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Good morning, everybody. Today is actually Thursday, September 22 of 2022. But you will see this on Tuesday, September 27. And the reason for that is because, as you know, I am out of town, so I’m prerecorded already needs prophetic words. Now, today is a little bit different and it is special. While we were in the Washington, Idaho border for the rewake in America tour, it was September 15. So this is the reason for this prophetic word to be out of date with the other ones because it was recorded on a phone and we now got it translated onto the computer so I can read it to you. As my team and I were praying regarding the tour, regarding the world, regarding what’s going on with this country, what’s going on in the body, Christ. All of a sudden, the Lord started to prophesize. So one of my team members thank you, Teresa got out her phone and started recording, recording this. And I knew once it was done, I said, I can’t remember exactly what all God said because I don’t. But I said, I have to get this out to all the people. So this was again on September 15 in the middle of our prayer for the United States and the body of Christ and for the Rewaken America tour, which was awesome, by the way, if you guys haven’t seen it. So before I get to this prophetic word or two of them, actually, so this is really special today because there is two. If you have any prayer requests, please go to our website@jgmnternational.org under our contact page. Of course, you can write us at Juliegreen ministries And we do have a very powerful prayer team here for those who are new to this ministry. And we do love you and we want to pray for each and every one of you. Now, you guys will see us on Tuesday, so do not forget, even though I’m out of town, I still will be doing take five with his glory and pastor David Scarlett on Wednesday. And I’ll give you more information on that with tomorrow’s video, which I’m going to make here in a couple of hours. All right, so here’s the prophetic word. I heard this on September 15. So, again, this is the reason why this is out of order, because the team just gave it to me last night after they took it from recording and typed it out for me. This is called Its now time for the Plagues of Egypt to be seen.
There’s a part one and there’s a part two. So both these prophetic words were given on the same day but two different times when we were praying. So it is powerful and I love it when God speaks like this. All right, now, the first couple of seconds were not recorded just for the fact that we weren’t thinking that God was going to speak at that particular point. We should have been expecting. Usually they have their phones out, and so we got it. We might have cut a couple of things out without, so we apologize for that, but if it was important, the Lord will bring it back to me to get to you. But this is when it started recording. This is talking about walking with our Heavenly Father and how we need to change our lifestyle for Him because he’s going to do some awesome and powerful things. Okay, this is part one.
When your feet walk, when you talk, when you confess My word, the demons will flee away from your presence as far as they can and as wide as they can to get away from you, but it will not stop them from being pierced by the sword of the Spirit. Put my words in your mouth. Speak my words clearly. Speak my words boldly. There is life in your words. There is healing in your words. There’s blessing in your words. There is wealth in your words. There’s freedom in your words. So speak the words I say today. There is no more time to play. This is a time for me to walk on this earth and manifest myself in ways that I have not done before. This is a time of great revival. This is a time of great reversals. This is a time of great manifestations. No longer have 1 foot in and 1foot out of this world. Jump as high as you can into my presence with me. We will walk and talk together. As you walk and talk with each other, you will know what I’m going to say, because the Spirit on the inside of you knows what I am about to say. I will prepare each and every one of your hearts for the assignments you will have next. They’ll be mighty great assignments. Do not hesitate and do not be overwhelmed with how big they are going to be or how much I have for thee, because I will give you supernatural strength, wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. I will give supernatural until you’re natural. Yes, you will sleep less, but you won’t have to sleep as much, because my glory will manifest itself in you daily. And just like Moses, as he walked down from the mountain, when he spent time with me, he had a glow, because he had been with me. And that glow will be seen on me, the glow of my glory that not all men have experienced. But you are my special remnant that I have put on this earth. For now, you’ll experience even more than Moses did, because you are part of the latter rain. So get ready, my children, because I will pour out my abundance and overflow. You have no idea how massive or how mass and quantity I will rain on each other. Excuse me. I will rain on each and every one of you that I can trust. For those I can trust, with these things. You think those people who are rich live lavishly? Oh, no, you have not seen anything yet. For when I lavish upon my people my children, it’ll be liked in the likes which the world has never seen. You will live with so much prosperity, you will not know what to do with it all. I will tell you where to sow. I will tell you what to do. But there will be no limits to your giving. There will be no limits to you with blessing. I am going to bless through you in ways you never thought were humanly possible. I’m going to give you things in this wealth transfer that you never thought you would ever have. You are going to say, Lord, I didn’t even ask you for these things. And I’m going to say, you didn’t have to. Because I’m showering my love upon you in ways not known to man. Because this is the day and this is the hour where I am raining upon this earth like never before. This is a time when my church needs to arise. This is a time when my people need to arise in their authority. Because in that authority you will see me manifest. You will see blind eyes that will be able to finally see. You will see tumors fall off. You will see them dissolve. You will see limbs grow out. Oh, yes, many at one time. Multiplication at one time. There is going to be so many, especially in foreign nations. They will not be able to count the number of things that will happen in the midst of them because their hunger for me. So do not limit me with your worldly talk. Do not limit me with your worldly walk. Do not limit me with your worldly thinking. And do not limit me because there is no limits with me. So be prepared for the overflow, an overflow which has never been seen. Be prepared and be prepared with me. Expect to see me visit you at night. Get your hearts ready for me before you go to sleep. I will show you my mighty works and wonders. Most of all, I will show you how much I love you. I will shower upon you when you are asleep. I will shower upon you when you are awake. I will give you more than you ever wanted because I am the God of overflow. I am the God of more than enough. I am the God of multiplication. And I am the God that’s going to prove it. You will see me avenge you. You will see great death upon this earth. Many people will start dying. Many people will drop dead on live TV. Many leaders and heads of states are about to die because they have refused to repent and they refuse to turn aside. They refused me. So you will see the Angel of death. It is now time for the plagues of Egypt to be seen. It will not just be in one nation or one country. No. You will see these plagues worldwide. You will see it and know that I am here and know that I am manifesting myself Also I am not only judging, but I am also restoring. This is what I have for you today. So receive these words. Just receive me. Because no matter where you are and no matter what you are doing, I am here. Whether you realize it or not. Just now. Include me. Include me in your decisions. Include me in your walks. Include me in your jobs. Include me even in the smallest decision, whether it be with your socks or whether it would be with your furniture. I want to be part of your life, saith the Lord. Your Redeemer. That was part one.
Now this is part two. Again. Same day. No more complaining. Call every single ungodly ruler down. Whenever you hear of the Biden and whenever you see him, command his mouth to shut. Command his words. When he is allowed to speak, to speak truth accidentally He will give himself away more in this time because he is being unmasked before the world. Oh, the real one has died. Yes, the real one has died. It was no accident. And there is proof of who did it. I have it. The world will know not only about the big lie, but they will also know about every corrupt scheme. You will watch. This Biden will also die. And soon you will see why. To every single ungodly ruler, everyone that has been against me, everyone in your states, everyone in your government in Washington, DC. There is a storm coming. There is a storm coming. And you will see a destructive and violent storm against your capital. They were about to do something in this nation that would have made covid 19 in 2020 look like a walk in the park. This is why, children of Almighty God, get up with me. Get up and use your authority. I am walking across this land and soon, and very soon, my church will hear me roar. That roar will scatter your enemy and flatten them out. So that is why I said, my children, I am telling you right now there is no more time. There is no more time. This is the time of removals. This is a time of reversals. This is a time where I am going to shake this world up to a shaking point where it will bring fear to so many, but faith to so many more. I spoke all these words. I had warned with these words all my children who would dare to listen. I spoke these words. But to the ones who listen and the ones who hold onto them, oh, I will bless. So just watch. The exposure of the Biden, the exposure of Obama, the exposure of the Clintons, the exposures of all those rulers. And yes, they are Luciferians. And yes, they have been doing so many things to little children that I will also expose the blood of those children has been crying out to me for justice. And now you will see that justice will be served by me. So hold on. So hold on. You are protected, but hold on, because this shaking will be great. This shaking will shake this earth, because this shaking is going to tear down, destroy, break every chain. So, yes, as that song said, I gave you my son, I gave you my son. So start every day in the morning shaking those shackles off, because you will see how much easier things are in your life. Every day life will be different. It’ll be so much easier. No more hard times and no more hardships. No more being oppressed and no more being depressed. This is now the time to live. You will hear a thunderous applause. Yes, you’ll hear a thunderous applause. You will hear me speak when others will hear thunder. So watch and wait. Be awake. While everything quakes, because this is a time of celebration. So get it all ready and be prepared. Be prepared and have fun. I want you to have fun because I am fun. This is why. And what I’m about to do, you will say, That is why what I’m about to do, you will say is like a dream. So in this prophetic word, in these two prophetic words, on that day, September 15, and of course, I gave you one a couple of days ago from September 15. Again, this is from us praying together.
And as you can see, the first part of his prophecy, he talked more about his body, how he wants us to walk and talk with him. And you can say, Julie, I don’t know how to have that relationship with Him. Ask him. All you have to do is heavenly Father in Jesus name and you have your Father’s attention. No matter what he’s asking you to do, no matter how impossible or how hard it seems, God will always give you the ability. He’s never going to ask you to do something you’re not able to. God will give you and has given you that authority in the name of Jesus, but he will give you that boldness you never thought you could ever have. In that word. I think I might have misspoke it. So I’m going to read this part again really quick. So he says, so, Yes, as that song said, which I gave to my son, start every day in the morning shaking those shackles off. And all of you who follow Robin Bullock know that was who he was talking about. Shake the shackles off. You have to find it. Go find that song. I found it by going into the regeneration, Nashville. It was on YouTube and it was a 4 July and I just found that part of it. I know there’s other ways to find that song. But that’s where I found it, the 4 July of 2021 when we were at the Grand Opera. I was there that day and was so powerful. But I remember that song and I remember the anointing, how it hits every single time with that song. Shake those shackles off from Robin Bullock. But in this prophetic word again, he’s talking about us being more in fellowship with Him. He wants to walk with us, he wants to talk with us. He wants a fellowship with us. He wants us to let Him be a part of our day. He’s already on the inside of us. He goes everywhere we go, where we are at, everywhere we go, but we don’t think about it. We’re not mindful of the fact that he is with us wherever we go and everything that we do. And so he’s asking us to be more God inside minded, because the greater one is on the inside of us and he is in the world first. John four four. We remind ourselves every day the Heavenly Father is on the inside of us. We are at a point, a pivotal point in human history. I’m going to cry again. We are at a point we’re going to see God do greater things than what he did for the Israelites. He is not freeing just one nation, he is freeing the nations. So even though things may get a little rocky, weather may look crazy,
just know that God’s grace is greater, his love is greater. His light will destroy all the darkness in this world. And as you can see in this prophetic word, he keeps saying, he repeated himself a couple of different times, because he does that sometimes in prophecy. Hold on, hold on. You are protected. If we every day remind ourselves, I’m protected by God Almighty. His love surrounds me. The blood of Jesus protects me. In Isaiah 50 417, one of my favorite scriptures, no weapon formed against me to prosper. A lot of times you have to remind yourself of that daily. When you’re waging war all the time, it seems like with your enemy. No weapon. No weapon. We’re supposed to focus on him. Focus on him more than you focus on the bad. Remind yourself of the love and the goodness of Almighty God. The shaking is going to be great upon this earth. And when he said in his prophetic word earlier, he said, don’t have 1foot in and 1foot out. And some of you may be asking, Julie, what does that mean? We’re in this world. Yes, you are, but you’re not of it. Jesus said you weren’t in John 17. He said, you’re in it, but you’re not of it. 1ft in the world means acting, talking, walking like them kind of saying, put both feet in and receive from him without measure. That glow he talked about with Moses, I remember hearing that and the glory and annointing at that particular time during that word,
that’s that light that God wants his glory to be visible on us. Because when everyone else is walking around how we used to walk depressed and fearful and sick and pain, say, Julie, I am that way now. Speak the words God tells you to speak to get out of those shackles, to get out of that chain, to get out of that prison, to get out of that torment. God said this prophetic words in the beginning of this word. He said, put my words in your mouth. Speak my words clearly. Speak my words boldly. There is life in your words. There is healing in your words. There is blessing in your words. There is wealth in your words. There is freedom in your words. So speak the words I say today. There is no more time to play. That is very bold there is no more time to play, because things are starting to shift. Remember, he said the Great Exodus is going to be in the year 2022. We don’t have much time left. And you can feel the intensity. Every day the intensity is getting more and more and more and you can start seeing the enemy starting to fall more. This is the time to walk. This is the time for me to walk on this earth and manifest myself in ways that I have not before. This is the time of great revival. This is a time of great reversals. It’s a time of great manifestations. No more having 1foot in the world and 1foot out. Jump as I, as high as you can into my presence with me. We will walk and talk together as you walk and talk to each other. Isn’t that great? That’s impossible. No, it’s not, Adam. And you’ve got to do that. We may not be able to see Him like they saw Him, but why it’s greater for us is because he is on the inside with them. He was on the outside with us. He’s on the inside. And he’s even said, listen to this. You will know what I’m going to say because the Spirit on the inside of you knows what I’m about to say. I’ll prepare each and every one of your hearts for assignments you will have next do I have assignments for you. You were here in this earth for a reason. Do not be overwhelmed with how big they are or going to be or how much I have for thee because I will give you supernatural strength and wisdom and knowledge, understanding. I’ll give you supernatural onto your natural. Yes, you will sleep less, but you won’t have to sleep as much because my glory will manifest itself in you daily. And just like Moses, as he walked down from the mountain, when he spent time with me, he had a glow because he had been with me. And that glow will be seen on me (?). The glow of my glory. And not all men have experienced beyond my special remnant that I put on this earth. For now, you will experience even more than Moses did because you are part of the ladder rain. So get ready, my children, because I’ll pour out my abundance and overflow. You have no idea how massive or how massive quantity I will write on each and every one of you that I can trust those I can trust with these things. You will think those people who were rich lavishly. And then he talks about how much he’s going to bless. People say, God wouldn’t do that. Yes, he does. There was a wealth transfer in the first Exodus. There’s a wealth transfer this time. But it’s not supposed to be of how much he can give to us, it’s how much he can give through us. I’ve been at a point in my life where I couldn’t bless anybody. But being a point where I can now and being able to do whatever God tells me to do and win. And I know he’s bringing us to level after level after level. It is amazing to be able to see the look on somebody’s face when you say, this is from God. That is what it’s all about. God wants to give you wealth and wants to give you just bless you lavishly, because he wants you to be a distribution center. He wants to be a person that he can trust. To bless through it is greater, I’m telling you, to bless others than it is to be blessed yourself. I’ve gotten so many gifts from all of you and I just want to thank you because it’s like Christmas sometimes. It’s amazing what cottage. So thank you. But being able to give to somebody who wasn’t expecting it now on that day, they’ve been praying so hard, and God says, go and do that, okay?
It’s blessing to be used by God with being able to give you these words.
It’s a blessing to be able to see Him heal
Its a blessing to see Him give and to be used as that, whether it’s a ministry or personally, it’s an honor. And when he was talking here and this later part, he talked about his church arising. He’s been saying that a lot. We need to arise and arise quickly because things are about to change. So do not limit me with your worldly talk and do not limit me with your worldly walk. We have to change how we’ve been acting and spend time with Him daily, spend time with His Word. And why wouldn’t we? He’s the creator of Heaven and earth, and it’s an honor to be able to be in his presence. And they say, do not limit me because there are no limits with me. There’s so much of these prophetic words and of course, we’ll put it up on our website so you guys can see it. But he is talking it’s. Now is the time for the Plagues of Egypt to be seen.
There are a lot of people that will die. I don’t like giving these words. I don’t have to. God gave people time to repent and they didn’t. It’s like Pharaoh refused to repent me, harden his heart toward God.
There’s a lot of bad things that are going to happen to a lot of evil people, be two fold. We’re going to see God’s hand judging the enemies of Almighty God and we’re going to see God’s blessing upon the church.
He says, I’m not only judging, but I am restoring.
This is what I have for you today, to receive these words and just received by me. That hit me hard because– why does it take a prophetic word for church to receive God?
Our enemy has got into the body of Christ and then the church has weakened the church, deceived the church, and now it’s time to turn back to God. This is time for awakening. And with that there will be a shaking. So God is saying, get prepared, not to fear and not to question God and what he’s going to do. Just receive. Because when you receive Him, he will reveal his goodness and his love for you. So I hope these prophetic words, I just knew in my heart I had to give them to you. Now I see why every word that God says is so important in this time. So pray, even pray for the wicked. God wishes that none may perish. None. You can’t change somebody’s will. The myth of all this. God is doing great and mighty things upon this earth for Him to be seen in ways people haven’t seen Him before. So I want to pray over each and every one of you before I close. Because that’s what’s all about, is to awaken this church and to heal the sick and to be free. Because the words of Almighty God set people free. That’s what it’s all about.
Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, we want to thank and praise you for these prophetic words. We want to thank and praise you God, that you reveal yourself to us this way.
Thank you for choosing us for this day. Thank you for your glory. Thank you that there’s no limits with you, every person, Father God, that needs you more right now in this day because questioning themself, they’re questioning if you love them. Shower your love upon your people. Shower Father God your anointing and your glory and your joy and your peace to destroy every plan and scheme against your body. I thank you, Father God that there is a great awakening in the body of Christ. I command it and declare it and receive it right now in the name of Jesus that the church is awakening and we are reuniting because of the name of Jesus Christ. I thank you Father God that this is a church that he would not prevail against. I thank you Father God, that we have a newfound boldness. I thank you Heavenly Father, that there is no weapon that is forming against us shall prosper. In this time of shaking we will be unshakable, in this time of shaking that we will be immovable. And I thank you for this great change. I thank you for choosing us to be able to be a part of it. In Jesus name, amen. And amen. Well, please, like subscribe and share and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear any courage, urging word or uneasy of the truth, because the truth that you’re afraid. Well, you know, God loves you. I love you and have a wonderful day.