Steve it really is incredible the unbelievably tiny number of people who experience absolutely nothing after doing the 20 minute tour. I disagree with the Buddhist philosophy that everything is just mere illusion. In Conversations with God CWG when source said when you walk into a room you can feel the atmosphere is so tense you could cut it with a knife. I am currently working on my own YouTube channel which I will link to truebluehealer. Please do send me YouTube channel recommendations. Source has led me to so many books and so many website address and keywords etc. It’s something like 5 in every 5 million people that experience absolutely nothing. ( Negligible and some may lie) I really have thoroughly enjoyed the 20 minute tour. I have had many many videos in my mind’s eye of source entertaining me in a myriad of different ways. Anybody can pray anybody can meditate there’s absolutely no need for franchises of pointy buildings. Dreams are not taken seriously in our culture once again when we look at people who have never dreamed ever it’s something like 1 in every 1 million. The movie Inception really does do an excellent job of illustrating our dreams and how our dreams are a reflection of what’s going on in our mind. When we look at playgrounds for instance it’s something like 1 in every 1 million kids who are not attracted to playgrounds who have never been to a playground. I really have thoroughly enjoyed reading books as a child I would be reading books by authors such as David Walliams and Roald Dahl and it really does take you to a completely different place it’s truly incredible. Source loves to play along with each individual. Source loves to entertain, source already knows everything there is to know but once again source will not possess the individual and live life for them on their behalf. Source will play ball. Source will give them prompts and nudges and let them know subtly. As a child I would remember getting on a ship and in my imagination source would tell me YES you see, Adam that’s much like the relationship that I have with you. The universe itself is like a luxury yacht, it’s a wonderful place saturated with distractions it’s all too easy to lose yourself and become unaware, source loves service to others. (Excellent metaphor ) As a kid when I would go to a theme park I would feel bad if I don’t share ice cream with my younger siblings, so just like you said Steve, source loves service to others I would be able to feel a positive charge of the chemistry of my body when I would share ice cream with my younger siblings for instance, the same can be said for when I am of service to others. When we look at language for instance the words “adventure” and “adversity” it is no coincidence that these words are very similar when the individual experiences adversity they are getting out of their comfort zone, they are experiencing life, they are experiencing new paths in life, and they are able to see life from new perspectives. They are able to see the yin and the yang they are able to see that there is no such thing as the absolute good and the absolute bad. One must learn to see the game for what it really is. One must learn to look within themselves and listen to their own instincts, and go along with their native human nature, their guardian genius, one must learn that there is a great deal of pain caused by unbalance when one is disconnected from what makes them feel good they are walking barefoot through a chestnut forest (Prickly fruit nuts, I believe) just like when a teenager refuses to take advice from a parent, they are not only causing pain for the parent, but also for themselves. Diseases teach us a lot of things you see Steve when one fails to realise that by holding onto what causes them dis-ease they are causing a domino effect of suffering. When one is in control of their mind they are able to feel that they are in control of their mind. When one is causing a domino effect of suffering they are able to feel that they are causing that suffering.
Suggestion for one channel name. Only a suggestion. Calling all Shy people That could bring people in by curiosity alone. Justa thought
I have a few youtube channels worth subscribing to, to save you a lot of wasted time and heartache sorting wheat from the chaff.
To the question about weather and why its uncharacteristically hot in the UK right now 10 August 2020
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There are only two/three channels I listen to about climate
Adapt 2030 and Something else
Adapt 2030 is so serious about climate he publishes books on the subject and his tremendous knowledge of long term climate change and natural cycles is most impressive. He runs counter to Warming alarmism because he says if we go warmer we just grow more food like Citrus fruits in Canada for example. Yabadabadoo. But he says all the signs of longterm patterns indicate we are actually going cooler. He cites numerous record snowfalls and lower record temps all over the world in weekly videos. Russia Canada the US and even Australia. You may recall, Australia had word famous bushfires in December summer last year Left wing globalist MSM said it was due to Global warming and rising carbon levels and we were all going to die. Greta Thunberg appears to have Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and announced she has 3 mental illnesses and walked out of her special needs school at 12. Which she called a “strike” against Climate change. Though she was never compelled to even turn up there. She can’t hold up her end of a conversation, she is so Asperger. Likely her pregnant mother was a drunkard. Her parents are both actors. Greta can only read out a script. She is NO messiah.
But in that Australian December summer bushfire season, the fires were only ONE TENTH of what we had in 1974. AND AND AND we had record SNOWFALLS in December our summer in Victoria NSW and QLD
MSM didnt report that
Adapt 2030 says Global Cooling is far more serious because it produces less food. Much more difficult to adapt to. Essentially causing soaring food prices. Have watched him for years. he is also well aware of Electric Universe.
IMHO British hot weather is due to a 6000 year cycle where the Sahara desert turns back into rainforest and teems with life, animal and human.
You see the Sahara is only 6 thousand years old. And a billion tons of windswept sand minerals travels in the stratospherie winds and lands on the poor soil of the Amazon rain forest to fertilise it. So perhaps the Amazon rainforest is only 6 thousand years old also.
Similarly the Australian Great Barrier reef is only 6000 yrs old. NOT millions of years of deep time as everyone assumes. There is evidence of human habitation on the reef. So its a very recent thing. So we can see Deep Time is trap we all fall into.
So Adapt 2030 just did a video where he notes 2 years of record flood in the Sahara may be the commencement of the 6000 yr Sahara flip cycle and I surmise that may somehow be dumping desert heat onto Britain.
And its all caused by the Milankovitch cycle which describes how we get ice ages and warm periods and climate change routinely due to the wobble in the tilt of the earths axis as it goes thru its 26,000 yr precession cycle. Its complex and one needs to watch videos on this. Long doccos they are.
Beyond the comprehension of Greta Thunberg. And endorsed by general science. Never been debunked. Milankovitch was an obsessive mathematician and spent his whole life accounting for our very complex climate cycles.
Good man to follow on climate
.Also does spectacular videos like this one on China Floods.
Largest Floods in Chinese History (400 yr cycle) Wiped Out every dynasty the Country’s Food & Grain Supply (1016)
Explained by a renegade climate expert who writes books predicting global cooling. Never on the BBC
Adapt 2030
Here’s another excellent man to follow on climate
CDN Anti Warming Arctic Temperatures, Cows in Clover and the Fuel of the Future – Newsletter Readout
He is an assiduous historian and takes warming alarmism to pieces weekly
Also Canadian, so he speaks more gooderer English than Americans. LOL
And here is an Australian Sky channel The Outsiders who regularly post low temperatures which never get a mention in the MSM.
Sky news Australia Outsiders weather and ice age watch: Temperatures around the world continue to plunge