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(upbeat music) – Goood uh Morning, Everybody. Today is Monday, March 18th of 2024. And I wanna thank each and every one of you for joining today’s live show today. I’m gonna do something a little bit different this morning before I get to the live show, because I’ve had it on my heart. Actually, my dear friend Clay sent me a link yesterday, and I’m glad I will have the team send it out later on. It is regarding Peter Navarro. And I want each and every one of you, I will have the team send that out. I want all of you to be praying for Peter Navarro today. I will be praying right now before we get into the prophecy or what the Lord has for me to give to you today. I really wanna pray not only for Peter Navarro and for justice and for God to intervene on his behalf, because he’s a true patriot. And what they’re doing to him is completely illegal. It’s unjust. And this is where not only patriots, but children of the Most High God really need to start standing up for injustice and not saying, Oh my God, I just feel so sorry for someone. And you get frustrated about it. No, this is the time to war. This is the time to pray. This is the time to stand. This is the time to press in. I just got another prophetic word this morning about pressing in and pressing through. And when the enemy tries to bring a pressure unto us to give up and to quit, that’s when we do not give into that pressure under any circumstances and start pressing through that pressure to crush and to destroy our enemy. So this is what I wanna do this morning. Again, I wanna pray over Peter Navarro. (Persecuted Trump Lawyer from WH days) And then I also wanna pray over all the January 6thers. And those are still in the prison, which is ridiculous. They did not do anything wrong. They were going there peacefully and patriotically. And we all know that there’s a horrible injustice what we’ve seen in our country. And so I wanna start today’s live show out with prayer. And I want you to be in agreement with me. Be in agreement with me that justice, God is a God of justice. And as you know, He’s been giving us His scriptures continuously on a daily basis, that He is the judge over all the earth. He puts down one, He brings up another. That is Psalm 75 in verse seven. And we know that God is a God of justice. We know that God is a just God. And so when we see injustice, we should grow rightfully, have righteous indignation on the inside of us and grow. This is something that has gone with me for years. I’ve been made like this. When I see injustice, that’s what gets me to start praying and start fighting even more than I was before. It just puts a fire in me to start praying to God and just seeking that justice and seeking the right thing. Because when you see things unfairly like this, it’s ridiculous and we know it’s how wrong it is. What they’ve done in Peter Navaro, what they’ve done in some of these January 6thers, it is unconstitutional. And we know it. We see what was just going down last week with Fannie Willis and what that judge did. That was not justice. They both should have been removed. So you see all these unjust judges that are going on in this nation. You can even see an unjust judge in the Bible. This widow woman kept going into the unjust judge and she kept bothering him and she kept going back to him and basically like nagging him. And guess what? He finally ruled with justice. And so when you see that, that is in the book of Luke chapter 18. If you see all these things, God is again telling us, don’t put up with stuff. Don’t give in to things. You stand and be firm on your faith in knowing that God is a God of justice. Knowing that if we stand and speak the word of God and we resist the enemy that they must flee. One thing that I know I’ve heard so many people say over and over again, the enemies did not expect us to be fighting still. They did not expect us to still be talking about 2020 or 2022 or they did not definitely did not expect us to still want President Trump back. They didn’t expect these things. So it’s bringing great confusion into the enemy’s camps. They don’t know how to handle this. And that’s a good thing because right now as God is strengthening us in His word and revelation and knowledge of who He is, our enemies are the ones who are being confused and being scattered and growing in fear instead of us. So I wanna pray today right now, we have people joining from all over. I want you God’s to join me in prayer to pray for Peter Navarro and the January 6thers. Heavenly Father right now in Jesus name, I lift up every person, Father God, right now like Peter Navarro, you see heavenly Father what is going on with the unjust judges and see what’s going on Father God that is not constitutional, where you are a just God. And I thank you Father God right now in the name of Jesus that justice is served on behalf of Peter Navarro. Father God, we thank you that your favor goes before Him. We thank you Father God, nothing is impossible no matter how impossible this may seem. I thank you Father God that you will intervene. I thank you Father God that the enemy will not get what they want. And everything the enemy does, heavenly Father to cause harm. Everything he does to cause damage or destruction. You are turning it into something good. So Father God, we lift up Peter Navarro to you. I thank you that you give him strength. I thank you Father God right now in Jesus name that he is building up and seeing who he is with you and how he’s not without you. Heavenly Father God, I thank you for giving him peace and for giving him joy no matter what it looks like. And just like you did with Pastor Arthur Palowski in Canada Father God, you can also intervene again on behalf of Peter. And so we thank you and we praise you Father God for justice on behalf of him. And for more people to rise up against injustice until we see justice is served. Father God, because you said you are a just God and you love justice. We also lift up every January 6th prisoner to you Father God and every single one that has been in prison so unjustly and so wrongfully accused of something they did not commit. Father God, we thank you that your favor goes before them. We thank you Father God for you to step in and intervene. And we thank you Father God for their release. You are the judge over all the earth. Heavenly Father, we know that you can make a way when there is no other way. And just like Paul and Silas and just like Father God, all these other things that have happened in the Bible where you release the captives and set the captives free. And so we thank you for their release for their captivity. Release from their prison sentences. Release Father God from all those jail cells which we all know they’ve been wrongfully accused. And so Father God, we thank you that you have the final say and that you have your way. In Jesus’ name, amen and amen. So again, we never should back off from that. No matter how long like the January sixers have been in prison for, it doesn’t matter how long they’ve been in prison for, it is wrong. And we stand up, lift them up, intervene on their behalf, intercede on their behalf. Pray and say, Father God, we thank you that they are released today. Well, if they don’t get released today, keep saying it each and every day. You call those things as not as though they are in Romans 4, 16 and 17. We have to start standing on the word of God, proclaiming and decreeing what God says and not what we have. We need to start saying what we want. That’s what God said to Abraham. Even though it looked like he wasn’t a Father of many nations, he became a Father of many nations when they were what, almost a hundred years old. They had Isaac finally, which was the one that God had always wanted them to have, the son that God wanted them to have. So again, what we do is we never back off. And anytime you God’s hear about Peter Navarro today, or you hear about what’s going on, I want you to lift him up and just thank God, just thank God that he is set free. Thank God for that justice. Thank God that no matter what, the enemy will not have their way, but God will have the final say. Okay, now also I have some exciting announcements to make today, and one of them is our event in June, June 7th, 8th, and 9th. It is now on our website. Yes, you cannot register, I know that, but I asked the team to make sure that they had that on our website to mark your calendars, to be with us for Holy Ghost and Fire event, a three-day event. And it’s gonna be Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday. And I hope you can join us. It’s gonna be, Nathan French will be there. Manuel Johnson will be there. Tiimothy Dixon will be there. I, of course, will be there. And then I will also be on the stage in Des Moines, Iowa. So our event is going to be in Des Moines, Iowa. Again, you can check our website at JGMinternational. org under our events page. It’s gonna be in Des Moines, Iowa. On Saturday morning, I will be on the stage in Des Moines, but we are gonna be live broadcasting from our stage into the stage in Detroit, Michigan at the Reawaken America Tour. So we are joining both of those events together, and we’re gonna hear what the Lord is going to say to the Reawaken America, and also to each and every one of you that will be joining us live, and we will be doing live streaming. So I’m so excited to be announcing that event today. Again, it’s our event, Holy Ghost and Fire event, and I hope you God’s can join us. It’s the 7th June, 7th, 8th, and 9th. And we are going to have a great time in the Lord, and expect to receive. I want you God’s, starting from March 18th, which is today, I want you to be expecting to experience a presence of God, to experience a miracle, signs and wonders, something that you’ve not experienced from God before, I want you to come expecting, okay? ‘Cause the atmospheric of expectancy is the breeding ground for your miracle. So I want you to come and expect miracles. So write down, again, it is going to be. Now, let me share, let me see if I can get this open. I’ll share my screen with you so you God’s can see. Here we go. Can you God’s see that? Let me get back to my studio. Here we go. So there it is, Holy Ghost and Fire Conference. So this is, right here, you can see on here, it’s Friday, June 7th, at 6 p.m. , and it goes through Sunday, June 9th, at 12 p.m. It may go a little bit longer, depends on how long God wants us to go for. Now, it’s at the Iowa Event Center in Des Moines, Iowa. So mark your calendars. We will be in Des Moines for our live Holy Ghost and Fire Conference, okay? All right, now, I wanted to share it with you. I’m so excited about that. Okay, so today, there’s something that the Lord was showing me this morning, and I do have a prophetic word I will be sharing with you, as long as he has me do it, ’cause this morning, I really, really thought that I was going to start going a different direction, so I’m gonna see. I’m gonna go in this direction if he wants me to change. That’s what I’m gonna do, because again, you God’s know, I want you to hear what God has to say and not what I have planned. So, and somebody was just asking about the reawaken. Yes, I will be simultaneously on both stage in Des Moines and in Michigan, Detroit, Michigan, at the same time. All right, now, this prophetic word today let me get it open, where’d it go? I have so many things open, here we go, it’s right here. Okay, I lost my place here, ’cause I have so many screens open right now. All right, now, today’s prophetic word that I have to give out is from March 11th, all right? It’s from March 11th, it’s called


For I, the Lord this day, am telling my children to pursue your enemies with my name and with my words. It will cause catastrophic damage to their plans and to their power against you. Most of my people in times past, when pressure is building, in the times when the enemies are pursuing them, they would run, cower, hide, give up, or quit. Because that is what your minds and feelings are telling you to do, because it’s easier, the easier way out. It will appear like it, and it’s the exact opposite. It will cause you more harm and more damage and more pressure and it will cause you to lose that battle you were always meant to win because of your enemy’s deception. Deception is growing, pressure is building, circumstances are appearing more out of control and more impossible, but that is for you to pursue ME so I can strengthen you in this time to build you up, to be that unstoppable force I have made you to be. So my children stand strong and stand firm. The winds of change are blowing and will change everything you see before you. Get with me and you will see that great triumphant victory over your enemies, sayeth the Lord of hosts.

COUNTER TERRORISM, this will be in your news for a significant reason. People meant to protect you weren’t. They were giving the enemies your information to cause more terrorism, hacking, spying, chaos, and destruction to your lives. I will show you who took part in this and who controlled it. Get ready for explosive information to pour out everywhere to show you infiltrators in your nation, your government, your news media, Hollywood, and corporate America. It’s all coming out and they’re all coming down, sayeth the Lord.

LEWINSKY, this name will once again be in your news for a shocking reason and it’s not what you think.

GREAT SECRETS have filled your White House and they will all be exposed. Many former Presidents of the United States who are Traitors to your great nation, Traitors to your constitution, Traitors to your freedoms, Traitors to your liberty, and everything this nation stands for. Everyone who committed Treasonous acts will all be exposed and justice will be served to all of them.

GREAT EXPOSURES are coming in the Senate of the United States of America. Many senators have many dark secrets and whistleblowers are coming to expose them all who are against you. It is coming like a flood, so get ready.

MITT ROMNEY is about to take a massive fall because documents, phone records, and proof are coming on how much he has done against this nation and who has been paying him for these criminal acts. He will not stay a senator and great justice will be served. There is more to come just like him.

ADAM SCHIFF many secrets are coming out on how and what you have done against this nation and they will not go unpunished. No matter who tried to save you, they will not succeed. I have all I need to show the world who you are. You were a Traitor to this nation. I’ll expose who paid you as an informant to help bring down my David and to destroy this country. Your days are drawing to a close and Treason will be your end, Sayeth the Lord of hosts.

Massive information is about to be released out of ITALY regarding you, O United States.

Get ready for a great shaking to the Washington Establishment they won’t recover from.

WILDCAT word will be in your news for a surprising reason.

DISBARRED, get used to hearing this word. Many in your judicial system are about to be judged themselves.

GREAT FALLS are coming politically and to the influential people WORLDWIDE

Nothing will stop my truth from filling this earth to take down the enemies and to all their power against you. My children, great changes are coming to free you. So stay focused on me and you will see great freedoms restored and celebrations across this nation. It’s not time for darkness and evil to rule. It’s time for my light to destroy it all Sayeth the Lord, your Redeemer.

Now I want to go over this prophetic word again. In the first part of this first paragraph, the Lord has given me different scriptures to go over today. Now he’s saying, for I the Lord this day, I’m telling my children to pursue your enemies with my name and with my words. It will cause catastrophic damage to their plans and to their powers against you. That’s the first paragraph. And in that first paragraph, if you think about it, go to 1 Samuel. Again, our enemies are always some way somehow pursuing us. But it’s how we deal with that situation in circumstance is going to be our final outcome. Now God has what he wants for us. And if we agree with Almighty God, and if we stand and fight that good fight of faith, look what God does. In 1 Samuel chapter 17. You God’s know the story, 1 Samuel and chapter 17. This is about David. Now again, what God said in this first paragraph, before I go over these scriptures, he said, listen very carefully to this paragraph. He said, for I the Lord this day, I’m telling my children to pursue your enemies with my name and with my words. It will cause catastrophic damage to their plans and to their power against you. David is a great example of that. David, when everybody else was cowering, when everybody else was afraid, when everybody else was running away, when everybody else was giving in, when everybody else was just allowing the enemies to continuously pursue them every single day. Because they couldn’t see a way. They couldn’t see a way out. They couldn’t see a way to escape. They couldn’t see their victory. Because Goliath looked too big to fail. He looked too big to be. He looked too big and he looked like there was nothing that was gonna ever move him out of the way. They saw themselves as just nothing and they couldn’t beat him. He looked undefeated. He looked like there was no way out. But they saw throughFBIof defeat. They listened to the thoughts of their enemy. They did not see through their eyes of God and what God was telling them. They should have known their covenant. They should have known what God has done for them in the past. They should have remembered, remember what God told them in the book of Exodus, earnestly remember this day. Those two of Israel, the Israelites, when they were up against Goliath, they should have earnestly remembered at that particular moment what God did for them against Pharaoh and his men. Because if they would remember, well, God saved the Israelites. He saved our ancestors from the greatest empire that ever was at that particular point in time. God saved them in a miraculous way. Well, if God saved them in that day, well, he’s the same God, so why wouldn’t he save us? That’s the earnestly remembering. And they should have been celebrating and standing their ground and say, Okay, God, if you save them, you’re gonna save us too. But they didn’t. They ran and they powered. There are Christians and there are some churches that are not fighting this at all. They don’t wanna talk about it. Don’t talk about politics. Don’t talk about these things. Don’t get involved in that. You know, it is what it is, and that’s the way we just have to live with it. They’re not getting God’s people ready for this battle. They’re not engaging them in it. They’re running and hiding. So again, some people on God’s camp, it’s nothing new, are going to not get in the fight. They’re gonna have to say, This is what things are, and this is what it is, and that’s nothing we can do about it. But that’s wrong. Look at David in 1 Samuel 17. Look at what he did. He knew God. So God, at this time, with David, had already saved David from a lion and a bear. So that was virtually impossible. If you think about it, a bear and a lion. He fought them off. It wasn’t by his strength. It wasn’t by his ability. It wasn’t by him and what David could do. It was what God was doing through David. And God was showing David that anything he faced was not bigger than God, the God that he served. So God was setting David up for Goliath. So God was showing David, no matter how big anything was against him, the enemy was that it was against him, was not bigger than the God that he served. And so you’d see David here in 1 Samuel 17, and David said, The Lord who delivered me out of the paw of the lion and out of the paw of the bear, he will. He didn’t even say, Well, he might deliver me. No, David had that faith. He will deliver me out of the hand of the Philistine. And Saul said to David, Then go and the Lord be with you. So David had this faith on the inside of him, this faith that would not be shaken. No matter how big Goliath was, he didn’t care because he knew the same God who was with him with the lion and the bear was gonna be with him with Goliath. So if you jump down to verse 42, Now when the Philistine looked around and saw David, he scorned and despised him, for he was just an adolescent with healthy reddish colored hair, a fair face and a fair face. So Goliath was appalled because an army wasn’t coming out against him. It was David, just an adolescent boy. And so he was appalled and he was mad because he said, This is all you got. It was an insult to him. Right now, the enemies of Almighty God are doing the same thing to us. You think about this for a minute. They are appalled. They are mad that we are still standing. They are mad that we have not given in to them. They are mad that we’re speaking the truth. Why do you think that people are getting kicked off? Why do you think this for a minute? Like, okay, you God’s know that I’ve been kicked off, you two, five times. And I will be getting back on there just to, I will. I am gonna get back on there. Why? Because I have my first amendment right of freedom of speech. But if you were just some crazy lunatic or if you were just somebody and they didn’t care about you, then why would they have to delete you? They care about truth. They don’t want and they don’t like truth. Your enemies never like truth. Why? Because truth sets people free. They hate truth. They hate it because all they have is lies and deception. And truth will set people free and wake them up. And so you have Goliath that was so angry and so mad. You have the Goliaths of today, our social media giants. The global government. Those are our giants today. The Washington Establishment, another giant. In your government, in your nation, there are giants against you it looks like. But what kind of attitude should we have? Should we have the attitude like the Israelites when they were cowering and hiding? Or we should have the attitude of David. I don’t care how big you are. I don’t care how much money you have. I don’t care if you even run a social media platform. You’re not bigger than God. You are not bigger than the God who was on the inside of me and the God that I serve. Let’s jump down. And it says to verse 43, 1 Samuel 17, verse 43. And it says, And the Philistines said to David, Am I a dog that you should come to me with the sticks? And the Philistine cursed David by his Gods. So that’s what the enemy’s first thought he’s gonna do is he’s gonna sit there and they’re gonna mock you. They’re going to try to shut you up. They’re gonna try to intimidate you. That’s what Goliath was doing to David. Goliath was trying to intimidate David. Then it says in verse 44, the Philistine said to David, Come to me and I will give your flesh to the birds of the air and the beasts of the fields. So again, Goliath was intimidating David. Now he’s intimidating David with death. And he’s telling David, I’m gonna kill you. But you see David, it didn’t shake him. No matter what Goliath kept doing, him bullying him, pursuing him, trying to condemn him, trying to threaten him, it didn’t matter. David didn’t care. Verse 45, look at what David said. Then David said to the Philistine, You come to me with a sword and a spear and a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts and the God of the ranks of Israel, whom you have defied. So David knew when he was going and he was facing Goliath, he wasn’t facing Goliath on his own power, his own authority. He said right here, But I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts. What is that? The God of angel armies. So we knew the army, the army with David, even though he couldn’t see him, he knew that they were more in number and greater and stronger than the Philistine. Because he said right here, he said, And the God of the ranks of Israel, whom you have defied. So he knew that he had a covenant with God and he knew Goliath didn’t. So he was staying firm, firmly footed. He was focused on God. He was focused on the fact that God had saved him from a lion and a bear. And he knew that God was with him. He knew he had a Lord of hosts ’cause he knew that Lord of hosts meant God of angel armies. So he knew who was with him was bigger and stronger and mightier than who was against him. And that’s why God is telling all of us, we need to have that same revelation as David did. You gotta think, David was by himself. Everybody else was cowering behind him and were afraid and they weren’t. There’s a lot of Christians today who will not get in this fight. It’s too hard. There’s too much. It’s just too impossible. They’ve stolen our elections. They’ve stolen our nations and there is no way out. What? God’s our way out. God’s always the way out. It doesn’t matter who’s in control that it looks like we have to remember that God is in control. That God allows certain things to happen for the enemy’s destruction. He’s been telling us that. So if we look here, then it says in verse 46, This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand and I will smite you and cut off your head and I will give your corpse of the army of the Philistines this day to the birds of the air and to the wild beasts of the earth and all the earth may know there is a God in Israel Why do you think that David, God allowed David to go by himself and fight against Goliath? Because he wanted to show not only the Israelites that were standing cowering behind David, but he’s gonna show the Philistines he was still the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He was still the God who saved his people from the Egyptians. He was still a God who nothing is impossible. David was really facing an impossible situation just like we are right now. We’re facing impossible situations. But it’s like, but what are we going to do about it? Are we going to run? Are we going to cower? Are we gonna be like the Israelites’ armies at that particular time? Or are we gonna be more like David? Well, I choose to be more like David. I choose to get in the fight and to stand and believe and trust in God and what God says and believe and trust in anything the enemies are saying. Who cares what the enemies are saying? Who cares what they are doing? And who cares what kind of power they have because it’s not a power that’s any power that’s even remotely close to God’s power. God is the most high God. So it says again in this first paragraph, For I the Lord this day am telling my children to pursue your enemies with my name and with my words. It will cause catastrophic damage to their plans and to their powers against you. And so when I was praying regarding this prophetic word and what scriptures and the Lord brought up David. And I’m like, well, of course you brought up David because you think about it, David caused catastrophic damage to Goliath and the Philistine army. He destroyed them. He cut off Goliath’s head after he used that smooth stone and it hit him right here and knocked him out, knocked him down and he cut his head off. And so then the Philistines were petrified of David because they knew that it couldn’t have been David by himself and he was serving the one true God. So if we had that same attitude of David, just think about this. If most Christians would have that same attitude of David, where would we be right now? Would we be sitting here? Would we still be fighting this fight or to be over? Would we be rejoicing or would we be in depression? We have to choose which report do we believe? We have to choose what outcome that we will receive. Are we gonna receive God’s will? Are we gonna receive what he wants for us? Or are we gonna receive what the enemies want? Well, there is nothing, nothing that I want from the enemy’s camp. There’s no report that I want from them. I don’t care what they have. I want God’s report. I want God’s plan. And if we give up and quit, what would that do? We would be completely destroyed. Our lives, as we know it, would be gone. We don’t have a choice. We have to be in this fight. We have to stand up. We have to resist. But when you know, like I was telling you God’s last week, my boys played basketball, is they knew at every basketball game that they were in, that they were gonna win, they had a better attitude. When they were coming up against somebody that they knew they couldn’t, their attitude changed. They weren’t that same, you know, exciting for this game. They were almost dreading it. God’s people, a lot of people are like that. They’re dreading it because they don’t see a way out. Well, we have to look to God because He is our way out. Now, I wanna give you another example. If we go to, go to the book of Daniel. Go to the book of Daniel. (silence) Daniel chapter three. This is another life and death situation. This is another situation where it looks like there is no way out, there is no way to escape, there is nothing that’s gonna change, and death is inevitable. And there’s no way to change that. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. When they were up against a king, the king Nebuchadnezzar, the king wanted him to bow. He wanted them to bow down to him. They wanted them to serve this golden image and to worship it. Well, he wouldn’t. He wouldn’t cower, they wouldn’t cower, they wouldn’t bow, and they wouldn’t worship this golden image, they refused. Now, at the time, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were loved by Nebuchadnezzar, until they wouldn’t obey him. When they wouldn’t obey him, it made him look bad. Just think about all the Washington Establishment, and just think of all these people right now and all these different governments, and we’re not obeying them. We’re not bowing down to them. We’re not serving the God that they want us to serve. We’re not giving in to their lies and their power. They hate that. So did Nebuchadnezzar. And so what he did, it was he brought Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego before him, and what he did with that is he said to him, if you don’t bow to this golden image, I’m gonna throw you in this fire, I’m gonna kill you. Well, we all know. The enemy always threatens God’s people with death, but God is life, and life destroys death. And Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego had that boldness like David. It said, King, we’re not gonna bow down to your golden image. No matter what you say, no matter what you do, no matter if you are gonna try to kill us, we are not gonna bow down to you. So you can see this in Daniel chapter three, and verse 17, well, I’m gonna start with verse 16, Daniel three and verse 16. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego answered and said to the king, oh, Nebuchadnezzar, we have no need to answer you in this matter. So they didn’t even care. They’re like, King, we don’t even have to answer you. We serve God, and that’s it. They said in verse 17, if that is the case, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us from your hand, oh King. So remember what David did. David said, God will deliver him. Remember that, because he had that faith that he knew that he was the same God who saved him from a lion and a bear. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were doing the same thing. They were saying, you know what, King? Is it mad if he throws in the fiery furnace? God is able to save us, and he will. So they knew that God could save them, but they also went further and knew God would save them. We have to, as children of the most high God, know that God can save us, and that God will save us. We have to have that same determination and that same knowing on the inside of us. Like David, and Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. You also see Daniel in the lion’s den. It’s the same thing. They knew that God could save them, but he also would. We have to know the same thing. I want you to write this down, okay? And make this in a note. Put this down so far deep in your mind. Put it in a post-it note. Put it somewhere. God can. God will. And God is a God of surprises. God can, God will, and God is a God of surprises. Why do we say that? We know God can. He’s the most high God. And he shows us so many times in the Word of God how powerful he is. So we know that he can. Most people do not doubt the fact that God can deliver them out of something. What they question is, will God deliver us out of the situation? So a lot of people have that question mark, and if you have that question mark, then you’ll have that faith or trust in God. That’s when you go into the Bible and read what God has done in times past for his people when they were in life and death situations, when they were in possible situations. Look how God could, and look how God did. He was willing. God is willing. I want you to say, God can and God will deliver us. But also, people beg the question and say, but how is God going to do it? They wanna know how. Well, we’re not gonna know how. We just know that he can and we just know that he will. How, that’s up to him. Just like with the Red Sea, God’s people, again, I go back to the book of Exodus, God’s people were stuck in this position of a no-win situation, no way out. Well, God didn’t tell them how he was gonna do it. You think right before, let’s say an hour or two before, God would have said, I’m gonna part the Red Sea. You’re gonna walk over on that sea on dry ground and you’re gonna walk over to the other side. Then once you walk over to the other side and you’re safe, then the Pharaoh and all of his men, they’re gonna start walking in the Red Sea and I’m gonna put the Red Sea and I’m gonna make it down where it was before and they’re all gonna die right before your face. Do you think that God’s people would have believed that? No, they wouldn’t have, why? Because it couldn’t wrap their natural mind or natural way of thinking into receiving that. So God can, God will, God is the God of surprises. He’s going to surprise us on how he’s going to do it. Why do you think he keeps talking about unconventional, unusual, unprecedented? It’s things that we can’t think of, things that we can’t imagine. You gotta think about this for a minute. If you were the children of Israel and you were standing right by the Red Sea, would that even have been a thought in your mind that God could have parted that sea right before your face? And in all honesty, if that was me, I probably wouldn’t have thought that because it had never been done before. We’d never seen God do it before, so why would we even think about it? Why would our imagination go that far? This is where faith comes in. The just shall live by faith, and God says it at least four times in the Bible, the just shall live by faith. We shall live by faith. We don’t know how God is going to deliver us out of the situation. We don’t know how God’s gonna bring life back into our nation. We don’t know how God’s bring our freedoms back and exactly how he’s gonna bring President Trump back. Again, it’s not gonna be just a regular conventional election. God’s been talking about that. It needs to be a political reset because if you had just a regular election, then you have the same Washington Establishment still there. So it has to be something that’s bigger. It has to be something that we cannot think of. It’s unconventional. So we know that God can do it. We’ve seen it in the Bible. How many times did God give us an example? And as you God’s know, in the book of Daniel, you will see when Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, you know, Nebuchadnezzar threw him in that fire seven times hotter, killed the people he, the people who threw them in there died. But Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego went in there bound and they were, next time Nebuchadnezzar saw them, they were up walking around and there was four people in that fire. Even in a fire, they came out of that. First of all, Jesus was there walking around. He freed them from their captivity in their chains, how they were bound up. He broke them free from that in the midst of a fire. I mean, it’s inconceivable. Like you’re thinking about how was that humanly possible? Well, it wasn’t. ‘Cause if people are in a fire, they die. But with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, it was God’s glory. God could save them. God did save them. And how he did it was shocking. It was surprising. So you had Jesus up walking around with them in the fiery furnace. And when they came out of that fiery furnace, they didn’t even smell like smoke. The fire had no power over them. Just like we should believe that the enemy has no power over us. So even in the midst of all these different, impossible, ridiculous looking situations, know that God can, God will, and God is the God of surprises. He will surprise you on how he’s going to do it. It’s not our business to know how God is going to. Our part is to know that God will. He will do what he’s faithful in his word that he said he will do. He’s faithful to perform his word. And we know when it says in Isaiah 55, 11, his word does not return to him void. But it will accomplish what he pleased and prosper in the thing for which he sent it. Isaiah 55, 11. So when we speak God’s word back, he’s faithful to perform his word. He’s faithful to perform his word. Now I’m going to go back over again and read this first paragraph. For I, the Lord this day, I’m telling my children to pursue your enemies with my name and with my words. It will cause catastrophic damage to their plans and their powers against you. Right then and there, I gave you two different examples, David and Shadrach and Meshach and a minute ago. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and they also said, Hey God, we believe you. You’re going to save us. They were bold and totally kidnapped. It did catastrophic damage to the enemy’s plans. The enemy, which was King Nebuchadnezzar at the time, he planned to kill him. Well, he couldn’t. God wouldn’t allow it. And God showed King Nebuchadnezzar who the one true God really was. He blessed, he was blessing the faith of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and people like David. Or you have like Joshua and Caleb when they were trying to have God’s people walk into the promised land. They believed. They believed. But there were people that saw the giants. There was 12 of them that went out and supplied the land. Two of them came out with a positive report, 10 came out with negative. Right now, even the body of Christ, there are negative reports, doom and gloom. You know, there’s no way out of this. Evil’s ruling and raining. No way of escaping. And I love what Manuel Johnson always says is, Glory days, not gloomy days. God’s going to show the world who he really is. He’s going to show us that he is still a God in the Bible who performs all these miracles. He’s still a God who delivers. He’s still a God who saves. He’s still that God. So he’s telling us, we need to be like David. We need to be like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. We need to be like Daniel. We need to be like Joshua and Caleb, fearless, and have a boldness on the inside of us that we will not back off, no matter what pressure is put on us. You put the pressure on the enemy. You keep praising and worshiping God, despite what you’re seeing, despite what’s going on. You say, I thank you, Father God, you’re in control. I thank you, Father God, you can and you will deliver us. And I thank you that you are the God of surprises. And I love surprises. God is the God of surprise. I love surprises. I love surprising people. It’s one of the most greatest joys of my life is to surprise people. Like even with my kids, when it comes to Christmas, I love to take something that they didn’t ask me for, but I know that they would truly, truly love and they wouldn’t think that I would even do it for them. And I do it. I do it, why? ‘Cause I love to see the look on their face. It is so fun to see that surprise look on their face when they had no idea what I was gonna get them. And that’s God. If I enjoy that, just think how much more God enjoys that. He enjoys to surprise His people. He enjoys to give us things that will bring joy to us. It brings joy to Him. So when we look at this, and also this next paragraph here, most of my people in times past. So again, showing there are certain situations in the Bible that they did this. We’re under pressure in the times when the enemies are pursuing them, they would run, they would cower and give up or quit. That was some, not all. Look what happened in the children of Israel when they were in the wilderness. They ran, they cowered, they gave up and they quit. And because they did that, they didn’t earnestly remember what God did for them, they didn’t, a lot of those older generation never saw the Promised Land. But that was not the will of God. God wanted them, but they forgot, they didn’t believe. Well, I choose to believe God, and I know you do too. Now it says, because that is what your minds, now again, God is telling us, your minds are gonna tell you, your minds and feelings will be telling you to quit, to cower, to run, to get, just to hide, to not fight. That’s what our minds and our feelings are gonna tell us. He said, but, and that’s gonna be the easy way out. That’s what your thoughts are gonna tell you. If we don’t fight, then the pressure will stop. That’s the farthest thing from the truth. If you are fighting and pushing back through that pressure, that pressure is gonna go against your enemy, and it won’t stay on you. You’ll be freed from it, because you’re standing just like David did. You’re standing like Daniel did. You’re standing like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego did. And they all had the outcome that God wanted, because they knew that God could, and they knew that God would. They didn’t know how He was gonna do it. Oh, got bones. They didn’t know how He was gonna do it, but He’s a guy of surprises. So then it goes on to say, it will appear like it, and it’s the opposite. So it’s gonna appear like if you give up and you quit, that it is like the opposite. You know, you’re gonna have that reprieve. Nope, the fight will get worse. He says that it will cause you more harm, more damage, and more pressure, and it will cause you to lose a battle where you were always meant to win because your enemy’s deception. So God has brought us. He said, remember, fight the good fight of faith. A good fight is the fight that we win. So if we fight the good fight of faith, it’s a fight that we win, that means don’t give in. Don’t give in to that deception, ’cause the enemies are the ones supposed to lose. This is what He’s saying right here. Deception is growing, pressure is building. Circumstances are appearing more out of control and more impossible. Stop right there for a minute. I just read you an example in the Bible, and I told you several different circumstances. Deception was growing for them, pressure was building, their circumstances were appearing more out of control and more impossible. These stories are great examples of what to do. He says, but that is for you to pursue me. So when your enemy wants you, the deception is growing, pressures, buildings, circumstances are appearing more out of control and more impossible. The guy is saying, when that happens, pursue me. And then he says, so I can strengthen you in this time to build you up, to be that unstoppable force that I have made you to be. So my children, stand strong and stand firm. The winds of change are blowing and will change everything you see before you. God is changing everything we see before you. How is he doing that? I don’t know. People are asking me. God said, unprecedented, unconventional. And remember, if you know that God can, God will, and God is the God of surprises. So we don’t know how he’s gonna do it, we just know he’s going to. He says, get with me and you will see that great triumph and victory over your enemies, say it, the Lord of hosts. Now remember, the Lord of hosts was with David. The Lord of hosts, look at Lord. Jesus showed up in the fiery furnace with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. God is always with us, even in times of darkness, even in times of a fire, even in times, no matter what it is, when we’re facing a great army or a great enemy, God is always with us.

Now, this is a word to look for in the news, COUNTER TERRORISM This will be in your news for a significant reason. People meant to protect you weren’t. They were giving the enemies your information to cause more terrorism, hacking, spying, chaos, and destruction to your lives. I will show you who took part in this and who controlled it. Get ready for explosive information to pour out everywhere to show you infiltrators in your nation, in your government, in news media, Hollywood, and corporate America. It’s all coming out, and they are all coming down, sayeth the Lord. So again, counter-terrorism. We already know that our intelligence agencies are not fully working for us. Now there, again, I say this repeatedly, because there are some good men and women that work in our CIA and FBI and the NSA, but there’s a lot of bad ones. And so God’s showing us people that were supposed to be working with us and protecting us are actually not, and he’s exposing all of that. So look for the word counter-terrorism.

Now, the name LEWINSKY LEWINSKY, this name will once again be in your news for a shocking reason, and it’s not what you think. Great secrets have filled your White House, and they will all be exposed.

So LEWINSKY and then Secrets in the White House.

All right, now then the next paragraph says, MANY FORMER PRESIDENTS O United States who are Traitors to your great nation, Traitors to your constitution, Traitors to your freedoms, Traitors to your liberty, and everything this nation stands for, everyone who committed Treasonous acts will be exposed, and justice will be served to all of them. There’s gonna be explosive information coming out on past or former Presidents of this country.

And of course, we’re gonna see more what’s going on with the Biden. Hold on a second. We’ll see more with the Biden and what he’s about to be exposed with, because he’s about to be exposed in a major way, ’cause they’re about to let him go. You can see that that’s why they’re talking about his cognitive functionality. God talked about that for the last two years.

All right, now, great exposures are coming to the Senate of the United States of America. God’s been talking about great exposure in the House of Representatives. Now he’s also talking about great exposures in the Senate. Many senators have many dark secrets, and whistleblowers are coming to expose them all who are against you. It’s coming like a flood, so get ready. So there’s going to be a lot of dark secrets that some senators have had, even former senators and senators now in the Senate, their dark secrets are going to be revealed. One of them is Mitt Romney. This is not the first time God has mentioned MITT ROMNEY It says, Mitt Romney is about to take a massive fall because documents, phone records, and proof are coming on how much he has done against this nation and who has been paying him for these criminal acts. He will not stay a senator, and great justice will be served, and there is more to come just like him. There are a lot of people who are in the House of Representatives, and there are a lot of people in the Senate, watch them. They’re going to be forced out, or they are going to step down or not run out of nowhere. They’re not going to run for re-election. And God’s been talking to us about that for quite some time now, actually, and we’re starting to see a lot of that happen. Last time I think my assistant, Natasha, was showing me, I think there was like 40-plus, might have been over 50 now, how there was these people in these, even not even our own country. This is the ones that people have been sending us, people have been stepping down, people have been removed, not running for re-election, all the things that Gods been talking about. Things are happening.

ADAM SCHIFF Now, the Lord talked about him quite a bit, actually, and exposed his exposure.

ADAM SCHIFF many secrets are about, many secrets are coming out about you and what you have done against this nation, and they will not go unpunished. No matter who tried to save you, they will not succeed. I have all I need to show the world who you really are. You are a Traitor to this nation, and I will expose who paid you as an informant to help bring down my David and to destroy this country. Your days are drawing to a close, and Treason will be your end. Now, remember, God has been saying all these things that people look like people are getting away with, they’re not getting away with it. Some people have already been judged, and we will find that out, and some people will be. The next paragraph is,

Massive information is about to be released out of ITALY So watch explosive information out of Italy regarding you, oh, United States. So explosive information that’s gonna come out of Italy is gonna regarding this nation. Then it says, Get ready for a great shaking to the Washington Establishment that they won’t recover from. So something’s gonna happen that is gonna be released out of Italy that will shake the Washington Establishment, that they will not recover from it.

All right, Wildcat, this word will be in your news for a surprising reason. Disbarred, get used to hearing this word. Many in your judicial system are about to be judged themselves. So many people in our judicial system will be disbarred. There’s a lot of judges who are not upholding the law of our Constitution of the United States of America. They are not obviously ruling for justice and for liberty, they’re ruling on their own political gain, whatever. We just saw that with even down in Fulton County in Atlanta, Georgia, that was not justice whatsoever. And everybody can see right through it. Watch what happens to that judge down in Fulton County as well. And then the next paragraph, Great falls are coming politically and to influential people worldwide. Nothing will stop my truth from filling this earth to take down the enemies and all their power against you. My children, great changes are coming to free you. So stay focused on me and you will see great freedoms restored and celebrations across this nation. It’s not time for darkness and to evil to rule. It’s time for my light to destroy it all. Sayeth the Lord, your Redeemer.

Now, remember what God has been talking about. He’s been talking about that glory was going to fill this earth just like the water filled earth in the days of Noah. And the reason for that glory, God’s glory is his manifested presence, his power and his goodness. So God is gonna pour out His Glory or his presence, his power and his goodness is going to flood this earth. Why? To wake up God’s people, to wake up this earth to who he really is. Again, before all these other things are gonna happen in the Bible, like the book of Revelation, God wants a great awakening to happen, to bring more people into the kingdom of God. So there’s a lot of things that are gonna start to take place. God has been telling me, he’s given me even another prophetic word this morning that was extremely powerful. It’s a warning one, but it’s also one that will wake people up, okay? And that’s what we have to pray. We have to pray for an awakening. And there’s a lot of you I know because we have a lot of prayer requests that there’s a lot of people that are praying for their families to be awakened. Whether it be their families or friends or coworkers or boss, whoever it is, people want people to be awakened to the truth. A lot of things are gonna happen before November. Obviously we know that because the enemies are gonna try to stop this election in any way possible they possibly can because another Trump presidency can not happen. This is what they’re thinking in their mind. Another Trump presidency can not happen. And so they’re gonna try to throw everything at us no matter what it is. But this is the reason why God has been preparing us for this time. He’s been warning us of this time. He’s been strengthening us in this time. He’s been preparing us with his word and showing us the power and authority that we have in his name and with the word and with his blood covenant. And that again, like he was showing us today, that no matter how bad a situation looks, God is bigger than that situation and he will get us out of the situation. So don’t get discouraged. And if the enemy tries to come in with discouragement, tries to come in with different feelings, don’t give into that and shut your enemy up and remind yourself, get into the word of God, read those scriptures that he gave out today of what he does in the times of impossible situations. Now I wanna encourage you, now remember, we have a very powerful prayer team here and we pray for you each and every day. If you have a prayer request, please send them in to Julie Green Ministries International 4620 East 53rd Street Suite 200, Danmore, Iowa 52807, where you can write us at, you can go to Julie Green Ministries or JGM International. So JGMinternational.org under our contact page, okay? And know that we pray over your prayer requests. We’re getting tons of praise reports. So know that God still is a miracle working God, okay? I want you to be encouraged today. Write these scriptures down. Don’t take my word for it. Get into the word of God. Get in and have a greater fellowship and a greater relationship with God Almighty. I want you to know him more. I want you to know him to the fact that when anything comes your way, you’re gonna stand and be firmly footed in the word of God. Now I wanna pray and reach out to every one of you right now. Heavenly Father, right now in Jesus’ name, I love of every person the sound of my voice and I break that power and the spirit of fear against the children of Almighty God. Fear you are a liar, shut your mouth. God has not given us a spirit of fear but a power, love and a sound mind. Father God, I thank you that you’re giving each and every one of them a sound mind. I thank you that we are having that firm, focused foundation on you, Father. No matter what we see in this year, no matter what the enemy’s plans are, we thank you, Father God, that we have that boldness like David. We have that boldness like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. We have that boldness like Joshua and Caleb, that we can stand firm, that we are not shaken, that we will be not moved in any way, shape or form. But we believe that we believe, Father God, that you are Elohim, the creator of heaven and earth. We believe, Father God, that you are El Shaddai, the God who nothing is impossible. We believe, Father God, that you are the God who is with us. You are Emmanuel, God with us. We thank you, Father God, that you are the provider. You are Jehovah Nissi, our victory, our banner. So Father God, right now, every situation that anyone is facing, no matter if it’s a life and death situation, no matter if it’s court cases, no matter if it’s lack or debt or poverty, no matter if it’s their jobs, no matter what it is, Father God, you are the answer. You are their solution and you are their way out. And I thank you, Father God, that you show them that you are the way maker, that you are the way, the truth, and the life. And I thank you, Father God, and death cannot hold your children because you are life and life destroys death. So Father God, I thank you right now for building them up, for strengthening them, for realizing that they’re not alone. They don’t have to fight by themselves. We thank you, Father God, for your word and for your name above every name. And we thank you for it in Jesus’ name, amen and amen. Again, remember, you are not alone. And also, if you do want any Julia Green Ministry’s merchandise, you can go to threesonsstrut.com. Get God WINS, get you’re in the army of the Lord, get that Firm Focus Foundation on the Father shirts, whatever it is, and show our enemy that you will not comply to any of their lies. And I wanna remind you that none of those proceeds go to Julia Green Ministry’s International at all. So no, I’m not telling you that because it’s profitable to this Ministry because it’s not. I want you to have it because I want, oh, the America Needs God shirts, because I want the enemies to know that we are not backing off, we are not quitting, we’re not giving up, and we are surely not giving in. So tomorrow, there’s gonna be two different live shows. Okay, I’m gonna do my live show in the morning with you to give a prophetic word or whatever God has for us that day. And also, I will be on live again with Thomas Renz. He is an amazing person. I love him, he’s a dear friend of mine, and he is fighting a battle, and I want you God’s to be praying for him and for his team because he is fighting a lot of this enemy. He’s a lawyer, he’s fighting a lot of these battles that a lot of us can’t fight in the courtroom in the way he does it. So if you God’s wanna join us tomorrow, I’m so looking forward to it. But until then, hope you’re encouraged today. Please like, subscribe, and share, and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs to hear truth, because truth will set you free. God loves you, I love you, God bless you, and have a wonderful day.


Does presidential immunity to prosecution mean the president can commit TREASON ? Is the president allowed to be a complete OUTLAW? Great debate coming LOL. This issue must be clarified.

Many disbarrements coming. Much needed. Though my gripe is that the justice system is medieval and needs a boost by using the Internet.

Evil can be done in 10 minutes but the court case correction can take 5 years or more. Meanwhile the perpetrators receive criminal benefits wholesale for years.

There must be a way to respond to complaints faster than the current system.

To reduce the effect of Hometown juries like in Washington where progressive juries will convict a ham sandwich why couldn’t people have 36 jurors in 6 states ? All watching online ? Just Jury selection can currently take more than 12 months its part of the lawfare environment which paralyzes justice.

So do we need a lot more lawyers? More court rooms? Off shore court rooms for political crimes at Gitmo ? Donald Trump kept it open.

Thank goodness God inserted numerous whistleblowers into the many scheming criminal groups. And he can punish criminals no matter how much lawfare they invoke in their own defence. High technology and our fondness for filming and recording everything is catching the perps with no wriggle room left.

We would need God to continually be infiltrating good guys forever into any criminal elements that take root if we want to stay free. I’m not convinced man could ever do this by himself for very long. So God has to be widely available and accepted as an active part of our lives forever.

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