful or dangerous person or thing. I would say what they are doing. They are dangerous and they’re harmful to this nation, not just him, but everyone who’s with him. Like, this is, this is a, this is between good and evil. This is not just the Biden and you know, all of that party and you know, the Washington establishment. This is good and evil. This is a spiritual battle, but what does God say in that word? And Proverbs two 22 says, rooting out, what does that mean? Find and get rid of God will find obviously because he’s omnipotent, he’s everywhere. He knows the plans of the enemy. He knows who’s truly evil and who’s not, and he will root them out or get rid of. Here’s another scripture. Proverbs 14, 11 again, all prophecy, everything should go back and be confirmed by the word of God. Proverbs 14, 11 the house of the wicked shall be overthrown, but the tent of the upright shall flourish and read that again. The house of the wicked shall be overthrown, but the tent of the upright shall flourish. All right, let’s look this one up also. That was in the amplified, the classic amplified. Now I’m going to read this out of the C E V the C E V translation. The tent of a good person stands longer than the house of someone evil. Now I’m going to look up what it says when he says right here that he, the wicked will be overthrown. Let’s look up overthrown. This is a, this is the part where you don’t just, don’t just read scripture, dive in and do a study in his scriptures because they mean so much more than just reading it like a book. Lord has given great revelation inside these scriptures and inside his word and people just actually take time to study it and read it. Now overthrown means remove forcibly from power. So I’m going to read Proverbs 14, 11 again, the house of the wicked shall be removed forcibly from power. So again, when, when people say guys that do that, yes, he does. Let’s keep reading, um, go to, there’s so many scriptures right here. Go to Psalm 92, Psalm 92, write these, write these down. And um, if you’re driving in a car and you’re, you know, you can’t write these things down. I know the team does an amazing job. Thank you to all of our moderators. They do put all these scriptures in the description box later on and you’ll be able to see all the scriptures for today. Psalm 92 in verse seven, that though the wicked spring up like grass and all evildoers flourish, they are doomed to be destroyed forever. Psalm 92 in verse seven, that though the wicked spring up like grass and all evildoers flourish, it looks like they’re flourishing right now. It looks like they’re winning. But what does he say? He’s not done talking. They are doomed to be destroyed forever. Let’s read that one also out of the C E V translation. Psalm 92 in verse seven, though the wicked sprout and spread like grass, they’ll be pulled up by their roots. Well, if you pull up a weed by a root and you pull it all the way out, you’ll destroy it because there is nothing there in the ground to get it to be the spring forth up again. So it will be destroyed. Let’s keep reading. Proverbs 10. Let’s go back to the book of Proverbs again. Proverbs 10 29 the way of the Lord is strength and a stronghold to the upright, but is destruction to the workers of iniquity and read that again. The way of the Lord is strength and stronghold to the upright, but destruction to the workers of iniquity. All right, let’s see what iniquity means. All right, iniquity and it did inquiry. Hold on. I did it. I fat fingered it, so just give me a second. Iniquity immoral or grossly unfair behavior, immoral or grossly unfair behavior behavior. I would say that’s who is in control of, or think that they’re controlling this nation right now. Um, but what does God say about him? Proverbs 10 29 the way of the Lord is strength and stronghold to the upright, but it’s destruction to the workers of iniquity or people who are moral or grossly unfair behavior. All right, let’s read another one before I go back. Philippians 1 28. This is also in the New Testament people think, well, this is all Old Testament, so it doesn’t count to us. Yes, it does. Philippians 1 28 and do not for a moment be frightened or intimidated in anything by your opponents and your adversaries for such consistently and fearlessness will be a clear sign and proof and seal to them of their impending destruction, but a sure token and evidence of your deliverance and salvation and that from God. So what he’s saying right here is don’t be afraid of the people that are against you. Why? Because they will have their ultimate destruction and have we not read several different times about several different scriptures where God said that the enemies will be cut off. You’ll find that in the book of Psalm 37. Go to Psalms 37 Psalms 37 and it starts with verse seven. Be still and rest in the Lord. Wait for him. So again, do not fear. Be still and rest in the Lord. Patiently lean yourself upon him. Fret not yourself because of him who prospers in his way. A lot of people are getting upset because it looks like everything these people are doing, they’re getting away with it and God is saying that’s not scriptural. Then he goes on to say, because of man who brings wicked devices to pass. So what we’re supposed to do, we’re not supposed to get into fear. We’re supposed to hold on. We’re not supposed to be moved because these wicked devices and these evil doers are bringing things that are coming to pass. God is saying right here in verse eight, Psalm 37 verse eight, seize from anger, forsake wrath, fret not yourself, it tends only to do evil, evil doing. Verse nine for evil doers shall be cut off, but those who wait and hope and look for the Lord in the end shall inherit the earth. The evil doers will be cut off. Then it says verse 10 for yet in a little while and the evil doers will be no more. The evil doers will be no more. Though you look with care where they used to be, they will not be found. This is all scriptural and when people say that God does not go into and get involved with politics, if you have evil doers and you have people that are bringing wicked schemes to pass, I don’t care if they’re a politician or they’re not. Whatever they’re in and a line of duty of their work, if they’re evil doers or bringing wicked schemes to pass, God said they’re going to be cut off and where you used to see him, they will be no more. The same thing that he said in the book of Exodus chapter 14 and he said to Moses to tell God’s people fear not for the ones that you see before you, for the enemies you see before you, you will see no more. And what happened? They didn’t see him anymore after that because they were destroyed by the Red Sea. Verse 12, Psalm 37 verse 12, the wicked plot against the uncompromising righteous with upright right standing with God, they gnash at them with their teeth. Verse 13, the Lord laughs at the wicked for he sees that their own day of defeat is coming. We should be laughing because their defeat is coming and not panicking and that’s what they’re saying. Julia, there’s nothing’s going to happen. Nothing’s happening. Yes, it is. We are seeing things happen on a daily basis, but we have to be making sure that we are steadfast. We have that anchor to our soul, which is the word of God and stand in that word, stand on the word and fight that good fight of faith, not to be moved by what we’re saying because the evil people that we see today, we will be seen no more because soon they’re going to be cut off. They’re going to be rooted out. They’re going to be removed. Another scripture, uh, Psalm 75 and verse seven, God is a judge over all the earth. He tears down one. He lifts up another. It talks about how God is the one. He is the ultimate judge. So you see a judge like judge Engoron Well, we should all be laughing because who is the ultimate judge God who will have the final say God will justice be served? Yes. It shouldn’t be a question. No matter what anyone does, if it’s contrary to the word of God, if it’s evil and they are wicked and they’re bringing evil schemes to pass, God will cut them off and He’ll root them out. He will remove them from their place of the power. We’ve seen plenty of people being removed from places of power recently, and then we’re going to continue to see people be removed from place of power and some people have, but it looks like nothing’s changed. Things that people have already been judged. Now I want to read something else before I go back over this prophetic word. I’m going to go back in detail over it. I got some time still. I’m just encouraging you don’t now again, there’s tons of teachings I’ve done over the weekend in depth teachings that you need to understand and know because we’re living in a very pivotal moment in time. It’s not just good enough for you to hear prophetic word and get encouraged for a few minutes that day or whatever. God is saying, no, don’t just hear the prophetic word, but the revelation that goes along with that to be an anchor to yourself. So when things are happening in your life or things are happening in your nation, you’re going to get a spring up out of you because out of the butt of the heart, the mouth speaks. God is getting these words on the inside of you so then when you speak it out, when things come to pass, when certain things are in your life, life and death situation, I took, there was a whole week, five day teaching in depth. God gave us many different scriptures in the Bible that I, again, I will be giving out while I’m gone about what to do in a life and death situation, what to do when all hope seems lost and it looks so impossible. Now the first words that you say in that situation count, okay, it counts and God’s revealing to us our words count. So what should our words be? Our words should be God’s words that come out of our mouth. God’s will that should come out of our mouth, not our own. Psalm 33 and verse 10, Psalm 33 and verse 10, the Lord brings a council of the nations to nothing. Now again, God is the one who has more power. He’s a most high God. He brings a Council of the nationS, not nation, nations to nothing and makes their plans of no effect. So he makes their plans and everything they’re planning against us to have no effect. Then he says the council of the Lord stands forever. So God’s council, his will stand forever, but the enemies won’t. The plans of his heart to all generation is to bless a nation whose God is the Lord. This is verse 12, the people he has chosen as his own inheritance. Those are the ones who will flourish and be blessed. All right, now I’m going to go over this prophetic word again. I’m gonna go over it slowly. This is the first paragraph. The fall of the Biden is clear. THE FALL OF THE BIDEN IS HERE This fall will be like no other fall of a so-called President. And the reason why he says this, if people are wondering, because he has, uh, you know, people call him that when you are not rightfully in a seat of power, I don’t care if it’s the President and the vice President, I don’t care if it’s a, uh, a Supreme court justice. I don’t care if it’s a CIA director or the FBI director, whoever they are. I don’t care their title if they didn’t get there rightfully, if they stole it from somebody else, they don’t have that anointing. They don’t have that power to stay there. It’s not rightfully theirs. So when he says so-called President, he’s not, he’s the resident of the white house and not the President. He’s the Resident. First of all, he’s a puppet. He’s being controlled. God also talked about that. We know who the puppet master is that has controls and that’s in his ears all the time. And that’s Obama. It’s plain for anyone to see that A person who can not cognitively function and say the right things. And he can’t get behind a, you know, a prompter teleprompter and read it the right way. You know, he’s not controlling things behind the scenes. And we’re seeing the fall of that even greater who says of the so-called President, God also knows he’s, he’s a resident. He also knows he does not have the power of the presidency. He doesn’t for I, the Lord will show great vengeance, vindication and judgment upon everyone who has taken part in stealing of my nation. So he’s not talking about the so-called, you know, the RESIDENT in the White House. He’s not talking about just the, just him being judged. He’s talking about the ones who are going to be judged on the ones who were also pulling his puppet strings, the ones who are talking in his ear, the ones who are controlling him besides behind the scenes. And one of them is Joe Biden. He’s also mentioned her. She’s not getting away with what she’s doing, being his caretaker. She will also be exposed because she took part in it. Then it says this next part, not only will the Biden fall. Now again, he’s not referencing Joe for a reason. He’s already said that he has been judged. He says not only will the Biden fall, but he will also be exposed to the world on who he really was. So guys, when he exposed you, who Biden, who Joe Biden REALLY WAS, he’s a criminal and who is being removed. So that’s a key thing here. Biden’s talking about who he really was and who is actually the one being removed. Again guys have been talking about the last two years, the 25th amendment. And as you can see with that whole classified document that came out, that crap that came out, it showed the truth. He was, he, it was an espionage act. He should be thrown and, and, and, uh, in prison, this Treason, what he has done, but he’s too old and senile and he can’t stand trial, but he can stay as President, well that you can’t have it both ways. You can’t have your cake and eat it too. So all of a sudden God said impeach first, which they’re talking about the impeachment query. God said impeachment first. Then he talked about the 25th amendment and now you’re hearing the 25th amendment. He said he’s removing Joe or he’s been removing, sorry, he’s removing the Biden and Kamala. He’s been talking about that since the end of 2021 and beginning of 2022. Now all of a sudden you’re hearing even the mainstream or lane stream media talk about, um, then could be replacing him by the democratic national convention. There is an option for them and they will take it because he’ll fall even greater, uh, cognitively functioning. will fall even greater than what he is now. You’ll see him fall quicker because this is what he says in the next paragraph. This is a great time for unusual things to take place. More unprecedented, more unconventional. The fall of the Biden is clear and the fall of the swamp, the fall of the deep state, the fall of the Washington establishment, the fall of the corporate media, the fall of corporate America and the fall of the globalists and their control over this nation. Then he goes on to say, get ready children of Almighty God, this movie playing before you is almost over and the ending will be very clear who each person was that had their hands in the hijacking of this nation. So if you’re watching a movie, a lot of the times you don’t always know who the bad guy is. You can, you know, sometimes it’s revealed to you and sometimes it’s not. And some people are starting to see all this is toward the end of the movie. You’re going to start to see, Oh, now I get it. But at the end, it’s always revealed. And at the end you have a credit scene and it’s the name of all the people who played all the parts. Well, again, when you have great exposure and the movie that we’re seeing playing out in front of our eyes, not only are you going to see very clear who was the enemies of this nation, and there’s gonna be a lot more than what we’ve seen, who’s hijacked this nation, who stole it from a long time ago, you know, continually to have that in their power and their hands, God’s going to reveal it all. Then he says the fall of the Biden is clear. He says it again. It’s like the third time I think he said this now. It’s clear, but so is the fall of every person handling the puppet strings, the great fall of the corporation. Now, now, okay. He’s talking about the fall of the Biden and the fall of every person handling his puppet strings. Then he talks about the fall of the Corporation. So in these next, uh, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, there was a prophecy that God gave and I had a deep dive into the declaration of independence and what it says, what takes place with, um, people that’s an unruly government and the power of the people. We are not a democracy. And he goes into that one. We are a Republic. A democracy is controlled by a government body that controls the masses. When you hear them spew that crap everywhere, all the time, democracy, democracy, there’s a threat to democracy, there’s a threat to democracy. We are supposed to be a Republic. It even says that in our pledge of allegiance to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, we are a Republic, but there was a corporation that was built and brought up in the 18 hundreds. This is what he’s talking about. The great fall, the corporation that held you in great bondage and great captivity. So this corporation, when it was, when it was brought in, when we went from a Republic, which we were supposed to stay a Republic, a Republic is controlled by we, the people and we, the people control the government, not the other way around. Again, I don’t have time to go and all of that today. You will see that when I think that one’s on Friday. All right. God goes into it really in depth about all this and what we’re seeing right now and how they use certain words to deceive you. Again, we are at this time right now where this is a war of disinformation. So they’ll use all these key words when you think they mean something and they actually mean something else. Of course, what we do right now is a threat to their democracy because they want to control you when it’s actually, we, the people are supposed to control them. Read the Declaration of Independence. So important for us to know what our laws are and what power as the nation as citizens of this country and how much power we have with the people that they think they’re in Washington who have power over us. It’s telling you it’s riveting and you need to figure it out because this revelation again, I Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, it was so big. I couldn’t even do it on one show. I had to do it, break it up because there were so much there. All right, your enemies of this nation and of your freedoms right now are in great panic. Now listen, because their puppet is falling apart before their very eyes and they can’t control the Biden any longer. You can see them right after this. Uh, I was shown like a small little clip or whatever of, I don’t even know what day this was, but he made a fool of himself. If I made a fool of himself when it came out right after, um, that, uh, the whole classified documents scandal came out and showing that he truly was this person that did all these things. You can’t, you can’t take classified documents as a Senator. Again, if people knew the law as a Senator and a vice President cannot take classified documents and they cannot D classify a document. The only person that can do that as a sitting President when they’re telling you Biden and President Trump’s are the same, they’re not. He has a right to do that because he was a sitting President, the vice President and or a Senator did not have that power to do that. So when he was saying these things and he was trying, he was, he was getting mad because, um, that whole senile thing that basically because he’s incompetent and he can’t speak and he has a lot of memory issues and cognitive function. Now that’s gone and he was trying to stick up for himself and he actually made a fool of himself. He made it worse. They couldn’t control him. Their puppet is falling apart before their very eyes and they can’t control the Biden any longer. They know he will not make it to the next election. I told you to watch the news media as they turn on him. You know that that is a sign of them letting him go. That was prophesied back in the beginning of 2022. First you’re going to see the Hunter, the scandal of Hunter, and then you were going to see Biden and his cognitive ability, functionality, and they were going to start talking about it before they tried hiding it for the longest time. Some still do, but now they’re talking to bravely talking about it more and more. Why? Because they’re told to, they’re told that they can actually admit it now. Again, they can use the 25th amendment and the thing is when God said they’re going to get rid of Biden and Kamala, if he gets all of the delegates from all the primaries, if you know the law, those delegates only go to him. They don’t go to her. Well, they don’t want her, but if they realized by democratic national convention, he’s not going to make it. They can give somebody else those delegates and that person who gets those delegates can pick out their own vice President. It’s important for us to know what they’re doing. That’s why God is exposing it all. Now he’s saying he’s not going to make it to the 2024 election cognitively. He’s not, and you can see that even more clear than it was before. He says, I’m warning you, my children, great distractions are coming. Great distractions to keep you, your eyes off of them. Now look what he says on how they switch puppets. What? It’s from one yes person to the next yes person without any problems from the public they think. So they think by the time they get to the democratic national convention that they can switch out the puppet for another one. They can switch out Biden for another one. And they think that, you know, I’m sorry if I was a Democrat, okay, if the Republican party did that to us, I think there’d be a lot of people fuming over that. They don’t want people to have the power on who they say to be elected. Why do you think they steal elections? And why do you think, look what happened with Hillary? Well, that was Bernie Sanders. Look what happened. They took even with Bernie with Hillary Clinton, he won those. They gave them to her. They stole even the 2020 election before that happened, before the 2020 election actually happened, they stole the primary from, um, from Bernie Sanders. It actually should have gone to Bernie Sanders because there was more people on his side. He was like, you know, the Trump of the democratic party. They stole those delegates and gave them to Hillary because they, that the whole point, the whole plan was Hillary Clinton. She’s supposed to still be in office right now. She’s supposed to have eight years. And that whole plan was blown up because the President Trump, why do you think they hate him so much? Again, they don’t want you whether you are Republican or a Democrat. And if there’s Democrats watching, I’m not against you. I love you. Okay. I’m not against you. This is not a Democrat Republican thing. This is a good versus evil thing. I’m telling you right now that they don’t want you to have your say in your voice be heard. They are going to choose this Washington establishment, this union, you know, Uniparty, they will choose their candidates and no matter the people, no matter what they vote for, no matter what their primary does, they will cheat the primaries all they want in order to get the person that they want in that seat. They’ve been doing this for years. They perfected this. Now watch how they switch puppets without any problem from the public. They think they will try to cause more chaos. Keep your eyes of what they’re really doing to try to stay in power. Of course, what are the three D’s deceive, distract, destroy. So they’re deceiving you. They’re distracting you. They’re destroying you. That’s why they want all these distractions and chaos. Then it says to cause more chaos to keep your eyes up what they’re really doing to try to stay in power. They cannot lose this next election because they know it will end them. Well, of course it will. It will end them and all their plans and will no longer can they get away with what they have done to this nation. The next paragraph, their money trails have been found. Oh, lots of money trails have been found. Their bribes and dirty deals will be exposed and heard by the world. One great instance of one of these bribes was Carrie Lake. I’m going to keep mentioning that. You think that was the only person that just all of the audio that’s just been exposed so far, you’re going to get a lot more. You’re going to get a lot more audio and a lot more of those bribes came out, will come out again with the whole 2020 election and all those things have happened against President Trump and all his court hearings. Just watch. So God’s telling us they know Treason will be their end. The crimes they’ve committed will not go unpunished. That’s what people have to realize. Their crimes that they have committed will not go unpunished, even though it looks like they have. They are petrified of this scenario. Why they’re doing as much as they’re doing against President Trump. They’re petrified of the scenario. It can’t happen that he cannot win. So they are going to take desperate measures. They normally would not take and how, how, and that is how they will make mistakes one after another. So God’s been talking about their mistakes. This is the fall of the Biden, but all of them will fall. Who had part in these crimes committed to stay in power and control of this great nation. So he’s had to talk about just Biden, his following said all of them are the, all the Washington establishment, all the people that are against us in the CIA. Now, not everybody in the CIA is wrong. I’m not saying that not every in the FBI is wrong, but the ones who are will be removed. The ones against us in the CIA and the NSA, they will also be removed. The ones that in the Supreme Court that are against this country and against our freedoms will also be removed. It doesn’t matter their position because God’s bigger than that. I just gave you all those scriptures. Then it says, my children is all about to be very clear who WINS that this nation belongs to me and it’s not your enemies to destroy explosion after explosion is coming of proof and what is the truth and your enemies will fall before your eyes and they will not be able to keep up with this charade any longer. So it’s already talking about, they’re not going to stay in this power. Read the scriptures that I gave out today that the Lord had given because he wants you to know that enemies will not ever stay in power, especially when they’re against God. Then he goes on to say, these are the days for giants to fall. The mighty giants will fall and this mighty nation will be restored, sayeth the Lord. So the giants are against us. All these, you know, social media giants, all these people have been against us for so long. We’ve been surrounded by giants and been controlling our countries and guys saying they’re all going to fall, not just one, all, not just one government, all that are against God. Now, this is very interesting. He talks about the Atlantic Ocean. The Atlantic Ocean will become very active. Well, I don’t, now you can look at it as hurricanes. You can look at it as active because of warships and things going militarily. He’s already talked to us about things. Many things are happening in the waters. He talked about submarines on multiple occasions. So again, the Atlantic Ocean will become very active. Many things will be seen and many things are about to take place. He’s been talking about watching the waters for a long time and he’s even said there’s things that are hidden in the ocean that are going to be revealed. So a lot of things are going to come up regarding the Atlantic Ocean. All right. Sorry, I hit my microphone. All right. A mighty enemy will try to raise their ugly head against you. O, United States. So now he’s talking about something and he said a mighty enemy could be China. I don’t know. He doesn’t say exactly who it is. He’s warned us about China because he’s also told us that China has infiltrated our government, but a mighty enemy will try to raise her head again, raise her head against you. O United States. But watch how far they try to come. Didn’t Gods been talking to us about terrorist attacks, but he said they will fail. So you’re going to see them raise their head against us and do something against us, but they will fail. The days of Haman are here and it will be very clear. He’s using that word again, very clear. Then he says, and he mentioned, listen for the name HANNITY Now the first one I thought of was Sean Hannity. He didn’t say Sean Hannity, but he said Hannity shocking news reports. So that’s what got me to believe it was Sean Hannity, shocking news reports and shocking revelation in it will be clear. He’s using that word again. Who is on your side and who is not. So it’s gonna be very clear on who is on our side, who is not shocking news reports. So listen to the name Hannity. All right. Now to go on, it says in the time in this time, governors are being exposed. So watch more Governors start to be exposed for all the heinous crimes that they did during the elections. And this, again, this goes further than the 2020 people are just stuck on 2020. They’ve been stealing elections way, way more than that. Governors and all who are with them and people hiding in plain sight, trying to destroy your nation and your freedoms and governors against this nation are about to fall like flies. One of the governors that I know he talked about was Brian Kemp. He’s mentioned him before. You can go check it out on our website. Brian Kemp was one. Doug Ducey was another one. Now he’s not the governor anymore of Arizona, but he thought by going away he’d be okay and he’s not. Lord also revealed about how Brian Kemp was connected to China. You’ll see that too. All right now. And there’s other ones. He talked about, uh, Hochul or whatever, how you pronounce her name in New York. Hochul, whatever. Yeah. Hochul, Hochul, whatever her name is. He’s also talked about her. He talked about the one that I think it was in Minnesota. So again, or Michigan, a lot of governors are going to be exposed in this time. Uh, the political system. Listen, the political system in this nation is about to shake in many ways. You’ve never seen O United States. The rats are being exposed. The wolves are being unmasked. The snakes and their deception will be revealed and truth will just destroy them and how they’ve tried to hide behind their lies. Lies can no longer keep your enemies safe because great judgment has started to be, to be seen, but great judgment will be their end. Then it goes on again. Maybe he’s been talking about their dam of lies that is going to be destroyed. The lies is what’s been keeping them in their, in their positions. Well, you cheat your liar. You say you won when you didn’t win something. Then he goes on to say lies, lies, lies. And he says this three times in a row. They will cry and try to cover them up one after another. But now listen to this. Videos are coming along with audio recordings, emails, documents, text messages, including phone records. Nothing will stop the next whistleblower. Now this I thought was very interesting and THEY WILL CRUSH THE HEAD OF THE SNAKE IN WASHINGTON DC So whoever is in control in Washington DC, this whistleblower with all this audio recordings, the videos, the emails, probably classified documents is what I’m assuming or just documents in general, text messages and phone records. It’s going to crush the head of the snake in DC in Washington DC. My children, uh, their rule and reigning in this great nation is coming to an end. There will be nothing that can stop this because they cannot stop me. Sayeth the Lord. Now he goes on to talk about the CIA. Now he’s talking about this. He talked about the CIA, the FBI, the NSA. He talked about all of them. He’s gone in great detail about all of them and what they’ve done. Major CIA, major CIA whistleblowers are coming that will tear the agency and the narrative apart and what is coming for the director of the CIA. So you have major whistleblowers regarding the CIA. Then you also have one that’s directly going to come out regarding the director of the CIA. Now again, not everyone say, yeah, FBI is bad. I pray for the ones who are good in those places. I do. I appreciate them because I know it can’t be easy when you’re in the minority. When you have people that are all around you that are, well, my mom said, if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all. So I’m not gonna say that anymore, but you know what I mean? All right, now Bill Burns, your lies are catching up with you. Now he’s a director of the CIA and your fall is near. Bill Burns, your lies are catching up with you and your fall is near. Nothing will stop this explosive information exposing you and all you have done and every director before you. So this is not just Bill Burns. That guy’s exposing. He’s going to expose every director that was before him that was against this nation. Judgment is hitting the CIA like never before and all the secrets will be revealed for the world to see. So there’s been a lot of secrets. And again, there’s secrets that have been already exposed with what they did to JFK and more is like that. More is like what happened with JFK, what the CIA did with him. There’s more in our government that the CIA actually did against this country and God is going to reveal it all. Uh, Christopher Ray, a whistleblower is coming for you. Now. He is a director of the FBI, so he is in charge of the FBI. You will also not stay where you are and this will be clear. The FBI is being cleaned out by me, Sayeth the Lord. A great fallout is about to take place that they can’t re recover from. Now you think of a fallout, you think of like a nuclear blast and what was left over and all the damage it caused. It’s like it’s called the fallout. This is going to be explosive. God’s been talking about it like a nuclear bomb and like a weapon is explosive. Things that won’t recover. Now here’s judge Engoron. Judge Engron truth is coming for you. A whistleblower is exposing you and proof on who is paying for you, who is paying you. We’re going to find out who paid judge Engoron to do this against President Trump. We’re going to find out who paid it. Somebody paid him to do this and we’re going to find out who is pulling your puppet strings. They’re blackmailing him. There are evil and wicked things that that man has done and they’re using this as blackmail, but they’re still paying him. They’re still paying him to do what he’s doing. Watch your time as judges coming to an end. He will be disbarred. You are reaping what you are sewing against my David. Again, the wicked came, these are days of Haman, whatever they’re doing, they’re going to reap it. They’re sowing it. They’re reaping it. My children hold on because drastic measures are being taken. Your enemies are going to throw many things at you to destroy this country once and for all, but stand with me and you will have your victory because I am your victory. So there’s nothing to fear and that will be clear. He says that word again, sayeth the Lord your, Redeemer. So again, there’s nothing to fear and that’s gonna be clear to us that God is doing something about it. We’re going to see tons of people being removed. We’re going to see explosive information and things that cannot be, let’s just say, um, some Trump cards, you know, like you’re playing a poker game or whatever, you have a Trump card and you, you win. So there is some Trump cards that are going to be used that have been held back, but you don’t show your hand before you win. Okay? You want, you want to see what everybody else has in there and what they’re doing and how, you know, how they’re playing the game. So there’s going to be some things that are going to be revealed. So it means many Trump cards that are going to be played that haven’t because it wasn’t the right time. And now we’re getting to that time. Okay? This is why I wanted to take my time today and, and, and give you this prophecy because there’s a lot of information that is in this prophecy. But before I get to that, now, if you do have any prayer requests, make sure you email us at JGM international. org under our contact page, or you can rise at Julie Green measures international 46 20 East 53rd street, sweet 200 Davenport, Iowa, five to eight zero zero seven. Now I’m going to pray over each and every one of you and, and, and know that even though we are gone this week, the prayer team and I, I’ll be back live again tomorrow morning. All every day this week will be a live show. Even though I’m not here every day, I will still put them as live shows for you. Okay? So I want to pray over each and every one of you because you’re going to start seeing explosive things that are good and you’re going to start saying things that are bad. Okay? You’re going to start saying things are going to look worse for this nation and the nations around the world that they’re already like, just yesterday, we were sitting in church and they’re talking about disease X again, and they’re trying to put fear in people. They’re all going to try to do things. They’re going to try to throw everything, but the kitchen sink, everything there, they will throw everything at us. Okay? This is nothing to fear. And God said, there’s nothing to fear. And that’s going to be clear because we’re going to see God intervene on our behalf. Okay? So I want to pray, reach every one of you have my Father right now in Jesus name. I just pray over each and every person, the sound of my voice and Father God, no matter the plans of the enemy, you said in your written word and your word is not returned to your voice. You said in your written word that you are bringing the council of the nations to nothing. So we command the council of the nations and the governments around the world that are against you, that they come to nothing and their plans are in no effect against us. Father God, I thank you for these coming exposures. I thank you for these judges being disbarred. I thank you Father God for all these things coming out of every one of these rulings that were unjustifiable, everything they have done against this nation and against President Trump. I thank you Father God right now by the blood of Jesus Christ, that truth prevails and that truth not only will set President Trump free, but that truth will set this nation free. Father God, I praise you and I thank you right now that righteous indignation is growing in your people, that a resistance is growing and we will hold that line and we will never surrender and we will not give up because we know Father God, you are Jehovah Nissi, you are our banner, you’re our victory and we have victory over these giants and we thank you that these giants are falling, their walls are crumbling before our face. We thank you Father God that you are exposing the Biden and who he really is and what he has done and who the puppet masters are and we thank you Father God that you are cutting off the snake, the head of the snake in the Washington DC and I thank you Father God that no weapon formed against this nation is going to prosper. No weapon formed against the body of Christ is going to prosper and so Father God, this day I thank you that every day is a day that you have made and we will rejoice and be glad in it. Father God, I thank you right now this is President’s day. I thank you that we call back our rightful President and I thank you Father God that retroactive restoration and will be restored unto him of what has been stolen and every part of his life and in Proverbs six 30 and 31 you said when a thief has been caught, he’s got to give it back seven fold. So a seven fold return on every election that has been stolen for all the things that have been stolen against the American people, Father God that we didn’t know that existed with the Washington establishment. Expose Father God every country that’s against this nation and everything they’ve done against us. Expose how our nation’s money, our tax money is gone to be paid for foreign governments to bring this nation down. We’re calling all of it back in and in this President’s day I thank you Father God that you bring President Trump great vindication and restoration. Restore his name and restore unto him what all has been lost. We know he’s anointed and appointed for this hour, but I know Father God, as you said that he could not come back without you. So we thank you that he has you. We thank him. He has your wisdom and knowledge and understanding. He has great revelation of what you are doing through him that he hasn’t had to do by his own strength or ability, but it is yours and we thank you for him. We thank you for this President’s day, Father God, that you will start continuing to show us from here on out who the real President is, but also all the ones before him who were not designed to be leaders of this nation, who use that power and that seat to destroy this country and what we’re seeing today. So we thank you for all of it, that we will have this nation that’s one nation under God, that we had the Republic that we are not governed and controlled by rogue government, but we are controlled and protected by Almighty God. And so we thank you Father God for everything that you’ve done and all that you’re doing in Jesus name. Amen. And Amen. So again, God is doing many things right now and I want to encourage you, no matter what you’re seeing, you know that God has a final say. And also if you want and want to remind your enemy, thank you for all of you guys who are saying God WINS over in the chat. If you want any God WINS t-shirts, go to threesonsthreads.com. If you want to have God’s army shirts, go to threesonsthreads.com. There’s also America needs God because America does need God. In order for America to wake up, in order for America to take its place where it should be, America needs God, not just a man, America needs God. So again, you can find all those things at threesonsthreads.com. And I just want to say I love each and every one of you. And even though I’m going to be gone a lot in the next three weeks, I’ll make sure that not one day is left without something. If Lord wants me to get on here and while I’m on the road, besides that live show, I will make sure that I get on for you. But there are the prophecies that I’m going to, I’m giving out. There are teachings that I’m giving out. I’m not leaving without no matter how long I’m gone. Okay. Because you guys are all important to me and I love each and every one of you. And so does this whole entire Ministry. We all love you and we all appreciate you. So I hope I encouraged you today. Please like, subscribe and share and give this everyone you know who needs an encouraging word who needs to hear the truth because the truth will set you free. God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day.

The fall of this fake Biden and the reveal of who he really was will pole-axe the NWO and the democrat party, leaving the US government headless. For the duration of the fake Bidens tenure every law passed and executive order signed is rendered null and void. In case you don’t know Tucker Carlson made a video about the strange disappearance of Joe Biden in April 2019 and his even stranger re-appearance after cosmetic surgery in that his voice was different and his friends didn’t recognise him.
- Layman’s Gnosis Regardless of faith or lack of
- Expect vivid messaging night dreams within one week
- immediate physical evidence something has changed
- vivid messaging daydreams with physical evidence to prove its not your imagination
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