
Skip intro to the Red Text
Good morning everybody. Today is Thursday, October 6 of 2022, and I have another powerful prophetic word to give to you today called The Tide is Turned and Your enemies are about to Surrender. I heard this prophetic word on October 1. Now, tomorrow, I’m also going to give you prophetic words I heard on October 1. I think I heard at least three to four on the exact same day. This was early, early morning hours with my time with the Lord and the other ones were with time with my team and later on when I was at Revival in America with his Glory in Ohio event. So I’ll give you that one tomorrow. It’s very powerful. It’s about eight pages long. It is a long but powerful prophetic word. So, before I get to that, if you have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website@jgminternational.org under our contact page where you can write us at Julie Greenministry box, 1252 Betnorf, Iowa 52722. Now, before I get to this today, don’t forget I have two live shows on this channel. I’ll be live at 1130 Central Time with Marty Grisham from Loudmouth Prayer at 1130 Central Time. And then at 02:00 Central time, I’ll be on once again with Clay Clark and General Michael Flynn. Now, if you guys missed that show the other day, I do apologize. I don’t know if it was live, but I do have the link for it in the description box below. If you missed that one from the other day, I am sharing it with you so you can see it. It was a very powerful show. That’s all the announcements I have for today. Oh yeah, also, I’ll be preaching at my own home church this Sunday. I think it’s October 9 this Sunday. So if you guys want to join, you can go to the description box below and you’ll find the address. And hopefully you guys can join us. If not in person, then you can join us online. I will also have that. It’s a Faye family fellowship QC YouTube channel. I’ll have that link in the description box for you so you can join us live on Sunday morning. Again, I’ll give you more than information. I’ll also do a separate little video for that because I don’t want to make announcements too long, because the most important thing is the prophetic word.
So the prophetic word today is called
The Tide is turned and your Enemies are About to Surrender.
Remember, this is the first out of four, I think, total prophetic words that day. And this is a shorter one, but this is the first one I heard for that morning. The other ones I’ll give to you tomorrow.
For I the Lord this day, am telling my children these are the days of what looks impossible and never ending, is about to be seen as possible for the God of the impossible.
I will show my hand to the world. You will see things shift and change in ways never seen before. My children You will know me personally as a God of the impossible. God your provider. God your deliverer and the God who avenges. Gives. Avenges. And gives back all that has been stolen. I am the restorer and you will know without a doubt I am still that God and I am still a sure thing. These are the days my children I will show the world who I really am.
A great shaking has begun to shake you loose of this world, and the world leaders of today, but just like Paul and Silas, 1 minute things seemed hopeless, and too impossible, and I will show up and change it all. They experienced freedom because of their faith and trust in me they were praising and worshiping me when others would have given up. It marked them and everyone who saw it happen my children. I am still that God that sets the captives free. So start to expect me to do this for you in every way you need it. Start to rejoice when your mind is telling you to give up. Watch what I will do I’m showing up for you. And I will show you I am the God in the written word and I keep my promises. So get ready to expect more from me. Expect to receive more now than you ever have before. Stop your enemies in their tracks with praise. Praise today like never before, because the victory is already yours. Sayeth the Lord your Redeemer
Winehurst This name will be in your news for an unusual reason
Permafrost. This word will be in your news for something you wouldn’t expect.
Trey Gowdy will be in your news. Something he has, your enemies had no idea he had, I will use Trey in a remarkable way. Watch My children What he is about to come out and say, and there will be more like him, these are the days for great turnarounds sayeth the Lord of Hosts.
Winds will be in your news. Abnormal things are taking place that cannot be explained I told you. My children. The winds of change are here. The tide is turned. And your enemies are about to surrender Saith The Lord of Hosts
Legislation is about to be passed that will give some of your government officials away who are really for this country. Controversy will ensue for some of them. And it will show their true colors. Their desperation is growing. No longer can they hide it. More cheaters are about to be exposed. 2022 they are trying to steal yet again because they thought they had already gotten away with so many before. Every trap has been set and your enemies are caught in them. They tried so hard. They have failed they know they can’t steal the elections the same way. So they will continue to make mistakes. excuse me, But little do they know who they are about to run into. My hand is moving and it will stop them in their tracks and cancel all their plans and give back everything that has been stolen. It’s time for restitution and restoration. It’s time for my Eagle to store again, saith the Lord.
I keep saying watch the Atlantic. Something more is coming that you will soon see. The waters will toss and turn and will show what is hidden in those waters. Lord what could be hidden in the water ? Many things your enemies had planned, weapons and people they had in those waters to take over your nation. Submarines. And not just any submarines, China has submarines in those waters too. Just watch. They are where they are and I will expose them and stop their plans, saith the Lord of Hosts.
Anarchy. This word I say again will be in your news. It has begun. Great governmental changes are happening in many nations. Watch. Great changes are being made. Many will fall. Many will walk away. Watch my children. Changes are occurring in the nations.
Apocalyptic. This word will be in your news again and again because they won’t be able to explain what is going on. They will try to bring much fear but my church and my children are stopping it with their words. My children, get up and take back what is yours. This earth is yours. Authority is yours. Take back and regain what has been stolen. My children get up from your pews. Get up from your religious traditions and be my children with complete authority. Call your enemies down. Call their plans down. Call their attempts to fail. You have the authority in my name. This is the hour of extraordinary things to take place. Do not surrender my children. Your enemies are the ones that have to do that. Get ready for a great victory, sayeth the Lord your Redeemer.
Julie Commentary Now of course I want to go over this prophetic word, but something he said at the beginning of this word which again I will go over. But something that he said was so profound that we all need to get the revelation of Paul and Silas. For those who do not know that story that was in Acts chapter 16. Paul and Silas were imprisoned and they were going to be sentenced to death. But even in the midst of their dark hour, they were in those prison cells. No matter how impossible it seemed or what it looked like, Paul and Silas, in the darkest hour they praised and worshiped God. They could have easily given up and quit. They could have easily said, it’s over, we’re in prison. There’s no way out. They’re going to kill us. They have us now. That’s what our enemies want us to believe. When it seems like we are backed in a corner, it seems like we are surrounded in every way. It’s too impossible. It’s too hopeless. It’s too big. Nothing can be done. Your enemy loves that scenario for you to believe, for you to give up and give in, in that case. But God is saying that is never the case. Take for example, what Paul and Silas said, what everybody else would have given up and given in. They are great examples of what to do in that scenario. When it looks like we are defeated and everything is lost, God is saying the most powerful thing you can do is get up in that dark hour, put on praise and worship, lift up your hands to Almighty God. It destroys the power of the enemy against you. When your mind is telling you you can’t. It doesn’t make any sense. That’s stupid. There’s no reason for you to praise God with everything you’re losing in every way. Give up, give in. That’s what your mind is telling you. God is telling you to do the exact opposite. And what happened? Those of you who know the story of Paul and Silas, an earthquake occurred in the midst of their praising and worshiping God. And the chains were broken off and they were able to walk out, God even says in this prophetic word that it marked them and those who heard it and saw it. Why? Again, they are great examples. Everybody else would quit and they refused. They did the opposite of what your mind would be telling you. They did the opposite of what your body would be telling you. They did the opposite of the world. The world would have sat there and sulked and felt sorry for yourself. And you might as well just give up and give in and quit. And they didn’t. That’s what God is telling us to do today. No matter if it seems like you are backed into court, it seems like you are in a hopeless situation. It seems like you everything that you’ve done, every situation that you were in, it looks like all hope is lost. And God is saying all hope is never lost because you have the greater one on the inside of you. You have God Almighty who is guaranteed your victory because of Jesus Christ. He has guaranteed it through his blood, his resurrection from the dead. He guaranteed it for you and I. We always have the victory. We can’t go by what things look like. Look. What? The Red Sea. Look at the Red Sea. They were cornered by their enemy. It looks like we’re cornered by our enemies right now. It looks like they have our government, they have the food supplies, they have all these other things in their pockets and they’re controlling the world. And they’re saying to give up. They’re saying it’s all hopeless. They’re saying they’re spewing out fear like it’s candy. But God is saying in the midst of that, you praise, you worship me and watch what I do. If he did an earthquake for them and he broke the chains off of Paul and Silas, what would he do for us when we have more in number. If the body of Christ got together and started praising and worshiping God at the same time every morning, every morn or every afternoon or every night, why can the body of Christ do those specific things and say, you know what, we are the children of Almighty God, we are not of this world, we may be in it. Just like Jesus said in John 17, you have the way maker, you have Jehovah Nissy Your Vana or he’s also it’s your victory. That’s what that means. You have the victory. You have the victor inside of you and he is a greater one on the inside of you than he that’s in the world. So nothing you are seeing today, don’t ever believe what your adversary wants you to believe. Well, that is the teaching for today. I didn’t know I was going to do, but here I’m going to go back with a prophetic word like I always do, like I promised. So look at God said to this word, this is the last paragraph. He talks about the word apocalyptic. We’re going to hear this word in your news again and again. So they’re going to say this more and more, he says, because they won’t be able to explain what is going on. Remember the Egyptians? The plagues of Egypt. And God says we’re going to see those things again. And just like we’ve seen Red Sea moment, we already have seen one Red Sea type of moment. Is that Julie, what you’re talking about? Well, the Red Sea was parted and then there was dry ground and so there was not water for however wide, I don’t know how wide it was because there were millions of people that walk across it on dry ground to get to the other side. The Red Sea just saved him from the pharaoh.
And all of a sudden well, during that hurricane, Ian, Tampa Bay was completely dried out. There was no water left in Tampa Bay. Now I’m assuming the water is back in there now. So the water was gone. I don’t know how many days somebody can look that up for me and send it to me. I’d appreciate that because I don’t know how long, someone just sent me a video of it the water being gone in Tampa Bay because of what happened during hurricane and that’s a Red Sea life moment. So, Julie why? Because there was no water. And that to me is a Red Sea moment. It’s huge. Things like that just don’t happen. But God is getting our attention now to get our attention with the hurricane. No, he said some things are done by man. That’s a whole other teaching I’m not going to get into right now. So they can make things worse and they can make things turn on a dime, even weather. If you guys want to know more about that, you can go and watch his glory. When I was on there yesterday with Pastor Dave, all right, they’ll bring much fear, but my church and my children are stopping it with their words. This is what God is telling us about the power and authority of our words. Remember life and death and the power of our tongue. By our words, we are justified. By our words, we are condemned by word. I don’t know how many times it says, I don’t know how many scriptures, there’s a lot. I’ve studied the words many different times, how powerful they are. God created the world with words. Jesus also told when Satan tried to tempt him, he said, we don’t live by bread alone, but by every word that cometh out of our mouth, every word that proceeds out of our mouth, we are controlled. We better be careful of our tongue. I’m just saying.
nds will be in your news. Abnormal things are taking place that cannot be explained. I told you, my children, the winds of change are here. The tide has turned and your enemies are about to surrender. Saith the Lord of hosts. So watch the winds. The enemies are about to surrender. And thank you. Ever sent me that picture. I love it. The tightest turn, the Red. I love that. So thank you. I know I’ve had a prophetic word a long time ago, talked about the title Tsunami wave. So that reminds me of that prophetic word. Alright. Trey Gowdy will be in the news. Something he has, your enemies had no idea he had. I will use Trey in a remarkable way. Watch, my children, what he is about to come out and say. And there will be more like him. These are the days for great turnarounds, sayeth the Lord of Hosts. So if you guys do not know who Trey Gowdy is, go look him up. He’s a powerful man. I absolutely have loved his boldness and what he has done and stood up for this nation. So look him up. But God is saying he’s going to use him in a remarkable way.
All right, Permafrost. This world will also be in your news for something you wouldn’t expect. Winehurst. W-I-N-E-H-U-R-S-T. This name will be in your news for an unusual reason. And then again, this is what we talked about. I’m not going to go over all of it because I just did it over early when I gave you that little bit of short teaching there about Paul and Silas. This is the first paragraph for I the Lord this day I’m telling my children these are the days of what looks impossible and never ending is about to be seen as possible for the God of the impossible. I will show my hand to the world. You will see things shift and change in ways never seen before. My children, you will know me personally as a God of the impossible. Your provider God, your deliverer, or God who avenges and gives back all that has been stolen. I am the Restorer and you will know without a doubt I’m still that God and I am still a sure thing. These are the days, my children. I will show the world who I am. A great shaking has begun to shake you loose of this world and the world leaders of today. But just like Paul and Silas, 1 minute things will seem hopeless and too impossible. And I will show up and change it all. They experienced freedom because of their faith and trust in me. They were praising and worshiping me. When others would have given up. It marked them and everyone who saw it happen. My children, I still am that God that sets the captives free. So start to expect me to do this for you in every way you need it. Start to rejoice when your mind is telling you to give up. Watch what I will do. I’m showing up for you and I’m showing you. I am the God of my written word and I keep my promises. So get ready to expect more from me. Expect to receive more than you ever have before. Stop your enemies in their tracks and praise, praise today like never before, because the victory is already yours. Sayeth. The Lord your Redeemer. So what do we take from today? Praise, praise, praise. You don’t praise God because of the situation, because our enemy comes, the thief comes to steal, to kill and destroy. But God comes to give us life and limit more abundantly than it’s. John 1010 so we don’t praise God because of everything we’re going through. We praise God because he has promised us out of the situation. He has promised us the victories. He has guaranteed us the victories. So that’s why we praise Him. We don’t praise Him because the tests and trials we go through. We’re praising Him because he already has the answer. And he already is a way maker on those tests and trials. He is making us stronger through them. He is getting us out of them. Remember our enemies underneath our feet. Remember, he even said in Ephesians One that we are far above, prince of powers and rules the darkness of this world. We are far above. We are not on the same level. We are not underneath. Our enemies are underneath us. Sorry, I just hit my microphone. Our enemies are not underneath of us. They’re the ones who have to surrender. They’re the ones who have to wave that white flag. You don’t have to, because remind yourself every day, even those days where I know those days seem hopeless, and I know those days seem dark, and I know those people who are depressed right now, those people who have been under fear and anxiety and panic and accent doubt and worrying unbelief, and it seems like all hope is lost. I have been there so many times in so many years in my life I lived in that state and God brought me out. And God can bring you out too. Do never, ever count God out. Always count on God. He is a sure thing. He has promised to deliver you out of it all. So keep saying that over and over. No, God promises to deliver me out of it all. And even says in his word here in Psalm 89 in verse 34 my covenant will I not break nor alter the thing that has gone out of my list. If God says it in his written word, he is not going to change His Word. If he promises you, he will deliver you. That is his promise. He is a sure thing. He is not. Going to alter the things which has come out of his lips. These words were inspired by Almighty God. This is his written will for you. This is God’s words to you. He’s saying to you, never give up, never quit, never wave that white flag. Never give in, because your enemies are the ones that have to do that. Remember, God has cast out Lucifer out of heaven. He has brought him into submission. Because when Jesus came in, remember there was a prophecy in Genesis, chapter three. When God was speaking to the snake, when he had deceived the serpent, when he deceived Adam and Eve, he said, the seed of a woman is going to bruise your head. The seed of a woman was Jesus Christ. He bruised him. Because what Satan did was he took the power and authority and dominion that Adam had. But when Jesus came and he sacrificed, he got it back for you and I. He took back the keys to hell, death in the grave. So remember, you go in the name of Jesus and nothing can defeat you because there’s nothing above that name. Don’t do it in your own strength and your own ability. When you do it in God’s strength, in God’s ability and in his name, nothing can defeat you. So hold your head up high. You are a child. The most high God. Don’t ever, ever submit to your mind and your way of thinking that is telling you to surrender, because those thoughts are life in the pit of hell. Well, I hope to encourage you today. I want to pray for each and every one of you.
Heavenly Father, right now, in the name of Jesus. I want to praise you for what you have done from us. I want to praise you, Father God, that everything that your people are going through, heavenly Father, that you have already made a way out. I want to thank you, Father God, that they are seeing that you are the way Maker. They are seeing that you are the deliverer. They’re seeing that you are the healer. They’re seeing that you are the avenger. I thank you, Father God. They see the eyes of victory. I thank you, Father God, that they are seeing that their enemies are the ones that are defeated, that they’re not. I thank you, Father God, that we are no longer destroyed for a lack of knowledge, because you are raining down revelations from heaven more this day than any other time in history. We want to praise and thank you, Father God, for such a time as this, that you have put us all here. And we thank you, Father God, that we know our calling, that we know our purpose, that we have all the ability, because Jesus is the one who gives it, because we can do all things through Christ. So I want to praise and thank you, Father God, for impartation in each and every one of them for encouragement, for faith, for joy and for peace. Thank you, Father God, that they see when they read your word. Because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word. Their faith rises so high and so quickly. Father God, I just want to praise you and I want to thank you for giving us Your will and giving us our purpose here, for giving us authority, for giving us a victory. You have given us all everything we need, and we thank you for it. In Jesus name, amen. Amen. Now I say, Julie, I need more faith today. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the written word of God. If you need more faith and trust in God, we’re supposed to walk by faith. Walk by faith and not by sight. And this is how you do it. The impartation is for you to get up, that God fills you with that joy, that he fills you with that peace so you can get in his written word and you can see what God wants you to see and renew your mind. All right, well, that is all for today. Again, I’ll be on live show at 1130 and again at 02:00 here on this Rumble channel. So I hope you can join Marty and myself at 1130. And I hope you can join Clay Clark and David. General Michael Flynn at 02:00 p.m.. And, of course, this is both Central Time. So God bless each and every one of you and have a wonderful day.

God sort of boasts of his love of brinkmanship with last minute rescues. Coming is Silence from Enemies because they have no moves left. And our world in 2022 is being transformed from one of apparent logic to a kingdom of magic. So our logical world was always underpinned by magic. Mud in the eye of the rationalists LOL.
Water sucked from Tampa bay Hurricane Ian
A Red Sea moment – Julie Green