Searchable transcript for the serious and this WARNING IS SERIOUS

Message starts at Red Text

Goood Morning, Everybody. Today is Thursday, June 15th of 2023 and I have another powerful prophetic word to give to you today. And it’s called A SHOCKING ANNOUNCEMENT IS ABOUT TO COME OUT OF YOUR WHITEHOUSE This is the second prophetic word that I heard on June 7th. So what I’m going to do here in a minute after the announcements, I will share the Screen and take you to the video that it was actually the prophetic word. I received was on our daily prayer call Before I get to that if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports Please go to our website at JGM international org under our contact page where you can write us at Julie Green ministries international 4620 East 53rd Street suite 200 Davenport, Iowa 52807 And also, if you missed the live show with Pastor Dave yesterday, it was another, again, another powerful show that was confirming what is going on in the world with the prophetic words that God has already given us. Because prophetic words are God giving us the news before the news. So he’s confirming his word over and over and over again for us to be focused on him and realizing that He is the one in control and not the things that we are seeing upon the earth right now. So what I’m going to do is I am going to, um, get this up on my screen here and I will share my screen and I will share the video with you.


These are the days I’ve warned you about. These are the days that I’ve spoke of in my word. These are the days that I have spoke about through my prophets. These are the days of great and mighty changes. Things are coming, coming so quickly, it’ll shock many. Things are coming. I’ve told you about things are building, building up, building up, building up the pressure, the pressure, building up a pressure like an active volcano when it’s just about to blow and the magma chamber is full and it has to have somewhere for it to go. So is the time that you are living in. The pressure has been building up and building up and building up and building up in the spirit. It’s about to explode and to come to that explosive place. The place where enemies are rising up to give it their best shot. To do everything they can at one time to bring in what they want. Their global governance, their global reset, their global currency, and their global depopulation. They have the means. They have many things backing them up, but I’ve told you they didn’t see me. In their arrogance and their pride, they don’t see me. They still don’t see me. Just like this volcano, the pressure is building is about to blow in the spirit and you will see it naturally. There’s been a great storm, a great storm merging together like a cold front and a warm front just about at that point. My children, right now, at that point of this perfect storm, at the boiling point of a volcanic eruption, spiritually, there are things that are about to happen worldwide, and especially in my land of the eagle, that will shake you to your core. It’ll come out of nowhere, it’ll seem. It’ll be abrupt, just like a volcano when it erupts, when people are unaware. So many people are unaware. They’re unaware of what’s brewing in DC. People are unaware what’s brewing in a world stock market. People are unaware what is brewing in the churches. People are unaware of what is brewing underneath the ground been hidden many things hidden about to be revealed. Get prepared and get your homes in order. Get your spirits ready to receive me. An outpouring is coming. But so many of my children could not receive this outpouring. They’re too much in the world. And live by the world and how the world thinks. That’s why I’ve said in my written word to renew your mind. That way you’re not conformed to this world around you. Things are falling apart for your enemies. They’re falling apart. Something shocking, shocking will come out of your White House, a shocking announcement. Something shocking will come out of Supreme Court and you think you know what it is but you don’t. People won’t see these things coming. Not this way. Look up and focus on me. You will need to focus on me. In this time, yes, a great darkness is brewing and the evil ones, they are preparing. They are preparing for great evil to put in this world and do to you in a way they’ve never done. I will hold them back and they won’t get what they want. But my children, I need you to speak my words. Do what I tell you to do. Stand and pray and focus. Focus. Focus on me and who I really am and what I have already done for my children. What I’ve already done in this earth to save mankind from exactly what Satan wants to do every time. I’m no different. An announcement is going to be made. A great announcement. O United States, prepare for this announcement. It’ll be one where they will try to bring and break you one last time. to bring in division, discord, confusion, and despair. But this, what they’re doing, will end their evil empire and their evil regime. They’re not going down without a fight. No, they’re fighting. They’re fighting hard. They don’t care who they take out with them. My army. My army is being built. My army is being perfected. My army is growing. An army that’s unstoppable. An army that’s undefeated. So get up. Get up where you are. Get fed up. Get fed up with where with where you are and what the enemy has done to you. Get fed up. Stand up. Use my word. Use my word with force. Manifestations of my word will come quicker and quicker and quicker and quicker. Despite the darkness. Despite the announcements. Despite the shaking. Despite everything that they’re doing. On the other side it’s like my Goshen glory light revival prosperity yes one side there’s darkness and destruction and chaos and another side it’s so beautiful it’s a uniting in me and receiving my glory that I’ve always wanted to pour out. Things that I had been holding back because I had to. My children limited me. They didn’t believe. They didn’t see. They didn’t expect. They didn’t ask. I said, seek and you will find. Ask, ask and it will be given unto you. Remember, knock and the door will be opened. I’ve been waiting for my kids to ask. I’ve been waiting for my kids to seek. I’ve been waiting for my kids to come to my door. I’m a Father who wants to give. So despite what you see, despite what goes on, live with me. Live with me in my glory. These are those days. Don’t look for the bad. Look for my goodness. Don’t pay attention to the darkness. Pay attention to the great light. I’m doing things for my children I’ve never done. Know this. And it brings great joy to my heart. Great joy. So sing, sing, sing. Sing praises. Sing praises. And watch your enemies scatter before your face. Because I the Lord am coming am coming I am coming and the world will see that I am not dead I am still alive and I am the same great I AM sayeth the Lord.

Julie Commentary OKAY so while I was listening with you all during that prophetic word to the Lord Again, he gave that to me last week during a prayer call There was a couple different scriptures that he was giving to me at that very moment while he while he was giving that prophetic word And speaking it through me. One of the things that he was giving me is first and foremost is John John 16, I know this is one of my favorite scriptures. I’ve given to you before But it came into my spirit again, and I had to give it John 16 33. I have told you these things That in me you may have perfect peace confidence in the world. You’ll have tribulation trials distress and frustration But be of good cheer take courage be confident certain undaunted for I’ve overcome the world I have deprived it of its power to harm you and I’ve conquered it for you So one thing that he was telling you was all the evil things that are going to happen upon the earth They’re gonna make an announcement It’s gonna sound like it’s gonna be chaotic and it’s caused discord and confusion and people won’t know what to do Where to go or whatever and God is saying listen, that is for the world So he says in the world you may have trials tribulations frustrations distress, but he’s saying BUT Be of good cheer. You can say how can you do these things? How can you be of good cheer when all these chaotic things are happening around you? He said the reason why you could be a good cheer. He said take courage Be confident certain undaunted for I’ve overcome the world I’ve deprived it of its power to harm you and I’ve conquered it for you So he’s telling you to focus on what he has done. He has already conquered the world He’s already conquered our evil one. He’s already brought Satan to nothing and to make no effect He’s already disarmed him again Go read Colossians 2 and 15 also read Hebrews 2 and 14 and the reason for these scriptures It’s so important because when all these things are happening You’re focusing on the Word of God what God is saying and not what the evil is going on around the world around you To get you to be conformed or get you to be confused or get you get in a fear and then it takes your focus off God and then you submit to what the enemy wants to do And you just give in to it and then you’re a part of it God says NO He’s given he was giving me a prophetic word several. I don’t know if it was a year or a year and a half ago It was called like the great separation. I think it is what it was. He talked about his separation. That’s going to happen Again, another separation that happened was Goshen and Egypt. And so he mentioned Goshen. He’s even one of the things that was, I, it caught my ear when I even heard him say it the first time when I was speaking, it was, he said, my Goshen, why? Because it was almost like he just had Goshen and he was just like this and he just had it in his arms and he was just protecting it from all the outside things that happened. It was like he was giving it a big hug and just surrounding it and it was saying this is mine Because these are my people. It’s my promise my covenant that I have given to them I’m on their protector and he’s saying this is what we need to believe from him that he is still that protector today Then he gave me another scripture While I was listening to that it’s Colossians Colossians chapter one and verse 12, giving thanks to the father who has qualified in us and made us fit to share the portion, which is the inheritance of the saints, God’s holy people in the light. Then it goes on to say the Father, this is verse 13, the classic amplified version. The Father has delivered and drawn us to himself out of the control and the dominion of darkness And has transferred us in the kingdom of his son of his love He’s drawn us out of that darkness So even though there’s a darkness in the world today and he even talks about it getting darker but in the scripture, it says the Father has delivered and drawn us out Just like he did in Goshen He delivered and he drew them out of what was happening. No matter the plagues that happened at particular time in Egypt The children of Israel in Goshen were not affected. Look what happened with the angel of death again. They were not affected and Then there’s another scripture He just gave me I’ll go back to John 17 Again showing us that we are Separated from the world, even though we are in it. We are not of it. This is scriptural John 17 in verse 30. This is one of the scriptures or one of the prayers the last prayers that Jesus prayed He’s in verse 13 and now I’m coming to you. I say these things which while I am still in the world that my joy may be full and Complete and perfect in them that they may experience my delight fulfilled in them that my enjoyment may be perfected in their souls That they may have my gladness within them filling their hearts. So again right here What is it talking about first and foremost in the scripture in verse 13? He’s talking about joy That my joy may be full in them. Why because the joy of the Lord is your strength so he wants you to have joy even in the midst of all this chaos and destruction and darkness You can still have joy because the joy of the Lord is your strength and he’s the one who gives it to you So the more you’re in God’s Word the more joy you will have Now remember it says in Mark 4 and 14 where the sower sows the word it comes it says that Satan comes to immediately steal the Word so what do you have to do you to protect the word that’s been put in your heart So no matter what happens in your life or the circumstance or whatever it is You make sure you protect the words that you are hearing. Okay Then it says in verse 14 I have given and delivered to them your word or your message and the world has hated them because they are not of the world Do not belong to this world just as I am not of this world stop He’s even Jesus said they’ve hated them because they are not of this world You see all the persecution of Christians on this earth to date Why? Persecution of the five-fold ministry in this world today. Why? Because we are not of this world Jesus warned of this he said they’re gonna look at he said I’ve given delivered to them your word the message and the world has Hated them. He told us that the world was gonna hate us. Why because we are not a part of them We don’t did we don’t conform We don’t agree with So you can see these people that you don’t agree with them And they automatically just harden their heart and they just freak out because it’s only, you know, black and white Now look at this verse 15. I do not ask that you take them out of this world But you keep and protect them from the evil one What did he do in Goshen? He didn’t take them out of Goshen But he protected Goshen from everything that happened in Egypt verse 16 They are not of this world Worldly belonging to this world. This is I am NOT of this world sanctify that purify consecrate separate them Your for yourself make them holy by truth. Your word is truth So, how are we separated from the world? Through God’s written word? Another scripture again, I’ve given all these scriptures to you many times before he’s giving to them in this context It’s because he’s talking about a separation that even though crazy things may happen He said you’re in this world, but you’re not of it. He said it twice in Two scriptures you’re in it, but you’re not of it. Then he reminds you again That was John 17 13 through 17 write that down and then also Colossians 1 12 through 14 It says in verse 13 that he’s delivered you out of the darkness of this world Okay And then also you can read again in Colossians 2 and 15 that he’s disarmed our enemy and then Hebrews 2 214 it says that he’s brought him to nothing to make no effect Romans 12 in Verse 1 I beseech you therefore my brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies living as a living sacrifice Holy acceptable to God, which is a responsible service or reasonable service. Excuse me in verse 2. Do not be conformed to this world To be transformed transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may be proved That was as good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Okay here in the Amplify says do not be conformed to this world or this age Okay, then it says fashioned after and adapted to its external superficial customs be transformed changed by the entire renewal of your mind by its new ideals and its new attitude. So again, Jesus what Jesus was saying in John 17 verse 13 through 17 is how do we separate ourselves from the world? We’re in it, but we’re not of it How do we separate ourselves through the truth, which is the Word of God is truth And then it says in Romans 12 verses 1 through 2 It says you conform you’re not conformed to this world because what the renewing of your mind So it changes your ideals it changes your thoughts and that’s how we see things through the Word of God We can see things through the eyes of God and see things how he sees them not how we have seen them We don’t have to see things that are impossible to see things that there are You know that are not going to change again. God said that the evil one was what? Deceiving he said they can even deceive the elect why? Because they don’t know for a lack of knowledge If you don’t have the Word of God and you don’t the truth and the truth is not separating you is that renewing your mind So you’re not changing your thoughts you can be deceived and That’s why we’re supposed to pray that that all the people that we know that we love that the blinders are removed So they are not deceived anymore to a lie Which is what’s going on in the world today because God keeps saying that things are not how they appear to be God has said in more prophetic words. I don’t even know how many he’s been saying it in but he’s been saying that We’re supposed to walk by faith. This is a time. We have to walk by faith We can’t go by our five physical senses anymore. We have to walk by faith, which is what our trust in in God Trusting in what he’s saying trusting in his word, you know, also he gave me another scripture This is 1st Corinthians 2 and 9 and it says in the amplified version but just as it’s written in the scriptures things which the eye has not seen and The ear has not heard which has not entered the heart of man all that God’s prepared for those who love him Who hold him in affectionate reverence who obey him Who Grata gratefully recognize the benefits that he has bestowed. So what no eyes that we’re seeing no ears ever heard things We are about to experience no one has ever experienced before Talk to this magnitude. So you look at the magnitude of the Red Sea night I know I give this example a lot But what else can you give that example to the Red Sea the example of it? No eyes ever seen what God’s gonna do even the Red Sea is not even as significant as what God’s gonna do now And it’s like it boggles your mind in a way She’s just like the Red Sea was the Red Sea and it’s like it was so awesome and powerful and God says you haven’t seen anything yet And our natural mind is trying to keep up with that. Like how is that even possible possible, but it is Alright now I’m gonna go back over and read the prophetic word. So he says Sing sing praises now. I think it was yesterday’s prophetic word. They talked about 2nd Chronicles chapter 20 And the reason why it’s so important to sing is because when we sing it destroys the power of the enemy The enemy doesn’t know what to do when you’re singing praising instead of sulking and getting in and you know Just worry and doubt and unbelief and you’re feeling sorry for yourself and all these things when you start to praise and worshiping him It destroys the power and the enemy they don’t know what to do. They get confused and they run You see that’s why God put the praise and worshipers on the front lines in battle. It destroys the power of the enemy so that’s why God is saying sing sing praises sing praises and watch your enemies scatter and Before your face because I the Lord am coming am coming. I am coming He says it three times and the world will see that I am NOT dead that I am still alive I am still the same great. I AM sayeth the Lord again He is going to show the world that he’s not a doctor and people that doctor nations I’ve said the people in the church’s religion and legalism. It’s not what all these other religions are saying about guys It’s not what what man is saying about God’s not what atheists are saying about God It’s not what all these other people are saying about God God saying I’m gonna show the world who I truly am And not a version of what man has made me out to be He’s gonna show the world that he is the same yesterday today and forever He’s gonna show the world that he’s still the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob He’s gonna still show the world that he’s a great I am the one that was in the book of Exodus who saved an entire nation in a day. That’s God He says look for my goodness. So stop looking at all the evil that’s going on It’s easy to look at all that stuff because I look for my goodness I mean focus on him look look to the word get into his presence again I say every day don’t take my word for you guys are probably getting annoyed with that, but don’t take my word for it Okay, that’s why I give you these scriptures that not just a prophetic word. It’s important to give you prophetic words Yes, and God has given us for these days because it’s like fresh manna from heaven. It’s beautiful what he’s doing But I also tell you it can’t it has to line up with the word and if it doesn’t throw it out with just throw It out, but I want you to get in these revelations for yourself. God will give them to you Don’t take my word for it and get into the word. He will give you these revelations He says don’t pay attention to the darkness pay attention to that great light that I’m doing things for my children I’ve never done no and it brings great joy to my heart great joy. And he says so sing sing Why does it bring great joy? It brings great joy when his children are paying attention to him and not everything else around them And not paying attention to what Satan is doing and all the people he’s using It brings God great joy that his children trust him. I have three sons It brings me great joy when they trust me If my sons didn’t trust me that would break my heart But I hoped in them the time that I’ve been their mom That I’ve proven to them that they can trust me in the good times. They can trust me in the bad times They can trust me in any time They can trust me with you know, they’re anything that’s going on in their life They can trust me and I tell you I have a very open line of communication with my children And it blesses me every day thinking about it They say things to me that you know that other kids wouldn’t to their parents They entrust me with what’s going on in their life, and it’s beautiful, and it brings such joy to my heart as a mother. But that’s how God is. God is even a greater parent than we are. He even calls us. This is the first time He says, and He didn’t say children, He said kids. I say kids. I don’t say my children, I say kids. He says both. We are His children. We are His kids. He says, come to my door. I’m a I’m a father who wants to give, and as a parent, I’m a big giver. Sometimes, a lot of people would say, and my kids are spoiled, I love to spoil my kids. I do, but at the same time, I want them to be appreciative of what I’m giving them, but I love to just see their faces when I do something for them, and I just completely surprise them out of nowhere. I just do that every once in a while. I just surprise them with something. I love to do that. I just love to surprise my kids, because I’m a father who wants to give, so despite what You see despite what goes on live with me live with me live in me and my glory Live in my glory is what he’s saying. These are those days going for the bad live in his glory We can do that. Remember we can say show us your glory Lord like me from Moses said show me your glory God We can do that. What’s his glory write this down. The glory is God manifested presence his power and his goodness So the manifestation of his presence of his power and his goodness and we can ask for more of that praise God Then he says on one side. There’s darkness and destruction and chaos on another side. They’re so beautiful. It’s uniting me and Receiving my glory that I’ve always wanted to pour out these things I have been holding back because I had to my children limited me because of religious religious minded and legalism in the church. It says they didn’t believe, they didn’t believe, they didn’t see, they didn’t expect, they didn’t ask. I said, seek and you will find. Ask, ask, ask and it will be given unto you. Remember, knock and the door will be opened to you. I’ve been waiting for my children to ask. I’ve been waiting for my kids to seek. I’ve been waiting for my kids. He’s been waiting for us. Remember just like the children of Israel when they were walking around in the wilderness, they limited the Holy One of Israel because they’re murmuring, they’re groaning and complaining and we Do the same thing to God now people don’t believe that but it’s in the Bible. It’s in the scriptures. We can delay him We can restrict him. He says get up from where you are and get up get fed up get fed up with where With where you are about what the enemy has done to you get fed up with what the enemy has done to you He says get fed up stand up use my word use my word Because what the word is it that double or the two-edged sword? It’s a weapon. The Word of God is a weapon against your enemy He said, use it with force. So if you were in like a, you know, a battle with knives or with swords, you wouldn’t just be like, you know, like this, like wimpy. You’d be forcefully using it. If someone was trying to attack you and that was what you had to, you know, protect yourself, you would not use a weapon wimpy. You use a weapon forcefully. It’s the same thing with the Word of God. We have to use the Word of God with force. That means speaking it out with God’s power because it is his power not ours He said so Sam use my word use my word. He says it twice with force Manifestations of my word will come quicker and quicker and quicker and quicker Three times despite the darkness despite the announcements despite the shaking despite everything that they’re doing on the other side Ah, it’s like my Goshen glory light revival prosperity. Yes He calls it my Goshen. That’s why I love it Like I said, it’s like I just see that God’s just giving a big hug to and it just protected the land of Goshen and you can read the scriptures about that go read Psalm 91 He’s our protector. Go read Psalm 91. I love all of Psalm 91. Don’t read just some of it read all of that Psalm 91 he says um And this one They don’t care who they take out with them. The enemies don’t care. They don’t care. They take out their neighbor They don’t care if they take out the person that they’ve been working with forever. They don’t care He says my army my army is being built. My army is being perfected. My army is growing an army That’s unstoppable an army is undefeated So get up what he’s perfecting the children of God who are supposed to be in the army of the Lord with the angel armies Who are undefeated? So we’re supposed to be working with the angel armies who are undefeated who are unstoppable We’re in the army of the Lord We just have to start working with what we God has given us God has given us angel armies And it is awesome that God said remember there is more of us than there is of them We just got to start working. So God’s saying here. He’s perfecting the his army What the army the children of God in the army of the Lord and then he’s perfecting us with what? Going in to battle with the angel armies that are with us They’re there waiting for us to speak God’s word. It says they hearken diligently to the voice of Lord thy God. We’ve got to give God’s word a voice and speak. Speak what God needs us to speak. That’s how things come to pass. That’s a whole other teaching that I can’t get into right now. Okay, he says, oh United States, prepare for this announcement. Something’s going to come out of the White House. Don’t know what it is. He said there will be There will be one where they will try to bring and break you one last time. So there’s gonna be announcement They’re gonna try to break us one last time to bring you division discord confusion despair But this what they’re doing will end their evil empire and end their evil regime They’re not going to go down without a fight. No, they’re fighting. They’re fighting hard again. What could happen with Pharaoh? He kept pursuing kept pursuing kept pursuing. It looked like he had them exactly where he wanted them right at the Red Sea They were trapped. They had nowhere to go. This is exactly what the enemies want us to do They want us to feel like we’re trapped. They want to feel like there’s nowhere for us to go They want us to feel like we’re defeated. Why so we submit to them God’s saying don’t ever do that This says, um, I need you to speak my words Do I tell you to do stand and pray and focus focus focus three times on me? You know, I really am and what I’ve already done for my children. He’s already done these things I’ve already done in this earth to save mankind from exactly what Satan wants to do He did but Jesus We have a blood covenant with him He’s every time I’m no different an announcement is going to be made a great announcement Then he says prepare for this announcement. Don’t get scared of it. Just prepare. There’s gonna be announcement that they’re gonna try to bring Crap, who knows what it’s gonna be. I don’t know God didn’t tell me and I don’t I don’t care what they what they say what they do God saying and I’m focusing on him. So that’s what I’m doing Again, he’s saying they’re preparing they’re preparing said it twice for great evil to be put on this world and to do And to do to you in a way they’ve never done. I will hold them back and They won’t get what they want and he says but my children speak my words now Remember he will hold them back just like he did in goat with when they were at the Red Sea He held the Pharaoh back with fire or with a cloud he held them back so they could not get to the children of Israel until they completely crossed over the Red Sea then it came down and then Pharaoh went into the Red Sea and there with him and all of his men is where they died God held Pharaoh back and all of his men all that army and God’s doing the same thing now he says this to this world around you things are falling apart for your enemies they are falling apart something shocking shocking will come out of your White House he said shocking Twice will come out of your White House shocking announcement something shocking will come out of your Supreme Court You think you know what it is, but you don’t People won’t see this coming. Not this way He said look up focus on me. You will need to focus on me in this time Yes, a great darkness is brewing and the evil ones are preparing. This is preparing They’re preparing for something big He says get ready to receive me and an outpouring is coming But so many of my children could not receive this outpouring. That’s why it’s taken so long. There’s been a delay He says there’s too much in this world and live by the world and what and how the world thinks there’s too There’s too much in this world and was just basically what he’s saying is there’s too many people in this world The church I summarizing this there’s too many people in the body of christ that are living like the world and They are would have not have received this outpouring That’s why there’s a shaking going on right now That’s why i’ve said in my written word to renew your mind. That’s That way, you’re not conformed to this world around you because things are falling apart around this world. He says, people are unaware what is brewing in the churches. People are unaware what is brewing underneath the ground. Things hidden, many things hidden around or about to be revealed. Get prepared, get your homes in order, get your spirits ready to receive an outpouring as coming. But so many of my children could not receive this outpouring. How do we get prepared? By getting in his word, by praying, by getting into his presence. That’s easy. You get in your prayer closet, whatever you are. You say Heavenly Father in Jesus name. That’s getting to his presence May not feel like it doesn’t matter what it feels like Then it says he’s talking about he said the pressure is building It’s about to blow in the spirit and you will see it naturally things been a great storm a great storm merging together like a cold Front and a warm front just about at that at that point now I live In Iowa and we have had tornadoes here And so if you have a cool front that mixes with a hot like hot that’s when you get tornadoes and really bad thunderstorms God is saying it’s like in the spirit where there’s a cool front and there’s a hot front coming together and it’s creating this massive perfect storm We’re saying this is spiritually also. Okay, then he says and it’s like it’s okay There’s been a great storm a great storm merging together like a cold front and warm front Just about at that point my children right now at that point of this perfect storm at the boiling point of a volcanic eruption So he’s giving you another example of where you’re at things are intensifying Spiritually, there are things that are about to happen worldwide Especially in my land of the eagle that will shake you to your core. It’ll come out of nowhere It will seem it’ll seem abrupt just like a volcano when erupts when people are unaware So many people are unaware that they are unaware of what’s brewing in DC People are aware what’s brewing in the world the stock market people are aware what is brewing the churches and I just read that one They’re unaware of what’s going on Because people are paying attention too much to what they’re seeing and not of the unseen So then it goes on this is the first page that things these are the days i’ve warned you about These are the days that i’ve spoken of my in my word These are the days i’ve spoken about through my prophets. These are the days of great and mighty changes Things are coming coming so quickly things will shock many things are coming again. He said things are coming I’ve told you about things are building building up building up building up Again, he says that multiple times building up the pressure the pressure building up pressure like an active volcano When it’s just about to blow and the magma chamber is full and it’s about it has to have somewhere for it to go So is the time that you were living in the pressure has been building building up building up building up Since four times building up in the spirit is about to explode and come to an explosive place Where the enemies are rising up to give it their best shot Listen to that where the enemies are rising up to give it their best shot That’s why it’s gonna get darker To do everything they can at one time to bring in what they want their global governance or global reset their global currency and their global depopulation They have the means we said but They have many things backing them up, but I’ve told you they didn’t see me in their arrogance their pride They don’t see me. They don’t see me just like this volcano. The pressure is building. They don’t see God coming Just like Pharaoh didn’t see it Pharaoh thought that Red Sea was open for him and not the children of Israel So he arrogantly walked right into that trap and that was his ultimate demise. They’re walking into this trap. It’s gonna be their ultimate demise That’s why we have to again when things God has been saying this things are intensifying This perfect storm is building up and this is why we have to stay focused on God and not interfere This is why it’s so important that he is giving us words like this all the time That he is having daily people get down here daily and speaking. There’s been so many people five full ministry. They’re out here They’re speaking there and then you can you can get encouragement everywhere you look Turn on the Word of God more than you’re turning on anything else and you’ll see your attitude change You’ll see that your mind will change and what you how you see things So I want to pray over what’s about to happen but I really want to pray over each and every one of you that you stand up and that you’re perfected in your faith and Trusting in God and that instead of you know falling down or said I’m getting discouraged that God is really building you up He’s building you up in the most holy faith. Remember he is one you’ve overcome the world You’re a world overcomer. So Julie. No, I’m not. I’m a failure. No, you’re not. You’re a world overcomer Don’t Satan tell you that you’re a world overcomer because you have the greater one on the inside of you first John 4 for him He is in the world So heavenly Father right now in the name of Jesus I just looked up every person the sound of my voice and Father God no matter what announcements no matter what’s about to happen No matter what the evil ones are starting to try to plot and plan and what they’re about to try to do something I thank you Father God that no weapon formed against us shall prosper I thank you just like the land of Goshen that there we are in this world, but we are not of this world We’re not subject to what’s going to happen in this world I thank you Father God because we have a blood covenant with you because we have the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth The children of Israel in the land of Goshen. They had a lamb’s blood, but we have the sacrificial lamb blood We have the blood of Jesus. So we thank you Father God no matter what judgments happen no matter what occurs upon this earth or in this nation or in the nations around the world I thank you Father. God. We are not subject to what happens We are protected by your outstretched hand that you are the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob You are that great I AM and I thank you Father God that we as a body of Christ are Uniting coming together and we are realizing who we are in You that we are not alone. We don’t do things in our own strength I thank you Father God that you are building up each and every person and their most holy faith and Entrusting in you that they are getting built up and their strength They just know that they know that they know that they’re not going to look to the right look to the left look down look Look around but they can just look up and look to you that you are Guaranteed and you are a sure thing and that you have already Given us the victory because the blood of Jesus and we thank you father God for this fresh manna We from heaven every day. We thank you for Father God for what you’re doing in each and every one of their lives. I thank you for bringing us all together for such a time as this and I thank you that the enemies will never get what they so desire and we thank you for being the great I AM and manifesting yourself in our lives in Jesus name amen and amen well hope to encourage you today please like subscribe and share and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word who needs to hear the truth because the truth will set you free. God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day.


The main message is frightening enough. Plus a warning to ignore it.

So its likely to have a paralysing effect on millions of unprepared people.

This major WARNING comes after several other similar dire readings not yet published in this blog. Sometimes I just don’t get time. But the subtitled videos are posted in my Rumble channel. These lessons are rather long thus take more time to process. Perhaps just follow along with Gods message. But sometimes its pure preaching. And Gods putting Julie up to it.

Meanwhile some massively good news is that Tucker Carlson has single handedly destroyed CableTV. The destruction of cable TV was promised long ago but no-one could anticipate how it could happen via Tucker Carlson getting a hundred million views per 10 minute video. Coinciding perfectly with the second arrest of Donald Trump which has backfired via Days of Haman already. His mock trial wont be taking place until AFTER THE next election. Apparently Trumps lawyers must agree to the trial date. Its their decision. So the Trump arrest only serves as a headline distraction for the two 5 million dollar bribes of the Bidens currently in Congress with 17 recorded phone calls to back it up.

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