Searchable transcript for the Serious

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Goood uh Morning, Everybody. Today is Wednesday, January 3rd of 2024. And I want to thank each and every one of you for joining today’s live show. And again, thank you for blowing up the chat with God Wins. We’re reminding ourselves who is in control. We’re also reminding ourselves that the enemy loses. And so it gives people encouragement and hope. Because it looks like everything is going in not a great direction at times. But that’s why we have to encourage ourselves, what is really the truth. What is really the truth is that God does win. And that he is in control over everything that we’re seeing right now. He has the answer. God is the answer to every problem in this earth today. God is the answer. God is the source of supply. God is our victory. God is our health and healing. God is our deliverance. He is everything we need in any situation. He always has the answer for you and I. So I want to encourage you today that God is in control. And what we are about to see, no matter how things may shake up, no matter how many things look like it’s going in a not good direction. No matter where we hear a lot of bad things happening, remember the truth, that God has spoken these words, that he has given us these warnings, that he has given us encouragement and hope in him. Because it is. Everything is in God. We have all of our victory. We have every answer. We have everything we need. It’s all in God. And we can get through this. We can because God is the one. It says in his written word in Philippians 4 and 13 that what? He is the one because he’s the one who gives us– we can do all things through Christ. We can do all things through Christ and strengthen us. Christ is the one who strengthens us is because he is the one who fought the enemy and defeated him on our behalf. So we can do all things. So I want you guys to say, no matter what you hear or what you are dealing with in your own life today, I want you to say this scripture all the time. I actually have my husband, thank you, Chris, for giving this to me for Christmas. He actually gave me this iron thing I put on my wall. And it says, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, Philippians 4 and 13. So it’s a great reminder to have in front of us all the time is that we can do all things. Our body may tell us we can’t. Our mind may tell us we can’t. Our circumstances may tell us we can’t. But God will always tell you that you can. Because he is the one who gives you the ability to the do I can. He gives you the ability to accomplish everything that you need. So I want you to say, I can. I can do all things. I can do all things through Christ. I can do all things through Christ. If you have to say that 50 times, 100 times a day. But I want you to say, I can do all things. So no matter what is about to take place, because God has warned us about, he’s warned us to buckle up. He’s warned us to brace for impact. He’s told us to hold on. He’s told us to never surrender. He’s told us to hold the line. He wouldn’t tell us these things if there wasn’t a fight going on. If the battle wasn’t going to get more intense or looking like we’re losing instead of winning. So again, God will always give you an encouragement. He will always give you a heads up of what is about to take place. But again, in all things, we are not supposed to fear. We are not supposed to fear. Do not fear. Remember, fear is false evidence appearing real. False evidence that appears real. And so our enemies want us to make it look like and wants us to believe that they are in control. They want us to believe that they are the ones who are getting away with everything they’re doing. They want us to believe that they’re the ones who are controlling this entire earth, our governments, our freedoms, our finances, whatever it is. They want you to be under that assumption that they’re in control and that they’re winning. When actually that is the furthest thing from the truth. But it looks like they are winning. It appears that way and it brings fear. So if people are looking and going by how things appear to be it can bring a lot of fear to people. But God is telling us that things are not how they appear to be. And He’s telling us with all these warnings that its for the ultimate destruction of the plans of the evil ones. It’s a destruction of them and their camp and their group, all their things that they’re doing against us, it is for their destruction. And again, the Lord has been bringing this up to me. I’m gonna bring it up to you again. If you look at what happened in Egypt and if you look about how you think the perception that they had in Israel when they were in Goshen of all the craziness that was happening, but that craziness that was happening was for their release. It was for their freedom. It was for their Exodus. It was for their restoration. That craziness was for their release. From the enemy’s control, okay? And so I heard a prophetic word on the 1st of January. I gotta pull it up here. It was January 1st and it’s called the year of the great release. The year of the great release.
But before I get to this powerful prophetic word, I do want to say if you guys do have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website at JGMInternational.org under our contact page. Or you can write us at Julie Green Ministries International 4620 East 53rd Street, Suite 200, Davenport Iowa 52807. And also in a couple of weeks already, it’s hard to believe we’re in 2024, we’re in January. But in a couple of weeks, I’ll be in Greenwich, Florida with brother Timothy Dixon, Amanda Grace, Manuel Johnson, Candy Christmas, Jasmine Brady, and many others for the gathering in Grand Ridge, Florida. So if you want to join us, go to our website at JGMinternational.org under our events page. And you can find all that information regarding that event. So looking forward, it’s hard to believe it’s two weeks away already. What God is about to do, I don’t know, but I know it’s gonna be good. So I hope you can join us all there. And also, if you do want any Julie Green Ministries merchandise, you can go to threesonthreads. com, again, that’s threesonthreads. com, and all the new merchandise, there will be more to come. But as of right now, that’s what we have, they told me. And so Three Sons Threads, again, I love, well, I think one of my favorites is the Firm Focus Foundation on the Father. I love that shirt, and I also love In God’s Army. America Needs God, because that is a true statement. America does need God, so I hope a lot of people start purchasing those shirts, because that is a true statement, and it needs to be a movement that people are realizing that America does need God. It doesn’t need politicians, it doesn’t need other people, it needs God. America Needs God, so you can get that shirt. All right, now, that is all the announcements I have for today. Now, this is, again, called 2024 THE YEAR OF THE GREAT RELEASE and I was just talking to you, the Lord was just bringing up. The Great Release was the Exodus for God’s children back in the Book of Exodus, and when they were in the land of Goshen. They had a great release. Well, God’s saying that’s gonna happen again. So here is the first paragraph.
My children, this is the time, and this is the hour to break free. Break free from what has been holding you, break free from the lies that have kept you down, and kept you from moving forward. Break free from your enemy. Break forth, break out, and break through all the chains, the lies, and the deception. The time of the breaking loose, the time for the freedom has begun. Everything that has kept you in bondage, this is the year for your release. No more claim sickness. No more claim that pain. No more claim and receive those doctors’ reports. No longer claim the impossible or that nothing will change or there is no hope for your situation. Today, proclaim and receive the freedom that I’ve already paid for, the freedom that has already been won. It’s yours now. So receive healing, receive life, receive my joy, receive my strength, receive my love, and receive me in every way, sayeth the Lord. 2024 is a year for you because the devil is through. Yes, the devil is through in you and everything he had assigned against you. So receive his defeat and receive your victory now. A time has come where things are speeding up. It won’t take very long for prayers to be answered. It won’t take long to receive all that I have for you because 2024 is the year that the windows of heaven, of heaven, are open to my children. The enemy’s power has been stripped from them and your enemy cannot delay what is in store for you, children of Almighty God. No looking back, but look forward because I’m about to do will be like a dream. Some would say too good to be true, but I am absolutely good and I’m about to show the world how true this really is. My goodness will be like a flood upon this earth. That is what I have for you. So take it now, sayeth the Lord.
Amtrak will be in your news for a significant reason.
(S)Muggling, this word will be in your news for a shocking reason.
Taiwan, secrets that have been in your land will no longer stay secret. A great shock will come out of your land of all that the establishment in DC never wanted known, but everything hidden will be revealed.
Hawaii, shock will also come to your land. There are people that are about to come forward with proof of what took place on your soil. Again, the deep state can no longer trust people in their midst because I have infiltrated them. And the time has come for more to come forward and shout the truth and show the proof of what had happened, what they had planned for you, Hawaii.
Many secrets that have been hidden on your islands will be brought to the light. Truth is pouring out in this year to destroy all the lies and the bondage they had over my nation.
Ecuador will be in your news for a surprising reason.
Belfast will also be in your news for a shocking reason.
Pakistan, every secret hidden in lies that had been held back and truth is coming to destroy what your plans were. Your plans will not be carried out because I am in your way and nothing gets past me, sayeth the Lord of Hosts.
A sudden ceasefire and a great shock will come out of Israel. I am on their side and the world will know that for a fact. Ireland, great shock will come out of your land as well.
Greenland, everything hidden there to bring a great freedom. It is almost time for the truth to be known, what is taking place in your land.
Delta force, this will be in your news for a shocking reason.
Fully operational, this will be in your news for a surprising reason.
CERN is about to be obstructed for completing what they wanted to have done in this year of 2024. CERN will not only be obstructed, but truth is coming to expose the operations that have been going on in the past. What has been going on against the world. CERN will be destroyed by me, sayeth the Lord.
My children, 2024 holds lots of surprises, a lot of shock and awe, truth to set you free, shaking to wake up the world in a year that will bring down the globalists and all that they’re just about to do against you. So get excited because this is the year you have been waiting for. Sayeth the Lord, your Redeemer.
Julie Commentary So again, in the beginning of this prophetic word, I love how not only is God exposing things, he’s telling what is gonna happen. He gives us the news before the news with these prophetic words, but he’s also giving you encouragement. He’s giving you truth. He’s giving you his hope. He’s giving you love. He’s giving you joy. He’s giving you a good report or the good news. Because what people don’t understand is that constantly the enemy is using the news media to give you constant bad news or an evil report. And a lot of people can have that deception that is in their home and not even realize it and they’re believing a lie. They’re believing a bad report. They’re believing something that the enemy was trying to accomplish and only could accomplish if they deceived the masses. So what God is telling us is we need to hear the truth. And that’s why every day I tell you to hold on to the word of God, to get into your prayer closets or to start praying and having fellowship with the Lord, because you need this time to spend with him. You need this time to know him and who he really is and what to expect to him to do, not only for you, but everyone regarding his children and what’s going on in the world today, regarding our nations, regarding our freedoms or justice or liberty or whatever it is. If you know him and have a personal relationship with him, then you will not be moved and you will not get in that type of shock. You will not be deceived by all the lies of the mainstream media. You have to think, this is also a war of disinformation. There are people that look like they’re on the right side and they’re actually not. That’s why it’s so important to pray and discern what is the truth. And that’s why I say all the time, go to the word of God, get into the word. If things don’t line up with the word of God, you throw it out. That’s how you tell the difference. God, there’s churches, I told you that just before, but there’s churches that are giving all doom and gloom. There’s no hope. It’s all everything, all hell is breaking loose and God’s not gonna do anything. There’s not one time in the Bible that God says, well, you know, I’m tough luck, this time I’m not gonna do anything. He never says he’s not gonna give you some type of hope or he’s not gonna give you a way out. That is really not an intelligent thought in what they’re teaching and the churches are so wrong because he is the way maker, he is the way out. So every situation that we’re facing as a nation or every situation you’re facing in your life or your body, God is the way out. A lot of us are facing impossible situations. A lot of us are facing things that are getting more discouraging it seems like by the day. There are things in my own life that I have to keep going back to the word of God because it’s easy to get discouraged because it doesn’t look like anything’s changing or in all honesty, it looks like it’s gotten worse. But I know that truth. I know that the enemy wants you to truly believe that everything is going in the wrong direction, that nothing’s happening, that God is not gonna do anything. He wants you to believe in his power over you. He wants you to believe the evil report so you don’t receive what God has because if God’s people receive an evil report and believe that over believing God, then they will not receive what God has. They won’t get that outcome that God wants you to receive. They got that God paid already for. So if you see, I didn’t have this one written down but he wants me to have you turn there. The first scripture of today is in Numbers. Again, it’s so important to believe the word of God and to believe a good report. Again, a good report is God’s truth or God’s word because he’s always going to give you hope in your final outcome because he is your hope. He is your victory because he’s Jehovah Nissi or your banner or your victory. So God is always going to give you hope for a final outcome. So there’s people that are telling you that all hell is gonna break loose and there’s nothing that’s gonna be done about it. That’s not the truth. That’s an evil report. And remember what God has also told us that there’s nothing new under the sun, okay? There’s always been a good report, an evil report. There’s always a truth and there’s always a lie. So what report do you believe? Do you believe that the enemies are solely in control and there’s nothing God’s going to do? Or do you believe that God is going to intervene and he’s going to stop what these globalists and what these people have done against us? What report do you believe? God’s people in the Word of God had many opportunities to believe him and some of them didn’t take that opportunity. They believed in evil report. One of his examples is right here in Numbers chapter 13. This is right before they were supposed to go into the Promised Land. Yes, I’ve read this multiple times, but God wants to reiterate this because we have to understand that we have a choice. We have a choice to believe what God is saying or we have a choice to believe what the enemies are doing. We have a choice to believe what we don’t see right now fully and understand it fully because right now we’re supposed to be walking by faith. God says the just shall live by faith. We are supposed to live and walk by faith. That’s what we’re supposed to do. As believers, this is a funny concept, as believers we’re supposed to believe. Believe what? Believe God. Believe truth. Believe in God’s Word. That’s what we’re supposed to believe. We’re supposed to believe that over what we’re seeing because the five physical senses are gonna lie to you. So God is saying right here, this is a great example. He has had me go back to this time and time and time again because right now he’s talking about that great separation. Right now he’s talking about a sleep of deception that people have been under. He’s been talking about right now that there is a war of disinformation. He’s been talking about all these things right now. Why? Because people are being led in the wrong direction. They’re being led by deception instead of truth. And these are just, I think these are really good Godly people and they just don’t see the truth. And so again, just like right here in Numbers chapter 13 and verse 30. And it says, “Caleb quieted the people before Moses and said, ‘Let us go up at once and possess it. We are well able to conquer it. ‘” I will tell you right now, God is telling us that we are well able to conquer all the things that we are facing against us right now. We are well able to conquer it. Why did he tell us to never surrender? If we were not able to conquer it, if we were not able to have that victory, then God would not say, “Never surrender. ” God would not say in his word in 2 Corinthians 2 and 14, that he always gives us the ability to triumph. He calls us to triumph. Hold your place in Numbers 13. I cannot quote it. I have to go to the word. 2 Corinthians 2 and 14. I can, I like the classic amplified version of that scripture. So again, he wants to remind us that we win because he does. 2 Corinthians 2, 14. “But thanks be to God who in Christ always leads us in triumph as trophies of Christ’s victory. Through us spreads and makes evident the fragrance of the knowledge of God everywhere. ” So again, he leads us into a triumphant victory. He was leading them into a triumphant victory. This is Joshua and Caleb. They went with 10 other people into the land, the promised land, that God said was theirs. God who just showed his power, his ability, his love, his hand against the enemies of Almighty God and for his people. He restored them of everything that was lost. He showed them so many magnificent things and they still had the opportunity over and over to believe a lie. And many chose to believe that lie. So right now we have an opportunity either to believe the truth and don’t go by what things look like or we have the opportunity to stand on the word of God and say, “I don’t care what things look like right now. I’m in belief God. ” God said in his word, he doesn’t fail. God said in his word that he’s the alpha omega. He’s the beginning of the end. He says in his word that he’s El Shaddai. There’s nothing impossible. He says in his word that he’s the great I AM. So if he says all these things and he is Jehovah Nissi, our banner or our victory, then I’m not gonna be moved by what’s going on. Now that is somebody, remember there was a prophetic word for those of you who don’t know, but back about two years ago, maybe three now, God had a prophetic word about where are my Joshuas? Where are my Calebs? Where are my Davids? Where are my Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego? Where are them? Where are my people who will stand in the face of a great adversity, stand in the face of great darkness, stand in the face of death, stand in the face of something that looks so virtually impossible and dare to stand there and say, “I don’t care what I see. I only care about what God says. ” Where are these Christians today? Remember where we are weak, God is strong. And so if you don’t feel like you can say these things or you don’t feel like you can fight this way, remember you can do all things through Christ. Philippians 4, 13. God has given you the ability to believe Him. He’s given you the ability. Remember faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Romans 10, 17. So if you are hearing the word of God on a continual basis, your faith or trust in God is going to arise. And so when all these things that you are facing in the world today and how crazy it gets or how upside down it may look, you’re gonna say, “I don’t care. ” I can seriously say that and be like, “You’re not freaked out. ” No, I’m not at all. I don’t fear anything that’s gonna happen. I don’t care what’s honestly gonna happen that looks negative because I know the end result. I know that God WINS and I know that He’s delivering us. And I know that there’s a restoration because I know in His word, that’s what He says that He will do. And He’s stapled to perform His word. And so He needs people like you and I to dare to believe. He needs us to stand up in the face of great adversity and say, “I don’t care. I’m not gonna be moved. I will not waver at the promises of Almighty God. ” But unfortunately, there’s a lot of people in the body of Christ who have been believing in man-made doctrines and believing in that hopelessness and despair, garbage that people are spewing out everywhere. You know, the sad thing is, I’ve heard that I have received more persecution. I don’t listen to it, nor do I care what people say. I don’t care. I really don’t care. But the only thing I care about is that people are believing a lie. I mean, it’s sad that people are persecuting me over literally speaking a good news, a good report. Well, ’cause it’s bad news, what? Okay, Joshua and Caleb, we’ll go back to that. People I’m sure got mad at Joshua and Caleb because we’re just these grasshoppers in these giant’s eye. What are you talking about? I’m sure they got a lot of persecution for that because it looked like they couldn’t possess the land that God had promised them. So again, we can’t go by how things appear. So let’s go to Numbers chapter 30 and verse 31 now. Numbers chapter 13 and verse 31. “But his fellow scouts said, “We are not able to go up against the people of Canaan, “for they are stronger than we are. ” So right now you have certain people behind the pulpit, including myself, who are saying we are more than able. Oh, we are going to make sure that we are taking our nation back. We are taking our freedoms back. We are not gonna let our nation die. We are not gonna let them steal everything that has already been bought and paid for by God and by several different people that have fought in the military in this nation and fought for our freedoms. Too many people have lost their life for us to be free, but the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom was Jesus Christ. Why refuse to give up hope on that? I will always have hope in Jesus Christ and the blood that he shed and the ultimate defeat of our enemy. And so he needs, okay, he’s saying right now, right now you have a good report.
Right now God is telling you that we are getting back everything that has been stolen.
He’s talked about, this is the year we’ve been waiting for. This is the year of 2024. The year of the, people say the open door. Year 2024, the year of more. The year 2024, he said the other great release. And so I’m gonna go back over this prophetic word of what that great release is. So he’s telling you these things. You have a choice whether you believe in it or you don’t. God said in Deuteronomy, I think it’s Deuteronomy 19 and verse 30, hold on. Hold your place in number 13. I’m gonna go back there, I promise. I have to read this part out. Deuteronomy 19, I think, hold on. Hold on, no. Deuteronomy 30 verse 19, Deuteronomy 30 and verse 19. I have call, I call heaven and earth as witness today against you that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing. Therefore choose life that both you and your descendants may live. God has said he set before us life and death, blessing and cursing. Then he goes on to say, you choose. Well, I choose life. I choose to be a Joshua and Caleb. I choose to be a David. I choose me one that believes God. I choose to be one that will never surrender. I choose to believe one that will fight for my nation because I’m fighting for one nation under God because I know the promises of God are true and he’s faithful to perform his word. God wants us all to choose life. He wants us all to believe the truth. He wants us all, but again, there are people that won’t. There are people with the coming events that are gonna happen here shortly in the year 2024. They’re gonna just throw this away and say, no, this was true because it’s getting too hard. It looks like it’s just, it’s not gonna happen. And God’s saying, wait, I warned you of these things. In his word, he’s showing you all these scriptures. That’s what I tell you every day. I had a whole other teaching plan. I had all these other scriptures and I haven’t used any of them. Why? Because it wasn’t what you needed to hear for this day that God wanted you to hear. And that’s how I always pray for you. Lord, what do they have to hear for this very day, this very hour? What do you want said? It’s not about what I want, it’s about what he wants because specifically people need to hear certain words. They need to hear certain scriptures on a daily basis. That’s why I do five days a week. But God is saying today, we have a choice. We have a choice to believe in what he’s saying and we have a choice to believe in the negative report. There’s a good report and there’s an evil one. Which report do you believe? So let’s go here. So in verse 32, so Joshua and Caleb, remember, Joshua and Caleb in Numbers chapter 13 in verse 30 said, “Hey, we are well able. ” And then you had in verse 31, the other 10 people said, “We are not able. ” In verse 32, it says, “So they brought the Israelites an evil report. ” What’s an evil report? A lie. Why is it a lie? Because the evil report was contrary to what God said. God said that was the promised land that he had for them. God said, “Go. ” He was speaking through Joshua and Caleb and he was telling them, “You are more than able. So go and do it. Go and possess that land. ” That was the truth. That was a good report. The evil report was a lie that the giants were bigger and they were going to keep them or kill them if they entered that promised land. They were gonna keep them from it or they were gonna kill them if they entered it. That was a lie. The promised land was theirs. It was already given. I bet you if they would have marched right in and believed Joshua and Caleb, those things, those giants would have ran off because they had already heard what God had done for them in the land of Egypt. I’m telling you, they would have ran off or God would have had like a David and Goliath moment for them against those giants and they would have been defeated. Either way, no matter what took place, the Israelites would have marched into the promised land and taken over that land. Why? Because God said it. Right now, God is saying, “This is our land. This is our freedom. This is our time as one of the most high God. ” Well, you’re gonna believe that report or we’re not. We’re gonna believe that His hand is mightier and greater than anything that we’re seeing against us. We’re gonna believe this report or we’re not gonna believe this report. It’s that simple. So it says again, in verse 32, the evil report was, they’re gonna lose or they’re gonna die. So they brought the Israelites an evil report in the land which they had scouted out saying, “The land through which that we spied out is a land that devours its inhabitants. ” And all the people that they saw are men of great stature. So they were talking about the giants. We can see that there’s tech giants in our land. We can see there’s globalists in our land. They have all these trillions and trillions of dollars. They’re in control of the economy. They’re in control of the governments. They’re in control of all these people. And we could even easily say there’s nothing, there’s no hope. We could say, you know what? They won. They still won our elections. They’re trying to destroy our laws and our justice system. They won, but they haven’t. It may appear like they’ve won. It may appear like they have possessed our land or taken over our land, but in the true reality, they have not. It’s a smoke show. It’s a smoke screen. It’s not really true. Because the truth is that God has already destroyed them, but they want you to believe in that lie. But there’s nothing that’s gonna happen and that they have already defeated us and we lose. And our country is gonna go down in a heap of nothing. It’ll be destroyed and taken over by the globalists. But again, we’re supposed to be Joshua and Caleb’s and say, we are more than able. God is going to lead us into that triumphant victory that He speaks about in 2 Corinthians 2 and 14. So here we go in verse 33. “There we saw the Nephilim or the giants, the sons of Anak who came from the giants. And we were in our own sight as grasshoppers. And so we were in their sight. ” They had the wrong perception of the situation. They had the wrong perception of the situation. They were going by how it looked like and not the truth. The truth was that was their land. And the giants, even if God had ascended angel army, even if God came down Himself, no matter what He would have had to have done, He would have made sure they got into that land. If they would have marched forward with boldness and they believed in Him and trusted in Him, they would have had different result. But they believed the evil one, the evil report. They believed the 10 and not the two. There’s a majority of born again Christians right now believing a lie. There’s this, this is a time of hopelessness and despair and doom and gloom and woe is us and all this crap. And it’s not true. It’s not true. God is perfecting us, He’s strengthening us and He is going to do something. So if you look at Numbers 14 in verse one, look what happened. Look what’s going on in the congregations today. Same thing, it’s not different. Numbers chapter 14 in verse one, “And all the congregation cried out with a loud voice and they wept that night. ” Why were they weFBIng? They believed the lie. They believed in the fear, the false evidence that appeared real. They believed that the giants were going to kill them if they entered that land. They believed fear over faith. Then it’s said in verse two, all the Israelites grumbled and deplored and their situation accusing Moses and it not look, now they’re mad at Moses and Aaron. Not mad at the devil, they’re not mad at the enemy, they’re mad at Moses and Aaron. To whom the whole congregation said, “Would that we have died in Egypt or that we have died in the wilderness. ” So now all of a sudden they’re proclaiming their death in the wilderness. They saw God always marvel, like I said, these are people who just saw the Red Sea. Besides all the other things they saw in Egypt, these are the people who saw a rock and water coming out of it. These are the people who saw a manna. These are the people who saw a quail. These are the people who God was providing over and over. These are the ones who saw a cloud by day and a fire by night. All these magnificent, wonderful, awesome things that God was doing and how quickly they forgot. How quickly do God’s people forget the goodness of Almighty God? Because the enemy will put situations in your life that make like the storm in your life or the test and trial in your life and you will be more paying attention to that than what God is doing. That’s what his whole purpose is, to deceive you out of your victory. It’s already yours and he just deceives you out of it. Look what happens in verse four. Number 14, verse four. “And they said to one another, “Let us choose a captain and return to Egypt. ” They wanted to return to slavery. They want to return to slavery because they didn’t remember. They didn’t take seriously what God had done. Remember the scripture he gave us yesterday? Turn to Isaiah. The scripture he gave us yesterday. I never read the scripture like that before. Like I said, he just gives revelation. When I was teaching this yesterday, this was the first time I’ve ever heard it like this. This is how God teaches. He gives great revelation and expounds upon his word. You can sit there and read a scripture and not understand it. All of a sudden, he just brings great revelation. I’m learning when I’m teaching you ’cause I didn’t hear it that way before. But that’s God. That’s God and that’s how awesome he is. Now it says in Isaiah 46, verse nine, and he says, “Ernestly remember the former things “which I did of old. ” Remember what earnestly meant, take seriously. So take seriously all the things that God has done. He told them this, hold your place in Isaiah 46. He told them this in Exodus chapter 13. You know God’s alpha omega beginning in the end. He knew that they were gonna start growing weary and he knew that they were gonna start doubting. That’s why he told them in Exodus chapter 13 in verse three, he says, and Moses said to the people, “Ernestly remember this day. ” Why, take seriously this day what God is doing. Don’t forget it. Take it serious. The miracles that God is doing, how he’s delivering us, what he’s doing to get us out of this mess, take it seriously. Because the reason why God spoke that through his prophet Moses, through his servant Moses, is because he knew what was gonna take place. But he was trying to get their attention and have them take seriously what he was doing. So then when they came upon the giants in the land of the promised land, they wouldn’t have backed off. God is telling us right now to take him seriously. To take his power, his love, and who he is. His power, his love, and who he is, take it seriously. That God is more than able to do what he says he’s going to do. He’s more than able to take these giants out, to take these people out. Again, he says they’re the pharaohs of today. There’s a reason why he says the pharaohs of today. To remind you what he did in the pharaohs of old. To give you that right perception of what is really going on. Because if you don’t have that right perception of what’s going on, then you’re gonna believe in an evil report. Or you’re gonna believe a lie. So again, it says, earnestly remember the former things. This is Isaiah 46, nine. Earnestly remember the former things which I did of old, for I am God, there is no one else. I am God and there was no one like me. There is no one like Almighty God. These people who are trying to act like Gods, who are trying to be God, are not God. There is no one like God. Pharaoh was the same way. He thought he was God. He thought he could do whatever he wanted. And he soon realized that was not the case. And soon these people are about to realize that that’s not the case for them either. They don’t have the power they think. They don’t have the control they think. They don’t have the globalists. They don’t have the governments like they think. Because God has infiltrated the infiltrators. And I love the fact that he says that and makes that known. He wants the enemies to know that he’s infiltrated their camps and there is nothing that they can do to stop him. Whether they believe it or not, it’s up to them. But remember, Pharaoh’s heart was hardened so God could show that he was the most high God. Now I’m gonna go back over this prophetic word. Here we go. All right. So in this first paragraph, this is what he says. “For my children, this is the time and this is the hour, “to break free. “To break free from what has been holding you, “to break free from the lies that have kept you down “and kept you from moving forward. “Break free from your enemy. “Break forth, break out and break through all the chains, “the lies, the deception. “The time of the breaking loose, “the time for freedom has begun. “Everything that has kept you in bondage, “this is the year for your release. ” Now just in that, that first paragraph alone, he’s telling us to break out, break forth, break through. Through what? The chains that they’ve been holding you. How do you do that? Those are spiritual chains. They’re not physical chains. Remember, the Lord had told me back about 14 years ago now. He said what once was will begin, but to a greater degree. He said, “My children are more enslaved now, “in a more serious situation now “than they were back in the time of Egypt. ” And I said, “How is that possible?” This is 14 years ago. I had no idea. I really truly thought our country was free. I truly thought that we had a good party and there was a bad one. I truly believe that good was always winning and no matter what it looked like, we had the best nation in the world. I still believe that, but I didn’t see the underlying things that were happening. I didn’t see what was going on. I didn’t see the bondage. I didn’t realize what was going on. He said, “My children are in a worse bondage or slavery “than they were before “because at least my children then knew they were “and wanted freedom. ” My children don’t know they’re enslaved now, so they’re not crying out for freedom and they’re not praying for it or believing for it ’cause they don’t know that they need it. They think this is normal life and it’s not. So God’s people were in physical chains before, but this chain, these spiritual chains are worse because people don’t see them. But God’s telling us to break forth, break out, break through. He’s given us the ability. Remember, we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Philippians 4 and 13, we can do it. We can break forth, break through and break out of all of these things and be holding us down because He has given us the ability to do that. And how do we do that? Through the Word of God. How do we break off those chains in our life? Through the Word of God. How do we stop our enemy from winning in our life? Through the Word of God. How do we have healing in our bodies? Through the Word of God because it’s health and healing to our flesh. How do we have peace in our minds? Through the Word of God. Some people say I need more faith through the Word of God. Faith comes by hearing, hearing by the Word. That’s how you need it. Right now, when we are holding the line, right now, when we are standing here and we’ve been called to arms, we’ve been called to this battle. We’ve been called to the greatest battle in human history. And God is saying, it is not a battle that you’re going to lose ’cause I’ve already won it. All we need to do is be partakers of it and receive what he’s doing because I’m telling you one, one thing right now, I want to learn and not make the same mistake our ancestors did in that wilderness and stay there for 40 years. I’m not willing to do that. And I hope you’re not either. That’s why no matter how hard it is some days, no matter how debilitating it may be or frustrating it may be or discouraging it may be, I don’t care. I will pick myself up and I’m going to keep standing because I believe God. And that’s what all of us need to do. It says again, this is the year for your release. Release from what? From everything that’s been holding you. God said, this is the year that we’ve been waiting for. This is a year of truth pouring out like a flood. This is a year where God is destroying the narrative of the enemy and their controlling of the masses. He’s destroying right now the global government because it’s not for today. He’s right now destroying all of these things. Why? For his goodness and his mercy, his long suffering and his love for his children. Now let’s read onto the next paragraph. This is very interesting. Again, it’s very, very important right now to hear these words. He says, no longer claim sickness. No longer claim that pain. No longer claim and receive those doctors reports. No longer claim the impossible or that nothing will change or that there’s no hope in your situation. When people say, because I’ve been in many prayer lines before and I used to be like the person that did this too. And the Lord has taught me not to do this. And if I get caught saying something, my team is very quick to say, Julie, don’t say that. ‘Cause you can honestly not even think about it and you’re saying the wrong thing. People claim their sickness, whether it’s cancer, whether it’s diabetes, whether it’s like neuropathy, whether it’s kidney issues, whether it’s lung issues, whether it’s a fear and anxiety or whatever, they say, I have. And I know it’s what the doctor said. It’s a fact, I know it’s what a doctor said. But God’s saying, don’t claim it. Don’t say I have diabetes, don’t say I have cancer. It may be a fact, but let truth destroy that fact and let truth change that fact. So what are we supposed to say? We’re not supposed to say we are sick. We’re supposed to say we are healed. Remember, let the weak say they are strong. Let the poor say they are rich. Why did he tell us that? Why did he say in Romans four, hold on. So right now, if we look at Romans chapter four in verse 17, look what he said to Abraham. As it is written, I have made you a Father of many nations and the presence of him, who he believed, God who gave life to the dead, calls those things which do not exist as though they did. Call those things as not as if they already are. So say for instance, you are sick. And I know from a person who had a chronic illness for 27 years, you believe in that sickness. You believe in its power over you. You believe your symptoms. You believe what your body’s telling you. But you have to start saying, God, I believe you more than that symptom. I believe you more than how my body’s feeling right now. I am not gonna proclaim the sickness in my body anymore. No, because when the sun sets free, it’s free indeed. I am free now. I’m free from these symptoms. I’m free from this torment. I’m free from that death sentence. I’m free from that prognosis. I am free from it. I’m free from that diagnosis. I am free. God says no longer claim the sickness because if you claim I have, so say for instance, the doctor said you had cancer. Say I have cancer. You’re claiming that. You’re giving it authority. But if you are saying, no, I am free and that cancer can’t stay in my body and I receive my healing, I receive my wholeness, I am free today, cancer, you cannot stay in my body. You cannot take my life. You do not have control over me. You are proclaiming life and God’s authority in your body. That’s why God is saying no more claim sickness. No more claim that pain. And a person who used to be in pain every day, all the time, I never was free from it. It was torturing every day, all day. I don’t remember what it was like to not have any pain. But when you start proclaiming I am free, that pain does not hold me. That pain cannot stay in me. Pain go right now and healing flow. Julie, what if it doesn’t take place? What if it is still there? You keep saying it until it goes away. I don’t care if you guys say it for 30 days or 40 days. Keep saying it. Because the word works. I’ve heard people, I’ve seen it. People, we’re on their death bed. And they chose life and they’re living today. So you have a right to choose that life. You have a right to choose health and healing in your body. You have a right to choose freedom. You choose. Don’t let the devil take it away from you. Then it says in the next paragraph. Then he’s telling you what to proclaim. He says don’t claim everything that’s negative and everything that’s wrong. The doctor told me I have this. It’s incurable or it’s terminal and I have no choice. Oh yes, you do. You have choice to live. You have a choice for health and freedom because Jehovah-Rapha is your healer. And what is your doctor? Jehovah-Rapha, who is your physician? He’s telling you, you are healed. You may have an earthly physician that says you have all these problems. I know what that’s like. But what physician are you gonna make first and are you gonna believe? Either believe God and his good report or believe the evil report. It may be a fact. It may be a fact, but God’s word or the truth will change that fact. So then he’s telling you what to say. He’s telling you first what not to say and what not to claim. Then he’s telling you to proclaim and receive freedom that I already have paid for. Then he says the freedom that has already been won. Jesus already did it. You have to wait for God to do something. God’s already done it. Now you’re just believing and receiving and you’re taking it and you’re kicking the adversary out of what he has done in your life and you’re not letting him have that authority anymore. He says it’s yours now. So receive healing, receive life, receive my joy, receive my strength, receive my love, receive me in every way, sayeth the Lord. So God’s telling us to receive him. What? Receive him as our ultimate physician. Receive him as Jehovah Rapha, which means healer. There’s another lie in the churches today that God doesn’t heal anymore. What? God has healed before. He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever. He still heals. That’s not passed away. That’s not done because that means then Jehovah Rapha is no longer Jehovah Rapha. No, he’s still Jehovah Rapha, he’s still healer. So he says today, proclaim and receive the freedom that I’ve already paid for, the freedom that’s already been won. It’s yours now. So receive healing, receive life, receive my joy, receive my strength, receive my love, and receive me in every way, sayeth the Lord. He says, receive him, receive him in every way. He is your provider, he’s your healer, he’s your advocate, he’s your standby, he’s your comforter, he’s your joy, he’s your peace, he’s your deliverance. He’s everything you need. He says that 2024 is a year for you because the devil is through. Yes, the devil is through in you, in everything he has assigned against you. So receive his defeat and receive your victory now. The devil is through, he is, because Jesus has already destroyed his power over you. Now, what we have to do is believe that good report instead of the evil one that says that you’re not healed, there’s no hope for you, that your life and your body is never gonna change. I know what it’s like to have your symptoms scream at you every single day, every hour of every day, and try not to believe that. It’s not an easy thing. But remember, you can do all things. So now it says, and time has come where things are speeding up. It won’t take very long for your prayers to be answered. It won’t take long to receive all that I have for you because 2024 is a year that the windows of heaven are open to my children. We should be shouting just because he’s telling us about the windows of heaven are open. He says, the enemy’s power has been stripped from them and your enemies cannot delay what is in store for you, children of Almighty God. So again, the enemy has been delaying. They have been trying to stop what God is doing. And God is saying, his time is speeding up. It’s not gonna happen. Now he’s saying, then he says, no looking back, but look forward because what I’m about to do will be like a dream. Some would say it’s too good to be true. A lot of people won’t believe this good report because it’s too good to be true, nothing’s happening. But look what God says, but I am absolutely good and I’m about to show the world how true that really is. My goodness will come in like a flood upon this earth. That is what I have for you. So take it now, sayeth the Lord. Take God’s goodness, he has it for you. Take God’s healing, right now he has it for you. Take God’s love and forgiveness, he has it for you. Take God’s joy right now, which is your strength, he has it for you. Take God’s peace, he has it for you. He says, take it. Now, now he’s talking about, this is what we’re supposed to be looking for in the news. Amtrak will be in the news for a significant reason. Remember, the Lord has been talking about for the last, I don’t know, two years or so, he’s been talking about all these train developments. I cannot believe all the train developments have taken place in this last year, after he’s spoken about it. So again, look for Amtrak to be in the news for a significant reason. Well, it’s a derailment or whether something happens with Amtrak, I’m not sure, he doesn’t say, but he does talk about Amtrak. Now he says, smuggling. This world will be in your news for a shocking reason. Now he starts mentioning a lot of different nations and places who says, first Taiwan secrets that have been in your land will no longer stay secret. A great shock will come out of your land of all that the establishment in DC never wanted known. But everything hidden will be revealed. So again, there’s things that are hidden in Taiwan that the establishment here in the United States did not want known. But God will reveal everything that has been hidden. Hawaii, now, again, God talked about, before I get to this paragraph about Hawaii, there was many different prophetic words that God talked about wildfires. Again, all these you can look up on our website. That is true, that all this happened before that God spoke it and then it happened in the news. God talked about wildfires. And he said that some were done on purpose. And he would show the proof or he would tell the truth. The truth would be told about what was going on. These wildfires were not an accident. That’s what he said. They were not an accident. So some things that are going on may appear to be like they were natural, they were not. And God is going to reveal that fact. So now he’s talking about Hawaii. He says, Hawaii shock will also come out of your land. There are people about to come forward with proof of what took place on your soil. And I believe it’s more than just the wildfires. There’s a lot of things going on in Hawaii. He says, again, the deep state can no longer trust people in their midst because I have infiltrated them. And the time has come for more to come forward and shout the truth and show the proof. So people are going to shout the truth, they’re going to speak the truth, and then they’re going to show the proof of it. So it can’t be denied. To shout the truth and show the proof of what has been planned for you, Hawaii. Many secrets that have been hidden on your islands will be brought to the light. Truth is pouring out in this year to destroy all the lies and the bondage that they have had over my nation. So there’s a lot of things that are going to come out regarding Hawaii and Hawaiian islands. Ecuador, this will be in your news for a surprising reason. So Ecuador will be in the news for a surprising reason. This is not the first time he’s mentioned Ecuador. And then he says, Belfast will also be in your news for a shocking reason. Then he mentions Pakistan. Pakistan, every secret hidden and lies that have been held back, truth is, and held back, truth is about, or truth is coming to destroy what your plans were. So again, Pakistan, every secret and lies that had been held back, truth is coming to destroy what your plans were. So something has been going on in Pakistan for destruction and we had no idea. So he’s going to reveal that. He says, your plans will not be carried out because I am in your way and nothing gets past me, say it’s the Lord of hosts. So something is going to be revealed regarding Pakistan. All right, now, then he talks about a sudden ceasefire and a great shock will come out of Israel. I am on their side and the world will know that for a fact. God is on Israel’s side. He never sleeps nor slumbers and he’s going to let them know and let the world know that Israel is his nation still. There are some Christians that believe that Israel is not his nation and it is. So again, that’s why there’s a lot of shaking that’s going to happen because there’s a lot of things that people believed was not true and actually is. They were believing a lie. Now, Ireland, great shock will come out of your land as well. And then he goes on to talk about Greenland. Greenland, everything hidden there is to bring great freedom. So things have been hidden in Greenland that are going to bring great freedom. So there’s many secrets in Greenland and it says, it is almost time for the truth to be known what is taking place or taking place in your land. So things are going to be shown to be, to bring great freedom in the land of Greenland. So I don’t know what’s going on exactly in Greenland, but we are about to find out. All right, now, Delta Force, this will be in your news for a shocking reason. Delta Force, this will be in your news for a shocking reason. I have no idea what that would be, but I’m interested to see. All right, now, fully operational, this will be in your news for a surprising reason. CERN, CERN is about to be obstructed for completing what they wanted to have done in this year of 2024. CERN will not only be obstructed, but truth is coming to expose operations that have been going on against the world. CERN will be destroyed by me, saith the Lord. So watch out for information regarding CERN. Not only are they going to be stopped, more likely they’ll be exposed and there are going to be truth and evidence coming out, because remember, God said he has infiltrated the infiltrators. So no matter what CERN was operating for, God is going to obstruct it, he’s going to stop it, he’s going to intervene on our behalf. They are not going to accomplish what they want with CERN and then he’s going to destroy it. Then he goes on to say, my children, 2024 holds a lot of surprises, a lot of shock and awe of truth to set you free, shaking to wake up the world in a year that will bring down the globalists and all they were just about to do against you. He says, so get excited because this is the year you have been waiting for, saith the Lord, your Redeemer. So again, God is talking about the destruction of the globalists. Now they look like they’re giants that are all over the world. They have control all over the world. They control everything, they control the governments, they control the economy, they control the pharmaceuticals, they are pharmaceutical companies, they control many of the companies around the world that they control pretty much everything. That’s what it looks like. They are giants of today, okay? The globalists are giants of today. And God is saying, I can wipe out those giants just like I did Goliath. I can wipe out those giants just like I did Pharaoh ’cause they’re the pharaohs of today. God gives us many examples. And remember, He’s telling us to earnestly remember all the things that He’s done in the past so we take Him seriously. Take God seriously for what He’s already done. Take Him seriously of His power. Take Him seriously of His truth and what He has for you and I. His word is truth. So what we have to do is to take God’s word seriously. So no matter what’s going on around the world today or what you’re facing in your own life, because a lot of people are right now going through many struggles. Many people are struggling with the worst things that they have ever experienced in their life. And this is where I was struggling with something last week and I was really just frustrated with it. And I was sitting in my office and I was just praying. I was talking to the Lord like I’m talking to you. And I was just telling Him how frustrated I was about that situation. I said, “Lord, I’m not gonna hide my feelings. You obviously know how I’m feeling about it. I’m frustrated. I’m angry. ” I said, “I’ve been standing on your word. I’m praying about it. ” And this is what He said, “Julie, it’s always the darkest before a dawning or before a victory. ” And so you may be struggling with a very dark situation or a very frustrating situation in your own life, but it’s always the darkest. It’s always the most impossible. It’s always the most frustrating right before a breakthrough. So I wanna pray for each and every one of you. If you are facing impossible situations, then you are really frustrated. And there’s a lot of darkness. There’s a lot of hopelessness and despair that’s going on around the world today. That is one of the enemy’s tactics of war that we are dealing with right now is a war of disinformation, is a war of heaviness and hopeless and despair and frustration that we just give up hope and we don’t trust in God and take that good report and receive our final outcome. Our enemy’s on a war path to keep us from what’s rightfully ours. We have to be on a war path to keep him from keeping us from what’s rightfully ours. He doesn’t have that power. He doesn’t have the authority and he doesn’t, remember, we are far above. We’re not even on the same playing field as our enemy. He is underneath our feet. We have to remind him of his defeat. He’s underneath our feet, so we have to remind him of his defeat, okay? We have to remind our enemy that he is defeated. We have to remind our enemy that God WINS. So Heavenly Father, right now in Jesus’ name, no matter what anybody is going through, no matter what they’re going through in their life right now or in their body, right now in the name of Jesus Christ, I’m proclaiming and decreeing freedom in their minds right now in Jesus’ name. For every assignment from the pit of hell and every way that he’s been attacking them with hopeless and despair and frustration and impossible situations or fear and worry, doubt and unbelief, I bind it off of them right now in Jesus’ name because Father God, you said that you have given us the mind of Christ. That you have not given us a spirit of fear but a power, love, and a sound mind. So I’m proclaiming and decreeing, they all have a sound mind. I’m proclaiming life into their bodies. I’m proclaiming health and healing, soundness, restoration, wholeness. I command pain to go right now into healing the flow. And right now, Father God, if they are in a hopeless situation financially, they’re in a hopeless situation regarding their children, whatever it is, I’m proclaiming life. I’m proclaiming blessing. I’m proclaiming freedom in Jesus’ mighty name. And there’s somebody out there. You have a family member in the hospital. They have a dire situation. It doesn’t look good for them. But right now in the name of Jesus, we’re proclaiming that they shall live and they shall not die. We command death. You will not hold them. You will not keep them. We are proclaiming life. And every word of death that was spoken over that family member, right now we are canceling those words of death. We are canceling those words of sickness and disease. We are canceling those words right now in Jesus’ name. Satan, you will not have them in Jesus’ mighty name. And there’s somebody who has just had been diagnosed with cancer. It does not look good. It’s in your lung. Well, right now I command all that cancer in your lung right now. I command it to dissipate. I command to shrink and shrivel away. Right now in Jesus’ name, I command those healing in their lungs. Every single cancer cell, you are destroyed by the power of the name of Jesus. And I proclaim that those lungs will open up freely right now. They will be able to breathe in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. And that goes for anybody who has COVID or anybody who has pneumonia, anybody who has COPD, anybody who has emphysema. I’m proclaiming life into your lungs. I’m proclaiming air and restoration in those lungs and breath into your lungs right now in Jesus’ name. There’s somebody in kidney failure right now in the name of Jesus Christ. Your kidneys are coming alive right now in Jesus’ name. And they are fully functional the way God designed it. No longer speak death over that kidney or kidneys no longer speak that you will be on paralysis for the rest of your life or dialysis for the rest of your life. But you will, God is right now working on your behalf, put your hand on that kidney, proclaim life, proclaim healing and restoration in Jesus’ mighty name. And anybody who has any type of issues with your gallbladder, right now somebody’s got gall stones and we command and decree right now in Jesus’ name. I rebuke them right now in Jesus’ name. I command them to be dissolved right now in the name of Jesus Christ. And I think that gallbladder is free and clear and it’s fully functional in the name of Jesus Christ. Somebody also was just diagnosed with breast cancer or has been struggling with breast cancer. You put your hand wherever that is. And right now I command that tumor in the name of Jesus Christ. I command to die and dissipate right now and shrivel away in the name of Jesus. I speak death to that cancer and I speak life into that breast tissue right now in Jesus’ name. You will not have to have whatever the doctor is saying. You will not proclaim and decree that but proclaim and decree life over all the tissue in your body. You will live and you will not die. As long as you’re proclaiming the word of the Lord, God is saying you shall live and you shall not die. And that goes for any of you who are struggling with anything that’s going on with your health today, you proclaim life, you proclaim health, you proclaim healing right now in the mighty name of Jesus. Because in that prophetic word, what he was telling us, don’t claim these things. Don’t say I have these things. If you are struggling with health and your body is struggling with sickness and disease or you have a family member that’s struggling ’cause God did call some of those people out, stop saying it negative. Proclaim and decree that everything negative that was spoken over them, that those words will have a crop failure, that those words will not produce a harvest in their life and they will live and not die. That’s the difference when somebody is on the deathbed and people are proclaiming death, that’s why death happens. But you can proclaim life if they choose to live and they want to live. You can proclaim life over them if even if they can’t, they’re in a coma. You can proclaim life and command that body to come in line. If you have somebody in your life, the Lord’s just bringing something else up to me too. There’s somebody who has a family member in the hospital who has no brain activity, whoever that is. I proclaim life into that brain in the name of Jesus and that brain activity will come alive right now in the name of Jesus Christ. They shall live and they shall not die. And I thank you, Father God, that no matter what has been done no matter what kind of damage was happened whether it was an accident or whatever that was, I thank you, Father God, that you are restoring all that brain tissue no matter what blood, whether there was brain damage because of blood. No matter, Father God, I know when blood touches the brain cell, it kills it, but I thank you that you are life and you’re bringing life back into that brain. And I proclaim and decree it right now in Jesus’ name. So again, if that is you, if that is your family member, and even if you didn’t call that out, we have a very powerful prayer team here at Julie Green Ministries. Write us and let us know. We proclaim life over all of you. We’re proclaiming life into your situations, life into your body, life into your finances, whatever it is, life into your children, the calling back home, whatever the situation is. Remember, claim, proclaim what you want. Don’t say what you have if you want it to change. Speak the word of God over each and every one of your situations today. If you have a child that is drug addictive, you have a child that is on the wrong side and they’re not believing the truth, stop saying that they’re blinded. Stop saying that they are deceived. Stop saying that they won’t ever come home and they’ll never believe the truth. Start saying what you want. Remember, start proclaiming the word of God because that is what changes the circumstances in your life. Now, I also wanna tell you, I will be on with live with Pastor Dave here today again at 11 o’clock central time. I will be on take five in his glory at 11 o’clock today. So I hope you can join Pastor Dave and myself. I’m so excited because there’s so many things going on in the news today. What God is going to confirm today, I am so excited here and see what God is going to do. So I hope you can join us today. And if not, I will be back on tomorrow morning at six 30 central time. So I just wanna say, I hope this encourages you today. Please like, subscribe and share and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs to hear the truth because the truth will set you free. God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day. [ Silence ]

Pakistan and Greenland are seldom mentioned.
Pakistan is a country without mineral deposits, so wretchedly poor they went to a military footing based on Islamic Fundamentalism, stole atomic Bomb secrets and have been effectively purchased via the Chinese Belts and Roads Initiative. Their power grid is Chinese owned. The Chinese administrators are only good at billing everybody but have no technical knowledge so Pakistan is the land of BLACKOUTS. Pakistan’s ISI intelligence unit works both for and against the CIA. Many secrets lay there.
Greenland. Administered by Denmark. Hardly populated. Recall Donald Trump wanted to buy Greenland. Not the first US president to float this idea. Alaska was bought from Russia. One third of the US was purchased from Napoleon.
Makes much sense for the US to buy it to prevent enemies setting up bases there.
An American twin tailed Lightning fighter crashed there during WW 2.
It was recovered intact from beneath 200 feet of ice/snow. Which to this layperson makes a complete mockery of what we are told about Ice Cores representing history.
Taiwan, secrets ? Is and was Taiwan a CIA operation putting Chang Kai Shek there in the 40s ?
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