Searchable transcript for the Serious

DIRTY POLITICIANS ARE ABOUT TO BE CLEANED OUT OF YOUR CAPITAL For I the Lord this day am telling you, my children, dirty politicians are about to be cleaned out of your DC capital AND the CAPITALS OF EVERY STATE An emergency evacuation of sorts, you would say, of liars and thieves. They have been caught red-handed without realizing it. They have been under surveillance by my infiltrators in disguise. The time of revealing is at hand. The time of unmasking has begun. O my eagle, you are about to soar like never before. Your chains are being removed. Your wings that were clipped are being made whole. The system you need, the people you need to run them, I am providing them and moving them into their positions. But first, the old dying system must be taken out with your shout. Shout, my children, your enemies out more. Don’t stop, it’s working. Don’t be discouraged by what you are about to see, how it will appear that your lives will be unrecognizable and normal will be ripped away from you. It’s for your strength, for your freedom as a nation and as my children. The OLD GUARD is about to be ROCKED TO THEIR CORE. And as they are, they will try to knock you off your feet. But you will see their defeat instead, says the Lord.
INTELLIGENCE BRIEFING This will be in your news for a significant reason.
The SNAKES that led these and manipulated them from behind the scenes WILL BE EXPOSED There’s a great disinformation been given to President Trump to have him look one way when he should be looking the other way. This is another form of sabotage and distraction. A WHISTLEBLOWER IS COMING TO DESTROY THIS PLAN that has been set into motion that will come crashing down.
My children continue to pray for MY David TO THROW THAT STONE and TAKE OUT THE GIANTS in MY TIMING and not his. The MAGNITUDE OF THIS STONE, THE FORCE BEHIND IT, WILL WIPE OUT YOUR ENEMIES IN A DAY So continue to say my ENEMIES ARE EVICTED from where they are and nothing can keep them in their positions.
The BUSH LEGACY will soon be EXPOSED It’s DARKER than most people realized. And I will show everything that has been a part, everything that they have been a part of and how much BLOOD they’ve had ON THEIR HANDS. There are MANY FAMILIES that are about to be HIT BY MY JUDGMENT and the BUSHES are ONE OF THEM including the BIDEN CRIME FAMILY, the CLINTONS, the OBAMAS the PELOSIES, the OLD GUARD will soon be hit FROM ALL DIRECTIONS where there is NO SAFETY NET to protect them, says the Lord.
My children, what happened ON 9/11 WILL BE RELEASED Every dirty and dark detail, nothing will be left out. Every attack on this nation, along with every nation that your government was involved in, it’s all coming to the surface. Every person that they buried to hide these sinister plans will all be uncovered and their voices will be heard because justice will be served. You are getting your nation back, your government back, your economy back, your churches back and your children back. So prepare to receive all this coming back to you. There will be nothing left out because A GREAT RESTORATION IS UPON THIS EARTH, says the Lord, your Redeemer.
And then I also heard a CATWALK will be in your news for a shocking reason.
ARMAGEDDON, this word I say again will be in your news for a surprising reason.
My children, LIZ CHENEY will be FULLY BROUGHT DOWN AND EXPOSED, NO SUPPOSED PARDON OR ANYONE ELSE FOR THAT MATTER THAT THE BIDEN TRIED TO PROTECT THEM WITH. IT WILL ALL BE UNDONE BY ME, along with every action taken by every illegitimate President. You are about to find out HOW MANY THERE REALLY WERE and it will shock you to realize so many were fake AND SO WAS EVERY LAW, POLICY, AND EXECUTIVE ORDER THEY PASSED AND SIGNED and it will ALL BE UNDONE BY ME, says the Lord. One of the things that I was just saw this morning and I just saw a headline of it, I didn’t obviously watch it but something that I thought was very interesting. You know how Biden had pardoned all these people, his family, FAUCI, GNERAL MILLEY, LIZ CHENEY, JANUARY 6 COMMITTEE and the list goes on. It was a blanket pardon, of course he did HUNTER as well, a blanket pardon for some of people from like 2014 and up until now, ONE, YOU’RE SHOWING YOUR GUIILT. That is PART OF THE UNMASKING that God has been saying was going to happen, they’re UNMASKING how sinister, how evil and HOW CRIMINAL they truly are. Now I didn’t watch this but last night apparently President Trump was on with Sean Hannity and one of the things, this was the headline that I saw, he said Joe Biden did not pardon himself. It was like to me, it was like a warning but I don’t think he was allowed to pardon himself for one because remember what God has been saying that’s part of their plan, the ESTABLISHMENTS PLAN WAS TO MAKE HIM THE FALL GUY. So he’s trying to protect everybody else, if he falls then he can protect his family and that’s not the case. So the unmasking has already started to begin.
We are going to see who truly was the architect of all those pardons like God said yesterday and WHO really signed them. The unmasking, the FULL UNMASKING OF BIDEN HASNT HAPPENED YET but we are going to see it even though he’s not in office anymore, it doesn’t matter. They think by having him go hide in Delaware or go hide in California, they can be safe from some of these things but he’s not safe and his family’s not safe and from exposure. God has said everything that is hidden will be made known. We know since the time President Trump took office even back in 2016, they’ve destroyed evidence, they’ve been doing it especially since he won the election again in November up until now, you know that they were burying, destroying, blowing it up, lighting it on fire, anything they could possibly do to destroy the evidence that they have, that can incriminate every single one of them. But God has it all because no amount of destruction can save them from the exposure and from the truth. God said his truth was going to destroy their DAM of LIES. So the avalanche of truth was going to destroy their DAM OF LIES and so they’ve been covering up then the reason why they have been in power for so long is because LIES HAVE KEPT THEM THERE Well lies are no longer gonna be able to keep them where they are and so I wanna read to you more scriptures to give you more encouragement about what God is doing. And again, there has been such a shift since Monday, I can feel it, I was also getting another prophetic word, I ran out of time so I’m gonna go back into prayer and get more of that prophecy that God was giving to me this morning about the time that we’re living in and what we are seeing and how everything that the enemies were doing and all the seeds they’ve sown, this is a time that they are going to reap a harvest of destruction, a harvest of exposures, a harvest of, for us it’s going to be justice because they were SOWING ALL THIS INJUSTICE, this is a time where justice will prevail no matter what. So I wanna start with Psalm 9, Psalm 9 and verse 3 and it says, when my enemies turned back, they stumbled and perished before you, verse 4, for you have maintained my right and my cause, you sat on the throne judging righteously. So hold on, there went for one minute. When my enemies turned back, our enemies are going to turn and run. Right now, they are turning on each other, they’re in discord, they’re in disbelief, there was something also, I don’t have it pulled up anymore, let me see if I can get it really quick. Remember that God was talking also about BLACKOUTS, okay? And he was CUTTING OFF THE LINES OF COMMUNICATION I have to find, this was, I said it on Pastor Dave yesterday, but if you God’s missed that, I wanna make sure that you get it. So just give me one second so I can open up this document. It is something that I think that’s really important right now because there’s so many things that are blowing up in their face, but one of the things that President Trump just did is he caused a BLACKOUT and he CRUSHED THEIR LINES OF COMMUNICATION So I have to read this ’cause it’s so awesome. Okay, here it is. And it says, now remember, God talked about BLACKOUTS and cutting the lines of the communication off of our enemies. This was TRUMP ORDERS BLACKOUT AT CDC THE FDA NIH as health agencies prepare for MAGA BLOODBATH So God I know has used bloodbath before in a prophecy, I’m almost positive, but I know he’s used blackout. And this is what it also says. Donald Trump has ordered a COMMUNICATIONS BLACKOUT at America’s Federal Health Agencies according to reports. We’re in the time where God talked about blackouts and we’re in a time where God talked about cutting the enemy’s lines of communication off. This is a headline. I was just gonna say this minutes before I got on with Pastor Dave yesterday. Then it goes on to say the CDC, the FDA, the HHS and the NIH have all been told to pause external communications, including publishing scientific reports, updating websites or issuing health advisories. Their lines of communication have been severed. And this is so awesome. I love God, he’s so amazing. Anyway, and then it goes on to say the directive CAME WITHOUT WARNING sources told the Washington Post and with little guidance as to how long it may last. Remember how God said it was gonna hit them WITHOUT WARNING And that’s exactly what it did. We should be all celebrating right now for all the things that we have been praying for so long, these things are happening right now.

They have been caught red-handed without realizing it. They have been under surveillance by my infiltrators in disguise. The time of revealing is at hand. The time of unmasking has begun.
great disinformation been given to President Trump to have him look one way when he should be looking the other way. This is another form of sabotage and distraction
A WHISTLEBLOWER IS COMING TO DESTROY THIS PLAN that has been set into motion that will come crashing down.
continue to pray for MY David TO THROW THAT STONE and TAKE OUT THE GIANTS in MY TIMING and not his.
The MAGNITUDE OF THIS STONE, THE FORCE BEHIND IT, WILL WIPE OUT YOUR ENEMIES IN A DAY So continue to say my ENEMIES ARE EVICTED from where they are and nothing can keep them in their positions.

Sort of a supernatural pinball machine style attack which is specifically and carefully guided. A sort of very rare Multiplanetary alignment.
2My children, what happened ON 9/11 WILL BE RELEASED Every dirty and dark detail, nothing will be left out. Every attack on this nation, along with every nation that your government was involved in, it’s all coming to the surface
A GREAT RESTORATION IS UPON THIS EARTH, says the Lord, your Redeemer.
Julie then provides a little AFTERWORD from God and adds useful commentary included here
And then I also heard a CATWALK will be in your news for a shocking reason
LIZ CHENEY will be FULLY BROUGHT DOWN AND EXPOSED, NO SUPPOSED PARDON OR ANYONE ELSE FOR THAT MATTER THAT THE BIDEN TRIED TO PROTECT THEM WITH. IT WILL ALL BE UNDONE BY ME, along with every action taken by every illegitimate President. You are about to find out HOW MANY THERE REALLY WERE and it will shock you to realize so many were fake AND SO WAS EVERY LAW, POLICY, AND EXECUTIVE ORDER THEY PASSED AND SIGNED and it will ALL BE UNDONE BY ME, says the Lord.
You know how Biden had pardoned all these people, his family, FAUCI, GNERAL MILLEY, LIZ CHENEY, JANUARY 6 COMMITTEE and the list goes on. It was a blanket pardon, of course he did HUNTER as well, a blanket pardon for some of people from like 2014 and up until now, ONE, YOU’RE SHOWING YOUR GUIILT.
Joe Biden did not pardon himself. It was like to me, it was like a warning but I don’t think he was allowed to pardon himself for one because remember what God has been saying that’s part of their plan, the ESTABLISHMENTS PLAN WAS TO MAKE HIM THE FALL GUY

This also raises the question who wrote the Pardons and WHO actually signed them ? They will be shown to be forgeries God says
Also after waiting 12 months House Speaker Mike Johnson suddenly loudly happened to mention that he certifies Biden as being unaware of what he is signing. He waited a year before he divulged this which came usefully AFTER the B8iden. pardons were published
We are going to see who truly was the architect of all those pardons like God said yesterday and WHO really signed them. The unmasking, the FULL UNMASKING OF BIDEN HASNT HAPPENED YET but we are going to see it even though he’s not in office anymore, it doesn’t matter.
God said his truth was going to destroy their DAM of LIES. So the avalanche of truth was going to destroy their DAM OF LIES and so they’ve been covering up then the reason why they have been in power for so long is because LIES HAVE KEPT THEM THERE
God was talking also about BLACKOUTS, okay? And he was CUTTING OFF THE LINES OF COMMUNICATION
President Trump just did is he caused a BLACKOUT and he CRUSHED THEIR LINES OF COMMUNICATION So I have to read this ’cause it’s so awesome. Okay, here it is. And it says, now remember, God talked about BLACKOUTS and cutting the lines of the communication off of our enemies. This was TRUMP ORDERS BLACKOUT AT CDC THE FDA NIH as health agencies prepare for MAGA BLOODBATH

Simple executive order silences the medical tyrants from spreading pandemic hysteria. Remember ONE birdflu case in Louisiana was being hystericaiized into a PANDEMIC. NOT happening anymore. LOL
Similarly they were talking about gastro–enteritis virus cases.. Such illnesses are permanently living in the population..
This BLACKOUT is the perfect answer to Fauci’s replacement Issuing the threat of 11 pandemics on Trumps day two.
Julie says And this is so awesome. I love God, he’s so amazing. Anyway, and then it goes on to say the directive CAME WITHOUT WARNING sources told the Washington Post, and with little guidance as to how long it may last. Remember how God said it was gonna hit them WITHOUT WARNING And that’s exactly what it did.
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