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Your Enemies plans will not succeed

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Good morning, everybody. As you can still see, for me, it is Tuesday, November 1 of 2022, and you will see this on Wednesday, November 9. And the reason for that is I’m out of town now in yesterday’s video, or for me it was just a few minutes ago, because yesterday’s video I was going to do actually this prophetic word that I have out, which is called Your enemy’s plan, will not succeed against this nation. I heard it on October 31, 2022, but he had to me totally change it, do a decree, do a teaching about the world of Jericho, and then he had me praying. And then there was a prophetic word toward the end of that video. So if you did not watch Full Throats, I know it’s 30 minutes. Not everyone has 30 minutes to watch a video. But toward the end of that video, there was a prophetic word. I will have the team transcribe that prophetic word. We will have it put up on our website again. There’s a lot of times where I’m praying like that and all of a sudden the Lord will do a prophetic word. So please go and listen to that prophetic word and see what the Lord is saying before I get to this one. If you have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website@jgmnternational.org under our contact page, or you can write us at julie Greenministries, 1252 Bet, North, Iowa 52722. So that is all the announcements for today. And here’s the prophetic word again. It’s called

Your enemy’s plans will not Succeed against this Nation and I heard it on October 31.

For I, the Lord this day, am reminding my children things are not how they appear to be around the world. So do not get discouraged, do not be moved, do not get interfered with, do not talk defeat, do not worry or give in to discouragement my children. You are at a pivotal point in human history. I know it’s hard to understand that, and for some it’s hard for you to see that anything will change. But I promise you, change is coming. And it will be a change that is indescribable, a change that for most people, it will be hard to comprehend, and for some it will be too hard to accept.(confounding, deterring). Not everyone will be excited for these changes. Not all my church will be on the right side when I move my hand. Not all my children will accept my son. They will not accept governmental change. They will not accept economic change. Blinders are being removed. But it’s their choice to believe their human reasoning, or religion over ME and what I am doing. There is coming a great change that will cause a great separation in the world, and in my church. I have warned of this time and now this time is upon you, my children. So get into prayer. Get into my word like never before. Get to know who I really am. And I will give you peace and rest, and you will receive restorations. You will experience the God of the breakthrough in a way you never have before. So, my children, brace for change. Accept this change. The Great Exodus is upon you, and everything will change suddenly. So prepare for suddenlies to start happening even when you least expect it to. No one knows the exact day or the hour, but, my children, you will know the time and the season, and the time has come. So change how you see the world today and change how you live your lives if they aren’t for me. My hand is moving now, so don’t turn away. Run to me and watch what I will do for thee. Sayeth the Lord, your Redeemer.

A major incident is about to take place in Westminster. Something no one saw coming. Say the Lord.

Magnitude this world will be in your news for a significant reason.

Winehurst. I say this name again will be in your news for a surprising reason. Something significant is about to be revealed in Ukraine. Many things have been hidden and uncovered and covered up, and I am moving my hand to reveal it all. Putin is being used to stop something, my children, that you couldn’t see. He’s being used to uncover the heinous crime these people were committing in this land, and they were coming for you. And your fraudulent government was helping Ukraine make this come to pass. An attack was planned against you. A sinister plot. But I have people in places in places you do not know to stop these plans and these attacks against you. They will not have their way. And I’m exposing it all before the world. Sayeth the Lord of Hosts.

Hunker down. This phrase will be in your news for a significant reason. Military action is about to be seen. Moves are being made to stop what was about to occur in this nation. My children, stand and pray for this nation in its protection and deliverance from the hand of the wicked. You will see before you that you see before you. They are coming down, each and every one of them who stand before you and defy me Saith the Lord of Hosts.

A hostage situation is about to take place. It’s not how it appears to be. (misleading optics) Look to this location because exposures are about to get to an explosive place. I’m revealing it all Sayeth The Lord.

Keep your eyes on the East coast. Something significant is about to take place. You will know it as soon as you see it.

Manheim this name will be in your news for a surprising reason.

Heritage this word will also be in your news for a surprising reason.

The Biden is about to take a fall, literally, on live TV. Once again, this will signal to you his final fall from a seat of power Saith the Lord.

Ryan this name will be in your news for a significant reason. The waters are moving, my children, to reveal things that have been hidden.

A dog will be in your news, and the reason may surprise you, but it will signal something that is about to take place in your leadership. Something is about to happen to Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. This blow, they will not survive and will not recover from it. Major changes are coming to this fraudulent government that they will not be able to handle. Watch them lose, and watch them lose their minds. They will make a desperate decision in the coming days, and their voices will be recorded. But what they are saying in treasonous acts will be stopped. They will not succeed in their plans against you. Oh, United States, watch the markets tumble and crash. Watch Shortages have become much worse. It will appear like. Watch. Fear hit your enemies and they will not be able to hide it anymore. They will try and lie about the markets. They will try and lie about the elections. They will try and lie about the shortages. But some will accidentally slip on live TV and speak the truth. The world will begin to shout liars, thieves, murderers and will demand their removals. My children, I let them take center stage to let them fall on center stage. Their fall is coming. It’s not how you think it will take place. It will be much bigger than that. Stand your ground. Stand on my word and stand with me. Things are shaking. Things are changing for your good now, sayeth the Lord, your Redeemer.

Julie Commentary Now in this prophetic word. There are things that are so awesome that will just make people shout and get people really excited. But there are some people that will just get stuck on the economic crash. And about the shortages, God is saying, do not fear. And he said it will appear like he doesn’t say that will actually happen. He’s been telling us for so many months on end, actually more than that, but he keeps telling us not to fear. But he’s also telling us that things are not how they appear to be. And he’s also saying there are no shortages. God knew exactly what we needed in this world. He created more than enough. So there will be no lack of any kind. The lack or the shortages is caused by man on purpose. They are hiding things. They are doing things they purposely cause. It is a strategic it’s a strategy of war. Excuse me. Strategy of war. And one of those strategies of war you can even see this. And I think it’s in the Book of Kings. And I think it’s second Kings. And it’s when there was a war and the enemy surrounded the city and they were so desperate in the city, they were doing things and eating things that people could not even fathom that they were doing just out of survival mode. And they had no water, they had no food, they had nothing. They were surrounded by the enemy. There was four lepers and they were outside because they couldn’t go inside the cities or they were outside and they couldn’t go in. And then they had the enemies in front of them and they said they were going to sit here and we’re going to die or we’re going to go to the enemy’s camp and maybe we’ll have a chance to survive. But they went to the enemy’s camp. The enemies heard horses and chariots and they ran. And then those four lepers took all the spoils and then they brought it back. Now, Elijah was a prophet of that day. He said, by this time tomorrow. And of course the people laughed at him. There was one person who mocked him and that person never did see. He did see it, but he didn’t get a chance to partake in it because he was mocking the prophet. And it did happen. The reason why I’m saying that because there was a strategy of war is they shut these people in and caused them to have no water, caused them to have no food, and it was for them to surrender. Our enemies do this again, nothing new to the sun. So they do these things to cause fear, to cause panic, to cause a desperation in their enemy. So then they will just bow down and surrender to the ones that are holding them hostage. We’ve been held hostage, which even without us realizing it, because it’s not in the same exact way. It’s the same thing, but it’s not done the exact same way. And so our enemy does this and does this all the time. And one of the strategies of war is fear. If you can get that other person to be in so much fear and panic, then when you panic, then you’re not in the right mind, you will not make the right decisions. And then you’ll end up just giving up out of desperation in order to receive any type of freedom from that fear whatsoever. So where enemies are trying to do this so desperately, that’s the reason why they’ve caused all these shortages. All over the world, there are no shortages. They’re doing these things, they’re saying these things on purpose to get you to bow down to them, to get you to believe what they are saying is true, that they have some type of answer. They don’t have an answer. They don’t have an answer. They’re not smart enough to have an answer. Even if they weren’t causing this, they do not have the answer. Why? Because God’s not on their side. God’s not going to give them the wisdom and knowledge and understanding. They’re not going to have the ability. They don’t have the anointing, they don’t have the great one on the inside of them. They don’t have an answer. So they want to cause these shortages, to cause you to waive that white flag and to give in to them. And God is saying we had to do the exact opposite. We had to proclaim. We need to create abundance, increase more than enough in every area of our lives. Remember, we are in this world, but we are not of this world. We are not left helpless. We are not left hopeless. God is our company. He is our standby. He is our advocate. He is our avenger. He is our provider. He is our healer. He is everything we need. He is the great I AM. He’s the same. The God from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He’s the same god with Moses. He is the great I AM. And so we should not fear any single time we come up against these things. So do not fear even read again. I think I said earlier, either this week or was it last week, whatever for you. I don’t remember when I recorded it, what day it was, but he said, Lord, it was giving us, hey, go and do a study on how many times he said do not fear or fear not in the Bible. And the reason why we’re not supposed to fear is because Satan is fear. He is at both events that appears real. He gets you to want to believe the things that he is saying over believing what God is saying. Fear is a liar. Say that with me. Fear is a liar. And for being someone who used to be totally controlled by fear, I will tell you, it’s a horrible, it’s tormenting and it’s something that the panic and the worry and anxiety that come with fear, it’s really ridiculous because what you’re thinking could happen. You’re thinking worst case scenarios. Oh my gosh. And then you panic and then it’s groundless. I mean really is groundless. Fear. There’s nothing to fear. There really is nothing to fear but your focus on what could happen, not the fact that it’s going to, but it could. And that brings enough fear that people just give into it. God is saying, no, focus on me and what my word says, and that will destroy that fear. Okay, now I’m going to go back over this prophetic word. And so the last paragraph says, stand your ground, stand on My word and stand with me. Things are shaking. Things are changing for your good now sayeth the Lord your Redeemer. Now he’s been telling us about that for a long time to stand our ground and stand on his word. How do you stand on his word? Get into his word, get to know God’s will and what he’s saying for you, and then say, you know what? I’m going to stand on your word, Father God. I’m not going to be moved by what I see. I’m only moved by your word. I thank you that you have caused us to overcome. We are overcomers we have been bought with the price we’ve been ranting by the blood of Jesus Christ. I thank you for our freedoms. I thank you for our deliverances. I thank you for our healing. I thank you for our restorations. That’s what standing on the word of God means. You believe God, what God were said more than you believe your circumstances. Now he says, my children, I let them take center stage to let them fall on center stage. Their fall is coming. It’s not how you think it will take place. It will be much bigger than that.

As you can see, in the last two years, there were people that actually voted for the Biden, which it’s hard for me to believe, but there are people that actually did that and because they thought that he was going to, I don’t know, do something good when he’s done everything bad. He really is their puppet. He’s their fall guy. Everything that the Democrats really wanted to do and they didn’t want to get blamed for it. This is their fall guy. They don’t care what happened to Biden. They don’t care. They know that he’s a pedophile. They know that he’s evil. They know that he’s all these different things. They don’t care. They wanted him to take the fall. And you know, and all of us know that he’s not the one in control. He can’t even say certain things sometimes. And really, if there is somebody else that’s controlling him and his name starts with, O, so you guys will know who that is anyway. You can say, Julie, how can you say that about him? There are many different things that you can say about the Biden. And we need to pray, especially for the little children, because there has been even evidence of sniffing, and I’m not even going to get into that anyway. All right, now this is a paragraph.

Watch the market tumbling crash. Watch the shortages. Having time, much worse. It will appear like now he said, saying that they are, he’s saying it will appear like remember, he’s getting rid of the old Babylonian system and he’s bringing in his system. Watch spirit hit your enemies and they will not be able to hide it anymore. They will try to lie about the markets and they will try to lie about the elections, they will try to lie about shortages, but some will accidentally slip on live TV and speak the truth. The world will begin to shout liars and murderers and will demand their removal. So they’re going to keep giving themselves away more and more. And you can see that. You can see the Biden keep giving himself away. He cannot even find his way off to get off the stage. Kamala is the same way. She can’t even put sentences together without laughing in her laugh. And they’re not making any sense. There’s so many times they’ve slipped on live TV with slipping up on their words. Like even Joe Biden said the other day, or Go Biden said the other day, excuse me. He said there are 54 states. Now, God talked about his gas, God talked about his fall cognitively, and now we’re seeing that happen more and more, and they can’t control him. That’s the reason why they’re letting him go. That’s reason why you’re seeing more and more come on. About Hunter Biden. And Lord also prophesied that before, too.

All right, major changes are coming to this fraudulent government that they will not be able to handle. Watch them lose and watch them lose their minds, which you can start seeing that already, but it’s going to be worse. Watch them lose their minds and they will make desperate decisions in the coming days, and their voices will be recorded. But what they are saying, and treasonous acts will be stopped. They will not succeed in their plans against you, O United States. So God’s saying they’re not going to succeed in their plans, so do not fear what they are saying or what they are doing. God said they’re not going to succeed with their plans. They said something is about to happen to Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. This blow, they will not survive and they will not recover from it. Something significant is about to happen to them both. Now, as you know, you’ll see this the day after the midterm elections. I’m making this a week before. So you will see something major is going to happen in the House and major is going to happen in the Senate. And this will be something that neither one will be able to recover from it. They’re not going to stay in their positions of power, no matter what it looks like. They’re not seeing their positions of power. God is removing them.

A dog will be in your news, and this reason may surprise you, but it will signal something that is about to take place in your leadership. Now, it’s hard, just like when I heard monkeys are going to be the news for a surprising reason. And then, of course, there was monkey pox and things like that. So he’s used animals many different times in these prophetic words, and they always seem to come out, and I’m like, Whoa. That’s what he meant by that. So there’s something that can be about a dog, and then it says then that will signal something that is about to take place in your leadership. So look at dog, and there’s going to be a connection to the leadership somehow. All right? Now, whatever happens to this dog or the dog in the news, whatever happens to that will signal what’s going to happen to our leadership. I think that’s all right.

Now, the waters are moving, my children, to reveal things that have been hidden. The Lord has been talking about the waters a lot. He’s been given different names, the oceans, seas, things like that. Even talking about the Mississippi river. He’s been saying a lot of different things about Waters. Our enemies have been hiding things In The water. They’ve been hiding things on top of the water. They’ve been Doing things against us. We had no Idea what they were doing. And God is saying the waters are moving, so they’re moved to reveal they’re moving to Stop what the Enemies are doing.

Now, Rhine, this name will be in your News for a significant reason. Now, I know that there’s a Rhine River, so that should be it. But there’s the word rhine. Rhine.

The Biden is about to take a fall literally on TV once again. This will signal to you his final fall from his state of power. Say, look. So he has fallen on live TV before God, saying he’s going to do it again, and that will signal his fall from his seat of power.

Heritage this word Will Be also being in the News for a surprising reason.

Manheim this name will be in the news for a surprising reason. Keep your eyes on the East Coast. Something significant is about to take place. You will notice as soon as you see it. He’s been talking about the East Coast a lot. Even just mentioned New York and New York City. So pay attention to the East Coast. It could be north it could be south. It just could be whole east coast. I don’t know. But pay attention to the East Coast. Something’s Going to happen, and you’re Going To know as soon as you see it.

A hostage situation is about to take place. It’s not how it appears to be. (misleading optics ) Look, at this location, because exposures are about to get to an explosive place. I’m revealing it all. So there’s going to be A hostage situation. That’s Going to Be The newspaper, that location, and something else Significant is going to Come out of their exposures.

All Right. Now, military action. Now, he’s been talking a lot about military and military action. We’re starting to see more and more, but he’s saying military action is about to be seen. Moves are being made to stop what it was about to occur to this nation. My children, stand and pray for this nation and its protection and deliverance by the hand of the wicked or from the hand of the wicked excuse me. That you see before you. They are coming down, each and every one of them who stand before you and defy me, saith the Lord. They are coming down, each and every one of them who stand before you and defy me. We’ve already Seen people being removed. We’ve already seen people being resigned, and sometimes it’s going to intensify and speed up.

Now hunker down. This phrase will be used in your News for a significant reason.

Something significant is about to be revealed in Ukraine. Now, guys have been talking about Ukraine a lot. Things are not how they appear to be there. Remember, there’s prophetic words that he’s given me regarding Russia. And Ukraine said Russia was going to be in the news. This was before the Russian Ukraine war, and it will actually reveal what side they’re on. He said Russia was going to be in the news more and more, and it will reveal what side they’re actually on. It looked like Russia for the longest time was against us, and the news made it appear that way. But Russia with Putin is actually being used to stop something that they were doing in Ukraine because nobody else was willing to do it. And he’s willing to do it now. I said he could go so far, not any further. He gave a warning line like, hey, don’t pass this line. If you pass this line, judgment is going to come. Whether or not he’s passed the line, I don’t know, but he says Putin is being used to stop something, my children, that you couldn’t see, there are plans of attack against us. And why do you think that Ukraine has gotten so much financial aid, but it looks like nothing’s being done there? Because nothing’s being done there. They don’t want anything be done. They don’t want it to be done. That aid for whatever the financial aid that they’re getting is not going to where it needs to go. It needs to go to the people. It needs to go to rebuilding, it needs to go to helping men. It’s not it’s going to pad the pocket of Zelensky and to keep doing what this fraudulent government wants to do. Zelensky is a wolf in sheeps clothing, and he’s a person that is just a puppet of the One World government. He’s doing the bidding of the fraudulent government in the United States. He’s doing things that are against us that they’re paying him to do. I mean, seriously, you don’t realize all the dark money that goes and our taxpayer money is what has been used for us discussing. All right, now he’s being used to uncover the heinous crimes these people were committing in this land, and they were coming for you. Oh, United States, there’s something that was going on. Ukraine, well, they already found biolabs that was already prophetic word that was fulfilled. They found labs there. Those labs were used to probably have an attack on the United States of America. That’s what COVID was. It’s biological warfare

here. Fortunately, the government was helping Ukraine make this come to pass. An attack was planned against you, a sinister plot. But I have people in places you do not know to stop these plans and these attacks against you. They will not have their way. And I’m exposing it all before the world sayeth the Lord of Hosts. So what’s going on in Ukraine is not how it appears to be.

Winehouse I say this name again will be in your news for a surprising reason. Magnitude of this world will be in your news for a significant reason a major incident will about to take place in Westminster. He’s been talking about Westminster. Sorry. Westminster. Westminster. The Buckingham palace. London. He’s been talking about the royals and he’s also been talking about Charles. Now people say well do that prophetic come to faster because he’s king, he doesn’t have his crown yet. God said he wasn’t going to get crowned. Things are going to happen in the royals, watch, exposures are going to happen. Then he says let me go back up to this one, For I the Lord this day, and remind my children things are not how they appear to be around the world. So do not get discouraged, do not be moved, do not get into fear, do not talk defeat and do not worry or get into discouragement.

My children, you are at a pivotal point in human history. I know it’s hard to understand that for some it’s hard for you to see that anything will change. But I promise you change is coming and it will be a change that is indescribable, a change that most people it will be hard to comprehend and for some will be too hard to accept. Not everyone will be excited for these changes, not all my church will be on the right side when I move my hand. Not all my children will accept my son. They will not accept governmental change, they will not accept economic change, blinders are being removed, but it’s their choice of belief, their human reasoning or religion over me and why I’m doing it. There is coming a great change that will cause a great separation in the world and in my church. I have warned this time and now this time is upon you my son, is to get into prayer and get into my word like never before. Get to know who I am and I will give you peace and rest and you will receive restorations, you will receive the experience, the God of the breakthrough in a way you never had before. So my children, brace for change, accept this change. The great exodus is upon you. Everything will change suddenly. So prepare for suddenlies to start happening even when you least expect it. No one knows exact day or the hour, but my children, you will know the time and season and the time has come. So change how you see the world today and change how you live your lives if they aren’t for me now that is a powerful word right there. Change your life if you aren’t living for me. My hand is moving now, so don’t turn away. Run to me and watch what I will do for thee, saith the Lord your Redeemer. So it is hard to accept, but there are people that are not going to accept what God is doing and they will not be on the right side of things. And that’s the reason why we need to pray and that’s the reason. Why you’ve seen me. It’s like I’ve become this person who prophesies and cries all the time. Now that’s just because of love and the compassion of Christ, that has first church, that has first people, not just the world. I mean he loves his creation, which is the people in mankind, but there are people that are in his own church, in his own body that are turning away from Him. So we need to keep those people in prayer and keep them lifted up, that those blinders will be removed in the hearts of soften to turn back to God. And because he can do all these things, but he can’t change their will, he can’t change their will to believe Him or to obey Him. And so that’s the reason why in this particular time that we are living in, it is important to stay focused on God, be in his word every single day, to stay in prayer and to stay declaring decreeing, receiving what God is doing. Now I want to pray for each and every one of you before I go. Heavenly Father, right now, in the name of Jesus, we just want to thank You Father Gods, that you have chosen each and every one of us for such a time as this. Heavenly Father, I pray the blood of Jesus over Every person is watching. I thank you for their guardian angels, protecting them everywhere they go and everything they do. I thank you for leading them and guiding them in the right direction on whether to go. Heavenly Father, I thank you that each and every person will be fulfilling the assignment that you have for them upon this earth. Each and every one of them are so special to you. Father God, I want to praise and thank you that they see through the eyes of Christ, they see Your love, they feel Your love, Father God, and no matter what they’ve done, I thank you, having thought they are showered with Your love and with Your glory. I thank you for a special impartation of joy, for those who have been overwhelmed, for those who have been depressed, for those who have been in fear, for those who have been in anxiety, those have been just weighed down. The spirit of Heaviness, I proclaim and decree your deliverance, your freedom, and I commend that suicidal spirit and you shut your foul mouth right now. I proclaim and speak life into their soul, speaking life into their body right now. By the blood of Jesus and Satan, you will not have them, you will not lie and keep them from what God has in store for them. And thank You Father God for you to shine Your light upon them in every lie we torn down and destroyed on their behalf, we thank you that no weapon for and against them shall prosper in Jesus name, amen. And amen. I hope to encourage you today, please like subscribe and share and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs to hear the truth. Because the truth sets you free. God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day.


On the day after the disappointing election day where the deep state stole the election again, and I find even my favourite commentator Dr Steve Turley behaving as if the election outcome was an accurate portrayal of sentiment.

50pc or more of Americans apparently want more genitals cut off children, more drag queens in libraries, higher gas prices, higher food prices, more critical race hate and more war even nuclear, and forced vaccinations that kill millions.

All the commentators except Salty Cracker scrupulously avoiding mentioning election cheating.

State of Pennsylvania elected Fetterman the brain damaged oaf who wants to empty prisons but is clearly disabled cant even speak. 90pc of the vote in country areas. Nothing strange about that. Nobody liked DR OZ not because he is nominally muslim but because of his obsessive admiration for China locking down 26 million over a single covid case.

This same zombie state also elected a dead man. Died last month. Tony De Luca.

Clearly this s a deep state optimal outcome.

Its definitely not a true sentiment indicator as pundits are treating it.

Yet, a Dr Steve Turely theme is that society is polarising into two politically opposed groups —a so-called parrallel society model. Where there is 2 of everything. And everything has a political theme. Schools, cinema, social media, cars, food, housing, universities. And seemingly theism vs Atheism is a dominant divider also.

God says this also in this lesson. A handwave is coming. And the results will not be liked by many.

Have a good slow re-read of this first paragraph

You are at a pivotal point in human history. I know it’s hard to understand that, and for some it’s hard for you to see that anything will change. But I promise you, change is coming. And it will be a change that is indescribable, a change that for most people, it will be hard to comprehend, and for some it will be too hard to accept.(confounding, baffling, deterring). Not everyone will be excited for these changes. Not all my church will be on the right side when I move my hand. Not all my children will accept my son. They will not accept governmental change. They will not accept economic change. Blinders are being removed. But it’s their choice to believe their human reasoning, or religion over ME and what I am doing. There is coming a great change that will cause a great separation in the world, and in my church

So it will even split the church because for some the great pivot will be just too much of a wrench.

God even says some of his church are Trump haters and they will never accept Trump. So Goodbye to some Godlings.

So people let stupid men’s politics get between themselves and God.

My personal attitude is often Stop the World I wanna get off !

So deeply disappointed I can be with the masses underperformance. Their sleepwalking.

I am not reincarnating here again !

This lesson predicts Pelosi and Schumer go thru a major fall plotting treason and get recorded LOL.

To add flavour at this juncture, breaking news

On the  election day she loses speakership, Pelosi announces her retirement. Certainly a political demise. And she wouldn’t be sworn in till end January anyway. So she has 3 months to die and keep her death prophecy on track. Question do all prophecies come literally true or can outcomes be allowed to finalise differently at the last minute ? Theocrats insist prophecies must come out like clockwork or they aren’t prophecy. And the  disgraced prophet is uttering falsehoods !

My reply is Does God micro-manage every molecule and every microjoule of energy or does he approximate and round off and some outcomes would be declared as don’t matters if they vary ?


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