Searchable transcript for the Serious

Okay, so this is called DC Secrets are about to be all brought out in the open. DC SECRETS ARE ALL ABOUT TO BE BROUGHT OUT IN THE OPEN
For I the Lord this day, I’m telling you, my children, the checks and balances of this nation will soon be corrected by ME This machine running your nation has been left unchecked and is out of control in every way possible. The most powerful man-made system to control this nation and bring them, control the nations, and bring them under their submission is about to be brought to nothing in front of the world.
The branches of your so-called government are unrecognizable and not at all how they should be running. The abuse of power in the constitution of this great nation is about to come to an abrupt end. O United States, the Establishment came in and abolished the checks and balances out of existence in your government. This abuse of power and this tyranny that continued with this rogue government body will be wiped out by ME. I told you, my children, I don’t need an election to remove people out of these positions, especially when they’ve committed TREASON and they are corrupt in every way. This Establishment will be wiped off the face of this earth, you would say. And you will see how a government should really be governing. My children, you have been lied to and deceived out of many things that have belonged to you. And now you will experience what a free country really is and how your politicians are not your overLords. They’re employed by you.
I will also remove the CORPORATION that has been suffocating this nation. Your freedoms and its power, and it really has throughout this earth. O my United States, you will be a Republic once again. This political shift removing the Establishment and the old guard and all of this system and destroying their existence
Every agency that doesn’t belong will not stand.
Also, the government’s OUT OF CONTROL SPENDING will not stand.
THEIR CRIME SYNDICATE will not stand. THEIR IRS will not stand.
I will show you what a true judicial system really looks like along with what agencies that actually belong and what government spending should really be. Soon you will see everything that will change because of ME, says the Lord. ARLINGTON VIRGINIA will be
in your news for a shocking reason. DC secrets that have been buried there soon will be revealed.
BANK OF AMERICA is about to be exposed in a major way. Many banks will collapse and go under after the shaking that will take place in the banking world. I’m cleansing out the corporation or the corruption everywhere.
There are DARK SECRETS hidden in many of the major banking systems that are owned by your government. My children, watch and see the BANKING GIANTS COLLAPSE and new ones rise that are NOT run and controlled by your Establishment of this nation, says the Lord of Hosts. My children, I will say this again. Many secrets hidden in the bills that have been passed that your government was hiding from you will all come out. Checks will be made and when there are, a great shock will hit many. As they realize your government was all a sham and a massive scam in front of you. But everything they stole from you, I will make sure you get back, says the Lord. An NSA whistleblower is coming up to expose, to wipe out the control the Establishment had over your privacy. Every part of their system that invaded, controlled and destroyed your lives will not, will be annihilated in this season. I am crushing your enemy’s power in this hour, says the Lord of Hosts. WATCH WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO WALL STREET An explosion of truth is coming. How it was designed for the enemies against you and soon you will see it be ripped apart and a new one put in place. There are many things hidden in the financial system of this nation. Your enemies will do everything to hide, but soon it’ll be brought to nothing in front of you. My children, I am moving your enemies out of your land with my mighty hand. Continue to speak my words, continue to stand. I will show you, I am still the great I AM, says the Lord, your Redeemer.

This is the most exciting detailed description of how evil is being systematically removed from government
A few quotes.
The branches of your so-called government are unrecognizable
I don’t need an election to remove people out of these positions, especially when they’ve committed TREASON and they are corrupt in every way
This Establishment will be wiped off the face of this earth
I will also remove the CORPORATION that has been suffocating this nation.
ARLINGTON VIRGINIA will be in your news for a shocking reason
BANK OF AMERICA is about to be exposed in a major way.
There are DARK SECRETS hidden in many of the major banking systems that are owned by your government. My children, watch and see the BANKING GIANTS COLLAPSE
An NSA whistleblower is coming up to expose, to wipe out the control the Establishment had over your privacy
WATCH WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO WALL STREET An explosion of truth is coming.
Why cant Trumps executive orders be reversed (again) by the next democrat President.? Dr Steve Turely explains this nicely in the bottom video.
And this other video here below explains how Gods plan already started some years ago and key phrases to bear in mind are
Court Case 1 West Virginia versus the EPA
which in effect returns power back to the legislature to Congress
Court case 2 is their recent overturning of
the Chevron Doctrine earlier this year and that
was absolutely huge
And so we have this plan from God and we can see Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy aggressively downsizing the federal govt in a number of ways. Currently it employs 2 million people with jobs for life.
This is a second American revolution fully mandated with all 3 Houses
Every evil participant REMOVED. from the White House down to the Council dog catcher.
A dream come true
Julies entire transcript I enclose here as she mentions quite a few other things and and at the session end she calls out HEALINGS. Godlings YOU guys will likely be called upon to do this stuff and likely God will put words in your mouth though Julie is giving you a lead-in here at session end. RED Heading
[BLANK_AUDIO] Goood uh Morning, Everybody. Today is Wednesday, November 27th of 2024. And I just wanna thank each and every one of you for joining today’s live show today. And this is a great week that we are ahead of us, which is of course the Thanksgiving holiday. And we have a lot to be thankful for. We serve an Almighty God. We serve a God who nothing is impossible. We serve a God who is the most high God, so there’s no one bigger than him. We serve a God who brought his son here to lay down his life for each and every one of us. He suffered, so we shouldn’t have to suffer. He died so we could live. There’s so many things that we can be thankful for. Our enemy wants us to make sure that we are bombarded with all these onslaught of attacks on a constant and continual basis. Where we forget what God has already done. God saves a nation of the day. God is omnipotent, he’s everywhere. God is Immanuel, he’s with us. God is a God who, he’s Jehovah Nissi, he’s our victory. We should be a lot to be thankful for because he is our victory. He also says in his word, he lives on the inside of us, 1 John 4.4. The greater one lives on the inside of us than he that’s in the world. So of all the things that I know people are struggling with, because we read your emails, we see what’s going on, we read the chat. We see what’s going on in the struggles in each and every one of your lives. But instead of magnifying and letting the enemy win in these situations, be thankful you have a God. What it says here in this scripture that I want to read first, in Psalm 105 and verse 24, I’m going to go backwards. But Psalm 105 verse 24, and I’m going to read also earlier scriptures in Psalm 105. But this is one that he wants me to read first. Psalm 105 and verse 24, this is one thing we should be very thankful for. There the Lord greatly increases people and made them stronger than their oppressors. God makes you stronger than everything that’s trying to oppress you. God makes you stronger than anything that’s trying to debilitate you. God makes you stronger than every circumstance in your life that is coming out to destroy you, that’s coming out to conquer you. No, God said in his word that he makes you stronger than your oppressors. He also says in Psalm 18 verse 48, he lifts us up above our enemies. So again, there’s so many things, scripturally, what God has done that we can be thankful for. Here’s another thing we can be thankful for, God’s covenant. God’s a covenant keeping God. And for the sake of time today, I can’t go over all what a covenant is. I want you God’s to do some studying. Covenant is so important. And something somebody said to me a long time ago about the old covenant and the new covenant. We have an Old Testament and we have a New Testament. Or you could say, we have the Old Covenant in the Bible and the Old Testament and then the New Covenant or the New Testament. And so God also, he said in his word, he’s given us a better covenant than the Old Covenant. Let’s look at Psalm 105 and verse 5. There’s an earnest word, an earnestly word that it says right here. Earnestly remember, remember that means take seriously. Earnestly remember the marvelous deeds that he has done. That right there is something that we have to do. Remind ourselves what God has done. Remind ourselves what he’s done in the world. Remind ourselves what he’s done in our life. There’s even a part in Psalms, earlier in Psalms, and it says where David said, I recount or tell aloud all the things that God has done for me. So again, it’s reminding yourself what God does. Earnestly remember or take seriously the marvelous deeds that he has done. His miracles and wonders, the judgments and sentences which he pronounced upon his enemies as in Egypt. Oh, you offspring of Abraham, his servants, you children of Jacob, his chosen ones. Let’s keep reading, and it says in verse 7, he is the Lord our God. His judgments are in all the earth. Verse 8, he is earnestly, so God takes seriously and mindful of in his covenant forever and is imprinted on his heart. The word which he has commanded and established to a thousand generations. So God takes earnestly his covenant. We are supposed to take earnestly his covenant and also take earnestly of all of his marvelous deeds, of all the things he’s already done. And when it said in verse 6 that we are offsprings of Abraham, that’s also spoken in the New Testament. That’s spoken in Galatians 3 and verse 29. We are Abraham’s seed, heir to the promise. Because of what Jesus has done for us, we take part in that Abrahamic covenant. You can find that Abrahamic covenant, when God was speaking to him, was in Genesis 12, verse 2 and 3. So there is so much to be thankful for in this time. Your enemy wants you to focus and magnify everything that’s going wrong. When we really need to be taking seriously or earnestly remembering the goodness of Almighty God. Because it’s really easy when you’re going through darkness, and when you’re going through that oppression, and when you’re going through things that are overwhelming you, it’s so easy to forget the goodness of God. It’s easy to forget that you have a covenant keeping God, and you’re a part of that. Remind ourselves in Psalm 105, verse 24, the Lord greatly increases people and made them stronger than your oppressors. What a powerful scripture that is when we realize God makes us stronger than our enemies. He’s given us a name above all names, the name of Jesus. He’s also given us a sword of the spirit, which is the word of God that our enemies cannot fight against. They can, they can try, but they will lose every time. So remind yourself in this Thanksgiving season to give thanks to God. That’s one thing that I had to do a lot of times when we’ve been under attack, is to remind ourselves how good God is, how awesome He is, and how so many times in your life, in all these different situations and circumstances, how He was there, and we changed the outcome. Because that’s the goodness of Almighty God. Okay, so I wanna give this prophetic word this morning. And this one is the second one from Saturday, so from November 23rd. It’s not a very long one, but it is a powerful one. And this is another thing we should be thankful for. God is giving us prophetic words. He’s giving us a heads up before enemies are able to do anything. He’s giving us the words. He’s giving us the decrees and declarations. He’s giving us the insight, so we’re not taken off guard. We’re not taken by surprise. What our enemies are up to, we can fight against it. He’s given us the ability to be stronger than the enemies who are against us. And He’s promised us the victory. So that’s another thing to be very thankful for in this season.
Okay, so this is called DC Secrets are about to be all brought out in the open. DC SECRETS ARE ALL ABOUT TO BE BROUGHT OUT IN THE OPEN
For I the Lord this day, I’m telling you, my children, the checks and balances of this nation will soon be corrected by ME This machine running your nation has been left unchecked and is out of control in every way possible. The most powerful man-made system to control this nation and bring them, control the nations, and bring them under their submission is about to be brought to nothing in front of the world. The branches of your so-called government are unrecognizable and not at all how they should be running. The abuse of power in the constitution of this great nation is about to come to an abrupt end. O United States, the Establishment came in and abolished the checks and balances out of existence in your government. This abuse of power and this tyranny that continued with this rogue government body will be wiped out by me. I told you, my children, I don’t need an election to remove people out of these positions, especially when they’ve committed TREASON and they are corrupt in every way. This Establishment will be wiped off the face of this earth, you would say. And you will see how a government should really be governing. My children, you have been lied to and deceived out of many things that have belonged to you. And now you will experience what a free country really is and how your politicians are not your overLords. They’re employed by you. I will also remove the CORPORATION that has been suffocating this nation. Your freedoms and its power, and it really has throughout this earth. O my United States, you will be a Republic once again. This political shift removing the Establishment and the old guard and all of this system and destroying their existence. Every agency that doesn’t belong will not stand. [BLANK_AUDIO] Also, the government’s OUT OF CONTROL SPENDING will not stand. THEIR CRIME SYNDICATE will not stand. THEIR IRS will not stand. THEIR FEDERAL RESERVE will not stand. THEIR JUDICIAL SYSTEM and EVERY CORRUPT JUDGE will not stand. I will show you what a true judicial system really looks like along with what agencies that actually belong and what government spending should really be. Soon you will see everything that will change because of ME, says the Lord. ARLINGTON VIRGINIA will be in your news for a shocking reason. DC secrets that have been buried there soon will be revealed. BANK OF AMERICA is about to be exposed in a major way. Many banks will collapse and go under after the shaking that will take place in the banking world. I’m cleansing out the corporation or the corruption everywhere. There are DARK SECRETS hidden in many of the major banking systems that are owned by your government. My children, watch and see the BANKING GIANTS COLLAPSE and new ones rise that are NOT run and controlled by your Establishment of this nation, says the Lord of Hosts. My children, I will say this again. Many secrets hidden in the bills that have been passed that your government was hiding from you will all come out. Checks will be made and when there are, a great shock will hit many. As they realize your government was all a sham and a massive scam in front of you. But everything they stole from you, I will make sure you get back, says the Lord. An NSA whistleblower is coming up to expose, to wipe out the control the Establishment had over your privacy. Every part of their system that invaded, controlled and destroyed your lives will not, will be annihilated in this season. I am crushing your enemy’s power in this hour, says the Lord of Hosts. WATCH WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO WALL STREET an explosion of truth is coming. How it was designed for the enemies against you and soon you will see it be ripped apart and a new one put in place. There are many things hidden in the financial system of this nation. Your enemies will do everything to hide, but soon it’ll be brought to nothing in front of you. My children, I am moving your enemies out of your land with my mighty hand. Continue to speak my words, continue to stand. I will show you, I am still the great I AM, says the Lord, your Redeemer.
So that’s another thing we need to be thankful for. God is removing our enemies. Our God, the Most High, the Great I AM, is the same. Yesterday, today, and forever. Something we should be shouting from the rooftops, God is the same. People have tried to change who God really is, but He is the same. He says it. He also says in His word that His words will stand forever, even though man started to change His word, trying to make the doctrines out of His word. But His true word will stand forever. Our enemies aren’t going to stand. All their governments are not going to stand. Their agencies are not going to stand. Their lives and corruptions are, it’s not going to stand. Their news media, not going to stand. Everything they’ve done, their banking system, is not going to stand. Everything that they have made under corruption, deception, all of their system. That’s why God’s been telling us, He’s been warning us about this shaking and how it’s going to become violent. You’ve got to think of how violent that would be because everything, like He says, we know to be normal is not really normal at all. We’ve been under an enslavement, and we didn’t realize that we have been slaves to this system. That’s why God’s been saying to me for 15 years and talking about a greater Exodus. It’s so important because what’s on God’s heart is for His people to be set free. Look at the medical industry. Now I’m not dissing doctors at all, that’s not what I’m saying. But BIG PHARMA is another big, huge system that’s not made to help you. It’s made to destroy you. It’s made to control you. It’s made to wipe you out financially. It’s made to make you sicker. There are so many things that the system of this world that our enemy has brought in has enslaved God’s people, and that’s why he keeps saying, I want you free to freely serve me. Go read and get the encouragement out of the book of Exodus. Now I did not have this one written down earlier, so I’m just going to read it for you. I’m not going to expect to be put on the screen just because I didn’t have it ahead of time. But Psalm 21 and verse 11, for they planned evil against you, they concede a mischievous plot which they are not able to perform. God is saying to us, our enemies are plotting and planning mischievous plots against us on a continual basis. But right here in Psalm 21 and verse 11, they’re mischievous plots which they are not able to perform. Why are they not able to perform them? Because God’s in the way. They wanted to steal this last election, no matter how much they tried. And they tried very hard, and they won certain things it looks like. But every plot they have, right here, every mischievous plot which they are not able to perform. They will try to perform these things, but they will not be successful. Just as we see, and I’ve been saying this one a lot, because he has been bringing this up quite often. This is another thing, another scriptures. I’m giving you all these scriptures that we should be very, very, very just thankful for reading these scriptures and seeing what God really does. Isaiah 54 verse 15, Isaiah 54 verse 15. Behold, they may gather together and stir up strife, but it is not from me. Whoever stirs up strife against you shall fall and surrender to you. So we should be praising and thanking God in this time. I thank you, Father God, that you make us stronger than our oppressors. And I thank you that it’s also scripture, Father God, that you make them fall and surrender to us. We thank you and we praise you, Father God, that no matter who is against us, they have to surrender. No matter who is against us, they will fall. Another scripture, Isaiah 54 or 17. I quote this one constantly. This should be on the hearts of God’s people, Isaiah 54 or 17. But no weapon that is formed against you shall prosper. And every tongue that shall rise against you in judgment, you shall show to be in the wrong. This peace and righteousness, security, triumph over opposition, is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, those in whom the idol servant of the Lord is reproduced. This is the righteousness or the vindication which they may obtain from me. This is that which I impart to them as their justification, says the Lord. So another thing, I thank you, Father God, no weapon formed against me shall prosper. It doesn’t matter what the enemy is up to. It doesn’t matter what they’re trying to do in my family. It doesn’t matter what they’re trying to do to me. Physically, it doesn’t matter what he’s trying to do to me. And mentally, it doesn’t matter what he’s trying to do to me. Financially, I thank you, Father God, that no weapon formed against me shall prosper. I thank you that you’ve made me stronger than my oppressors. And I thank you, Father God, that they have to surrender and they will fall. Those are tactics that we can use. That’s like a war strategy for us. Tactics of war. God is giving us, this is what you decree. Because when you decree a thing, it shall be established. We’re getting ourselves aligned with God’s word. And we’re seeing his word change our lives. That’s why God said, we need to speak his words. Declare, decree a thing, it shall be established. He also talks about in Proverbs things four and verse 21. And if we, now again, I’m only gonna pretty much quote this really quickly, cuz it’s just coming into my spirit here. But he says, my son, attend to my words, consent, and submit to my sayings. Let them not, this is verse 21, let them not depart from your sight. Keep them in the center of your heart. So God’s words we’re supposed to keep in our sight, in our ears, in front of us at all times. Talks about that in Joshua one also. We’re supposed to meditate on God’s word day and night. All right, let’s keep reading. Let’s go to Job 23 and 13. Job 23 and verse 13. But he is unchangeable. And who can turn him in what he wants to do that he does? God is unchangeable. Our enemies want us to believe that God’s changed. They want us to believe that God’s not gonna do anything. They want us to believe that they can have whatever they want. God’s unchangeable. He’s the same. His covenant, he will not break. That doesn’t change. Another really good scripture for this, is he’s bringing it to me, is Hebrews. I think it’s 6, 13 through 19. Hebrews 6, 13 through 19, he talks about his two promises, unchangeable. His promise and his oath. When God says something, he does it. He doesn’t change, right here. He is unchangeable. He keeps his covenant to a thousand generations. Why would he keep his covenant to certain people, but not keep his covenant to all people when he says, in his word, he’s no respecter of persons. So if he’s done it once, he’ll do it again. But if we have this knowledge, and it says in God’s word, Isaiah, Hosea 4 and verse 6, God’s people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. If you don’t have a knowledge of what God’s promises are, then you won’t know how to stand on God’s promises. You won’t have confidence when you’re speaking God’s word, that he is unchangeable, that his word will last forever, that his covenant is everlasting, that when you’re speaking and declaring and decreeing, that when we declare a thing, it shall be established. And so, when we know these things, then we’ll have confidence in our prayers. We’ll have confidence knowing that God is going to change our circumstances in our life because he is a God that there’s nothing is impossible. We’re facing a lot of impossible situations around the world. But God is saying to us, nothing is impossible for him. Okay, let’s read another scripture in Isaiah 14 and verse 26 through 27. Now, this is gonna be out of the CEV translation. Yeah, see where I put it. Do this every time, here we go. Okay, I have so many screens up and I lose certain things, but I think I have it right where I want it. Okay, Isaiah 14, 26 through 27 out of the CEV translation. I have planned this for the whole world and my mighty arm controls every nation. Verse 27, I the Lord, all powerful, have made these plans, no one can stop me now. Just think about that, God makes plans. He says, I have plans for this world, this whole world. God has plans for this world. Remember, he’s talking about filling this earth with His Glory. He’s gonna flood this earth with His Glory. Instead of flooding it with water, it’s flooding it with his presence, his power, and his goodness. No one can stop that, his mighty arm controls every nation. And I, the Lord, all powerful, have made these plans and no one can stop me now. The enemies have never been able to stop God. They’ve tried multiple times, but they can’t. Say, well, why has been so many things evil been going on? Because God had to allow certain things that take place for his people to have an awakening. Because so far for so long, people just thought this was just business as usual. This was just life. This was just things that we just have to deal with. And so sometimes he has to take a step back. He has to allow certain things to happen to be like getting his people in that shaking part where they, they just, that awakening, their blinders are removed. And they realize this is not supposed to be the way it is. All right, now, let’s go to Isaiah 46, verse 9 and 10. Isaiah 46, verse 9 and 10. Okay, the classic amplified says, earnestly, there’s that word again. Take seriously. Earnestly remember the former things, which I did of old. For I am God, and there is no one else. I am God, and there is no one like me. Verse 10, declaring the end and the result from the beginning. And from ancient times, the things that are not yet done, saying, my counsel shall stand. And I will do all my pleasure and purpose. So again, he’s saying earnestly remember or taking seriously the former things, which I did of old. That’s why we get in the Bible, and that’s why we read. What did God do in the former things? Why? I am God, there’s no one else. I am God, and there’s none like me. We have, we serve the Most High, El Elyon. He’s the Most High God. There’s no one like God, and his goodness is so amazing. Now he says, declaring the end and the result from the beginning. So he declares the end from the beginning. So even before we go through certain things, he’s already declared the end, which is the end, our victory. It’s his plan that will go forth. His will is going to be done, no matter what. The enemy tries. All right. Then if we go to Psalm 37, this is, you know, I love this scripture, Psalm 37, 12 through 13. It makes me smile every single time I read it. But it’s cuz it’s really important for what we’re dealing with right now. The wicked plot against the uncompromisingly righteous. The upright right standing with God. They gnash at them with their teeth, and the Lord laughs at the wicked. For he sees their own day of defeat is coming. God laughs at the wicked. Why? Because he knows the end from the beginning. That’s why he said he’s infiltrated the infiltrators. He know what they were gonna do before they were gonna do it. So he has already made a plan to stop them before they even made their plans. He’s out in front of it, you would say. They’re never going to outsmart God. And so, he sits there and he laughs because they think they’re so smart. They think they can do all these things. They think they’re controlling all these things. They think they can get away with all these things. In reality, God sits in the heavens and he laughs because he sees their defeat coming. And that’s why I love reading it. Because our enemies look like they’re winning when they’re not. God said, just like he gives him that prophecy, it was either yesterday or Monday. They’ve been caught red-handed. No matter what they do, they cannot hide from God. They cannot, no matter what, they cannot outsmart him, but they can’t keep things from him that he can’t intervene and stop. The enemies, which, one of our team members and I love when she says it. That Satan’s a loser. Natalie, I love how she says it. Natalie, hi Natalie, I know she’s watching right now. Satan’s a loser. Our enemies are losers. They are losing. And everything they do, they’re going to lose that. Because God has already disarmed them, and he’s already brought them to nothing. All right, let’s go back over this prophetic word. And again, there’s a lot of prophecy out there right now that are gonna come to pass that haven’t yet. And when God said we’re in this new season and it’s unprecedented and unconventional, there’s gonna be a lot of things that we’re, it’s gonna blow our minds because of how unprecedented this is. But again, it’s always God. He’ll always have his way. Pray the Lord this day, I’m telling you my children, the checks and balances of this nation will soon be corrected by me. Now I had to look this up after he talked about this. And this morning when I was going through this, I had to look it up. Because I was like, okay, checks and balances, what is he talking about exactly? So if you look it up, if you Google this, or if you just do a search on it. Checks and balances are a principle of the US Constitution that gives each branch of government the power to limit the actions of other branches. This system is designed to prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful. And when he was talking about this in prophecy the other day, and I looked this up, I laughed so hard. Because look at the Establishment. There’s supposed to be checks and balances so that a system is designed to prevent any branch from becoming too powerful. They designed a system that totally destroyed the checks and balances. And they put their own system in. You can find when this started, really. It probably started before that, but we can really kind of get an idea of how long this has been going on for. This country was meant to be a Republic. A Republic, that’s what we’re supposed to be. I think, and you guys can double check me. It was on 1871, when, it has something to do with DC. And when they moved the capital there, and they made some type of thing, but it made it into a corporation. Instead of the United States being a country and a Republic, it turned into a corporation. It changed. The system changed. You can say the checks and balances changed. But they’re supposed to be the branches of government. They’re not supposed to allow it to be all powerful. Look at what they’ve done. When God was giving this to me in a prophetic world, again, I didn’t know exactly what he was meaning by it until I started doing some more research on what he meant. And you think about it, and he goes later on in here, and he says, this machine, this Establishment, he calls it a machine, has been running your nation, has been left unchecked, and is out of control in every way possible. The most powerful man-made system to control the nations, not just this nation. Yeah, it was 1871, okay, thank you, Chris, for checking that. Most powerful man-made system to control the nations and bring them under their submission. So, the Establishment, or this machine, or this corporation that was made in this country in 1871 wasn’t just to control this country. They threw the checks and balances out, like just out the window. They didn’t care. They didn’t care about our constitution. They didn’t care about how the three branches of government really were supposed to work. They made their own system. That’s how dark and deep this goes. People just think the Establishment has just been around, you know, for like 60 years. That’s not true. God’s been talking about over hundreds of years. Well, now we’re talking, look at 1871, a long time. And then he says, the branches of your so-called government, because it looks like we got the three branches of government still working, are unrecognizable. And not at all how they should be running. The abuse of power and the constitution of this great nation is about to come to an end, abrupt end. So, how did this machine, how the system, again, it’s supposed to be a system of checks and balances. There hasn’t been checks, there hasn’t been balances, at all. They have somehow, some way with their machine got into all of our three branches of government, made out on how many agencies. The government is so puffed up and so massively big, it was never designed to be that way. And I love how we put in here earlier or in this prophetic word, they’re not meant to be our OVERLORDS It’s we the people control them, not them control us. But a lot of people, because they haven’t been taught history, go read the Declaration of Independence. If the government is rogue and out of control, guess what? We the people can get a new government. We have all this power, but now a lot of people realize the power that we’ve been given. Because their system that they put in place, to the election, look at the election system. Look how they kept all their old guard, they kept all their people in there, so their system would keep running. It’s been unchecked. And God said, he’s gonna destroy it. All United States, the Establishment came in and abolished the checks and balances out of existence in your government. I guess some of these things that he tells me, I don’t always understand that. That’s why I also have to do my own investigation. Because I don’t know some of the things that he’s saying until I go and start digging in and start, okay, Lord, what do you mean by this? That’s why when he gives us prophetic words, just to say, okay, that was great. No, he’s giving us keys. He’s giving us insight of what’s going on. It’s our part to go find out, okay, Lord, I thank you for giving me the wisdom and knowledge of understanding exactly what you mean. Because in order for me to teach this, in order for me to get the scriptures, in order for me to, I have to know what he’s talking about. So he goes on to say, this abuse of power and this tyranny that continued and this rogue government body will be wiped out by me. He wiped out all of Egypt. And that governing body wiped out in a day. How he’s gonna do it this time, I have no idea. But he says, I told you my children, I don’t need an election to remove people out of their positions. He doesn’t need a man-made system to remove people, especially if they’re not abiding by our own law. They hate the constitution. They absolutely, positively hate our constitution. If they could burn it, if they could destroy it, if they could make people, again, they tried twisting all the amendments, they try to make it something that it’s not. Our constitution is what our government is supposed to be in check with. But they’re not law abiding at all. They don’t care about our laws. They just kind of twist them and change them and manipulate them to be whatever they want. We can obviously see that. Look what they’ve done in our country. And God is saying, this is what they’ve been doing. You need more than an election to remove these people. You need a destruction of their system that they put in power. It’s supposed to be checks and balances. It’s supposed to be three branch government. It’s supposed to be how, not that one’s supposed to be so overpowering of the other one. It’s supposed to be equal. Well, it’s not there anymore. They’re rogue. They’re out of control. I told you my children, I don’t need an election to remove people out of their position. That’s powerful. We have to get out of that mindset that it takes another election to get rid of more people. It doesn’t, especially when they’re stealing it. Especially when they have committed TREASON and they are corrupt in every way. Isn’t it taking an election, and he’s been telling us this, to remove people who didn’t win the last one or the one before that or the one before that or the one before that? If they’re not there legally and lawfully, then they can be removed. This Establishment will be wiped off the face of this earth, you would say, and you will see how a government should really be governing. We don’t know what a real government truly is like. We had President Trump try his first term, and he did a really good job of it, even though he was being sabotaged every single day, and they were trying to slow walk everything that he was doing, just thinking how much he got accomplished. But just think, if he’s in there and this system is gone, how much more will be accomplished? How much more restoration will take place? They’re deeply bedded, it’s impossible, that’s when God shows up. This government and this Establishment, this machine, they’re not bigger than God. He’s the one who will remove them, and he’ll do it in unprecedented ways. My children, you’ve been lied to and deceived out of many things that have belonged to you, and now you’ll experience what a free country really is, and how your politicians are not your overLords, they’re employed by you. They’re not our overLords, they don’t own us. They work for us. They’re elected officials, they work for the people. They want you to believe that they are dictators, and they can just dictate their way through and do whatever they want, they can’t do that. They’ve been allowed to for so long, because people didn’t know the truth. I will also remove the corporation that has been suffocating this nation, your freedoms and its power it really has throughout this earth. So again, God is removing, do a deep dive on that corporation. He’s removing it, wiping it out, annihilating it. That corporation, AKA the Establishment and its system, the machine, he says we wiped off the face of this earth. Oh my United States, you will be a Republic once again. Why? Because he’s restoring what has been stolen. We have a right to be republic. That’s what our constitution, that’s what our Founding Fathers made this country out to be ’cause that’s what God wanted this country to be. But it was ripped away. He said this political shift, removing the Establishment, the old guard and all of its system and destroying their existence, every agency that doesn’t belong will not stand. Again, the government is out of control. DC is such a cesspool of corruption. And evil. That can definitely be felt. You God’s know the story when I was first there, the first time, I could not get out of my car. It was so overwhelming. The spiritual that has been oppressive, the darkness, the evil that is brought upon this earth and brought upon this country, and you think about it, why is DC technically, it’s the capital of our country, but why isn’t it part of the actual country? Why is it District of Columbia? Ask yourself that question. DC, our capital, is on a land called the District of Columbia. That’s what corporation was founded because of. So if they’re doing things out of that jurisdiction, there’s so much to read into it. I’m not a scholar. I’m not gonna pretend to be a scholar. I just know. It looks dirty, smells dirty, something’s not right. And it hasn’t been right for a very, very long time. You gotta think, our first capital was not DC. There’s been three different capitals. There’s been one in Pennsylvania, New York City, and then DC. I, from what the Lord has been saying for the last several years, it doesn’t belong where it’s at or how, especially how it is being ran from there. This is also, the governments are out of control spending, so of course they’ve been spending, they’ve been just, look at all the billions of dollars they’ve just gotten, the trillions of dollars in spending. They spend more than they’re bringing in with tax, tax money, out of control, trillions of dollars. Their crime syndicate, which is their Establishment, will not stand, their IRS. Again, our tax system is not how it’s supposed to be. That’s part of that system, when they brought in a corporation, it changed. Our tax system is not how it’s supposed to be. The federal, their Federal Reserve. That’s what he says. Their crime syndicate, their IRS, their Federal Reserve, their judicial system, and their corrupt judges, he’s saying what they take ownership of. And he says, will not stand. I will show you what a true judicial system really looks like, along with what agencies actually belong, and what government spending should really be. Soon you will see everything that will change because of me, says the Lord. We’re gonna see everything change because of what God is doing. Arlington, Virginia, will be in your news for a shocking reason. DC secrets that have been BURIED THERE will soon be revealed. I don’t know and remember how far Arlington is. It’s not very far away. It’s just on the other side. These were a lot, yeah, it’s just on the other side. That’s where a lot of people in the government, I think, live, in Arlington. But I could be wrong. But I know a lot of people live in Virginia and then work in DC. But Arlington. Wait. Arlington, Virginia. Arlington Cemetery. A lot of DC secrets have BEEN BURIED There soon will be revealed. There’s gotta be something with that because Arlington Cemetery is in Arlington, Virginia, if I’m right. That’s why it’s called that. And so there’s a lot of people buried there. Well, there’s a lot of secrets that have been buried there. That’s not by accident that he said that. So that just kind of came out at me. So we’ll just pray that everything that’s in Arlington that will be exposed. Then he says BANK OF AMERICA is about to be exposed in a major way. Many banks will collapse and go under after this shaking that will take place in the banking world. I’m cleansing out of the corruption everywhere. So God is going to really tear apart the banking system because the banking system has also been run and owned by this Establishment or this corporation. It’s not by accident how all of a sudden, remember in 2008 under the great recession, all of a sudden the banks got bailed out, but what about the people? There’s a lot of dirty corruption that happened during that time that they’ve had and all these different recessions and depressions all orchestrated for them to make more money. There are dark secrets hidden in many of the major banking systems that are owned by the government. My children watch and see the banking giants collapse and new ones rise that are not run and controlled by your Establishment of this nation says the Lord of Hosts. So he’s talking about not giants are going to be coming up, but he says he’s going to destroy the banking giants, but then new banks will rise up higher than where they are. They’ve been oppressed because these big banking systems have been like JP Morgan, Chase, all those people, Goldman Sachs, and obviously Bank of America. These big, huge ones that are in cahoots with the machine. So that’s what he’s talking about. My children, that’s part of that. People will believe that there is a WEALTH TRANSFER COMING Oh, you can’t talk about money. Oh, yes you can. You look at the book of Exodus. If money was so bad, God said that the root, the love of money is the root to all evil. He doesn’t say money is evil. It’s the root of money. I could go into a huge thing that would really rough a lot of people’s feathers about money when it comes to the body of Christ, would they talk about money? But again, it’s the love of it. We’re not supposed to love it more than God, but should it be in the hands of the evil to do more corruption? No. Now, let’s go to, right here it says many secrets hidden. Oh, sorry, I gotta read this part right here. The banking giants. So God, again, he’s gonna bring up the right banks that will not be controlled and manipulated by a rogue government. He says, my children, I will say this again, many secrets hidden in the bills. There’s so many things that have been hidden in the bills that have been passed in this government. There’s so much hidden corruption. He’s been talking about it a lot. That your government was hiding from you will all come out. Checks will be made and when they are, a great shock will hit many. As they realize your government was all a sham and a massive scam in front of you, but everything they stole from you, I will make sure they give back, Sayeth the Lord. He did the same thing with Pharaoh. He made Pharaoh give it back. There was a WEALTH TRANSFER in Egypt. God cares about that. He’s gonna put in a new banking system, period. People ask me what it is. I don’t know. I mean, there are people I’ve talked about that there’s other things that could be, but I don’t know. He’s not giving it to me what exactly it is, but he’s gonna tear down their system and bring in his. In NSA, whistleblower is coming out to expose and why, oh, and before I go back about the banking system, gold and silver, we’re gonna be brought back into the gold standard. That was taken out, I think, by Nixon. I almost thought it was Nixon. That got us away from the gold standard and the reason why they didn’t have us away from the gold standard, again, the money that we had was backed by gold. It was the other part of that machine. They wanted to be restricted of what gold they had. They wanted to have unlimited spending and that’s exactly what we’ve had since like 1970s. Then an NSA whistleblower is coming out to expose and wipe out the control the Establishment had over your privacy. There are so much with the NSA, the CIA, the FBI and all those. Every part of their system that invaded and controlled and destroyed your lives will be annihilated in this season. I am crushing your enemy’s power in this hour says the Lord. Now he’s again been saying that. God is destroying the enemies. What they’ve done to try to destroy our constitution, to try to destroy our freedoms, we’re going to have a government that will uphold the constitution and the laws of this land. We’ve had people against it. We’ve had a system against it. We’ve had a system to try and manipulate or work its way around it. God’s saying no more. Watch what will happen to Wall Street. Explosion of truth is coming and how it was designed for your enemies against you. And soon you will see it ripped apart and a new one put in place. There are many things hidden in the financial system of this nation. Many things are hidden in the financial system of this nation. Your enemies will do everything to hide it, but soon it’ll be brought to nothing in front of you. My children, I am moving your enemies out of your land with my mighty hand. Continue to speak my words, continue to stand. I will show you I’m the great I am says the Lord your Redeemer. Get a revelation of God’s mighty hand. He’s given us hints and secrets. There’s so many things that are buried, so many things that have hidden and tucked away from them to keep their system going. Once we find out about their banking system, Wall Street in connection with all that, in connection with and run and controlled by the Establishment, why do you think they’re allowed to do insider trading? It’s illegal. For you and I, we’d be imprisoned. For people like Nancy Pelosi and everybody in the government who’s done insider trading before and it’s proof because it’s been out there that she’s had insider trading, so has her husband. I’m not saying anything that hasn’t already been in the news. They do these things, I think, on a house salary, a government, most of the government officials are like, what, $170,000 a year. You can’t become a millionaire, a multi, multi, multi, multi, multi, multi-millionaire making $170,000 a year. There’s a lot of corruption that God is going to tear out and a lot of it has to do with the financial system and the reason why, because money is power. That’s why there’s so many things that he is going to disrupt. And when he’s talking about it shaking, he said he was gonna bring down their system. How he’s gonna bring it down, don’t know. But that system has been designed to enslave you. That system has been designed to oppress you. Look at the Federal Reserve. Look how they manipulate and control interest rates. Look what they’ve done. Look what our government’s done with inflation. Look what they’ve done with the tax system. The tax system has been completely out of control and they’re taxing people into a horrible slavery. And I just found out, which is interesting, there are hundreds of millions, billions of dollars. I think it’s hundreds of millions of dollars. Yeah, I think it’s hundreds of millions. You God’s can look it up. That government employees own in back taxes. So how can government employees get away with not paying their bills, their tax bill? But again, if you or I did that, you could be hauled off to jail for tax evasion. But there’s certain, again, they protect their own. But what we have to be looking at, we have to know these things and have a righteous indignation, yes. But what we have to do is thank God that he’s in control. Thank God that he is wiping this stuff out. Thank God that nothing is impossible for him. We are on his side. He lives on the inside of us and he is wiping them off. Their system wiping off the face of this earth They are not gonna be able to allow it to stand. They’re not gonna be, again, they couldn’t keep President Trump. They couldn’t keep their election. They couldn’t keep and do what they wanted to do. And we’re gonna be starting to be celebrating even more because we’re gonna see it wipe off the face of this earth. We are living in a new season. We’re living in great times. Again, the enemies are gonna try to rail their ugly head. It’s not gonna work. We’re gonna see God stop them just like he stopped Pharaoh. We’re gonna see it ’cause he calls them Pharaohs of today. We are going to see them be wiped out. So before we go today, again, I will not be on obviously tomorrow ’cause it’s Thanksgiving and I will not be on on Black Friday ’cause I’m giving everybody at JGMI the day off so if I’m working that that means they’re working so I will not be on. So you’re not gonna see me again until Monday morning. Okay, I will not be on with Pastor Dave today. I am having Thanksgiving here at my house so I have a lot of preparation and things I have to do before that so you’re not gonna see me on with Pastor Dave today. I know it makes me sad. I know it makes you guys sad because I love being on with Pastor Dave. But anyway, I wanna pray over each and every one of you and your families and your Thanksgiving and this time to be really aware and take it seriously and recount and tell a lot of all the things that God has done for you and I and all that he is doing for us right now. So Heavenly Father, right now in Jesus’ name, I lift up every person at the sound of my voice and I thank you, Father God, that each and every one of them sees you in a different light, that are awakened more to your promises and your goodness, your faithfulness and your covenant. I thank you, Father God, that you are making each and every one of them realize that they are stronger than their oppressors and that every plot, plan, scheme of the enemy against them we’ve brought to nothing because you are rising them up above all who are against them. I thank you, it also says in your written word that no weapon formed against them shall prosper and I thank you, Father God, right now, I pray a blessing over them, a blessing over their Thanksgiving with their families, a blessing and we bind strife, we bind division, we bind everything that’s trying to destroy families. Father God is trying to rip them apart, we thank you, Father God, we call a blessing upon them that is empowers them to prosper, to succeed, to excel and rise above all which will try to keep them back and to hold them down. Father God, I call peace in their bodies, peace in their minds, peace in their homes. Let it be a joyous and grateful time to be together. Father God, I thank you that they feel your glory in your presence, in your power, in your goodness, in their lives right now, that you touch them from the top of their head to the soles of their feet and I thank you, everything that’s kept them down can no longer keep them down anymore. We are thankful, Father God, that you are bringing our enemies and all their plot plans and scheme against us, you are bringing them to nothing, to not, to make no effect, their plans are becoming nothing and we thank you, Father God, as we celebrate, we have a lot to celebrate, we have a lot, we thank you, Father God, for the power and authority of your name, the name of Jesus that’s above every name, we thank you for the sacrifice that he made for us and no matter what we are going through, we will soon not go through it anymore because the price has already been paid. You’ve ransomed us, so
Healing end section
Father God, I thank you right now that healing flows and pain goes right now in the mighty name of Jesus. I thank you, Father God, every and all digestive system that is trying, that is a wrong or a destroyed digestive system, we’ve gotten so many prayer requests because of people’s, but digestive systems are not functioning properly. Well, thank you, Father God, right now in the name of Jesus, digestive systems are being killed right now by the power and the authority of your name. All the poison and all the medicine and everything that has destroyed that digestive system, I thank you, Father God, it is being restored unto your people right now. We command all sorts to dry up and wither up right now in Jesus’ name, all inflammatory diseases to be destroyed right now in the mighty name of Jesus. We command all sorts of intestinal, whether it be ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, whether it be irritable bowel syndrome, any other thing that has been diagnosed, has been brought to nothing, and we command restoration in intestinal tracts, in stomachs, in colons, in livers, in gall bladders, we call in new organs if it has to be that way, Father God, and it will be. We call down food sensitivities, and allergies are broken right now by the power of that name. And any other thing that’s been keeping them chained, Father God, to malfunctioning bodies is broken. Because you, Father God, are Jehovah Rapha. You are their healer. And I thank you for this new season, for miracle signs and wonders in their bodies, and restoration of every organ, restoration of every cell, restoration of every thing that was damaged by the enemy, no matter how it was damaged. It is not impossible for you to restore. So Father God, I thank you for fully functioning pancreases. And no matter what, oh, hearts, hearts, hearts are being healed right now in Jesus’ name. If you’ve been diagnosed with anything wrong in your heart, you say I have a new heart, I have a strong heart, I have a heart of a young adult, that no matter how old you are, it doesn’t matter. You have a heart of a teenager, you have a strong heart. Your heart is being healed. Even people who have pacemakers, pacemakers, yeah. Anybody who’s had, even the part of the, something has clogged arteries are being open right now in the mighty name of Jesus. So if you have been diagnosed with any of that, and you have, say you had to have surgery, and I thank you, Father God, for blessing that surgery, but I thank you, Father God, that they will find nothing. I thank you, Father God, that you are the God that can unclog arteries. You are the God that can heal new hearts. I thank you, Father God, you are the God who nothing is impossible. New nervous systems, even brain cells are coming alive. Whether that be people with memory loss, dementia, Alzheimer’s, that curse is broken in the mighty name of Jesus. I thank you, Father God, every foul, unclean, or crippling spirit that’s been trying to control your people, we thank you, Father God. It is destroyed off of their life because of what Jesus did for us, and I thank you that their brain cells are rejuvenating right now in Jesus’ mighty name. And we thank you, Father God, for healing each and every one of them, no matter what has been plaguing their body or tormenting them. We give thanks because you are our healer. We give thanks because you are our provider, and we thank you for it. In Jesus’ name, amen and amen. Well, I hope to encourage you today. I just wanna say from all of us here at JGMI that we pray that you have a blessed Thanksgiving holiday weekend with your families, and I’ll be back here on Monday morning. But if you have any prayer requests or praise reports, go to our website at JGMinternational. org under our contact page, or you can write us at Julie Green Ministries International 4620 East 53rd Street, Suite 200, Davenport, Iowa, 52807. And if you want any Julie Green Ministries merchandise, you can go to Three Sons Threads. That’s threesonsthreads.com. So I hope that’s encouraged you today. Please like, subscribe, and share, and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs to hear a truth, because the truth will set you free. God loves you, I love you, God bless you, and have a wonderful day. (silence) (silence) (silence) (silence) (silence) (silence) (silence) (silence) (silence) (silence) (silence) (silence) (silence) (silence) (silence) (silence) (silence) (silence) (silence) (silence) (silence) (silence) (silence) (silence) (silence) (silence) (silence) (silence) (silence)