Searchable transcript for the Serious

THIS IS LIFE OR DEATH OF A NATION This is a title for today’s word THIS IS LIFE OR DEATH OF A NATION and I heard this prophetic word on the 18th. So August 18th So just a couple days ago. I think was on Sunday all right.
My children chaos is about to erupt in your enemies camp in an unprecedented way. In times past you have seen a version of this, but it’s not the extreme you are about to see. Your enemies are in for a rude awakening, thinking they could control this nation, Israel, and the world. They have made many mistakes in their plans over time. Now is a time where everything is about to erupt against them. There are people on all sides in disarray and disagreements. It’s about to hit an all-time high. This nation has never seen what it’s about to witness politically that will get the attention of the world and how fascinating it is to watch a group of people who have planned or played, excuse me, played the world, controlled the world, be exposed and judged at the same time as judgment is being served and freedom is being released to the masses after being held in bondage for so long. It’s so unknown to people and to see it change this nation so Drastically, it will give the world a hope it has never known before Because this nation came through so much as it came out of this death spiral Into a united free nation and there is hope for others
My children in the land of my eagle things are about to pick up and pick up speed and intensify in ways you have never expected. But this is because it’s time for your enemies to reap a great harvest of destruction. I have repeatedly told you that would happen and during this time this would be unexplainable, unprecedented, unconventional, and unusual. But remember but my remnant is ready for this type of battle now to fight back as I need you to. It’s all about to hit an all-time high. This is LIFE OR DEATH OF A NATION AND FREEDOM as you know it. Everything is about to drastically change. Like rocket fire they will try one thing after another against you as they try these desperate attempts in any way to save themselves but the opposite will take place for the removals and the Establishment’s destruction. Confusion has grown to a new level in this camp because there are lines of communication are severed with no way of repairing it. Anger, fear, yelling, screaming matches behind the scenes soon is about to be seen. They will not keep this cool demeanor on screen. It’s about to be seen by everyone, backstabbing and exposing one another. A civil war has grown in the Establishment that’s about to hit an all-time high. A power grabbing and saving themselves. This fake facade of unity is like one will fade away as the truth is revealed with no way of stopping it. My children, this nation is in for a wild ride, a roller coaster of ups and downs and sharp twists and turns. But in the end only my children will be left on the side on the ride to receive what belongs to them. Your enemies will not be on until the end. So brace for what is about to take place. It’s all about to change very quickly now but in this change there is a deliverance and freedom and restoration. So hold on, your nation is about to be given back into your hands, Sayeth the Lord of Hosts.
EISENHOWER this name I say again will be in your news for a significant reason. The honeymoon phase is over for Kamala. Look to see what they do to her and what the news is about to release. This betrayal is about to come in unexpected ways never seen before this election is about to heat up for your enemies and not in a good way. A Surprise is coming. They don’t see and they will not be able to defend themselves from it When they see it, it will already be too late to do anything about it The leaders of this Establishment the ones who have hijacked and enslaved this nation are about to have a very bad week and it will continue to get worse. No matter what they do, it will not get better for them because the time has come for the Establishment to be abolished. Unprecedented distractions are coming to get your attention off the free fall of their destruction that is mounting in Washington. They will start to pull off everything they can. This is where things will seem and appear to be getting worse for this nation and the world. But do not forget what I have said in so many words I have given to you. This darkness is for them and not for you. So receive my light and you will shine bright in this world to give them hope and direct them back to me. This is a time to stand and do not be moved by what you are about to see come out of Washington and what is about to shake this earth. New beginnings are coming and things you can really celebrate. So stay focused on me, says the Lord. All my children, start declaring Psalm 91. Start standing for your freedom and for your healing, no matter what they’re about to put out there with viruses. Look to my word and see what it says about pestilences. It shall not come near you, so do not fear what you are about to hear. it’s another tactic to bring you to your knees when your enemies are about to be brought to theirs.
A major player in your Establishment, ONE OF THE ARCHITECTS is about to be exposed to save the others.
JUDGE MERSHON does not have the power he thinks he has. A setup is about to implode and he will fall.
For attempts as he has made against my David shocking evidence is coming that will destroy the so-called conviction against my David. Sentencing Ha this is just a distraction and another illusion The law does not back this so-called sentencing. Just wait. You will see they are nothing against me They don’t have the power to take him out or to imprison him Your enemies are about to seriously regret the moves they have made in this case because it will bring several more against them. Sayeth the Lord. UNCONVENTIONAL, get used to this word. This is a time where unconventional will become the normal, you would say.
This time and the election will go down as unconventional and THE MOST UNPRECEDENTED ELECTION AND TIME IN THIS NATION Many things are about to fall. Many things are about to be exposed. Many things will collapse implode and disintegrate with your enemies plans they had for my eagle and Israel This is a time where my hand will move quicker now to save my nations from the death blow That is about to hit them both at the same time. My children I am your defender and you are about to see me move in So you can win Sayeth the Lord, your Redeemer.

Surprise prediction
“A major player in your Establishment, ONE OF THE ARCHITECTS is about to be exposed to save the others.
Puzzling how Nancy’s exit from her party could support another’s survival.
“Others being protected” could only be a temporary respite. Obama? Clintons? DONORS? Unelected NEOCONS?
Like NEOCON Bolton who happily admitted to stealing foreign elections? But never at home of course !
Like NEOCON Victoria Nuland recently resigned Under Secretary of State ? Resigned when Ukraine went south. After organising Nordstream 2 pipeline demolition to “punish Russia”
Do the Koch brothers need protection via the exit of Nancy Pelosi ?
And “A civil war has grown in the Establishment that’s about to hit an all-time high Anger, fear, yelling, screaming matches behind the scenes soon is about to be seen” They will not keep this cool demeanor on screen.
No longer secret civil war to be televised Yababdabadoo !
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