Searchable transcript for the Serious

My children, the Establishment in your nation will be forced to surrender. They’ll be forced out of their positions. They will be tried for their TREASONOUS ACTS They will be judged to a degree never seen like this before. My children, I have sent your enemies their EVICTION NOTICE and it will be carried out by me. I will assure you of their removals. As your government is trying everything in their power to attack you with all they know, I will attack them without warning. The TERROR THEY WILL TRY TO BRING TO YOU THEY WILL ENDURE THEMSELVES, says the Lord. I told you these were the days GOVERNORS WOULD FALL. And GAVIN NEWSOM will be the FIRST OF MANY I’ll EXPOSE THE ORDER HE RECEIVED FROM WASHINGTON TO SABOTAGE THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA NOT to complete any of the emergency procedures, cautionary and preventative actions They should have protected you. They purposely allowed this to destroy you, O California, and to take down the rest of this nation. It was only a worst case scenario because it was allowed for the GREATER GOOD OF THE ESTABLISHMENT They sacrificed YOU to save themselves. Yes, this was their plan. And I will show you their hands that allowed this tragedy to take place. The BIDEN KNEW, OBAMA KNEW NANCY KNEW KNEW, CHUCK KNEW, KAMALA KNEW, they all knew. The old guard chose not to protect you so they could cause distractions to pull off the only option they have left to save their machine from being torn apart by the next administration coming in. The Establishment is fully aware of President Trump’s ability to take them down with no way of recovering their control. WOE TO YOU GAVIN, you are their pawn. And YOU WILL BE LET GO TO COVER THE TRACKS OF MANY GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS involved in these heinous acts of war and destruction. Gavin, you had the choice to stop this and you ran with it anyway, knowing what it would do to millions of people. You are being judged WITH NO ONE WILLING TO SAVE YOU I’ll remove you, Gavin, and judgment is coming sooner than you think, says the Lord of Hosts.
O, United States, the devastation in HAWAII, in NORTH CAROLINA, in TENNESSEE, in GEORGIA, in FLORIDA and CALIFORNIA, were all done ON PURPOSE for the Establishment’s END GAME That end game is being stopped by me and it will bring an end to them and not to you. I’ll expose their dirty and dark plans to cause this destruction. I will show you the BLUEPRINTS and the ARCHITECTS and WHY they chose these locations and the TIMES for what was to save themselves. I will show you the TECHNOLOGY they used to complete all of these things and who was all involved and how your government FUNDED IT UNDER THE RADAR Including how many more of these types of catastrophes they were willing to cause to protect their power and control. But I am ripping it apart in front of the world. My children, the shaking in your country is about to get much worse, to stop the next catastrophic moves against your land. As I move my hand to protect you, continue to fight the good fight of faith and you will see me defend you as I remove all who are against you. I am showing the world that I am very much alive and I am the protector of this nation. So hold tight, my children, and fight. It’s almost over and you will have the restoration and freedoms I have promised you, says the Lord, your Redeemer.

My children, the Establishment in your nation will be forced to surrender. They’ll be forced out of their positions. They will be tried for their TREASONOUS ACTS
its already happening with Tech Oligarchs like Zuckerberg Bill Gates and hysterical anti Trumper broadcasters like Joe Scarborough etc suddenly flocking to kiss the Ring of Trump .Loony left TV stations now include conservatives in their presentation teams in a vain attempt to teach hysterical lefties common sense thinking. Why ? To try and head off the EXTINCTION of LEGACY MEDIA. I believe its MSNBC whom Trump is suing for $10 Billion . he has appointed his own man to chair the FCC to likely pull their licence. Stop their TV transmissions. Which would be UNPRECEDENTED.
The TERROR THEY WILL TRY TO BRING TO YOU THEY WILL ENDURE THEMSELVES, says the Lord. I told you these were the days GOVERNORS WOULD FALL. And GAVIN NEWSOM will be the FIRST OF MANY I’ll EXPOSE THE ORDER HE RECEIVED FROM WASHINGTON TO SABOTAGE THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA NOT to complete any of the emergency procedures, cautionary and preventative actions They should have protected you. They purposely allowed this to destroy you, O California, and to take down the rest of this nation
Once the receipts are made public no amount of Biden lies will work at all. It all came from Obama and Clinton One of the Biden actors just signed it. I don’t know what height the Biden was that day. Sometimes he is 6 inches taller.
And I will show you their hands that allowed this tragedy to take place. The BIDEN KNEW, OBAMA KNEW NANCY KNEW KNEW, CHUCK KNEW, KAMALA KNEW, they all knew.
WOE TO YOU GAVIN, you are their pawn. And YOU WILL BE LET GO TO COVER THE TRACKS OF MANY GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS involved in these heinous acts of war and destruction.
You are being judged WITH NO ONE WILLING TO SAVE YOU I’ll remove you, Gavin, and judgment is coming sooner than you think, says the Lord of Hosts
O, United States, the devastation in HAWAII, in NORTH CAROLINA, in TENNESSEE, in GEORGIA, in FLORIDA and CALIFORNIA, were all done ON PURPOSE for the Establishment’s END GAME That end game is being stopped by me and it will bring an end to them and not to you
I will show you the BLUEPRINTS and the ARCHITECTS and WHY they chose these locations and the TIMES for what was to save themselves. I will show you the TECHNOLOGY they used to complete all of these things and who was all involved and how your government FUNDED IT UNDER THE RADAR Including how many more of these types of catastrophes they were willing to cause to protect their power and control.
But I am ripping it apart in front of the world.
Kissing the ring of President Trump will not stop Gods judgment. Its about the only option open to them. They are wishin’ and hopin’ that Trump will forget their many murderous crimes against HIM personally and against the great nation. And there is a public need to see justice served. For the whole world.
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