Searchable transcript for the Serious

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Goood uh Morning, Everybody. Today is Friday, April 5th of 2024. Now I want to apologize. I’m on a couple minutes late. I was having technical difficulties with my camera this morning. So I have a feeling I’ll be purchasing a new one. So I’m glad it’s working right now. So if anything changes on it, I apologize. I don’t know how to fix it. I’m doing the best that I can with some of these things is that I don’t really know what to do with it. So, but thank you for joining today’s live show. Now, I wanna let you God’s know that there will be two live shows today. So I’m doing one right now at 6.30 and then I’ll be doing one, another one at 10 o’clock with General Flynn and many other different people. I am so excited for these special guests to be on the show and I’m so excited for you to be introduced to them and their stories and what they’re doing to help America become great again, but also to help America wake up. So I’m very excited to have these special guests on the show today, making sure that Rumble is working. So, and yes it is. All right. So this morning, I just wanna thank each and every one of you for joining yesterday’s live show. I don’t know how much you God’s were blessed by it, but I was very blessed by having Larry on the show So talking about this eclipse and talking about the signs and of course what God has been revealing to us and what he’s showing us right in front of our face. And so we need to be paying attention to it. What has he been telling us for the last two and three years? We need to wake up. And this is a sign for us to wake up. So I’m really, I’m really super excited that we got to do that show with him yesterday and it was such a blessing. And I know it was a blessing for many others and, and if you God’s did miss it, go back and watch it. It was a really great live show. So again, I’ll be back on live at 10 o’clock, uh, with General Flynn and a few other guests along with us. Uh, today I just want to say God is good. God is good. God is good all the time. There goes my camera. I do apologize for that. Um, but again, I tried fixing it. I don’t know what’s going on with it. Alright, now, today’s the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it no matter if we have technical difficulties or not, it doesn’t matter. I don’t care, because the word is going to go forth, God WINS, the enemy loses, and that’s all we need to know. Alright, so today’s prophetic word that I’m going to give to you, I was studying yesterday morning because I wasn’t on a live stream yesterday until later on, so I did a lot of studying a lot of scriptures that I have, um, if that’s the ones he wants me to use. And, uh, so today’s prophetic word is called THE WORLDS SYSTEMS ARE FALLING THE WORLDS SYSTEMS ARE FALLING And I heard this prophetic word on March 30th of 2024. So it starts out and it says,
My children, I have been In preparing your hearts, I have been giving you greater wisdom, knowledge, and understanding on what’s going on. I have shown you and told you the things to come. So none of these things take you by surprise. Widespread damage, widespread catastrophes, widespread fear, widespread confusion. Your enemies will try anything to get your hearts and minds off me and the truth that has been setting you free. My children, again, I say, I prepared you for this. I have handpicked you, equipped you, anointed you, and let you in on what your enemies are doing. So you know that I am your way out and I am delivering you from all of this mess. I am your answer, not them, not man, not your government, and not anything else. I am what you need. I am all you need to get you not only out of this, but to restore life unto you, strength, health, joy, peace, and to give you the wealth of the wicked, to give you hope, to give you freedoms, to give you your nation’s back, your children back, everything stolen and giving it all back to you. So you may live the lie that put you on this earth to live. Not a version of it and not the ones, your enemies, not your enemy’s way for you to live. Excuse me. Change is coming. A change you don’t totally understand how it will all play out. but remember you don’t need to know all the details for me to move. You just need to know that I can and I will do all these things that I have spoken in my written word and all these things that I have been telling you and prophesying no matter the course of this world looks like it’s taking. I am your everything saith the Lord. Hollywood has fallen. This will be in your news and everywhere because it has. Their power, their control, their criminal acts are being judged and that entire industry as you know it has fallen, never to rise up in power again. Countless evidence will explode everywhere and people will fall for the crimes have committed against the children, against this nation and you will see Hollywood as you know it, not as a Hollywood that has actually been. Every secret is coming out like a flood with nothing being able to stop the coming collapse of the entertainment industry. It’s all coming to an end, sayeth the Lord, of hosts. Wall Street has collapsed. You also hear this and see the fall of Wall Street and who all have been controlling the money, the markets, and the economy. They’ve been enslaving and holding people hostage with their system.
Wall Street has fallen, never to regain its strength, power, and control over this nation or over my children or the world. The time is coming for it to completely be annihilated. Big banks have fallen. The corporate banking system, the fake interest rates, every evil crime they’ve committed with will be revealed. The banking system and all these big banks will fall like the Walls of Jericho and it is coming faster than you realize. They will soon all be wiped out and so the damage they have caused you financially. Corporate America has fallen. This will also be reported in your news. Corporate America and how they have built an empire for themselves here in this nation for them to rise and for you my children to be controlled and enslaved by them. CEOs will fall, businesses will collapse. Too big to fail? They thought. They don’t know how big I am. And soon they will know they are not bigger than me, sayeth the Lord of hosts.
Mainstream media has fallen. Oh yes, all those news agencies will crumble to the ground as if they never existed. They are answering for the lies they’ve told, their crimes committed, and the damage that they have caused to this great nation. They are through. Their narrative is through, their power is throught, and so is their control they’ve had over the airwaves.
The secret societies have fallen with all their power and control they’ve had over you. Their resources, their power, will all be stripped away like you saw in the book of Exodus. No society, no empire, no country is bigger than me, and their power is nothing against me. The world will soon know I crushed the enemies who are against me. They will all be wiped out and any power they thought they could use against you or the power they thought they could use against me, they will see they are nothing.
The Washington Establishment has fallen. This will also be in your news. You will see how deep, dark, and how evil the Establishment was. How much control they had not only over this nation, but of many worldwide. I will show you all involved.
A mass Exodus out of those positions, a mass Exodus out of that capital. A total reset will take place in your government, O United States. Your enemies have continued to talk about the reset, but mine will soon take place for the world to see. and that it only could have been done by me. Sayeth the Lord.
Big Pharma has fallen. I will show you what they put in your medications. I’ll prove to you that I’m your healer and not them. I will restore what they have used against you, what they have stolen from you. I’m restoring it to you as if your bodies were never damaged at all. I am completely making you whole. That is why Jesus suffered and died, so you wouldnt have to suffer at the hands of your enemies. That is finished, and so are your enemies plans against you.
The education system has fallen, and I will replace it with one that should have already been in this nation, that your enemies stole from you. I am not only restoring the education system but I’m also restoring your children like your enemies influence and power over them never existed.
A great awakening, a greater Jesus revolution is on your horizon. Where my glory will be poured out and miracle signs and wonders will be experienced to a degree no man has ever seen. So get prepared for my outpouring my children because it’s coming and I want you to experience my power my love and my goodness like never before your enemies want to destroy this earth and everything good in it but I am restoring this earth and pouring out my goodness like never before so get ready for me flooding this earth with my glory Sayeth the Lord, your Redeemer.
Now something I want to show you, God’s been talking about the fall of many of our adversaries. He’s been talking about the fall of the Washington Establishment. He’s been talking about the fall of their global government. He’s talking about the fall of all of their entities, all the things they put in place in order to use as bondage and as more of their control and Destruction over God’s people over the earth that he created for us to enjoy God has been talking to us about this destruction He’s also been showing us signs and I’m gonna go back over this prophetic word very Slowly and break it down to you what God is saying in this revelation that he’s given to us about what we’re seeing today And again, you see the signs that he’s been giving to us and here is another one. I want to give this to you. I got to share my screen. Okay. I’m going to share my screen with you. If you can see that, you see just,
I think it was yesterday, there was a lightning strike that actually struck the Statue of Liberty and not just any spot on the Statue of Liberty. It was the fire, the torch. Okay, I also want to show something else with you. Here’s something else. Let me see if I can actually get it. Why is it not? Hold on a second. I will have to do this again. Okay, let me show you

something. This is, SUDDENLIES ARE ABOUT TO BREAK OUT WORLDWIDE. This word was received on June 19th of 2022. Okay, right here you can see June 19th of 2022. And if I scroll down, and lightning will strike a monument. And my children, this will signal that your enemy’s destruction and fall is great. And right around the corner, saith the Lord of hosts. So again, that was on June 19th, 2022, when God said there would be a lightning that would strike a monument, and that was a signal that your enemy’s destruction and fall is great and right around the corner. Now God has been talking about, and he brought this up to me because again, I didn’t say this until yesterday. So this morning I was going through this prophecy about all these things that have fallen, which I had received last year, or last week, excuse me, I received last week. And all of a sudden I had that unction just to go look up these prophecies about the lightning strikes and about how again he used the word falling or fallen. God is trying to prepare us just like the children of Israel when they were seeing the plagues in Egypt when they were saying all these catastrophes. God is saying to us he’s giving us signs so these signs that we have to pay attention to. Now again I will share my screen with you again, because here is another prophecy about lightning. Now this was from the DAYS OF JUDGMENT, DESTROYING THE WORKS OF DARKNESS. This prophecy was from March 11th of 2022, so that’s two of them that talked about lightning striking. Now look, lightning will strike a major symbol in this nation signifying their destruction and demise. So what? The enemy’s destruction and their demise against this nation. That’s not the only one that he talked about lightning. Okay, but one he talked about on June 19th, a lightning would strike a monument. Well, you could talk about how the Statue of Liberty is a monument to this nation. It was supposed to be standing for freedom. Well, we’ll So we find out what it actually stood for and then another part in that prophecy that I had just shared with you let me remove that one and Bring back the other one here Okay now it says Lightning will strike a monument my children This will signal your enemies destruction and fall is great and it’s right around the corner Sayeth the Lord of Hosts Now if you look right up here Where was it at? Hold on, because there was a couple, it might have been on the other one I just showed you. It talked about the Statue of Liberty. It might have been on the other one. There was one that I just hadn’t talked about the Statue of Liberty right before it. Now I can’t find it. It might have been another one because I had a couple of them pulled up this morning. So I wanted to share that with you. I want to get, I’m going to share this for people who are actually, um, just joining. I want to share with you this screen. This was the monument or the symbol, this is supposed to be a symbol of freedom. This is supposed to be a symbol to our country. This just happened yesterday. This just hit that statue of Liberty, a lightning strike. So God has been giving us signs everywhere. He’s been giving us prophetic words. He’s been giving us, obviously his written word. He gives us scriptures every day. He’s been telling us to focus on him He’s also been giving us this sign that we talked about yesterday in that live show about the sign of the eclipse Which again is a warning to the nations and God’s been talking about this country being shaken shaken Shaken politically shaken civilly shaken economically and he said I was gonna shake Naturally and all of a sudden now you’re starting to see the signs in the Sun and what we talked about yesterday is how that eclipse was a sign, which is like with Jonah. When Jonah went to Nineveh and he was warning Nineveh to wake up and turn back to God, this is a symbol to us to wake up and turn to God. And right before you had a blood moon and now you have a lightning strike on the on the Statue of Liberty. God is doing these things, showing us these things, telling us these things prophetically, and then showing us this because he is the one who gives us the news before the news. That’s who God is. He will always warn before something major happens, because he wants his people to be prepared. And in that first paragraph, in this prophetic word, it says, my children, I have been preparing your hearts. Remember what he’s been talking to us about? He’s been talking to us about boot camp. That we’ve been in boot camp because we’re in the arm of the Lord and And he’s preparing us for this battle. He’s been preparing us for the end of this war. And so when you think about the war on humanity, the war on our freedoms, the war on our children, the war on the finances, the war on everything, the war of disinformation, you think of all the strategies and the things that the enemy has been using against you when he has been fighting in this battle and God’s people have not because they didn’t know they were actually in one. Well, now that we are awakened to the fact that we’re in a battle for mankind, we’re in a battle for Christianity, we’re in a battle for truth, we’re in a battle for our children, we’re in a battle for morality, we’re in a battle for the financial system, we’re in a battle for all these different things and God is showing, listen, I have prepared your hearts. He has been giving us these prophecies, He’s been giving us encouragement, He’s been giving us marching orders, decrees, declarations, things to say, things to do, just like he did in the land of Goshen, right before the angel of death came, God gave his people instructions. He was preparing their hearts, he was preparing for them about what they were about to see. They weren’t going to have to experience this, but what they were about to see. There’s other prophecies that I don’t have time to pull up today, but you can look up on our website about insects and now all of a sudden you’re talking to see about insects that are going to be seen in this country like to the biblical proportion of the cicadas because it’s not just one of these things that are happening it’s like two different batches or whatever they call them I don’t know what they call the broods or whatever they are and it is millions upon millions upon millions and things that we have not seen this nation like this in a very long time if ever and so again what was a sign and what was a plague in Egypt was insects now all of a sudden we’re gonna start seeing these cicadas I don’t fit in May or something that’s gonna hit this country we are seeing signals we are seeing signs God is telling us to wake up God’s telling us to prepare our hearts why because things are gonna start shaking and God is saying I don’t want you to be afraid God keeps telling us over and over and over again not to be afraid to prepare your hearts Because he’s saying I the one who’s been giving you strength. I’m telling you to have that firm focus foundation on the Father That’s what we are supposed to have Because when we start seeing all these things start to crumble start seeing these things that are unusual unprecedented Unconventional and when you’re seeing these things you have to know what God is telling you and then you also have because of what just happened in Iran or guess I ran it because of some bombing or something of killing some general I don’t know the whole entire story, but now all of a sudden they’re threatening the United States of America They’re starting to threaten us with terrorist attacks and they’re like burning our flags and do whatever they’re doing Again, God has been talking about and warning us about an attack from the enemy whether it be from them or somebody else I don’t know again. It’s not it’s nothing to fear. We are not supposed to start to get overwhelmed But God is saying listen, I prepared your hearts. I’ve been giving you these words I’ve been giving you the news before the news in order for you to have your um you at rest with God For you to be at peace knowing that God’s in control knowing that this is something that you don’t have to figure out Knowing this is something that you don’t have to be afraid of knowing that God is in control. He is your protection He is your refuge. He is your place of Peace and joy because the joy the Lord is our strength and one of the things that we have to know is that we need Start protecting our joy Protecting our joy because the joy of the Lord is our strength. The enemy wants us a deplete us of joy That’s why he’s bringing all these things against us He’s trying to destroy our joy or our peace because he’s trying to weaken us so we cannot fight against him So, we have to understand and know, just like I said in this first paragraph, my children, I have been preparing your hearts. I have been giving you a greater wisdom, knowledge, and understanding on what is going on. I have shown you and told you the things to come, so none of these things take you by surprise. And it doesn’t say in God’s word that we’re not supposed to lean onto our own understanding. We’re not. We’re supposed to lean and trust unto God in His understanding and His wisdom and what He’s giving us. How do we get more wisdom, knowledge, and understanding? By being in the presence of the Lord and also by being in the Word of God. How do we trust God in times where it’s uncertainty, where things look dark, things look worse, things are going out of control? How do we trust the Lord in these things? How do we trust Him? We start to get into his word start to know him in a greater way And in order to know him you got to know who he is and that You know who he is is by the written Word of God. That’s how you know who he is That’s how you know the goodness of Almighty God. That’s how you know the power of Almighty God That’s how you know the authority of Almighty God. That’s how you know the covenant of Almighty God That’s how you know the power of the blood the power of the name. That’s how you know these things That’s how you know how to use the authority of the believer that God has given to you He has given you power authority and dominion. How do you use it God’s shows you in the word? He shows you He gives you all of these things in order to prepare you for that battle or prepare you for the things that the enemy is Trying to do against you Okay These are not ones that I had written down But John, I got to go back to John 16 again, John 16, 33, God has prepared us for trials and tribulations. Now, this is not the great tribulation, that’s not what he’s talking about. The great tribulation is in the book of Revelation. Tribulation means, let me look up the definition for you because it doesn’t mean the great tribulation. Let’s look up the word tribulation. A cause of great trouble or suffering. A state of great trouble or suffering and then distress, suffering resulting from oppression or persecution. That’s a biblical definition of tribulation, distress or suffering resulting from oppression and persecution. Well, there’s been a lot of oppression and a lot of persecution in the body of Christ. There’s been a lot of persecution right now, even against the Jewish community. There’s anti-Semitism. God also talked about and prophesied that about in a prophetic word that he gave me, talked about anti-Semitism. It was going to be in the news. And again, we’re starting to see that on a level I don’t like to see or anybody should like to see. There’s great persecution. What is the enemy doing? The enemy is dividing. He’s trying to cause chaos and strife. But again distress or suffering resulting from oppression or persecution. That’s what tribulation means now That’s not talking about the Great Tribulation All right, John 16 33. I have told you these things so that in me you may have perfect peace and confidence So what has God been telling us in the last several years that we’re supposed to have peace and confidence in one Not peace in the world about what somebody else can do for us, but peace knowing that God is the one who is in control That’s where we have our peace. Our peace is in God our confidence Our our total reliance should be on God and God alone. I told you these things that in me You may have perfect peace and confidence So God is giving us a heads up of exactly what’s going on and he’s saying hey I’m telling you these things so you will have that perfect peace So when you see these things, you’re not going to move. You’re not going to get into fear and you’re not going to fall for what the enemy wants you to fall for his trap in the world. You may have tribulation. What, what does that mean? Distress, oppression, persecution, a hard time in the world. You, you, uh, in the world, you will have tribulation trials, distress, and frustration. That’s what we’re seeing right now. And again, he’s talking about how it’s going to get worse before it gets better. So when we see these things get worse, don’t panic, God’s got it, but be of good cheer. So he’s telling you, you’re going to have stress, frustration, trials, tribulation, be saying, but be of good cheer. Well, people say, well, how can I be in good cheer if there’s all this world is falling apart or my life is falling apart of all these different things. Why are we supposed to be cheerful? Not because of these things, but despite those things, knowing that God is going to change those things. Be of good cheer, take courage, be confident, certain and undaunted, for I have overcome the world. I have deprived it of its power to harm you, and I have conquered it for you. So, we’re going to see all these things start to fall in this prophetic word. He mentions all these different things that are falling. And so when you see all these things falling God told us about it and he’s saying do not panic do not fear have your faith and your confidence in me not in man’s ways Because people are already panicking about what they are doing because what they’ve done in our elections for the last hundred years or more God is saying to us don’t look to those things don’t have confidence in those things You have confidence in me because he is the one who’s gonna set us free He’s one who’s already done that because of what Jesus has done now We’re gonna see it on a scale what we have never seen before God is totally setting us free and we will see it and we will know it that it only could have been done by God Almighty John 17 John 17 and verse 13 and No, and now excuse me, John 17 and verse 13. It says now I am coming to you This is Jesus one of the last things that he prayed he told his disciples before before he went to the cross and Now I’m coming to you. I say these things while I’m still in the world So that my joy may be made full and complete and perfect in them. What’s joy joy is strength Jesus wanted their joy to be perfected or their strength to be perfected for their confidence to be perfected So they looked at God and nothing and no one else That my joy may be made full and complete and perfect in them, that they may experience my delight fulfilled in them, that my enjoyment may be perfected in their own souls, that they may have my gladness within them, filling their hearts. What’s on the heart of God? That we are perfected in joy or in peace and what he has done for us and have confidence in God, we should be confident in God. And knowing that God is bigger that God is greater that God is mightier that God is El Elyon he’s the most high Let’s keep reading This is John 17 verse 14 And this is the classic amplified and I have given and delivered to them your word and your message and the world has hated them Because they are not of the world do not belong to the world just as I am NOT of this world stop right here. Jesus said, you are not of this world just as I am not of this world. What does that mean? You’re in it but you are not subject to it. You shouldn’t be partakers of it. Just like the land of Goshen, even though it was in the land of Egypt, it wasn’t subject to the plagues and to the judgment that that Egypt was enduring. They were in Egypt, but they were not subject to it. God greatly distinguished them and showed God’s people, I am your protector. I am judging your enemies and showing your enemies that I am bigger and I’m greater than they are in any God they serve. But I’m also showing you that you can trust me. So when Jesus was talking here now that was in the book of Exodus He showed us that in the book of Exodus that he was their refuge And even though they were in physically in the land of Egypt God separated them and they were not partakers of that judgment or the plagues the ten plagues that happened Okay He’s bringing something up to me. One of the first plagues Well the first one was the water was affected. Their water was affected. They couldn’t even drink their water because the water in Egypt turned to blood. But did it affect God’s people in Goshen? No. So even though they are trying to do things with our water, it doesn’t say in God’s Word in Isaiah 54 17, no weapon formed against us shall prosper so no matter if and and their food supply was affected their cattle was killed that was a food supply in Egypt their their food supply was affected you could say that there were shortages their crops were destroyed by locusts but not in again they saw these things take place, but they weren’t partakers of it. Let’s keep reading back in John 17 and verse 15. I do not ask you that you take them out of this world, but you keep and protect them from the evil one. We’re not supposed to be looking right this second to get out of here. We’re supposed to be that light. We’re supposed to be that salt into this earth to destroy the power of darkness and to cleanse. We’re supposed to be vessels of Almighty God. We’re supposed to show the world how good God is. We’re supposed to be telling people the good news to bring more people into the body of Christ. God wants a bigger family. He cares about these people who are blind. He cares about these people who don’t know the truth. Then it says, verse 16, they are not of the world, were they Belonging to the world just as I am NOT of this world. Jesus said it again They are not of this world. This is I am NOT of this world That means if Jesus wasn’t a partaker of everything that was going on in the world regarding the curse That means we’re not partakers of it. He gives us many examples He gives us many the parables he talks about it And even though he sat there and he showed his diFBIples how powerful he was They knew he was a son of God, but they didn’t get his message Now all of it right then and there they didn’t get it and God is saying we need to get it We need to get this message Don’t be afraid There are things that are going to happen. God said everything that you can shake will shake There’s no question to that. It’s happening and you can see with the eclipse it’s another sign of God warning of a call to repentance to get people to wake up and change their course of action and change their lives, change how they’re living. This is not normal. This is not usual time. This is not a time that we should just keep, you know, living our lives and just being nonchalant about everything and we should start putting God first. That’s But he’s trying to say hey put me first Let’s keep reading. How does God separate us from the effects of this world? How does he greatly distinguish us or separate us just like he said he was going to? Here’s your answer verse 17 Sanctify them purified consecrate separate them for yourself make them holy by your truth Your word is truth. How are we separated from the world? How are we separated from the curse? How are we separated from the doom and gloom? How are we accepted from all the darkness? How are we separated from that from the Word of God? Because that Word of God is a light unto our path and it will show us and again the Word of God Will also is the power of Almighty God. It’s a sword of the Spirit. It is power. It’s life It’s freedom God’s Word sets us free So how are we separated from the world and what’s everything that’s going on in the world is by the Word of God Because then you will realize and you will know that truth and go well Jesus said I’m in this world, but I’m not of it So I am NOT gonna be subject to all these things that are going on in the world No matter what they’re doing to the water no matter what they’re doing to the food No matter what they’re doing to the medication no matter what they’re doing to the air No matter what they’re doing to the economy. I am NOT subject to it. I am in this world I’m not of this world. God is my protector. God is my source. God is my refuge. God is my provider God is my healer and I’m gonna look to God I’m gonna trust rely on him and be confident in him that I know that he’s got it all he’s taking care of it all That’s having that faith and confidence in him We should have we should not be wavering and if we are wavering how do we stop that that worry? How do we stop that fear? How do we stop that guilt that shame that condemnation? How do we stop getting a double-minded man? How do we stop being that way? What we stop doing is we start getting into the Word of God getting to the presence of God and be single-minded Because it even says in the book of James a double-minded man can’t receive anything from the Lord, but let’s also look at All right. You say give me a new another one. I’ll get back to this prophecy here in a second Romans chapter 5. Romans chapter 5 and verse 1. This chapter is faith or trusting in God. Faith triumphs in trouble. Does it look like our country’s in trouble? Does it look like the world’s in trouble? Yeah. What triumphs? What has victory over that? Our faith. Our trust in God to get us out of it. Verse 1. Therefore since we are justified acquitted and declared righteous and given a right standing with God Through faith, let us grasp Grasp the fact that we have peace and reconciliation To hold and enjoy the peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ Messiah the Anointed One Why do we have peace and reconciliation with God? Because what Jesus did verse 2 through him through who through Jesus Also, we have our access, our entrance and reduction by faith into the grace, the state of God’s favor in which we are firmly and safely stand. We can firmly and safely stand in trouble and let us rejoice and exalt in our hope of experiencing and enjoying the glory of God. What is God talking about? He hasn’t been talking about His Glory. The glory of God is God’s presence, God’s power, and God’s goodness. God’s presence, God’s power, and God’s goodness. That’s what God’s glory is. Verse three. Moreover, let us also be full of joy now. Full of joy now. Why? Because the joy lowers our strength. Let us exult and triumph in our troubles and rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that the pressure and affliction and hardship produce patience and unswerving endurance. Again, you’re not, you’re not getting excited over the fact you are going through trouble. You’re excited. The fact that God is strengthening you in the midst of that trouble, that God is giving you something that you have never known, that he’s giving you wisdom, power, knowledge, understanding. He’s giving you all these different things because what Satan means for harm, God is going to turn it into something good. And so all these tests, all these trials, all these tribulations that we’re going through in our own lives, God is saying, look, I’m strengthening you. I’m perfecting you in your faith. I am getting you up on your most holy faith so that you know that you will be Unwavering that you will be convinced that I am the most high God that I will not leave you I will not forsake you and I’ve got all of these things in my hand and the palm of my hand. I’ve got it Okay, so verse 4 and endurance fortitude develops maturity of character approved faith Tried integrity and character of this sort produces the habit of joyful confidence hope and internal salvation Verse 5 such hope never disappoints or deludes our shame or shames us for God’s love has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us so again what Satan means for our destruction what Satan means to bring us down destroy our souls to destroy us spiritually is troubles and hardships. And God is saying, even though that’s what your enemy has planned. I’m here to bring you not only out of it, I’m bringing you through it, stronger, more confident, have more strength, more joy, more peace than you were and have a greater knowledge of who God is through all those things that Satan was trying to use against you. Let’s go to two different ways I can know. All right, 1st John 5. 1st John 5 and verse 1. Then I’ll go back to, I got three different scriptures right here, then I’ll go back to the prophetic word again. 1st John 5 and verse 1. Everyone who believes, adheres to, trusts, and relies the fact that Jesus is a Christ Messiah is born again child of God and everyone who loves the Father also loves the one born of him as offspring. So again everyone who believes, adhere to, trust in, and relies on. That’s the key. We’re supposed to adhere to, trust in, rely on. We’re supposed to first believe, adhere Here too, trust in, rely on. What? God. Go down to verse four. For whatever is born of God is victorious over the world. Who’s victorious over the world? We are born of God. We are his children. We’re children of the most high God. We are world overcomers. We’re victorious over the world. For whatever is born of God is victorious over the world and this is a victory that conquers the world, Even our what faith our trust in God verse 5 Whoever is that that is victorious over the world. So who’s victorious over the world? It’s giving you the answer That conquers the world but he who believes that Jesus is a son of God Who adheres to trust in relies on that fact? if you know that Jesus is the Son of God if you know that he died and was raised again for you and I and You asked him to be your Lord and Savior. You asked him to be in your heart You are a world Overcomer you overcome the power of the world. What is the power of the world the curse what was brought into this world because of Adam because of Adam’s sin and what the enemy had done He took Adam’s power what the power that God had given to him and he any deceit him out of it Satan took it and instead of a blessing in the world. It became the curse curse But that’s when God said he still had a plan the seat of a woman is gonna bruise your head and That was Jesus and then Jesus conquered the enemy He took back the keys that held that’s in the grave. We just celebrated resurrection he took that back to destroy the power of the wicked and he who adheres or believes, adheres, trusts in, relies on that fact, is a world overcomer. You will overcome the power of the world against you or the power of the enemies that are against you because you’re at you’re believing, you’re adhering, you’re trusting and you’re relying on God and what Jesus did for us. And you’re having faith in that more than you have faith in what’s against you. Let’s go over this back over this prophetic word again, because again, you’re going to start seeing things fall. That’s why he wants your attention on the power that he’s given you, that you are a world overcomer, that you are in this world, but you’re not subject to what’s about to happen in this world. Because you are separated because of the blood of Jesus Christ You are separated because you have a blood covenant with God Almighty because you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior you are separated from it and Jesus said you’re in it, but you’re not of it and Then it also says in John When Jesus was speaking he said look in the world You’re gonna have trials and tribulations and frustrations and distress, but be of good cheer. I’ve overcome it Jesus, if we rely on the fact that Jesus has overcome what we are about to see and we believe, we have confidence, we adhere to, we have confidence, we have trust and we rely on that fact, we will not be moved and we will not be subject to what is about to be seen. That’s why God keeps saying, do not fear. And I just seen something in the chat and I looked over that for a minute Psalm 91 Amen, Psalm 91 declare it decree it say it have it down in your heart on a daily basis. I Told you my parents used to say it all the time over my brother because he was in the military He was I mean he was employed all over the place for years and My parents always prayed Psalm 91 over my brother So again, and he came back safe and sound. What we need to do is always Declare and decree God’s Word because God’s Word is spirit. It’s living and God’s Word is life That’s why you speak life into a death situation Okay, let’s go back to this prophetic word again.
So the first paragraph it says my children. I I’ve been preparing your hearts. I’ve been giving you greater wisdom, knowledge, understanding on what is going on. I’ve shown you and told you the things that come. So none of these things take you by surprise. He was just telling us these things. He’s saying, these things are going to come to pass. It’s imminent in me. It’s not if it will, it will come to pass. So then he’s giving us what we should do in the midst of it. And he’s been telling us, I’ve been preparing you. So then he says, so what’s coming? He’s been preparing our hearts for what? Widespread damage, widespread catastrophes, widespread fear, widespread confusion, your enemies will try anything to get your hearts and minds off me and the truth that has been setting you free. So Deceive, Distract, Destroy. That’s what the devil does. The four Ds. The devil deceives, distracts, and he destroys. And that’s why the four F’s which is the Firm Focus Foundation on the Father That’s what we’re supposed to have the devil has deception he’s distracting and He’s destroying But if we have that Firm Focus Foundation on the Father because we’re trusting we’re relying and we’re hearing to it. We’re on God We’re not be taken by surprise Next paragraph my turn again. I say I prepared you for this Your enemy will tell you that you’re not prepared the enemy’s gonna tell you that you need to freak out Your enemy’s gonna tell you that there is no win situation and that you might as well give up and start panicking That’s what the enemy wants us to do and God’s saying listen. I prepared you for this. I Have hand picked you Now he’s speaking to each and every one of you. He’s hand picked you. He’s equipped you he’s anointed you and let you in on what your enemies are doing so you know what I am your way out so if we know what the enemies are doing and God’s telling us what the enemies are doing we also know that he’s equipped us to this he’s anointed for this and we know that he’s our way out man is not our way out God is our way out he says not man not government not anything else I am what you need. Stop looking at other things and look to God because God’s what we need. I am all you need to get you not only out of this, but to restore life unto you, strength, health, joy, peace, and to give you the wealth of the wicked, to give you hope, to give you freedoms, to give your nations back, your children back, everything stolen, giving it to you and giving it all back so you may live the lives I put you on this earth to live. Not a version of it and not your enemy’s way for you to live that’s what we’ve seen Now again I’ve heard people say I just want to go back to normal don’t say that anymore that normal was a normal our enemies wanted us to live that was not a normal that God wanted you to live he didn’t want you in bondage he didn’t want you suffering he doesn’t want you in fear he doesn’t want you in laugh he doesn’t want you sick He doesn’t want you in pain. He doesn’t want you overwhelmed all the time and depressed. He doesn’t want you like that That’s the way your enemies wanted you Which is like the children of Israel When they started getting to win a precarious situation and it looked like you know They were stuck and they were surrounded with no way out all of a sudden. I want to go back. I want to go back I want to go back to Egypt. Why would you want to go back to that? Why would they have wanted to go back to people who killed them? Because that was the normal That was the only thing they knew, but that was not what God intended for them to have. Not the life he wanted them to live. Let’s keep going. Change is coming. A change you don’t totally understand how it will all play out. But remember, you don’t need to know all the details for me to move. We don’t need to know all the details of God. People want to know, God, how are you going to do it? God, how are you going to do it? People ask me, Julie, how is God going to do it? I don’t know. I don’t ask him that if he wanted me to know you tell me he’s not telling me that He can’t tell us what he’s going to do and everything like every detail because in the name we would know He gives us pieces to this great puzzle To get us to hold on to So we don’t need to know the details God knows the details and God can be trusted. You just need to know that I can And I will do all these things that I have spoken in my word and all of these things that I have been telling you And prophesying no matter the course of this world looks like it’s taking I am your everything so matter the course of what the What the nation looks like it’s gonna take what the world looks like it’s gonna take God say look Don’t look at the what the world looks like this course that it’s on. I am everything That’s what God is telling us. He is everything I can’t wait he when I was studying yesterday I have a ton of notes and several different pages of scriptures and how the Lord provides in different examples in the Bible of how he provided I mean and I already knew that but having him take me through a journey and his word and showing me all that he does, it’s powerful. God is the best study partner you will ever have. He’s the best guide you’ll ever have. He’s the best Father. He is the best provider, healer. He is everything. And I will do a teaching on that. He’s preparing me because I know he’s going to give me more than what I have on these pieces of paper. Get ready for this Because this is a revelation that he’s giving me and you need to hold on to it Because we will need to trust in and here to rely on and believe in the fact that God is our provider Because things are gonna happen that we are gonna only have to be able to trust in him Okay, again, he said change is coming.
I’ll go to the NEXT paragraph. What is all falling right now? Hollywood has fallen we’re gonna hear this in the news He’s saying, Hollywood has fallen. This will be in your news everywhere because it has. Their power, their control, their criminal acts are being judged in their entire industry as you know it has fallen, NEVER TO RISE AGAIN AND POWER AGAIN Countless evidence will explode everywhere and people will fall for the crimes they committed all against the children, against the nation, and you will see Hollywood as you know it. So we see Hollywood one way, and he’s saying, it is not the Hollywood that has actually been. it’s deeper darker and nastier than what we see right now he’s been talking to me about Hollywood since 2009 and I never knew to the degree of how bad it was and and I and I still don’t know fully and we don’t know but he’s gonna reveal it to us he says every secret coming out like a flood was nothing being able to stop the coming collapse of that entertainment industry it’s all coming to an end, said the Lord of Hosts.
God is bringing the entertainment industry to an end. Destroying it. Annihilating it. Oh, it’s too big. It’s too big. They have too much money. They have too much power. Nope. They have not had much power as God. No one can outsmart God. All right, now what else is gonna fall?
Wall Street. There are many different prophecies regarding Wall Street. Wall Street has collapsed. You will hear all, you will also hear this and see the FALL OF WALL STREET, and all who have been controlling the money, the markets and the economy that have been enslaving and holding people hostage with their system. Now again, he’s talking about their system. The current system that we see is theirs, not God’s. Why is it not God’s? Because it enslaves the majority of this world. It was not normal. WALL STREET HAS FALLEN NEVER TO REGAIN ITS STRENGTH POWER AND CONTROL OVER THIS NATION OR OVER MY CHILDREN OR THE WORLD The time is coming for it completely to be annihilated. So when you start to see the markets crash and start to think those things, don’t panic. That is God destroying it. Okay, next one.
BANKS big banks have fallen. The corporate banking system, the fake interest rates, every evil crime they’ve committed will be revealed. The banking system and all these big banks will fall like the walls of Jericho and it’s coming faster than you realize now stop for a minute the walls of Jericho they thought were impenetrable that’s why they made Jericho made the walls that thick and that big there were six chariots wide that’s how massive this wall and how thick this wall was they were thinking in their human brains that this was the biggest thickest the strongest wall it’s impenetrable no one is gonna be able to destroy this wall no one’s gonna be able to get past that wall they were so arrogant thinking that they are protected by the wall that they built up and then God God showed him all he needed was his people’s obedience to walk around that that place of all the Jericho did exactly how again they got instructions before their enemies crumbled they had instructions on what they were to do, they were to walk around that place one time each day for six days. Then on the seventh day, walk around seven times, and then seven times shout, use their shofars, and shout as loud as they could. And then the walls came down. It wasn’t because they were shouting and using their shofars. That didn’t bring it down. What brought it down was their obedience in trusting, believing, trusting, adhering to, relying on the fact that God was bigger than that wall, and God was bigger than their enemy. So you have these big banks that were too big to fail, too big to fall? Not happening. No matter what kind of wall they built up, the structure that they built, it’s not bigger than God. He says they will soon all be wiped out, so will the damage they caused you financially? They caused people financial damage. Why do you think inflation is out of control? Why do you think taxes have been raised to such an extent that people can’t even afford to pay their taxes, afford to pay their bills, afford to do this, but all of a sudden people that are coming in this country illegally get free stuff? Our enemies get billions and billions and billions of dollars. I hope people realize right now that this corporate or Washington Establishment and And all these people don’t care about you at all. All they care is that you do your job. You keep your head down. You do what you’re supposed to do to build their empire up and, uh, and be enslaved in their bondage. And you just keep and shut up. You comply to everything that they tell you to comply to. That’s what they want. And God is saying, listen, pay attention. I just said, I just looked over and saw somebody say to blow the shofars on the eighth. Yeah Blow them The enemy hates that sound Well, so far as as loud as you can as much as you can On the 8th because you know what they’re doing with CERN You have CERN going off on the same day and you also have rockets going up in the air At the same time as a solar eclipse
All right. Let’s keep going Corporate America has spawned now. I want when the Lord told me is I kind of just like what? Corporate America. Now that’s not all businesses and all corporations. That is the businesses and the corporations that were enslaving this country. So not every corporation, not every business is evil, but God will show you the ones that are a part of that corporate America. Corporate America has fallen. This will also be reported in your news. Corporate America and how they built an empire for themselves here in this nation for them to rise and for my children to be controlled and enslaved by them. Again, corporate America is different than free enterprise is different than you know, capitalism and different than building businesses. Corporate America was that evil empire or that evil entity that suppressed and held other people back in order to not get it. You see why all these businesses come them together. So they can have full control over that part of that industry. They want it they don’t want anybody else to have a piece of the slice of the of the of the you know, economy, they want it all. So he says, CEOs, sorry, corporate America and how they built an empire for themselves here in this nation for the rise and for my children to be controlled and enslaved by them. CEOs will fall businesses will collapse, too big to fail. They thought but they don’t know how big I am and soon they will know that they are not bigger than me save the Lord of Hosts. Now again when he says the Lord of Hosts, it’s the Lord of angel armies. God has an host of angels. Remember Elijah and Elijah? If you don’t, go read 2nd Kings in chapter 6. 2nd Kings 6, go read it.
Alright, mainstream media has fallen. Oh yes, those news agencies will crumble to the ground as they never existed. They are answering for the lies that they have told, the crimes committed and the damage that they have caused this great nation. They are through. Their narrative is through, their power is through, so their control they’ve had over the airwaves. So this is another form of what the, you know, the globalists and what the Washington Establishment and what these rogue governments have done is they’ve controlled the mainstream media in order to only, we only hear what they want us to hear. That’s it. Why do you think that they’re taking so many people down off different platforms Because they don’t want the real news to come out. They don’t want truth they want their propaganda and their narrative to bring in fear and to control the masses and God’s saying he’s bringing it down What else is coming down the secret societies? If you God’s don’t know what secret societies you God’s can look them up I’ll name a few Illuminati build up Bilderberg’s Trilateral Commission Skull and bone look them up secret societies. They’re part of the globalists They’re part of those people and you can see with Hollywood They are controlled by the Illuminati and you can see they make a lot of Illuminati symbolisms It’s horrid. They do it right in front of your face and People don’t think anything of it and just think it’s just like oh, they’re just doing things. It’s not They are like mocking you and they’re mocking God They’re saying you’re too stupid to figure out what we’re doing and what we’re a part of That’s why they’re doing like the things when they do that They’re, you know, triangles and things over their eye and things like that. It’s Illuminati. The all-seeing eye. What’s on the dollar bill? That’s Illuminati symbolism. That’s an all-seeing eye. That’s not a symbolism of God. So again, he’s bringing them down. The sicker societies have fallen with all their power and control they’ve had over you. Their resources, what’s their resources? Money. Their power they’ve had over the governments. The power they’ve had over the financial system the power that they’ve had in the education system the power they’ve had in all these different things God says he’s bringing the resources and nothing their power the resources their power will all be stripped away like they like you saw in the Book of Exodus you saw Egypt be stripped Pharaoh was stripped of his power. He was stripped of his resources No society no Empire No country is bigger than me and their power is nothing against me and the world will soon know that I crushed the enemies who are against me. They will all be wiped out and any power that they thought they could use against you or the power that they thought they could use against me, they will see they are nothing.
The Washington Establishment has fallen. That’s something else we’re gonna hear. It will also be in your news. You will see how deep, dark, and evil the Establishment was, how much control they had not only over this nation but of many worldwide. The Washington Establishment was not just controlling this country, they were controlling other countries world wide. And we’re gonna start to figure that out and see it. I will show you who are all involved a mass Exodus out of those positions a mass Exodus out of that capital, a total reset will take place in your government Or United States, your enemies have continued to talk about their reset, a great reset, they call it, he said, but soon you will soon will take place, or soon, but mine will soon take place, excuse me, for the world to see that it can only have been done by me, Sayeth the Lord.
So we’re going to start seeing things, um, that we’re going to start seeing things that God is saying, look, all these things that they have done against you are all falling. They’re all going to be shown that they are not bigger than me. So the Washington Establishment, how they were having control over the nations, a lot of them, not all all of them, that control over some nations, and we’re going to find that out. Who was all involved? There’s a mass Exodus that’s going to happen out of positions, a government of positions, a mass Exodus out of the Capitol, and a total reset. What total reset is that? That’s the total political reset. I have to keep going.
All right. Big Pharma has fallen. I will show you what they put in your medications, and I will prove to you that I’m your healer, not them. I’ll restore what they have used against you, what they have stolen from you. I’m restoring it to you as if your bodies were never damaged at all. Again, go look what happened and how they damaged people’s bodies and what they did to the Israelites in Egypt. Go see what God did. He said, no feeble. God is saying it again. I’m completely making you whole. That is why Jesus suffered and died so you would not have to suffer at the hands of your enemies. That is finished and so are your enemies. So again when you see God has said you’ve been suffering at the hands of your enemies and just like with Egypt they had to pay that price for it.
The Education system has fallen. The education system has fallen. What? Not all schools are gonna fall and all this is gonna fail. No. What He’s saying the education system has fallen. I will replace it with one that should have always been in this nation So he’s destroying this education system that they have built up That your enemy stole from you. He’s like I’m gonna he said so it all right And I will replace it with one that should have already been in this nation that your enemy stole from you The education system if you look back in our nation’s history the main textbook in school was the Bible. Look it up. I’m not only restoring the education system but I’m also restoring your children like your enemies influence and power over them never existed. So that’s something that we should be all saying and shouting and being excited about. A great awakening, a greater Jesus revolution is on your horizon where my glory will be poured out and miracle signs and wonders will be experienced a degree no man has ever seen. So get prepared for my outpouring my children because it’s coming and I want you to experience my power my love and my goodness like never before. God’s talked about how he was going to flood this earth like he did in the days of Noah but instead of with water to damage the earth he’s filling the earth with His Glory which is going to cleanse the earth. Your enemies want to destroy this earth and everything God, my goodness, like never before, so get ready for me, uh, flooding this earth with my glory. Sayeth the Lord, your Redeemer.
So I’m going to pray for each and every one of you before I do that. I want you God’s all to know I will be back on live at 10 o’clock here on all these different channels. Okay. Come back and join me with General Flynn and a few other people. And uh, and again, it’s about waking up this country. I’m looking forward to that live show. So again, 10 o’clock But I want to pray for each and every one of you because we have to realize that God is in control Why he’s been telling us during this prophetic word that we need to add here to or believe Believe in adhere to trust in and rely on him That’s what we need to pray for. That’s what we need to be doing So Heavenly Father, right now, in the name of Jesus, I just want to praise and thank you for all this insight, revelation, knowledge. We thank you, Father God, for all the things that you are doing right now in this earth, for what you’re doing to block, for what you’re doing to stop, for what you’re doing to cutting off the enemies, for what you’re doing to confuse them, for what you’re doing to bringing them to nothing, and bringing down their walls like the Walls of Jericho. And we thank you that no matter what happens in this nation, or what happens in nations around the world, that we will believe in, trust in, adhere to, rely on you, that our hearts are focused on you, they are fixed on you, that we will not be rattled, we will not be shaken, we will not be brought down, we will not give in to fear, we will not give in to depression, we will not give in to that darkness, because you said in your word, Father God, that we are in it, but we are not of this world. So we will not be partakers of anything that happens in this world in a negative way because Father God just like you did in the land of Goshen you caused a great separation a Great distinction between the Egyptians and your people and you are doing that again because you are the same God that you were in Exodus. You were the same God you were the same God yesterday today and forever. So we thank you right now Father God for this outpouring of your spirit. You said in the last days in the book of Acts and the book of Joel then the last days you are pouring out your spirit upon all people. Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy. Your young men will dream dreams. And so I thank you Father God you are pouring out your spirit upon all flesh in this time. Because we know that we are in the latter days or the end times. And so we We thank you, Father God, for your protection. We thank you, Father God, that you are our refuge, our strength, our fortress, and you are our deliverer, our healer, and our soon-coming king. And so we thank you, Father God, for your word. We thank you, Father God, for your love. We thank you, Father God, for giving us a heads up on all these things that are gonna happen so we will not be taken by surprise. Thank you for preparing our hearts and giving us the strength that we need to persevere through it all. And we thank you for it. In Jesus name, amen and amen. Also, don’t forget, sign up. I want to meet you at the Holy Ghost and Fire event that we’re having in Des Moines, Iowa, June 7th, 8th, and 9th. We will be there. I’m so excited. We have a lot of friends. And also that you will be able to see me, I will be live streaming from Des Moines, Iowa on that stage into Detroit, Michigan On that stage for reawaken America, so I’ll be in Iowa, but I’ll also be live in Des Moines that Saturday morning So if you want to join us It’s a 7th 8th and 9th with Manuel Johnson Tiimothy Dixon Nathan French Jaron and the kindred souls and so many others You can go to our website at JGM international org under our events page go register today It is free. Okay. I want to I want you God’s to come I want to meet you and also I want you to experience the power the glory of all Mighty God so sign up today To be a part of that. Holy Ghost and fire service with us those that event with us and also If you do have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website at JGM international org on our contact page where you can write us at Julie Green ministries international 4620 East 53rd Street suite 200 down for for Iowa 52807. And also, all this information is in the description box below. Internationally, if you God’s want anything regarding Julie Greene Ministries merchandise, you can go to threesonstreads.com. That’s threesonstreads.com. Again, that link is in the description box for you. I’ll be back at 10 o’clock Central Time. I’m looking forward to seeing each and every one of you back again at 10 o’clock for that live show. All right, well, God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day.

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