Searchable transcript for the Serious

O my United States, there is a war in your nation to divide, to deceive, to
enslave, to devastate your freedoms, to crush your economy, to change your
history, and why you were formed. You have enemies surrounding this nation. You have enemies trying to lead your nation right into the hands of foreign governments, to drain any strength or any independence you once had. You have infiltrators everywhere you look. You have fake leaders in your capital that have
controlled and decimated your election system. You have those same leaders
grooming more politicians and more judges to rule, to think like
them to rip your Constitution apart.
They want people to forget the Declaration of Independence and what it stands for.
They want to murder the foundations on which this nation stands, that it is one nation under God, with liberty and justice for all.
This is blasphemy to their ears.
And that is why they have taken over the education system, the media, and entertainment.
To change the course of this nation and to change its history into what they have made up.
Lord, why are you telling us all of these things when we hear and see these things on a daily basis?
And it just reminds us of all the destruction and devastation and how hopeless all this really is.
Lord, why is our nation going to is our nation going to cease to exist as we know it?
Have we come to a place in our nation where our freedoms are going to die?
My children have you not heard my words that I have given to you? I
Have never left you without hope. I was telling you these things to let you know. I have heard your enemies.
I Have seen the destruction
I have seen the direction your nation had been taken without me and away from me, but
I have heard your cries and I have come down to take everything your enemies have done to this nation and annihilate everything they stand for.
My United States, you need me, not a man or an election.
This world with all of your enemies will see this nation does have me. I’ve told you they are trying more against you. You have seen them fail time and time again.
This is no different. Your enemies have fallen where they used to be. They are petrified of this movement of my glory, of truth, and this movement of
independence and patriotism that destroys their ideology and their control over you.
They realize that deception hasn’t worked for this election like they thought.
2016, they were blindsided by the influx of people who voted for my David.
But that was nothing compared to what is coming against them now.
My David will crush their puppets in an unprecedented way.
I told you unprecedented and unconventional, but wait, because what happens after will
bring shockwaves to this nation.
2020 is coming back with vengeance, like I have said, that will cause a reset to this
nation that this world has never seen.
Great upsets are coming, along with removals.
A time that will seem like your nation is on hold until all is taken into custody and
NEW (BY) ELECTIONS can be voted on.
When I told you that this nation will shake, it will shake politically on a scale so great
it will affect other nations around the world.
The three-letter agencies of all kinds will be ripped apart and I will start with new
Judges will be removed and new ones will be put to place to replace them to put in place to replace them.
tribunals will take place some you will see and Some already taken place that you have and that you will see evidence of My children your nation and what it looks like right now will cease to exist
I’m rooting the evil out and taking out all they brought to this nation.Aa Nation that will be seen is one that is stronger
One that is wealthier, one being led by my hand truly to being one nation under God.
It’s all coming.
So brace for the impact that’s about to strike this nation.
To put it back on the path I’ve always intended for it.
Sayeth the Lord of Hosts.
This will be in your news for a significant reason.
They have spied on my son and others.
And I have told you what they have sown they will reap.
Your enemies have tapped in all ways of communication, and some of it is about to be leaked.
And that will destroy Obama’s puppets and his shadow government.
No one in this establishment is safe from exposure.
Many key pieces to the puzzle, many cards, have not been played.
Your enemies know my David and who are with him still have in their possession
they have tried to confiscate it and they couldn’t they have tried to
infiltrate with wolves and it missed and they couldn’t get it that way either
they are terrified of these things being released but what they don’t know is My David has more than they realize and these trump cards will be used in unprecedented ways and unprecedented times.
Your enemies are in trouble that they have never been in before and a fear that they have never known.
In this time, think of Goshen and trust that I’ll protect you from what your enemies have planned next.
I’m your protector and defender and it will be clear that I am here, says the Lord.
Your enemies have planned attacks on election night, terrorists to interfere with vote counts,
but they also have plans to shut down polling places.
They have lone gunmen stationed in certain areas that cut people off from being able to register
or to place their ballots.
They have voting machines changing votes.
They have poll workers that will help bring in fake ones for their puppet, but everything they will try, they will fail miserably.
They will have egg on their face when the results come in and their plans of attacks will stumble and fall.
I’ve been preparing my infiltrators for all of this.
Do not fear this election and do not fear their scare tactics or ways they want to try to intimidate you
with their poll numbers.
Their poll numbers will be crushed and I will show you the real ones.
But once they see that they have lost and that’s when the real fight begins to keep my David from inauguration day.
that everything they have cooked up will backfire and SOLIDIFY TREASON and that will be their end
they have coming to them.
O my United States rise from the ashes and rise from the division arise from the destruction and arise and take your place in this world that I have designed you to be. This war is about to change course. Your enemies have been pursuing
you, now YOU will PURSUE THEM and CRUSH THEIR POWER with my words sayeth the Lord your Redeemer

Earlier blog pages unfinished I found still very relevant
“2020 is coming back with VENGEANCE, like I have said, that will cause a reset to this
nation that this world has never seen”.
A time that will seem like your nation is on hold until all is taken into custody and
NEW (BY) ELECTIONS can be voted on.
So its not two General Elections but a swag of By Elections. God is gradually clarifying what’s coming.
HE has not forgotten 2020 stolen election
“Everything they have cooked up will backfire and SOLIDIFY TREASON and that will be their end
they have coming to them”.
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