Searchable transcript for the Serious

To skip to the Divine Message, right at the session very end , scroll down to Red Text
Goood uh Morning, Everybody. Today is Thursday, January 4th of 2024. And I want to thank you once again for joining today’s live show. I love looking at the chat and I’m saying it again, God WINS because he does. And we’re reminding our enemies that they are losers. So I love the fact that people are getting out every single day, reminding each other that God WINS and the enemies lose. Because that is such an encouragement no matter what we’re facing today, we know the end result. And the end result is that we will have the guaranteed victory. So no matter how long it takes, I know there’s a lot of people who’ve been frustrated because it’s taking a long time. It seems like it’s taking forever. It seems like things are getting worse off than they were even three or four years ago. But again, there’s always a reason. There’s always things that happen and take place that we don’t know why it goes so long or why things have to be this way. But we do in this time have to trust God and God alone. We have to trust that God is in control. We have to trust that he is going to do what he says in his word that he’s going to do. That he’s the author, he’s the finisher of our faith. That he gives us the strength, that he gives us the victory, that he gives us everything we need. Because again, like I’ve said over and over again the last few days, that God is the answer to every problem in the world today. God is the answer to every problem in the world today. So it’s so important for us to know the fact that God is that answer. We may not have the answer. Your brother or sister may not have the answer. Your parents may not have the answer. Your pastor may not even have the answer. But God has the answer. And anytime we have questions, and if we are growing weary or we’re getting weak in our faith and we’re starting to lose our faith, we’re starting to get in so much doubt or fear. What is the one thing that you need to do? Is you need to get into the word of God. Because if you have no faith, then you have no word on the inside of you. Every day, morning and night, we should be reading the word of God, focusing on the word of God, hearing it, why? Because that is setting you free. It’s getting down in your heart where you will speak it out when circumstances arise and you will speak the word of God and it is a weapon. So not only will it set you free, but it destroys your enemy. The word of God sets you free, but it also destroys the enemy. That’s what we have to focus on. But Julie, the economy is going down in the wrong direction or the doctors gave me this diagnosis or the court system said this about my situation or it looks like my children are running farther away or it looks like my spouse is turning from God instead of turning to God. And everything I’m praying, it looks like it’s getting worse. Well, then that’s when you know you’re doing something right. And I know that may seem crazy, but the enemy will stockpile things on you. He will try to bombard you. He will throw an arsenal of weapons at you when you are doing the right thing, when you are standing on the word of God. When you’re standing on the word of God, you’re in a fight. That fight is for your life. That fight could be for your peace or your joy. That fight can be for your health. It could be for your marriage. It could be for your children. It could be for your finances. It could be for your nation, whatever it is. You’re in a fight for it. And that’s when God says that we fight the good fight of faith. We’re called to this battle of faith. We’re called to stand on the word of God and to fight for it. But we are destined to win it and to be victorious because that’s what he said and given to us in his word, that he always, not sometimes, he always causes us to triumph. 2 Corinthians 2 and 14. Well, it looks like we’re losing because there’s many, many times in my own life where it looked like I was losing every battle that I was fighting. You know, I go into my prayer closet, I go in there crying and frustrated and angry and upset and fear and worry and anxiety, and I would start fighting the good fight of faith, putting on praise and worship songs and start praising God, and that would all lift. And I would start being rejoicing in the Lord, and I would just be excited for the fact that God was doing something because I was renewing my mind with the word of God, and I was doing that sacrificial praise and thanksgiving, and I was entering the courts with thanksgiving and praise and say, “You know what, Lord? “I’m not gonna look to this. “I’m not gonna look to these situations, “but I’m gonna look to you. ” And I got excited. I went in crying, upset, frustrated, and about to give up and quit, and I’d come out like a warrior. And then all of a sudden, a phone call or a text message or something in the mail or some symptom in your body or whatever, something would happen, almost immediate, to get my focus or attention off the word of God. So right now in the time that we’re living in, this is a time where we have to fight for the word of God and fight to focus on the word of God more than any other time in human history because distractions are on the rise. Distractions are made for you to be discouraged, are made for you to give up hope and trust in God and trusting in His word and trusting in what He said. He’s faithful to perform it. That’s what the enemy is doing right now. He is focusing on distracting you for you not to fight this good fight of faith. And he wants you to have that appearance that everything’s going wrong. I just told you, there are certain things I’ve been praying for. Even this last week, I was so frustrated about a certain situation. And I said, “Lord, I’ve been standing on your word, “I’ve been praying on your word, “and it looks like things are getting worse. ” And that’s when he said, “It always looks darkest “before the dawning and before a great victory. ” Because that is when your enemy is trying to throw everything he can at you, right before your breakthrough, so you give up and you don’t receive the final outcome that God has for you. That is what’s going on right now. A lot of people are asking, “I don’t know what in the world is going on. ” There is a fight of good versus evil. There’s a fight with lies and deception and truth. There is, remember that we talked about yesterday, that good report, and then there’s an evil report. And which report are you going to believe? There’s only two things, a good report, evil report, truth, lie, life, death. These things, there’s a choice that you have between them. Either you’re gonna believe the good report and believe in God, ’cause right now, the world could be falling apart. But if you have that firm, focused foundation on the Father, you won’t care, because it will not move you, because you are trusting in God, in what He said in His word, that if He always causes you to triumph, no matter if it looks like the world is falling apart, somehow He’s gonna get you out of that mess. And you’re not gonna be a part of that, because you’re in this world, just like Jesus prayed in John 17, but you are not of it. You’re in it, but not of it. There’s a great separation coming. When other people will be in fear, you are gonna be in faith, why? Because you chose to fight, you chose to stand, you chose to believe God, you chose every day to get in His word and to join live shows like this, where you are hearing the encouragement or hearing the good news of the Lord, and you are holding on to it. ‘Cause some people, I’m sure, have heard the good news, but they let it go, they let it go because it didn’t look like anything was happening, things were getting worse, the enemy was on the prowl, he was on attack, and they fell for that attack. And so again, we have to not go by what things look like, because things are not how they appear to be. And we have to be more like Joshua and Caleb, when they wanted to go into the promised land and destroy the giants. But then you have like David, he ran to the giant when all the other Israelites were running away, and they were cowering. And they were giving up in the fact that they saw and they perceived the situation with Goliath, as there was nothing that was going to be done to be able to defeat this person. He was too big, he was too strong. Their perception was wrong, because they forgot that their God was bigger than that giant. They forgot his blood covenant, what he had, and he promised them, they forgot it. And so right now in this time, our enemy wants us to forget our covenant with Almighty God. They want us to forget how big our God is. They want us to forget that he’s in control. They want us to forget that he’s the most high God. They want us to forget that he’s a judge over all the earth. They want us to forget these things. This is the time. It says in 1 Peter, okay, I better turn to that one. I know I’ve been quoting a lot already this morning, but 1 Peter chapter five in verse eight. Well, you know what? Let’s start with verse six first. 1 Peter chapter five in verse six, all right? Now I do have a prophetic word that I’m gonna give to you today, if that’s what the Lord wants me to do. I have it up here on my screen. But this is how he had me start out today’s live show. All right now, 1 Peter chapter five in verse six. Therefore, humble yourselves, demote lower yourselves in your own estimation under the mighty hand of God, that in due time he may exalt you. Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God. Remember that hand, that mighty hand of God places judgment on one party and places blessing on another. You can see that there is so many scriptures in the Bible about the hand of Almighty God and what it does and what he does for you. Now again, here’s one scripture talking about his mighty hand, his hand of protection. He protects us. He also judges the one who are against us. Now it says in verse seven, what we have to do, if we’ve humbled ourselves and say, God, this is in your hands, this is in your control. I am not gonna get into fear. I’m not gonna get in worry. It doesn’t matter what I feel like right now. I’m gonna humble myself under your mighty hand. I’m gonna trust in you. Then what do we have to do? It says in verse seven, casting the whole of your care, all of your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns once and for all on him. For he cares for you affectionately and he cares about you watchfully. So what’s going on in the world today, we have to give it to God. You say, Julie, but this is going on. Okay, well, BUT God. And not only do we say, but God, because we know that God’s in control, but then we go further and say, well, God WINS. So if there’s chaos in the world, whether there’s shortages, there’s lockdowns, there’s that blackouts that God’s talked about. There’s a great silence that God’s talked about. There’s economy that God’s talked about. There’s all these things that could freak people out. But we have to say, but God, what does God say about it? This is going on in the world today. But what does God say? God, what do you say? What should I do? How should I handle it? I’m gonna give this care to you because you’re my fortress. You’re my high tower. You’re my protector. You’re my comforter. You’re my standby. You’re my advocate. You’re my healer. You’re my provider. You’re my everything. So if I need something in the world today, you’re it. So I’m gonna look to you. I’m not gonna trust myself or my feelings or how things look. Then we cast all of our cares upon God. And there’s a lot of times you cast your cares upon God and then you take them back. I mean, everyone does it. Just keep giving it back to God. Then it says right here, now this is the scripture I was gonna get to verse eight. So we have all this craziness going on. The world is upside down instead of right side up. It looks like evil is winning. It looks like evil is in control. It looks like evil is gonna dominate everything. There’s nothing we can do about it. That’s not true. This is what we have to do during times of darkness or during times of evil or during the times where it looks like the enemies are winning. That’s a perception that is wrong because the enemy never WINS. God always does. So if you know that God WINS, then you won’t fall for that deception. You won’t fall for that fear. You will not get into that worry. You will not get into that depression. And say, “Julie, I’m in depression. I don’t know how to get out of it. ” God is your light. He got me out of depression. He can get you out of depression. He got me out of suicide. He can get you out of suicide. He got me out of a spirit of heaviness. He can get you out of the same thing. God is no respecter of persons. And if God has saved one, He’ll save another. So no matter what situation that you are facing today, you cast that care upon God because His hands are big enough to handle it. You can trust Him with it. Our hands are not big enough, but His are. So we give those cares and we let God handle it and it goes by much quicker. Now it says in verse eight, “Be well balanced, temperate, sober of mind, be vigilant and cautious at all times. ” He’s telling us to be cautious. Remember, He’s telling us to hold on. He’s telling us embrace for impact. He’s telling us that things are gonna get a little bumpy. Things are gonna get a little bit crazy. It’s gonna look like it’s going the opposite direction. And God is saying right here, be cautious at all times. Why? Because if you don’t have that firm focus or foundation on the Father, and if you are not cautious at all times, then right here in the scripture tells you what happens. Be cautious at all times for the enemy of yours, the devil, roams around like a lion in fierce hunger, seeking someone to seize upon and devour. He wants to devour you. He wants to destroy your victory. He wants to destroy your health. He wants to destroy your marriage. He wants to destroy your children. He wants to destroy your finances. He wants to destroy your nation. He wants to destroy everything that God has already done for you. Remember the destruction that He did with Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve already had all that power that the enemy said He was gonna give to them. He twisted the truth. And that’s what He’s doing today. There’s nothing new under the sun. He twists the truth. And so again, Satan twists the truth. And if you are not cautious, and if you don’t have your feet firmly planted in the word of God, and you don’t know the scriptures, you don’t know exactly what God’s gonna do in the midst of a dark situation or in the midst of an impossible situation, it’s easy for you to lose your footing and fall and give in to a defeat that is not yours. That’s why we have to have that firm focus foundation on the Father. We have to. We have to have that because it’s easy to lose our footing and slip and fall. And then some people, if they fall, they don’t get back up again. This is scripture that I used to read quite a bit when I was going through many things. And it’s in Micah, Micah chapter seven, because a lot of people, when they fall, they get discouraged and they don’t get back up again. And they just stay there. They stay fallen in their faith and they don’t get back up because they think that, if I fall, I can’t get back up. God’s mad at me because I slipped and fell and I stopped trusting in Him. Or I started getting into fear. I started having doubt. That’s a lie from the pit of hell, first of all. Everyone makes a mistake. Everyone falls. Look what the scripture says here. In Micah chapter seven, verse eight. Rejoice not against me, O my enemy. When I fall, I shall arise. When I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be the light unto me. So rejoice not against me, O my enemy. When I fall, I shall arise. So when you fall, get up, get up again. Don’t stay down and don’t let the enemy bombard you and beat you over the head because you made a mistake. God is not holding that against you. When you go to Him and you repent, 1 John 1, seven and nine, you ask Him to forgive you of all your sins. He cleanses you of all unrighteousness and He chooses not even, He chooses not to remember it. So when you fall in that darkness again, God is our light and He will get us back up again. If you fall down 10 times, get up again. If you fall down 20 times, get up again. It doesn’t matter how many times you fall. It’s not the point of how many times you fall down. It’s the point that every time that you do fall down, you get up. Right now, we’re in the fight of our lives. We’re in the fight for our freedoms. We’re in a fight for our nation. We’re in a fight for justice and truth. We’re in a very hard fight. But again, if God says fight the good fight of faith, it’s found in 1 Timothy 6, verse 12. If you are fighting that good fight, okay, I have to go to it. There’s some times where I quote it ’cause I wanna get to certain things and He’s like, nope, you need to read it. So 1 Timothy 6 and verse 12. Now look at what it says here. Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold of the eternal life to which you were summoned, for which you confessed the good confession of faith before many witnesses. Remember, we’ve been summoned to fight the good fight of faith. You know, with a summons, if I give a summons of a jury duty, you better get there ’cause if you don’t and you’re supposed to be on jury duty that day, you can have a warrant out for your arrest. If you don’t show up, if you don’t call, if you act like, oh, well, I’m just gonna ignore that today, you’ll get in trouble. God has summons us to a battle, to a fight. And you’re just like, well, I don’t want that fight, I don’t wanna deal with that fight. Well, whether you wanna bury your head in the sand or not and not fight it, either way, you’re in a fight, you just will lose. You just will lose because you’re still in that fight. But if you’re not fighting back, then you will have that guaranteed loss. That’s why God calls it a good fight. You’ve been summoned to this fight. Again, you’ve been called to battle, but you are destined to win. You are destined to win the battle that you’re in. Say it, I am destined to win the battle that I am in. Because God is your victory. He’s Jehovah Nissi. He is your victory. So we’ve all been under a battle. We’ve all been in a fight, but it’s a good one. Because the end result is always and guaranteed victory because of the blood of Jesus Christ. Now, there’s people out there, they’re saying, we’re not gonna win. Well, I don’t know what Bible they’re reading. I don’t know what blood covenant they don’t understand. If you have a blood covenant and God says, He always causes you to triumph, where is it in that scripture that He says, you’re gonna lose. You’re gonna win some, you’re gonna lose some. He doesn’t because He uses the word always. He said, always. That should be on like the forefront. I don’t care if you have a computer, if you have it in your car, if you have it in your bathroom, if you have it in your kitchen, put the word always in front of your face and know that in every battle and that in every situation, you always win as long as you’re trusting in God. That’s the difference. If we are trusting in God, if we are holding onto His word and we’re not letting that go, ’cause the enemy remembers gonna, he’s gonna come and steal that word. He’s gonna come and steal that word out of your heart as much as he possibly can. He’s gonna put in situations in your life where he’s gonna get you to forget what God’s word says. So if God has always caused you into a triumphant victory, He never says you are going to lose. That’s not God. And so in this time that we are living in, you are called to this battle, but you are destined to win it. You have the desired and result from Almighty God, which is your victory. Now, some in this time period are gonna choose not to believe that. They’re gonna choose to believe the evil report like we talked about yesterday that you find in Numbers chapter 13. They’re going to believe everything that’s contrary to the word of God. They’re gonna believe the enemy’s report that they’re in control and that they have won and there’s nothing that’s gonna be done. Nothing’s gonna be done about it. They’ve already won. That’s not true. God is our victory and God is in control. So I wanted you guys to have that encouragement today. God wanted you to have that encouragement again because I have a prophetic word that He wanted me to read out in other scriptures, but this was something, that’s what I had planned, and this is something that He had planned for you, to remind you of who He is, to remind you of who you are in Him and what He already has for you. You’ve been called to this battle, but you are destined to win this battle. And if you turn, hold on a minute, go to, go to 2 Chronicles. Right now, this is, we’re in a fight for everything. This is that time period where things are gonna start to shake even more, things are gonna start to intensify, and people are gonna start questioning what’s really going on. They’re gonna start questioning their faith. They’re gonna start questioning in God. They’re gonna start questioning if anything good is going to happen. That’s gonna start happening. And again, that is not to bring you frustration or fear. God has warned us about that shaking. He’s warned us about darkness. He’s warned us about the things are gonna happen with the economy. He’s warned us about what things are gonna happen with the overthrow of this government. He’s warned us about that your enemies are being, they’re getting desperate, and so they’re gonna try more things. That is what the guy has been saying. He’s been warning us about this time period. And so he says right here, now go to 2 Chronicles 20. This is another example of what to do in the midst of a massive battle. In a battle where you can perceive the fact that, oh, well, we lose because the enemy, they are bigger, they are stronger, they are more in number than us, they have more weapons than we do, they have more money than we do, whatever it is, that perception of a battle gives people to surrender to a defeat. That’s not theirs. And so God is telling us right now, we are not supposed to ever surrender. We’re never supposed to give in to a defeat. That’s not ours because the enemy is defeated. They’re the ones who’ve been brought to nothing. And so we have to say, God, I trust you in this. So again, this is a scripture I’m gonna read to you in 2 Chronicles 20. Look what happened with Jehoshaphat. It says in verse two, “Then some came and told Jehoshaphat saying, “A great multitude is coming against you “from beyond the sea, “from Syria and there in the Hazan and Tamar. ” And then it says, verse three, “And Jehoshaphat feared and set himself to seek the Lord “and proclaimed it fast throughout all Judea. ” So he received an evil report. We’ve been receiving an evil report a lot about what’s going on with our border, what’s going on in our governments, what’s going on in all these nations around the world, what’s going on with the economy, what’s going on with this, that, the other thing. There’s always bad or evil reports. Those evil reports are meant to frustrate you. Those evil reports are meant for you to give up and quit. He’s hammering, the enemy is hammering things. Evil report, one right after another. Bad report, one right after another, why? So you give into it. So let’s go to verse four, 2 Chronicles 20 and verse four. “So Judah gathered together to ask help from the Lord “and from all the cities of Judah, “and they came to seek the Lord. ” Okay, this is what we need to do, seek the Lord. We’re seeking the Lord for the fight for our nation. We’re seeking the Lord for the fight for our freedoms, for our lives, for justice. We’re seeking the Lord. We can’t do things by our own ability. And again, you can’t look to a man to save you. A lot of people looked to President Trump and him alone. You could not do that. And everybody’s thinking the only way this is ever gonna turn around is if Trump gets back in. You know how things are gonna turn around in this country? Yes, God’s gonna use President Trump, of course he is. But America needs to turn to God. That’s why I love the fact, one of the shirts that Three Sons Thread sells. And I’m not just saying that because of anything, all that for us, the ministry does not see that money, okay? That goes to charity because it’s not about money, okay? The proceeds for the ministry don’t go to us. Those go to charity. And the reason why, I know in my heart, if people would just get these things in their hearts and minds that we are, like that one shirt says, in God’s army, or America needs God. America does need God. That’s why I love that shirt. Why? Because that was given to God, to my husband, to have him make that shirt. America needs God. That who’s gonna save this nation is God. God is gonna save this nation. He’s gonna use people to do it. But God is saving this nation. America needs to be one nation under God. America needs God. That statement needs to go out everywhere, blasted out everywhere because America needs God. We don’t just need President Trump. We need God. We need God in this nation. We need God in the nations around the world. We need God put back in our governments. We need God put back in our schools. We need to put God back in some of the churches. We need God. That’s what is going to break the evil’s control over us and over this world, is God. Now, will he use President Trump? Yes. But a lot of people solely look for him to save our nation. Don’t do that. He is a man being used by Almighty God. But just like any of us, we are limited to the ability of what we can do, but God’s not limited at all. There’s no limitations on God. God can do all things. But again, we have, we can do all things. We’ve been made more to conquer. We are more than a conqueror. We conquer and defeat our enemy as long as we don’t retreat. We conquer and defeat our enemy as long as we don’t retreat. He just gave that to me. We are more than a conqueror as long as we don’t accept or don’t retreat. Our enemies are the ones who are supposed to receive that defeat. We are not. We are not meant to accept or retreat. We were meant to accept our victory because God is our victory. And so I’m gonna go back to 2 Chronicles chapter 20. This is where we are at right now, okay? It looks like with Jehoshaphat, he heard a bad report, he heard the evil report that there was a great multitude coming out against him. Well, we know there’s a great multitude against us. We know that. We know that for sure. But it says in verse five, then Jehoshaphat stood in the assembly of Judah and Jerusalem in the house of the Lord before the new court. Now verse six, again, this is 2 Chronicles 20 verse six. And he said, “O Lord God of our Fathers, are you not,” now look what he’s doing. He’s petitioning God. He’s giving God back his word. And he’s saying, “God, are you not this God? “Are you not the creator of heaven and earth? “Are you not the one that took out the Egyptians “right in front of the Israelites?” And so he’s reminding himself of who God is. “O Lord of God of our Fathers, are you not God in heaven? “And do you not rule over all the kingdoms of the nations? “In your hand is there not power and might “so that no one is able to withstand you. ” Why are people? People need to read these scriptures over and over and over again. Because when Jehoshaphat was facing this great multitude against him, he was reminding himself that God rules over all kingdoms of the earth. All kingdoms and he rules over all nations. He rules over all kingdoms and he rules over all nations. And then it says, “In your hand is there not power,” remember, we’re talking about the mighty hand of God. “In your hand is there not power “so that no one is able to withstand you. ” He’s reminding himself that God is the most high God, that he is the great I am. He’s a God of the impossible. Jehoshaphat was reminding himself, he was asking God, “God, aren’t you this person? “Aren’t you this person?” In verse seven, “Are you not our God “who drove out the inhabitants of this land “before your people Israel and gave it “to the descendants of Abraham, your friend forever?” Now he’s reminding him of his friendship and his covenant, that Abrahamic covenant. He’s reminding God and reminding himself of the Abrahamic covenant that they have. Verse eight, “And they will dwell in it “and have built you a sanctuary for your name saying. ” So they built a sanctuary for God, they were praising and worshiping God. Do you know why this nation was founded? The nation of the United States of America was founded to freely serve God. God remembers that. God knows. That’s why he may have had to take his hand off for our protection from all this evil because the hedge of protection had come off. We can see it. But that was the reason why his hand was taken off is because we, not, well, us personally didn’t, but people in this country had kicked him out of our government. They kicked him out of our justice system. They kicked him out of our education system. And he’s a gentleman. He won’t go where he’s not wanted. But this is where we’re saying, “Lord, our country was founded upon “the freedom to serve you and your name. “And I thank you, Father God, “we have a blood come with you. “Are you not that God that removed the Egyptians “right in front of the Israelites? “You are the same God yesterday and today and forever. “If you saved that nation in a day, “I know, Father God, you can save our nation in a day. “And that’s why I will not quit. “That’s why I will not fail. “Or I will not fail in trusting in you, Father God. ” That’s the things that you need to be starting saying to yourself all the time. And reminding yourself of the goodness of Almighty God. Reminding yourself that he’s the most high God. Reminding yourself of he is all powerful. God is the most high God. And there is nothing or no one greater than him. And remember, he brings the counsel of the nations to nothing. That’s in Psalms 33. Now let’s keep reading in 2 Chronicles 20. And it says in verse nine, “And if disaster comes upon us, “sour, judgment, and pestilence, or famine. ” So he’s talking about all these horrible things that could go wrong. “If all these things, disasters, come upon us, “sour, judgment, and pestilence, or famine, “we stand before this temple in your presence, “for your name is in this temple, “and cry out to you in our affliction, “and you will hear and say. ” How many people in this country will say right now, “Father God, we’ve had pestilence. “We have had disaster upon disaster. “We have had an unruly and an illegitimate government. “We have had laws being passed unjustifiably. ” There’s no justice in this. They’re destroying our country systematically in every single way, shape, and form. But we are gonna stand here. We are gonna praise you, because we know you are going to save us. That’s being like a Joshua or Caleb. That’s being a David. That is being somebody who refuses to stand and believe in the power of the enemy. Just like with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, they were standing in front of Nebuchadnezzar. He said, “I’m gonna kill you. “I’m gonna throw you in that furnace. ” And they’re just like, “Okay, whatever. ” Even if you throw us in that fiery furnace, we’re still not gonna serve your God. We’re not gonna fall down. We’re not gonna bow down to your golden image. We are not gonna fall for that. And if our God is able, not only is He able, but He will. Save us from you, O king. And guess what? Because they stood bold in the face of death. They stood boldly in the face of the greatest adversity they had ever seen in their life. And they stood and said, “God is able to save us. ” And He will, that should be our motto in this country. That should be our motto in any country that you’re in, because I know there’s people that are watching from nations all over the world. I’ve seen them in the chat. I’ve seen where you guys are from. That is for you too. God is saving us. He will save us. He is our deliverer. He is our fortress. He is the one that is going to do something about it. Why? I’ll get to that scripture too. But I wanna keep going here and jump down to verse 11. Here they are rewarding us by coming to throw us out of your possession, which you have given us to inherit. Now again, He’s saying to God, God, you’ve given us this land. You’ve given us this land. And now these people are gonna take it away from us. What are you gonna do about it? Same thing with this nation. This nation was founded on the covenant of Almighty God to serve Almighty God, to believe in Almighty God, and to believe in Jesus Christ, and to be able to be freely to serve Him in this land. So why are people not reminded? They go, “God, hey, this country right here, this country was designed to serve you. And I know you’re not forgetting that. I know you’re not forgetting our foreFathers and what our constitution is and what they prayed for. The first day and the first thing that President George Washington ever did as President is he marched down to the church and they sat there and prayed and interceded on behalf of this nation for four hours. And on 9/11, when those two towers came down, the World Trade Center, that church where George Washington gave this nation to God still stands today. Everything else around it was destroyed or most things around it were destroyed. But that church, as old as it is, still is standing today. That should have been a sign to us right then and there that God has not forsaken us. He has not forgotten the prayers that were prayed by George Washington and everyone in his cabinet and his administration when they marched down to that church and they prayed. That’s the first act of our first President of the United States of America. What it would be like, again, and I do believe this with President Trump, 100%, I believe this, that he’s coming back as a prayer warrior, he’s coming back as a President that has given his life fully to Almighty God, ’cause I know he has, I know he has. And he is gonna be praying in that White House. He’s gonna be praying over this nation. And God is the new one in control. I know that. Why? Because so many people have been praying and believing. We are praying and believing that God is doing it. He’s gonna move on our behalf again. That we are going to have a righteous capital, that we’re gonna have people in our government that actually fear God or they respect God. Not fear him as in they’re afraid of him, they fear him as they respect him. I want people back in our Congress respecting God and praying before they make any law. They pass anything, spend any of our tax money, the Senate, anything that they do, our judicial system, our Supreme Court, everything. I want God put back in and God to be first place because America needs God and so does every other nation around the world. If you want freedom, if you want justice, if you want truth, if you want your rights back and given to you, you need to have God in control of it. And that’s what we need. So here in 2 Chronicles 20 in verse 12, it says, “Oh God, will you not judge them?” So again, he’s asking the question, “God, will you not judge them? “For we have no power against this great multitude “that is coming against us, nor do we know what to do, “but our eyes upon you. ” A great multitude God is coming against us. We don’t have the power to do anything about it, but we know you do, so our hearts are fixed upon you. That should be every believer in the church today is we believe that our hearts are fixed on God. Our hearts are fixed on God. God, our hearts are fixed on you. We will not be moved by what we’re seeing right now because we know that you win and our nation is gonna be saved and we are Father God. We’re gonna have that justice being served. We’re gonna have truth that’s gonna prevail over every lie. Isn’t that better when you’re fighting a fight and you’re standing on the Word of God and you’re reminding yourself of the Word of God so you are not sitting there and you’re not in torture and torment believing a lie? So when it says in, so verse 13 and 14, I’m gonna summarize this, but they all started praying. Women, children, everyone started praying to Almighty God about this great multitude that was coming against them. In the latter part of verse 15 of 2 Chronicles 20 and verse 15, it says, “Do not be afraid nor dismayed “because of this great multitude, “for the battle is not yours but God’s. ” So again, it says, “Do not be afraid nor dismayed “because of this great multitude. “The battle is not yours but God. ” That’s why it’s so amazing when we are saying, “But God,” and we’re saying that God WINS, why? Because the battle is the Lord’s and He WINS. He’s undefeated. Then verse 17, 2 Chronicles 20, verse 17, “You will not need to fight in this battle. “Position yourselves, stand still, “and see the salvation of the Lord who is with you. “O Judah and Jerusalem, do not fear or be dismayed. “Tomorrow, go out against them for the Lord is with you. ” What he was saying is they didn’t have to fight physically in that battle. They didn’t have to fight with a sword. They didn’t have to fight with any weapon but prayer. How they won that battle is by prayer and praise. And that’s how we win it. We don’t need to win it by a sword, a physical one, or a physical weapon. We win it by the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God in prayer and praise. Then it says, verse 18, “And Jehoshaphat bowed his head “and his face to the ground, and all Judah “and the habitats of Jerusalem bowed before the Lord, “worshipping the Lord. ” So instead of panicking, because this great multitude was coming out against them, instead of panicking, he said, “Hey, they’re praising and worshiping Him. “Jehoshaphat, let’s praise and worship God. ” And they did. Well, everybody, naturally, a natural person would say, that’s stupid. Why would you praise and worship when a multitude was coming out against you, you are going to die? A defeat is inevitable because who’s coming against you is bigger and stronger than you are. But they had a firm focus foundation on the Father. They were not moved, so they prayed and they praised. They prayed and they praised. Pray, praise, pray, praise, why? You’ll find out why in the midst of a battle like we’re in right now, for the soul of this nation, for the fight of our lives, for our freedoms. What? Pray, praise. And why are those two things are most important? If you go in verse 20, the latter part of verse 20, it says, “Believe in the Lord your God and you shall be established. “Believe in his prophets and you shall prosper. ” Now go down, ’cause remember what was said by the prophet, you will not need to fight in this battle, position yourselves, stand still, see the salvation of the Lord who is with you. Oh, Judah and Jerusalem, do not fear or to be dismayed. Tomorrow, go out against them and the Lord is with you. Verse 17 was a prophetic word. Okay? So verse 20 says, “Believe in the Lord your God “and you shall be established. “Believe in his prophets and you shall prosper. ” Well, the prophet said in verse 17, “Hey, you’re not gonna have to fight this battle. “The battle is the Lord’s, rejoice. ” That was what the prophet said, and they listened. Verse 22, so they began to sing. So again, it looked like they were gonna lose and they were gonna die, and they were praising and praising God. Praising and praying, praying and praising. Verse 22, “And now when they began to sing “and to praise the Lord, set ambushes “against the people of Moan and Moab and Mount Seir, “who had come against Judah and they were defeated. ” God set up ambushes. So God’s people were praising and praying instead of freaking out. Instead of getting into worry, instead of giving in to defeat, instead of just getting stressed out about it, they were praying and praising, and then God set up ambushes and destroyed the enemy. They defeated. Now look, if you turn to verse 24, 2 Chronicles 20 and verse 24, “So when Judah came to a place overlooking the wilderness, “they looked toward the multitude “and they were dead bodies falling on the earth “and no one had escaped. ” Now God’s people, they were praying and praising God. They didn’t physically fight. God doesn’t want us to physically fight. God didn’t want them to physically fight. Pray prays, and God set ambushes up, the enemies turned on each other, and they defeated themselves. Look at what it says in verse 25, “When Jehovah’s fatness people came “to take away their spoil, “they found among them the abundance of valuables “on the dead bodies and the precious jewelry, “which they stripped off of themselves, “one they could carry away, “and they were three days galling the spoil, “because there was so much. ” Now it says in the latter part of verse 27, so the very last part of verse 27, it says that the joy for the Lord had made them rejoice over their enemies. They were rejoicing over their enemies. Again, we have a better covenant with God. We have not only the Abrahamic covenant, we have the blood covenant of Jesus Christ that we have with him, and if he did it under the Abrahamic covenant, and he was so amazing to them, and he fought, and they didn’t have to fight in that battle, the enemies turned on themselves and were defeated, because God’s people decided they made a decision to pray and praise. They didn’t give up, they didn’t quit, they didn’t whine, they didn’t complain. They listened to the prophet, and they were praying and praising, because they believed what the prophet said. The prophet said, “Hey, the battle is the Lord’s. “It’s not mine, so I’m not gonna worry about it. “God’s gonna figure it out. ” And that’s what people need to learn now. God is figuring this out. God has a plan, and his plan is always gonna go as planned, because God always WINS, and the enemies always lose. We are more than conquerors, so do not give in to a defeat that’s not yours. God is our victory, and so today, that’s what God wanted you to know. He wanted you to know that he is that victory. He wanted you to know that you are more than a conqueror. He wants you to know that he always caused you to triumph. He wants you to know that the battle is his, and the enemies are losing. And I heard, like I was listening this morning, and I was praying, I was listening this morning, and he gave me another very powerful word, and I will give that out when he tells me to give it out, but there’s like two of them before that one, but there are so many things that he is showing us right now that are happening right now. There are so many prophetic words that even the Lord gave about Epstein, okay? The Lord gave us, I don’t know if it was three or four different prophetic words about Epstein and the truth about Epstein. Now all of a sudden, they release some things about Epstein, but that’s not even all that’s gonna be uncovered. That was huge in the news yesterday. There are people and names that are gonna be released even more than what we’ve seen, and more of what was going on with Epstein. God is gonna reveal more to it again, and the reason why is because this is the time of the men that are against Almighty God to fall, their narrative to be destroyed, and explosive evidence to damage every plan and everything that they had against us, holding us hostage, holding us in these positions of failure and defeat for our nations. God is in charge. It’s not man, but the reason why things have gotten as bad as they have been, the reason why things have had to shake as bad as they’ve had to shake, and they’re gonna shake even more, and the reason for that is because people were turning and trusting in man, trusting in our government to actually do their job. I mean, I was on with Pastor Dave yesterday. If you guys missed that show, go watch it. I was on with Pastor Dave, and that was one of the things that was so discouraging to me, was realizing and finding out over the last 10 years, well, pretty much as President Trump’s like nine years in 2015 when he was starting to run for President, and he was starting to show the swamp. We never even knew there was swamp existed. We never knew that these things were, these people were against us instead of for us. Well, I truly thought our government was for us. I truly thought that they were passing laws that they should have been passing. I was thinking that they were spending our tax money the way they were supposed to. I thought they were protecting our borders. I thought they were protecting us from foreign governments instead of being paid by foreign governments to give our secrets away. We’re finding these things out. And so you find out that of all these betrayals, you find out there’s treason, you find out all these things, but guess what? We’re gonna find out in this time of shaking, we have only like a drop of the bucket. We’ve only touched the surface of the things that were being done. Great revelation is coming. A great release of information is coming. I think the Lord wants to say something. So again, I was gonna give you another word and I believe that He has another one for us today. Instead of the one He was gonna give out earlier, I thought I was supposed to. I feel something in my spirit that He wants to give something out. So I’m just waiting on the Lord.
“For I, the Lord, am telling you, my children, “and all of you in the land of my eagle, “this is a time of great revelation. “This is a time of great reveals, “a revealing of the enemy’s plans. “I’m going to reveal great information “of every single thing they were doing against you. “I am revealing to you the truth. “I’m revealing to you the proof “of the things that have been hidden. “Some have buried them very deep in their inner circles, “that way this truth or any proof “could never get out to the public. Why I had people strategically placed in every single one of these circles, in every single one of these governments, in every single one of these intelligence agencies, of every single one, even with judges and juries? “I have had things that you have no idea that I have hidden away. “My children, for such a time as this, my people have had proof of many things that have been going on for so many years, but it wasn’t the time yet, because many of my children could not receive the truth. “They would not receive what was actually going on. It would be too unbelievable, “too far out there for people to accept. “Things have been going on in your nation, “O United States, for well over 100 years. “I’ll reveal to you every foreign agent. “I’ll reveal to you every illegitimate government, every illegitimate President, every illegitimate Congress person, every illegitimate Senate, senator, “every illegitimate person in your judicial system, in your Supreme Court, I am going to show it all. There is not one thing in your government that the Washington establishment “that has tried to bury and hide away “or tried to destroy that I do not have with my people that I have chosen for such a time as this, “they have it all. “I have given the resources for them to have it all. “So woe to those, the enemies of Almighty God. “My people have it all. “There is not one thing that you have ever done. “There is not one thing that has gone underneath the radar “that you have gotten away with. “Oh no, I have it all. “And I am going to show the world in a time “where I’m about to bring forth all this revelation “and all this information and all of this proof “and all of this truth to completely destroy this empire, “to completely destroy the establishment, “to completely destroy the enemies of Almighty God “and their governments against my nation “and the uni-party in this government. “I am going to reveal to you, I’ve said this before, “all the wolves in sheep’s clothing, “all the people that were on the side of the right “that were actually on the left. “Oh, many, many in the color of red “were actually the color of blue. “But I also had people on the blue “that were actually on the side of the red. “Many covert operations have taken place “in your government, in your military, “in your intelligent agencies. “I have done many things “to hide who my people are to protect them. “The ones that have all this proof “and have all this information, I have hid them “for such a time as this. “I have hid them, strategically put them in places “even right next to the highest places in your government. “Many, many, I have many in the so-called White House “that have been taking down every information, “recording phone conversations, text messages, emails, “every single thing, all these recordings “are gonna be shown. TREASON for a majority in your government, O United States, TREASON Because most of them cheated their way into those positions and they stole many elections, not just one, not just two, not just three, but MANY. It’s astounding to the American people how many elections have been stolen from them and how many votes your time you voted did not count. But I will show you, I will show you this information because this is a time of great revelation. This is a time of great information to be released to the world for truth, to set this nation free once and for all. And as this information is about to be released, a greater desperation will grow in your enemy’s camp and they are going to turn on each other more and more as this year goes by. You will see them turn on each other more and more. You will see them fight amongst themselves. You will see them turn each other in. They’re defeating themselves. They’re making more mistakes with their desperation. And with this desperation and as it grows, they will be more dangerous. But remember who is protecting you. Remember no matter what they plan, attacks on your nation, no matter what they plan because they have many plans with all the people they brought in through your border. It’s not just for more people to vote. It’s for terrorist attacks. It is to bring this nation to its knees. The border is more important than you realize. There are foreign people that have come in not just as illegal immigrants. Oh no, there are people that in other nations, in their military that have crossed over your border as implants in this nation. My children right now in this country, be prepared and be aware of what they are about to make happen. But remember their plans will not go as planned and they will not have what they desire. I will always have my plan and it will always go as planned. And so right now in this time, on this war and in this battle, hold on because things are about to intensify. To intensify to a place that you never knew existed. The shaking is nothing compared to what it’s about to be. But remember who I am. Remember the great I AM Remember that the battle is mine and remember the battle is won. So hold on to your faith and your trust in me because you are going to see this great and mighty victory sayeth the Lord.
Julie Commentary Hallelujah. So again, that is what the Lord had in store for us today. Great revelation, great information is going to be released. There are things that have been held back until this particular year and this particular time because now people are ready to receive it. But why does God say over and over in this last couple months, He’s been telling us never to surrender because we’re gonna be given opportunities, we’ll be given opportunities to surrender. To surrender our nation, to surrender our victory. But we are gonna hold that line. We’ve been called to this battle, but we are destined to win it. And God has given you the ability to do all things. Remember through Christ, we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Philippians 4 and 13. If you don’t feel like you have that strength, that you don’t have that perseverance or you don’t have the ability to fight in this fight, you say it gets worse, Julie, I can’t do it. Yes, you can because you can do all things through Christ because Christ is the one who strengthens you. Jesus is the one who has given you that ability. He is the one who had that sacrifice for you. He is the one who defeated your enemy. So because of Him, you can do all things. You can fight until you see that victory ’cause it’s well worth it. God is gonna do something that is so far and so well worth what God has asked for us. We won’t care what’s happened in the last four years. We won’t care or last 10 years or whatever. We won’t care because what God’s gonna do is gonna be so, so good. So I wanna pray. I just love when He, you know, I had a plan, He changes the plan and I love it when He does it because it’s His plan. And His plan is always what we should be receiving. His plan is always victorious. His plan always WINS because He always WINS. We’re in the army of the Lord. Remember, we’re in God’s army. We’re in God’s army. And if we’re in God’s army and He’s our general and He’s in charge, then we can’t be defeated. So no matter if you’re in this nation or not, no matter what nation you are in, if you’re in Canada, I’ve seen many people from Australia. I’ve seen people from Japan. I’ve seen people from Indonesia. I’ve seen people from South America. There’s been people, oh, where was that one? I was just seeing it this morning. Anyway, I don’t remember, but it doesn’t matter. God knows. There’s so many different people from nations all over the world and God wants your freedom as well because you are His children. And no matter where you are living, you’re still in like the land of Goshen with Him. He’s your protector. He’s your advocate. He’s your standby. He is your victory.
Julie Prayer So Heavenly Father, right now in Jesus’ name, I love to have every person that’s sat on my voice and no matter, Father God, what they are struggling with today, no matter what the enemy had planned against them, no matter what discouragement that they have been under, I thank you right now for the impartation of the joy of the Lord because it is their strength. So I proclaim and decree joy in their hearts right now in Jesus’ name, a joy that they have never known before in the name of Jesus when other things used to destroy them with fear and worry and doubt and unbelief. They’re gonna be rejoicing in knowing, Father God, that you are their victory. I thank you right now for giving them a peace that passes all understanding. So when they would be freaking out and being upset and agitated, they have a peace within them they didn’t even know existed because you are their peace. So Father God, I thank you for restoration in their minds because you have not given them a spirit of fear but a power of love and a sound mind. I command every fear, I command all that doubt and all that worry and all that unbelief, all that stress, all that frustration, all of that discouragement to be broken off of your mind right now in Jesus’ name. And I thank you, Father God, that they accept and receive the calling in their life. They accept and receive that they’re more than conquerors. They accept and receive that we can do all things through Christ. They accept and receive, Father God, that you have made us the head and not the tail, the above only and not beneath. They accept and receive. That they are redeemed from the curse in Galatians 3 and 13 and 14. That they are redeemed, they are set free because our enemy has been disarmed and brought to nothing. So I thank you, Father God, that they receive your truth, which is your word, like never before. That they have a hunger for your word like never before. That they see through the eyes of Christ in all their situations and set it (?) through the eye of defeat. So we thank you, Father God, for all that you’re doing in their life, all you have done, and all that you are about to do. We thank you for your miracle, for your signs, and for your wonders. We thank you for greater glory to be seen in the midst of your people. And I thank you, Father God, that your light is shining upon each and every one of them. It destroys a darkness in their own life, it destroys a darkness in anywhere that they go. So I thank you, Father God, that you flow. You flow through your children like never before. Flow with revelation knowledge. Flow, Father God, with strength. Flow, Father God, with your truth that’s setting them free. And we thank you, Father God, for it in Jesus’ name. Amen and amen. So I hope this encouraged you today that God is releasing things. God is not only releasing information, but God is doing something on our behalf that we didn’t even know existed. We didn’t even know that things like this could happen, just like He said, Red Sea moments. And now, and He’s giving us a sign, ’cause He’s talked about the Red Sea many, many times in many different prophetic words, and He keeps having me teach on and go back to the Red Sea moment. And there’s things happening in the Red Sea right now. So again, God is giving us signs everywhere. He’s giving us these prophetic words that are being fulfilled all the time. He’s showing us, He’s proving to us that He is speaking, and He’s proving to us that He’s doing something about it. So that’s why I want this encouraged you today. And again, don’t take my word for it. Go back and read the Word of God. Go get the scriptures that God has given you today. Go read these scriptures, get ’em down into your heart, and get them to the point where it can’t be stolen away from you, okay? And again, I’m gonna be in Florida in two weeks at the Grand Ridge, Florida. So if you want to have more information regarding that event, please go to our website at JGMinternational. org under our events page. And also, if you want any type of Julie Green Ministries merchandise, you can go to threesensethreads.com. And of course, if you have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website at JGMinternational.org under our contact page, or you can write us at Julie Green Ministries International 4620 East 53rd Street Suite 200, Davenport, Iowa 52807. Well, God loves you. I love you. God bless you, and have a wonderful day.

Was a long wait to hear the message that finally came at near session end.
But what a powerful message it is.
The reason for the extended infuriating exhausting wait for the demolition of the NWO was the depth of corruption was so great that it takes years to absorb the knowledge. So unbelievable it is. Most people were in such a deep sleep they were practically hibernating.
The NWO takedown foreshadowed here is going to be exhaustively comprehensive. None of the bad guys escape.
Its looking like every election has been stolen, certainly in the US. And likely in many other countries.
One thing I heard was Lyndon Baines Johnson first elected in 1948 was actually behind in votes until another entire box of votes was “found”
And organised crime put JFK into Office. And organised crime killed JFK because his brother Attorney General RFK foolishly began prosecuting the organised crime that stole the election for them………
And the ultimate organiser of the hit on JFK was Vice President LBJ who succeeded JFK and stepped up the Vietnam war.
Its hard to decide rights and wrongs here. LOL.
Since WW2 have any US governments been legitimate ? WE find out THIS YEAR.
Its utterly thrilling to be here watching this all go down on a huge remote screen.
Makes this incarnation my most thrilling ever.
I think this will be the best year in Human History.
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