Seachable transcript for the Serious
Message starts 10 min 41

And yes, I’ve just seen in the chat. I want to I do want to bring that up There was a prophecy. There’s a few actually prophecies Regarding New York City and regarding the mayor and the governor of New York But this is specifically the mayor that I’m gonna get to today this again This is just one out of a few of them and this was dated April 28th of 2022 this is over two years ago that I heard this prophetic word and it’s called THE SCENERY OF THE UNITED STATES WILL SUDDENLY CHANGE this was over two and a half years ago And this is saying right here the New York City mayor will be exposed along with the governor of New York I’m wiping out their plans and their power they had over New York I am NOT I will not let them continue to hold you hostage for I am the Lord and they will not Continue to rise up against me and win and so just last night the MAYOR OF NY ERIC ADAMS was INDICTED ON FEDRAL CHARGES (57 pages) and so I would exactly what those federal charges are. I’m not really sure. I knew he was in trouble I’ve seen people bring these things to me because this was part of the prophecy about there’s a lot of corruption in New York City that God said he was going to expose and The mayor is one of them and also I think it was the chief of police had stepped down last week and I told you also a Judge in New York City. He actually killed himself as the FBI came to arrest him So there are things that are shaking in that city Because God is bringing the end to all this corruption in all these cities and God’s been telling us of this for over two Years things were going to happen and again, I don’t know how many prophecies he was giving of New York City I didn’t look them all up. All I just know is he had several he mentioned the mayor several times and he mentioned the governor So you see that there he’s indicted and so more likely will be removed from being mayor But you’re also gonna see that the governor of New York is also going to be in trouble as well And so we will wait to see because that’s a prophecy in progress So we’ll wait to see more of that But I just want to give you some of that encouragement today that God’s words are definitely coming to pass And again, I didn’t pull all of them up. That was just one that I found and Because I was running out of time. All right Now again, this just happened last night That he was indicted. Okay, so this prophecy is from September 24th So two days ago, it is called
Fake Presidents and fake kings will be exposed and removed from where they are. My children rise up in this hour. Take back what belongs to you. Take back the authority upon this earth. Your enemies are trying everything to cheat you out Something that belongs that doesn’t belong to them. You must know the power that belongs to you You need to understand the power of my words and how to use them Get the revelation your enemies have been made your footstool They are under your feet they should not be Lording over and Controlling you in any way Know who you are in Christ Jesus And I have given you the ability to do all things that I’m asking you to do.
My church must rise up and be the light the world needs in the dark hour to guide the world back to me. To restore what has been taken from the people with its hope, peace, joy, health, wealth and their freedoms in every way. I paid the price for you to have it all, not just some things ALL THINGS so receive what I have already done and that is defeating your enemies entirely I didn’t leave anything out so shout the battle has been won for you says the Lord A great defeat is coming that I’ve told you about so don’t lose hope or get discouraged now don’t lose your focus off my words, when that is a key to your freedom and your victory. I have warned you about your enemies, that they will try and attack you, but I never said they would be successful. You will see unprecedented things. You will see the world appear to be chaotic. It will look worse, but nothing will stay that way. You will see these things because this is the time to take down your enemies. Fear is coming like never before. Confusion is coming like never before. Destruction is coming like never before. But it shall not harm you and only spectators you shall be to all of it. No matter what it appears like, no matter how things feel, your enemies are losing and they’ll be completely brought down. This is a time for a great Exodus out of the hands of the globalists and their puppet masters. It’s time to shake off the chains that have been holding you in their captivity. It’s time to see their end. It’s time to see a great defeat of the Establishment. It’s time so get ready For the shaking that will shake them out of their seats say eth the Lord of hosts a It’s time so get ready For the shaking that will shake them out of their seats say eth the Lord of hosts a POLITICAL SHAKEUP in CANADA
is coming. Oh Yes, the leaders there shall be afraid of what’s coming They have helped to try to take down My David and they have helped to try to keep him from going back to the White House but now is the time of a great destruction and political destruction of of their government Trudeau I am through with you. You will not be in that seat much longer. It’s not your seat to control You’ll be judged for all the crimes you’ve committed against your nation and against the nation of the United States There is nowhere for you to hide and there is no one to save you from me says the Lord Canada shout for the corruption is being destroyed out of your land as you see this political reset take place in the land of my eagle, rest assured it is happening in your land as well. A political shaking is taking out Macron and all who are with him, but France. You must turn to me and away from your enemies and then watch what I do to heal your land. Every puppet in every nation who is against Israel who is against my United States will not Keep their positions of power You will see governments collapse in many nations Globalism is being destroyed for now It’s not that time it’s mine. So celebrate my children oppression is being annihilated against you Celebrate for I the Lord. I’m giving you back your freedoms and your nations says the Lord China is about to collapse Financial catastrophe will hit that land like Egypt They will not regain their power that they once had over the nations
The power of the Red Dragon is being brought to nothing the next moves they have against my nation’s you will see A great shaking in China financially and politically and they will not recover from it says the Lord
My children Iran will make a move against your land but as they do watch what unprecedented events will take place in their land things that are biblical and undeniable that I am the Lord God that avenges my people and defends their lands. Iran will fall and receive a great defeat.
A shaking is coming to the ROYAL FAMILY I told you things are not how they appear to be and soon this illusion and this farce and how fake this whole thing is with their supposed king i didn’t call him the king. You could have fake Presidents, which there has been many. You could have fake kings, which Charles is. All this is coming out in the open, and you will see your enemies can’t get past me. And they will never get to stay in power, no matter what they did to get there. My children, this is the time that ROGUE GOVERNMENTS AROUND THE WORLD WILL COLLAPSE And your enemies will scatter No longer will they be where they used to be. So keep standing keep shouting. Your enemies are all Coming down Sayeth the Lord your Redeemer

The criminal NY establishment that spent millions trying to falsely convict Donald Trump for calling payments to a lawyer Legal expenses off an electronic picklist, are now under serious indictment themselves. After establishment darling Rapper Diddy with umpteen human trafficking charge and already in detention,, Mayor of NY Eric Adams has just been indicted with systemic organised corruption going back to 2015. 57 pages. He went o Turkey and searched for anyone who would bribe him to do foreign favours in NY Governance.. Government owned Turkish airlines came to his rescue. Lavishing on him free business class flights to many exotic places always staying in luxury hotels at $3000 nightly. 10 years. Since 2015.
Long period of receipts airline tickets luxury hotels, shady cash deals for his City Government employed Scheduler (Secretary) who kept the cash which landed in his desk drawer to stay quiet.
Illegal straw donations occurred bigtime. NY city law for every 1 dollar raised in small donations (say pensioners) they can apply for a taxpayer funded subsidy TIMES 8 “to encourage people into politics” !!!!! LMAO Corporations give money to their employees to make many small donations for them. James O”Keefe of OMG has already exposed this with the Act Blue scandal. That’s pensioner identities unknowingly making 20 thousand small donations in a year sometimes adding up to millions.
King Charlie finally to go down. Exposed.
Rogue Governments to fall. WOW China Iran
And we are just waiting for Putin to unlock the Pandoras corruption box in DC
Greatest Show on Earth.. Beut summary here gang. Eric cries VICTIM page ONE
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