Searchable transcript for the Serious



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that the Lord had given me back on the 20th. Yeah, the 20th. So a week ago and all of a sudden I had looked up in the chat and I see one of the greatest praise reports. Again, we’re getting these all the time. I won’t, I won’t say the person’s name is just that, you know, but there was a praise report that one of their children, their son had a tumor on his spine. that tumor is now dead and he is healed he’s able to walk and have fully functioning of his legs so I was just like praising and rejoicing when I saw I just want to thank each and every one of you for sharing praise reports and I was just praising and worshiping God that he was I was literally listening to a song called same God that he is that same God and that he is our healer that he is our Redeemer that he is everything we need him to be and seeing a praise report like that he is the same God who heals so anybody out there that is looking and searching God for miracle in your body I just want to tell you that God is the God who heals he’s Jehovah Rapha he’s our healer he’s still a miracle working God and you just hold on to your miracle because just say every day today is my day even though we may not feel like it I thank you today is my day for my healing. Today is my day for my healing and just receive what the Lord is doing because he is the same God. He does make a way. He is the way, the truth, and life. And then I just I was like I was so excited about that praise report. I was just praising, worshiping God. Then I look back up in the chat again and all of a sudden I’m seeing people. I just want to say to all of our viewers at Julie Gray Ministries International. I love you. I love you all. The team loves you. I saw people that were praying for one another. I see people encouraging one another. What an amazing, amazing group of people. What an amazing fellowship time we have every morning and you guys are having before the live show even starts. I mean what a blessing of God that he has brought us all together in this particular time. You guys are all such a blessing to me and you make me smile. And I just want to say how much I love you and how much we appreciate each and every one of you, how much we do pray for you because of how much we love you and just seeing what the enemy has been trying to do worldwide. He’s been trying to bring so much havoc, so much chaos, so much frustration, So much overwhelming circumstances to break us all spiritually, to break us all physically, and we’re still here, and we are still standing, and we are every day getting up, and we’re spending time with the Lord, hearing His prophetic words, hearing His marching orders, His decrees, declarations, the teachings, or whatever it is. We’re hearing this, and we’re fellowshipping together, and we’re celebrating the same God Who is the same yesterday today and forever and so seeing every single one of you guys and I’m seeing the all those prayer requests I’m seeing you guys pray for one another it is such an amazing thing Was the enemy meant to break us it is only made a stronger And it’s just so I was just like crying this morning. I gotta fix my makeup again Because I was just so overwhelmed with God’s love and seeing what He’s done in all of you. And I just am so grateful for every single one of you. So thank you. Thank you for who you are. Thank you for listening. Thank you for opening your hearts and letting us in, letting this ministry into your homes and listening to the words of God on a daily basis. And I just want to say thank you. It’s so amazing how God is bringing us all together for such a time as this. So you guys have all have very, very overwhelmingly blessed me this morning. Uh, and I just want to say thank you. So I just, it’s been awesome. And then to seeing what the enemy is doing against president Trump and seeing how it is just, it is like literally going in the wrong direction for the enemies. It is, um, blowing back on them. It’s just he is just God is protecting him no matter what they’re doing It is not working and so to see him happy to see he was even yesterday He had out a video. He was talking about the Bible How we need to make America pray again He said that what an amazing amazing thing that he got out there and said make America pray again because he realizes the importance of prayer that it’s not just us it’s not just you know the American citizens it is God within us it’s the power of prayer that we have it’s a power of words that his words that he has given to us that make us stronger that make us alive that heal us that redeem us that set us free it is something is so powerful and he’s telling people to buy Bibles, he’s telling people to read Bibles, he’s telling people to get into the Word of God. And that is so I just was like, I was like, taking it back on God, how awesome. How awesome is that? That the one that you have chosen for such a time as this is telling people to go out there and buy a Bible. It is happening. People are realizing including President Trump, that it’s only God. It’s God that can save this country. So I’m just telling you, this is a day that the Lord has made and we will be joyous and glad in it. And how good is our God? Now I’ll be on with Pastor Dave today. Don’t miss that live broadcast. Okay. It is going to be powerful. I have so many prophecies that I’m going to give out tomorrow and, or today, and prophecies are being fulfilled. They’re going along with that with the bridge with the harbor everything. It is so Explosive with the information that’s happening right now truth. That’s being told. What is going on? And so yes, we prayed for the families yesterday We prayed for all who was affected by that bridge because I mean I live by Mississippi River and we have this massive huge bridge that’s actually built a new bridge for us to connect Iowa and Illinois. I cannot imagine the havoc that it would cause this area if anything would happen to that bridge because of the congestion of so many people working in Illinois that live in Iowa or live in Iowa, but work in Illinois. And that’s, what’s going on in Baltimore. So keep everyone up in Baltimore and that whole entire area, all those workers, everything that was involved, keep them up in your prayers. But realize God warns about these things before they happen. Okay, God always gives us a heads up. Okay, so I think that’s all today. But again, don’t forget, Pastor Dave and myself are going to be on today at 11 o’clock Central Time. And I’ll make sure that we share out those links so you guys can get so you guys can participate and be with us. Okay, now I’m gonna give out this prophecy and again, you will see why I was so excited when I’m sitting there reading the praise reports. I’m seeing everybody praise, praying together and just the scriptures he was giving me and this prophecy he gave me a week ago. It just, it was awesome. So I have to, all right, I’m just gonna have to go with it. Here’s a prophecy from a week ago, 320. This is the first paragraph.


My children, do you see your enemies? Do you see this war? Do you understand the battle that you are experiencing? This is a battle of good versus evil. Do you know how to win? Do you know how to fight? Do you know how to resist? Do you know how to make your enemies run? Do you know how to stand even when it feels and looks seemingly impossible to win? Do you know how you can accomplish all of this? It’s me. I am the key. I am your strength. I give you wisdom, knowledge, and understanding in all things. I am the peace you have to have. I am the one providing you every tool to come out victorious. I am all you will ever need and when you realize that, your lives will change forever. Your attitude in this fight will dramatically be changed because you will know the outcome. Your enemies have already been defeated and you are guaranteed to win. So stand and fight. Push back. Resist. Pray. Praise. Worship me, my children, because it destroys the power of your enemies, saith the Lord. My children, I have given you signs. I have given you prophetic words. I’ve given you my written words. How much more do you need to see and to believe me and not your enemies? How much more do I have to prove to you that I am Almighty God? That I am delivering you? That I am protecting you? That I am restoring you? How much more proof do you need? The time is coming on all I have warned you about that you would see. The time is running out or running short of what it looks like to be normal. And it will suddenly change. Many things will change right before your eyes that you won’t understand. But remember who I am. Trust me, believe in me, stand and fight and take back all that belongs to you that I’ve already provided. All of this that you are about to see will not last. So cast your cares upon me because I care for you, saith the Lord of hosts. T

The SQUAD is about to be in your news for a significant reason. I am tearing them apart and proving to this nation who put them there to destroy this nation. I will expose the money and the puppet masters and the plan to destroy Christianity in your nation. a whistleblower is coming to take them all out of the way. I told you my children, a mass exodus is coming and great removals are on the horizon in your nation. Sayeth the Lord. The Fed will have to have a lot to answer for in the coming weeks. Unanswered questions and problems will continue to destroy their narrative. I am proving to this nation this organization never should have been and will soon be brought to nothing.

JAPAN I say this nation again will be in your news for a significant reason. Something that has been hidden there will soon be revealed. Money has been given to suppress these hidden secrets forever, but it would be forgotten. But things are changing and money is no longer enough to keep this from the world. Explosions and shakings are happening in this nation and all over the world.

AUSTRALIA, a great upset is coming to your nation. A great unrest and destruction your government has brought to your country. So I’m removing them and giving you someone new. Wake up Australia, for my grace will be seen. Take this opportunity as a nation and get with me, saith the Lord.

ANTARCTICA will be in your news for a shocking reason. The Washington establishment will have to answer for all that they have hidden in that location.

OFFSHORE BANK ACCOUNTS of many in your government are about to be raided. The money trails will prove all the corruption in many politicians worldwide, and how they’ve been paid by CHINA to bring this nation down for the globalist agenda, and they will be taken care of. 1’LL BE EMPTYING THEIR BANK ACCOUNTS and annihilating their plans, and taking away more of their resources, so they can’t pull off the destruction of many nations, to bring in a one-world government for their great reset, sayeth the Lord.

The FDA is about to take a massive hit, one right after another. A whistleblower is coming to show this nation what they have been allowing to take place in your food that is against you. I have warned you, my children, about this and your government. They are not using this system to help you, and actually, it’s to destroy you. And I have all the proof, and it will tear them apart.

The UN is also about to be exposed in a major way. O United States, they are your enemy. And I will remove them all, and they will no longer control your nation, and they will not be able to continue to destroy it. Many changes in your nation will start to take place, O United States. Your fraudulent government will try to take more freedoms away and make you more uncomfortable. Stand up! Rise up! This is not their nation to take or to destroy. I’m standing in the way, but you need to use my authority against them that I have given to you. So resist and continue to hold on, and you will see my glory fall and reverse your captivity and heal your land.” Sayeth the Lord, your Redeemer.

Julie Commentary

Now in the scripture that the Lord gave regarding this prophetic word, again, with these prophetic words I go over them and then I pray and I ask the Lord and a lot of times it just comes like it’s like a flowing river. I don’t know how to describe it. It’s so amazing how he takes these prophetic words and then all he brings me back to his written word and he shows me more revelations to give to you regarding these prophetic words. These prophetic words are not just meant to go, okay, that’s great. No, there’s revelations in these prophetic words, what God needs you to know and what he needs you to do. And so right here, the first one I’m gonna start with is Psalm 105. Then I’ll go back over and get a more detail about this prophetic word. Psalm 105 and verse 5. Psalm 105 and verse 5 and it says, remember that word EARNESTLY The Lord keeps bringing us back to this word and the reason for that is because we have to be aware. We have to remember who God is. That he is still the same yesterday, today, and forever. And just like Look at this praise report this morning that was in the chat with the healing of that tumor. God is a healer. We need to earnestly remember that he’s our healer, Jehovah Rapha. It’s his name. He’s a healer. But your enemy will try to tell you that he’s not. But why is so many times in scriptures that we have to earnestly remember who God is, what he has done. How we should expect him to be because he says he’s no respecter of persons and he’s the same yesterday today and forever So let’s hear in Psalm 105 verse 5 says earnestly remember The marvelous deeds that he has done His miracles and wonders and the judgments and sentences which he pronounced upon his enemies as in Egypt Why would God say in this in this scripture in Psalm 105 and verse 5 say earnestly remember all the marvelous deeds and all the things that he did in Egypt and against the Egyptians? Why? Because we need to know that he is still the same God. He’s still the same God who does marvelous wonders. He’s still the same God who delivers. He’s still the same God who judges. He’s still the same God who rains down justice. He is still that God and too many times because religion and legalism and manmade doctrines, it has taken God’s people away from knowing and earnestly remembering who he is. He even said this in Exodus chapter 13, again, this is very, very important. We have to know, he says, we’re going to come into a time. He says in this prophetic word, we’re gonna come into a time where things are going to change and things are not going to be normal Okay, it’s he’s that point-blank and he’s that he’s making it that obvious to us things are changing It’s not gonna be as normal as usual So he’s been telling us about this Exodus He’s been telling us about what’s going on with and he’s been giving us the example of the Exodus over and over and over again Because in that time of that judgment, in that time where he was raining down judgment, the evil ones, remember, were raining down even more persecution and making the Israelites, their lives harder. So when judgments were raining down against the Egyptians, the Egyptians were making God’s people’s lives harder. That’s what he’s been telling us. Alright? So it’s always the darkest before the dawning. It’s always looks worse before it gets better. But that is when your enemies on the prowl even more. That’s why I was so excited and in tears because I’m seeing people praying for one another. I’m seeing people in the chat before the live show even starts. And they’re encouraging one another. And they’re literally, they’re just like uniting as a team. And when the enemy wants us all separated, he wants us all discouraged. He wants us so way down. He wants us broken down, that we’re not strong enough to fight, we’re not strong enough to pray. But that’s the exact opposite. God is giving us strength. God is giving us revelation knowledge every day. He’s giving us teachings every day. He’s giving us these prophecies every day, even though there’s so many people in religion that will tell you that’s not true, that God would not prophesy all the time. Yes, He would, because prophecy is Him communicating to us, not only with word, but telling us about future events that’s going to happen in our country or happen around the world, because he said in Amos 3, 7, he doesn’t do anything without first revealing it to the servants of prophets. If he’s the same yesterday, today, and forever, if things are going to change dramatically for a nation, why would he not send prophet or prophets in order to warn God’s people? To warn God’s people that things aren’t gonna be normal. To warn God’s people that enemies are going to try to do something so then they can speak the word of God they can resist the word of God or Resist the devil with the word of God they can stand and fight that good fight of faith Why why? Is there so many people that don’t even believe in prophets today at all? And I don’t understand that because that’s part of the five-fold ministry in the book of Ephesians 4 11 You can see that all five fold Okay, hold on. Let’s turn there really quick It’s important, right now it’s important for us to unite as a body of Christ. I am fed up with the enemy trying to cause division in the body of Christ. I’m fed up with getting on YouTube to go watch encouraging videos or listening to music and I’m seeing in thumbnails, I’m not watching them, but I’m seeing in thumbnails one person tearing apart a pastor, or a pastor tearing apart another pastor, or this pastor tearing part of this ministry or this ministry tearing apart this ministry. Why? Why? Why do that? Pray. If you believe that they’re doing something wrong, pray for them. That’s what we do when we see somebody’s doing something wrong. We pray for them. I don’t get out here and bash them and call them by name and destroy their ministry. No, that’s not my job. My job is to pray for them If they are doing something wrong to pray that their eyes are open the heart is softened and they return to God That’s what we are supposed to do. We’re not supposed to tear each other apart. We’re not each other’s enemy We’re our brothers and sisters in the army of the Lord We are God’s children and we’re supposed to be united and we’re supposed to go up We need to grow up in the love of God and that’s what the enemy is wanting to do is trying to destroy us So Ephesians 4 11 really quick before I go on Ephesians 4 11 says and in his gifts we are buried he himself appointed and gave men to us God gave people to us now men means mankind so when people say God does not use a woman I beg to differ Joel chapter 2 acts chapter 2 read those verses where it says God in the last days will pour out a spirit among all flesh, and its sons and daughters shall prophesy.” All people need to do is just read the Bible, that’s all. All right, and his gifts were very in himself appointed and given men to us, some to be apostles or special messengers, some prophets, inspired preachers and expounders, some evangelists, preachers of the gospel, traveling missionaries, some pastors and shepherds of the flock and teachers. We need the five-fold. Who are they? They are the apostles, prophets, they are the evangelists, they are the preachers, and they are the teachers. That’s who we need. All five. And why do we need all five? In order to, verse 12, his intention was the perfecting and the full equipping of the saints. So when the five-fold ministry, or the five parts that God has put together for the body of Christ, it’s for the equipping or the maturity of the body of Christ. We need to mature, first of all, fight together, stand together, and not against one another. Verse 13, that he might develop until all attain oneness in the faith. This is the whole teaching. I’m just going a little bit right here. But the fivefold is meant to bring oneness or a unity in the body of Christ. A oneness in the faith and in comparison of the full accurate knowledge of the Son of God and we might arrive at really mature manhood that we would grow up. That’s what God wants us to do. And I had to share that because people are questioning because there’s so many people out there that’s bashing prophets today. Any prophet that they’re not for today. Well, that’s not what the Word of God says. So anytime there are people that are bashing Walking out of love tearing each other apart. Don’t get mad Pray for them because they’re not seeing the truth Okay, because even the religious traditional people back in the Bible tore Jesus apart They’re the ones who put on the cross The religious-minded or traditionally-minded people are the ones who put Jesus on that cross, because they couldn’t see the truth. And remember what Jesus said, and he brings it back to people who have come out against this ministry, or come out against people who I love in other ministries, and the first response is you get angry, you get upset. God says, no. What did Jesus say? What did he say when he was on that cross? He said, Father, forgive them. they know not what they do. So right now, we have to forgive those because they don’t know what they’re doing. They’re blinded. And so we have to pray for them that they walk in love, that they see the truth and that truth sets them free. That’s what we are supposed to do together. We are supposed to unite and be in one in the faith, in the name of Jesus, not in doctrines and not in man-made traditions, but in the name of Jesus and what he has done for us. Okay, so earnestly that word earnestly, so let’s go to Exodus chapter 13. I did not forget where I was. I promise Exodus chapter 13 in verse 3 remember what Moses has to tell God’s people before they were fully out Because they were gonna have a time the Red Sea the wilderness where they weren’t gonna remember so God was warning through the Prophet Moses he was warning that was his mouthpiece at the time and he was having Moses warn his people earnestly remember this day let’s see what it says Exodus chapter 13 verse 3 this is a classic amplified and Moses said to his people earnestly remember this day in which you came out from Egypt out of the house of bondage and bondmen for the strength of The hand of the Lord brought you from the place and no leavened bread shall be eaten so Moses was telling guys people earnestly remember this because they were gonna come up to the Red Sea where they were gonna forget He was just telling them a chapter before earnestly, remember how God brought you out of Egypt and one chapter later there at the Red Sea and they’re freaking out and And they’re crying and they’re wailing and they’re what just bring us out here Moses and they’re blaming Moses and they’re mad at Moses They’re not blaming the you’re not blaming the devil. They’re not blaming the Egyptians. They’re blaming Moses who helped get him out With God and God’s power and God’s strength and his abilities wisdom knowledge understanding God was using Moses to help him do that. And you know what they turned on Moses. They got mad at him How’d you bring us here to just die just so we could go back and God was saying Right here in this before this chapter before and say hey Ernest. I remember my strength of my hand They forgot in one chapter So in this time that he’s warning us about things that we don’t see We don’t see all these things But he does because he’s an alpha. He’s the Omega. He’s the beginning. He’s the end He knows what’s going to happen. That’s why in Amos 3 7 he gives he says I don’t do anything without Revealing it to his servants the prophets. He gives the prophets a heads up a piece of the puzzle He doesn’t give him the whole thing. I don’t have the whole thing. Other prophets don’t have the whole thing We don’t have the whole thing. We only have what God allows us to give out why in order to warn in order to get hit God’s people to stand up rise up get up fight and Receive the truth receive what God has because you have to just take everything that Satan dishes out You have power, you have authority, you have dominion in the name of Jesus. You have the Word of God, which is a sword of the Spirit, which is a weapon. Your enemy doesn’t want to know that the Word of God is a weapon. That’s why when I told you, when I have spoken the Word of God into my children or myself, or when I’m praying for somebody else, no matter where we are, sometimes I shout, sometimes I get loud, sometimes I get mad. And I have that righteous indignation because when Satan is trying to put death on somebody It makes me mad because Jesus has given them life and he’s given them the way out. He’s given them He’s taken that that that the keys to hell death and the grave and he took him from the enemy We raised was raised from the dead. He destroyed the power of that curse Against his people and so we’re about to celebrate Resurrection Sunday. Some people call it Easter Sunday. We call it Resurrection Sunday I’m not gonna celebrate a bunny. I I celebrate Jesus. I celebrate that he died and was raised again. And so we celebrate Resurrection Sunday. We know that with that death came the greatest life. It gave us eternal life to spend with our heavenly father. It gave us power. It gave us authority. It gave us dominion over the curse that was brought into this earth that the enemy has brought in and we have power and authority and dominion over him with that name. He doesn’t want you to know this. That’s why religion is a faith killer. Religious traditions. Taking somebody else’s word for it. That’s why I said don’t take my word for it. You take these scriptures. That’s why we put them in the description box. Write them down. Study them. Get them into your heart. Get that revelation on the inside of you and know the truth that God is trying to give you today. There are some people that are going to hear this word. They’re gonna hear it But but are they going to hear it? Isn’t gonna go in one ear and just out the other one or is it gonna go deep down into your spirit and you realize And you have that truth It’s gonna be deep down in there and get that revelation of God how big God is how awesome God is and just know I don’t Care what the enemy is gonna do because it’s not bigger than God Because just like what he did with Moses. He was warning his people earnestly remember my hand Ernest and remember how powerful my hand is right now in this very moment How that was during the firstborn how the angel of death came destroyed the enemies But they were protected and then how he was bringing them out and now he’s bringing them out with a strong hand God’s gonna bring us out with a strong hand and we cannot forget how powerful how awesome how big God is We can’t forget how God is the most high God. He’s L Elyon. That’s his name, El Elyon. It’s one of them. God has many names. It’s important to study the names of God, to get to know the characteristics of God, to get to know who he is. Now if you are married to somebody, you get to know them with spending time with them. You get to know them with talking and fellowshiping with them. That’s what God wants us to do. He wants us to know him. He wants us a fellowship with him. He wants us to know the characteristics of God so that when we are going through times of stress, times of trials, times of things that are abnormal, things where it looks like they’re going crazy in the wrong direction, where God said in this prophetic word and many other ones that the enemy is gonna try to do something to bring destruction, to make our lives miserable, even worse than they did in 2020. But God is saying to us right now, Remember who’s bigger. Remember his hand. Remember how powerful he is. Remember that he is El Elyon, the Most High God. Remember that he’s El Shaddai, the God whom nothing is impossible. Remember if you’re struggling with physical things that are going on in your body, remember that he’s Jehovah Rapha. He is The healer and he’s the same religion will tell you all those miracles signs and wonders in the book of Acts Oh, that was just for the beginning of the church. What if God healed in the beginning? Why would he not heal now? It’s not scriptural It’s scriptural that if he healed before he heals now because he is the healer It’s who he is and he doesn’t change He’s a God the great I am that I am that I am that he says in the book of Exodus chapter 3 when he reveals himself to Moses he says I am that I am who is he I am is everything we need he’s a deliverer he’s a protector he’s our advocate he’s our standby he’s our intercessor he is our protector he is our healer he is our provider he is the God who nothing is impossible he is everything we just have to know that and I’ll get back to that point in there in the prophecy where he says this but again it’s that word earnestly we need to earnestly remember who he is so then when all these things start to change and what all these things that we know as normal are not going to be normal anymore at least not for a short time God’s saying hey remember who I am remember this day remember my scriptures remember my words remember the Revelation that I’m giving to you of how big I am and how much he loves us Remember who he is now. I want to um Go to a Deuteronomy chapter 7 I’ll go this prophetic word here in a minute because there’s great revelation about earnestly remembering how powerful God is and what he does for his people when they’re in a Situations that are life and death when they’re in situations that looked like virtually impossible. This is God This is how we should expect him to be Deuteronomy chapter 7 and verse 8 Deuteronomy 7 verse 8 says because the Lord loves you We have to know say God loves me. I Want everybody say God loves me? Because there’s some people out there who do not love themselves And if you don’t love yourself, then you don’t think that God could ever love you, but God loves you It’s very important to know he loves you despite anything that you’ve ever done. He loves you But because the lord loves you because he would keep the oath That he would swore to your fathers. The lord has brought you out with a mighty hand. Remember he’s talking about his hand again And redeemed you out of the house of bondage from the hand of the pharaoh of the egypt So again, he’s telling them. Hey earnestly. Remember what I did with the pharaoh in egypt earnestly Remember that he’s telling us that or why would he even written it down in the scriptures? He wanted us to know so that even the time right now that we are in we earnestly remember what God did and How God is the same God? Verse 9 and no one recognized and understand therefore that the Lord your God he is God He is a faithful God we didn’t know that he is a faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love and mercy with those who love him and keeps his commandments to a thousand generations Hasn’t been a thousand generations but a thousands of years but not thousands of generations God’s saying what are they saying? He is a he hasn’t changed. He’s a guy who doesn’t change so thousands of generations He’s still gonna be a covenant-keeping God So even though we were 4,000 years away or 4,000 years ago was the Exodus He’s saying hey, I keep a covenant to a thousand generations. I am still that God. I’m still that God who delivers I’m so that God who heals remember because there was no feeble among them in the land of Goshen That’s a important part to know there was no feeble when they walked out no matter what the movie show All right, jump down to um, oh, there’s so many scriptures here. I can give you but I’m running out of time All right, so jump down to verse 15 and the Lord will take away from you sickness and none of the diseases of Egypt You knew will be put on you, but will lay them upon all who hate you Do you know what all diseases and the viruses that the enemies are trying to put on in this world right now? You know, they’re doing it on purpose. They’re bio weapons Look what this says right here We can claim this for today and the Lord will take away from you all sickness and none of the evil diseases of Egypt You can put that and say none of the diseases of the world which you knew would be put upon you, but will lay them all upon who hate you.” So he’s saying the Egyptians are trying to put sickness and disease on you, but don’t worry, I’m your healer. It’s not gonna happen to you, but it’s going to happen to them because they’re reaping a harvest of sickness and disease. You sow, you will reap what you sow. You will reap what you sow. Now this is in verse 16 And you shall consume all the peoples whom the Lord your God will give over to you. Your eyes shall not pity them, neither shall you serve their gods for that they would be snared to you. Verse 17 If you say in your minds and hearts these nations are greater than we are, how can we dispossess them? So again God is saying don’t say that these nations are bigger than us or our enemies are stronger than us. God is saying hey Don’t forget my mighty hand. Don’t forget who I am. Don’t forget how powerful I am. Don’t forget that I’m a deliverer Don’t forget that I’m a healer. Don’t forget that I am the one who you need as your protector Then he says in verse 18, this is still Deuteronomy 7 18 You shall know and not you shall not be afraid of them. But remember earnestly there’s that word again, remember earnestly what the Lord your God did to Pharaoh and to all of Egypt. Why is he saying it again? We need to earnestly remember what he did. And he’s telling them to earnestly remember, don’t forget what I’m doing, because you’re gonna have opportunities to forget. You’re gonna have opportunities where your enemy’s gonna come in, he’s gonna come in like a flood, and he’s gonna want to destroy your faith and trust in God. He’s gonna to overwhelm you, bring fear, bring impossible situations. He’s going to want to bring your five physical senses under his subjection, a subjection so he can destroy and control you. That’s what your enemy wants. But God is saying, Hey, don’t give into that. Don’t forget who I am. And don’t forget that I am bigger than he is. I’m bigger than your enemy and I’m bigger than your problem. God is bigger. Verse 19. Look at what he says right here. I love this. I love this chapter I love it I used to read all the time and I still do but he says in verse 19 the great trials which your eyes saw the signs the wonders and the mighty hand so he’s saying earnestly remember and it keeps saying his mighty hand there’s revelation in the hand of God remember with Moses when he said when when they were talking about they wanted meat and they were whining in crime because they were tired of eating manna and God is saying to Moses has my hand waxed short? Do you not remember all the things I did for you in Egypt? How I brought you out? Do you not forget? Did you forget the Red Sea? Did you forget that I’ve been giving you water? I’ve been giving you manna the entire time you’ve been in the wilderness? Did you forget my hand? Don’t forget the mighty hand of God. It’s a great revelation. The mighty hand of God. It destroys the power of the enemy. Now it says, the great trials which you saw, the signs and wonders in the mighty hand the outstretched arm and he says by which the Lord your God brought you out so so shall the Lord your God do to all the people whom you were afraid it doesn’t matter who you were afraid of God is saying he is bigger than them and don’t forget his hand don’t forget how powerful he is and with the Red Sea it was by the breath of his nostril the Red Sea wasn’t even God’s hand it was a breath of his nostril that part of the right see that’s how powerful God is then it’s jump jump down to verse 21 you shall not dread them for the Lord your God is among you God is among us remember he’s a Manuel that’s another one of his names he’s a Manuel means God with us then he says for the Lord your God is among you a mighty and terrible God which is that something doesn’t mean terrible as in bad we’re trying to and And the Lord your God will clear out those nations before you.” Or you could say governments. He’ll clear out those nations before you little by little and you may not be consumed. You will consume them quickly, lest the beasts of the field increase among you. God is saying pay attention to him, pay attention to how big he is. Now I want to go back over this prophetic word again, because we have a lot to be thankful for. We have a lot. We need to earnestly remember how powerful God is and I still have more scriptures if I can get to him today I will if not, I will use them another day.

This is the first paragraph My children, do you see your enemies? That’s the first question he’s and he’s asking us do you see your enemies? Well, I think all of us could say we see our enemies We know who they are guys revealing it to us on a continual basis this, who is the enemy? The enemy is not God. The enemy is our adversary. Our adversary is the devil and everyone he’s using. That’s our enemy. So obviously we know who our enemies are. And he’s going to keep revealing to us who the enemies are because some of them, you know, try to hide but everything hidden will be revealed. All right, then he asked the second question. Do you see this war? Well A lot of people see a war. If you ask most people today, what about the war today? They’re going to thank Israel, which is a war, yes. And they’re going to thank Ukraine and Russia. Well, yes, it’s a war also. But what about a war on humanity? What about the war of disinformation? What about the war for our freedoms? What about the war for our nations? What about the war for our health? What about the war for our children? There are many wars going on that we don’t see or didn’t see right away, or didn’t think that was considered a war. He’s saying, do you see the war, this war? It’s a war against humanity. It is, he said, and do you understand the battle that you are experiencing? The enemy, he told me 14 years ago, I’m trying to remember, this is 2024, so yeah, it was 2010. 14 years ago, he was giving me the revelation of the book of Exodus. And he said, what once was, will be again, but to a greater degree. And I did not understand what that meant. And he was talking about the Exodus, what once was, will be again to a greater degree. I didn’t even know that that was in the Bible. I had no idea never heard that scripture before my life. There’s There’s nothing new under the sun, for one. But God, he’s saying what once was will be again. So he said, your enemy, and this was a revelation, your enemy brought in a slavery. But even worse than Egypt, that’s what he told me. And I said, how is that humanly possible, Lord? We saw, we read in your word how nasty it was, how horrible it was. He said, but they knew their chains. They knew they were in slavery. They knew they were in bondage and they asked and prayed and cried out to me for freedom He said but my children now Didn’t know they were enslaved They didn’t cry out to me for deliverance or freedom in these ways They needed deliverance and freedom because they didn’t know they thought it was a way of life It was a great deception that the enemies had brought in So he just got more conniving He got more deceiving into bringing God’s people into a slavery that they didn’t even know existed So they didn’t even fight they didn’t fight it back So he says do you know and understand the battle that you’re experiencing? The battle is for our minds The battle is for our soul. So we give in to God. So we give in to truth We give up our freedoms and so we are totally enslaved That’s the battle. He says and they’ll also this is a battle of good versus evil A lot of people think in this country right now, I live in America, they think this country right now is the battle of Republican versus Democrat. It’s Biden versus Obama or oh Biden and versus Trump. But it’s not. It’s not just a Republican Democratic thing. It is a battle of good versus evil. Satan is trying to kill the soul of this nation. He’s trying to kill the life of this nation. He’s trying to kill our freedoms. He’s trying to destroy us fundamentally, morally, in every way, shape, or form. He’s trying to just bring great destruction, not to this nation, but the nations around the world. Why is he doing that? For his one world government. For the Antichrist to rule and to reign. It’s in the book of Revelation. There’s a war of disinformation. This is why when people are saying, we just need another election, we just need another election to save us. No, we don’t. We need God. We need God. America needs God. And one thing that again, President Trump said yesterday, make America pray again. Huge statement. That was so prophetic. Make America pray again. Yes. And not just some people, all of America needs to turn to God. So he said, do you understand the battle? It’s good versus evil. This is not an election. That’s gonna save this nation. God said it’s not gonna be an election. It’s gonna be him Because an election will only take certain people out and bring certain people in He’s saying he’s gonna be a political reset and a political reset is only what God can do Reset politically That means wiping it all out and starting all over again It needs to be a reset. He says do you know how to win? So he’s asking us these questions. He’s getting us to think. Do you know how to win? Well, we can only win with God. It can’t just be President Trump. It has to be God. God has, because he’s the one who gives us a victory. That’s his name. He’s Jehovah Nissi. He’s our banner or our victory. It’s a part of God. It’s who he is. It’s a characteristic of God. He is victory We need him. That’s how we win. He’s asking another question. Do you know how to fight a lot of people say? Okay, we got a protest. We have to stand up. We have to you know, do this we got to that How do we fight prayer we fight with the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God? We fight with the power of the name of Jesus which is name above every name. That’s how we fight He’s asking us another question. Do you know how to resist? James 4 7 resist the devil then he must flee how to resist him This is this is an example Heavenly father name of Jesus. I’d want to praise and thank you by the authority of that name and This is going on in my life Then he’s trying to attack my child or try and attack my marriage or try attack my finances or whatever Whatever it’s a situation is in your life right now But right now, in the power of that name, that name of every name, Satan, I bind you, I resist you, and I render you helpless against my children. I render you helpless against my nation, or I render you helpless against my marriage, or I render you helpless against my finances, or I render you helpless against President Trump. I render you helpless, whatever it is, you render, that’s how you resist. You resist him with the power of the name of Jesus. You resist him with the word of Almighty God. You can’t fight Natural battle or super. Sorry, you can’t fight a spiritual battle which we are in good versus evil We’re in a spiritual battle. You can’t fight it with natural ability. You won’t win How do we fight a spiritual battle with spiritual ability? It’s God’s ability. It’s his power It’s his wisdom his knowledge his understanding. He says see do you know how to fight? You fight with the Word of God fight with the name of Jesus. You don’t back off you stand you fight that good fight of faith You fight with the Word of God, you know the truth that truth sets you free you praise and worship You praise and worship God because it sets ambushes up guys that will set ambushes up against the plans of the enemy and it will destroy them When you praise and worship remember how we wore worship and resist. W-A-R and then W-A-R the wicked are restricted. That’s how we war. That’s how we fight. Then he says, do you know how to make your enemies run? Praising. Worshipping. God. It makes them run in stark terror. That name of Jesus makes them run in stark terror. When you know how to use the Word of God, and you are in the army of the Lord, and you know the power of that name, and you know the power of the Word of God, and you’re speaking the Word of God, and you’re speaking the name of Jesus, and you’re speaking the Word, and you’re using that two-edged sword, and you know how powerful that is, it makes your enemy run. He wants you to run, he wants you to be afraid, he needs to be afraid of you, and he is afraid of you. He’s afraid of you knowing who you are in Christ Jesus. It destroys his power over you and then he says do you know how to stand? Even when it feels and looks a seemingly impossible to win Do you know how to stand? God is the one who gives us ability to stand. I Don’t know how many times I’ve fallen during situations that were, you know long-lasting and I’m talking years and and years, and years, and years, and years, and years, and years, and years, and years, most of my life. And sometimes you just get tired of the fight, and you get tired of standing sometimes, and then you fall down. But Micah 7, verse eight says, do not rejoice against me, O my enemy, for when I fall, I shall arise. God is a light in our darkness. God is the one who gives us the ability to stand. And remember, we should not be moved by what we see. We should only be moved by the word of God. That’s how we stand then he says Do you know how you can accomplish all of this? It’s me. I’m the key. Well God, of course he is He’s the one who gives us the ability. He gives us his strength. He gives us a wisdom knowledge understanding He’s given us a resurrection power of Jesus Christ. He’s given us a name of Jesus He’s given us a blood covenant that he has with us because of Jesus He’s he is the key God is the key to our victory Then he says, I am your strength. He is. The joy of the Lord is our strength. Don’t let Satan steal your joy. And then if he doesn’t, he can’t keep what you have. He can’t keep your goods. He says, I will give you wisdom and knowledge and understanding in all things. I am your peace that you have to have. He’s the Prince of Peace. That’s who he is. He says, I am the one providing you every tool to come out victorious. He’s Jehovah Nissi. He’s our banner. He’s our victory. So of course, it’s gonna give us everything we need. He’s given us armor He’s given us the name of Jesus. He’s given us a soulless spirit. So he’s completely equipped us for battle But a lot of people were in battle But they weren’t fighting that battle their enemy was fighting it, but they weren’t fighting it. So they were losing but now we know Now we know how to fight now. We’re dangerous to the devil and that should be exciting to everyone Next paragraph, I am all you will ever need and when you realize that your lives will change forever. Your attitude in this fight will dramatically be changed because you will know the outcome. Think about that. I am all you will ever need and when you realize that your lives will change forever. Yeah, if we know that God’s all we need and we have God on a continual basis and he’s everywhere we go and he’s with us in everything that we do and we know that he is a great I am, We know he’s El Elyon the most high God. We know he’s a guy who nothing is impossible. Yes, our attitudes will change forever Your attitude in this fight will dramatically be changed because you will know the outcome. What’s our outcome? We win That’s our outcome because God wins God’s already won. All right. Now your enemies have already been defeated. That’s another way we can change our attitude and And you’re and you are guaranteed to win so stand fight push back resist pray praise and worship me My children because it destroys the power of your enemies saith the Lord. So what destroys the power of our enemy? when we pray praise When we praise and worship God that destroys the power of the enemy 2 Chronicles chapter 20 and verse 23, I’m pretty sure it is, and it said when they praised and worshiped God, the Lord set ambushes up against the enemy and they were defeated. So our enemy wants us crushed. The enemy wants us to be depressed. The enemy wants us overwhelmed. And God’s saying, uh-uh, do the exact opposite. Start praising and worshiping me and I’m gonna set up ambushes up against your enemy and I’m gonna destroy them and they will be defeated. Why do I think he brings so much depression and fear and anxiety and worry and, and, and overwhelming and darkness and all these things, because he wants to crush you when the enemy is the one who’s been crushed. All right, let’s keep reading. My children, I have given you signs. Of course he has. He’s given us many. I have given you prophetic words. Yes, he has. I’ve given you my written word. He’s given us the Bible. How much more do you need to see him to believe me and not your enemy? That was hard when he asked me that question. this prophetic word when I heard it to give out to you when I was writing this down and I heard how much more do you need to see to believe me and you’re not your enemies that’s for all of us to ask that question because all of us in a certain point in our life we’re questioning about our outcome and God is saying how many times do I have to show you and I got to prove to you that I am all you need he shouldn’t have to prove it he already has he says how much more Or do I have to prove to you that I am almighty God? That I am delivering you, that I am protecting you, that I am restoring you. How much more proof do you need? Think about the ones I just gave you and examples in the Bible. They kept questioning God. Will God do this? Will God do that? And that when the wilderness, they limited the Holy one of Israel because they were questioning him. It says that the book of Psalms, they limited the Holy one of Israel. Why? because they didn’t trust Him fully. Because they kept asking, can God, can God, can God, can God, can God. We need to stop asking the can and know that God can. We need to stop asking will and we should know that God will because that’s who He is. He’s the same God. We shouldn’t need more convincing. He is the one who makes a way. He is the one who has always been here. He is the way the app of the Omega the beginning of the end. He’s always been the same. He doesn’t change humans change Societies change, but God doesn’t change. So then he goes on to say That I am delivering you I’m protecting you. I’m restoring you. How much more proof do you need? So he’s asking all of us. Do we trust him that he is our deliverer protector? He’s the one who is delivering us. He’s the one who’s getting us out of all this mess He’s the one who’s healing us. He’s the one who’s doing all these different things. Are we gonna say can God will God? And how is he gonna do it? Are we gonna say these things? Are we gonna know God can oh And God will and Oh God is a God of surprises We should know that God can that God will and that God is a God of surprises because he is I mean I know exactly how he’s gonna do it. I just know he’s gonna Let’s keep reading All right. Now The time is coming on all I have warned you about that you would see So the time is coming God’s been warning us about things that we’re gonna see things that are gonna be uncomfortable Things are not gonna be normal. He’s warned us about this that we are about to see right now He says and your time is running short of what it looks like to be normal and it will suddenly change Many things will change right before your eyes that you won’t understand but remember who I am, trust me, believe in me, stand and fight, take back all that belongs to you that I have already provided. What does he say over and over and over and over again in the Bible? He said earnestly remember my hand, earnestly remember what I’ve done. We need to earnestly remember when things are gonna start to change and things are gonna not look normal, God is saying remember who I am remember that I am that God in the book of Exodus then remember I am the God who was with Shadrach Meshach and Abednego in that fiery furnace remember that I was with Daniel in the lion’s den remember that I was with David when he fought Goliath remember these things remember he is the same God I want to I want to say out loud right now God is the same God in the Bible God is the same and he doesn’t change God is the same and he doesn’t change all right now this is next paragraph all that all this that you are about to see will not last all of this that you’re about to see will not last so cast your cares upon me because I care for you say the Lord opposed now again you can look up in Ephesians for the sake of time I can’t Ephesians 6 and verse 18, where it says things which are seen are temporary, they’re fleeting and they’re subject to change. That means they have an expiration date. So he’s saying all of this that you are about to see will not last. So Casher cares about me because I care for you, saith the Lord of Hosts. Then he goes on to say, this is next paragraph, now he’s talking about the squad. The squad that he’s talking about this is the squad that’s in the House of Representatives of the out how many women there are now I have no idea I don’t even care but he’s saying the squad the squad is about to be in your news for a significant reason I am tearing them apart and proving to this nation who put them there to destroy this nation I will expose the money the puppet masters and this plan to destroy Christianity in this nation. A whistleblower is coming to take them all out of the way. So a whistleblower is going to come out and expose the squad, expose how they got there. Of course, they were not, they were not voted in. I promise you they were not voted in. They stole those seats and God’s going to prove it and God’s going to prove the money because it always goes back to money. There’s always a money trail. A whistleblower is coming to take them all out of the way. I told you my children, Now listen to this, he had me put this in bold also. A mass exodus is coming. Great removals are on the horizon in your nation. A mass exodus is coming. Great removals are on the horizon in your nation. Remember what God talked about? I would say a mass exodus and great removals is part of that political reset he’s been talking about. Now the next paragraph, the Fed. Now, what he’s talking about, I’m like, okay, Lord, are you talking about the FBI? No, the Federal Reserve. The Fed. He specifically said, the Fed. He didn’t say the Feds. He said, the Fed, the Federal Reserve. We’ll have a lot to answer for in the coming weeks. Unanswered questions and problems will continue to destroy their narrative. I am proving to this nation, this organization never should have been and will soon be brought to nothing. The federal reserve will be brought to nothing. It was never supposed to be in this country. It was meant to destroy it. It was not meant to help it. And if you look it up, they’re not even a part of our country, really. They’re not even controlled by any part of our country. So they should not be in the long story, not going to get all in it because I don’t have time, look it up. They are not an entity for the people of this country at all. All right, next paragraph. Japan. I say this nation again will be in your news for a significant reason. Something that has been hidden there will soon be revealed. Money has been given to suppress these hidden secrets forever, so that would be forgotten. But things are changing. Look what he’s saying right here. Money is no longer enough to keep this from the world. Money is no longer enough to suppress the truth. This is what he’s saying. Explosions and shakings are happening in this nation and all over the world. So something massive is going to happen in Japan. Massive explosions of exposures and things that are hidden in Japan. Now we’re hidden there. They He said, the things are changing because money is no longer enough to keep it from the world. Next up is Australia. Australia, a great upset is coming to your nation, great unrest and destruction your government has brought to your country. So I am removing them and giving you someone new. Wake up, Australia, for my grace will be seen. Take this opportunity as a nation and get with me, says the Lord. So I know there’s people that watch from all over Australia and I know people watch in Japan if you’re hearing these prophetic words regarding your nation pray over your nation and pray what God is saying He said there’s gonna be a great upset in Australia and he’s saying he’s gonna bring the destruction of what the government’s doing to your country he’s gonna bring them down and His grace is gonna be seen and he’s gonna bring a new government in or a new person in That will bring in more new people So pray for a righteous man or woman to be in leadership of your country. It’s important to God. And pray for this wake up, a wake up to God, a great awakening to God in your country. That’s what he’s saying about Australia. So Australians that are watching, pray that you have a great awakening in your country. And if you’re watching, I know people watching from all over the world, So no matter what country you’re living in, you pray for a great awakening in yours as well because that’s on the heart of God. All right. Here’s another one. Antarctica will be in your news for a shocking reason. This is not the first time he’s talked about any of these continents or countries that he says the Washington establishment will have to answer for all that they have hidden in that location. So he’s mentioning Antarctica again to the Washington establishment will have to answer for all they have hidden in that location. Next paragraph, offshore bank accounts of many in your government are about to be raided. So now we talk about all of the now offshore bank accounts are going to be raided. The money trails will prove all the corruption in many politicians worldwide and how they have been paid by China to bring this nation down to the globalist agenda and they would to be taken. So they’ll be taken care of. So they were given money. This is what this is saying. They were given money, they put all this money, these politicians that they’re getting money paid for by different countries, especially China, they put them in offshore bank accounts. So they’d be taken care of when this country went down for their globalist agenda. These politicians will be taken care of. They won’t have to hurt for money, where everybody else is hurting for money, because they’re bringing down the economy. Well, they think they’re bringing down the economy, but it will be, it’ll go against them. It’ll backfire. Listen, then he says, I’m, I will empty, I’m emptying their bank accounts, and annihilating their plans and taking away more of their resources. So they can’t pull off the destruction of my nations to bring in a one world government for their great reset. Well, he said he’s taken away the resources, what is a resource, a major resource, that these globalists or these politicians have. Money. He says he’s taking away their resources. One of the resources, and the major one, is money. And he says he’s taking it away from them. He took it away from Egypt. When God’s people left Egypt, there was a wealth transfer. There was, they had nothing left. Egyptians had nothing left. They were broke when the Egyptians or the Israelites left All right. Now next paragraph the FDA is about to take a massive hit hits one after another The FDA is about to take massive hits when I write after another a whistleblower is coming to show this nation what they have been Allowing to take place in your food. That’s against you. I have warned you my children about this and your government They are not using this system to help you It’s actually to destroy you and I have all the proof and it will tell tear them apart He’s been talking about the FDA. He’s been talking about big pharma He’s been talking about all of these things are doing to it to poison our air poison our water poison our food Poison our medicine poison everything now. This is not to bring fear. God is saying I am going to destroy it now Remember what he said in Deuteronomy chapter 7 all the diseases in Egypt God saying it ain’t gonna happen to you But it’s gonna blow back and it’s gonna happen to the Egyptians Read Deuteronomy 7. Do not be afraid. Also read Psalm 91. A thousand may fall at one side, ten thousand at another, but it will not come near you. He also talked about pestilences or viruses, sickness and diseases. He’s our protector from these things. So go read Deuteronomy 7. Go read Psalm 91. All of them. The whole entire chapter go read both get that revelation on the down on the inside of you so no matter when they try to pull with this junk and they’re about to release God said what they were gonna do for ten years they’re gonna do this year so again it’s not to bring any fear God is preparing you he’s strengthening you he’s getting you to realize he is the one he’s the key he’s the answer he’s away so we shall be afraid he keeps telling us 365 times he tells us not to to be afraid of the Bible. Fear not, not be afraid. All right, now, let’s keep reading, because I have to go. I have a meeting in 15 minutes. All right, the UN is also about to be exposed in a major way. Oh, United States, they are your enemy. So God is also going to expose the United Nations, or the UN, he’s been telling us that for years and years and years. They are not our friend. They are, I cannot believe they’re on our soil, for one, and I cannot believe we give them money. They are evil. The whole entire entity is evil. So is the Fed, the Federal Reserve, UN, all those things were not ever meant to be here. They were meant to destroy this country to bring in a globalist agenda. That’s what they were here for. They just knew that was going to take a while. Now the UN is also about to be exposed in a major way. O, United States, they are your enemy. I will remove them all. They will no longer control your nation and they will not be able to continue to destroy it. They were set here, they were made here, planted here to destroy our country and destroy the nations around the world. Next paragraph, many changes in your nation will start to take place, oh United States, many changes in your nation will start to take place. You’re talking about us in the United States of America here. Your fraudulent government will try, doesn’t say they will succeed fully, They will try to take more freedoms away and make you more uncomfortable They’re gonna try take your freedoms away and they’re gonna make you more uncomfortable. That’s what he said. So what happened with Egypt? That’s what happened with Pharaoh. So he did to Israelites Remember during that time there’s judgment during that time. There’s protector during that time. Remember Goshen read the book of Exodus See what happened in Goshen? Stand up and rise up. This is not their nation to take or to destroy guys reminding us of that I’m standing in the way, but you need to use my authority against them that I have given to you.” That’s why we’re supposed to resist the devil and he must flee. He says, so resist and continue to hold on and you will see my glory fall and reverse your captivity and heal your land. So he says, so resist, continue to hold on, and you will see my glory fall, and reverse your captivity in your land. That is God, and that is something to shout about. So I want to pray over each and every one of you before I go, because it’s so important for us to know how to stand, and it’s important for us to know how to use the authority of the name of Jesus. It’s important to know how to use the Word of God against our enemy. We have to know in life and death situations how to speak and what to do and what God will give it to you. God is not leaving you in any situation and saying, well, figure it out. He’s not doing that. He’s saying, hey, I am the key. God’s saying, I am the key. He says, it’s me. He’s the key. He’s a key to our victory Praise the Lord. So that my father right now in Jesus name I look up every person the sound of my voice and I thank you father God that the righteous Indian nation is rising up in Them I thank you a knowledge of how big you are rises up in them I thank you father God that they know how to fight. I thank you father God. They’re knowing how to resist I thank you father God. They’re knowing how to use your word. I thank you father God They’re getting a greater greater revelation of the power and authority of your name that name is above every name They have a greater revelation that the enemy is underneath their feet They had a greater revelation that the enemy scatters at the side of your name at the at the at the He scatters at the sound of your name Then he scatters and he runs and start terror when we praise you and we worship you when he meant to destroy us And we are standing here and we are fighting the good fight of faith and we are not giving up and we’re not quitting Because we’re in the army of the Lord You’ve equipped us father God and we thank you that the joy of the Lord is our strength that we will stand at attention That we will fight and we will never give up. We will never give in we will never quit and we’re calling down the Federal Reserve We’re calling down the United Nations. We’re calling down the Washington establishment. We’re calling down any illegitimate government worldwide, in any rogue government. We are calling down all this globalist regime. We are calling down all these plans and schemes against us and we thank you Father God no matter what we see, no matter what we are about to experience, I thank you Father God that you are bigger. I thank you Father God that your people are earnestly remembering how big you are, how good you are, how awesome you are, and we thank you for revealing yourself to us every day for giving us great revelation every single day of how awesome you are how amazing you are and how much you love us and we thank you for it in Jesus name amen and amen so again don’t forget I’ll be on pastor Dave today at 11 o’clock Central Time I’m so excited about today there’s gonna be a lot of confirmations it’s gonna be a fun fun show also if you do want any prayer please write us at JGM, go to our website at jgminternational.org under our contact page or you can write us at Julie Green Ministries International 4620 East 53rd Street Suite 200 Downport, Iowa 52807. You can also know that we have a very powerful prayer team here. We love you. We appreciate you. And again, you guys made my morning, made my day, seeing you guys praying for one another and it’s it’s an amazing sight to see so thank each and every one of you for who you are and that God has brought all of us brothers and sisters together and we are fighting this good fight of faith and we are going to win it and know if you want any jewelry green ministries merchandise you can go to three sons threads calm that’s three sons threads calm and I hope to encourage you today please like subscribe and share and give us everyone you know who needs here an encouraging word who needs you a truth because the truth will set you free. God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day.


After common sense conservatives all over the world have been cancelled and debanked like Nigel Farage etc It is so pleasing to see PAYBACK coming bigtime. God is debanking the criminal Elite offshore accounts. Emptying their accounts. Wonder where the proceeds will go ?

There is so much stateless money floating about it dwarfs the GDPs of many countries. Stateless so that Elites never have to pay tax. There is a trillion dollar industry arranging corporate profits into stateless anonymous entities called TRUSTS where the money effectively disappears. UK banking regulations do not require trustees to be registered or even identified. So have a lawyer TRUSTEE anonymously invest your fortune thus no reporting is required thus the money vanishes. Forever. Cayman Islands for example. The fake arms length Bank there is just a building full of hard drives. LOL.

As Britain divested itself of its empire the vast wealth disappeared into anonymous TRUSTS. Its massive invisible power.

A whistleblower exposed a Panama City Law firm doing this a while back. Will be good to see the money removed.

Wonder how many offshore accounts The British Royal family have ?

If their offshore accounts are emptied some might even suicide. Hmmm…………….

And I cant wait to see the UN exposed so that average people can see that the UN is just a gangster power grab at every nation simultaneously, while they decry old fashioned Empirism that invaded one country at a time.

We live in the most exciting times ever.

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