Divine message commences at 63mins 40sec right near the end and its powerful.
So you can skip to that by scrolling to the red text

To skip intro scroll down to Red Text for the divine message at 63 mins 40sec
(upbeat music) – Goood uh Morning, Everybody. Today is Friday, January 5th of 2024. And I wanna thank you once again for joining today’s live show. God WINS, and I love to celebrate that every morning with each and every one of you. No matter where you are from, no matter what country you are in, we love you, God loves you, we are winning, and this is the time the Lord said in the year 2024 that we, this is the year we’ve been waiting for. This is the year that we are taking back what is rightfully ours. This is the year of a great awakening. This is a year of a time to fight like no other time before. This is a year for our victory and for us to win. This is a time right now where we do push forward. We do press in to the word of God. We don’t back off, we don’t quit, and we start taking back the territory for the kingdom of Almighty God. This is that time. This is the time that we’ve been praying for. This is a time that we have been wondering, God, where are you going to show up? When are you gonna show up? How are you gonna show up? And God is saying, it’s time for him to show up. And so as we are waiting for all of this to take place, as we see things go up and down and we see things, it looks like a rollercoaster ride. God’s been telling us to buckle up and brace for impact. God’s been telling us to hold on. He’s been telling us to get in his word. He’s been telling us to seek him. He’s been telling us to get to know who he really is. And the reason for that is because when all of these things are doing that, you are not going to be moved. And that is what God desires for each and every one of us. He desires for us to be warriors in the army of the Lord. He desires us to be strong. He desires us for us to be far above our enemies. That’s what his heart is for us. And that’s the reason why he sent Jesus. That’s the reason why we have a blood covenant with him. That’s the reason why we have the power and authority of the name of Jesus. That name is above every name. So no matter what is going on in the world today, the name of Jesus dethrones and destroys those other names, those other things that the enemy is trying to do. Jesus Christ, that name is most powerful name in the universe. And so when we use that name, we call upon that name, our enemies shiver and they quiver in fear at the sound of that name. So the time that we are living in, we need to have more faith in that name, to get to know our Lord and savior, not just as our savior. A lot of people know him as their savior because they’ve asked them into their heart to be their Lord and savior. But a lot of people don’t know him as Lord or making him Lord over their every day life. It’s satisfy them that he’s their savior and they know they’re gonna go to heaven after they die. But it should be heaven on earth. And when we make Jesus our Lord priority, first priority of our life every single day, it can be heaven on earth now. We don’t have to wait for good things. We can have, and we can be able to experience these things and all that Jesus did for us on this earth. And that is what we have to stand for in this great awakening that God has been talking about, this great shaking that God is talking about. It’s waking up a sleeping giant. And that sleeping giant is the body of Christ. And once the body of Christ fully aligns itself with the head, which is Jesus, we are a force to be reckoned with. Then we have no power to withstand the power of Almighty God. That’s the reason why he wants to rock people to sleep. In the sleep of deception. Because if he rocks people to sleep in the sleep of deception, you won’t resist him. You won’t use your power that God has given to you because you won’t know that you have it. And so you are easy to defeat. Well, we should be untouchable with the power of Almighty God resonating in our lives and through us that no matter where we go, we destroy the power of the evil. We destroy their plans or plots and their schemes. We destroy, we can resist. Remember, if we resist the devil, he must flee. He doesn’t have a choice. And so just like yesterday, while my team and I were on a prayer call, we received a text message about what was going on in Perry, Iowa. Most of you guys know I am from Iowa. And so we heard what was going on with that school shooting. And immediately, remember, this is not against people. This is against demonic forces behind those people driving those people to do what they’re doing. So immediately we started praying because we did not want mass casualties and mass deaths. So we immediately started taking authority over the territory because we have territory. Again, remember, we are in this world, but we are not of it. And God says in Luke 10 and 19 that he’s given us power and authority and dominion over all the power that the enemy possesses and nothing shall in any way harm you. So if you know your authority and you know that you have the territory, not only do we say we have the territory of this state of Iowa, but we started proclaiming in Ukraine that we have the territory of this country because we are citizens of this country. Then we started saying we have territory in this world because we are children of the most high God and we’re citizens of heaven. And he has given us power and authority over all the things that are going on in the earth today. But so many Christians and so many believers today do not know the power of the believer, do not know the power and authority of the name of Jesus. They don’t know the power and authority, the resurrection power that dwells on the inside of you. If you are facing life and death situations today, you are facing impossible situations today, remember that God is a solution to every problem. If there’s a death that you are facing, there’s sickness you’re facing, if there is pain you’re facing, whatever it is, remember God is the answer, He is the solution. If death is trying to come into your life or a family member, remember that you have the power, the resurrection power of Jesus Christ resides in you. You have the power to choose life. And when you’re speaking that life and you’re confessing that life and you’re decreeing that life, if you decree a thing, it shall be established, that is in Job. If you decree a thing, it shall be established. And so yes, there are good scriptures in Job. There’s also, Job realized how forcible are right words and he said, God teach me to hold my tongue. So again, we have to realize that we have power and authority, life and death and the power of our tongues. That’s what speaks about in the scriptures, life and death and the power of the tongue. If Christians knew the power and the authority that we have with our words, we can change the course of our life, we can change the course of our health and our bodies. That’s something that we have to determine is that we have to speak life, speak blessing, speak healing, speak restoration, whatever it is that you need in your life. God is telling you to speak what you want, not what you have. And that is Romans 4 and 17. Remember, call those things as not as though they already were. Again, the reason for that is because God, it says in his word, a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. And that’s something that the Lord’s even been dealing with me about. Because if you go through certain things that are chronic, you go through certain things that last a long time, you can start seeing yourself in that way and not the way God sees you. So there’s been times before where I saw myself, I had a broken body and I was very frustrated with it because it seemed like there’s so many things that went wrong with it. And again, the Lord spoke to me and said, A man thinketh in his heart, so is he. So I was thinking of myself, believing the fact that I was broken. Now as I was broken spiritually, I was broken physically. And mentally, there’s so many things I thought on myself, I was broken. There are so many Christians right now that have the same perception of themselves. They think of themselves as broken. They think of themselves as failures. They think of themselves as quitters. They think of themselves as sick. They relate more with the sickness or they relate more with the pain. They relate more with the diagnosis than they relate with what God says. God says, By Jesus stripes, ye were healed. Okay, you are healed. Satan is stealing your healing. You are made whole. Satan is trying to break you in every area of your life. So again, if we resist the devil, we resist that mindset. If we resist these things, then again, the devil has no power over you. So if you have that perception of, I am a broken person. You have the perception of I’m just sick or I’m just this or I’m just that, then that’s what you are and why you are that way. God is saying, Satan has deceived his people into believing things that are not belonging to his people. So if you have pain, if you’ve been diagnosed with something that you are relating to that, and God says, don’t relate to that, but relate to what Jesus has done, because he is your healer. Remember, God is Jehovah Rapha. He is your healer. Jesus came upon this earth. It says in Galatians 3, 13 and 14, that he redeemed you from the curse. There’s a lot of times that the curse is running rampant in your own life or your own body or in your marriage or your circumstances with your kids or your finances or whatever. And God is saying, we need to relate more to what the Bible says. The Bible says that we are redeemed from the curse. He even says in the word that we should lack nothing. Lack no thing, nothing. We should lack nothing. Lack should not be in our vocabulary. We should not be accepting lack of any kind, whether that would be health in your body, whether it be a sound mind. Lack is not just financial. People automatically go to that immediately and just say, you know, lack, lack is financial, okay? But you can have lack of peace in your mind. You can have lack of health in your body. You can have lack of joy. And the joy of the Lord is our strength. So if we’re lacking in anything, God says we have no lack, so what do we do? We get into the word of God. ‘Cause again, there are times when you have to go to God and say, God, okay, I’m being real. I’m being real. I’m struggling with this or I’m struggling with that. And you said in your word that by Jesus stripes, I am healed, but these symptoms are overwhelming. Okay, again, we go to the five physical senses because it’s easy. Trust me, when you are going through symptoms in your body and they shout to you every day, been there, it’s hard for you to relate to the word of God and says, well, I’m healed. Well, but my body says I’m not. Well, you can tell those symptoms to shut up. You can tell those symptoms that they’re alive from the pit of hell and you can start, ’cause this is part, again, I’m getting to the point of this awakening because you’re awakening to the truth that healing is yours now, that life is yours now, that freedom is yours now. You don’t have to wait for these things. They are yours now. The Satan has deceived you out of these things to you to believe that they’re out there somewhere and you’re trying to get that health. You’re trying to get that miracle. You’re trying to get that answer from prayer. Well, God already is. So he said to call those things as not as though they were. Romans 4.17. So this is what he told me to do. When my body was extremely broken, this is what he told me to do. He said, call your body blessed. He said, put your hand on your body and call it blessed. And I said, well, it doesn’t feel that way. He says, call those things as not as though they were. And I said, okay. So I started saying, I thank you, Father God, that I have strength today. My body was shouting to me that I had none. Or you are healed and your body’s telling you you’re sick. Which report do you believe? Remember, do you believe the report of God and God’s saying you are healed? Are you believing the report of your body? And you’re saying, no, you’re not. Again, what do we believe? God’s word is truth. And by Jesus’ stripes, you were healed. You were healed 2,000 years ago. And these symptoms on your body, what Satan is trying to do to you, he’s trying to save you out of your health. He’s trying to save you out of what’s rightfully already yours. And that’s why God says we are to awaken to the truth. This year is the year we’ve been waiting for. A lot of people, even last year with 2023 is the year to be free. That’s what God wanted. The ones who were speaking and declaring and decreeing, I am free, I am free. Don’t let go of that. I don’t care if the calendar year changed. Who cares? Because on the heart of God, his heart is for you to stay to be free. And even if your enemy is fighting you tooth and nail, he doesn’t want you to be free. He’s trying to throw everything out at you. So you believe that you’re not free. God is saying 2023 is the year to be free. Yes, it is still that way. He still has that heart on his desires on a heart for you to be free. So don’t let go of that. No matter what God is saying, he says, don’t let go. Be free. Be free now. This is a year you’ve been waiting for. All the things you’ve been praying for, standing for, stop putting up with it. ‘Cause the devil wants you to put up with everything he can. And I used to put up with a lot of things. And God is saying, none of us should. We need to be lifting up the word of God in our life on a continual basis, speaking the word of God, declaring the word of God. Because if you declare it, it will be established for you. Declare, I am free now in Jesus’ name. I don’t care what my body says. I don’t care what my mind says. I don’t care what my circumstances say. I am free, God, because I believe you. I’m gonna walk by faith and not by sight. I believe you, Father God. I believe that I am free. So I am free right now. And just say it. Your mind may tell you you’re a liar. Your body may say you’re a liar and you’re the opposite of being free. But you keep saying it and you keep declaring it and you keep decreeing it. This is a year that we have to awaken up fully. A lot of us have already started to awaken because of the shaking, because of what we’ve been dealing with and we’ve been seeing around the world has been going crazy. And so a lot of people are waking up to the truth. But it’s not just about the truth politically. It’s not just about the truth of what God wants for our countries and what God wants. He wants you to be free in every area of your life, not just politically. He doesn’t care just about the rightful President coming back. Yes, it’s on his heart and yes, it’s gonna happen. But he wants you. So there’s so many people that have been relating to the fact, well, President Trump isn’t back in office yet. Well, is that gonna stop God from freeing you and healing you? No. No, that’s not gonna stop God. We can’t look just to one thing to save us. God is freeing our nation now. It may not look like it. It may be the farthest thing from it right now. But he’s freeing our country now. There are so many things that he’s doing in the unseen that we don’t know about. Remember, he’s been talking about the silent war. And if I’m gonna get to that prophetic war today, hopefully I can. He has me going in this direction, so I’m going in the direction that he wants. Because he wants you totally free. You don’t have to wait for a move politically. You don’t have to wait for an election. You are free now. Because Jesus set you free. Whom the Son sets free is free indeed. Declare your freedom every day. Declare your freedom in your mind. Whatever it is, declare it. Decree it. Believe it. Receive it. Hold on to it. Because this is the year where it’s going to shake like never before. And there’s gonna be a great awakening like never before. But we can awake to all the things that are going on in our nation. But we need to awake what’s going on in our bodies. What God is doing in our minds. What God is doing for us. Because this is the greater Exodus. He keeps going back to that example of what he’s already done. But he wants me to read something. So I gotta go to the book of Exodus. And Exodus chapter eight and verse one. Exodus chapter eight and verse one. This was probably the second time that Moses went to Pharaoh. This was about the plagues of frogs. And in verse one, Exodus chapter eight and verse one, it says, And then the Lord said to Moses, Go to Pharaoh and say to him, Thus says the Lord, let my people go. And that’s where people stop. I’ve told you this before. People stop at let my people go. Do you think that there’s a reason for that? You think there’s a reason even in the movies that they put let my people go, but they didn’t finish it. He gave me this a long time ago, like 14 years ago, this revelation. He said, what does that say? I wasn’t done talking. Let my people go, why? Why did God say let my people go? Why did he continuously go back to Pharaoh? And Moses said, on the unction of the Holy Spirit or the unction of God, and God said to Moses to say, let my people go. Why? So they may serve me. They couldn’t serve God fully because they were in bondage. They were under a great oppression. They were, you know, enslaved in their mind, in their bodies, financially, in every way, they were enslaved. And so that restricted the revelations from God, their relationship with God, their fellowship with him, understanding who he really was that affected them. And on God’s heart was for his people saying to the enemies of Almighty God, let my people go. Why? So they may freely serve me. God wants us completely free. This is why he keeps going back to the book of Exodus. He keeps going back to the book of Exodus because he’s saying, look what I did. I didn’t just free them from the bondage of, you know, Pharaoh, as in they’re just slaves in Egypt. He freed them in every area. He freed their minds, which is their, he freed their soul, which is their mind, their will and emotion. So we are a three-part body, okay? We are a three-part being. We’re a three-part being, all right? Just like the Father, Son, Holy Ghost, okay? Three-part being. We are made in the image and likeness of God. You can find that in Genesis 1 26. We’ve been made in the image and likeness of God. We are a three-part being. We have a spirit, we have a soul, which is your mind, will and emotions, and then we have a physical body. Well, God wanted them free in not just one area. He didn’t want them just free in their physical body. He wanted them free in their soul, which is their mind, their will and their emotion. He wanted them free because in any way, they weren’t free. And they weren’t able to freely serve Him in all things and in all ways. And so right now, what God is doing, and again, before they left Egypt, before they left, God freed them from everything. ‘Cause He said, No feeble among them. And if we look up the word feeble, I don’t have this up because this is not where I thought I was going today. Feeble means lacking in physical or mental strength. God said there was no feebles. So they were not lacking in physical or mental strength. They were not frail or weak, inadequate or unconvincing. They were not lacking in anything physical or mental strength. God wants you and I free during this time of an awakening. He wants us free mentally. He wants us free in our soul, which is our mind, our will and our emotion. He wants you free in your body. He doesn’t want you lacking any physical or mental strength of any kind. What is the enemy? And I know a lot of people, because a lot of people understand this, because the Lord has been speaking about this in prophecy. They have been poisoning our water, they’ve been poisoning our air, they’ve been poisoning our soil, they’ve been poisoning our seeds, they’ve been poisoning us in every area that we can possibly think of. And they’ve been poisoning us with medicines and vaccines and all these different things. They’ve been poisoning us in all these different ways, okay? And the reason for that is to make you weak and frail or to make you feeble. And that’s exactly what Pharaoh did in Egypt. So what he did is he made him weak and frail. There was even times where they, whether it be food or water or whatever it was, even toward the end when Pharaoh was really mad, he said he had to make bricks without straw. So it made it more harsh for them mentally and physically right before they were freed from Egypt’s oppression and their bondage. And so God’s people were at the greatest amount of pressure, bondage and oppression, depression. They were under the most heaviness, they were under the most amount of slavery that they’ve ever been in the entire 425 years they lived there. They were one of the worst part of it. Right now God’s people don’t realize how they have been suppressed, how they’ve been oppressed, how their body has been damaged by these people on purpose. And God is saying, I want you physically free, but I want you mentally free. I want you financial free again, because right before the Exodus, before they left, not only were they free in their spirit, they were free in their soul, they were free in their body. That’s why he said, no feeble were among them. That’s scriptural, no feeble were among them. And then he goes on above and beyond that and he frees them financially. He gives them back a complete restoration of all that had been stolen from them, plus some of a retroactive restoration is what he calls it. A retroactive restoration was what he went backwards. He went back, retroactively restored those 425 years of everything that had been stolen from them and he gave it back to him in a day, in one day. So when God’s giving us all these prophetic words and people think that’s too good to be true, that can never happen, that’s too far-fetched, that’s too impossible, look at the book of Exodus. This is nothing new to God. He is in the business of saving nations from evil rulers. He’s in the business of freeing his people from bondage. God is in the business of setting you completely free in every area of your life. So when people think that’s too good to be true, God is absolutely good. And so he can do these things. He wants to do these things. He’s been warning us that things were going to get bad because of the judgments. Things got bad in the book of Exodus right before their freedom is because of the plagues that were given, the judgment that was given to Egypt and Pharaoh and all of his people, it got darker, it got worse. Pharaoh made their lives a living hell, the Israelites before they left. Because it’s an intimidation tactic of the enemy when they know they’re losing, when they know they’re losing, they want you to believe they’re not. They want you to believe that you are losing. They want to make your lives a living hell. They want to put you under the most pressure and the most stress they could possibly think of so you submit before they have to. And so that’s the time that we are living in right now. It’s a time where they want to make it harder. They want to make it more impossible. They want to put more stress. They want to do more bodily harm. They want to do more things. And you get to the point where you don’t realize and you don’t believe the fact that they are losing because they are losing. One other way you can tell that is because none of us are just sitting here. We’re not sitting here and we’re not taking it anymore. The awakening has begun. A great awakening has already started. We are awake. But now God is moving us to another point to be fully awake. A lot of people are awake to some truth. They’re awake to some things, but God wants them fully awake. Why? To receive freedom, wholeness, that you are not feeble, that you are not, again, what does feeble mean? Lacking in physical or mental strength. He doesn’t want you frail. He doesn’t want you weak. He doesn’t want you inadequate. He wants you what? We are more than conquerors, as he’s been talking to us about, and we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us because Christ does strengthen us and God gives us the ability to do this. Our enemies want us weak. They want us sick. But doesn’t scripture say, Let the weak say I am strong. Let the poor say I am rich. It does say that. So we, again, that’s calling those things. It’s not as though they already were. Romans 4.17. We are supposed to be calling. Our nation is free right now. Truth is winning. Truth is prevailing. We are taking our freedoms back. We are taking our nations back. And another thing he’s given us as an example for us who are in this country. It was a while ago. I think it was one of the first Reawaken America tours I was in back in 2020. And the Lord kept showing me that this was like another American Revolutionary War. It looked like all hope was lost for them in that war. It looked like Great Britain was bigger, stronger, had more ammunition, had more people, had more military, and all the Americans were starting to lose. They were almost out of ammunition and their weapons, and people were dying left and right, and they were getting smaller in their military instead of getting bigger because so many people were dying because they were fighting a giant. They were fighting a nation. At the time, it was a bigger nation. They had more power, it looked like. And so it was easy for them in the American Revolutionary War to say, Okay, we’re done, we can’t fight this anymore. We’re gonna lose, there’s no hope. But they didn’t because they knew what was at hand. They knew what was gonna go by the wayside, their freedoms, what they fought for, what they came over here for, their freedom in Christ, their freedom to be able to serve Him, their freedoms in everything. They knew the calling on this nation. They knew this nation and how great and powerful this nation was, and it was supposed to be. They never even got to see the complete fullness of this nation how it was supposed to be, but we are. But they could have given up at any point in time, but they didn’t. And even though they looked like they were weaker, even though it looked like their military wasn’t as strong, even though it looked like they were running out of every weapon they had and ammunition they had, they still won. I believe they still won, obviously, because the hand of Almighty God, but they refused to quit. They were resisting at all cost. Right now, we are in a war. God’s been talking about this. We are in a war for this country. We’re in a war for the freedoms all around the world. And this is the time where our enemies want us to wave that white flag. They want us to surrender. They want us to give up and quit. They want us to, you know, they want a depopulation. They don’t want people in this earth because we were just destroying their resources. You know, they want us to eat bugs and not eat meat, which is the most insane thing I’ve ever heard, but they want to make fake meat. I don’t understand that. We’re not supposed to eat meat, but we can eat fake stuff. Okay, more process, more GMOs, more of those things, type of things, again, to cause more damage. Why do you think so many people right now have so many sicknesses and so many problems health-wise? This is a strategic plan that’s been going on for a long time. And a lot of these people, and I’m sure you guys, a lot of you already know this. This is a time of a great awakening, a time where we’re fully awake, where we are fighting back, and we are resisting like never before, that we don’t give up, we don’t quit on Almighty God, because again, this is a time where the enemy wants us right now to be under the greatest amount of pressure. So we give up and quit, and we won’t fight them back. They are losing, they’re losing, and they know it. Things are not working the way they used to, and they know it. They’re starting to turn on each other, and they know it. People are backstabbing one another, turning on each other. They know they can’t trust the person that’s standing right next to them. There’s confusion in their camps, and they are losing. So the worst thing that we can do is right now, even when the stakes, the stakes are way too high, when everything looks like it’s going in the wrong direction, it looks like we are not gaining any ground, and it looks like things are getting worse instead of better, God’s saying that’s when you’re winning. That’s when you know you’re winning, because it’s always a jerk, it’s always the worst. Go look at Exodus, it was. But again, God is saying He wants us completely free. He’s been saying, Let my people go, He said it. He said it back then, He’s saying it now. And those words are still at work today. And so again, if God says, Let my people go, and He said, So they may freely serve me, God wants us to be able to freely serve Him in all things, and He wants us fully awake, because we are fully awake, then we are able to receive more from Him. We’ve been limited to what we can receive from God because of our knowledge. Remember, it says in Hosea 4. 6 that God’s people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. So if you won’t have a knowledge of what you are losing out of, then you won’t fight for it. So God is telling us today that we need to stand and we need to fight, okay? This is a time where you stand, this is a time where you fight. If you fall and you say, Julie, I can’t do this anymore, and then you know what, get back up again. Everybody falls, you just get back up again. It doesn’t matter how many times you fall down, the most important thing is that you get back up. This is a time where if we quit, then you have 100% chance of losing. You can’t, quitters don’t win. Quitters don’t win, and it won’t make the fight easier. The fight will get worse. Your enemy thinks if you quit now, then you’ll get some reprieve, you’ll get to relax, you’ll get to take a break, and there is no break. There isn’t such a thing, not till it’s over. And so God is telling us right now that we need to fight like never before, resist like never before, stand like never before, push back like never before. We need to start taking back what’s rightfully ours and knowing what’s rightfully ours. And how we know what’s rightfully ours is by getting into the Word of God and knowing what God says in His Word that’s rightfully what belongs to us. What belongs to us is power, authority, and dominion. If you look in Genesis chapter one, I kind of went and referenced that earlier, obviously, but in Genesis chapter one, it says in verse 26, it says this for a reason, and look what he says. God said, Let us, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, make mankind in our image after our likeness, let them have complete authority over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the tamed beasts, and over all the earth and over everything that creeps upon the earth. Stop. Right here in this scripture, in the beginning, God’s total design for mankind was to have complete authority. We were not supposed to be ruled and reigned over by evil people. Any wicked government, that’s not what God wanted. Adam had complete authority in this earth until he blew it. But that’s when God said to the serpent, The seed of a woman is gonna bruise your head, and he was talking about Jesus Christ, and he did. Jesus Christ got back the power that Adam had, and he gave those keys to hell, death, and the grave, and he gave them to us. And so we just have to know, because of indoctrination, and because of legalism in the body of Christ, there hasn’t been taught their power and authority. They haven’t been taught that you can resist the devil and he will flee. They haven’t been taught that the joy of the Lord is your strength. They haven’t been taught that God has given you complete power and authority and dominion over all the power of the enemy. They haven’t been taught that. They haven’t been taught about the power of words. They haven’t been taught about any of these things. It is so ridiculous what the church has not been taught. And a lot of people behind the pulpit won’t teach on some of these things because it might ruffle feathers and it might make people mad and people might leave. Well, sometimes the truth is uncomfortable to hear, but just because it’s uncomfortable doesn’t mean you don’t need to know it. I would rather you be uncomfortable or you be mad at me. When I’m telling you the truth, than me not telling you the truth and finding out afterwards. The pastors in this country, all around the world, they need to have, and I’m not saying all of them, there are more of them that need to have more of a backbone to start speaking the truth and start speaking things that are uncomfortable to speak. They’re speaking about what’s going on with this great reset. See what’s going on with all these world elites and the globalists and what they’re doing against our bias, what they’re doing in our nations and what they’re doing. What are they doing? We need to know that fact and to know that truth. And just like when I had Clay Clark on the other day and he was showing and revealing to all these people of what they’re doing, what they’ve been doing to us, what their plan is. They’re not even hiding the fact of what they have planned in this near future because they think we’re too stupid to figure it out. Or we’re just being this sheep being led to slaughter and we have no brain to think for ourselves and we’re just gonna do whatever we’re told to do. That’s what they’re counting on. This is the time to be fully awake. And say, God, I don’t know exactly what all you need me to know, but what is a revelation that you want me to have? He’s given us prophecy all the time. He’s given us these revelations every day. He’s given us the scriptures to hold on to and to stand on and realize what is going on in this world today and what to expect God to do about it. He’s given us these things. But it’s what are we going to do about it? Are we gonna let it go by the wayside? Are we just gonna give in? Are we gonna give in to the evil report? Are we gonna give in to the, or believe in the good report and have our victory? Or are we gonna be wandering in the wilderness like our ancestors did for 40 years because they couldn’t get their act together? And God is saying He wants us to get our act together. He wants us to start believing and trusting in Him fully. Our circumstances are gonna just try to destroy us and say that’s anything but the truth. Your circumstances will try to get you to believe more in your circumstances than you actually do the word of God. And that’s easy to do sometimes, especially when you’re overwhelmed with certain things that are going on, depending how dark your situation is, no matter how long you’ve been going in that situation. It’s easy to give in to that circumstance more than you are believing and trusting in the word of God. But now is that time us as believers need to be standing, walking and fighting the good fight of faith. We need to be walking by faith and not by sight. It’s important to walk by faith and not by sight. I’m gonna go to that scripture. II Corinthians five, II Corinthians five in verse seven. For we walk by faith, we regulate our lives and conduct ourselves by our conviction or belief or respecting of man’s relationship to God and divine things with trust and holy fervor. Thus we walk not by sight or appearance. God’s been telling us in the last couple of years that things are not how they appear to be. And as believers, we’re supposed to believe and trust God more than what we are seeing. We’re supposed to believe in Him more than what we are seeing. There’s people in the body of Christ right now that are saying it’s over. They believe it because that’s what it looks like. But if you get into the word of God, it’s never over until you win. I’m gonna say that again. It’s never over until you win. And you know that because in II Corinthians 2, 14, and He’s been giving us that scripture a lot, He always leads you to triumph. He always causes you to triumph. And He means always, that is always. That’s not everyone’s fault. Every once in a while. You are called to this battle. You are destined to win. So it’s not over. It’s never over until you have that victory. And so again, if you look at that and the book of John, I have this prophecy up again for the second day in a row, but it’s not looking like I’m gonna be able to read it today, but. All right, now in John 16, 33, it says, I’ve told you these things so that in me you may have perfect peace and confidence. In the world you may have tribulation, trials, distress, and frustration, but be of good cheer. Take courage, be confident, certain, and undaunted. For I have overcome the world. I have deprived it of its power to harm you, and I have conquered it for you. Jesus has conquered the world. We are world overcomers. You can find that in, let us go, first John, first John five. Right now we’re talking about being fully awake. You know, that’s why he’s given this teaching that he’s given today is because we need to be fully awake. Because right now we’re at that precipice, we’re at that time where things are going to start shaking like never before in history. Not like this, and you need to choose which side you’re on. Like we were praying yesterday on our prayer call, we were praying that people know what side. They cannot be on both sides of the fence. They have to pick a side. And that you pick the right one, that your family members pick the right one. You pick the side of God, you pick the side of truth. And so when all these things happen, again, like God says, we’re in like the land of Goshen, well, we’re not affected by it. So first John five in verse one. This is part of the awakening. Everyone who believes and hears to trust and relies on the fact that Jesus is the Christ and Messiah is born again, child of God. And everyone who loves the Father also loves the one born of Him, His offspring. So again, if you are, if you believe, adhere to, and trust and rely on the fact that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, you are born again. If you believe and you’ve asked Jesus Christ into your heart to be your Lord and Savior, and you truly believe that God sent His Son, and He died for our sins, He died on that cross for our sins and He was raised from the dead, you truly believe that and you’ve asked Him in your heart to be your Lord and Savior, you are born again, child of God, okay? Verse four, For whatever is born of God, so if you have asked Jesus into your heart to be your Lord and Savior, you are now a new creation in Christ Jesus, and you are now born of God and you are victorious over the world. You’re victorious over everything that happens in this world. And it says, And if this is a victory that conquers the world, even our faith, our faith and trust in God over what’s going on in the world makes us a world overcomer. If we are trusting and relying on God, believing in Him more than what’s going on in the world, then we are world overcomers. Then it says in verse five, Who is it that is victorious over, that conquers the world, but he who believes that Jesus is a son of God, who adheres to trust in relies on that fact. You are a world overcomer. And that’s why when Jesus said in John, Big John 17, ’cause this is Little John, 1 John, but if you go to Big John, which is the book of John, in chapter 17 in verse 13 through 17, he talks about how you were in this world and not of it. We’ve gone over that scripture many times. You are a world overcomer. And again, when you start seeing judgments that are about to hit this earth like never before, I want you to look at this scripture because God says we’re not supposed to fear. So if you look in Colossians chapter one, Colossians chapter one and verse 13, again, we’re world overcomers. Colossians chapter one and verse 13 says, The Father has delivered and drawn us to himself out of the control and dominion of darkness and has transferred us into the kingdom of his son, of his love. We have been drawn out of the darkness of this world. So a lot of people talk about the darkness of this age. What’s going on in this world today is so dark and it’s so wicked and so evil. But God said right here in the word of God, it says right here, verse 13, The Father has delivered and drawn us to himself. And we have been drawn to himself out of the control and dominion of darkness. We should not be controlled by the evil, by the wicked or the darkness because he has delivered, he’s already, he doesn’t have to deliver us out. He’s already delivered us out. Because of what Jesus did, he’s delivered us out of it. So now we’re gonna start seeing it fully that we are free from the control and the darkness and dominion of what’s going on in the world today. We are free from the dominion of the darkness of this world. We are free from it. We’ve been drawn out. Again, think of the scripture. He’s drawn us to himself out of the control and dominion of darkness. So again, wicked is running rampant. You see it all over the place. Darkness is, it looks like it’s getting worse by the day. And God said, I’ve drawn you out of that to myself. I’ve drawn you out of that to myself. Again, part of the awakening. He’s drawn, it’s like to me, I see him when he says I’ve drawn you to myself, he said, The Father has delivered and drawn us to himself. It’s like a Father or a mother taking their hands and picking up their child out of, if they’ve fallen down and they’ve gotten hurt, it’s like picking them up and drawing them to themselves and consoling them and saying, it’s okay, everything’s gonna be okay, it’s fine. It’s like God is picking us up and he’s saying, hey, everything is gonna be fine. He’s drawing us to himself. He’s bringing us revelation by the day and showing us who is really in control. And it’s not them. It’s not the ones that we’re seeing that are trying to be in control today. So we have to realize right now in this awakening, God has said, awake out of the sleep of deception. God wants us fully awake. We have been somewhat awakened. You know how like when you first wake up out of a deep sleep and you kind of lay there for a few minutes and you’re kind of like, just trying to wake up and trying to come to yourself like, okay, I gotta do this today, I gotta do this today. And before you get out of bed, you’re just trying to fully wake up before you get up. All right, you’re trying to fully wake up before you get up. ‘Cause if you’re like half asleep and you get out of bed, sometimes, you know, you may trip, you may fall, you may not see something, you may run into something because you’re not fully awake. But God wants us fully awake. So we’re not tripping over things. We’re not running into things. We’re not hurting ourselves. We are fully awake to fully receive what God is doing. God wants us fully awake. And even in darkness, you know, like if you have to get up in the middle of the night to use the restroom and it’s completely pitch black in your room or whatever, you know exactly, pretty much if you’ve been in a place for a long time, you know exactly where to go, even though it’s dark in there. Like I never turn on a light. I don’t need to turn on a light. But God is our light in the midst of darkness. He will lead us exactly where we need to go. He knows where we need to go. He leads us to where we need to go. So you may know exactly what hallway to take or how you need to go into your restroom. You may know exactly what to do in order for you not to hit a wall or not hit the door. You know where the doorway is. God is showing us this doorway. So we are not slipping and falling. So we are not falling for the crap in this world. So we are fully awakened. So we are not participating in that darkness because he’s drawn us to himself. He doesn’t want you injured. He wants you fully awakened. And that’s why there is coming a great shaking. That’s why there is things going on for us to be completely set free. Remember Goshen? Goshen, there was light. Egypt, there was darkness. God is our light in the midst of darkness. We are supposed to be fully awakened in him. So we don’t trip. We don’t stumble. We don’t fall. We don’t run into anything and we don’t get deceived into receiving something that’s not ours or believing something that’s gonna happen when really God is saying, that’s not gonna happen at all. Don’t fall for the lie and the deception of the adversary. Don’t fall for that. We are not supposed to be asleep at the wheel. We’re supposed to be fully awakened in the driver’s seat and receiving what God has already done. He’s leading us and he’s saying, hey, you’re almost at your destination. So say for instance, you’re driving for 12 to 14 hours or 20 hours or whatever it is. And it’s been a long road. And by the time you’re like maybe an hour away from your destination, a lot of people just get annoyed ’cause they just wanna get there ’cause it’s been so long. You’ve been in your car so long. And it’s just like, okay, I just wanna get to the destination. I just wanna get there, I wanna get there, I wanna get there. And some people get more impatient the closer you’re getting. It’s like, okay, I just wanna wait another hour. I just wanna get there. I just wanna get to that place right now. Especially if you’re going on a vacation like me, it’d be a beach somewhere and I can’t wait to get to the beach. Well, that last hour seems like it lasts like 13 hours instead of lasting just an hour because you’re so excited, you’re anticipating the end. But you wouldn’t at that 20 hour mark when you gotta go 21 hours, you wouldn’t stop and say, okay, I’m done. I don’t wanna drive that extra hour. I’m just fed up, I’m tired, I can’t do it. And then you wouldn’t get to your destination. I’m just gonna go back, I’m gonna go back home, I’m done. I don’t wanna drive anymore. It’s not logical thinking. If you’ve gone that far, why would you go back? God is saying, we’ve come this far. We’re at the end. We’re at the end. We’re almost at that destination. We’re almost at that there it is moment between the amen and there it is. We are supposed to receive our victory. And God said, don’t let go of it now. Don’t let go of it now, you’re at that end. You’re at that final moment. The final part, the final hours. He said, the hour is late, it’s almost done. So don’t lose hope now. Then that final hour or that final time that we’re in, it may look the worst out of the last three years or four years or whatever for a month or whatever it is. And it may look so discouraging. And God said, no, hold on. You’re at that final moment. You’re at your almost your final destination. You’re just about there. So don’t turn back, don’t quit, don’t give up. Stay fully awake. Stay with him, stay fully awake and don’t give up on him because he’s not gonna give up on you. ‘Cause God would never do that. And so in this time of the fully, I would call this an awakening to Almighty God. Awakening to his truth, awakening to his word because his word is truth and that sets you free. To awakening to the fact that God is saying all that he’s already done. And he just wants you to receive what he’s doing. He wants you to believe in him more than what you are feeling, more than your five physical senses are telling you in any way, shape or form. He wants you to believe and trust in him. So in this time of this great shaking, in this time of this great awakening, there’s gonna be ample opportunity for you to say, I can’t. Remember, God says, you can. He’s given you that ability. He’s given you the strength and he’s doing it now. He’s giving us revelation after revelation of his word and his word and how it pertains to us today. His word is life, his word is power, his word is truth. His word is life, his word is power and his word is truth. And that truth will set you free. That power destroys your enemy. And that life and his word destroys a power of death in your life or death to our nation, death to our freedom. God is life, life always WINS. God always WINS, truth always WINS over a lie. And so we see all of our enemies are starting to get caught in all their lies and all these things are starting to come out. And I think it was a prophecy he gave out yesterday. He talked about there was gonna be even more information. But if we would have gotten this information four years ago that’s about to come out, not everybody would have been able to handle it. Why? Because they were not awake. It would have caused more damage. It would have caused more frustration and it would have caused a civil war. It would have caused more deaths. And that’s not what God wanted. The reason why it’s taken up till now is for this awakening, an awakening to Almighty God, awakening to the truth of his word and what he has for you and I. So in this time right now, God is saying, you will always succeed ’cause I’m on your side. You always persevere, you will always win. As long as you don’t remember, it says if you look back at 1 John 5 that I read to you and it says in verse one, Everyone who believes adheres to trust and relies on that fact, adheres to, you won’t let go. You won’t let go. You’re gonna receive that victory. You’re gonna receive that healing, that miracle in your body you’ve been longing for, you’ve been standing for, you’ve been believing for and God is saying it’s there. You just have to take it and receive it and believe it more than what your body’s telling you. Same thing with if you have a family member that’s hospitalized, your family member’s got a really bad report, you keep calling life, you keep calling healing, you keep speaking the word of God and you believe the word of God more than you believe what’s going on in that situation. That’s the part of this awakening. Awakening to the truth. And as we are going throughout this year and no matter what you see, no matter what is going on, no matter how crazy it may look, no matter how upside down it may seem, you be fully awake, trusting God, get into the word of God more. There is a silence coming. There is times where there’s a blackout coming. There’s times where you’re not gonna be able to get on the internet. You’re not gonna be able to do things that you would normally do for a short time. God said it in a prophecy, He’s talked about blackouts, He talked about a silence. If you have not heard those prophecies, you can go back to our website and you can look up blackouts or you can look up a silence, the great silence. You can find those prophetic words and read them and what God was saying. And He was saying all these things were for your victory, not for your defeat. Take advantage of that and start reading the word of God. So you know what? I don’t have all the craziness in the world today, so Father God, I’m just gonna praise you today. Start praising Him, start thanking Him. You know what? You have distraction of a phone, good. Start praising and thanking God. Start getting to know the Creator of heaven and earth who lives on the inside of you. I wanna pray for you today. I didn’t get to that prophecy, but then there’s a reason for it because He needed you to hear this instead of that. I can have it up. I will do it every time that He wants me to, but if He doesn’t wanna give me something out at that particular day, I won’t. Why? Because it’s not in the perfect timing of God. He needed so many people to hear about this awakening more than they need to hear that prophecy at this particular point.
Julie PRAYER BEGIN So I wanna pray over each and every one of you. I wanna pray over your family. I wanna pray over you that you are awake. And I’m not counting out that God won’t say something. But I do feel like He will say something, whether it’s in the prayer or, you know, I don’t know. I just feel like He wants to say something, but I don’t know exactly how He wants me to work this out. So I’m trying to figure that out right now. But again, if we focus on God, we aren’t gonna lose. If we have that firm stability, we have our feet planted, we’re not gonna be moved in this time that everything is moving. So, Father God, right now we just wanna, I wanna love every person inside of my voice. And no matter what is going on in their life, I know, Father God, that you are the creator of heaven and earth, and you are greater, and you are bigger, and you are the solution to every problem. And Father God, I proclaim and decree that each and every one of them are fully awakened in the name of Jesus Christ. Every assignment from the pit of hell that has kept them in some type of deception, has kept them away from the truth. It’s kept them any way from the truth. I bind it and rebuke it right now in the name of Jesus Christ Satan, get your hands off of their minds, get your hands off of their bodies, get your hands off of their finances, get your hands out of their situations right now in the name of Jesus. And I am proclaiming life into their bodies, life into their minds, life into their family in the name of Jesus Christ, life into their finances, everywhere where there is death, we speak life. Everywhere there is lack, we speak more than enough, because Father God, that’s who you are. And I thank you, and I praise you right now from revelation from heaven, that you are breaking the chains off of people, you are breaking that religious spirit off, you are breaking off that all those indoctrinations, you are breaking off all that legalism, you are breaking off things that have kept them from freely serving you. In any lie from the pit of hell, you are keeping them from the pit of hell, you are keeping them, you are protecting them from the evil one. And so thank you, Father God, that we are all fully awake in you, that we are fighting and we are calling down the evil, we are calling down the wicked, and we are taking back territory for the kingdom of Almighty God. We command and decree right now in the name of Jesus that every wicked ruler, every person that’s a dirty politician, every person that’s in governments all around the world, every person that’s in high power level positions, Father God, that does not belong there, we are calling them down in the name of Jesus. And just like the walls of Jericho, we are calling it down and we are calling it down now. And as the shaking is going on, and as darkness is getting darker, I thank you, Father God, your light on the inside of your people is getting brighter. I thank you that there’ll be light in their homes, there’ll be light because you are light and you are light. You are their light in the midst of that darkness, giving them revelation to override and to destroy and overthrow the enemy in every single one of their plans.
Divine Message Begins Here at 63 min 40 sec
For I the Lord this day, I’m telling you my children to know your authority and get to know me in a greater way. I am giving out greater revelation, a level upon level upon level of revelation knowledge of who I am and how I live on the inside of you. And how I am greater than any problem that you are facing, that I am greater than any impossible situation, I am greater. I am greater than any enemy that you are facing. I am greater than any global government. I am greater than every single politician. I am greater than any government. I am greater than any corporation. I am greater than any of the news media. I am greater because I am the great I AM Do not be afraid about what you are about to see because what you are about to see is judgment. What you are about to see is justice being served. What you are about to see is a rattling and the shaking of your enemy’s camps and their control and power over you. Because my children, I am moving on your behalf and I am breaking you free from the chains and the bondage of this oppression and this slavery and what the enemies have done against you. I am going to turn it around and I am going to restore everything that has been lost. And I mean everything. Your enemies want to shout at you and they want to show you. And they’re trying to prove to you of their control. They’re trying to prove to you of their power. They’re trying to prove to you that election fraud works. Well, I will tell you that I have set them up for failure. I will tell you that I have set traps and I am in the midst of them and I know everything they’ve done. And I’ve told you time and time again, my children, that I am going to show the truth and the proof of everything that they have done and every wicked person against my nation, every wicked person against my children are all gonna fall because they’re all gonna fail because I am moving. I am moving, I am moving. I am moving quicker now. I am moving on behalf of my children. And I have said, and I will say this again, the Red Sea moment in my word, in the book of Exodus, this is going to be far greater than that Red Sea moment that the Israelites saw. These momentS, because there’s more than one, these moments where I will show to you that there’s nothing impossible. I’m gonna show you that you’re gonna hardly believe what you are seeing because human reason can’t comprehend my supernatural ability and my strength that I really am and who I am and what I will do for my children. Great leaders, not great as in good. Great as in they’ve had a lot of power given to them by the enemy. They have controlled nations. They have controlled your and manipulated your economy. Once all of this truth breaks out about how these leaders have manipulated the money, manipulated corporations, manipulated the pharmaceutical, manipulated every single thing that you are experiencing right now. There are men in these businesses and in these corporations, there are men in behind these closed doors that have manipulated every single war, have manipulated all the economy and every up and every down. They have manipulated all of the sickness and the pestilence that have been going on in the world today because half the things that they are making on purpose for a greater destruction. I’m gonna show proof of every thing that they have designed and it’s worse than just the COVID. They have designed worse viruses and worse things to destroy you, my children. And they are going to try to implement those things. But again, I said, I said before you, life and death, blessing and cursing, you choose. A thousand may fall at one side and 10,000 at another but it will not come near you. You speak my word, you speak Psalm 91. You believe it, you receive it. You believe that I am the great I am, you believe that I’m your protector, you believe that I’m your advocate, you believe that I’m your standby, you believe that I am your healer. Believe these things, believe in me and you will see what I’m about to do and so far greater than any human person, any person has ever seen or experienced, ever heard or ever, ever in human history has not been to this degree. There’s nothing to compare it to what I’m about to do for you. I will say that again. There is nothing to compare it to what I’m about to do for you. So settle it in your hearts, settle it in your minds, settle it that I am in control. Settle it that I am in you and I am greater than anything in the world. Settle this and make it known, say it again and again, read those scriptures again and again to give you encouragement and to give you hope that when you do resist the enemy, when you resist the devil, he must flee, he doesn’t have a choice. So stay strong, my children. I am giving you great strength in this time, great and mighty strength to persevere, to overcome and to overthrow all that is against you. So rise up, stand up and receive the time of the great awakening. Receive the time of a great awakening, awakening in me. You ask for more revelation, I will give it to you. Remember, seek me and you will find, knock and the door will be opened. If you ask anything in my name according to my will, I will give it to you. But according to my will, my will is my written word. So get into my word, establish it, get it down into your heart, make it first priority, make it final authority and you are about to see that everything against you will run and flee. So my children today, stand on my word, receive me, trust in me like never before for this great and mighty victory, sayeth the Lord.
Julie Commentary Praise the Lord. I just had a feeling, that’s why I wanted to start praying because I knew he had something that he wanted to speak but I didn’t know exactly how or when he wanted me to speak it. So I wanted to pray over you guys first. So again, receive what God is doing, receive this word, go back over it, write down those scriptures. I know I referenced it a lot and I wanna tell you, the moderators and my social media team, they are amazing. I wanna say God bless you and thank you to all of you. They put in the description box, after the live show, they will put all the scriptures, they put like what those scriptures are for. It’s amazing what they’re doing. They’re giving you tools in every single one. Go back to some of these different live shows and you can see the scriptures and you can see what they were doing. They’re putting in notes in the description box for you so you have this on a daily basis. They do such an amazing job. I never asked for them to do that. They do that on their own accord because they love God and they go above and beyond. So again, that is what we need to do is go down, go in the description box. If you miss some of the scriptures, I know I referenced a lot, I didn’t turn to a lot of them. I preach sometimes and I don’t always turn and I should, but I just, I reference them, but they will put them down there. So again, go back to those different live shows, get in the description box and find it out. So, all right now, if again, I will be gone here in a couple of weeks, I’ll be at the gathering in Grand Ridge, Florida. So you won’t have any information regarding that event with brother Timothy Dixon and many others. You can go to our website at JGMinternational. org under our events page. I will be speaking that Friday the 19th and Saturday morning, okay? I’ll be speaking Friday the 19th at night and then Saturday morning. So I’ll be speaking back to back. And then also, if you have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website at JGMinternational. org under our contact page. You can write us at Julie Greene, Ministries International 4620 East 53rd Street, Suite 200 Davenport, Iowa 52807. All that information again is in the description box below. If you want any Julie Greene Ministries merchandise, you can go to threesonsthreads.com. I know these shirts are flying off the shelf. I know America Needs God is one of my favorites that are flying off and God’s army is flying off the shelf. Firm Folks Foundation of the Father, that’s going. So they’re going quickly, but just hold on. They will get them back in stock in the next couple of weeks. So if you want something, just hold on. They will get more back in stock. I mean, because again, America Needs God. So what better way to show that is by wearing that apparel and showing people. You know what a starter that is, a conversation starter? If you’re wearing something like that and people are like, what is that? Well, praise God. So again, God is in control. America does need God and we should be one nation under God. So I hope this encouraged you today. Please like, subscribe and share and give this to everyone you know. Who needs to hear an encouraging word? Who needs to hear a truth? Because the truth will set you free. God loves you, I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day.

God has now (twice) shifted his message to the virtual end of the lengthy preach session
In this case its at 63 mins 40 secs, almost at the end. Highlighted in red text.
And how much the reader wants to listen to the preaching is entirely up to them. .
I listen out of academic interest while doing necessary proof reading.
God did say a while back that he had been away for a while which I read as made himself scarce for many centuries to give us a good dose of aloneness,
Now he is saying read the bible and he will make contact. Reading the bible is knocking on his door.
A few Christians have told me that as they read the bible they notice their own mental processes changing.
Their mind content changes and they realise God is seeping into them which gradualises toward telepathic communication for want of a better word.
And Julie Green did say the awakening process has to be TRIGGERED.
So bible reading is the slow trigger currently used to awaken people..
And there is no mention of physical signals to back up the telepathy.
So skeptics can still say its just in your head.
That’s where LG comes in provided by God from outside the bible.
And you know the rest blah blah.
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