Searchable transcript for the Serious

A GOVERNMENTAL SHAKING IS COMING And it says, My children, you are living in a time of great shaking, exposing the wicked and disposing of their system that has been set up against you. The days of them Lording over you and sabotaging your lives in every way possible is over. Your enemies right now who are embedded in your government, not only in Washington but in all your state officials, judges, corporate America, intelligence community, news, entertainment along with them being in your churches.
Do you realize, my children, how strong the shaking must be to shake you free from their hold they’ve had on you? HOW DEEP EVERYTHING RUNS AGAINST YOU OVER 90% OF POLITICIANS AND CEOS and PRESIDENTS of CORPORATIONS, BANKS, SPORTS INFUSTRY Etcetera, have become a part of the system THAT IS AGAINST YOU ? I know to most that number is staggering or too impossible to get out of it. It seems like another David and Goliath story where it appears you are outnumbered and their power is too strong to withstand. But it wasn’t David’s power that took out Goliath. It was his faith in me that moved my power to bring down that giant. My children stand on my promises. These giants and these systems are nothing compared to me. And to stop them and annihilate them and change things in a day. I am that God who still works in the impossible. A political reset will cause a great shaking in your nation that will bring down giants in unprecedented ways. RECALLS , SPECIAL ELECTIONS, AUTOMATIC REMOVALS, and MANY WILL RESIGN ON THEIR OWN When the GREAT LIE OF 2020 IS BROUGHT DOWN of January 6th, will be brought down. Of the MIDTERM ELECTION 2022 , WILL BE BROUGHT DOWN. THE FRAUD OF MANY ELECTIONS, STATE AND LOCAL. and FEDERAL LEVELS are being PROVEN TO BE FRAUDULENT and it will be AUTOMATIC REMOVALS FOR MANY. TREASON will be EXPOSED and PROVEN
My children, the amount of people that have been a part of the GREATEST ELECTION FRAUD SYSTEM EVER CREATED WILL FULLY BE EXPOSED AND BROUGHT DOWN I will show you the PAYMENTS the MACHINE MADE TO STAY ALIVE IN EVERY FOREIGN GOVERNMENT that got involved is more than you realized.
I will show you every way the NEWS NETWORKS were INVOLVED by CHANGING VOTES.
I will show you WHO those orders came from. I will show you how the INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY also PLAYED A MAJOR ROLE, putting all of it together and making it work.
WOE to those in DC right now because of FRAUD Your days are running out. The HOUSE AND THE SENATE will look MUCH DIFFERENT in the near future. MANY will be SHOCKED how UNCONVENTIONAL EVENTS WILL REMOVE THE ONES THAT DONT BELONG Hang on my United States for the shock and awe. It’s only the beginning. I am CLEANING HOUSE FULLY of your GOVERNMENT and knowing the ones who are against me no-one will be allowed to deceive you out of what is yours. So hold fast because a major shaking is coming to start this ball rolling, says the Lord of Hosts.

Recommend reading all of this message because
This message is short and BLUNT and highly impactful
it details the complete government criminal cleanout right down to councils
Only God can do this. its beyond man.
Lefty governors on CNN are squealing about their intention to only selectively cooperate with ICE raids on illegals in sanctuary cities, even though it invites PROSECUTION. How long before hey bend the knee to Trump like the Colombian President ? He surrendered in ONE HOUR. Offered his personal jet to pick up deported illegals.
How are illegals made to march out of the US so readily ? They cannot legally rent accommodation or landlords face heavy fines.
And they cant be legally employed as employers face FINES.
So the illegals are turned into 20 million homeless people. With about their only option is to WALK OUT & GO HOME.
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