Searchable transcript for the Serious


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Goood uh Morning, Everybody. Today is, well, Monday, April 1st of 2024. I cannot believe we’re already in April of 2024. These last few months have been going extremely fast and I have a feeling so will the rest of this year. So I want to thank you for joining today’s live show today. I do have more words to give you for encouragement and I hope each and every one of you had a wonderful resurrection weekend with your family and celebrating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and all that that he’s done for us all the blood that he shed for us that we can be free but also that we should be celebrating the fact that not only did he live and he died for us but he was raised again he is alive he’s not dead he’s alive and he’s alive and he’s alive and each and every one of you and you You have to understand that because He’s alive in each and every one of you, no weapon formed against you shall prosper, no matter what the enemy tries, no matter what he says, and no matter what anything looks like in your life. You have the resurrection power of Jesus Christ on the inside of you. You have that same power that raised Jesus from the dead. And so we just have to know that power, tap into that power, get excited about that power, be completely convinced and completely believe in that power that no weapon formed against us shall prosper and Because what Jesus did with that Dying for us and being raised from the dead He destroyed the power of the enemy and it looks like the enemies are doing all these things that they want to do all over the world but remember What God says the enemy shall be cut off and also says in God’s Word in Hebrews chapter 2 and 14, that because of what Jesus did, and we just celebrated this, because of what Jesus did, our enemies are brought to nothing and to make no effect. So I want to encourage you this morning with that, and just to let you know that God always WINS, and He’s won the battle, He’s won the war, and so while we are waiting to see this happen in our lifetime, while we’re seeing all the waiting that all the things that God’s been prophesying. We either hold our heads high and just know that everything is gonna be okay in the house of the Lord because God is in control. Now also I was on a wonderful brand new news network over the weekend. I did share it out with some of the social media platforms but I didn’t know how to share it out with this one because I I wasn’t doing a show that day, but it’s called Patriot.tv, Patriot.tv. It’s a brand new news network with General Flynn and so many other different Patriots that are giving you the truth. They’re giving you the news on a daily basis. And so I was on that show over the weekend. It was a watch party that General Flynn had. It was really fun to do it. So you can go to patriot dot TV. Okay, it’s patriot dot TV It’s a brand new news network and I’m so excited that I was a part of that launch Party, which I don’t put in so many other different Patriots that are awakening this country and giving you another new source To hear the truth and we are destroying mainstream media Because people aren’t going to the mainstream media anymore to get their news They’re going to find sources that will actually give them truth and not propaganda So I love I love General Flynn He’s an amazing man And I’ve gotten to know him and so many other patriots from the reawakened America tour that I’ve been so blessed to be a part Of so you God’s want to go check that out is Patriot TV They didn’t ask me to say this. They didn’t even ask me to you know, spread the word out I’m just doing it because it’s something that I believe in because I want more people to have the news But just get the truth in the news. That’s that’s Majorly different than what the lamestream media does on a daily basis. So anyway, I hope you God’s had all a wonderful weekend and I’ll be sharing with you this morning The prophecy I actually was going to give out last Friday And then God gave that really powerful word Live on air. So if you did miss that it was about sabotage and the Lord was showing all different ways The enemies are sabotaging this country Sabotaging us in every walk of our life And again, not only does it give us what the evil people are doing and what the you know The globalists are doing and what the governments are doing against us, but he never leaves us with that’s what they’re doing and so you just have to deal with it. You know he’s not giving us doom and gloom and just saying put up with it. He’s giving us a doom and gloom of what it is going to look like. But God will always give you a good report because he is the good news. He is goodness. He is life. He is love. And so he’s always gonna tell something that’s going to happen that may look extremely bad and horrible but God always has a solution. He always has a way out and that’s why we’re supposed to get the news before the news which is God and his prophetic words but get into his written word to see what he says about all these things because remember God is the key. He’s the key to our victory because he is victory. He is the key, and he’s the solution to everything that we’re seeing in front of us today. So if we remind ourselves of that, if we remind ourselves that God’s in control, we remind ourselves that God is the key to our victory, we remind ourselves on a daily basis, that God is goodness, he’s absolutely good. That God, no matter what it looks like, is the deliverer. God is a protector, God’s our advocate, he’s our standby. He is our victory. So I want to get that all to you because no matter the situations and circumstances and what the enemy is trying to put in your life, remember God is your key. He’s a key to your healing because he is the healer. He’s Jehovah Rapha. He’s a healer. He’s a key to your victory because he’s Jehovah Nissi. He’s your banner. He’s El Elyon. He is the Most High God and there’s nothing in no one bigger than him. He is Jehovah Jireh. He is your provider. He is El Shaddai. He is the God that you go to in impossible situations because nothing is impossible for him. So that is where we stand today. Having our hearts fixed on God, not the problems of the world, but have a heart fixed on the goodness of Almighty God and his promises and his word and what his word says that we can have and what we need to do is to be fully convinced that what God says is true and Be fully convinced and believe in God more than our enemy That’s what he’s been asking us in many of these different prophetic words. Do you trust me? That’s what he’s been asking. Do you trust me? So on a daily basis, when we’re seeing all these things that are coming out against us personally or with our nation, we should be asking ourselves this question, do I trust God in this situation? And our answer should always be yes, because God is bigger than any one of our problems. His hands are definitely big enough to handle the situation, and He can be trusted to get Get us out of it all because again, it says in his word in Psalms 34 verse 17 and 19 That he hears the cries of his people and he will deliver us out of it all So no matter the problem No matter anything that’s going on. God is the solution. So I Wish wanted to tell you that God WINS everything is exciting, and there’s nothing and no one that is going to stop God. All right, I want to get to this prophetic word. Now I’m going to be sharing my screen with you today, all right, because this was a prophecy given to me, well through me, during our prayer call. So I want to make sure that you God’s receive this, so I’m going to share this with you, and then once I get done sharing my I’m gonna get back on God is giving me several different scriptures over the weekend because I was doing a lot of studying every single morning over the weekend and just studying and getting it more with him and seeing what he wants us to know because There’s an urgency in my spirit There’s an urgency in my spirit of something that is coming that we don’t see There’s an urgency that people need to wake up There’s an urgency that people need to have in their hearts to be have their hearts fixed on God To be solely fully looking at him and not anything else So there’s an urgency God’s been saying that things are intensifying and as we saw with the blatant with the Blasphemy and everything that the enemy has done over the weekend what they said yesterday Yesterday and what they were celebrating yesterday Yesterday we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and they were celebrating the visibility of trans day or something it’s complete blasphemy against God and Remember God will not be mocked. It says that in his word. He will not be mocked So as we see them doing all these things against God God is going to answer. God is going to show them that they are not the ones in control. God’s going to show them that the blasphemy and things against him will not stay that way. He gave me a very powerful prophetic word yesterday morning regarding these very, very things that was going on against us. Okay. And what’s going on in this nation. They’re trying to get this nation turned away from God. They’re trying to get this nation on a death spiral. They’re trying to get this nation morally corrupt, bankrupt. They’re trying to get us in just a complete path of destruction. But don’t fear what you’re going to see. And even though something big is imminent, because it’s going to be imminent, it. There’s nothing way around it. There’s nothing to fear when I’m saying any of these things. That’s when we have to have our hearts fixed on God and realize that God is bigger. Realize that God’s been warning of these things for years and years. He’s been telling us of all these things that were going to happen. He’s been telling us to walk by faith and not by sight. He’s been telling us to not be moved by what we see. He’s been telling us that things are not how they appear to be he’s been telling us to hold that line that we’ve been called to battle but we are destined to win it so he’s been warning us about a fight well then people get fearful and they get worried and they get panicked because there’s a fight going on he’s been warning us about things looking darker and he even said that this country now this again it’s nothing to panic about in yesterday’s prophetic word the first thing he said to me I just was I was floored by it actually because I knew he’s been warning us about things but how he put it was something that I wasn’t expecting and he said that the first like couple sentences of this prophetic word about this country is going to be plunged into a darkness. And people think, Oh my goodness, what does that mean? How am I supposed to prepare? What am I supposed to do? I’m not ready. I’m not strong enough. I can’t deal with this. And God saying, Whoa, if your heart is fixed on me, he’s the one who gives us a strength. Now, remember in the land of Goshen, he keeps going back to that in the land of Ocean, there was darkness in Egypt. They were plunged into a darkness. God mentioned to me this morning again in another prophetic word. I wasn’t even thinking that he was gonna give me one. I was just praying and getting ready for the show today and all of a sudden I heard him repeating something so I knew right then and there I needed to get my pen so I started writing it down. And one of the things that it stuck out at me so big and it was like a magnifying glass I said it a lot when he said certain things it’s just like it magnifies and one of the things he said was PAY ATTENTION TO THE PLAGUES things are gonna happen that he said go back in Egypt and see what happened against the children of our against the Egyptians and how God protected his people he said go back to that read what that says because there’s things that are gonna happen around the world that are going to mimic or going to look like what things happened in that time in the land of Egypt. But what happened in the land of Goshen was the Almighty God was showing of His power, was showing of His goodness, was showing of Him being their deliverer and protector, Him being their fortress. It was showing God’s people that He is the Most High God and that’s what he’s doing again. So when you’re hearing the negatives, know that the negative will happen, but don’t relate to it. Don’t sit there and start panicking and going, I can’t do this. Yes, you can, because it says in Philippians 4 and 13 that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. He gives you the strength. He gives you the ability. It says that in Ephesians 6 and verse 10. God is not asking any of us to deal with any of these things on our own. He’s not asking us to be overwhelmed with fear, panic and anxiety and going, oh my goodness, I can’t do this. I can’t watch this. I can’t. I’m just going to bury my head in the sand until it’s over. He has been preparing us for years. We’ve been in boot camp, a spiritual boot camp. We’ve been in a boot camp realizing the power of the authority, the power of the name of Jesus, the power of the word of God, the authority that we have as a believer, we’ve been given all of these different things, God’s been giving us revelation, he’s been giving us insight, he’s been giving us, you could say a heads up, and he’s been telling us these things you are going to see so your hearts don’t fail you. Your trusting in God does not fail you. You are fully convinced that God is going to get us out of any mess that we’re going to see. God is in control. And that’s what you and I have to be fully convinced of. God is in control. God is not going to, it says in his word, he doesn’t leave us and he doesn’t forsake us. So he’s not going to leave us in the situations that we’re in. He’s repeatedly told us that. So I want to share my screen with you. And I want to, now this prophetic word was a second one. It was a second one from March 20th. Okay, so I already gave you the first one from that day because that was the first one. This is the second one from March 20th. So I’m going to share my screen and I’ll be back with you momentarily.


Goood uh Morning, Everybody. Today is, well, Monday, April 1st of 2024. I cannot believe we’re already in April of 2024. These last few months have been going extremely fast and I have a feeling so will the rest of this year. So I want to thank you for joining today’s live show today. I do have more words to give you for encouragement and I hope each and every one of you had a wonderful resurrection weekend with your family and celebrating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and all that that he’s done for us all the blood that he shed for us that we can be free but also that we should be celebrating the fact that not only did he live and he died for us but he was raised again he is alive he’s not dead he’s alive and he’s alive and he’s alive and each and every one of you and you You have to understand that because He’s alive in each and every one of you, no weapon formed against you shall prosper, no matter what the enemy tries, no matter what he says, and no matter what anything looks like in your life. You have the resurrection power of Jesus Christ on the inside of you. You have that same power that raised Jesus from the dead. And so we just have to know that power, tap into that power, get excited about that power, be completely convinced and completely believe in that power that no weapon formed against us shall prosper and Because what Jesus did with that Dying for us and being raised from the dead He destroyed the power of the enemy and it looks like the enemies are doing all these things that they want to do all over the world but remember What God says the enemy shall be cut off and also says in God’s Word in Hebrews chapter 2 and 14, that because of what Jesus did, and we just celebrated this, because of what Jesus did, our enemies are brought to nothing and to make no effect. So I want to encourage you this morning with that, and just to let you know that God always WINS, and He’s won the battle, He’s won the war, and so while we are waiting to see this happen in our lifetime, while we’re seeing all the waiting that all the things that God’s been prophesying. We either hold our heads high and just know that everything is gonna be okay in the house of the Lord because God is in control. Now also I was on a wonderful brand new news network over the weekend. I did share it out with some of the social media platforms but I didn’t know how to share it out with this one because I I wasn’t doing a show that day, but it’s called Patriot.tv, Patriot.tv. It’s a brand new news network with General Flynn and so many other different Patriots that are giving you the truth. They’re giving you the news on a daily basis. And so I was on that show over the weekend. It was a watch party that General Flynn had. It was really fun to do it. So you can go to patriot dot TV. Okay, it’s patriot dot TV It’s a brand new news network and I’m so excited that I was a part of that launch Party, which I don’t put in so many other different Patriots that are awakening this country and giving you another new source To hear the truth and we are destroying mainstream media Because people aren’t going to the mainstream media anymore to get their news They’re going to find sources that will actually give them truth and not propaganda So I love I love General Flynn He’s an amazing man And I’ve gotten to know him and so many other patriots from the reawakened America tour that I’ve been so blessed to be a part Of so you God’s want to go check that out is Patriot TV They didn’t ask me to say this. They didn’t even ask me to you know, spread the word out I’m just doing it because it’s something that I believe in because I want more people to have the news But just get the truth in the news. That’s that’s Majorly different than what the lamestream media does on a daily basis. So anyway, I hope you God’s had all a wonderful weekend and I’ll be sharing with you this morning The prophecy I actually was going to give out last Friday And then God gave that really powerful word Live on air. So if you did miss that it was about sabotage and the Lord was showing all different ways The enemies are sabotaging this country Sabotaging us in every walk of our life And again, not only does it give us what the evil people are doing and what the you know The globalists are doing and what the governments are doing against us, but he never leaves us with that’s what they’re doing and so you just have to deal with it. You know he’s not giving us doom and gloom and just saying put up with it. He’s giving us a doom and gloom of what it is going to look like. But God will always give you a good report because he is the good news. He is goodness. He is life. He is love. And so he’s always gonna tell something that’s going to happen that may look extremely bad and horrible but God always has a solution. He always has a way out and that’s why we’re supposed to get the news before the news which is God and his prophetic words but get into his written word to see what he says about all these things because remember God is the key. He’s the key to our victory because he is victory. He is the key, and he’s the solution to everything that we’re seeing in front of us today. So if we remind ourselves of that, if we remind ourselves that God’s in control, we remind ourselves that God is the key to our victory, we remind ourselves on a daily basis, that God is goodness, he’s absolutely good. That God, no matter what it looks like, is the deliverer. God is a protector, God’s our advocate, he’s our standby. He is our victory. So I want to get that all to you because no matter the situations and circumstances and what the enemy is trying to put in your life, remember God is your key. He’s a key to your healing because he is the healer. He’s Jehovah Rapha. He’s a healer. He’s a key to your victory because he’s Jehovah Nissi. He’s your banner. He’s El Elyon. He is the Most High God and there’s nothing in no one bigger than him. He is Jehovah Jireh. He is your provider. He is El Shaddai. He is the God that you go to in impossible situations because nothing is impossible for him. So that is where we stand today. Having our hearts fixed on God, not the problems of the world, but have a heart fixed on the goodness of Almighty God and his promises and his word and what his word says that we can have and what we need to do is to be fully convinced that what God says is true and Be fully convinced and believe in God more than our enemy That’s what he’s been asking us in many of these different prophetic words. Do you trust me? That’s what he’s been asking. Do you trust me? So on a daily basis, when we’re seeing all these things that are coming out against us personally or with our nation, we should be asking ourselves this question, do I trust God in this situation? And our answer should always be yes, because God is bigger than any one of our problems. His hands are definitely big enough to handle the situation, and He can be trusted to get Get us out of it all because again, it says in his word in Psalms 34 verse 17 and 19 That he hears the cries of his people and he will deliver us out of it all So no matter the problem No matter anything that’s going on. God is the solution. So I Wish wanted to tell you that God WINS everything is exciting, and there’s nothing and no one that is going to stop God. All right, I want to get to this prophetic word. Now I’m going to be sharing my screen with you today, all right, because this was a prophecy given to me, well through me, during our prayer call. So I want to make sure that you God’s receive this, so I’m going to share this with you, and then once I get done sharing my I’m gonna get back on God is giving me several different scriptures over the weekend because I was doing a lot of studying every single morning over the weekend and just studying and getting it more with him and seeing what he wants us to know because There’s an urgency in my spirit There’s an urgency in my spirit of something that is coming that we don’t see There’s an urgency that people need to wake up There’s an urgency that people need to have in their hearts to be have their hearts fixed on God To be solely fully looking at him and not anything else So there’s an urgency God’s been saying that things are intensifying and as we saw with the blatant with the Blasphemy and everything that the enemy has done over the weekend what they said yesterday Yesterday and what they were celebrating yesterday Yesterday we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and they were celebrating the visibility of trans day or something it’s complete blasphemy against God and Remember God will not be mocked. It says that in his word. He will not be mocked So as we see them doing all these things against God God is going to answer. God is going to show them that they are not the ones in control. God’s going to show them that the blasphemy and things against him will not stay that way. He gave me a very powerful prophetic word yesterday morning regarding these very, very things that was going on against us. Okay. And what’s going on in this nation. They’re trying to get this nation turned away from God. They’re trying to get this nation on a death spiral. They’re trying to get this nation morally corrupt, bankrupt. They’re trying to get us in just a complete path of destruction. But don’t fear what you’re going to see. And even though something big is imminent, because it’s going to be imminent, it. There’s nothing way around it. There’s nothing to fear when I’m saying any of these things. That’s when we have to have our hearts fixed on God and realize that God is bigger. Realize that God’s been warning of these things for years and years. He’s been telling us of all these things that were going to happen. He’s been telling us to walk by faith and not by sight. He’s been telling us to not be moved by what we see. He’s been telling us that things are not how they appear to be he’s been telling us to hold that line that we’ve been called to battle but we are destined to win it so he’s been warning us about a fight well then people get fearful and they get worried and they get panicked because there’s a fight going on he’s been warning us about things looking darker and he even said that this country now this again it’s nothing to panic about in yesterday’s prophetic word the first thing he said to me I just was I was floored by it actually because I knew he’s been warning us about things but how he put it was something that I wasn’t expecting and he said that the first like couple sentences of this prophetic word about this country is going to be plunged into a darkness. And people think, Oh my goodness, what does that mean? How am I supposed to prepare? What am I supposed to do? I’m not ready. I’m not strong enough. I can’t deal with this. And God saying, Whoa, if your heart is fixed on me, he’s the one who gives us a strength. Now, remember in the land of Goshen, he keeps going back to that in the land of Ocean, there was darkness in Egypt. They were plunged into a darkness. God mentioned to me this morning again in another prophetic word. I wasn’t even thinking that he was gonna give me one. I was just praying and getting ready for the show today and all of a sudden I heard him repeating something so I knew right then and there I needed to get my pen so I started writing it down. And one of the things that it stuck out at me so big and it was like a magnifying glass I said it a lot when he said certain things it’s just like it magnifies and one of the things he said was PAY ATTENTION TO THE PLAGUES things are gonna happen that he said go back in Egypt and see what happened against the children of our against the Egyptians and how God protected his people he said go back to that read what that says because there’s things that are gonna happen around the world that are going to mimic or going to look like what things happened in that time in the land of Egypt. But what happened in the land of Goshen was the Almighty God was showing of His power, was showing of His goodness, was showing of Him being their deliverer and protector, Him being their fortress. It was showing God’s people that He is the Most High God and that’s what he’s doing again. So when you’re hearing the negatives, know that the negative will happen, but don’t relate to it. Don’t sit there and start panicking and going, I can’t do this. Yes, you can, because it says in Philippians 4 and 13 that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. He gives you the strength. He gives you the ability. It says that in Ephesians 6 and verse 10. God is not asking any of us to deal with any of these things on our own. He’s not asking us to be overwhelmed with fear, panic and anxiety and going, oh my goodness, I can’t do this. I can’t watch this. I can’t. I’m just going to bury my head in the sand until it’s over. He has been preparing us for years. We’ve been in boot camp, a spiritual boot camp. We’ve been in a boot camp realizing the power of the authority, the power of the name of Jesus, the power of the word of God, the authority that we have as a believer, we’ve been given all of these different things, God’s been giving us revelation, he’s been giving us insight, he’s been giving us, you could say a heads up, and he’s been telling us these things you are going to see so your hearts don’t fail you. Your trusting in God does not fail you. You are fully convinced that God is going to get us out of any mess that we’re going to see. God is in control. And that’s what you and I have to be fully convinced of. God is in control. God is not going to, it says in his word, he doesn’t leave us and he doesn’t forsake us. So he’s not going to leave us in the situations that we’re in. He’s repeatedly told us that. So I want to share my screen with you. And I want to, now this prophetic word was a second one. It was a second one from March 20th. Okay, so I already gave you the first one from that day because that was the first one. This is the second one from March 20th. So I’m going to share my screen and I’ll be back with you momentarily.


My children, I have warned and warned and warned over and over again. I have repeated my warnings. I have repeated my scriptures. I have repeated many words to you in order for you to be awake at this time in order for you to know Exactly that this thing that I have been saying is going to take place Judgment is coming Judgment is coming Judgment is coming. It is coming to the enemies of Almighty God And one of the things that you know, and you will see I said I make signs in the heavenlies. This eclipse, pay attention my children, because where it is, there is no coincidence. Where it is, I am warning and I am telling you, I am telling you, my children, that I am about to do something so unprecedented and so unusual and so unconventional. It will be like the enemies didn’t exist. I am wiping them out. I am wiping them out of everything that they are in. I am destroying them. I am bringing them down to the ground. I’m annihilating them, bringing them to zero. I am blindsiding them with the judgments that will partake, that will be partaking in. They will have no idea when I am bringing and pouring down these judgments, they will have no idea which way to run. They will have no idea which way to turn. Confusion will grow. Confusion will grow. Confusion will grow. And so will fear.

My children, I have told you, watch Watch the East Coast of your nation.

Many things are about to take place in the sky, but many things are about to take place in the weather. Watch the east coast of the United States of America for another sign.

Your enemies have not gotten away with all the damage that they have done. To President Trump, all the damage they have done to your nations, all the damage they have done to your laws, all the damage they have done to your children, all the damage they’ve done to marriages, all the damage they have done to people’s minds. I am a just God and I will rain down justice. I am making sure that justice prevails. Vengeance is mine and you are about to see my Vengeance pour out worldwide. You are about to see my Vengeance scatter and destroy your enemies that are trying to rule and reign in this nation. I said in my word I bring the Council of Nations to nothing. I am bringing the Washington Establishment to nothing. I am bringing the globalist regime to nothing. I am bringing these people in all these government positions to nothing. And I’m making sure their plans have no effect on you. They have no clue what I’m about to do. My children, you do. I told you I am delivering you. I told you I am going to settle every cause and every case and everything that’s against your country, that’s against your freedoms and your liberties. I see everything through the blood of Jesus and what he did and how he sacrificed for you. And I will uphold that blood and what it stands for. So remember, remember in the end, because you will see many things before the end of all of this. You will see things that will try to distract you, you will see things that will try to destroy you, you will see things that will try to deceive you into believing none of these things are true. But I am truth. And I that life and I am bringing it to you. I am bringing you that truth to bring you freedom.

Something’s about to shake in California. Something is about to shake in California. Going to shake up Newsom. Going to shake up all the people that have been holding that state in their control, in their bondage. Great destruction is coming to those who think they’re in control of that state.

Watch Texas. Something monumental will come from there. Something great will come out of that state. You don’t have to wait to celebrate to an Almighty God. Judgment is coming. judgment, that will destroy the power of your enemies, to start to celebrate, because you already have victory, because I am that victory for you. You already have your freedom, because I am your freedom, and I live in you. Shout and rejoice for your healing and restoration in your bodies. You have healing. You are already healed, and your enemy’s been trying to steal your healing. I am your healer, and I live in you. I am your provider. So no matter the famine, or no matter the shortages, or no matter what goes on with the economy, who cares? I am Jehovah Jireh. I am your provider. Lean not on your own understanding in these days. Lean not onto your own understanding. Lean not onto yourselves. Lean onto me. Press into me. Press into me. In this time. Because your enemies are losing. And you are winning. Keep your heads held high. For I am on your side. and I dwell in you, saith the Lord.

Julie Commentary

Okay, so in that prophetic word, now he gave me several different scriptures, and I was praying about this, and I want you God’s to turn to Psalm 9, sorry Psalm 56. Psalm 56 verse 4 and 9. Psalm 56 verse 4 and 9. something that he was showing me in the scripture. Psalm 56 verse 4. Now this is the classic Amplified. All right. And it says, by the help of God, I will praise his word on God I lean, rely, and confidently put my trust. I will not fear. What can man who is flesh do to me? So God’s been warning us. I’ve been talking about judgments He’s been talking us about again. He just gave me prophetic word Yesterday morning and I was startled by I told you and it said that this this country was going to plunge into a darkness And I just was like, okay Lord You just said it was gonna get worse And I know that but being plunged and I had to look that up It’s something that happens swiftly or quickly So that happens when you’re not aware It’s quick. And So he’s been telling us again, even though these things are gonna happen and don’t be afraid Let’s read the scripture again You know judgments are gonna come and things are gonna shake and he said everything is gonna shake He’s been giving us in a script or the prophecy before he said in this country things are going to shake Us what he’s saying things are going to shake Naturally things are going to shake civilly things are going to shake economically and things were going to shake politically Well, that means things that are we’re used to are gonna not be normal anymore but for a good reason Remember, he said the darkest it get the darker it gets The more we should be celebrating when naturally you’re like thinking of the darker it gets the more we should be panicking That’s what the enemies want when he was talking about great fear and confusion. He’s talking about that in the enemy’s camp Go read the book of Exodus. Go see what happened in the enemy’s camp But it didn’t happen to God’s people. That’s why we have to have our hearts fixed on him Now they’re gonna try to do things God said they would he said in different prophetic words He said they’re gonna do what they were gonna plan on doing for the next 10 years in this year Along to stop this election from going in the direction that it’s going But what listen to this scripture right here? 50 Psalm 56 in verse 4 but the help of God first of all, we have to know that God helps us Okay, he even though he’s giving us a heads up. He’s giving us warnings He’s telling us of all these things that are gonna happen. He doesn’t say I’m going to leave you in that direction I’m gonna leave you with You know all hell breaking loose and there’s nothing that you can do about it and you just have to suffer He never said that He didn’t say that he’s saying things are going to go in that direction Things are gonna get worse before they get better, but he’s also giving you hope at the end of that So we have to be paying attention to have our hearts fixed that look but the help of God God is our help. Don’t relate to the negativity. Don’t have your hearts fixed on that fear and start panicking of going, I don’t know what to do. Have your hearts fixed on God. How do you do that? Listen to the Word of God. Get into the Word of God. Have the Word of God playing all day long. Listen and stop paying attention to everything else that’s going on. Stop the fear and know that God is near. Stop the fear and know that God is near. He had told me that in a very very bad situation a very long time ago when it looked like all hope was lost for me and my family and it was like what are we supposed to do and God said Never fear I’m here. He said that to my mom and he told my mom to tell me that And I and she told me that and it brought me great peace because everything that it looked like it looked like it was total devastation But he says never fear. I am here and when he said that it was like an anchor in my soul That I held on to I held on to those words and I wasn’t going by what I saw even though I wanted to so it was like a barrage of bad things just have happening and And God said never fear. I am here And that’s what you and I all need to know that he is he is here All right Psalm at 56 in verse 4 by the help of God. I Will praise his word on God. I lean Rely and confidently put my trust. I will not fear. What can man who is flesh? Do to me that’s not a question. What can man do to me? So anything no matter what these people are doing in our government or the governments around the world What can man do to me? That’s what we need to be saying because remember El Elyon God is the most high God He’s the creator creation his does not have more power than they create or and And when God said in 1st John 4 4 that the greater one lives on the inside of us that he that’s in the world So then we’re asking our question Well, what can these people do to me if the creator of heaven and earth is greater than they are and the resurrection power of Jesus Christ lives on the inside of me because 1st John 4 4 says the greater one lives on the inside me that he that’s in the world we have to have more faith and trust and confidence in the Word of God and what God says then putting more our faith in and trust in man and what man can do to us. That’s what your enemy wants you to focus on. He wants you to focus on his destruction. He wants you to focus on his power. He wants you to focus on his fear. He wants you to focus on devastation. He wants you to be confused. He wants you to be overwhelmed and depressed. And he wants you to do all these things. And he wants you to focus on the darkness. But look at this. Verse 9, Psalm 56 and verse 9, Then shall my enemies turn back in the day that I cry out, This I know, for God is for me. So when we cry out to God, our enemies turn and run, because God is for me. We have to get these scriptures down, write them down. Now, they’re going to put them in the description box for you after this is over. They’ve been putting them in the live chat for you this entire time. Get these scriptures down. Very specifically, get them down, start saying them, and start believing in these scriptures, which are the words of God. And God’s word is a, what, two-edged sword. It destroys the power of the enemy, it’s a weapon. And as we are more convinced in God’s Word and what God’s Word says, it destroys the power of the enemy. Now let’s keep reading. Let’s go to Psalm 59. Psalm 59. Now remember who wrote most of the book of Psalms, if not all of it, was David. David did. David, as you know, David knew that God was a deliverer. He was fully convinced because God saved him from a lion, God saved him from a bear, God saved him from Goliath, God saved him from Saul, and God saved him from all the enemies. He knew that God was a deliverer, but he also had to remind himself of that because in each situation that looked dire, looked more impossible, looked life-threatening, or, you know, like there’s nothing that was going to work out for him, he had to remind himself, and that’s why he well he was a musician and he would sing this to himself he would mix songs and they came into Psalms and then he wrote these things the reason to remind himself to recount and tell out all the things that God for did for him in the past and if God did it for him in the past then he was going to do it again but he had to remind himself just like me you have to remind ourselves on a daily basis what God is that he is the most high God we have to remind ourselves that God is in control. We have to remind ourselves that God is bigger. We have to remind ourselves that God is the answer. He’s the solution. We have to remind ourselves that God is a deliverer. We have to remind ourselves that God is a provider or He’s our healer. We have to remind ourselves of these things because the enemy does things on a continual basis to not… He wants you to get your focus off that. He doesn’t want you to remember because it says in God’s Word in Mark chapter 4 That the thief comes to immediately steal the word out of your heart. So we’re supposed to remind ourselves About the goodness of Almighty God Remind ourselves how big God is remind ourselves that God lives on the inside of us We have that is our job Our job is not to faint in the days of trouble and adversity God has given us several scriptures and several illustrations in the Word of God where his people were put in similar situations by the enemy and how God miraculously came in and he saved them and God is still that God. Psalm 59 in verse 1, this is David, deliver me from my enemies O my God, defend and protect me From those who rise up against me. So he was saying deliver me Because he knew that God was a deliverer He had been delivered out of the hands of a giant of a bear of a lion of Saul and different armies that were against Him so he was reminding himself. I thank you God deliver me you deliver me before deliver me again from the hands of my enemy He was put in a precarious situation where it looked like all hope was lost. And so he’s having to remind himself that God is bigger than that situation. Just like all of us on a daily basis have to remind ourselves that God is bigger than our situations. Alright, this is another one. Go to Psalm 112. Psalm 112. This I love. I, I, I, I, I love the scripture. I love all of God’s word. All right. Psalm 112 in verse four. Now remember, he’s been talking about darkness. He’s been talking about darkness a lot, actually lately. He’s been warning us about darkness. And so again, people want to relate to that darkness and start to panic. Fear just sets in. Oh my goodness. It’s going to get worse. How are we going to ever bear? How are we going to handle this? How are we going to deal with this situation? When people hear about darkness, people freak out. But that’s not what we’re supposed to do. Our hearts are supposed to be fixed on the Lord. Now look what this says. Psalm 112 and verse 4. Light arises in darkness. So it says, Light arises in darkness for the upright gracious compassionate and just who are in right standing with God So God’s been talking and warning to us about all this darkness But God is saying light arises in darkness God’s light destroys darkness God’s light is going to be magnified in darkness Now verse 5, it is well with the man who deals generously and lends, who conducts his affairs with justice. Verse 6, he will not be moved forever, the uncompromisingly righteous, the upright and right standing with God shall be everlasting remembrance. verse 8 sorry verse 7 verse 7 he shall not be afraid of evil evil tidings his heart is firmly fixed trusting leaning on and being confident in the Lord so we are not supposed to be freaking out during things where it looks like evil tidings are happening our hearts are supposed to be fixed on God and be confident in God that he is faithful to perform his work that he will do what he says he’s going to do so Psalm 112 verse 7 again says he shall not be afraid of evil tidings his heart is fixed firmly and trusting leaning on and being confident in the Lord when you be confident in the Lord a lot of people put confidence in themselves or their spouse or you know whoever else but we put confidence in God. Verse 8, his heart is established and steady he will not be afraid while he waits to see his desire established upon his adversaries. So while evil things are going on, while all this darkness is happening, our hearts are supposed to be firmly, confidently on God and we should be patient and knowing that when our hearts are fixed on God and going I thank you Father God no matter what it is no matter how bad it seems like no matter how evil this world or how dark this world is I thank you that your light shines in that darkness I thank you it destroys the darkness I thank you that your light is magnified in that darkness and I thank you no matter what it looks like well we are patiently waiting on you Father God I thank you that you are going to move against enemies because you are faithful and it said you always cause us to triumph in 2nd Corinthians 2 14 you say that you say that Father God when it says in your word in Deuteronomy chapter 28 we are the head not the tail we are the above we are not beneath you said you’re gonna cut our enemies off you said Father God you’re gonna deliver us out of the hands of the enemy and you deliver us out of it all so we thank you that our hearts are firmly fixed on you And this time that’s how we’re supposed to be Psalm 112 in verse 8 again His heart is established and steady He will not be afraid while he waits to see his desire established upon his adversaries So we know and we are truly convinced that God is our deliverer He’s our fortress now. I want to read something else. He just was bringing this up to me while I was reading this to you Isaiah He’s been talking about darkness, but again, if he’s talking about darkness, he’s been saying how bad it will get with how much darker it’s going to get. Now again, he said in that word, in that scripture, in Psalm 112 verse 4, he said, light arises in darkness. So when darkness tries to overwhelm, when darkness gets, you know, darker and it gets worse, God is saying, hey, my light destroys the darkness. The light rises in darkness. Now go to Psalm 60, or I’m sorry, Isaiah 60. Isaiah 60 in verse 1. Isaiah 60 verse 1. Again, this is the Classic Amplified. If I do, I’m gonna sTay in the classic Amplified, unless the Lord tells me to do a different Translation and then I will tell you like I always do so Isaiah 60 verse 1 ARISE That’s an all in caps ARISE That means get up That means don’t stay down. Don’t stay in that darkness. Don’t stay in that depression. Don’t stay in that weary Don’t send that fear don’t say in that, you know, um, just confusion. Don’t stay down in Micah Micah 7 in verse 8 Micah chapter 7 verse 8 says Rejoice not against me, O my enemy, for when I fall I shall arise and God will be the light unto me. God is a light unto us. He’s a light unto our path. He leads us and guides us in our direction where we should go. So Isaiah 60 verse 1, arise from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you. So your circumstances want to keep you burdened down. They want to keep you broken. They want to keep you battered. They want to keep you bruised. They want to keep you weak. They want to keep you overwhelmed. That’s what Satan wants to do to you now. Know the strategy of the enemy. Why? So you can’t fight back. He doesn’t want you to fight back. He doesn’t want you to have any joy because the joy of the Lord is your strength. And if you’re full of joy, then you’re full of God’s strength, and you’re full of God’s strength, then you are a warrior in Christ Jesus that can’t be defeated. I mean, you’re a warrior in Christ, but you can be defeated if you don’t know the truth and have that truth set you free. And Hosea 4, 6 says, God’s people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. You’re a warrior in Christ Jesus. You’re in the army of the Lord, and And the battle’s already been won, the enemies are defeated, and that’s why we should have lots of joy. That’s why no matter how dark it gets, we thank you, Father God, that your light is destroying the darkness, and you’re a light unto my path. I thank you that I will always be at the right place at the right time. I thank you that your words, as no weapon formed against me, shall prosper. So no matter how dark this gets, no matter how crazy this gets, no matter how overwhelming the world may seem I thank you Father God just like in the land of Goshen I thank you that you protect me I thank you that you surround me I thank you Father God that you are my provider I thank you Father God that you are my healer I thank you Father God that you are my advocate I thank you Father God that you are my comforter you’re recounting you’re telling aloud and you’re reminding yourself the goodness of Almighty God and that brings joy Remember what Jesus said in Matthew 11, come to me who are all labor and laden, overwhelmed, burdened. That’s what it meant, what it means. All the ones who are weary, weak. He said, come to me. I’m paraphrasing, but that’s what he says, come to me. We’re supposed to go to him. I’m going to continue with Isaiah 16, arise from the depression, prostration, in which circumstance that kept you rise to a new life shine be radiant with the glory of the Lord for your light has come and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you so God’s glory will be seen or magnified even more in the midst of darkness God’s glory will be magnified even more in the midst of darkness what’s God been saying a great awakening. What’s God’s been saying? He’s going to flood this earth with His Glory. So even though it may look dark for some people, even though it may look like, oh my goodness, what’s going on? God’s saying, my light is going to destroy that darkness. My glory is going to fill this earth and destroy that corruption, destroy that wickedness, destroy that evil. God’s light destroys darkness. So even though when he’s warning us about these things and he’s saying how bad it’s gonna get, he’s saying look, you come to me. I am that light. I am everything that you need. Don’t be afraid. I am here and I am bigger than what you see. I am bigger than what you’re facing. I am bigger than your enemy. He’s at a rise. He’s telling us today to get up. You say, Julie, I don’t know how to get up. You ask God, He’ll get you up. You ask Him to help you, He will. I promise you, every single time I’ve asked Him to help me, He does. And another thing you have to do, God doesn’t do it all. We have a part to play. We have to get into His Word because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. He can’t make you listen to his word and have that joy when Joey comes with his word. He can’t make you do anything. You’re a free moral agent. He wants you to do these things, but he can’t force you to do these things. He can’t force you to obey. It’s like, you know, we as parents would love to force our children to obey. Well, we can’t. They have to make their decisions, whether they’re right or wrong, and they have to learn from their mistakes. Same thing we have to. But God is saying, get up, don’t stay down, and don’t relate to the negative part of this. You relate to the positive. Verse 2, Isaiah 60 and verse 2, For behold, darkness shall cover the earth. Now Isaiah prophesied this Isaiah 60 verse 2 for behold darkness shall cover the earth and dense darkness all peoples now people are gonna start freaking out oh my goodness no but is the next word that’s a conjunction word and he’s not done talking. He said, BUT the Lord shall arise upon you and His Glory shall be seen on you. Do you remember in the book of Exodus that I talked about a lot? I’m an Exodus preacher, I talk about a lot. God said in that, those chapters, those chapters he said I’m gonna make a distinction he said it multiple times I’m gonna make a distinction between the Israelites and the Egyptians a great distinction between their flock their flocks that means their food supply Oh great distinct distinction when it came to light because there was darkness in Egypt but there was light in GOSHEN He made a great distinction when it came to death and the angel of death came The firstborn the Egyptians died but the angel of death did not touch any of the Israelites at all not one died that night not one he made a great distinction and again even though he’s been talking about darkness he said in the midst of darkness we’re supposed to arise he said in that other scripture in Psalm 112 he said light arises in darkness. That means like it’s brighter. His Glory is going to get brighter. So even though it’s going to get dimmer and darker for the world, or the enemies of Almighty God, he’s saying for my people, I’m going to shine my light through them on them through them so that my light is going to be seen throughout the world. He’s going to make a great distinction between his people in the world. He’s doing it again. He’s called it, in a prophetic word, it gave me like two years ago, I think. He said there was gonna be a great separation. Well, that’s similar to what he said in the land of Goshen and what was gonna happen. Do you think about how the Israelites must have felt when Moses was doing all these things and they’re literally seeing all these plagues happen and they’re probably freaking out. Is this gonna happen to me? But it didn’t. They’re trying to deal with our food supply. They’re causing disruptions. That’s what happened. There was at least three bridges. Three. That have been… Something happened mysteriously by these bridges. One, everyone knows what happened in Baltimore. That’s disrupting the car industry. That’s disrupting a whole lot of things. And if people didn’t know, on that cargo ship, there was 1.8 MILLION Gallons of GASOLINE on that ship. So it could have been worse. And then you have, which is going to disrupt a lot of different things in that harbor. Because of that bridge. It’s going to start affecting supplies. God warned us about that. Are we supposed to be afraid? Nope. God’s our provider. And then one was in Ohio, you know, all of a sudden there was an explosion now It didn’t damage the bridge But it was underneath the bridge. Hmm that’s odd and then just over the weekend what happened in a OKLAHOMA barge rammed in to a PYLON of this bridge now that bridges closed That bridge collapse? No. Is it closed? Yes. All of a sudden these mishaps with our airplanes? Now mishaps with trains? God has prophesied all of this. He talked about planes. He’s talked about cargo ships. He’s talked about bridges. He’s talked about trains and derailment and all this kind of things. He’s talked about all these things. He’s warned us about all these things. Why? They’re They’re trying to cause chaos. They’re trying to cause disruptions. They’re trying to cause shortages. They’re trying to cause fear. They’re trying to cause fear. But what do we do? What is he telling us in all these different scriptures? Here’s another one. First, in Isaiah 60, verse 2 again, For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, And dense darkness to all peoples. But the Lord shall rise upon you, And His Glory shall be seen on you. His Glory should be seen on us. Now let’s look. Go to Colossians. He’s taking me there and says the other scripture. So go to Colossians 1 in verse 13. Colossians 1 in verse 13. Now the reason why I told you about these things. One, they were prophesied. God is talking to you about what the enemies are trying to do to cause disruption, chaos, darkness, fear, shortages. Things are being done on purpose. All right? We have to know that. But this is nothing, again, that we should fear. Look all these scriptures. Read them. What is God saying? And I’m not going to back all this prophetic work because I’m realizing what time it is. All right. Colossians 1 and 13, for the Father has delivered. He already has delivered. It may not seem that way, but he has delivered us because of what Jesus has done, because of the sacrifice we just celebrated over the weekend, that not only did he die for us, but he was raised again. He destroyed the keys to hell, death, and the grave. He destroyed the power of the enemy. So he has delivered Us it may not seem like it. It may not look like it. Our five physical senses senses will tell us that that’s a lie That’s the truth Colossians 1 13 the Father has delivered and drawn us to himself out of the control and the dominion of Darkness there he goes that word again with darkness and Has transferred us into his kingdom of his son of his love So it says right here, well, God has delivered us out of that darkness. So even though he just said, in these words, that judgment is coming, he’s been talking to us about things getting darker. He’s been saying that things are going to get worse before it gets better. But he’s saying, hey, look, I’ve drawn you out of that. My light will arise in darkness. My glory will be seen in the darkness. So God’s people well, you know will want to relate. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh He’s gonna get worse gonna get worse good. God said nah, don’t relate to the fear Shut the fear up and tell Satan to go shove it where the sun don’t shine Because you know what when We are sitting there and we’re saying God is a light unto my path He is a light unto my path. I thank you Father God that your light shines on the inside of me I thank you Father God that your light shines through me. I thank you Father God for the resurrection power of Jesus Christ I thank you Father. God. You are the greater one you live on the inside of me So it doesn’t matter how dark things get I thank you Father God the enemy tries to tell me all these different things. I’m not gonna listen to him because your light destroys his darkness Tell your enemy where to go People, you know, it’s easy for people to tell you know another person off and get all enraged and you know Whether they’re driving in front of you or driving next to you or you know, whoever people are easy to get offended and they can get nasty and speak up well now it’s time for us to get nasty with the Word of God against the enemy of Almighty God and say we ain’t playing we ain’t playing no more we’re not gonna don’t take all this stuff no more let’s get serious and start fighting this good fight of faith that God has us in and knowing and I’m gonna believe God more time I believe the enemy the enemy tells me all these things are gonna go wrong and I’m saying my heart’s fixed on God and that’s how all of us should be our hearts should be fixed on the Lord let’s go back over this prophetic word before I run out of time okay so right here it says the first paragraph says My children I have warned and warned and warned over and over again I have Repeated my warnings. I Repeated my scriptures. I Repeated many words to you in order for you to be awake at this time in order for you to know exactly That this is a thing that I’ve been saying is going to take place So God’s been worried. He’s had again in the Word of God God has been telling us about just like in Isaiah 60 verse 60 verse 1 and 2 says darkness will cover all people but God’s light or God’s glory will be seen on us. So we have to know he’s been talking about judgments, he’s been talking about plagues, he’s been talking to us talking to us about the last three years things are gonna get worse before they’re gonna get better and people are automatically going I can’t take that. Yes you can because first of all first of all again Philippians 4 and 13 that God will God so sorry. Hold on. I have a couple of scriptures going I’m getting ahead of myself. I have strength for all things in Christ Now I want to read this because I don’t want to quote this This is the reason why I couldn’t say it the way I wanted to Philippians 4 and 13 I have strength through all things in Christ who empowers me Christ gives you the empowerment meant. He gives you the strength. He gives you the ability to fight in this battle. He empowers me. And then he says, I am ready for anything and equal to anything through him who infuses inner strength into me. I am self-sufficient in Christ sufficiencies. So we can do all things through Christ. But if you try to do it on your own, and if you’re not leading to God, if you’re trying to lead on your own understanding, trying to figure how is all this is gonna happen and all this is gonna be played out and now what you’re gonna do about it without Praying without seeking God then you’re not gonna be able to do all things because you’re not doing it through God You gotta do it through all things through Christ not through yourself That’s why we have to lean Confidently on the Lord. They says again Exactly the thing I have been saying is going to take place what? What Lord’s gonna take place? Judgment is coming. He says it three times Judgment is coming judgment is coming is coming to the enemies of Almighty God and the ones The things that you know, sorry and one of the things that you will know and you will see I Said I will make signs and the heavenlies They said this ECLIPSE Pay attention my children because WHERE IT IS there’s NO COINCIDENCE The eclipse, where it is, is NO COINCIDENCE Now if you want to know more about this eclipse, Thursday I’ll have a broadcast at 9 o’clock Central Time with somebody who’s going to give a great in-depth knowledge and teaching on how important this eclipse is. Biblically and regarding this nation and around the world. So if you want to watch, it’s this Thursday at 9 o’clock on all these channels. All right? We’re gonna teach about the eclipse. It’s gonna be very powerful. I’ve already seen some things that his name is Larry. He’s gonna show share with us and they are very very powerful and I’m very excited about it. But again he says this eclipse, pay attention, because where it is, there’s no coincidence. What it is, I am warning, and I’m telling you, I’m telling you my children, that I’m about to do something so unprecedented, and so unusual, and so unconventional, it will be like the enemies didn’t exist. Now that’s powerful, that only God could do it. No one is gonna get credit for this. No one’s gonna get credit for this nation going back and turning back to where it should be but God. He said it’ll be like the enemies didn’t exist. Same thing happened with Egypt with Pharaoh when he was wiped out right in front of the Israelites. It was like he didn’t exist either. God’s people moved on with their life and Egypt crumbled. Their power never regained. They never regained their power. He says I’m wiping them out. I am wiping out them out of everything that they’re in, he’s wiping them out of everything they’re in. I’m destroying them. I’m destroying them and bringing down to the ground. I am annihilating them and bringing them to zero. Now that’s scriptural. Hebrews 2.14. Go and read it. I’m blindsiding them with judgments that they will take part in. They’ll be taking part in them And they’ll have no idea when I’m bringing and pouring down these judgments They will have no idea which way to run or which way to turn Think of Egypt. That’s why God keeps going us back to Exodus Confusion will grow Confusion will grow confusion will grow. He says that three times confusion will grow where? In the enemies not us Not us remember because our hearts are fixed on God Their hearts are not that’s why confusion will grow with them because Satan is author of confusion It needs the one who controls them. He says and so will fear So confusion and fear are gonna grow in the enemy’s camp. I’m sure they did with the Egyptians Because the Egyptians were seeing all of these plagues They were not only seeing them but they were taking part in all these plagues and they were wondering what in the world is going on They couldn’t understand it because their Gods that they served had no answer for them because the God they served They served they didn’t even exist They weren’t they weren’t the one true living God So they had no answer that’s why Confusion and fear during their camps they didn’t have an answer because they’re the ones who were usually causing the chaos and destruction and this time They had chaos and destruction happening to them and they couldn’t understand what was going on Same thing now He says I’ve told you watch My children. I told you watch the East Coast of your nation Remember the last time he gave us a sign in the East Coast and he said specifically the East Coast and he said you’re gonna see smoke Cover the East Coast is that’ll be assigned to you about the Washington Establishment I’ll watch the Establishment was gonna come down. We saw smoke fill the East Coast from the fires in Canada Now God prophesied that way before the fires in Canada But he’s saying hey once you see these things know that you’re gonna see the crumbling of the Establishment crumbling of the enemies of Almighty God We’ve already seen that one Now he’s talking about I’ve told you to watch the East Coast of your nation Many things are about to take place in the sky, but many things are about to take place in the weather So watch the weather patterns Watch the East Coast, the United States of America, for another sign your enemies have not gotten away with all the damage they have done. To President Trump, all the damage they have done to your nation, all the damage they have done to your laws. So we’re going to see something in the sky, he says something about the weather, and he says look for another sign. There’s going to be multiple things that you’re going to see with the East Coast. Now if you live in the East Coast, which I know a lot of you do, don’t panic. Okay? This is not for you. This is for them He said for all the damage they’ve done to your nation all the damage They have done to your laws all the damage they have done to your children all the damage They’ve done to your marriages all the damage they have done to your people to the people’s minds I am a just God and I will rain down justice Well God’s a God of justice He is he says that in his word. I am making sure that justice prevails Then he goes on to say Vengeance Vengeance is mine and you’re about to see my Vengeance pour out worldwide Go read Hebrews 10 and 30. Even just look it up how many times he says Vengeance is mine. It’s at least twice in the Bible. You’re about to see my Vengeance scatter and destroy your enemies that are trying to rule and reign in this nation. I said in my word I bring the counsel of the nations to nothing. He does. He cuts our enemies off. He brings them to nothing. He’s disarmed them. Made an open show and spectacle of them. You can find that in Colossians 2 and 15. I am bringing the Washington Establishment to nothing. I am bringing the globalist regime to nothing. I am bringing these people all in these government positions to nothing and I’m making sure their plans have no effect on you. You’re gonna see there some of their plans start playing out. But I believe some of the plans that they had with all those bridges didn’t pan out the way they wanted. Clearly They wanted more destruction. They have no clue what I’m about to do My children, but you do I’m delivering you. I’ve told you I’m delivering you I told you I’m going to settle every cause and every case and everything that’s against your country and that’s against your freedoms and your liberties I See everything through the blood of Jesus and what he had did what he did and now he sacrificed for you And I will uphold that blood and what it stands for Start studying the importance of a blood covenant. I think there’s many teachers who’ve actually done great books, written books on the blood covenants. I’ll have to look that up and you can even look it up. But great books on how powerful the blood is. All right now, so remember, remember in the end, because you will see many things before the end of all this. So between the Amen, where we’ve been praying we’ve been standing and holding between the amen and there it is where we see the result remember where it says in Psalm 112 verse 8 when we are awaiting or patiently waiting for the outcome against our enemies we have to have our hearts fixed on God because many things are gonna happen between then and now so we have to have our hearts fixed on God he said remember before the end of all this what’s gonna happen you will see things that will try to distract you. You will see things that will try to destroy you. You will see things will try to deceive you into believing none of these things are true. So you’re gonna have ample opportunity to have your heart not fixed on God. That’s what the enemy wants. He wants you in fear and panic mode so that your heart is not fixed on God. I’m bringing you that truth to bring you freedom. Then he goes on to say something is about to Shake in California and he says it again. Something is about to Shake in California. It’s going to shake up Newsom. It’s going to shake up all the people that have been holding the state in their control and their bondage. Great destruction is coming to those who THINK they’re in control of that state. So watch things happen to the Governor, Newsom, senators, Congressmen, anybody who’s trying to control that country or that state and which is trying to control that state in California. Watch what God’s about to do for him against them, for you against them. Then he goes on to say so watch California and then he goes and says WATCH TEXAS This is the second or third time he’s talked about Texas to watch Texas. I love Texas. All right he says something monumental will come from there. Something great will come out of that state. You don’t have to wait to celebrate. Turn to Almighty God. So we don’t have to wait. He said turn to Him. Turn to El Elyon. Turn to El Elyon. Turn to Jehovah Jireh. Turn to Jehovah Rapha. What? Turn to Jehovah Nissi. Turn to God. He said judgment is coming. He says it again. Judgment that will destroy the power of the enemies. So start to celebrate because you already have the victory. Well we do because what Jesus has already done. We just celebrated what Jesus did. He’s risen so we got to celebrate that he rose from the dead over 2,000 years ago for this very moment in time. He destroyed the power of the enemy. He says because I am the victory for you. God is our victory. You already have your freedom because I am Freedom and I live in you Shot rejoice for your healing and restoration in your bodies and you have now listen now this might you know ruffle some feathers, but look at what he says and listen In your bodies you have healing Now what if your body says that you’re sick? What if your body says that you’re in pain with your body says you you have a terminal illness or what if your body says? You’re dying. What is God saying? You are already healed Remember by the stripes of Jesus back in First Peter chapter 2 and verse 24 says by his stripes ye were healed You are already healed your enemies been stealing your healing. He’s a thief Jesus paid that sacrifice all the slashing on his back all the blood that he shed for us before Calvary and on Calvary Was for our freedom. So we are healed. We are redeemed your enemy convinces you and he makes and puts things on your Body that you will believe in those things the fact you say I have I have I have I have and you take What shouldn’t and doesn’t belong to you? I’ve been guilty God is Jehovah Rapa. He’s our healer and he’s what he lives on the inside of us So healing is in there. Our enemies are trying to destroy our health and God said, uh-uh They’re trying to destroy it, but I am your healing and I live on the inside of you and I’m bigger than they are I’m bigger than that sickness. I’m bigger than that terminal illness. I’m bigger than that virus. I’m bigger than that pain. Whatever it is God is bigger He says I am your healer and I live in you So remember John 10 10 the thief comes to steal the kill and destroy but God’s come to give you life and to live it more abundantly He says I’m your provider So no matter the famine or no matter the shortages or no matter what goes on with the economy. He says who cares? I’m Jehovah Jireh. I’m your provider lean not under your own understanding in these days lean not under your own understanding He’s saying it again mean not unto yourselves. We not he says lean unto me Press into me present to me in this time because your enemies are losing and you are winning Well, keep your heads high held high for I am on your side and I dwell in you Sayeth the Lord your Well Sayeth the Lord. So again God is telling us He’s on our side. God’s telling us he lives on in there on the inside of us. He’s telling us to not be afraid He’s telling us that judgment is coming. He’s telling us that a darkness is coming But he’s saying his light is going to destroy that darkness So I want to pray over each and every one of you before I go that your hearts are fixed on the Lord That you know that you know that you know that you know, no matter what you see no matter what’s going on That God’s in control And so you won’t give in to that fear or panic or worry whatever else that enemies trying to do against you So Heavenly Father right now in Jesus name I lift up every person at the sound of my voice and I thank you Father God right now in the name of Jesus We bind that spirit of fear. We bind that spirit of depression. We bind that spirit of hopelessness We bind a spirit of suicide We bind that spirit of heaviness and that is trying to overwhelm your people right now by the blood of Jesus Christ And Father God, I thank you that our hearts are firmly fixed on you and I thank you Father God No matter what we see no matter what’s going on. You said in your word that no weapon formed against us shall prosper. So we will have our faith and trust and reliance on you, that no matter how dark it gets, your light is gonna shine upon us, that your light is gonna shine through us, that our enemies are all coming down. And we thank you, Father God, your justice. And I thank you, Father God, that you and your joy and your peace are reigning upon your people. Your glory, that resurrection power That lives on the inside of us that we have that knowledge wisdom and understanding how to tap into it on a daily basis So that the joy the Lord is our strength and that we will not give in that we will not give up that we will not Quit that we will stand firmly footed and planted on your word that we will not back off that we will not back down But the more the enemies do against us the louder we become the more we shout the more we rejoice The more we celebrate Because our hearts are fixed on you Father God you said in your work you have delivered us so we receive our deliverance now in Jesus name Amen And before you go, I have a very exciting announcement to make Registration is now open for all of you who want to join all of us and so many of our friends for the Holy Ghost and Fire meeting that Julie Greene Ministries International is hosting and that’s going to be in Des Moines, Iowa, June 7th, 8th, and 9th. I’ll also be on the stage that Saturday morning speaking to you, each and every one of you, and also will be linked in to Detroit, Michigan, at the Reawakened America Tour. So we’re combining those two events right then and there. I’m so excited. So if you want more information and want to register for that Holy Ghost and Fire Conference with all of us at Julie Greene Ministries International and so many of our friends and so many of our speakers and amazing hours of worship and praise and seeing miracle signs and wonders, you can go to our website at JGMinternational.org under our events page. So as of this morning It just opened for registration. So I hope you God’s all can join us there. And of course, there’s hotel information There’s all the information you need on our website. You can go to again Jgm international org under our events page And if you have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website at Jgm international org under a contact page You can rise at Julie Green ministries international 4620 East 53rd Street Suite 200 in Davenport for Iowa 52807. And also if you want any Julie Greene Ministries merchandise, it is now open. I think all the bugs are out. You can, all the ones you want internationally, you can go and buy from there. It’s threesunsthreads.com and that’s threesunsthreads.com and all the proceeds that do not go to Julie Greene Ministries merchandise, they go to various charities. So you can go to threesunsthreads.com And yes, it’s open internationally for you now. I’ll be back tomorrow morning at 6.30 Central Time. I have lots of shows this week. I’m so excited for you to be part of. And so until then, I hope to encourage you today. Please like, subscribe, and share, and give this to everyone you know. Who needs to hear an encouraging word? Who needs to hear the truth? Because the truth will set you free. God loves you, I love you, God bless you, and have a wonderful day.


Massive changes coming. Previous prophecies included that Gavin Newsom will be found out to be an election stealer, embezzler. People living in California counting front garden election signage say it may not be really a democrat state.

And the great unravelling continues. Shaken to the core was I, when I saw this about the Lifelong professional atheist Richard Dawkins actually uttered to a camera to howls of derisive laughter.

You Won’t BELIEVE What ATHEIST Richard Dawkins Just Said About CHRISTIANITY!!!

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