Searchable transcript for the serious

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Goood uh Morning, Everybody. Today is Monday, January 8th of 2024, and I want to thank you for joining today’s live show, and I want to thank you for saying that God WINS all over the place and reminding our enemies that they lose. It is so fun in order to just follow the Lord, listen to his word, and knowing that we are on the right side, knowing that the truth is setting us free each and every day. we’re getting these revelations from heaven and we’re getting what God is saying to us and we’re receiving what God is saying to us and more of the shackles and more of the chains and more of those things that the enemies have been doing to us is Being destroyed their control over us is being destroyed day by day So again remind yourselves every day that God does when he does have the final say No one is gonna outsmart God God WINS and that’s the end of it all And so when we are focused on that we have that firm focus foundation on the Father Then we are not going to fear what we are about to see We’re not going to fear what it’s about to be done to the enemy We are not going to fear because we have that focus on God that God is in control and he is our Fortress he is our protector. He is our guide He leads us and guides us in the right direction and where we should go So when these times where a lot of people are wondering on what to do where to go how to do things how to fight How to stand and God is saying he’s leading us in that direction. He’s giving us that strength. He’s giving us Everything we need in order for us to rise above in order for us to overtake for over for us to overthrow everything that we’re seeing before us because if the enemies realize that they are not getting us with fear, they don’t have the control that they have with their narrative, they start to freak out because then they don’t have control over you. They don’t have control over the masses and how they used to do things. It’s not working anymore. And we’re seeing this is not working anymore. We’re seeing that people are awakening now. We’re seeing that people are fighting back. We’re seeing that people are not giving up and losing hope. Because another thing the enemies want us to do, they want us to be in such great hopelessness and despair that we will just believe everything that we see. We will believe of their control. We’ll believe in their power. We’ll believe in their government. We’ll believe in the injustice and that nothing is going to be done about it. And if we truly believe in that, then that’s how they can control. They can control you with deception. And that’s what we’ve seen, a war of deception like no other time. And that’s why God is giving out these revelations every day. That’s why we see the truth of everything. I don’t know about you, but since the beginning of 2024, And since just the start of it, this only you know, we’re only eight days into the year But look at all the exposures that have already happened. Look at all the things that are starting People are starting to be more awake People are starting to realize a narrative of the enemies collapsing like the walls of Jericho their walls and their control over this nation and over the world is Collapsing because of the airwaves and because of their narratives by their news media and how they used to control people It’s not working anymore Because right now people are starting to turn to God. They are starting to turn to the Word of God and Realizing Lord. This is a horrible situation. There has to be something to be done about it And then they’re realizing all the things that God has already done and they’re finding out this truth and this truth is setting people free from all this captivity and from all of the power and the control that the enemies have had over us for years and years and years again blinders are being removed and one of the things they did not expect in this time was they thought that we were just going to comply to every lie and we don’t comply to a lie And they just thought we were just gonna go with the flow We were just gonna go with whatever they said, whatever they told us to do. We were just gonna be, you know Being led to that slaughter. Well, we’re not and they don’t know what to do about it because they have awoken a SleepIng giant and that sleeping giant was the church was the body of Christ And so we are right now being in alignment with the head which is Jesus Christ He is the head over the church. He is the head. We are the body and right now during this alignment That’s why things have taken a little bit longer and that’s why people are some people are getting impatient But I will tell you do not get impatient and do not let go and never give up and never quit because Exposures that we have seen so far of what the enemies have done. There are great exposures this is a year of the time of release of information that once we never thought existed never thought we could that was any of this stuff was ever going on and now we’re gonna see it it is true but before if this would have happened three four years ago people would not have been able to accept it it would have brought such a shock that people would have been in denial it it would have started a civil war, not only in this country, but it could have started a war throughout all the world because our enemies truly want World War III. But what we’ve seen is what God has spoken about. He said there’s gonna be a resistance throughout the world, a resistance growing in every nation to push back against tyranny, against the wicked, against the darkness, against the lies in all of these governments. and that’s what we’re starting to see. Somebody, I can’t remember which of my team members actually shared this with me, but they were farmers. I can’t remember what country, it might have been Denmark, but they were releasing some things, you know, something that smells really bad. You know, I’m from a farming community, there’s farmers all over the place, but sometimes certain and things that they spread throughout all the crops stinks. Well, that was being dumped over all of these cities, over all of like the capitals and where these governments were because they were pushing back against what the government is doing against these farmers. And that was just one nation. So again, and I don’t remember exactly which one it was, but no matter what it is, I’ve seen and people have shown me over and over, there are things that are going on and people are resisting all over the world. People resisting the tyranny and that’s one thing our enemies did not think They did not think we were going to push back. They did not think we were gonna stay standing They did not think we were got we were thought we were just gonna give up and quit and that was the end of it And that is not true You and I are here this morning and we’re listening to the words of God we’re listening to the scriptures and what he says and what he expects us to do and Expects us to resist he expects us to stand and fight the good fight of faith He expects us to never lose hope because he is our hope He expects us to know who he is and get to the point where we have a greater Revelation knowledge of who he is and what we should expect for him to do. He expects us to trust him and Not trust in what we see Because it’s a lie Remember what he’s been saying to us for the last like three years, we’ve been watching a movie, a really bad one at that. We’ve been watching something that’s not really how it appears to be. There are a lot of bad actors like what we’ve seen. There’s a lot of things going on behind the scenes and God is saying he’s going to reveal to us all that has been happening behind the scenes, all the things that he’s been doing on our behalf. He’s used many people to help this great nation. He is awakening this country, but again, in order for it to happen exactly the way that God wanted it, it took a lot longer than we thought it would ever take. I didn’t think it was gonna take this long, but it’s all the perfect timing of God. God knows. We may not know, but God knows, and God knows, and God WINS. And so we are here today standing and still believing in the fact that God is still in control because He is in control. We are believing that God is going to do something because He said in His Word that He would. And God doesn’t lie. And God also says that He will not fail. I’m going to read you several different scriptures today and I’m also going to read you the prophecy that I’ve been trying to read over the last, like, three or four days before last week. I’ve been trying to get this prophetic word and it hasn’t hasn’t gone as planned, but I’m gonna get to it this morning, I think. So, this prophecy is called, A SILENT WAR THAT WILL BE WON AND A RETURN OF THE RIGHTFUL PRESIDENT WILL BE SEEN Okay, I heard this prophetic word on January 2nd. This is the one I’ve been trying to get to you for at least, you know, I don’t know how many days now. …but a silent war that will be won and a return of your rightful President will be seen. And then I’ll give you the Scriptures, I think, I’ll give you the Scriptures that he gave to me this morning. He might change it. Well, who knows, but I’ll start reading this for now. It says……
My children get used to hearing the word suddenly. Get used to experiencing suddenlies. This is the time for sudden changes and sudden moves by my hand to destroy the wicked. All they stand for and all they have at their hand in to destroy my world and my children. These are the days for men to fall, for men be judged, for the wicked to be exposed, and to show the world that justice will always be served. Because I am a just God, plain and simple. You commit the crime and you do the time, you would say. I will remind you, my children, I have seen it all, but I also have it all. And there is nothing they have done that I don’t know about, or don’t have the proof to show it. You have come into a time of explosive evidence and explosive exposures. Why explosive? Because it causes damage, and not only any type of damage, but damage that will annihilate anything trying to stop truth from being told or shown to the world. No more suppression and no more of them cowering behind the news media to do their dirty work, to control the masses, and to control truth from being ever told. Hidden truth will always come out and I will always make sure of that. It’s that time to resist, my children, like never before. Resist your enemies, resist their control, resist their power, resist their narrative, resist their deception, resist your enemies, and they must flee. Deny their access and control over you, your bodies, your minds, your family, or your nations. 2024, the year to restrain your enemies and And a year to take back control. So receive me that I am moving and that I am causing a great defeat in your enemy’s camp. 2024 is a year more will fall. A year more will fail. A year of removals. A year to return things back that have been stolen. A year to restore, a year of great victory and great celebrations. So hold on because things are about to look wild and out of control. Remember I am in control and your enemies are not and the world’s about to see and experience this great move of my hand in 2024. for. The year you have been waiting for, saith the Lord. Capernaum, I say this name and location again, will be in your news for a significant reason. Keep your eyes on Egypt. Something significant will also take place in that land. As a sign to you, my children, the great I AM is in charge. A senator will be in your news for a surprising reason. Many things hidden in that Senate chamber will no longer stay hidden. Another senator is about to take their last breath. My children, the time has come where many in high-level positions will suddenly pass away because judgment is hitting the political realm all over this earth. So buckle up, they will try and cover it up. But this time people will not fall for their deception. Explosive and powerful evidence will come out regarding the Clintons. No more can they keep them protected from their lies, the deaths, and corruption that they have caused. In every foreign country they have blackmailed and tried to control will be exposed. Many people in powerful positions all over the world have things that are about to come out regarding Hillary Clinton and how much she was doing to destroy this nation in this time that she was Secretary of State. Major evidence and proof will soon be revealed that she is a traitor to this nation and treason will be her end, like so many in the D.C. establishment. And their end will all be the same. It’s time to drain the swamp, you would say. Every dirty secret, every traitor, every treasonous act is about to come out for the world to see. Because as you move forward this year, their desperation is growing and all bets are off. They will stop at nothing to stop this nation from rising and to regain its power. Again, the silent war that has been going on soon will be silent no more. So get ready for great changes to take place soon.
Very soon the return of your rightful President will soon be seen, but also the return of blessing and to my nation, a return of freedom, a return of justice, a return of prosperity, a return of liberty. Yes, a great return in 2024, saith the Lord, your Redeemer. So again, I’ll go back over this prophetic word here in a few minutes. After I go through the scriptures that I, the Lord had given me this morning, I’m gonna go over some of them.
So, again, God is talking about a great return. A great return of what? Of God’s glory. Of people believing and trusting in God like they used to. So many years ago, there was a time where people had sacred. They received, like, okay, Sunday’s were day of rest. They went to church. They prayed. Families prayed. Families stayed together. There are many things that people did when they were trusting in God. They were putting God’s word first. But of course the enemy entrenched itself in the body of Christ and they have destroyed the power of family. They have destroyed the word of God to a point Where they use AI or they’re now they’re downplaying it and they’re trying to water it down There has been a great deception Where people think Sunday’s is just a Sunday of day where you can just do whatever you want all day Well Sunday should be a sacred day and it should be a day of rest but it should also be a day where we’re putting God first and foremost in our life and Reminding ourself that God is in control and reminding ourself of the great creator of heaven and earth It’s not a day. We should all pay attention to certain sports It should not be a day where the NFL is in control It should not be a day where people just do whatever it should be a day of rest But resting in the Lord resting in truth resting in what he has done Resting in how good he is resting in the fact that he is our vindicator resting in the fact that he is a judge over all the earth resting in him a A lot of people, again, have lost sight of what is most important. And what he said, and I think it was a prophecy last year. One thing that he said was we are going to realize all the things we thought were important were actually not important at all. They were not important. They were not significant at all. And so God revealing to us more truth, more truth in this time. And that’s why we’ve seen again. Our enemies are on front of front and center stage There’s a reason for that There’s a reason for our enemies being in front and center stage right now because that is where they fall harder That is where again. God is talking to us about cleaning house He’s been talking to us about removing every dirty politician and God can do that God has done that and God is still the same God yesterday, today and forever. When people think that is absurd, they think that that is not ever going to happen. That’s too good to be true. And you have to look back in the word of God, how God and what he did against the leaders of nations that were against his people. There was great judgment. There was great removals. He’s done these things before. So why in this time of 2024 when we believe that God is not that God that God does not do these things that God is not in control of governments or Judges or the justice system in general or anything? Why would we think that God is just sitting back and he’s going to do nothing? Well, cuz that is what man-made doctrines want you to believe they want you to believe that God is not going to do anything When God said in his words that he does not fail God said his word. He does not lie God said in his word that he’s faithful to perform his word So this is a time of awakening to this truth that God will do what he said in his word That he will do now. I want to read you a few scriptures because God has been giving us many scriptures about Shaking he’s been talking to things and telling us about things are going to intensify He’s been telling us that things are going to suddenly change. He’s been talking about shifts. He’s been talking about removals and overthrow of rogue governments or illegitimate governments. He’s been saying all these things. You gotta think about what kind of things are we going to see? That are we going to see that is gonna overthrow the enemy? It’s not gonna be life as normal. It’s not going to be like, okay, this is going to happen in the next day. Oh, you know, wow. That was nice. It’s going to shake. It is going to change how people perceive things. It’s going to change what people believe it is going to change the world. That, that is going to be something that’s going to be massive. It’s not something that’s going to be, oh, Well, that was nice It’s going to shock and shake the world now But when we have that firm focus foundation on the Father We’ve talked about this when we have that then when all this things is going, you know Wild like God said like this would be a wild ride I think he’s what he also told me a few days ago and a prophecy that I will get to here I’ll start me pre recording for next week when I leave But again, God is saying to brace for impact. Hold the line. He’s been telling us a lot of things are going to happen abruptly or suddenly. But I want to get to this scripture here in Haggai that he’s been talking to us about. Haggai chapter 2. Now he’s been saying that he is causing a great awakening. So sometimes we have to get on our knees, things have to get uncomfortable, things have to go in a certain direction, it might look darker, and the reason for that is because when all things are going good, that’s when people are celebrating, but they’re not really giving God full attention. But when things go wrong, what do people usually do? Like everybody, on one of the most horrendous days in the American history. And no, I’m not talking about January 6th, because, you know, that was not how it appears to be. I’m talking about on 911, when our country was attacked. Nothing, like we never thought, in my life when I was, you know, back in 2001, I never thought in my life I’d ever see anything like that take place. I thought because, you know, we were this strong, you know, powerful country, that that would never happen. But we didn’t know that our government was involved in 911, and that’s the reason why it did happen. If we had legitimate governments, if we had people that truly were, you know, fearing the Lord and praying to the Lord and having Him be in control, those kind of things would not happen. But that was done in order to bring this nation down. But again, God’s people, a lot of people who never even went to church, Or people who went to church stopped going to church for the first like three weeks after 911. They were rushing in to churches Because people wanted to know what was going on. They were desperate for an answer They wanted to know if things were changing and if we were gonna see something good or what they wanted hope They wanted hope so what if people do they turn to God they went to church But a lot of pastors were not ready. They weren’t ready for those people. They weren’t ready to give them the good news or how to answer any of their questions. They weren’t ready. In this time, since then, God has been preparing and getting ready his church in order for the influx, in order for this great harvest of souls of what’s going to happen. God’s been telling us that the church is going to start filling up stadiums, not just just Church buildings why because there’s going to be such a desperation for people and hope they’re gonna want hope because it’s been such a hopelessness and darkness and Overwhelming despair and when people start seeing God move, they’re gonna want to know more about this God They’re gonna want to know more about not just a version of him Which man-made doctrines and tradition have told people they want to know the truth about this living God And just like remember that I was reading to you what happened with Rahab when she was talking to the men who were coming in during the walls of Jericho during that time and she was saying Everyone has a fear of you your people and your God because they heard what your God did in the land of Egypt Can you imagine what’s gonna happen worldwide when now you have the internet now you have all social media you have all these things and how quickly things can start where it’d be like it goes viral with all these Miracles and all these things that God is doing and he’s gonna show the world that it’s him and not just a man Man is not gonna get credit for what God is doing It’s going to get God God is going to get the credit for what he’s doing. So in Haggai chapter 2 Is this part of that shaking? Okay, part of the shaking in Haggai chapter 2 and verse 6. Now again, the reason why I mentioned 911 God has been warning us About what our enemies are attempting to do They want more of that. They want more paralyzation. They want more fear because they want more control 2020 did not work the way they wanted it The Lord has told us in different prophetic words, they did not want ever the world to go back to a normalcy or normal at all. They did not want people to go back from the lockdowns. They wanted to keep people secluded. They wanted to keep people afraid and fearful to a point where their global government would have stepped in and done exactly what they wanted to do. But we have been pushing back. We have been awake. We’re not complying We are not standing for any of their crap anymore We are realizing the truth that we have the power of Almighty God that we have God on our side and we don’t have To submit we don’t have to back down and we don’t have to quit. We don’t have to give in to the tyranny We don’t have to give in to the injustice because we are realizing who God really is and not a version of him. So Haggai chapter two and verse six says, look what he says. He says for the state, the Lord of Hosts yet once more in a little while, I will shake and make tremble the starry heavens, the earth, the sea and the dry land. Verse seven, I will shake all nations and the desire and the precious things of all nations shall come in and I will fill this House with splendor says the Lord of Hosts Verse 8 the silver is mine. The gold is mine says the Lord of Hosts Verse 9 the latter glory for this house house with its successor to which Jesus came Shall be greater than the former says the Lord of Hosts and then place will I give peace and prosperity? Says the Lord of Hosts how many times in that prophecy because Haggai was prophesying this Was prophesying the fact the Lord of Hosts what the Lord of Hosts means the Lord of Angel Armies God was speaking and saying and declaring and decreeing. He was saying what was going to happen. He is going to shake the Nations and not only is he gonna shake the nations, but he’s gonna shake the desire of all nations Then he goes in he talks about the silver. He talks about the gold God has been talking about that in these prophecies He’s been talking about not only is he gonna shake the governments He’s gonna shake the nation’s but he’s gonna shake the economy and so we are seeing now because of prophecy guys been talking about this for the last couple years now all of a sudden there’s People that are studying the economy. They’re coming out. They’re on the news saying we’re gonna see the worst Downfall or the worst collapse in our time even I think there was one person even said it could be worse than the time of the Great Depression Again, what is God saying? This is not the time to fear. This is a time for their economy to collapse, and God is going to bring in a new one, a one that’s not going to be controlled, manipulated by the evil regimes and by the evil governments and by these corporations. It’s not going to be that way. God’s not going to stand for it anymore. So you’re going to see the collapse of them and their Babylonian system, the system without out God, the one that they manipulate on a daily basis. What you are going to see is you are going to see God come in and God bring in something that he has wanted all along for you and I. Again, he spoke about this, how he was going to shake the nations. And when you shake something, okay, say for instance, you have an earthquake or an earthquake and during a shaking can be very violent. It can be very violent. What does it do? It gets people’s attention and a lot of people during if they live in a place where they have a fault line They know exactly what to do during that time of shaking They know precautions They know what that what they do like I live in a place where I’m live in the Midwest and we have tornadoes So what we do is we’re supposed to when they hear the sirens go off Oh, you know, we’re we’re you know seeing seeing what’s going on with the storm that’s coming in We’re supposed to go to a basement and seek shelter Well with people with an earthquake they have other things that they’re supposed to do Okay And so they have precautions that they’re supposed to be taking During as soon as they start feeling that tremor as soon as I start seeing that are feeling that earthquake They run and they do what they have to do Well, God is telling us this is a time of shaking that we are supposed to awaken And what are we supposed to do during this shaking? We are supposed to turn to God We are supposed to turn to his word. We are supposed to believe and trust in him and not panic the worst thing you can do in A time we’re like, you know, if there’s a tornado the time was an earthquake There’s a time of a hurricane the time of things that you know, naturally happen. The worst thing you can do is panic Because then you won’t follow the instructions to keep you or your family safe And so during this time of these shakings in this time where things are gonna look like they’re wild God said things are gonna look like they’re violent things are gonna look like they’re chaotic things are gonna look darker God says don’t panic. He says don’t fear. Don’t hit that panic button but what you do need to do is Follow the instructions of Almighty God by having that firm focus foundation on him by getting into his word We’re supposed to have our feet planted, firmly planted in the Word of God and knowing who He is. So when these things happen, we aren’t going to panic. And we will do what God tells us to do and He will steer us in the right direction. And just like you’ve seen with the children of Israel, when they were wandering around the wilderness before that time, when they were supposed to go from Egypt to the Promised Land, they weren’t wandering around. God loved them. He had a fire or the the cloud by day and a fire by night. He led them. He directed their path He gave him everything they needed. That’s what God does God gives us everything we need in the times we need it God is the solution for every problem in this world today And that’s why it’s important to get into the Word of God and see what he says and what we are to do about it don’t hit the panic button. Don’t get in fear because your enemy is going to want you to start panicking so you forget what God is telling you, okay? Now, verse 22 of Haggiai chapter two. So Haggai chapter two in verse 22, he talks about another shaking. He talks about shaking again. Look what he says here. And I will in the distant future Overthrow the throne of kingdoms. I Will destroy the strength of the kingdoms and of the unGodly nations I Will overthrow their chariots and those who ride in them and the horses and their riders shall go down and everyone by the sword of his brother Listen to that for a minute. I will in the distant future The overthrow of the throne of kingdoms and I will destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the unGodly nations God will overthrow what is he been talking to us about? God is overthrowing the enemies of Almighty God God is the one that’s in control. It is not man It is not these evil rulers as is not their global government. They are not in control. They may act like it, things may appear like they are, but they’re not. Now, if you turn to Luke, turn to Luke, turn to Luke and verse 31, Luke 1 and verse 31, all right, and it says, And listen, you will become pregnant and you will give birth to a son and you shall call his name Jesus. Verse 32, and he’ll Be great and he’ll be called the son of the Most High and the Lord God will give to him the throne of his foreFather David verse 33 and he will reign over the House of Jacob throughout the ages and his reign There will be no end So whose reign is it It’s not the global government. It is not, you know, this illegitimate government. We have it’s not your government in your nation It’s a government of Almighty God and who reigns is Jesus Christ Because his reign there will be no end and So when people again when they take God out of government, why would you do that? Why would you take God out of government? God is life. God is blessing. God is truth. God is freedom God is Everything we need We take him out. What are you left with? But again God’s government there will be no end Again, I’m worried that and listen you’ll become pregnant with it and you will give birth to a son now This is where he’s talking to Mary the angels talking to Mary and you’ll get birth to a son you shall call his name Jesus He’ll have a great he’ll be called the son of the Most High the Lord God will give to him the throne of his ForeFather David now he’s talking about an earthly throne And then he says that he will reign over the house of Jacob throughout the ages and his reign will be no end. I Also want to read something. So again, we’re talking about the kingdom of Almighty God. We’re talking about his government We’re talking about his throne and it was his throne and his reign there will be no end So even though we’re seeing a reign of these regimes and you’re seeing these things that are going on that are Looking like they’re in control guys saying hey my reign will be no end I’m in control So do not hit that panic button and do not freak out and do not get in fear Do not get any worry and do not believe in anything you see that’s against me That’s what God is saying. Do not get in fear and Do not start panicking of all these enemies and what they’re doing if it’s against God because if it’s against God It’s not gonna stay that way now if you go to Luke 17, this is a great revelation that God has given to each and every one of us regarding the body of Christ Luke 17 Remember he talked about the kingdom in his kingdom. There will be no end Well, where is this kingdom ? People automatically think well God’s kingdom is in heaven Okay, so it’s just in heaven, that’s it. That’s not what Jesus says. Look in Luke 17 in verse 20. And he says, now, when he was asked by the Pharisees and the kingdom of God would come, he answered them and said, the kingdom of God does not come with observation. So people are looking for that kingdom. Look what Jesus says, verse 21. Nor will they say, see here or see there, for indeed the kingdom of God is WITHIN YOU Now the kingdom of God is within us and God reigns and his reign there will be no end you are part of the kingdom of Almighty God that kingdom lives on the inside of you because he lives on the inside of you. And so when you have a king and he rules over that nation, okay, that king is in control and whatever he says goes, correct? Most people would believe and understand like when the kings of old were, you know, they were in their time and they had a decree and they had declarations that this is the law. They wrote it down and it was the law. God is saying to us, He is the one on the inside of us. He is the one that created the heaven and earth. He’s the one that everyone is subject to, even the enemies of Almighty God. They can’t overthrow Him. He’s a king of kings. He’s the Lord of Lords. He’s a judge over all the earth. So they can have their plans, they can do whatever they want, they think, but at a point in time, God has already said, and he’s made a decree, he said, Let my people go. And when he said that, there is nothing that enemies could ever do to stop those words from coming to pass. God is saying there’s nothing that’s gonna stop these words from coming a pass if he did it against Pharaoh and that entire army and that entire nation that was a superpower of that time if he can do it for them and against them and the judgments you saw obviously there was a great shaking in the land of Egypt Goshen didn’t see that shaking Goshen didn’t experience that shaking but they saw it so when you have the greater one on the inside of you and That kingdom is on the inside of you and that kingdom reigns forever. That means when we speak the Word of God When we are declaring the Word of God the enemies had to submit to that word They had to submit to that because the sword of the Spirit watch is a word of God When we speak the Word of God, it is a weapon against our enemies and again like God has been reminding us Nothing in the arsenal is more powerful than the written Word of Almighty God nothing He’s a king of kings. We need to start acting like we have authority which we do He gave that to us and Luke 10 and 19 Luke 10 19 Behold, I’ve given you authority and power to trample pawn serpents and scorpions and physical and mental strength and ability Over all the power that the enemy possesses and nothing shall in any way harm you The kingdom of God is on the inside of you The greater one is on the inside of you and he’s telling you I have given you all power and authority and dominion over all the power of the enemy we have to get your a revelation of the tone of the Most High God that we have power over the enemy they may have it looks like our enemies have natural power and it looks like they have all the justice system it looks like they have all the government’s and it looks Like they have all the corporations and it looks like they have Hollywood It looks like they have all those things the news media. They have the seven mountains of influence It looks that way in the natural But God is telling us that he’s given us all power and authority Over all of that power that the enemy possesses Now we just need to have an awakening Awakening to that power. We have awakening to the kingdom of God on the inside of us and awakening to the fact that the greater one lives on the inside of us, that he that’s in the world. So when the enemy tries to come a knockin’, we’re going to slam the door in their face and we’re going to tell them that you’re not going to come in here. You’re not going to do anything against me because it says in God’s written work, no weapon formed against me shall prosper. And I’m not talking literal them coming to your door. I’m just talking about figuratively and you’re talking about even the enemy the enemy tries coming coming in all the time He tries coming into your household all the time. He tries it. He tries to cause bitterness unforgiveness resentment strife because where strife is Is Where every other evil thing is So if you have strife in your government That is where every other evil thing is. Why? Because they’re not letting God or love be in control. So we, the people, and I know a lot of people are watching from all over the United States of America, and I know you guys are watching all over the world, but in this country it is supposed to be we, the people, are in control. The politicians and the government are supposed to do what we desire. They’re not supposed to Lord over us like by dictatorship and destroy our freedoms and destroy our liberty and destroy our Constitution which they’ve been trying to rip to shreds or get us to forget about what the Constitution says. They want us to forget about our liberty. They want us to forget about our freedom. They want us to believe that they’re in control when they’re not. They’re not! Because why? Remember not only does our Constitution say that but also God God is telling us the kingdom God’s kingdom that reigns has no end and that kingdom lives on the inside of us and that kingdom God is saying I am the great I AM and I live on the inside of you. So start speaking my words, start trusting in it, relying on it and not give in or give up or start panicking or getting into fear about what the enemy wants to do to you or or about what they’re threatening to do, or about what you’re seeing, what’s gonna happen. There is going to be a shaking. And again, that shaking gets people either to know exactly what to do in that time of shaking, and it gets them to follow those instructions. Like I said, I live in the Midwest and we’ve had tornadoes. We know what to do in a time of a tornado. You don’t panic, you just go downstairs. Half the time, I watch out my window, I see what’s going on, I pray against it. I don’t always go down in my basement. I made sure my kids did but I didn’t always do it because what you have authority over storm You have authority over things that are trying to destroy you so again God is saying that we have to wake in to the truth of Who God really is and what he’s already done for us and to believe that he’s the one in control Now he has given us many scriptures regarding these things about the government now again I’m gonna read Psalm 33 and then I’m gonna go back over this prophetic word Psalm 33. What does he say in verse 10? The Lord brings the Council of the Nations to nothing. Psalm 33 in verse 10 God brings a Council of the Nations to nothing and Then he makes the plans of the people of no effect So if we know this scripture and we know that God brings a Council of the Nations to nothing He brings them to nothing. Why? because he’s greater than than anything that they power that they have God is the most high God He brings a Council of the Nations to nothing and he makes the plans of the people of no effect No matter what plans they have against you. He’s gonna make’m have no effect They’re not going to do what they wanted to do with them If you know this scripture write the scripture down Psalm 33 verse 10 get it down into your hearts now So when these things do happen in this year, when these things do start to try to get your attention or distracting you from what God’s saying, you have that firm footed… Nope, God’s… He brings the counsel of the nations to nothing so it doesn’t matter what they say or what they do. God is bringing them to nothing and their plans will have no effect. Remember what He also gave us, Psalm 91. In Friday’s prophecy He told us to read Psalm 91. A thousand a thousand may fall at one side and ten thousand at another but it won’t come near me He told us to start reading Psalm 91 And not to start realizing that we are under his protection. So was the land of Goshen. We have a greater covenant So if he protected them, why would he not protect us in this time? In this time of shaking ? in this time where things are gonna look wild? I’m sure thinking about again Look what he said to us last week the Israelites while they were standing in the land of Goshen Just think about that they were standing outside and they’re looking at that’s crazy stuff that was going on in Egypt There was a distinction between God’s people and the enemy Can you imagine what they were saying to one another? What is that crazy stuff that’s going on over there? You know, look at that hail that’s turning into fire or that darkness that’s over them. That’s there’s light in our house They saw what God was doing now Now, again, during that time of shaking and that time of craziness, that time of things going wild, God gave them instructions and they had to follow it. And they did, because not one of them died. That’s why it’s very important to follow instructions of Almighty God. Now, Psalm 37, read these scriptures. So when you start seeing crazy things going on with governments and them being out of control, You read these scriptures and remind yourself who is in control because it’s certainly not them Psalm 37 and verse Psalm 37 and verse 7 Be still Rest in the Lord wait for him patiently Lean yourself upon him fret not yourself Because of him who prospers in his ways because of man who brings wicked devices to pass So in this scripture God is saying hey rely on me be still rest the Lord wait for him Be patiently leaning upon yourself upon him fret not Yourself because of him who prospers in his ways because of the man who brings wicked devices to pass The guys and the evil people who bring wicked devices to pass God is saying don’t look to them. Don’t be afraid of them Don’t look to them, look to me. Wait patiently on me. Why do you think he had to put wait patiently on me? Because a lot of God’s people are not patient. We live in a society, we have microwaves, we have fast food, we have things that are instant, you know gratification. Well that’s not walking by faith. We have to be patient. Faith and patience. Faith, trusting in God and being patient to see the end result. Faith and patience, they’re important. Together. Verse 8, Psalm 37 verse 8, cease from anger and forsake wrath, fret not yourself, it tends to only do evil doing. So people are just getting mad, they’re getting frustrated, they’re getting bitter, they’re having so much hatred. You could be wrong. I don’t like these people any more than you do. But I give it to God. God, you see the injustice, you see what’s going on, you take care of it, and he will. Verse 10, Psalm 37 verse 10, for yet a little while the evildoers will be no more. Though you look with care where they used to be, they will not be found. So think about that. The evildoers, where they were, he says, for yet in a little while the evildoers will be no more. Though you look with care where they used to be, they will not be found. God is the God of removals. Psalm 37, sorry, Psalm 75 verse 7 says that he is the judge over all the earth. He takes down one and lifts up another. God removes. God restores. Now Now jump down to verse 12 of chapter 37. Psalm 37 and verse 12, the wicked plot against the uncompromisingly righteous, the upright and right standing with God, they gnash at them with their teeth. The Lord laughs at the wicked for he sees that their day of defeat is coming. The Lord sits in the heavenlies and laughs. Why? Because he sees their defeat coming. Remember I told you guys about joy. The joy of the Lord is our strength. But if Satan can’t steal that joy, he can’t keep what belongs to you. If Satan can’t steal your joy, he can’t keep your goods. So again, one thing that we have to stand on the fact is we’re not gonna lose our joy. Why? God doesn’t. He says because he sees that the own day of defeat is coming. The enemy’s defeat, their day is coming. Then verse 17 of Psalm 37, for the arms of the wicked shall be broken, but the Lord upholds the consistently righteous. Verse 18, the Lord knows the days of the upright and blameless and their heritage will abide forever. They shall not be put to shame in the time of evil. In the days of famine, they shall be satisfied. Look what God said again. They shall not be put to shame in the time of evil. Are we living in a time of evil? Yep. And we should not be put to shame. Vengeance is whose? Vengeance is the Lord’s. That’s what he says in Hebrews 10 and 30. God is the one who’s in control. Now, verse 25, I’ve been young, now I’m old, yet I have seen the uncompromisingly righteous forsaken nor their seed begging bread. He has not seen God’s people forsaken. God does not forsake his people. He says in his word, he does not leave us nor forsake us. Let’s look at that word really quick before I go back over this prophetic word. What does forsake mean? The definition of forsake is abandoned. A lot of people believe that God’s abandoned us. Well, he says he never would do that. Either we believe God and he says he’s never gonna forsake us or abandon us or we don’t believe that. But God’s written word says, not man, God’s written word says he does not forsake us. Another definition says renounce or give up something valued or pleasant. He won’t give us up to the arms of the enemy or the hands of the enemy. So another word for forsaken is abandoned. So now when you leave someone or something behind, you forsake it. The person or object or belief becomes forsaken. Sometimes, you know, that gives an example like sometimes pets are abandoned or forsaken. Sometimes places are forsaken. No one goes there anymore. So what God is saying, he’s not going to leave us in the hands and the power of the wicked. He’s not going to abandon us. He’s not going to leave us in the way we are. He doesn’t leave us nor forsake us. So he doesn’t abandon us. Now I’m going to go back over this prophetic word again, this prophetic word, the title is A SILENT WAR THAT WILL BE WON AND A RETURN OF THE RIGHTFUL PRESIDENT WILL BE SEEN a silent war, remember I told you last week, because he had it in a different prophecy, he gave it twice in one week for me, but when he said that, I asked him what a silent war meant. He said, a war that’s going on that people don’t know about because it’s going on behind the scenes. We see Russia, Ukraine, Israel, Hamas, you see those wars, they’re going on in front center stage. Everyone sees it. The news media is talking about it. But no one’s talking about this silent war. They don’t want it known. Why? Because there’s things going on that have to be done in order to save a nation. And things have to be done covertly. You have to do things behind the scenes. There has to be things that go on secretively. Because if we know everything, people would panic. So it’s a silent war, he calls it, A SILENT WAR THAT WILL BE WON AND A RETURN OF THE RIGHTFUL PRESIDENT WILL BE SEEN And I heard this prophetic word on the 2nd of January of this year, 2024. He says, so my children get used to hearing the word suddenly, get used to experiencing sudden leaves. This is a time for sudden changes and sudden moves by my hand to destroy the wicked and all they stand for and all they have their hand in to destroy my world and my children. So God says things are gonna happen suddenly. So we may not have, now we do, we have that warning because we’ve been preparing for this time. God has been preparing us for this right here. He’s been preparing us for this. So just like, there are people who study, you know, science, science, FBIence, you know, they study the earthquakes, they study tremors, they study all these things, they study volcanoes, and they know when something could potentially, potentially go off. And like with meteorologists, with, you know, tornadoes, they let us know, this storm has a potential of causing, you which they’re violent, they’re destructive. We have meteorologists that can tell us about a hurricane many days before it happens. They warn us about the upcoming storm. Well, God has been telling us about a storm, the perfect storm, the storm that’s against our enemies. It’s a spiritual storm that’s going to destroy what all they have done. It’s going to destroy their power, it’s going to overthrow their governments. God’s been warning us and preparing us for this storm. He’s been preparing us for this time. But for some people it’s gonna be sudden and they’re not gonna know what to do Because they won’t have that instruction. They didn’t take God’s Word seriously. They weren’t getting into the God’s Word They weren’t fellowshipping with him and finding out what it is. I told you don’t take my word for it You get into the Word of God yourself and you find out what he says. I Cannot do anything without him. I couldn’t be giving these words to you without him I couldn’t be giving these teachings to you without him. It’s him. It’s all him I’m just a vessel he uses but again, we all Can’t hear God says his sheep know his voice so we all should know Something is drawing near and getting closer Because it is now The second paragraph these are the days for men to fall For men to be judged For the wicked to be exposed and show the world that justice will always be served Because I am a just God Plain and simple you commit the crime you do the time you would say so he says in these days People are gonna fall people are gonna be judged they’re gonna be exposed and Justice is gonna be served and then God says hey, I’m a just God plain and simple He’s a just God. Truth always WINS over a lie. Good always defeats evil, plain and simple. Most people know that. So God’s saying all these people have committed crimes, a lot of them treason, and they’re being judged. He even told me this morning again, some people have, some people will. So some, judgments already been passed on them., We don’t know about it yet, but we’re gonna see it. He says he’s gonna show it All right third paragraph Now this is something interesting that he did have me put several of these things in bold He said I will remind you my children. I HAVE SEEN IT ALL Now stop right there for a minute. Most people know that God is omnipotent God’s the Alpha Omega beginning the end. He know he’s all-knowing. He knows all He sees all but he goes even further, BUT I ALSO HAVE IT ALL What’s he talking about? He has all the evidence He has all the proof He’s seen it all He has it all And he’s put strategically. He’s put people in the right place Remember, he told us he’s infiltrated the infiltrators. So he has people in these different, uh You know parties of the global government these rogue governments illegitimate in the justice system. He’s got people strategically placed Everywhere and these people have it all Every piece of the puzzle they have it all So God is saying THEY HAVE IT ALL Because he’s let them he’s given them a revelation of what to do and how to get it He says there is NOTHING THAT THEY HAVE DONE THAT I DONT KNOW ABOUT OR DONT HAVE THE PROOF TO SHOW IT This is a time where evidence is gonna be shown like no other time in human history. Not like this There’s a lot of evidence that has been withheld There’s a lot of proof and a lot of truth that has not been revealed to the public But it’s going to be Very shortly He says then he goes on YOU HAVE COME INTO A TIME OF EXPLOSIVE EVIDENCE AND NON-EXPLOSIVE EXPOSURES Why explosive? Because it causes damage not only any type of damage but damage that will annihilate Anything trying to stop the truth from being told or shown to the world You know how like we know with Hillary Clinton how she deleted 30,000 emails, you know Deleted emails are not actually all deleted Somebody has those God said it in a prophecy God has all the proof They’ve been trying to destroy evidence for a long time. We just found out that you know the January 6th committee, which was a joke back in the day, after it first happened, they had all this, you know, proof. Well guess what they did? They destroyed it. They destroyed some of this evidence. Well guess what? Not all of it’s destroyed. God has it all. All means all. Doesn’t mean some. So again, all these Things that the enemies are trying to do they trying to hide you can’t bury it enough. You can’t destroy it enough God will have it And God’s made sure his people have it So there’s nothing that is hidden that will not be revealed. That’s scriptural There’s nothing that’s been hidden that will not be revealed and also every lie Will be revealed plain and simple then it says No more suppression, no more of them cowering behind the news media to do their dirty work to control the masses and to control truth from being ever told. Hidden truth always comes out and I will always make sure of that. Again, that’s scriptural. He says hidden truth will always come out and I will always make sure of that. They’ve been our enemies have been trying to hide the truth of what’s going on in this nation or your nation forever But it doesn’t matter because every lie will be revealed What’s going on in our border and why the borders are open? There’s proof of all that and why? Those borders are open and what they’re doing to destroy this country, and it’s not gonna work There are people that know location of every single one of those people They’re not hiding because they can’t hide from God. Now I’ll go on, it’s time, it’s that time to resist my children like never before. Resist your enemies, resist their control, resist their power, resist the narrative, resist their deception, resist your enemy, and he must flee, James 4, 7. Resist the enemy and he must flee. He’s telling us to resist, resist their control, resist their power, resist their narrative, Resist their deception and they must they don’t have a choice now. I want to go to the word Before I go on The word resists God’s telling us to do it What does it mean withstand the action or effect of? withstand the action or effect of withstand strive against or oppose So we’re supposed to oppose what they are all doing to us. We’re supposed to resist We’re supposed to withstand them. Remember when God says we’ve been called to arms God said that we were supposed to stand and stand Therefore we’re supposed to resist the enemy. We’re supposed to push back. We’re supposed to take back territory This is the time that we’re living in right now Now I’ll go on He says deny their access and their control over your bodies over you your bodies your minds your family or your nations He says 2024 the year to restrain Your enemies and he had me put that in bold 2024 the year to restrain your enemies Again, we have power Luke 10 19. We have power over all the power that the enemy possesses and Nothing. So anyway harm us So we have power. We have to know that we have power so we can do something about it Then he says So 2024 is a year to restrain Your enemies and a year to take back control So receive me that I am moving and I am causing a great defeat in your enemies camp What are we just reading all those scriptures if you do not get all the scriptures if you’re just joining now in the description box That I love our social media team. They’re really quick in response. They’ll put all the scriptures in the description box for you They’re doing a lot of work. They’re helping you out So go in the description box after it’s over and see that see all the scriptures and write them down and study them study them Okay Again, I’m always gonna put you back to the word I’m always gonna direct you back to the word of Almighty God Because that is what sets you free God’s Word. God’s Word is true. Now it says This is the year to take back control. We’re supposed to take back control. Then he says, so receive me, that I am moving and I am causing a great defeat in your enemy’s camp. 2024 is a year more will fall. What? More enemies will fall. He says more will fail, so they’re going to fail at all their attempts to overthrow, to do more damage, to cause more viruses and kill us. He says they’re going to fail. Now, are they going to try more viruses? Yes, they are Yes, they are plain and simple They haven’t stopped They’re gonna try more. They’re gonna try to bring a scare. They’re gonna try to bring more people into fear Don’t comply to that lie and remember what God says in Psalm 91 now In time of that it says a year more will fail and then it says a year of removals So Gods removing people we’ve already seen a lot of removals Some people said they’re stepping down, they’re not running for re-election, not by their own choice. I think my assistant, she said that she’s been doing all this information for me. There’s over 40-some people and there’s been more since that. I think it was last year alone. So again, there’s a lot of things going on. If people would just put all the pieces to the puzzle all together, you realize how big this really is. It’s a big deal. There’s tons in our House of Representatives that’s not returning. That’s huge. There’s some in our Senate not returning and there’s gonna be more that haven’t been revealed yet. But anyway All right. Now then he goes on to say So let me hear of removals and then a year to return things back That have been stolen What’s been stolen? Our elections what’s been stolen? Our freedom? What’s been stolen? our rightful President? What’s been stolen ? Our health? What’s been stolen? our finances ? A lot of things have been stolen. And he says, a year to restore, a year of great victory and great celebrations. So hold on, because things are about to look wild and out of control. We’ve talked about that before. That’s the reason why we’re not supposed to hit the panic button. Know what to do. When times start getting where they’re freaking people out and you’re trying to start getting like where the pressure’s building, you start getting the fear, go to the word. Okay, go to the word. They say things are about to look wild and out of control Remember I’m in control your enemies are not in the world is about to see and experience this great move of my hand in 2024 the year you have been waiting for sayeth the Lord. This is Capernaum now Capernaum Nowadays, I don’t even know what country that is anymore, but he says that location So if we look up where Capernaum that name of Capernaum and where that is located he says look for that area because that’s gonna be in the news so I can here we go so in the map where is now it’s next to the Sea of Galilee Capernaum is next to the Sea of Galilee so if you look at that at that location he says Capernaum now that’s gonna be in the news for a reason but Capernaum now that’s not a city anymore but that location and that name is gonna be in your news for a significant reason so even though it’s not a city anymore but that location still exists. So that location is gonna be in the news with that name for a very specific reason. Then he says, keep your eyes on Egypt. Something significant will also take place in that land as a sign to you, my children, THE GREAT I AM IS IN CHARGE So let me put that in bold. So something significant in Egypt, and then that is a sign to us that God is still in charge. So watch Egypt very carefully. And he’s mentioned Egypt many times before. Then he says a senator will be in your news for a surprising reason. Many things hidden in that Senate chamber will no longer stay hidden. He’s talked about exposures and ripping the roof off and showing what’s happening in our House of Representatives and our Senate that they’ve been doing against us. Then he says another Senator is about to take their last breath. So there will be another senator that will die. And then he says, my children, the time has come where many in high-level positions will suddenly pass away because judgment is hitting the political realm all over this earth. So he’s not even just talking about the United States of America, he’s talking about all over the world. He says, buckle up, they will try to cover it up. This time people will not fall for their deception. Explosive and powerful evidence will come out regarding the Clintons. No more can they keep them protected from the lies, deaths, corruption that they have caused in every foreign country. Now listen to this. He’s getting more in-depth about what the Clintons have done. In every foreign country they blackmailed and they’ve tried to control and that will be exposed. Many people in powerful positions all over the world have things that are about to come out regarding Hillary Clinton. There’s foreign governments that have all this proof about Hillary Clinton and they are about to expose it on how much she was doing to destroy this nation. In the time that she was Secretary of State, major evidence and proof will soon be revealed she’s a traitor to this nation. Most of us already know that, but we haven’t had enough proof of it. But she’s traitor to this nation and treason will be her end like so many in the DC establishment, their end will all be the same. Look up what treason and what happens with treason when they’ve been committed of it. It’s not gonna be easy for people to see and understand. But look what happens, look it up, what happens with people when they’ve been convicted of treason. Now, that’s all I’m gonna say about that. Then it says, it’s time to drain the swamp, you would say. Every dirty secret, every traitor, treasonous act is about to come out for the world to see. Because as you move forward this year, their desperation is growing and all bets are off. They will stop at nothing to stop this nation from rising and to regain its power So they’re gonna try a lot in this time period and a lot before the 2044 election That’s why God’s been telling us to buckle up It is again a silent war that has been going on soon will be silent no more So get ready for great changes to take place soon very soon the return of your rightful President Will soon will be seen but also the return of the blessing unto my nation, a return of freedom, a return of justice, a return of prosperity, a return of liberty. Yes, a great return in 2024, saith the Lord your Redeemer. So he’s talking about how beginning stages, it’s gonna look crazy and out of control. Then now he’s gonna talk about a return of something so magnificent, a return of our freedom, a return to our liberty, a return of prosperity and blessings the Lord has. This is what’s gonna happen. But before all that remember it’s the darkest before the dawning It’s always a worse before it gets better. And that’s why God’s been telling us to buckle up. It’s gonna be a wild ride So again, I want to pray over each and every one of you before I go pray that you have this strength Pray you have this revelation knowledge that you are getting a greater fellowship with God that you will not be moved Okay So Heavenly Father right now in Jesus name of every person the sound of my voice and I thank you Father God that we are in the army in the Lord We are in your army Father God and I thank you that you have brought us here for such a time as this you are Strengthening your your in us you are strengthening us Father God in every way shape or form You’re giving us greater revelation knowledge to fight back to push back to take back territory to overthrow to resist the enemy, they must flee. And so I thank you, Father God, that they’re knowing who you are and that you reside on the inside of them. So it destroys the power of fear. It destroys the power of the enemy. It destroys deception. And I thank you for a great awakening that’s moving on in the body of Christ. They are being removed from all this religious tradition and all this legalism, and they’re knowing the truth about who you really are. And I thank you, Father God, that you are moving on our behalf. You are fortress. You are protector. You are vindicator And so we thank you in this time of judgment Father God that we are being protected because you said a great Separation so Father God, we thank you that you’ve been preparing our hearts You’ve been preparing us for such a time as this So we thank you Father God that you are moving that we do take our victory. We do take our nation’s We do take our freedoms and we do take Father God everything everything that the enemy has done we take it back and we thank you that we further your kingdom With this great awakening and a great harvest of souls and we thank you Father God for healing for restoration soundness of mind Holiness in their bodies from the top of their head to the soles of their feet and I thank you for it in Jesus name Amen, and amen again. Give all glory to Almighty God because yes our rightful President is coming back But it’s more than that. It’s what’s coming back is our freedoms like never before He is moving and manifesting his self and showing to the world that it’s not just a President. We look for but we look for God That’s why we should be excited today now if you guys have any prayer requests or praise reports go to our website at JGM international org under our contact page or Righteous at Julie Greene Ministries International 4620 East 53rd Street Suite 200, Downport, Iowa 52807 We have a very powerful prayer team here at Julie Greene Ministries We are getting so many praise reports keep them up and also if you want any Julie Greene Ministries merchandise I know it’s flying off the shelves Three sons threads did inform me that they are gonna get some things back in stock here the next couple weeks So hold on in God’s army American needs God all those shirts I will be back in stock and I will let you guys know and of course cups will be back in stock as well There is some sale So check that out threesomethreads.com And then also check out our events page on our website because we will be at an event. You’ll start seeing me pre-recording For next week. I’ll be gone in Granite Ridge, Florida But until then I’ll be back on tomorrow morning at 6 30 central time and I have some great live shows coming up this week one with Pastor Dave and then I will have an amazing live show here on Thursday on this channel on Rumble channel and Facebook that I will let you guys know about here shortly. So get looking forward to that. We’re gonna start celebrating. So God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day.

Regarding the global round of deaths, the power elite decapitation, a long time ago God said the first one to die in the Senate will be Chuck Schumer. (Death is too good for him. Stole every election he stood for. So I would prefer to see a round of lightning bolts chasing politicians)
He also said there would be two deaths on the same day, in the upper and lower house.
And other people like Nancy Pelosi were forecast to have died a while back. But she re-enlisted “to help the homeless” that she suddenly just noticed in San Francisco, around her mansions. Around her $240 Million fortune. Blocking her driveway to her gated estates.
So its explained, that the prophecies have been delayed because of our slow awakening.
But a SILENCE is coming where prophecies stop until all the unfullfilled prophecies have occurred.
And then the divine communications re-commence.
This should do the myriad sleepwalkers who like to decry Julie as just another fake prophet, a power of good, and to finally decide are they for or against God ? And to stop jeering or shut up.
This most exciting year already has good news headlined boosting the fortunes of Trump.
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