Searchable transcript for the serious

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Goood uh Morning, Everybody. Today is actually Tuesday, February 20th of 2024. You will see this on Wednesday, February 28th because I’ll be traveling out of town to Dallas, Texas for the Moms for America event. And I wanted to make sure that you received this prophetic word while I was gone. Now today’s prophetic word is called EXPOSING THE PLAN OF THE ESTABLISHMENT TO MANIPULATE THE 2024 ELECTION I heard this prophetic word on February 13th of 2024. Before I get to that, if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website at JGMInternational.org under our contact page, or you can write us at Julie Green Ministries International 4620 East 53rd Street, Suite 200, Davenport, Iowa, 52807. If you do want any Julie Green Ministries merchandise, you can go to threesonsthreads.com. Okay, that is all the announcements to make. And here is the prophetic word,
For I, the Lord this day, am telling you, my children, your enemies are at a crossroads with the Biden, or slow Joe, as they will refer to him. You will start to see this in the news, more mocking him rather than defending him. They are in a process of removing him. Like I have said many times before, I have told you what you would see before that would take place. Now you are seeing it play out in front of your eyes. Your enemies are desperate to control him. They are desperate to control the narrative, to control who wsins the next election and the outcome they so desire. They have said many times in private, they cannot have another replay of 2016. But if that were to take place, we will make sure we have control of the House and control the Senate. And we will continue to control the Supreme Court, because if he wins, we will just impeach him and remove him out of the way. They have wolves next to my David and want him to pick their person for his VP, so they can get rid of the Biden and get rid of President Trump and have who they want. My children, they are ravenous wolves willing to stop at nothing to get what they want. In all these scenarios and all these plans they have conjured up, not one will go the way they wanted, not even getting rid of the Biden. His removal will not be theirs to decide on how or when, and you are about to see that is true. Much will take place before their convention. Much will take place in their party and in the Washington establishment. They’re at a point of no return. They’re also don’t see me coming and that my justice will prevail. They have many things to distract you and to damage this country further before the next election. They will try to stop it if necessary. Again this is your enemy’s plan and nothing they have done against my nation will stand. This marks the end of their control. Lord what marks it? The Fall of the Biden, their narrative, their media being able to stop this fall, and resistance that has grown against them. They can’t stop this great awakening in this nation. My body and my eagle are fighting back. They have awakened out of the deep sleep of deception. Many more will continue to awaken. The more the establishment pushes their agenda and horrendous policies on this nation, the more people will resist and push back. My children, they all thought you were too asleep and too stupid to take notice what they were doing to you and some in your government believe that is still true. That is why they are not through with pushing more against you. These are warnings, yes, but it’s nothing you should fear. It is to awaken you and let you in on their plans. So you stand on my word and use truth against your enemies that will completely destroy them. A major distraction is coming one after another and don’t fall for them. That is why I’ve told you over and over again to stay focused on me and I will show you what to see and that is me. That is truth on what is really going on. You can stop the enemy’s deception by knowing my truth that sets you free. Be free in my word, be free in me, my children. Don’t bow your knee to the enemy. Don’t believe in their power, don’t believe in their threats, don’t believe in their plans more than mine. Choose, my children who you are listening to. Choose which reports you believe. It’s time for the volcano to erupt, the fire to be set ablaze, for the earthquake to shake and for the flood to destroy every lie. It’s all coming at one time. There is nothing for you to fear. This is what your enemies have sown and it’s their harvest time. Your enemy’s plans are backfiring on them and they are trying to put out fires and problems everywhere they look. I will say this again, a great fall is coming. A fall of a corporation, sorry, a fall of corruption, a fall of a corporation that enslaved a nation. The fall of an establishment that ruled over you, the fall of their media, a fall of their judicial system, a fall of an illegitimate administration and a fall of many political figures. It’s all coming to an abrupt end. Listen to my words, my children, fear not for I am with you. Your enemy’s destruction will be great, but your victories will be even greater. Stand by me and stand in faith because abrupt changes are about to be seen for your freedoms, sayeth the Lord, your Redeemer.
Julie Commentary
Now I’m going to, of course, I’m going to go back over this prophetic word, but again, God is using a lot of these, uh, to go over these prophecies and he’s using these as an example and as a tool when he’s giving us prophecies and these revelation, we’re supposed to use them. That’s all I’ll say that, right? We are supposed to use them to fight against the enemy. He’s giving us insight, revelation knowledge. He’s giving us the news before the news. He’s giving us the plans of the enemy. And so what we’re supposed to do is to use his word against the enemy. Because as I have said before, the enemy’s plans that, and no matter how much they have in their arsenal, no matter how many destruction destructive weapons they have or destructive plans they have, it will never out power, overthrow or do anything against God’s word and God’s power. And we’re supposed to use God’s power. We’re supposed to use his might, his revelation knowledge and his word, not our own. That’s why it’s so important in this timeframe that we’re in, that we have that firm focus foundation on the Father. Because if you do have that firm focus foundation on the Father, that no matter what they do, now he’s been warning us. He’s been giving us lots of warnings in many different prophetic words. These warnings, a lot of people would get in fear over them and God saying, do not fear them. He’s not telling us these things for us to get in panic or fear over them. He’s telling us these things because he’s warning us. This is what they want to do. I have given you my word. I’ve given you my authority. So use it. He said in his word, this is Matthew 18, 18 through 20 and this is the C E V translation. I will also read this out of the amplified. Okay. This is scriptural. What we are supposed to do against the enemy. We’re not just supposed to sit here and just take all this stuff. We have power and authority that God has given to us through the name of Jesus, the blood covenant we have with him, and he’s given us authority with his word to use against the enemy. Now he says in Matthew 18, 18 through 20, I promise you God in heaven will allow whatever you allow on earth. So if we don’t do anything about it, why do you think the establishment was allowed in this nation to get as big and to get as, um, deep rooted in our government as they are? Well, because we allowed it to happen now, of course, we didn’t know what was happening because God said in his word, Hosea four, six guys, people were destroyed for lack of knowledge. So if you don’t have a lack of knowledge of something, you can be destroyed by something. That’s the reason why we’re supposed to pray. We should have seen this a long time ago, but said, of course, I promise you God in heaven will allow whatever you allow on earth, but God will not allow anything you don’t allow. That means you have a choice to allow something or you have a choice to not allow something. He’s given you authority and power and dominion. I’ve given you many scriptures about God’s power and authority that he’s given to us. Genesis one 26 through 28 and Luke 10 and 19. All right. Now I’m going to go and keep reading. This is verse 19. I promised, I promise that when any two of you on earth agree about anything you are praying for, my Father in heaven will do it for you. Why do you think that the enemy has tried so hard to destroy the body of Christ, destroy marriages, destroy families, to divide the country? Why do you think he’s doing that? Because even just two people come together in his name. Now look what he says there, whatever they agree on about something you are praying for whenever you agree about something you’re praying for, my Father in heaven will do it for you. He doesn’t want to believers to come together and agree upon anything because if we agree upon anything, Jesus said right here, my Father in heaven will do it for you. Then he goes on to say in verse 20, whenever two or three of you come together in my name, I am there with you. We’re talking about whenever two agree on earth, that whatever we agree, the Father in heaven will do it for you. Now that’s a long, if it goes along with his word, then it says in verse 20, whenever two or three of you come together in my name, I am there with you. So just think about that. Why do you think that Satan has tried so hard to destroy the body of Christ? Because he knows the power of two believers who come together, who are praying the will of Almighty God, the Father will give it to us. Then whenever two or three of you come together in my name, I will be there with you. Well, if God is there with us, it says in the scriptures, if God goes before us, who can be against us? And if God’s on our side, whom shall we fear? So if we have the greater one on the inside of us, we know we have the greater one on the inside of us. First John four, four, and he greater one is he that’s in the world. So you know, if you have God with you, he’s greater than anything you’re facing. And so that you won’t face those trials and tribulations or frustrations and you won’t face them with fear. You won’t face them with doubt or worry or unbelief. You’re going to face them with the word of Almighty God and the power of Almighty God, the authority of Almighty God. How do you think the body of Christ? So many people of body of Christ haven’t even heard about the authority of the believer, even though it’s scripture upon scripture, upon scripture, upon scripture in the word of God. But people won’t teach on it because it doesn’t go along with religion or tradition. It doesn’t go along with legalism. It doesn’t go along with manmade doctrine because Satan has wanted to water down the body of Christ and what they heard to weaken their power against him. So again, that’s why you have to know the truth and that truth will set you free. Now I’m going to read this same scriptures, Matthew 18, 18 through 20, I’m going to read this out of the amplified. Truly I tell you, whatever you forbid and declare to be improper and unlawful on earth must be what already is forbidden in heaven. And whenever you permit and declare proper and unlawful on earth must be what is already permitted in heaven. So right now this is saying, you can’t forbid something that God hasn’t forbidden. You have to go along with the word of God. So if it’s forbidden in heaven, then you know if you’re forbidding it on earth, you’re forbidding the power of Satan, you’re forbidding the curse in your life or the curse of the station, whatever it is. If you’re forbidding that, you know it’s already forbidden in heaven. Well, we know that. Any of Satan’s power, God has destroyed Satan’s power. He threw him out of heaven. His power is forbidden in heaven. So you know, whatever you are praying for, you have to know that wherever you’re praying for is already, it’s aligning with the word of God. You can’t just pray on our prayer. It has to line up with the word of God. But okay, this word forbid, again, God is showing you that you have power. This word forbid, refuse to allow something. God is saying we have the right to refuse to allow tyranny. We have a right to refuse, allow all this injustice in all of these rogue governments. We have a right to forbid and not allow what they’re doing. If it doesn’t line up with the word of God, it doesn’t line up with truth or freedom. Just like I did an in-depth study, which you guys saw will be last week for you. You guys saw what God was revealing to us by the declaration of independence and the power that people already had. And that’s just American citizens and the power we have because we have the right by the creator. He’s an unalienable rights, the life pursuit, the life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We already have those. So what the enemy does is he tries to come in and tries to twist everything up so you don’t believe that you have the liberty, the life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and he will make the oppression over you. He will make such hardships over you. So you just give in and bow your knee to his power and what his authority that he does have. Because remember, he’s little g, he’s God of this world, but he’s not God over us. He has been thrown out of heaven. And because we accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ destroyed him by the cross. He destroyed him when he took the keys of hell, death, and the grave, and when he was resurrected from the, from the, from the hell, he destroyed the power of him over us who believe. That’s why it says in Galatians three, 13 and 14 that we are redeemed from the curse. Now I’m going to read something else. Now again, read the scriptures. What God is saying that we have a right to forbid and to not allow what they are doing against us. There is something that we have to do. We have power. We have dominion. We have authority. And Luke 10, 19 says we have power and authority over all the power of the enemy. But if you don’t know, you don’t have authority at all. And if you don’t know you have the word of God and you can use it as a weapon against your enemy, then you’re just going to submit to a lot of these things. Okay. Let’s go to Joshua, Joshua one, five, no man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life as I was with Moses. So I’ll be with you. I will not fail you nor forsake you. How was God with Moses? He was a deliverer. He was our advocate. He was our stand fortress. He was the one, just like he was a fortress. He was a protector from any of the judgments that came down from Egypt. He proved himself as their provider, as their healer, as of course, again, as our deliverer. He proved himself over and over and over again. He says, as I was with Moses, so I’ll be with you. No man. We have men. We have out of control rogue government standing before us. And just like I was with Moses, he will be with us. He overthrew. He destroyed the power of, um, Pharaoh. They were destroyed in the Red Sea. God’s doing that again, not the exact same way, but the end, the outcome is the same. So let’s read on to verse six, Joshua one and verse six, be strong, confident, and of good courage for you shall cause the people to inherit the land, which I swore to the Fathers to give to them. We should be strong and confident. How we’d be strong and confident. Verse eight, the book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night that you may observe and do according to all that is written in it. But then you shall make your way prosperous and then you shall deal wisely and have good success. What do we should do? We should always keep the word of God in front of you. Please keep the word of God in front of you. That way you do not fear that when you have the joy of the Lord, which is your strength, you have that peace that passes on understanding because he’s your Prince of peace. You will know exactly what to do because God will give you wisdom, knowledge, understanding. You will know how to discern certain things that are going on. You will not be deceived. You will not get into fear. You will not submit. You will not bow. So if you don’t bow, you don’t burn. Go look up Daniel chapter three with Shaddrach, Meshach, and Abednego. They stood up against the face of adversity. They stood up against a rogue and tyrannical King who wanted to completely, well, he wanted to kill them for not bowing down to what he told them to bow down to. God’s people need to stop submitting to unruly people who are telling them to listen to them as a King or a President or whoever in control instead of listening to God. God’s people need to wake up, they need to stand up, they need to fight, and they need to not give in. They need to resist. It says in James four seven, Resist the devil and he must flee. Well, what does resist mean? To withstand the action of or to refrain from doing or having something tempting or unwise. To refuse to accept or be changed by something. We should refuse and accept and not accept to be changed by anything that they’re doing. We have a right to do that.
Prophecy revision
Now in this prophecy, now I’m going to go back over that. I know the Lord will probably give more scriptures, but I want to go back over it because there’s a lot to digest with this one. So the first paragraph was, For I the Lord this day am telling my children, your enemies are at a crossroads. Now look what he’s saying. He’s been talking about the Biden a lot lately and the reason why he’s talking about the Biden a lot is because the more you’re starting to see the Biden and him talking about it, the more you’re going to see and the quicker you’re going to see that fall, the quicker you’re going to see that removal. Now it says, They’re at a crossroads with the Biden. Now listen, or slow Joe, as they refer to him, you will start to hear this in the news. More mocking him rather than defending him, they’re in the process of removing him. We talk about that in the news already. I remember two years ago when the Lord was talking about this, it was in prophecy, people were mocking it. Well, the only way you get rid of something is by an election. Well, they have other ways and God is telling us this and this prophecy right here. He says, They are in the process of removing him. Like I have said many times before, I’ve told you what you would see before that took place. Now you are seeing it play out right in front of your eyes. Yes, God gives us the news before the news and we’re seeing that prophecy being fulfilled. They can do that by the Democratic National Convention. He says, Your enemies are desperate to control him. Who him? The Biden. They are desperate to control the narrative, to control who WINS the next election and the outcome they so desire. What do they so desire? An establishment crony WINS the election. That’s their desire. Then he says, They have said many times in the private, they cannot have another replay of 2016. Why? Because it disrupted their plan. They had an eight-year plan for Hillary Clinton. So she should still be in power right now and they had a lot of things that she was going to do. Why do you think with Biden, they didn’t have choice? They had to do what she should have done in her first term as President and she should have done in the second term as a President because Trump disrupted their entire plan. So their eight-year plan, they’re just shoving the things down our throat between 2020 and 2024. Then he says, They cannot have another replay of 2016. They can’t have another Trump presidency. Then he says, But if they were to take place, if that were to take place, we will make sure we control the House. So they’re going to make sure even if Trump, because they know, you can see by the polls now, they know that Trump can win easily. Nobody’s falling for their crap, to put it bluntly. And so they’re seeing that no matter what, he’s still winning.
Again, God allowed the 2020 election to happen. He allowed it. If he didn’t allow it, it wouldn’t have happened, but he allowed it for the enemy’s ultimate destruction because pride comes for a fall. And this is exactly what they’re doing. They know by stealing all these elections, they’ve gotten away with all this stuff, they’ve become more prideful and more arrogant and they do more things and they’re going to make more mistakes. This says, Okay, if he WINS the presidency, we’re going to make sure if we can’t cheat him out of it, we’ll make sure that we control the House and control the Senate. So we just can’t pray for the presidency. Do you hear this? We can’t just pray for the presidency. We need to pray for the entire election, all House seats, all Senate seats, no matter what it is. We need to pray for all of it. People are just focusing on the President. You can’t. You’ve got to focus on it all and the Supreme court because they said, Okay, if he’s going to win the presidency, we’ll make sure we have the House, the Senate and the Supreme court because we can impeach him. Because if he, Trump WINS, we will just impeach him and remove him out of the way. So that’s their scenario. That’s one of their manipulations. And they have wolves next to my David, which is President Trump, and they want him to pick their person for VP. There’s a person right next to him all the time right now. He’s a wolf, complete wolf. And you know who put him there? The person who put him there was the Washington establishment. And a lot of people know who he is. I’m not going to say his name, but a lot of people should know who he is. If God wants me to reveal his name, then I will reveal his name. But as of right now, I’m going to keep my mouth shut until he tells me to. That lot of people just see who used to run for President stopped running and you get it. All right, now they can get rid of the Biden. They can get rid of President Trump and have who they want. That’s their plan. Okay, if he’s going to win, we’ll make sure we have the house, the Senate, the Supreme Court. We’ll impeach him. We have the vice President pick that we want. So then we have the house, we have the Senate, and then we have presidency back and the establishment can keep going. That is their plan. But listen, my children, they are ravenous wolves willing to stop at nothing to get what they want in all these scenarios and all of these plans they have conjured up. Look what he says, Not one will go the way they wanted, not even getting rid of the Biden. So they’re not going to just get rid of Biden the way they want. They’re not going to steal the next election from President Trump. They’re not going to get the VP pick that they so desire. They’re not going to be able to steal the house. They’re not going to be able to steal the Senate. But what are we supposed to do in the meantime? We’re supposed to pray against it. Right? Just again, God has given us marching orders and things to do about it. This is part of our fight. He’s saying, Hey, the victory is the end, but I need you to you to be in agreement with me. Because God has said his word and Psalms one 15 and verse 16 that he’s given the earth over the children of men. If we didn’t have to be partakers of it and we didn’t have any part to play in this, then he wouldn’t say, Hey, I’ve given you power authority over all power, authority of dominion, over all the power of the enemy. Then God wouldn’t need to say that if we didn’t need to use our authority and we needed to forbid or resist or bind or rebuke, then there was no point of him putting the Bible. We have a part to play in this. That’s what he’s saying. He says, no, not only will, uh, no, not one will go the way they want and not even getting rid of the Biden. Why they were planning to get rid of the Biden, but God says none of their plans go as planned. His removal will not be theirs to decide. This is how they’re going to fall. He says how or when you are about to see that this is true. They’re not even going to get, they’re not able to control the fall of the Biden. And as you can see that because it’s cognitive ability is slipping so fast, just what God had prophesied in 2021 and 2022, the beginning, the end of 2021, beginning of 2022. He’s been telling us for this for years, they’re going to get to a point where they can’t hide it anymore. And we’re at that point. And now he even said, and I think you’ve already seen that one. I’m I don’t know. I prerecorded so much. I’m trying to figure out what it’s already come out, what’s not come out yet, but you’ve probably already heard this though, is that they know because now they’re saying he’s slipping so fast. People cannot and do not want him. They can’t stand him and do not want him. Now they’re trying to do plan B, which is a removal totally of the Biden and Harris, not just the Biden. Now watch what they watch what he says in the next one, the next paragraph much will take place before their convention. What convention is that? The democratic convention. I think that’s like June or July much will take place in their party and in Washington establishment and in the Washington establishment, they’re at a point of no return, but they also don’t see me coming and that my justice will prevail. God allowed certain things to happen. That’s why just like in the book of Exodus, he allowed Pharaoh to go so far. He allowed them to chase God’s people into the wilderness, into the Red Sea and in, into the Red Sea, not just to the Red Sea, but into the Red Sea and that was their destruction. So there he’s allowing them to go and do these things for their destruction. The book of Exodus is a great example and God keeps talking about that’s why I keep bringing it up because he keeps bringing it up. Then he says they have many things to distract you and to damage this country further before the next election. Well, we know that. Don’t be surprised that again, Gods been talking about viruses that they were going to bring on the scene and all of a sudden they’re now talking about viruses. Disease X is one of them. Wow. What do they do during the last election, big Presidential election? We had COVID. Don’t be shocked at all. He says they will try to stop it if necessary. There’s many different things that they can do to stop an election. They were going to try, didn’t say they will succeed. Again, this is your enemy’s plans and nothing they have done against my nation will stand. Not even putting a legitimate president or resident in the White House. This marks the end of their control. And then he knew people were going to beg the question, Lord, what marks it? What marks the end of their control? Now he’s going to answer you. The Fall of the Biden and their narrative, and the media being able to stop this fall and this resistance that’s grown against them. That’s what marks the End of the Washington Establishment. Not just the fall of the Biden, it’s the fall of the Washington establishment. So it’s a lot bigger. He’s the fall guy, but they’re going to fall along with him. They can’t stop this great awakening in this nation. My body, my Eagles are fighting my body and my Eagle. They’re fighting back and they have awakened out of the deep sleep of deception. Many more will continue to awaken. The more the establishment pushes their agenda and horrendous policies on the nation, the more people will resist and push back. We’re already starting to see it. You see, there’s like, okay, you, you guys are going to say it’s on the 28th of February. And so last week been for you, um, for me, it’s only yesterday, but there was truckers that are refusing to, um, deliver anything to New York city because of what they do against President Trump. That’s the resistance that God’s been talking to us about for over two years. He said the resistance is growing. People are going to start getting so fed up. They’re going to start pushing back with all this injustice in the land, but what’s going to take the whole United States to wake up? Unfortunately for not a lot of good things to happen. So I got, So it’s going to get darker, but again, not to get afraid of it. He says my children, they all thought you were too asleep and too stupid. They all thought we were too asleep and too stupid to take notice what they were doing to you. And some in your government believe that’s still true. They believe that we’re still so stupid, but God’s saying that is why they are not through with pushing more against you. So we’re going to keep pushing more against you and guys saying it’s going to be worse for them. The more they push, just like it was for Pharaoh. These are warnings, yes, but it’s nothing you should fear. God’s telling us as more and more and more and more do not fear it is to awaken you and let you in on their plans. So you stand on my word and use truth against your enemies that will completely destroy them. If you use God’s word, which is a sword of the spirit, they have nothing in their arsenal that can withstand the power of Almighty God in his word. That’s why we’re supposed to use God’s word. Then he says a major distraction is coming. So what are they going to do? They’re going to try to distract you away from what they’re doing one right after another. Don’t fall for them. Don’t fall for these distractions. That is why I’ve told you over and over again to stay focused on me and I will show you what to see. And that is me. That is a truth on what is really going on. That’s why we’re supposed to focus on God, get into our prayer closets, start praying with God, start getting in his word because he will destroy that power of fear over you. He will store that power of deception. He will open your eyes, soften your hearts. You will realize the truth and so it will completely set you free. He says you can stop the enemy’s deception by knowing my truth. So if the enemy is trying to deceive you, if you know God’s truth, that’s how it’s going to stop the enemy’s deception. By knowing my truth that sets you free. Be free in my word. So the more word we have in us, the more freedom we have. God’s giving us every key and every tool, every weapon. He’s letting us in on what is real. He says be free in me. Of course we’re free in him because we have the blood covenant we have with him that Jesus set us free. My children, don’t bow your knee to the enemy. Don’t bow to what they’re doing. Just like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego that didn’t bow. That’s a great example of standing in the face of life and death, standing in the face of adversity, standing in the face of a rogue ruler and going, I ain’t going to bow to you. That’s not proper English. But I’m not going to bow to you. You have no power and authority over me. I believe in my power of my heavenly Father who is the creator of heaven and earth. He is a great I am. He’s on my side. I will not bow. I will not burn. And they didn’t. I love that story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. All right. He says, Don’t believe in their power. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego didn’t. He said, Don’t believe in their threats. Don’t believe in their plans more than mine. Choose my children who you are listening to. Choose which reports you believe. It’s now again, we have a choice to believe in the evil report. We have choice to believe in the good report. Look in Numbers chapter 13, 30 through 33, God’s people also had a choice between an evil report and a good report. Well, it didn’t fare well for them. They were in a wilderness, won around for 40 years. Well, I choose not to do that. Then he said, It’s time for the volcano to erupt, the fire to be set ablaze, the earthquake to shake, and for the flood to destroy every lie. It’s all coming at one time. Now this is not talking about natural stuff. A volcano of all their lies and all their deception, all their corruption, it’s going to explode in their face because the explosion of truth and exposures are coming to destroy what they’ve done. Then he says, A fire to be set ablaze, and even says in this next paragraph, they’re trying to put out fires everywhere because all their plans are, seriously, they’re just being destroyed before their face. For the earthquake to shake, what? A shaking spiritual, a spiritual earthquake to shake the power of the enemy and to shake us loose from all their chains, and their control, and their oppression. He says, There is nothing to fear, there’s nothing for you to fear. This is what your enemies have sown and it’s their harvest time. Again, if you look at Pharaoh and you look at all of his men, you look at the plagues of Egypt or the judgments of Egypt, that was their harvest time of what they did against God’s people for over 425 years, that was their harvest. Those plagues or judgments was their harvest time, but God’s people in the land of Goshen, they didn’t have to fear because they were protected by Almighty God. That’s why he uses that as an example over and over again to get that perception on the inside of you and realize you need to perceive these things the right way. He says, Your enemy’s plans are backfiring on them and they are trying to put out fires and problems everywhere they look. Their plans aren’t going as planned. He says, I will say this again, a great fall is coming. A fall of what? Of corruption? A fall of their corporation? That was what they established in the 1800s in this nation, they established an incorporation that we are not, we are a republic, and how they did that was they tried to manipulate this nation away from the founding Fathers and what be, into the nation they wanted it to be. So that’s what corporation he’s talking about. They’ve enslaved a nation, they enslaved a nation with that corporation. The fall of an establishment, it was that, the Washington establishment, that’s ruled over you. The fall of their media, the fall of their judicial system, the fall of their illegitimate administration, which obviously that’s Biden and so many others before him. Biden was not the only illegitimate administration, God’s going to reveal that too. A fall of many political figures, it’s all coming to an abrupt end. Well I would say with Pharaoh, it came to an abrupt end for him too. Listen to my words, my children, fear not for I am with you. Your enemy’s destruction will be great, but your victories will be even greater. Stand by me and stand in faith, because abrupt changes are about to be seen for your freedoms, sayeth the Lord. Again, things are going to change suddenly, and so what we have to do when things are changing suddenly, is we have to be focused on the Father, the firm focus foundation on the Father. That’s why I love the fact that Threesome Thread made those shirts, because we have to understand that it’s not just a saying, it’s just a quote. It’s a lifestyle, firm focus foundation on our Father, because it destroys corruption, it destroys the chains, it destroys the prison cells, it destroys the power of fear over us. We have to have a firm foundation on God, and so I want to pray over each and every one of you right now, that you have that firm focus on him. That no matter what we see, and of course we’re going to pray all these plans down of what they want to do with the next election, it’s not going to go as planned, because God’s plan will go as planned. So Heavenly Father, right now in Jesus’ name, I thank you right now, that you have given us power and authority and dominion. So we, by the blood of Jesus and authority of that name, tear down every plot, plan and scheme against the 2024 election, and against President Donald J. Trump. We rebuke it, and we render it helpless against God Almighty, Father God, against this nation. No matter who is against you, no matter what their plans are, they will fail. Father God, I thank you that you have given us power and authority and dominion on this earth. You told us to forbid, you told us to bind and rebuke, and that’s exactly what we’re doing right now. Father God, I thank you that every one of their plans are being set ablaze and set a fire for their complete destruction. We thank you for every one of these exposures, we thank you for exposing what they’re doing, so we know how to fight back. Thank you for letting us in on all of these plans. Thank you for giving us the blood covenant we have with Jesus Christ, thank you for giving us a name above every name. And Father God, I thank you that you are strengthening your children right now, that they have that firm focused foundation on you, that that’s easy for them. They have a hunger for your word, they have a hunger, Father God, to know more about you and to know more about the authority of the believer, to know more about the freedoms that they have with the word of God, because you set them free through the word, that they are in this world, but they are not of it, they are not subject to the darkness or the control by the wicked, the control of the wicked. So I thank you, Father God, that you are rising up a great and mighty army of the Lord, that we are in your army, Father God, and we are holding that line. We will not surrender, but we are learning more of what belongs to us, because we are going to do more damage to the enemy’s camp. And we thank you, Father God, for it, the victories, because you are Jehovah Nissi, our victory. And we thank you for it, in Jesus’ name, amen and amen. Again, no matter what God tells us, and He warns us, we don’t have to fear what’s going on. Just have faith. Have faith and trust in God, that He is the great I AM. Well, I hope I’ve encouraged you today. Please like, subscribe, and share, and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs to hear the truth, because the truth will set you free. Oh, and quickly, right before, I just want to let you guys know, there will be no 6.30 video tomorrow morning, which is Thursday, February 29th, because I’ll be going live at 10 o’clock Central Time, right here on all these channels for you, okay? Well, God loves you, I love you, God bless you, and have a wonderful day.

Quote Again, God allowed the 2020 election to happen. He allowed it. If he didn’t allow it, it wouldn’t have happened, but he allowed it for the enemy’s ultimate destruction because pride comes for a fall. And this is exactly what they’re doing. Quote
YES God said at the time that the criminal Democrats had to be put on centre stage to be maximally outed.
So VP Mike Pence served his purpose which was to let Democrats win. Amazingly he tried running for President after that. He brought on his own demise, political seppuku, when asked a simple question, by 100million views Tucker Carlson, his answer was all resources had to be poured into Ukraine and “America was not his concern” as President to be. He could have lied. He chose to blurt out the truth TWICE thus it was political self-immolation.
Now someone else playing a similar double agent Role is Vaccine attorney democrat Robert F Kennedy jnr who said lots of moderately conservative things, anti-establishment, anti Big Pharma rhetoric, to steal votes from Biden or whoever they put up. And having made a surprisingly large dent in Bidens support base he then bizarrely turned hard LEFT and loudly advocated TRANSGENDERISM to sucker up to another lefty faction and vanished into a kamikaze political suicide crash. This is thought to be RFK jnr getting revenge on the democrats who killed his Father and Uncle. Doing the most damage possible to prevent their re-election.
All the world is a stage it seems.
God has said a few times he doesnt need an election to restore Donald Trump to the Presidency. Democrats will be caught utterly flatfooted.
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