Searchable transcript for the Serious

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Goood uh Morning, Everybody. Today is actually Tuesday, August 22nd of 2023. You will see this on Monday, August 28th. The reason for that is because I’m traveling home from Las Vegas, Nevada, from the Reawaken America Tour. And I want to make sure that you’ve received this prophetic word, even when I am gone. and tomorrow you will start to see me back doing live shows again at 630 central time so Tuesday I will be on August 29th 630 in the morning central time right here on this rumble and Facebook channel so I will be live once again all right now also I have some exciting to new exciting news to tell you. I’ll get that right. All right. So now on JGMinternational.org, on our website, now it’s not just prophecies, it’s prophecies and teaching. So Lord has been giving several different teachings out recently when I was doing these videos. So the team here, right here in this ministry, the team has put together this wonderful format. So not only you can go and see all of the scriptures to see the points that God was giving and the revelation. You can watch the video and you can follow along in that teaching format. What a great tool. And I’m just so, so extremely blessed to have such a hardworking team. Not only they’re doing this for me, but they’re doing this for you. And I’m just, I love them so much and I just love how they’re making things easier for Everyone and I just am so blessed by that and I hope you are too so again, you can go check that out at JGM international org under prophecy and teachings page So also I next month. I’ll be a part of the Exodus with brother Timothy Dixon And that’s in Atoka Tennessee if you want more information regarding that event You can click on the description box below or you can go to our website at JGM international org under our events page and If you do have any prayer requests or praise reports Please go to our website at JGM international org under our contact page or you can write us at Julie Green ministries international 4620 East 53rd Street suite 200 downport, Iowa 52807 Now, that is all the announcements. And also, if you want any of that information, it is in the description box below for you. Okay.
I heard this prophetic word on August 21st. So it was yesterday for me, but over a week ago for you. All right.
For I, the Lord this day, I’m telling my children to press through like never before. Attacks your enemy is doing to you and the world will grow in intensity. But remember his attacks are nothing compared to me and I live in you. Deception has grown to new levels to deceive more people to join his side. My children that’s why you need to stay focused on me and my word and you will not grow weary, you will not be deceived, distracted, or destroyed. It’s coming. Yes, it’s coming. Many things are at an all-time high and are about to collide spiritually. Your enemy’s new plans, which you are about to see them try to pull it off. I warned you of viruses. I warned you of lockdowns. I warned you about blackouts and a great silence. Not much longer now, but remember what will take place. Your enemy’s ultimate defeat. So no matter how you feel or what things look like, don’t quit believing now.
Prophecies will be fulfilled more and more, faster and faster now. Even ones that look like they were impossible or they would take too long for these to come to pass and they suddenly will, or ones that people thought were conspiracy theories and false prophecies, they too will come to pass and will shock many into receiving the truth regarding my prophets. Pray now for them. Pray for my prophets. Pray for their protection. Pray for their strength. Pray for their vindication. Pray for a great awakening into my body, an awakening that will bring people to their knees and repent for mocking, for laughing, for lying, for attacking those who may have called in this hour to awaken my body. Truth will come out and soon you are about to see great exposures in the body of Christ who were for me and who were for themselves, who were in it for the money and fame, who been assigned to divide the body of Christ, to lead my people in the wrong direction. Great judgment is coming to the body of Christ who have disobeyed, who have infiltrated, who refuse to listen, and were in it for power and their own selfish reasons. Woe to those because judgment is coming, and it will come quickly to remove them. It will come quickly to heal and to strengthen and unite my body for this fight against your enemy. My body stay focused, stay determined, stay united, stay the course and stay with me. It’s about to grow in intensity. But the volcanic eruption of truth is coming to destroy every lie, saith the Lord.
Oh Hollywood, a whistler blower is coming. one that will destroy your plans, destroy your narratives, destroy your power. You are not in control of TV and entertainment. You are not in control of the movies. You are not in control of these nations, or any nation, along with the children. Great judgment is coming to Hollywood. Yes, great judgment that will shake and tear apart that industry. I am breaking your ties and exposing them on how close you were to politicians in the Washington establishment. You put actors in places of power, in places of politicians, not only here, but abroad. Oh yes, a great unmasking is coming to reveal truth, and someone is coming with proof to bring you all down. Sayeth the Lord.
Washington, oh Washington, great is your fall. O D.C. your fall will be like no other fall in time’s past because this judgment is far greater. More signs of your destruction are coming. A great cry in the Capitol will be heard. A video is coming. Yes, an explosive video is coming to prove what is going on in the so-called White House. It’s coming.
A removal is coming, a fall is coming, an outcry is coming, and a surrender is coming. The jackal will be exposed and removed from his seat that doesn’t belong, that he doesn’t belong in. Shout, O United States! Shout for your rightful President’s RE-INSTATEMENT. Yes, I said RE-INSTATEMENT. I’m returning what has been stolen. So continue to stand, continue to pray in the healing of not only this nation, but all the nations is about to begin. Sayeth the Lord, your Redeemer.
Julie Commentary
Now something that he said in the last paragraph, that what was stolen will be returned. That is scriptural, even though it looks ridiculously impossible, or it looks like our entire justice system is falling apart and there’s nothing going to happen to bring justice back. You have to remember that God is justice and God did allow certain things. He said he’s allowed the enemy to go so far, but not any further. I want to read you something about what has been stolen has to be returned. This is a first scripture, but write these down. Remember, I don’t want you to take my word for it. I want you to get into the word of God and get the revelation for yourself. Now, Proverbs six 30 and 31 men do not despise a thief for if he steals to satisfy himself when he is hungry, verse 31, but if he is found out, he must restore seven times what he stole. He must give the whole substance of his house if necessary to meet the fine. Now that was a classic amplified, but if you read Proverbs 6 31 in the New King James, it says, yet when he is found, he must restore seven fold. That’s an even greater revelation about it’s not times, it’s fold. So I don’t have time to get Into that just know it’s bigger than seven times now So what the enemy has stolen he has been found out a lot of us know what has happened in our nation And this is not just about One election or even two this is about what’s happened in our country for the last how many years God said it’s almost going on for a hundred years that our enemies had this is deep establishment that we thought we had rightful elections, and we have not. We thought we had people that were opposed to the Constitution, and they were not. We thought that there was politicians in the country that was using our money wisely, and they are not. But again, God does and allows certain things in order to expose what’s really going on. Now, I want to read several scriptures about God’s promises of what he does to the enemies of Almighty God. So one of the first ones I want you to read, write this down, is Exodus 23, 27, Exodus 23, 27, I will send my terror before you and you will throw into confusion all the people to whom you shall come, and I will make all your foes turn from you in flight. So I want to read a different translation. I will send terror ahead of you and throw into confusion every nation you encounter. I will make all your enemies turn their backs and run. That’s again, Exodus 23, 27, the latter part. I will make all your enemies turn their backs and run But remember he said I will send my terror ahead of you and throw into confusion every nation you encounter What has God told us and the great revelation that he has given us is that he is in between us and our enemy So he’s saying right here that he goes before us and he does All right. So in the New King James version, he says I will send my fear before you I will cause confusion among all the people to whom you come in and I will make all your enemies turn their backs to you so again God makes the enemies what run because it says in Deuteronomy 287 I wrote this to you sometime last week. It says the enemies come against you one way but they scatter before you seven ways.” All right, I want to read another one. So so far it’s been Exodus 23, 27 and then also I just quoted Deuteronomy 28, verse 7 and now I’m going to Numbers 14 and 9. Only do not rebel against the Lord and do not be afraid of the people of the land because we will devour them. Their protection is gone. But the Lord is with us. Do not be afraid of them. So what has been God been telling us over and over again? Do not be afraid. Just like he was trying to tell the children of Israel in the wilderness to go to the promised land, to walk right in. He was telling them, do not be afraid of them. And what Did they do a lot of them were afraid and that’s why they wanted around the wilderness for 40 years Because they didn’t trust God We need to learn from their mistake and trust God despite what we see. All right, Deuteronomy 23 in verse 14 The Lord your God moves about in your camp to protect you and to deliver your enemies to you Your camp must be holy So that he will not see among you anything indecent and turn away from you That’s why God’s been telling us to What focus on him that get our houses in order? Which means we’re supposed to start living and focusing more on God than anything else putting him number one That’s part of getting your house in order is putting God and his word number one in your life Joshua 1 5. This is one of my favorite scriptures. No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will never leave you, nor forsake you. And how was God with Moses? He was a deliverer. He was an avenger. He sat there and he destroyed the power of the He restored Everything that was stolen That’s why I love reading the book of Exodus because when you see all that God did for his nation You see all what God did for his people It’s a beautiful thing and God is the same God today Whether religion tells you that he’s not whether legalism tell you he’s not I don’t care What other people say you read the Bible and you find out who God truly is He is absolutely good. All right now Joshua 1 9 Have I not commanded you be strong and courageous? Do not be afraid do not be discouraged The Lord your God will be with you or ever you go So if we are facing something we have to remember that God is with us wherever we go and first John 4 4 The greater one lives in us then he is in the world So if you know that God goes with you wherever you go, he is greater than anything you face He is greater than the enemy. He’s greater than any test in any trial. He’s greater than any possible situation God is greater and remember his name one of his names is Jehovah Nissi or banner for victory Joshua 23 in verse 9. The Lord has driven out before you great and powerful nations. To this day no one has been able to withstand you. So God has driven out before you great and powerful nations. Joshua 23 verse 10. Let me read, hold on, I want to get this version Okay One man of you shall put to flight a thousand for it is the Lord your God who fights for you as he promised you So God will fight for you as he promised you and then first Samuel 12 16 Now then stand still and see the great thing. The Lord is about to do before your eyes first Samuel 12 and 16 now then stand still and see the great thing the Lord is about to do before your eyes Leviticus 26 7 you will pursue your enemies and they will fall before the sword before you so if you read all these different scriptures you can get excited about what God is doing. God is the God who avenges. He is a God who delivers. He’s a God that saves. He’s a God that stops the enemies in their tracks. God is that God and he is on our side. And that’s the reason why it’s so important. There’s so many different scriptures that I can Get to that you just do their own study and start really digging in to seeing what God has done in times past For his children what he’s done in their times of struggle what he’s done in our times where the enemy looked like they had completely Surrounded God’s people look what he did for them. He Completely saved them. He delivered them. He set them free. He restored them He is the God who is not going to fail. He’s the God who guarantees and he is a sure thing that’s our God and He is in you That’s why we’re supposed to know him That’s why we’re supposed to trust him Because he is reliable. He is sure He’s not a God who is just like maybe sometimes he will maybe sometimes he won’t and I hate this expression that some Christians have said well you never know what God’s gonna do. Yes you do. You should know that God is true to his word that he’s faithful to perform his work. You may not know how but you do know that he will. Now I want to go over this prophetic word again. So for I the Lord this day I’m telling my children to press through like never before Attacks your enemy is doing to you in this world will grow in intensity But remember his attacks are nothing compared to me and I live in you Deception has grown to new levels to save my people to join his side my children That’s what you need to stay focused on me in my word and you will not grow weary. You will not be deceived distracted or Destroyed just one second here Something is important and I have to check this out. So sorry about that guys Okay, so deception has grown to new levels to deceive more people to join his side my children That’s why you need to stay focused on me and my word and you will not grow weary You will not be deceived and distracted or destroyed It’s coming. Yes, it’s coming Many things are in all-time high and are about to collide spiritually your enemies new plans which you are about to see them try to pull off. Now God is saying that they’re going to try to pull something off. It doesn’t say they are going to. He says they’re going to try something. Your enemy’s new plans, which you are about to see them try to pull off, that doesn’t mean they’re going to be successful. I warned you of viruses. I warned you of lockdowns. I warned you about blackouts a great silence. Not much longer now, but remember what will take place is your enemy’s ultimate defeat. I just showed you and there’s several scriptures that I could get to today, but for the sake of time, I can’t because I have to do a live show here pretty soon. Um, because this is Tuesday. So, um, and I’m still at home obviously, so I have to get going, but I wanted to give you enough scripture in today’s video to show you that God is a God who saves his people from the enemy and the enemies are always ultimately defeated because God is an undefeated God. Think about that. God is undefeated and he is on your side. So no matter how you feel or what things look like, Don’t quit believing now. So this is that’s a statement right there that sentence what that’s saying is we’re supposed to what walk by faith and not by sight. We’re supposed to walk by faith and not by sight. Then he goes on to say prophecies will be fulfilled more and more faster and faster now even ones that will look like they were impossible or they would take too long for those to come to pass and they will suddenly. Or ones that people thought were conspiracy theories and false prophecies. They will too come to pass and shock many into receiving the truth regarding my prophets. Pray now for them. Pray for my prophets. Pray for their protection. Pray for their strength. Pray for their vindication. Pray for a great awakening into my body. So what we have to realize is that God is saying that even though there has been a lot of persecution, even There’s been people saying all these different things about God’s people. He’s saying there’s vindication and the truth is going to come out then it goes also on to saying an Awakening will bring people to their knees and repent for mocking for laughing for lying For attacking those who may have called in this hour to awaken my body Truth will come out and soon you are about to see great exposures in the body of Christ Who were for me and who were for themselves who are in it for money and fame and who have been assigned to divide the body Of Christ some people been designed to divide the body of Christ. What would Christ do? He’s the head and we’re the body we are supposed to be united not divided Then he goes on and he says To lead my people in the wrong direction So there’s some people are leading God’s people into the wrong direction Great judgment is coming to the body of Christ who have disobeyed who have infiltrated who have refused to listen And you are in it for power and for their own selfish reasons Woe to those because judgment is coming and it will come quickly to remove them It will come quickly to heal and strengthen and unite my body for this fight against your enemy My body stay focused stay determined stay united. Stay the course and stay with me It’s about to grow in intensity, but the volcanic eruption of truth is coming to destroy every lie Sayeth the Lord. So again, he’s been saying remember those four apps the firm focus foundation on the Father why is he telling us these things is because when things are growing in intensity and things look worse before they get better. A lot of people’s focus will be on the problem and not on what God is saying. Then also he goes on to say, Oh Hollywood, a whistleblower is coming. One that will destroy your plans, destroy your narratives, destroy your power. You are not in control of TV and entertainment. You are not in control of movies. You are not in control of this nation or any nation along with the children. Now what is he meaning? With Their propaganda and with how they do TV shows what they’re saying how they’re acting is literally Reprogramming children how they think how they act They’ve been attacking the children for a very long time and God is saying you’re not in control You’re not gonna keep doing that and he is stopping them and judging them from what they’re doing to the little children and what they’ve Done around the nation’s then he goes on great judgment is coming to Hollywood Yes, great judgments that will shake and tear apart this industry. I Am breaking your ties and exposing them on how close you were to politicians now He goes even more in-depth how close you were to politicians and the Washington establishment You put actors in places of power in places of politicians Not only here but abroad he’s saying that people who are actors have been putting in places of politicians. This is not the first time he said it. He says, Oh, yes, great unmasking is about is coming to reveal truth. And someone is coming with proof to bring you all down, sayeth the Lord. Then he says, Washington, Oh, Washington, great is your fall. Oh, DC, your fall will be like no other fall in times past, because this judgment is far greater so again he’s exposing and giving us more insight of what is going on because remember God says that things are not how they appear to be so he’s showing us great not everything because he’s not gonna show us everything yet but he is giving us many pieces to a very very very very very big puzzle but then he goes on to say more signs of your Destruction are coming a great cry in the capital will be heard. So what capital he’s talking about the still there Washington in Washington DC A Video is coming. Yes an explosive video is coming to prove what is going on in so-called White House It’s coming a removal is coming a fall is coming an outcry is coming and a SURRENDER is Coming and what he means by the so-called White House. Well, it’s not really I mean it may be the color white But what is inside has been very dark very evil and God is saying that so-called He’s saying he’s going to reveal what has been going on inside the White House He’s been talking about very dark and dirty and sinister secrets and not just because of who is in there now But because all the things that have happened in so many years before now There’s been a lot of secrets and a lot of things that the Washington establishment has done against us and God is going to reveal It all then he goes on to say the jackal now if you don’t know who that he’s referring to when it comes to the jackal That’s the Biden. He says the jackal will be exposed and removed from the seat. He doesn’t belong in Shout O United States shout for your rightful presence RE-INSTATEMENT Yes a RE-INSTATEMENT. I’m returning what has been stolen So continue to stand, continue to pray, and the healing of not only this nation, but all the nations is about to begin, saith the Lord your Redeemer. So this is what we have to look forward to, is that not only, remember God has been telling us that he will do things in unconventional ways. That’s what he did to the children of Israel when they were in the book of Exodus, when they were leaving Egypt. That was definitely unconventional. No one could have seen that coming. No one really even thought that that was ever going to happen. A lot of people in the Israelites, they were losing hope that they were ever going to get out of the hands of underneath those oppressors of the Egyptians. But God, but God showed up. God was true and God was faithful and he sent Moses in there as his mouthpiece. No matter what, God will always send somebody to speak His word. God will always send somebody in a dark hour. God will always send His people to speak the truth so His people can turn and listen and obey and have that firm focus foundation on the Father. And that is what we have to realize today. God is true. God doesn’t lie. God is in control, even when it doesn’t seem like it. Read all the examples in the Bible. Go read about the Red Sea again. Oh, go read! I love the story of David and Goliath. I love Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, or Dan and the Lion’s Den. Things like that that just give me that strength and hope again. That God is that same God who did those things for his children. And I am one of his children, and so are you. It says in his word that he’s no respecter persons. So he’s done it before. He’ll do it again. And that’s what you have to look forward to. He says that he will never leave you nor forsake you. And that is true. He won’t. He is a God who will not lie and he will deliver and he will save. Now I want to pray for each and every one of you today for the revelation of what a good God that we serve. A revelation that God does do something against the enemies who are against you. Heavenly Father, right now in the name of Jesus, I just lift up every person in the sound of my voice. I wanna praise and thank you, Father God, right now for this great revelation on the inside of them, that they are knowing, that they are knowing that they serve a good God, that they know that you are the one, Father God, that goes before them, that you are in between them and their enemy. I thank you, Father God, that the enemies may go before us one way, but they scatter before us seven ways. I want to praise and thank you. It says in your written word in Isaiah 54 17 that no weapon formed against us shall prosper So we praise and thank you that every plot every plan and every scheme that the enemies are about to try to pull off Father God whether it’s lockdowns whether it is a blackout whether it is a economy no matter what is going on Father God we thank you just like you protected the Israelites with Goshen You are protecting us now because you are that same God yesterday today and forever We thank you Father God that your light is shining through us We praise and thank you Father God that it says in your word that we are in this world But we are not of it. So we thank you that we will not take part in any of these things We thank you Father God that we will not be subject to any of these things We thank you Father God that we are protected that we are restored and everything the enemy is stolen He’s got to give it back and we praise you and we thank you for those restorations right now by faith We are speaking it and we are rejoicing because Father God you said give a sacrifice of praise and Thanksgiving So that’s exactly what we are doing We praise you and we thank you for all the things that you have done before And all the things that you are doing now that we have not yet seen and we thank you Father God in Jesus name Amen, and amen Well again, I hope this encouraged you today Please like subscribe and share and give this to everyone, you know, who needs the unencouraging word We need to hear the truth because the truth will set you free. God loves you. I love you God bless you and have a wonderful day

All of this Hollywood and DC exposure and RE-INSTATEMENT of TRUMP to come in the next 15 months or so. So the time is narrowing.
The way to that likely includes as a stepping stone Gavin Newsom governor California being slid into the presidents position one day quietly replacing Biden with VP Kamala Harris only being Pres for 10 minutes. Apparently they believe they can pull this off and nobody will notice. But they have no other options left. And will likely attempt pandemic lockdown and martial law to survive. But the SURRENDER word is used by God. So this is their end.
Previously the physical destruction of Washington has been promised and Trump will be esconced in a NEW Capital city not yet named.
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