Searchable transcript for the Serious

Goood Morning, Everybody. Today is Friday and it’s June 16th of 2023. And I do have another powerful prophetic word to give to you today. And it’s called the establishment, THE WASHINGTON ESTABLISHMENT IS BEING ANNIHILATED And I actually heard this prophetic word on June 8th. So I was going to do a video again this morning and the Lord, I was like, I just knew in my I needed to do another live show So I just want to welcome each and every one of you in from the northeast southwest wherever you are from God bless each and every one of you for joining today’s live show And of course, I’m gonna go over the prophetic word I’ll do a prayer at some time whether it be right now or it’s gonna be at the end And of course, I’m gonna give you prophetic the word but of course scriptures the scriptures of what God is giving to us for this very day and This very hour because God always gives us words Every single day. He gives us words to speak He gives us things to do and so we have these marching orders and you want the decrees and marching orders and the declarations You can go to our website at JGM international org under our blog post So the JG my team are putting up the marching orders from different prophetic words And they’re putting it up for it’s easy for you to stand declare and decree these when you’re praying It’s a great tool for us to use right now And again, I know that there are a lot of people when I was sitting there praying this morning before I got on this live Show one thing that the Lord was showing me is that so many people are at that point that breaking point That point of discouragement to the point where they don’t want to they don’t want to Hold the line anymore. They don’t want to fight anymore. They’re just getting overwhelmed they are just giving up and quitting because they don’t know what else to do right now because it looks like it’s getting worse and not better and That’s when God is saying this is part of our marching orders as a child of the Most High God In times of distress, in times of battle, in times of frustration, what do we need to do is we need to focus on God. We need to stand on the Word of God. We need to get in the Word of God. We need to start praying. We need to start knowing who we are in Christ Jesus. We need to know the authority that we have in that name. We need to know that we have an armor of God, that we may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. We need to know that God is our strength that God is our refuge that God is our high tower that God is our Protector that God is our Avenger. These are the things that you have to know in battle These are the things that you have to know when you are discouraged. Everybody gets discouraged Everybody can get overwhelmed. Everybody can get burdened down, but it’s what you will do about it You have to know that your enemy is on the prowl right now Even says in this first Peter chapter 5 it says he is a roaring lion seeking who he may devour But let your adversary know that he cannot and will not devour you because you are a child the most high God That you have the greater one on the inside of you that God is the one that gives you strength He doesn’t expect you to do these things on your own God is the one who gives you the ability to get up every day and there are times as you guys know my own life There are times where I actually had to have God help me get up every day There are times even now that I have to say, okay, Lord, I need your strength today I need your ability today to get the job done It’s not wrong or it’s not weak for you guys to have to rely on God God wants us to rely on him in his ability That’s why he’s giving us every tool that we need to fight in the battle that we are in right now and yes, this prophetic word is Washington DC and it’s about the establishment. It’s about the deep state o or whatever you want to call them and It’s not just about this country. I seen in Before I got on I was checking to see where everybody was from. I see people from Australia I see people from other different countries like Canada. I just want to say God bless you This is not just about the United States of America. Now. I want to be very very clear on that these prophetic words Yes, I’ve had a lot about the United States of America But God is also talking about the nations around the world and freeing them and not just this country So I want to say God bless you. I saw Jamaica, too So God bless each and every one of you from all around the world It is such an honor to be able to be on here to speak the words of God what he wants us to hear for this Day, but also just him joining all of our forces just joining the children of Almighty God Around the world in this very day in this very hour and that’s exactly what our God Heavenly Father wants us to do is no matter what the enemy has planned Around the world. He wants us to be united He wants us to come together as a force to be reckoned with because it’s God inside of us We can’t do anything without him, but we can do all things within Christ whom strength in his ass So I just want to give you that a little bit. Oh, I see Ireland. God bless you. Hello from Ireland I just I I just want to say thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I see Australia. I see Mexico I see Oh Davenport, Florida. Hey, I live next to Davenport, Iowa. So that’s exciting Um, I want to and again one of these days I’m gonna do a live show where I’m just doing question questions and answer I will answer your questions that you have if you need prayer I’m gonna start doing more live shows like that. Okay, I’m gonna start doing more of those live shows Oh, I see, Virginia and I see Florida and I see Texas. I see a lot of Texas earlier Oh, Lebanon Oh, hello, Lebanon. God bless you Virginia Texas Georgia Georgia again, God is God’s fixing what’s been going down in Georgia Oh New York and Virginia North Carolina Michigan. Oh, I could just go on and on and on. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for all watching today And again, God’s given us another prophetic word and it’s called the establishment the Washington establishment is being annihilated and Before I get to that if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports Please go to our website at JGM international org under our contact page or you can write us at Julie Green ministries international 4620 East 53rd Street suite 200 Davenport, Iowa 52807 And again, before I get to this, remember this every single day. This is how our prayer team starts every morning in prayer. And we start as, this is a day that the Lord has made, and we will rejoice and be glad in it. So no matter the discouragements of the day, no matter what your circumstances may say, God is the one who is the day that the Lord has made. He’s made this day and we’ll rejoice and be glad in the fact that God is in control that he’s on our side That he is the one who says he’s the great I AM and we’re not going to lose So we have to look at every day is it is a special day Because we are in the body of Christ. We are in the army of the Lord and we are children of the Most High God okay, so here is a prophetic word and it says Again, this is from
from June 8th. My children, great backlash and a great blow back of all the evil that has been constantly attacking you. All the assignments of the enemy are being destroyed by my hand. Great eruptions are about to begin everywhere. When more whistleblowers come forth, more videos will surface and more phone conversations will be heard. You are coming into an explosive amount of evidence to push back against your enemies and shatter the walls they had built up against you. Remember my children, your enemies have no protection against me. These are the days of the Pharaohs of today to be judged and great judgments are coming. I am raining down great judgment in this hour because I have said before it is time for your enemies to reap the great harvest of destruction they have sown upon this earth and against my nations. Watch Al Qaeda take a fall. Hamas will fall. Hezbollah will fall just like you saw with ISIS. There’s coming a day the ones who you see against you, O United States and Israel, will be brought to nothing. These are the days of great destruction. Yes, great destruction of the evil that has been controlling the earth and trying to control my nations. Nothing is stopping the avalanche that is coming. A great and mighty avalanche of truth that will level anything in its path. The Washington establishment is being annihilated by my hand. But first, they will scream inflation. They will scream shortages. They will scream an economic collapse. The collapse of their Almighty dollar. They will scream about democracy and their supposed truth. A great evil empire is imploding in front of you. I told you before there is more to the open borders that you know about. It is much worse than anyone thought. On who the establishment was letting in, the certain people and how strategically they were being placed around this country. I am stopping their ultimate terrorist attack that would bring in martial law and complete shutdown of a society as a whole. There will be a shutdown, but I promise you it will be mine and not theirs. I am shutting down their systems, their controls, their laws, their governments, and restoring freedom to my nations. Your enemies are about to let the Biden Take the fall. Yes, that great fall is coming and with this fall will bring in a new surprise that no one ever saw coming. Brace for this announcement and remember who has been hiding in the basement will be fully exposed. The one controlling the one hiding in the basement will be fully exposed. A great reveal of things hidden in your White House is coming, it’s coming, excuse me. Cameras will reveal something no one thought was possible.
More audio recordings are coming between the Biden and Obama to prove how false and how fake everything has been, and who really has been controlling this country and who were really in charge. The walls of the White House are about to show and reveal to this country what has been hidden and it will cause great chaos to erupt in your politics, Oh United States. Your elections are about to change in a way no one saw coming. Cheaters are about to fall in front of world and prove how your “elections” were selections from the deep state and who they wanted and how things would be handled and controlled and what would be shown and what wouldn’t be what will be told and what wouldn’t be this was all part of their systematically changing and ultimately destroying the United States of America. That is what always was meant to be. I’m gonna read that again. This was part of the systematically changing and ultimately destroying the United States of America that was always meant to be.
Things will begin to happen live on air with major exposures that are about to take place. Get ready for the power grab and the lies your enemies will tell, but But also get ready for the truth that is hitting your enemies when they least expect it. And all will change suddenly, and you are about at that time. Get ready for my hand to move my children, saith the Lord your Redeemer.”
Julie Commentary Now again, one of the things I want to get to before I get to the scriptures is the Lord was even showing me, and he has several different times, there have been prophecies that in the Bible that took hundreds and hundreds of years to be fulfilled. Okay, hundreds of years. And some prophecies in the Bible have not even been fulfilled yet because it’s regarding the second coming of Jesus Christ. Now, you have prophecies that are nowadays that are coming to pass within a year or within a year and a half and people are still getting discouraged about it because you hear a prophecy and two years later that prophecy hasn’t come to pass yet. We’re in a time where things are speeding up Just think of the times where it took hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years. There’s no time for that now But God is saying what a time that we are living in He’s reminding us of what a privilege it is to hear prophetic words and to see what in here What God is saying and then to see it come to pass as fast as it’s coming to pass There’s prophetic words been coming to pass from 2021 that are coming to pass now even some of the ones that were 2022 that are coming to pass now even beginning of this year that are coming to pass now and So what we need to do is just focus on what has and is already coming to pass Prophecies that are in the process of even being fulfilled. We’re seeing the beginning stages of those because they’re very complex It’s not just black and white things are happening, but it’s happening so fast on a massive scale It’s like this big huge puzzle that is like coming together and we’re gonna see it all come to pass But God is saying there’s certain things that had to have happened at a slower pace Because we would not been having none of us would be able to handle it the way we need to handle it It would have been such a shock to so many people It would have destroyed people because they would have gotten in so much fear and anguish of what has really been going on And so it has been like this drip drip drip, but now all of a sudden he’s talking about more of a flood Nate’s talking about like an avalanche. He’s talking about volcanoes So that means it’s at that building point. Where’s that pressure where it’s all gonna start to come out We’ve heard a lot of different things in this last couple years God has been Changing and opening the eyes of so many of his people that have been asleep that had no idea what truly was going on He’s given people time to repent. He’s been giving people time to wake up and that’s what we have to focus on Not how long all this is taking because if we focus on how long all this is taking Regarding what’s going on in our nation or regarding what’s going on in your nation or it’s gone It was gone regarding what’s going on in other countries around the world. That’s when you get really Upset you get really frustrated and you’re focusing on the wrong thing you’re focusing on what Satan wants you to focus on and the fear of is “Anything going to change?” and that’s what God is saying is we have to focus on this is a time to have faith in Him to focus on his word Now I say this every day again and over and over again Please don’t take my word for it get into the Word of God Get into the Word of God read the scriptures that he’s given to us during these videos Get into the word because he’s like this morning. I’m like, okay God, what do you want me to read? What chapters do you want me to read today? So I usually try to read like a chapter or two or more a day Depends on how much time I have in prayer and study in the morning before I do a video And so I’ll ask him what do you want me to read today? And he’ll show me as I just know okay, like this morning. He had me in Ephesians he had me read Ephesians 1 chapters 1 through chapter 5 and I would have went on with chapter 6, but I was running out of time before I did a live show So again, he will direct your steps on what you have to hear in this very day and So that’s why with these prophetic words with guys giving us the news before the news we have so much disinformation we have so much lying that’s going on all around the world to distract people from God’s Word and That’s what God is telling us is we have to focus on his word Don’t focus on what the news is saying Don’t focus on what you know is going on in this country or what’s going on in your country That’s gonna bring you down into discouragement know that that stuff is going on, but know that God is doing something about it And there was a scripture that he wanted me to read today To you. This is in Exodus I know you guys are surprised. I’m sure you’re shocked. I’m reading in Exodus But he had me Pull up Exodus chapter 6 and there was something in that where there was very important that he wanted me to give to you today Exodus chapter 6 and verse 3 he says I appeared to Abraham to Isaac and to Jacob as God Almighty or El Shaddai and El Shaddai means the God who nothing is Impossible. Okay, when God first came to Abraham as Al Shaddai, you can find that in Genesis chapter 17 when God did not speak to Moses for 13 years because of he had Ishmael So he didn’t speak to him for 13 years and when he did speak to him again back in Genesis chapter 17 He spoke to him and said that he was Al Shaddai or the God who nothing is impossible He was correcting Abraham because he had Ishmael by the flesh He didn’t trust in God that God could do something supernaturally So he leaned to the arm of the flesh and was listening to what Sarah said and he had a child with Hagar His maidser or his mades her maidservant. So what God is saying We don’t need to do things by the flesh Because when we’re doing things we’re fighting things in a battle spiritually like I told you before This is a battle between good versus evil This is not just between a Democrat or Republican or the world leaders and us This is between good and evil. This is something that goes beyond what we see And so with Abraham he went with what what he could see and then he had Ishmael But God wanted him to have Isaac. So he was correcting him and said hey I am the God who nothing is impossible. And then after Abraham started Focusing on God who nothing is impossible. He started focusing on him and what God is saying Then he had Isaac who Isaac was always the one who was meant to be and so in our own lives We have to look to El Shaddai the God who nothing is impossible Look to him and start stop leaning to natural way of thinking or the natural way of what things look like and how you Believe in these things we have to look to God and what God is saying in the scriptures So he um showed himself to the El Shaddai or the God who nothing is impossible to Abraham But my name Yahweh, the redemptive name of God, I did not make myself known to them in acts, in great miracles. So now he’s saying he’s Yahweh. Okay. Then he goes on to say in verse four, Exodus chapter six and verse four, I’ve established my covenant with them To give them the land of Canaan the land of their temporary residence in which they were strangers I’ve heard the groaning of the Israelites whom the Egyptians were in so have enslaved and I have earnestly Remembered my covenant with Abraham Isaac and Jacob and this is the classic amplified version now I’m gonna stop right here for a minute I want to read back over a verse 5 because there’s great revelation in that verse Exodus chapter 6 and verse 5. He says I have heard the groaning of the Of the Israelites whom the Egyptians have enslaved and I have earnestly remembered my covenant with Abraham Isaac and Jacob Now don’t you think because even God says in Psalm? 34 he says it’s in Psalm 34 verse 17 and 19 that he hears the cries of his people So he heard the groaning of the Israelites because of the oppression of the Egyptians He heard it. Not only he heard it, but he had a solution and he was doing something about it Don’t you think the same God if he says he is the same God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob? He’s the same God yesterday and today and forever. He’s that same God He’s the same God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob if he heard the groanings of the children of Israel In the land of Egypt during that oppression don’t you think that God is hearing the oppression and the groaning and the cries of his people right now of the Egyptians of was the the evil rulers of that day that controlled the world at that particular time if God heard the children of Israel groaning at that time because that oppression Don’t you think that now we have the blood covenant with Jesus Christ. Don’t you think the same God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob? The one who heard of the Israelites. Don’t you think that he hears us now? Don’t you think that he’s going to do something about it now? He’s the same God and I know that I’ve repeated that over and over and over again. But it’s because God is repeating that over and over and over again because a lot of his people right now are questioning Will God do anything? Will anything change he gave me? This revelation it was actually in a prophetic word, but he gave me a revelation Quite some time ago and he says My people right now are saying the same thing The children of Israel did in Egypt. They’re saying the same thing. They’re asking the same question Where is God Is God doing going to do anything? Does God hear us and God is saying YES We have to look at the example in the Bible. What did God do when his chief when his children were in distress? What God do what did he do when his children were being oppressed? What did he do when they were being enslaved? What did God do? God heard, not only did he hear, but he was doing something about it. It wasn’t exactly when the children of Israel wanted freedom. It wasn’t exactly when they thought they were going to be delivered. It wasn’t. But it was in the perfect timing of God. Do I know when the perfect timing of God is? No. Do I know the seasons he tells us to pay attention to seasons. He says to look for the seasons Remember he establishes his covenant with us. He has establishment. He establishes covenant with us. There always is a time and a season for everything We let me know exactly the day or the hour neither did the children of Israel But they knew they had heard a prophetic word about a deliverer that was gonna come Now, of course they they didn’t like Moses a lot because when Moses was going to Pharaoh and Kept pushing Pharaoh over and over to let my people go what Moses kept saying Pharaoh kept making it harder God is saying he knows exactly what’s going on He’s doing things about everything that we see Whether we understand it or not, but he’s is doing something God is a covenant keeping God if you look at the blood covenant that we have with Jesus Christ The promises that we have through our redemption rights because of the blood that he shed for us That we are redeemed from the curse. It looks like the curse is going crazy all over this earth It looks like evil is controlling everything and God is saying that’s not what’s going on It looks like it but it is for the ultimate Destruction of the things that have been enslaving God’s people or enslaving the entire world there is Something happening to what we are seeing that’s trying to overtake or control the world Just like it did back in the days in the book of Exodus God is calling it his greater Exodus is coming a greater Exodus That’s why he’s had me for 13 years back in the book of Exodus going over it over and over and over again getting more and more revelations of What he did for them is a promise of him doing even something greater now He is not going to forsake his people. He said in his word. He’ll never leave us nor forsake us Okay, now I want to go back to Exodus So I was reading chapter 5 and he says in the latter part of that verse. I have earnestly Remembered my covenant with Abraham Isaac and Jacob now remember it says in Galatians 3 and 29 that we are Abraham’s seed An heir to the promise. So not only do we have the blood covenant we have with Jesus Christ Which is part of the New Testament. We also have The Old Testament. We also have the covenant that he made with Abraham So we have both So what God is saying to them and he said look listen to this in verse 6 He said accordingly say to the Israelites. I am the Lord. I Will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians. I Will free you from their bondage I will rescue you with an outstretched arm with special vigorous action and mighty acts of Judgment, what has been God been saying lately? He’s been talking about judgment and then he says And this is verse 7 acts chapter 6 or Exodus chapter 6 and verse 7 I will take you to be for my people I will be to you a God and you shall know that it is I the Lord your God who brings you out From under the burdens of the Egyptians I will bring you into a land concerning which I have lifted my hand and swore that I would give to Abraham Isaac and Jacob. I will give it to you for heritage. I am the Lord. You have the pledge of my Changeless Omnipotence and faithfulness it’s Unchanging he doesn’t change he said my changeless Omnipotence and faithfulness God is Faithful now right you was like last week sometime in Hebrews in Hebrews chapter 6 Listen, what are you saying again here in verse 13 Hebrews chapter 6 verse 13 when God made his promise to Abraham Now this is what we were just talking about. He swore by himself Since he had no greater by whom to swear Saying blessing. I certainly will bless you and multiply I will multiply you verse 15 and so it was that Abraham having waited long and endured patiently Realized and obtained in the birth of Isaac as a pledge of what was to come what God had promised him Men indeed swear by a greater than themselves with them in all disputes the oath taken for confirmation and final ending strife Accordingly God also in his desire Listen to this he desires This is Hebrews chapter 6 verse 17 accordingly God also in his desire to show more convincingly and beyond doubt so destroyed doubt and unbelief to those who were to inherit the promise the unchangeableness of his purpose and plan intervene mediated with an oath so he gave a promise and an oath verse 18 this was so that by two unchangeable things his promise and his oath in which is impossible for God ever to prove false or deceive us that means God can’t lie we have fled to him the refuge might have mighty indwelling strength strong encouragement to grasp whole fast hope appointed for us and set before us now we have this hope as a Sure steadfast anchor for our soul. It cannot slip and cannot break down under whoever steps out upon it A hope that reaches farther enters into the very certainty of the presence within the veil So God is telling us How you saw him how we dealt with Abraham Isaac and Jacob how we dealt with Moses How we dealt with all these children in this Bible and the Word of God He says it’s my covenant. It’s my promise. It’s my oath. I am NOT I don’t change He says he’s changeless. He’s will not change So if he defended them if he delivered them if he brought them out if he restored Unto them what was taken from them. He will do the same for us now So that’s what helps us have that steadfast anchor when we’re waiting for certain things in Prophecy to come to pass when we’re waiting for to see God manifest himself We’re waiting for his glory when we’re waiting for that revival when waiting for this deliverance God is saying in this time He will give you peace and rest in this time You can be strong and not movable in this time You could be unshakable in this time You can be that warrior that God has made you to be as because you were in the army of the Lord You were a child of the Most High God you in the army of the Lord We are in a battle and if you know you’re in battle, you know, there’s strategies of your enemy You know that your enemies trying to pound you down on the ground to get you weaker by the day and God is saying hey If your enemy is trying to pound you down be weaker by the day Don’t you think that I’m the God who would make you stronger by the day? Satan does the opposite of what God does And so again if we focus on God we keep our focus on him in our circumstances Focus on him in what’s going on our nation’s focus on him What’s going on in every aspect of our life? Then we won’t be moved because we will start seeing things through the eyes of Christ Seeing through seeing things through what Jesus has already done. Remember the battle is the Lord’s I read to you Another day second Chronicles chapter 20. That is a great chapter I love that chapter in the Bible especially when it looks like you are outnumbered and especially when it looks like things are so impossible that you can’t get up and You’re going to lose. I love go read second Chronicles all of chapter 20 Okay. Now I’m gonna go back over this prophetic word again Okay, so it says things will begin to happen live on air With major exposures that are about to take place get ready for the power grab and the lies your enemies will tell but also get ready for the truth that is hitting your enemies when they least expect it and ALL WILL CHANGE SUDDENLY and you are about at that time Get ready for my hand to move my children and say at the Lord your Redeemer So there are a couple of things in this paragraph. So things are gonna hit start happening on Live TV So things when they’re not on live TV can be set up to look a certain way Okay, but on live TV It’s not that same way. So God says things will begin to happen on live TV Exposures that are about to take place. He says listen with all these things are happening on live TV with all these exposures Get ready for the power grab. That means when more things go wrong Against the establishment not only in this country, but the globalists when things start going even more wrong for them Get ready for a power grab Why do I say that? Because the Lord just brought something up to me while I was speaking that to you. He said look what happened with the power grab in Exodus the more Moses went to him and Said let my people go the more Moses used The resistance with the power of Almighty God to show the works of the power of the great I AM It was pushing Pharaoh back and with that resistance it made him mad and So then he pushed back even greater or you could say he was trying to make an ultimate power grab To try to make the children of Israel’s life. So Beyond anything we can imagine on how bad that they were living at that particular time If he could have he would have killed all of them But he wasn’t going to because then he was gonna build his empire But he didn’t want to come to cause the greatest damage So this is what they’re doing. They’re trying to cause great damage against us Because they’re getting this pushback They’re getting this resistance They’re seeing things that aren’t going the way they used to go and God saying get ready for a power grab and they’ll lies But that’s all your enemy does remember Satan is the Father of lies So anybody that’s on his side lies a lot So he says the power grab and the lies your enemies will tell but also get ready for the truth So every lie is going to be revealed but truth is gonna destroy every lie It’s hitting your enemies when they least expect it So that they’re not gonna see this coming Pharaoh did not see the Red Sea coming our enemies will not see what’s about to come And then God said EVERYTHING WILL CHANGE SUDDENLY and you are about at that time So God is saying to get ready because again things are going to intensify So it’s going to look like it’s crazier and more impossible and it looks like it’s darker or looks like it’s worse But God said that’s that power grab they’re trying but don’t focus on that power grab Focus on what God is doing focus on him and then you won’t be moved by it Guesses what God has been warning. He’s been warning us over and over and over again. Then he says this is in bold Cheaters, there’s a couple of things that have been bold too that I should have mentioned earlier. CHEATERS ARE ABOUT FALL IN FRONT OF THE WORLD That’s cheaters in many different ways because cheaters are about to fall in front of the world and prove on how your Elections were SELECTIONS Then that’s what he says. There were selections from the deep state in who they wanted, how things would be handled and and Controlled and what would be shown and what wouldn’t be what would be told and what wouldn’t be this was all part of a systematically Changing and ultimately destroying the United States of America that it was always meant to be so the the reason why they were doing “selections” and not Elections is because they’re trying to stop what a nice(?) of America was supposed to always be It was blessed by and still is blessed by Almighty God no matter what it looks like But there are times where God has taken away his hand to let things go the way they went to wake people up, to stop taking things for granted. But God said, listen, he said, he was, now this is not, this has been going on. These “Selections”, and not elections, have been going on in countries around the world, not just ours. We’ve been seeing these in other countries, including like a place like Brazil. They’re going on all over the world. Why for global control? But if this is their last piece this country United America and Israel if they get those two They get the rest of the world Why? Nation of Israel is God’s nation. He made that land He gave that land to his people with a promise then with this country This country was made by loving God and wanting to freely serve him It was given to Almighty God even with our first President of America. The first thing he did President Washington the first thing that he did George Washington he went up and he prayed for over four hours right after he was elected President and Gave this country to God So these two countries are the countries that Satan wants the most and that’s why you’ve seen Them tried to steal as much as I can away from Israel. And that’s why you see what’s going on here But guys saying listen He’s changing it He’s going to destroy what has been built up He says the walls of the White House are about to show and reveal to this country of what had all been hidden in it And caused great chaos to erupt in your politics Can you imagine what has been hidden in the White House that will bring great chaos in United States and in the political realm of the United States in politics if you find out What people were truly all about and what they were really doing that’s gonna cause an uproar for We we sort of know we were starting we’re starting to see more and more truth But this is gonna bring shockwaves God even says shock and awe He said this isn’t bold YOUR ELECTIONS ARE ABOUT TO CHANGE IN A WAY NO-ONE SAW COMING because we’ve had “Selections” in the past how many years and it goes beyond 2020 Be way before that. We’ve had Selections not elections. And so God says he’s changing elections in a way, no one saw. Then he says a Great reveal of things hidden in your White House is coming. Now. Look what he says. It’s gonna be the great reveal cameras will reveal something no one thought was possible then he says more audio recordings are coming between the Biden and Obama To prove how false and how fake everything has been and who really has been controlling this country and who really? Who were really in charge? Because we obviously know it’s not the Biden That’s obvious Now they said Brace for the announcement now He gave the prophetic where I think it was yesterday’s or the day before that about a Great Announcement that was gonna take place so the announcement was gonna come out of the White House and then there was gonna be Announcement out of Supreme Court then he’s talking about this announcement again And he says Brace for this announcement. Remember WHO HAS BEEN HIDING IN THE BASEMENT WILL BE FULLY EXPOSED THEN THE ONE CONTROLLING THE ONE HIDING IN THE BASEMENT WILL BE FULLY EXPOSED There’s a lot there because he had me put in bold fully exposed for the one hiding in the basement but also fully exposed for the one who’s been controlling the one hiding in the basement. There’s gonna be a lot there that is going to be exposed and unraveled that we didn’t see coming. So then he says in this other paragraph, he says, yes, your enemies are about to let the Biden take the fall. Now, there was prophecies back in the beginning of 2022 that talked about Hunter, that talked about Biden, that talked about the laptops, that talked about his cognitive function, that talked about the more you see these things out in the news, and there are certain stations that are letting this come out, you will notice that is the key or your sign to let you know that they are letting him fall because he’s too much of a risk for them because of his cognitive function is declining so rapidly that they can’t keep propping him up. So he’s going to be the fall guy. They’re letting Hunter go, that’s what they were letting Hunter’s stuff come out first, and then Biden’s stuff come out, and then they were trying to hide how it was all connected to Obama, but if it’s between Obama and Biden, they’re gonna let Biden fall without a shadow of a doubt. So God is saying your enemies are about to let Biden take the fall. Yes, that great fall is coming and with this fall will bring a new surprise that NO ONE EVER SAW COMING A great surprise that no one ever saw coming. He also had me put that in bold. Then he says a great evil empire is imploding in front of you. I’ve told you before that there is more to the open borders that you know about is much worse than anyone thought on On who the establishment was letting in certain people how strategically they were being placed around this country I am stopping their ultimate Terrorist attack that would bring in martial law and complete shutdown of society as a whole So before I go on that’s what they wanted Complete shutdown of society as a whole we saw the beginning of that their tests run and that was Covid shutting down society as a whole and There will be a shutdown God said and he says I am shutting down their systems Their control their laws their governments and restoring freedom to my nations. So what they want is an ultimate shutdown a Lockdown even worse what we had before and definitely longer than what we had before and that would and if people even hearing that We have pride freak them out, but that’s why This is why God is saying he’s giving us some of these things that were going to happen This was a plan of the enemy this was their ultimate plan and this is the reason why he’s giving it to us through these prophetic words is because This is what happens if we were to give up and quit This is what happens if we don’t stand this is what would have happened if we didn’t get up use our authority Stand and take back what was rightfully ours. This is could wait could be what has happened and it could have been far worse now But God’s people the remnant the people who are using their God-given authority are holding all of this back God is showing you don’t ever give give in or give up to what the enemy is trying to do Because the thing that the enemy wants you to believe that if you give up your life will be easier You can you can take a vacation No, you can’t you’ll lose more of your freedom. That’s why it’s so important for us to know What’s the ultimate? Okay, so if we keep standing and nothing looks like it’s happening, but what’s good for that? What’s what’s it? What’s it? What’s the use? Why wouldn’t waste our strength and energy? Because you’re what your enemy wants is far worse than what we’ve ever seen thus far It’s worse than Covid That’s what the enemy wants. It’s worse by far worse than that If that’s just a trial run just think what they ultimately wanted So he’s saying he’s promising us there is a shutdown and what God is saying and he’s shutting down all of that system. All of what was going to bring in all of that for that ultimate shutdown for the world. Because this is not just about the United States of America. They didn’t want to shut down the United States. They want to shut down everything globally, and that’s what we saw three years ago. Everything was shut down. Countries completely shut down. It was the craziest thing. I remember walking around going, it’s like being in a movie. It was so hard to fathom what we were seeing in front of our eyes. They want to bring that back because they want to bring uncertainty. They want to bring fear. They want to bring in so much control that you have nothing left for your freedom. And that’s why it’s so important what God’s talking about this great American Revolutionary War is in a fight where it looks like you’re going to lose and it’s hard for you to stand. God is saying, that’s when you dig in your heels even more and stand longer, harder, and stronger. Get yourself up. He will help you do it. Then he says, nothing is stopping the avalanche that is coming. A great and mighty avalanche of truth that will level anything in its path. Now if you think naturally an avalanche, if you see one of those naturally happen, it destroys everything in its path because of the power that comes from the mountain and that avalanche that comes down that force that comes down with it and God is saying avalanche of truth is so Destructing to the enemy It will it will just annihilate it will destroy anything in this path. Truth is coming What is truth God’s Word is truth and God’s Word the truth sets people free He says the establishment the Washington establishment is being annihilated by my hand, but first they will scream So before it’s completely annihilated, he’s showing you and giving you a heads up of this is what’s gonna happen. They’re gonna scream inflation. Juliet already has been. Yeah it has, but they want more. They want it worse. They want things to get worse. This is just a little bit. They want you more uncomfortable more dependent on the government to help you. So inflation, they’re gonna scream inflation. So you’ll see higher inflation rates. They will scream shortages. You could see store shelves emptied again. They will scream economic collapse. That’s what they want for sure. And then they want the collapse of their Almighty dollar because they want digital currency. Why? Digital currency they can control more. They don’t want Cash. They don’t want Cash. Even in the book of Revelation, you will see that you couldn’t buy or sell unless you had the mark of the beast. This is what they’re trying right now. It’s not gonna happen right now, but this is what they’re trying to implement right now. The mark of the beast. They’re trying to get us to the point where we can’t buy or sell Anything they want digital because they want to control you They don’t want you free at all. They will scream about a democracy and Their supposed truth now, I want to get into it that this nice of America is not a democracy We are a constitutional Republic You’ll see the Democrats has all time in some establishment and you see talk about democracy democracy democracy democracy They say that all the time but that’s not what it is. We are a Constitutional Republic and the difference between that is Democracy versus Republic. A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, okay, where 51 % can take away the rights of the other 49%. That’s democracy. Let me read that again. Democracy versus a Republic. A democracy is nothing more than a mob rule where 51 % can take away the rights of the other 49%. You see all the time in Washington. Democracy, democracy, democracy. That’s not what we are. Whereas a Republic is a government of laws. That’s why we have the Constitution United States of America They’re trying to just throw that Constitution out as it’s this old piece of paper that doesn’t it’s not relevant for today This is a democracy now. Listen a democracy never lasts long It soon wastes itself and exhausts and murders itself because there’s never was a democracy that didn’t commit suicide So when you have all these people shouting democracy, democracy, democracy, don’t listen to what they’re saying. We are a Constitutional Republic, a republic that’s governed by laws. That’s why we have laws. And you can see this two tiered justice system right now, where you have these people that are not paying attention to any law whatsoever. They’re not paying attention to our constitution whatsoever. It’s like spitting in the face of all of our founding Fathers and our constitution, which Our freedoms as we the people and they’re trying to change they’re trying to change your mindset That’s why there’s so much propaganda. So you don’t think What is really truly yours they want you to change your mindset So you think something is one way when it’s actually another The same thing that Satan did to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden He twisted them in the fact of he’s saying I’m gonna give you something that they already had and that’s what these people do Satan there’s nothing new under the Sun Satan is always twisted the truth He’s always tried to twist something and for people to believe in and something that they already have and that’s how he steals it From people so that’s what God is saying it and when he was showing me when he said democracy. He goes look it up So I’m like, okay, so I started studying it and looking it up He said look it up and see what it says I’m like, okay, and he wanted me to share that because don’t listen to some of the things they’re saying They’re using key phrases and key words again This is propaganda But he says they’re gonna scream about democracy which they have and they will continue to and their supposed truth What because their truth or it’s lies? They try and try and try but they have nothing they have no facts to back up their their what they’re saying He says yes, these are the days of great destruction Yes, great destruction of the evil that has been controlling the earth and trying to control my nation Then he says there’s coming a day the ones who you see against you Oh United States and Israel will be brought to nothing Then he talks about Al-Qaeda will fall Hamas will fall Hezbollah will follow just like Isis like you saw Isis He says then he says these are the days of the Pharaohs of today to be judged and great and judgments are coming I’m writing down great judgment in this hour because I have said before it is time for your enemies to reap the great harvest of destruction They have sown Upon this earth and against my nations it says in God’s Word you reap what you sow They’ve so great destructions and that’s what they’re going to get Then he says My children great backlash and great blowback of an evil that has been constantly attacking you So he knows that all the assignments of the enemy are being destroyed by my hand great eruptions are about to begin everywhere When more whistleblowers come forth more videos will surface and more phone conversations will be heard So we had me put that in bold MORE WHISTLEBLOWERS WILL COME FORTH MORE VIDEOS WILL SURFACE AND MORE PHONE CONVERSATIONS WILL BE HEARD He says you are coming into an explosive amount of evidence to push back against your enemies and shatter the walls that had built up against you. Remember my children, your enemies have no protection against me. And again, all of this of what he is saying is everything that has been systematically made to bring us down will be our enemies downfall. It’s kind of like a boomerang. It’ll boomerang back on each and every one of them. Again, this is not a people thing. This is good versus evil. We have to pray for people. We pray for people to wake up. We pray for people to see what’s really truly going on. There are times where I see pictures, I see certain videos, I give it on the Prophecy Fulfilled, and it just makes my heart hurt. Because even what God said in the last days, which we are in, He said, you know, in the last days good will be betrayed as evil, good will be betrayed as evil, and evil as good. You can see that on such a level I never thought we would ever see and now we’re seeing it this world is growing darker by the day but God says we are growing brighter by the day he says we’re in this world but we’re not of it and so what do we need to be we are called to the salt and the light in this earth What does salt do cleanses it heals? light Dispenses or destroys darkness dispels darkness. So this is what we have to do is showing the most high God’s uh Julie But my life is dark. My circumstances are horrible and God’s saying he is freeing you For you to be that person that is able to be used by him to be able to help the world Why do you think that we’re all each and every one of us have been under such spiritual attack or physical attack or mental attack? Attack on your family, attack on your finances. Why do you think we’re under so much attack? So are the children of Israel right before their Exodus. So if we put it in the perspective of God, we put it in the right perspective, then we can see things a totally different way. We can see things that they’re not impossible. They are going to change no matter what it looks like. God is in control. So I want to pray over each and every one of you before I go. So Heavenly Father, right now in Jesus’ name, I just lift up every person right now at the sound of my voice. Father God, I don’t know what they need. But you do. You know exactly what every person, with every circumstance, with every pain, with all the discouragement, with all the sorrow, the grief, the things that are overwhelming each and every one of them, things that are trying to chain them and enslave them, things that are trying to bring them down, things that are trying to overwhelm them to give up and quit, things that are trying to see them out of what’s rightfully theirs. Father God, I thank you right now for these walls of the enemy to come down against your People against Father God in your body against Father God the church against Father God I thank you right now that no weapon formed against them shall prosper. I Praise and I thank you Father God for your glory You said it that we can call down your glory, which is your presence your power and your goodness So I’m asking you Father God for your power Your presence and your goodness to be seen and to be shown in your people that they realize Father God who they are in you that you show them. They’re not just a somebody that they are a child of God They are somebody special in your sight and you chose them for this very day in this very hour and No decision that ever made and no past failure and no sin they’ve ever committed Will keep them from your assignment will keep them from your love will keep them from you and I thank you Father God as our enemy is growing weaker that your children are growing stronger with more revelation knowledge and understanding and I thank you Father God right now for their freedom for revelation knowledge for wisdom knowledge understanding for clarity of mind they know that they know that they know that you are on their side that you are on the inside of them and that you are in control and we thank you Father God for all of this in Jesus name Amen Now again if you are discouraged today remember our prayer team. We pray every day for each and every one of you. You guys are always on our hearts and on our minds, our viewers, our partners, everyone around the world. You are our brothers and sisters in Christ. We may not know each other personally, but God has brought us all together for this moment in time to be heavy-armed soldiers to be united as one because Jesus is the head and we are the body That’s why it’s so important not to get into strife and not to get into You know this so-and-so said this and so-and-so to that and I can’t stop doing that special with pastors or anything else pray for people We can’t be divided in the body of Christ. We had to be united We can’t be naming names and and and you know getting nasty with about people We have to be praying for each and every one of us Praying for each other praying for an awakening praying for uniting That’s what we’re supposed to do in this time. Our enemy is trying because the house divided gets itself It cannot stand our enemies trying to divide Okay, why God is trying to unite? so that is why we have to and the body of Christ is to pray for unity and strength in the body of Christ, so I really do hope this encouraged you and I am gonna start doing more live shows like this because that’s what the Lord has for me to do and Again, like I said earlier you have a prayer team here that prays for you. So you were not alone Okay, you’re not alone, even though your circumstances may tell you that, even though you may feel like that, but nobody understands you, trust me. If no one else, if you don’t think anybody else understands you around the world, God does. God knows exactly what you’re going through and he has the way out of it. Well, I hope this encouraged you today. Please like, subscribe and share and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs to hear the truth because the truth will set you free. God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day.

Guessing game for who controls Obama controlling the Biden ?
Kissinger ? SOROS ? Zbigniew Brzezinski. ?
All from the THE GRAND CHESSBOARD school of thought. Could be a Rothschild in the woodpile. We know Hilary took a phone call from Lady Rothschild to bomb Libya into the stone age. Hilary wrote grovelling emails to the Rothschilds.
Can this below be a serious question ? In light of the Supremes current announcement introducing racial tilt into voting ? This legal question about the rule of Law and elections. Rumble comment
Loy Brunson and his brothers’ case was re-instated when the appellate court ruled that it had made a mistake. It is now going forward and the next court date is June 22nd. Their case should win, which would mean the past election was invalid because on January 6th many failed to uphold their constitutional duties regarding fraud in the election. Most in congress will lose their seats because of this and the Biden Administration will need to vacate. It’s coming.
Same Supreme court that cant define woman.
US Supreme Court Issues MAJOR Election Decision Ahead of 2024