Searchable transcript for the Serious

- Goood uh Morning, Everybody. And today is actually Monday, February 19th of 2024. You will see this on Monday, February 26th. The reason for that is because I am out of town. I’ll be traveling home that day from a prayer retreat with the prayer team. So I wanna make sure that you receive this prophetic word while I was gone. Before I get to that, if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website at JGMinternational.org on our contact page, or you can write us at Julie Green Ministries International, 4620 East 53rd Street, Suite 200, Danport, Iowa, 52807. And of course, if you do want any Julie Green Ministries merchandise, you can go to threesonsthreads.com. That’s threesonsthreads.com. That’s only people that can sell our merchandise. And I just wanna let you guys know this again. Julie Green Ministries does not get any of the proceeds. The proceeds, the percentages go, that were supposed to go to us, we automatically have been sent to charities because we don’t wanna receive any proceeds because this is not why we’re doing this. So I just wanted to let you guys know that. Okay, now I want to go over this prophetic word with you today, and I was praying over this. This one, there’s a lot of different scriptures, a lot of revelation. This one’s called A Financial Storm Is Coming That Will Wipe Out Your Enemies Worldwide.
For I the Lord this day want to remind my children that your enemies are through. They are through with controlling you. They are through with controlling my church, my nations, and this earth that I have created. They are through controlling the narrative worldwide. They are through with their big steal and with their financial system, with their globalist agenda, and for their depopulation they wanted. They are through. My children, they can’t stop me, and you need to get that down in your hearts. So in this time where your enemies are raising the pressure against you for what they are about to throw at the world that will look impossible to get out of for man, but it’s not impossible for me. You will see how big I am and how small and insignificant your enemies are in their plans against you. My children rejoice. You serve the most high God. I am your Father, protector, defender, advocate, standby. I’m your vindicator. I am your justice. I am your freedom. I am your deliverer. So hold fast and hold tight to my word and fight, and you will see the reward of the wicked. Sayeth the Lord of hosts.
BANGLADESH will be in your news for a shocking reason.
SECRETS are about to be revealed on what has been HIDING IN TAIWAN Your fraudulent administration didn’t want the world to know about.
O my United States, your government has tried to sicken this nation to the point of death. I have said many times before, these are the Days of Haman, and you are about to see many politicians and their HEALTH SLIP and FADE AWAY with nothing stopping it. The long-time politicians who try to control this nation watch them all fall, watch what is happening to them. The giants are falling with no return of their power or influence in this nation again, sayeth the Lord.
Disease after disease, fear after fear, they’re about to bring worldwide to slow down, to stop the resistance and the persistence of many worldwide who are not complying with their narrative. I told you, my children, your enemies are petrified of you and you’re fighting against them. Panic has set in with no reprieve in sight. So do not fear what they are about to do to bring fear because I am bringing them. I am bigger than they are. And I am in between their plans and you. I am protecting you and your enemies are finished. (silence)
Nuclear warfare, they’re about to shout World War III, doom and gloom, disaster after disaster. Do not listen. They will not get away with the war they so crave. I told you, they are not the ones in control. And my children, you are about to see that is true.
The Golden Gate Bridge, I say this again, will be in your news for a significant reason.
Watch and see what happens to Mitch McConnell and there will be more to follow.
A White House whistleblower is about to come forward and shock this nation on what has been hiding in plain sight. Explosive secrets are going to be revealed and you will have started seeing the beginning of the fall of the Biden and it’s speeding up now. The puppet can no longer follow commands and its functionality is about to take a big turn for the worst. Keep listening to your enemies as they try to lie. These are the days I’ve spoken to you about as they try to lie, they will accidentally tell the truth. Their tongues will be an enemy to them, to the ones who are against you, my children. Removals have begun, judgment has started. Justice will continue until my revenge is fully seen, till my vengeance, sorry, is fully seen. All the wrongs will be made right until their evil and corruption is annihilated and the world knows who I really am, that I am a just God. Your enemies will pay for their crimes. Some already have with no end in sight and there is more to come that you will actually see, Sayeth the Lord.
France is crumbling and their government will not stand. Ukraine will not continue with their lies and criminal acts that they have committed against this nation and their own.
A major whistleblower is about to expose Ukraine like in the likes that no one has ever seen before. All their corruption will be exposed with the foreign aid and how it was spent on bribes and blackmail and how they all helped the swamp cover, sorry, and they have helped the swamp of this nation cover up from the world and the American people. It’s coming, the fall of the Ukrainian leadership and their lies that they have tried to hold up for years. I’m setting the people in that nation free from that great captivity.
Continue to watch the Fall of China’s Financial system and the cascade effect it will have globally.
Every nation that has the desire to bring my nation financially down, they will be the ones brought down financially instead.
My children, BRICS, will be exposed in a major way that will shock the world.
A FINANCIAL STORM IS COMING THAT WILL WIPEOUT YOUR ENEMIES ALL OVER THE WORLD Children of Almighty God, a great restoration will be celebrated. I have spoken of this in my word. The wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just. This is that time a great restoration is coming to the body of Christ, like I did for my people in the land of Egypt on their way out of that bondage in captivity. I am doing great things on your behalf, so don’t give up now because I will show you that you are on the winning side. Justice is being served and your freedom’s restored, sayeth the Lord, your Redeemer.
Julie Commentary
So I’m gonna go over some of the scriptures that the Lord had given me because there’s a lot of the body of Christ that does not believe at all that God does any type of financial restoration whatsoever. There are people in the body of Christ that get offended and get angry when you start talking about finances at all. Why do you think the enemy has put that in the church? Why do you think he wants people to be poor or to have lack of every kind or to live in poverty, to not be able to get out of paycheck by paycheck living? And people will use, again, they use some of the scriptures, but it’s twisted. It’s not how God intended. Now, I wanna show you certain scriptures right here, how God intends his people to leave any situation of captivity or any situation where the enemy tried to destroy them, where God restored them. So in this scripture right here in Exodus chapter three, and of course, God has used this as example many times in many different situations that we’re facing today. It’s like a great example for us to follow. This is what was happening to God’s people. They’re thinking and talking and acting like a lot of Christians today, and they’re only seeing the control of the leadership of the enemy and all the destruction they’re causing instead of listening to the words that God is speaking to his people. In Exodus chapter three and verse seven says, and the Lord said, I’ve surely seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt and have heard their cry because they’re taskmasters and oppressors, for I know their sorrows and sufferings and trials. Verse eight, what does he do, before I get to that, what does he do when he hears the cries of his people? What does he do when he sees the taskmasters, when he sees the oppression and what’s being done against his people? This is what’s going on right now. God calls these people the pharaohs of today. He’s seen the oppression. He’s heard the cries of his people. So what do you understand or what do you need to know about God and what he will do in situations like this? Exodus three and verse eight, and I have come down to deliver them. So that’s God’s solution. God’s solution is to deliver them. In what way? I’m going to show you. And I have come down to deliver them out of the hand and the power of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land to a good land. Good and large and a land flowing with milk and honey, a land aplenty. So what was on the heart of God? The freedom of his people, but also that they would live in a land where they had no lack. So God cares about his people’s freedom, his children’s freedom, but he also says he doesn’t want them to lack. That’s why he was bringing them into a land aplenty. It also says in Psalm 23 that he is our shepherd and we shall not want or shall not lack. Again, a lot of people in the body of Christ have not been taught any of these things. So let’s see. Let’s turn to, for the sake of time, ’cause I have a lot of scriptures to go to, go to Exodus three and verse 19. And I know that the king of Egypt will not let you go unless forced to do so. No, not by a mighty hand. So again, this scripture right here is talking about your enemies are not gonna let you go unless they’re forced to. And no, not by a mighty hand. What does that mean? Not by natural strength and ability from you. That means it’s gonna take the hand of God to deliver us out of the situation. It’s not by any, just a might of any man. It has to be by God Almighty. And that’s what he’s saying. Your enemies were not gonna let you go unless I stepped in and I did something about it. That’s what that scripture is talking about. Exodus three and verse 20. And so I will, he doesn’t say I might. He says, I will stretch out my hand and smite Egypt with all my wonders, which I will do in it. And after that, he will let you go. Now let’s, before we go on to read, let’s look up the word smite. Intentionally annoy, upset, or hurt someone. That’s what the meaning is. Let’s look up the definition. A desire to hurt, annoy, or offend someone. Deliberately hurt or annoy, or yeah, that’s what he’s saying the same thing over here. Okay. In defiance, regardless of not withstanding. So again, God is going to stop. He’s gonna smite them. So obviously they’re going to be annoyed ’cause a smite means deliberately hurt, annoy, or offend. Well, they’re going to be hurt and they’re gonna be offended and they’re gonna be mad because God is going to what? His vengeance is going to be seen and felt. God’s people are gonna see the vengeance of Almighty God against their enemies, but the enemies of Almighty God are gonna experience it and it’s gonna offend them. It’s gonna hurt them because it’s gonna destroy everything that they were doing against God’s people. He is taking away what they have stolen from them. Then it says in verse 21, And I will give this people favor and respect on the side of the Egyptians. And it shall be, when you go, you shall not go empty handed. So wasn’t God’s desire just for God’s people to be set free from slavery? And if you read on, and we’ve gone over this many times before, how there was no feeble among them when they left Egypt, that means they had no ramifications that they were not sick anymore, they were not bruised anymore, they were not damaged anymore physically or mentally, God freed them and he made them whole. Because if you look up the word feeble, this is important for what God is doing for us now. Feeble means lacking physical strength, especially as a result of age or illness. So we said there wasn’t any feeble. So they were not lacking in physical strength or they didn’t have anything that was due to age or illness. So no matter what damage was caused by the Egyptians to God’s people, they weren’t lacking in any of that. God destroyed how Satan was destroying them physically, how Satan destroyed them mentally, how Satan destroyed them financially, God reversed and restored it all. So again, it’s importance of God on the same night of the Passover. When they took that lamb’s blood and put it over the doorpost and they ate that lamb and they had their unleavened bread and they were doing what God was telling them to do, protect them from the angel of death. So the same, now listen, there was two different results right there that night. There wasn’t every single plague, but especially that night, this is important. God’s been talking about the angel of death again, he’s been talking about the restoration of God’s people. So in that night of the Passover, you have the angel of death that was hitting and it was destroying the Egyptians. On the same night that God brought physical, mental, and physical and mental restoration to his people. And the next day he brought them financial. They, listen, they did not go empty handed. God does not want us to leave the situation that we’re living in right now, even though all that, say for instance, all the money in the world right now came into the body of Christ in their hands. But we were all still in fear and doubt and worry and anxiety and depressed and suicidal and too many people had, all these people were sick and dying. What’s the good of that? God is saying he’s going to restore it all. That means our spirits, our souls, our bodies and financially. When God says that he made people whole, remember it says that in the New Testament when Jesus was healing people, he didn’t just heal them, he made them whole. That means that we’re not lacking in anything. It’s important for us to know what’s happening right now and what God has intended. So let’s see what happens here in verse 22, Exodus 3 verse 22. But every woman shall insistently solicit of her neighbor and of other of her that they may be residing at the house of jewels. He’s talking about wealth here, the wealth of Egypt, but also the wealth of the Israelites that was stolen from them through taxation. That’s how Pharaoh got them enslaved. What are they doing to everyone worldwide with taxation? Enslaving them, putting them in bondage, leaving them paycheck by paycheck where they can’t pay their bills. It’s this taxation, it’s evil and demonic. There’s so much more to this, but I have to keep going. All right, And they may be residing at her house, jewels and articles of silver and gold and garments in which you shall put on your sons and daughters and you shall strip the Egyptians of everything that belongs or strip the Egyptians of belongings due to you. It was belongings due to the Israelites because the Egyptians stole it. But also says in Proverbs 6 and 31, when a thief has been caught, he’s got to give back how many times? Seven fold, not just seven times, seven fold. So this was a great example right here in the book of Exodus was how God’s people were not only delivered, they were healed mentally, they were healed physically, and they were restored financially out of the captivity, out of the hands of the Egyptians. And when you see this here, it was belongings due to them, and it was not only the wealth that was stolen from them through taxation, but they got all the wealth of the Egyptians. They stripped them of everything. The Egyptians were broke after they left, after Israelites left because they took everything. That’s what God intends to even happen now. He doesn’t want these unGodly, evil, tyrannical, oppressors, and evil people to keep doing what, again, he calls them nowadays pharaohs, to keep them doing what they’re doing with their form of Egypt today, worldwide. That’s why when God’s been talking to me for the last 14 years about a greater Exodus, this is what he’s talking about. It’s nation or worldwide. Not just one nation, it’s worldwide. Now I’m gonna keep reading. There’s other examples of this that I gotta keep going. Let’s look at 1 Samuel. I have several different ones right here. What I might do is, for the sake of time, is I might give you other scriptures, and I want you to go and read them. If I can’t get to them. Go to 1 Samuel chapter 30, 1 Samuel chapter 30. This is David and Ziglag. Okay, we’ve gone over this before, but we’re gonna go over this again because this is also talking about restoration. Once the enemy stole something from God’s people, God is revealing to us in multiple different occasions in the Bible what God does and what he expects his people to do in the time where something’s being stolen from them, even their families, their children, their homes, their finances, and their wellbeing. There’s a lot of things going on in this story with David and Ziglag. So they just came back from fighting, okay? They fought and they won, they came back, and guess what? In verse two, And had taken the women and all that were there, both great and small captive, they killed no one, but carried them off and went on their way. So they came back and their entire town was destroyed. Their wives were kidnapped, their children were kidnapped, all their wealth was gone, they burned everything down, they destroyed everything that belonged to David and his men. Everything was gone. Verse three, So David and his men came to his town, and behold, it was burned, and their wives and sons and daughters were taken captive. Verse four, Then David and the men with him lifted up their voices and wept until they had no more strength to weep. That’s what Satan intended. Satan intended then for stay in depression and stay overwhelmed and grieved. He wanted them to do that. Why? Because it would have been their complete destruction. But look what happened with David. Go down to verse six. David was greatly distressed. The men spoke of stoning him because the souls of them were bitterly grieved, each men for his sons and daughters. So David’s men were with him and were gonna turn on him to stone him because they were blaming David for it. They were so grieved, they were gonna stone David. They were gonna kill him. Look what happened with David when everyone was turned against him. He was isolated, he was all by himself. He lost everything and everyone. Look what David did. But David encouraged and strengthened himself in the Lord his God. That’s what we need to do when we, it looks like we’ve lost everything. Everyone’s turned on us. It looks like our life is going awry and everything’s going wrong. What should we do? Encourage ourself in the Lord. Why? Because when we’re encouraging ourself in the Lord, then God will be able to reveal the truth about what is really going on, not just about what you’re seeing, not just about what you’re feeling and the five physical senses and what they’re all screaming at you. Remember, fear is a liar. And the Satan want nothing better for you than to get you caught in the spiraling of, I’m trying the right word, a quick, like a quicksand where you step your foot into that quicksand and it’s fear, he wants nothing more than to destroy you with it. So you sink and you can’t get out of that hole. He wants you to completely destroy it. He wants to paralyze you with that spirit of fear. Now it looks like in the natural right here, that David and all of his men zigzagged at every right because everything was gone. Look what happened with David. He encouraged himself in the Lord. Verse eight, And David inquired the Lord saying, shall I pursue the troops? Shall I overtake them? So he’s asking him, Lord, what am I supposed to do? Am I supposed to pursue them? Are you gonna help me overtake them? Now remember, this is the same guy who fought a lion, anyone, fought a bear, anyone, and fought a giant, anyone, anyone against Saul. But again, if you have all of this right here, and if you have another situation with the enemy trying to put pressure on you to give up and quit, what is God telling you? Let’s see what the answer, what God answered David. When David, again, if David would have sat there in sulking, then he wouldn’t have anything would have changed. They would eventually probably would have stoned him, and they never would have gotten their families or their possessions back, nothing. But David had to encourage himself and then get the word of the Lord. What do we have to do every day? Get the word of the Lord. And shall I overtake them? The Lord answered, Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them without fail and recover all. That is on the heart of God, for us to overtake, to pursue, to overtake, and recover all. That’s part of our mandate. It’s part of our marching orders right now, that we are supposed to pursue the enemy with the word of God, fight with the word of God, which is the sword of the Spirit, to not back off, to not quit, to overtake the enemy by rejoicing, seeing what God needs us to say and do, and then guess what? He says, and he says right here, Recover all. And you can find out later on in verse 19, First Samuel 30 and verse 19, Nothing was missing, small or great, sons or daughters, spoiler anything that had been taken. David recovered all. How did David recover all? Because he encouraged himself in the Lord, and he inquired of the Lord, What do you want me to do? God told him, Pursue, overtake, and recover all. David knew, no matter how impossible it was, God was gonna be with him, and God is saying, No matter how impossible it looks like right now, God is with us. We will pursue, overtake, and we will recover all. But we have to encourage ourselves in the Lord, not give up, and not quit. Let’s read a couple more scriptures, and I’ll go back over the prophetic word again, because there’s a lot in there. Go to Proverbs chapter 13, because people say this is not scriptural, God’s not talking about money, he wants you poor, blah, blah, blah. No, that is a twist in the indoctrination of the body of Christ, out of what rightfully belongs to you. If people just actually read the word, and not took somebody’s word for it, that’s why I tell you every day, don’t take my word for it, you get in the word, I’m giving you the scriptures, you write them down, you get in the word, you pray and see what God says. Proverbs 13, and verse 22. Proverbs 13 and verse 22, what does it say? A good man leaves an inheritance of moral stability and goodness to his children’s children, and the wealth of the sinner finds its way eventually into the hands of the righteous for whom it was laid up. Now let’s look up the Bible gateway here, ’cause you know that I like to do that, and I like to see other translations. So let’s look up the translation of this. Oops, hold on one minute. I pushed the wrong button. There we go. We’re gonna look up the CEV. I’m gonna look at the CEV in this one. If you obey God, you will have something to leave for your grandchildren. For if you don’t obey God, those who live right will get what you leave. Okay? But again, right here says, The wealth of the sinner finds its way eventually into the hands of the righteous for whom it was laid up. So that means the ones who don’t obey God, they don’t live right, whatever they have, they’re gonna leave. With who? The ones who do live right. Now let’s look up another scripture. Here’s another one, Ecclesiastes. This is not the only place you can find a scripture like this. Go to Ecclesiastes, and it is Ecclesiastes 2, 26. Ecclesiastes 2, 26. For to the people who pleases God gives wisdom and knowledge and joy, but to the sinner he gives the work of gathering and heaping up that he may give to ones who please God. This also is vanity and striving after the wind and on feeding it. Now again, it says, For to the person who pleases God, God gives wisdom and knowledge and joy, but to the sinner he gives the work of gathering and heaping up. Now let’s look up this and another translation. Again, this is Ecclesiastes 2 and 26. If we please God, he will make us wise and understanding happy. But if we sin, God makes us struggle for living and then he will give all we own to someone who pleases him. This makes no more sense than chasing the wind. So again, God is saying to us that if we will please God, if we are living towards God, then he will make us wise and understanding and happy. But if we sin and God will make us struggle for living, then he will give all that we own to someone who pleases him. Now again, God is saying here, right here, For these who pleases God gives wisdom and knowledge and joy, but to the sinner, he gives the work of gathering and heaping it up. So the ones who are against Almighty God, he gives them the job to gather and heap up. So they’re gathering and heaping up all of this wealth all over the place. They’re using it to destroy the world. And God is saying, I have given the sinners the task of heaping it up to, what? Hand it over, is exactly what happened in Egypt. That’s exactly what happened in Egypt. They took it, they heaped it, they heaped it, they stole it from God’s people through taxation, and then eventually just had to hand it right back over. All right, now I have to go back over this because I, well, you guys are seeing this on the 26th, but it’s actually the 19th and I have a live show in an hour, so I have to get ready for the next one. All right, now, so it says, For I, the Lord this day, want to remind my children that your enemies are through. They are through with controlling you, they are through with controlling my church, my nations, and this earth that I have created. They are through controlling the narrative worldwide, they are through with their big steal and their financial system. Now, this is why he’s talking about right now a financial storm is coming that will wipe out your enemies worldwide. How are they controlling it? Doesn’t that phrase say money is power? So they have right now unlimited spending. They’ve unlimited money because they’re printing money out of just thin air. All the money that they’ve been giving to Ukraine, all the money that they’re getting to all these different things, all of what they’re doing, it’s all money that’s in thin air and it just doesn’t exist. You have to have something that backs it up. That’s why back in 1970s when they got rid of the gold standard, they wanted it so they could get free flow in everything they wanted and make it more oppressive for other people. And God says that’s true. He’s through with their globalist agenda and for their depopulation that they wanted, they are through. God is through with them. Then he says, My children, they can’t stop me. Well, of course, no enemy of Almighty God can stop God. No one can stop God. He’s the most high God. And he says, And you need to get that down in your hearts. Why? Because it’s just like David. David, when he got that down in his heart, I just showed you a zigzag, David eventually encouraged himself. The Lord goes, Well, no, no, no, no. The Lord helped me with the lion. The Lord helped me with the bear. The Lord helped me with Goliath. Lord helped me with Saul. Well, the Lord’s gonna help me in this situation. So if we sit there and look at this, if we know that we know that we know that David had all these different examples that God helped him, then why wouldn’t God help him again? If you don’t see that God has helped you in a situation like that, then you can look in the Bible and God’s no respecter of persons. It even says that. God’s no respecter of persons. What does that mean? If he did it for one person, he will do it for another. If he delivered them out of a mess, he will deliver you out of a mess. Whether you created that mess or not created that mess, whether the enemy puts you in it or you put it in yourself, God’s still gonna get you out of that mess. There’s life and death situation. If he delivered somebody out of a life and death situation, he will deliver you out of that situation. He’s no respecter of persons. Look what it says. My children, they can’t stop me and you need to get that down in your hearts. Why? So you can encourage yourself in the Lord, just like David did. Who says in that time where your enemies are raising the pressure, ’cause there are. The pressure is getting more intense. He says pressure is against you for what they are about to throw at the world. They will look, it will look impossible to get out of for man. So it’s gonna look impossible to get out of for you and I. But he says it’s not impossible for me. You will see how big I am and how small and insignificant your enemies are and their plans against you. What did we just read in the book of Exodus? What did we just read with David and Ziglag The enemies were insignificant compared to God. No matter what their plans were, no matter what they did to destroy God’s people, God not only restored God’s people, but he showed his people that he was the great I AM My children rejoice. You serve the most high God. I am your Father, protector, defender, advocate, and standby. I am your vindicator. I am your justice. I am your freedom. I am your deliverer. So hold fast and hold tight to my word and find you will see the reward of the wicked, said the Lord of hosts. Now, again, I’ve given you many different examples of Almighty God in all of his names, okay? God is not just God. He has many names. And one of them is El Shaddai, the God of nothing is impossible. One is Jehovah Nissi, which is our banner or our victory. If you know God as Jehovah Jireh, you’re a provider, and then you’re having all these problems with lack and poverty and debt and things like that, and God thinks, hey, I’m your provider. I’m Jehovah Jireh. I’ve proven time and time in my word. I provide for my people. Or if you need healing, he’s Jehovah Rapha, your healer. He has many different names. He’s Elohim, he’s the creator. He’s Immanuel. That means God is with us. Study the names of God and you will find out who he is and what he will do for you in situations. Don’t just know him as God. And that will change your perspective and your perception of what you see, what’s going on in your own life. When you realize a God who’s greater than all of the Earth, when he was created the Earth, and he lives on the inside of you and you’re on his side, then you’re not gonna fear what you’re seeing right there in your face and what the enemy’s trying to get you, ’cause just like with David and Zikalak, for you to get to the point where you’re not gonna get up. Now, it says Bangladesh will be in your news for a shocking reason. Secrets are about to be revealed on what has been hiding in Taiwan your fraudulent administration didn’t want the world to know about. Now, there is many prophecies on Taiwan, things are hidden in Taiwan, and apparently our fraudulent government didn’t want us to know about them. He says, Oh, my United States, your government has tried to sicken this nation to the point of death. Not just sicken it with sickness and disease and viruses and things like that. Financial sickness, everything that they’re doing. He says, I have said many times before, these are the days of Haman. You’re about to see many politicians and their health slip and fade away with nothing stopping it. The long-time politicians who try to control this nation, watch them all fall, watch what’s happening to them. The giants are failing with no return of their power or influence this nation again. That’s exactly what happened with Egypt, with Pharaoh, his men kept pursuing God’s people, and eventually you saw them happen with the Red Sea. They died, they never had influence in Egypt again. So there’s a lot of things that are going to happen, and God’s going to show us that, a lot of revelation in that. Long-time politicians, people have made profession out of being politics. I’m sorry, if the President of the United States had certain limits, then so do the House of Representatives, and so do the Senators, period, the end. They should not be lifelong politicians. Why do we have that? Why was that established? It’s called the Washington establishment. It’s called the Washington establishment, because if they couldn’t get the presidency, they could still have the House or the Senate. It’s all disgusting, disgusting, disgusting manipulation. Then he says, Disease after disease, fear after fear, they are about to bring worldwide to slow things down, stop the resistance and the persistence of many worldwide who are not complying with their narrative. I told you my children, your enemies are petrified of you and you’re fighting against them. Panic has set in with no reprieve in sight. So do not fear what they are about to do to bring fear, because I am bigger than they are, and I am between their plans and you. I’m protecting you and your enemies are finished. There’s many different examples that I’ve given to you about all these things that I’m reading to you right now about how we should not fear. We should not fear if we know God and we know what he’s going to do. And how do you know that? You get to know him by reading his word and being in prayer. Then the next paragraph, nuclear warfare, they’re about to shout World War III, doom and gloom, disaster after disaster, do not listen. They will not get their way, they so crave. I told you, they are not the ones in control. In my children, you’re about to see that is true. Again, go read Exodus over and over, get the revelation of who really is in control. It wasn’t Pharaoh. It just, it wasn’t. The Golden Gate Bridge, I say this again, will be in your news for a significant reason. Now watch this one. Watch and see what happens to Mitch McConnell and there will be more to follow. So listen for news reports on Mitch McConnell. Now God has been giving us a lot of prophecies about him. We’re already starting to see his health fail very quickly. So he said, whatever happens to Mitch McConnell, there will be more to follow. Now listen up, a White House whistleblower is about to come forward and shock this nation on what has been hiding in plain sight. Explosive secrets are going to be revealed and you have started seeing the beginning of the fall of the Biden and it’s speeding up now. Now God’s been talking to us about the fall of the Biden for over two years and he’s saying, listen, it’s going to speed up even faster now. The puppet can no longer follow commands. His functionality is about to take a big turn for the worst. So we have seen it go really fast in this last couple of weeks and God is saying it’s going to get even worse and quicker than that. Keep listening to your enemies as they try to lie. These are the days that I’ve spoken to you about. As they try to lie, they will accidentally tell the truth. Their tongues will be their enemy to the ones against you, my children. Removals have begun, judgment has started, justice will continue until my vengeance is fully seen. All the wrongs will be made right until their evil and corruption is annihilated and the world knows who I really am, that I am a just God. Yes, he’s going to show the world who he truly is. Then he says, your enemies will pay for their crimes and some already have with no end in sight. There is more to come that will actually, you will actually see, say it the Lord. Then he talks about France is crumbling, their government will not stand. God’s talked about Macron, he’s not staying in that position. He is going to be removed. Then also God’s talked about Zelensky a lot and about him, how he’s going to be removed. Ukraine will not continue with their lies and criminal acts that they have committed against this nation and their own. A major whistleblower is about to be exposed to Ukraine and about to expose Ukraine like no one has ever seen before. All their corruption will be exposed with a foreign aid and how it was spent on the bribes and blackmail and how they have helped the swamp of this nation cover up from the world and the American people. Our tax dollars, our money has gone to Ukraine and this leadership and God’s going to show how they spent that money and what it went to. That was hiding from the American people. It’s coming to follow the Ukrainian leadership in their lives they’ve tried to hold up for years. I’m saying that people in that nation free from a great captivity. So God’s going to destroy that government there of Ukraine. 100% they’re reaping what they’ve sowed or they’re going to sow what they reap. Excuse me, they’re going to sow what they reap. They’ve been reaped, they’re sowing a lot of corruption. They are going to go down for corruption and God’s saying he’s going to set those people free. Continue to watch the fall of China’s financial system. He’s been talking about that for a while now. And the cascade effect it will have globally. Every nation that has a desire to bring my nation down financially, they’ll be the ones that brought down financially instead. God’s been talking about that Babylonian system. It is coming down, that’s our financial system and watch to see it completely implode. But again, it imploded in Egypt and who reaped the benefits. It was God’s people. It was, they didn’t sit there and they weren’t in lack. They left Egypt with all the Egyptians finances along with their own that there was stolen from them through the, through Egyptian and through taxation. Then God says, my children BRICS. Now BRICS is that financial system that they are trying to destroy the dollar with, okay? All these different countries have come together to destroy the dollar, all right? He says it will be exposed in a major way that will shock the world. More and more countries are joining it because they want to bring the United States down to its knees and we’re gonna start seeing more come out of that. A FINANCIAL STORM IS COMING THAT WILL WIPEOUT YOUR ENEMIES WORLDWIDE Now again, it wiped out the Egyptians and God says it’s a greater Exodus. So if it wiped out one country in the book of Exodus and God says it’s a greater Exodus that will affect the worldwide and set nations free worldwide, then why wouldn’t the financial system, the same thing that happened, it will happen worldwide. That’s what God’s talking about. Shouldn’t have Almighty God a great restoration will be celebrated. I have spoken of this in my word. The wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just. This is that time a great restoration is coming to the body of Christ. Like I did for my people in the land of Egypt on their way out of that bondage and captivity. I’m doing great things on your behalf. So don’t give up now because I will show you that you are on the winning side. Justice is being served, your freedoms restored, sayeth the Lord, your Redeemer. So again, if you don’t understand some of these things or you’ve been taught the exact opposite of this, I want you to get into the scriptures and I want you to pray about them. I want you to really get that revelation that God is giving to us to stay. So it gets down into your heart to realize that God is a God who restores. Just like what happened with Job, Job at the end of the book of Job, he was restored. He got double for everything that was stolen from him. In times of famine, just like with Isaac, instead of going to Egypt when God says, I will show you the land, it’s happened in Genesis 26. When Isaac did follow the instructions of Almighty God, when there’s a famine in Egypt, he didn’t go down there. God said, listen to me. And he didn’t follow the world’s way of doing things. He went and followed God and he reaped a hundred times in that time because he obeyed God. God happened with Abraham. It happened with so many different people when they followed God’s instruction. And no matter what happened in the world, no matter what kind of depression, economic depression, when it comes to financial downturn, God always restored his people. So don’t worry about what’s going on. Don’t get into fear of what’s going on. If you have things in the stock market, I’m not telling you what to do with it. You pray about it and God will give you the wisdom on what he wants you to do, okay? Well, I wanna pray over each and every one of you today. Father God, right now, in the name of Jesus, I just wanna lift up to all those people that are watching. And I thank you, Father God, that no weapon formed against them shall prosper. And as you are bringing down the financial system, Father God, this Babylonian system, and as the financial system is being destroyed worldwide, the enemy’s destruction is now. And I thank you, Father God, that not only that it will not affect us in any negative way, but I thank you, Father God, the Wellness Center is laid up for the just. No matter what happens with viruses, no matter what happens with governments collapsing, no matter what happens, Father God, with terrorist attacks, or no matter what happens with the weather, I thank you just like the land of Goshen, you are protecting your people by the blood and by the name of Jesus Christ, because we have a blood covenant with you. I thank you, Father God, it is welling up in them that you are the great I am. And if you are with David in all those ways, so you will be with us. Just like with Joshua, in the book of Joshua chapter one and verse five, it says that no man can stand before you all the days of your life as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. And so I thank you, Father God, you are with us like you were with David. You are with us like you were with Moses. I thank you, Father God, you are with us. And we will not fear. And I thank you, it’s growing up on the inside, it’s a revelation of knowledge and how big you are, and how you are undefeated, and you live on the inside of us. We thank you for wisdom and knowledge and understanding. We thank you, Father God, for strength and peace, and no matter what we see. And we thank you that we have the victory, because you are our victory. You are Jehovah Nissi. And we thank you, Father God, for it. In Jesus’ name, amen and amen. Well, I hope I encouraged you today, and I will be back live again. You’ll see us on Tuesday, or on Monday, February 26th, and you will see me live again Tuesday, February 27th, before I have to go back out of town to Dallas. So, all right, hope I encouraged you today. Please like, subscribe, and share, and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs to hear the truth, because the truth will set you free. God loves you, I love you. God bless you, and have a wonderful day.

This reading is MASSIVE
many politicians and their HEALTH SLIP and FADE AWAY with nothing stopping it. Slow Elite Deaths ? What they wished on us ?
France is crumbling and their government will not stand. — If Macron is removed and replaced by Le Pen the militant farmers with their tractors besieging capitals could trigger the collapse of the EU via FREXIT. The EU has shown its hand that it wishes to ban food production in 25 countries which means blatant genocide of 500 million people by Agenda 2030. At the same time they are signing a farming product deal with a South American trading bloc. But South America cant suddenly support an extra 500 million people.
Continue to watch the Fall of China’s Financial system and the cascade effect it will have globally. Australia alone depends on selling 68 billion dollars worth of coal to China. If they stop making steel we are up the creek. LOL. And 20 of their EV manufacturers have gone broke. EVs are failing worldwide which might bankrupt our car manufacturing industry de-industrialising the western world.
BUT BUT BUT A FINANCIAL STORM IS COMING THAT WILL WIPEOUT YOUR ENEMIES ALL OVER THE WORLD Children of Almighty God, a great restoration will be celebrated.
“Disease after disease, fear after fear, they’re about to bring worldwide to slow down, to stop the resistance and the persistence of many worldwide who are not complying with their narrative”.
Dengue Fever Surges by 400% in Brazil After Bill Gates-Backed Gene-Edited Mosquitos Released
The UN’s World Mosquito Program announced in 2023 a plan to release billions of gene-edited mosquitos in Brazil over a 10-year period in a bid to eradicate dengue fever in the country.
“Brazilian health officials in five cities have been releasing clouds of lab-grown Aedes aegypti mosquitoes infected with Wolbachia bacteria, which prevents dengue virus transmission to humans,” Harvard Public Health reported in August 2023.
“The country will be the first to launch a nationwide program to release Wolbachia-modified mosquitoes, which are expected to protect up to 70 million people from dengue fever over the next 10 years. And it’s building a factory to scale up mosquito production: Beginning 2024, the factory will mass-produce five billion mosquitoes a year.”
Now a year after the mosquito initiative began, dengue cases have risen sharply rather than fallen.
Notably, the World Mosquito Program received a $50 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is also bankrolling research into the dengue fever vaccine.
The Brazilian government purchased over 5 million doses of the Qdenga dengue fever vaccine, manufactured by Japanese drugmaker Takeda, which also received millions of dollars in grants from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
In other words, Bill Gates Foundation money is involved in all sides of the situation, from the gene-edited mosquitos — which has apparently exacerbated the dengue crisis — to bankrolling companies who are providing the in-demand dengue fever vaccine to Brazil.
To what end?
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